UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /23 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[17:13] <hggdh> mattymo: just for completeness, I run eeebotu
=== Logan_ is now known as UtopicUnicorn
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
[18:48] <Logan_> bdmurray <> Sinistrad
[18:48] <Sinistrad> Greetings!
[18:49] <bdmurray> Sinistrad: is there a file ~/.cache/update-manager-core/meta-release on system? if not what about /var/lib/update-manager/meta-release
[18:50] <Sinistrad> bdmurray: checking
[18:51] <Sinistrad> bdmurray: Both are there. They have the same file size too
[18:51] <bdmurray> Sinistrad: okay and does it look like this? http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release
[18:51] <bdmurray> if not just delete them and try again
[18:53] <Sinistrad> They look nothing like that. Lots of html with xml tags
[18:54] <bdmurray> Sinistrad: probably from some captive web portal somewhere
[18:54] <Sinistrad> bdmurray: If the files are useful, I can add them to the bug tracker
[18:55] <bdmurray> Sinistrad: nope, not really the problem is understood
[18:56] <Sinistrad> bdmurray: Very well then. Thanks for the workaround! I'll test it out and leave to keep your channel clean if it works.
[18:56] <bdmurray> thanks though
[18:58] <Sinistrad> bdmurray: The rest of the files in there look the same...I'll delete those as well.
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
[19:12] <Sinistrad> bdmurray: That didn't work. I deleted those files, did an apt-get update, upgrade (no packages to upgrade), and then tried do-release-upgrade. "No new release found"
[19:14] <bdmurray> Sinistrad: and did those files appear again?
[19:15] <Sinistrad> Some did
[19:16] <bdmurray> and are they plain text or xml / html?
[19:17] <Sinistrad> ./var/lib/update-manager/meta-release-development appeared and it was the xml/html
[19:19] <bdmurray> meta-release-development should only matter if you are using the 'do-release-upgrade -d'
[19:19] <bdmurray> if you aren't we are curious about meta-release
[19:30] <bdmurray> if the cached meta-release files are currently getting saved as html then you are currently on a network that is causing the issue
[19:32] <bdmurray> I'm off for lunch but will be happy to continue working on this with you after that
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
[20:03] <Sinistrad> bdmurray: Looking through the files, it has lots of info about the corporate firewall. I'll have to take this home and try it.
[20:09] <bdmurray> Sinistrad: okay, be sure to clear the cache after you change networks
[20:16] <Sinistrad> bdmurray: Will do! Thanks for helping me out.
=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer
[21:16] <MikeRL> Woah. I found a slightly nasty bug, and just reported it today, but I may need assistance classifying it under the correct package.
[21:16] <MikeRL> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-settings-daemon/+bug/1311847?comments=all
[21:16] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1311847 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Neither Print, SHIFT+Print, nor CTRL+Print keyboard shortcuts work on Trusty" [Undecided,New]
[21:17] <MikeRL> A lot of Googling has revealed it affects multiple desktop environments, and also mainly a subset of HP laptops, and may be systemd or something else causing it.
[21:18] <MikeRL> I know how to describe the bug perfectly, but I may need assistance filing it under the correct package.
[21:19] <MikeRL> I've tried #ubuntu, but everyone's educated guesses were just as my initial thoughts. I think it may be stemming from something deeper.
[21:30] <hggdh> MikeRL: IDK either, but unity-settings-daemon is a good start (it can be changed later). It is probably that the folks at #ubuntu-desktop would know more, though
[21:31] <MikeRL> hggdh: Thanks. I'll try there.
[21:37] <bdmurray> isn't the key called PrintScreen?
[21:38] <MikeRL> Well, technically yes.
[21:40] <MikeRL> Happy now? Refresh the page.
=== NoNameYet_xnox is now known as xnox
[22:50] <bdmurray> I was just momentarily confused because my keyboard has "Print" on top of the F12 key and F12 on the front of it.