UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /23 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== 21WAAD3MF is now known as wallyworld
=== wallyworld_ is now known as wallyworld
[12:52] <balor> What do I put in my debian/changelog to build on multiple distributions (saucy, precise, etc...)? I've tried 'unstable' -- the standard Debian way.
[12:54] <wgrant> balor: It's not possible for a single upload to build on multiple releases. unstable (aka. sid) is a single Debian release.
[12:54] <wgrant> If it really needs to build separately for each series, you'll need a different version number for each (often by appending ~ubuntuYY.MM.1)
[12:54] <wgrant> But in many cases binaries built for an old series will continue to function on a newer one, so you can just copy them.
[12:57] <balor> wgrant, So I should target the oldest distro the binary is known to work on? How do my users then use my ppa on, say, Raring if I've build for Saucy?
[12:58] <balor> actually, that should be the other way around. Build for raring (older) using on saucy (newer)
[12:58] <wgrant> balor: You'll see a "Copy packages" link on your PPA's page. Usually you'd copy from older to newer, which will generally work unless there's been an ABI break somewhere.
[12:59] <balor> I don't see "copy package" anywhere.
[12:59] * balor did follow those instructions before asking here
[13:00] <wgrant> You might need to click "View package details" first.
[13:00] <balor> I have
[13:00] <balor> I'd imagine this is a dumb-user problem.
[13:01] <wgrant> There should be a "Copy packages" link on the right.
[13:01] <wgrant> Which page are you on?
[13:02] <balor> wgrant, I'm on https://launchpad.net/~a-j-delaney/+archive/gubbins-ppa/+packages which is my PPA
[13:02] <wgrant> balor: There's a "Copy packages" link on the right hand side, near the top.
[13:02] <wgrant> Unless you're not logged in.
[13:03] <balor> stupid users!
[13:03] <balor> wgrant, thanks
=== mteufel is now known as supermat
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
=== chandan_kumar is now known as chandankumar
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
=== Logan_ is now known as UtopicUnicorn
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
=== Guest87217 is now known as nesthib
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== NoNameYet_xnox is now known as xnox
[22:31] <replaceafill> anyone knows if there's a problem with launchpad bug email and yahoo.com addresses?
[22:32] <replaceafill> i haven't received bug updates i make since last week
[22:36] <cjwatson> Could well be Yahoo's DMARC policy change
[22:36] <cjwatson> e.g. http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ietf/current/msg87153.html
[22:37] <cjwatson> Perhaps use a provider that doesn't think it's appropriate to break this sort of thing with no meaningful notice to the internet community
[23:36] <replaceafill> cjwatson, ah thanks, i'll try to set up an alternative email then
=== wedgwood is now known as Guest68564