UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /21 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:59] <dobey> wgrant: isn't quantal EOL now too? or is that being done this week sometime?
[01:38] <wgrant> dobey: Any time from around now, yeah. But probably not for another month or so.
[01:49] <dobey> wgrant: well, the wiki says "April 2014" as EOL date, but i don't know how long it takes IS to move the arhcive to old-releases and do all the little bits of work for that
[01:54] <wgrant> dobey: It will EOL at some point after 2014/04/18, not necessarily on that date. And there's more than just IS things to consider.
[01:59] <dobey> wgrant: yes, but if the files are moved to old-releases, then the builds on lp will just start failing if they are still allowed, right?
[02:00] <dobey> i know there are lots of things to consider, i'm just trying to think of what bits affect building for quantal in a ppa, directly
[02:00] <wgrant> The move to old-releases happens well after Launchpad starts refusing to build.
[02:00] <dobey> ok
[02:00] <wgrant> (and old-releases doesn't affect the internal copy of the archive that Launchpad uses; that's separate again)
[02:01] <dobey> right, though i'd expect the internal archive to be cleaned as well at that point
[02:05] <stgraber> dobey: ftpmaster has all releases after dapper and AFAIK is the actual source server behind old-releaess.ubuntu.com (which is probably then tweaked a bit for pre-LP release so it also includes warty, hoary and breezy)
[02:05] <wgrant> Not quite
[02:06] <wgrant> We usually remove pool files from ftpmaster a few months after EOL.
[02:06] <wgrant> but dists is there all the way back to dapper, for no particularly good reason other than that we haven't bothered to clean it up.
[02:08] <stgraber> that could give some potentially very interesting behavior if we ever do things out of order ;) (package installs working so long as they haven't change between two series)
[02:08] <wgrant> Correct.
[02:08] <wgrant> Fortunately we've done this before :)
[02:08] <stgraber> :)
[02:46] <YokoZar> wgrant: Still, I find it a bit strange that we didn't keep Raring around as a target to, say, smooth upgrades from a still-supported Quantal. I suppose it's a moot point now.
[02:52] <wgrant> YokoZar: That would have meant deferring the support reduction for another three releases.
[02:53] <YokoZar> wgrant: I meant just the launchpady bits of the support reduction. We don't have to actively provide updates even though it's still possible to do a PPA build, for instance.
[03:56] <wgrant> YokoZar: Well, if I let people do PPA builds for obsolete releases then they *will* do that, and I will run out of buildd capacity.
[03:56] <wgrant> People have bad habits of building for everything, even if they have no users there.
[03:57] <wgrant> Plus it's totally reckless to still run an obsolete release, so there's no reason anyone could have to want a PPA build for raring today.
[03:57] <wgrant> Your machine was probably already pwned by Heartbleed.
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== dayangkun is now known as dayangkun_afk
[12:45] <serg> hi here
[12:46] <serg> somehow one of our branches (lp:maria/10.0) cannot be pushed into, bzr times our with "ConnectionReset reading response for 'Branch.set_last_revision_info', retrying"
[12:46] <serg> anything we can do short of recreating the branch?
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
[15:41] <phunyguy> hello, after breezing through some of the how-to pages for creating a PPA, I am still a little foggy as to how all of this works... Is it possible to import the current sources for the packages I want to include, to stay within the versions that are in their respective releases, but change some build options to suit my needs?
[15:42] <phunyguy> like I don't want to lose security updates... I just want the packages built differently.
[15:52] <dobey> it's sort of possible, yes
[16:19] <phunyguy> dobey: I would love some assistance if you have time....
[16:21] <phunyguy> "If you're creating an alternative version of a package that's already in Ubuntu's primary archive, you don't need to upload the .orig.tar.gz file, i.e. the original source."
[16:21] <dobey> i don't really. sorry. basically, you pull the source, make your changes, add a new version entry to the changelog, appending ".1~$yourppaname1~$ubuntuseries1" to the current version, build a new source package, test that it builds/works locally, then upload that source package to your ppa
[16:21] <phunyguy> so that's a start.
=== compholio is now known as ehoover
[19:17] <bobbyz> Hi all, is launchpad down? I can't seem to reach it, but not sure if that's a network routing issue with my ISP or if LP itself is dead
[19:18] <czajkowski> bobbyz: it's up
[19:19] <bobbyz> czajkowski: ok thanks. I'll have to debug a bit on my end then
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
=== pipedrea1 is now known as pipedream
[20:20] <adam_g> bobbyz, im hitting similar issues today trying to connect to launchpad and archive.canonical.com.
[20:59] <silverlion> good evening
[21:02] <silverlion> i'd like to request help to retrieve https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-comms/ back (I owned it but lost it due to hardware crash...)
[21:20] <silverlion> good evening pinky__
[21:42] <wgrant> silverlion: There was no hardware crash there. It looks like you requested that Launchpad remove your account.
[21:45] <silverlion> wgrant, yep. i asked launchpad to remove it because i could not log in back due to email change
[21:45] <silverlion> and the email my former launchpad account was connected to is one that i dont use anymore
[21:45] <silverlion> so i was not able to reset the pw
[21:46] <silverlion> wgrant, hardware crash on my end => pw for launchpad lost => reset impossible => new set up with proper accounts and keys
[21:48] <wgrant> Hm, how did you ask Launchpad to remove it if you weren't able to log in?
[21:52] <silverlion> wgrant, i closed down my account for ubuntu one, for which i was able to retrieve the pw.
[21:52] <silverlion> what I did not know was that launchpad and Ubuntu One Service was tied together
[21:52] <silverlion> so one thing let to another
[21:53] <wgrant> OK
[21:54] <wgrant> The team has other admins, so I won't give it directly to you. You can ask one of them to give it back to you, since they can do a better job of verifying that you're actually who you say you are.
[21:54] <silverlion> wgrant, that's absolutely ok for me
[21:56] <wgrant> silverlion: Done. https://launchpad.net/~sergiomeneses now owns the team, and he can give it to you at https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-comms/+reassign
[21:56] <silverlion> wgrant, thank you for your time.
[21:56] <SergioMeneses> wgrant, thanks!
[21:56] <wgrant> np, let me know if you have any other issues.
[21:56] <silverlion> this time i will be more careful
[21:58] <silverlion> good night