UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /21 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
[21:00] <jono> jose, all set?
[21:02] <jose> jono: yep, joining
[21:13] <jose> mhall119: ping
[21:24] <mhall119> jose: pong
[21:24] <jose> mhall119: hey, are we still having the engineering update on Wednesday?
[21:26] <mhall119> jose: as far as I know, why?
[21:27] <mhall119> 1400 UTC
[21:27] <jose> I was just wondering
[21:27] <mhall119> ok
[22:42] <bkerensa> jono: the struggle https://twitter.com/AthIeteProdigy/status/458241413289762816/photo/1
[22:51] <jono> bkerensa, lol