UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /23 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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[06:45] <dholbach> good morning
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|errand
[07:54] <DanChapman> Good Morning all
[07:55] <justCarakas> good morning
[08:48] <dpm> morning Mirv, I saw you added a task for the qtdeclarative package in bug 1303746, thanks! What's your plan with that upload? To SRU it, or to land it in U?
[08:48] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1303746 in Ubuntu Reminders app "Performance hit when editing sorted lists" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303746
[08:50] <Mirv> dpm: np, I fetched a few patches in to non-blocker bugs. I'm planning to land it to U.
[08:50] <Mirv> and test it together with several other patches
[08:51] <dpm> brb, phone
[08:59] <dpm> Mirv, that solves a critical bug with Reminders, and the Evernote people want to give the app a test. To get an idea, how long does it take for such an upload to get into the archive?
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[09:19] <Mirv> dpm: build 3h, AP runs 3h, manual testing ?h. before that, we need to have U open in the first place and a free silo
[09:20] <Mirv> in this case a whole day to the build time probably since it's going to land together with qtbase, qtwebkit and qtcreator
[09:36] <dpm> Mirv, thanks. So it seems manual testing is the only unknown, but given your experience with other uploads, do you think it'd be reasonable to say a week? Or more?
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[09:43] <Mirv> dpm: a week from now. it really depends on how's the U opening schedule and toolchain updates the most
[09:44] <dpm> Mirv, ok, that helps me, thanks!
[09:44] <Mirv> so if U does not really open yet until next week, then more than a week
[09:55] <dpm> ack
[10:03] <mihir> dpm: could you edit events on your latest touch image on device?
[10:25] <dpm> mihir, updating now to the latest -proposed image, let me try afterwards
[10:38] <mihir> dpm: okay :)
[10:50] <dholbach> balloons, on http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/qml/tutorial/ - are the two articles without links just missing to be linked or are these articles not written yet?
[11:37] <dpm> mihir, I can edit events, yes
[11:45] <dpm> rpadovani, could you remind me which time would work better for you for the reminders app calls?
[11:46] <rpadovani> dpm, today everytime because I have no lessons, but in general half hour after actual time (16.00->16.30 in our timezone)
[11:50] <dpm> rpadovani, mzanetti, popey, moved the Reminders call to 30 mins later, so that Riccardo can attend. popey I know you're in another call, but if at least one of us is there it should be ok
[11:51] <rpadovani> dpm, oh, thanks :-)
[11:51] <mihir> dpm: okay thanks :)
[11:51] <popey> dpm: rpadovani I had a mail from a community member asking how he could help out with reminders.
[11:52] <dpm> oh cool
[11:52] <dpm> is he joining the meetings?
[11:52] <popey> he's only got a couple of hours a week, so probably not
[11:52] <popey> but wanted to help out
[11:52] <popey> will see if he can attend this one..
[11:53] <rpadovani> awesome!
[11:58] <nobody__> Anybody, what about showdown? No results yet(
[11:59] <justCarakas> idd, I'm also waiting
[11:59] <nobody__> Can we expect results today?
[12:00] <justCarakas> somewhere next week said jono last week
[12:00] <justCarakas> if I remember correctly
[12:00] <mihir> popey: dpm when are we planning for Calculator kick start or not yet?
[12:01] <popey> mihir: we can continue having the meetings, sure.
[12:01] <popey> I left them in the calendar
[12:01] <mihir> popey: okay :) was just wondering to get agenda for next couple of weeks
[12:01] <nobody__> justCarakas, after 28?
[12:01] <nobody__> Too long
[12:03] <justCarakas> nobody__: I have no idea :s
[12:06] <nobody__> I hope, that you'll publish results soon.
[12:06] <justCarakas> nobody__: just asked it on twitter, I'll let you know if I get an answer
[12:07] <nobody__> justCarakas, thank you. Are you from Venezuela?
[12:08] <justCarakas> nobody__: no Belgium, didn't know about the link to Venezuela when I started using carakas
[12:09] <nobody__> justCarakas, good luck;)
[12:10] <justCarakas> nobody__: venezuela is caracas btw :)
[12:12] <nobody__> justCarakas, funny - I know Russian language rules good, but when I use English, I have very stupid errors)
[12:13] <justCarakas> nobody__: hadn't noticed yet
[12:14] <nobody__> justCaracas, I'm not sure, that answer will be soon.
[12:41] <nobody__> mhall119, when we will know about showdown winners?
[12:49] <popey> nobody__: not for a few days at least, I'd imagine
[12:53] <daker> dholbach: yo
[12:54] <dholbach> daker, yo yo yo
[12:57] <justCarakas> daker: dholbach http://gezond-gewicht.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/jojo.gif :p
[12:57] <dholbach> :)
=== _salem is now known as salem_
[13:37] <tsdgeos> popey: there's a WIP patch for the JS error you told me yesterday :)
[13:49] <popey> tsdgeos: yay
[13:50] <tsdgeos> popey: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,83936 still in review, so no distro patching yet :D
[14:29] <charles> nik90, ping
[14:32] <nik90> charles: pong
[14:32] <dpm> mzanetti, do you have time to join the reminders call today?
[14:32] <charles> nik90, is there any news on bug #1308193 ?
[14:32] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1308193 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Upcoming recurring alarms on wrong day" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308193
[14:33] <nik90> charles: zsombi asked me to check that bug again after one of his upcoming SDK branches has landed on the phone.
[14:34] <charles> nik90, ok. which branch and do you know the timeline for it?
[14:35] <zsombi> charles: all alarm changes are in UITK staging now
[14:35] <nik90> charles: it is in staging
[14:35] <zsombi> charles so if you take the staging, that should have all the stuff from me
[14:35] <nik90> charles: just waiting on that to be released
[14:36] <charles> nik90, zsombi, cool
[14:36] <nik90> zsombi: is there a way to try the entire staged on the phone?
[14:36] <balloons> dholbach, the links on http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/qml/tutorial/ are placeholders for now. You can remove them if you wish.
[14:37] <zsombi> nik90: yes... build it there :)
[14:40] <zsombi> nik90: if you try to do that, you may get stuck at the qmlplugindump phase... in which case you should try building with ALARM_MANAGER=memory env var set
[14:41] <nik90> zsombi: cant I instead take the latest MP's deb files and install that?
[14:41] <zsombi> nik90: well, not really, it might not contain the whole staging :/
[14:42] <zsombi> nik90: the autolanding would, but not sure you can access that one
[14:42] <nik90> zsombi: ok..let me try building then
[14:45] <rpadovani> dpm. it's only in Italian, but this is the website of the event: http://www.radioamatorepordenone.it/iniziative/appdays/
[14:49] <nik90> zsombi: should *export ALARM_MANAGER=memory* suffice?
[14:49] <zsombi> nik90: yep
[14:51] <dholbach> balloons, no, that's fine
[14:51] <nik90> zsombi: I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7315200/.. I ensured that I had an RW image + dev tools installed
[14:53] <zsombi> nik90: do you have QtCreator?
[14:53] <dpm> rpadovani, nice!
[14:53] <nik90> zsombi: yeah ofc
[14:54] <zsombi> nik90: so after making the image RW, did you pressed "Enable Development" from teh same page?
[14:54] <nik90> zsombi: yup
[14:54] <nik90> zsombi: after RW it did restart the phone. Then I pressed Enable Development
[14:55] <zsombi> nik90: yep. Now, the next would be to open UITK branch on QtC, and build it on the device, but that would fail
[14:56] <zsombi> nik90: or seems not? zbenjamin?
[14:57] <nik90> zsombi: I cannot get it to build on device. In the project properties it only shows desktop.
[14:57] <zbenjamin> nik90: you have to select Build->ubuntu->build application on the device
[14:58] <nik90> zbenjamin: ah ok.
[14:58] <zsombi> nik90: yes, it should be in the menu, like QtC->Build->Ubuntu->Build and Install Application on Device
[15:00] <zsombi> nik90: but it may get stuck as the qmlplugindump hangs if EDS qtorganizer plugin is installed :/
[15:00] <nik90> zsombi: I did export AlarmManager first and then asked qtc to build on device
[15:01] <zsombi> nik90: that's why the workaround in ALARM_MANAGER=memory so the toolkit binaries will use the memory manager to get the plugin type generated
[15:02] <zsombi> nik90: it won't work, unless you have it in .profile
[15:02] <nik90> zsombi: is the .profile in the phablet home folder?
[15:02] <zsombi> nik90: that's why you should copy the branch onto /home/phablet/somewhere
[15:03] <nik90> zsombi: which is what I did previously :/
[15:03] <nik90> zsombi: I copied the branch to /tmp/staging and then tried building there when I got the errors I pasted before
[15:03] <zsombi> nik90: awesome, then perhaps it will work!
[15:03] <zsombi> nik90: yes, because you need uitk deps
[15:05] <zsombi> nik90: you can get those by apt-get build-dep qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin
[15:05] <nik90> zsombi: ok..installing the deps at the moment. Will try building after that
[15:07] <t1mp> nik90: or apt-get build-dep ubuntu-ui-toolkit, if it needs the source package
[15:07] * t1mp bbl
[15:07] <nik90> t1mp: ok
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[16:47] <t1mp> mzanetti: do you happen to have a workaround to make qtcreator look pretty on high dpi screens? I saw you commented on https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-26898 one year ago maybe you discovered a trick :)
[16:48] <t1mp> my qtc looks like this now https://www.dropbox.com/s/89urkqhy4icaobs/qtc-scaling.png
[16:49] <t1mp> usable, but not pretty
[17:20] <balloons> ahayzen, ping.. elopio ahayzen is a music dev :-)
[17:20] <ahayzen> balloons, o/
[17:21] <balloons> ahayzen, elopio has some questions I believe ;-)
[17:21] <ahayzen> balloons, cool :)
[17:22] <elopio> ahayzen: yes, can you please look at this"
[17:22] <elopio> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-rssreader-dev/ubuntu-rssreader-app/trunk/view/head:/feeds/TopicComponent.qml#L390
[17:22] <elopio> it says: thanks for music app provide this custom component
[17:22] <ahayzen> elopio, ah my custom swipedelete component ;)
[17:22] <elopio> do you know something about the bug that causes that workaround?
[17:23] <ahayzen> elopio, we did it because you cannot do reordering with the SDK swipedelete
[17:23] <ahayzen> elopio, due to the mouse focus being stolen
[17:23] <elopio> ahayzen: do you have a bug # for that?
[17:23] <ahayzen> elopio, there is work here https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/reorder-support-001/+merge/202172
[17:24] <ahayzen> elopio, this allows for you to use the sdk swipedelete and have reordering
[17:24] <elopio> ahayzen: cool. But shouldn't it be fixed on the sdk?
[17:24] <ahayzen> elopio, but we are waiting for https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-002/+merge/202171
[17:24] <elopio> hah, it all goes back to that.
[17:25] <ahayzen> elopio, well it sortof is i had a discussion with people and we decided the best way to do the reordering. That changed a few patterns which meant we could use the sdk swipedelete however when transitioning we found a few issues
[17:25] <elopio> ahayzen: I left my device running the clock tests two full nights with your branch installed
[17:26] <elopio> and when I came in the morning, it was still running with no errors.
[17:26] <elopio> ahayzen: I'm going to ask one last time :) Can you still reproduce the error on the clock app with your branch installed?
[17:26] <ahayzen> elopio, hmmm maybe it is fixed now? as the bot also approved it recently
[17:26] <elopio> if you say yes, me vuelvo chango.
[17:27] <elopio> I don't know about fixed, but it is definetely not related to your change.
[17:27] <elopio> I'll tell them to approve your branch.
[17:27] <ahayzen> elopio, i'll try again...i'm currently on an image with media-hub+nonswapblockswaptesting so guess it would be best to reflash?
[17:28] <elopio> ahayzen: when you have some time. I think the landing won't happen this week, as they are working on some other branches.
[17:28] <ahayzen> elopio, cool i'll test it later and then comment on the mp
[17:28] <elopio> just let me know if you are still able to reproduce it often. If you are, I'll need you to add some pdbs and collect more information for me.
[17:29] <ahayzen> elopio, will do
[17:29] <elopio> ahayzen: I'm going to report a bug to the music app and the rss about removing the custom swipe, so we can keep track of it.
[17:30] <ahayzen> elopio, cool we are nearly there, ping me the bug and i'll assign it to me and attach the branch
[17:30] <elopio> ahayzen: I can do that. You will get a mail.
[17:30] <ahayzen> elopio, thanks
[17:31] <elopio> thanks to you
[17:31] <ahayzen> np
[17:31] <ahayzen> elopio, i'm trying to make the reorder code generic so it should work with 'any' listitem
[17:32] <ahayzen> elopio, are there any plans for the sdk to do reordering itself at any point?
[17:32] <elopio> ahayzen: sounds good, and as it will be shared by the rss and by the music apps, it sounds like it should be in the sdk.
[17:33] <elopio> ahayzen: I don't know. bzoltan1 is the one to ask.
[17:33] <ahayzen> elopio, i would probably need some help to clean it up and make it more stable but its getting there slowly
[17:33] <ahayzen> elopio, ah cool
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[17:42] <ahayzen> elopio, thanks, have you got two separate bugs for music-app/rss reader or are you gonna add also affects
[17:43] <elopio> ahayzen: I've made only one, affecting the two projects https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rssreader-app/+bug/1311800
[17:43] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1311800 in Ubuntu Music App "Remove custom swipe to delete" [Medium,In progress]
[17:47] <ahayzen> elopio, thanks i was too quick loading the page :)
[17:48] <elopio> ahayzen: well, no, actually I had a context switch and forgotten about the other project.
[17:48] <elopio> you reminded me :)
[17:49] <ahayzen> elopio, aha
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[21:55] <Moon_Owl> Hey
[21:58] <Moon_Owl> So I'm new to programming ubuntu programs. I have coding expirence, but I'm having a hard time getting into the swing of things. I havent found any in depth programming guides. Any help?
[22:00] <sarnold> Moon_Owl: QML? HTML5? Cordova? Something else?
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[23:13] <me99923> why do i always get unity::action::ActionManager::ActionManager(QObject*): Could not determine application identifier. HUD will not work properly. Provide your application identifier in $APP_ID environment variable. Cannot create CordovaView object. Falling back on the plain Webview backend.
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam