UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /21 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[06:18] <lordievader> Good morning.
[08:36] <Quintasan> \o
[09:41] <Riddell> bon dia
[09:50] <Riddell> valorie: nice blog :)
[10:07] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:11] <Riddell> waiting in limbo... :)
[10:23] <yofel> Quintasan: I have a T510 and jr some 4something if we can help you?
[10:27] <Quintasan> yofel: well
[10:27] <Quintasan> yofel: Suspend is working in a strange manner here. When I close the lid it suspends nicely.
[10:27] <Quintasan> When I open it, the laptop wakes up and then goes back to suspend within a second or two
[10:29] <Riddell> two things calling suspend at the same time
[10:29] <yofel> hm, I've seen that. It's not happening *right now* so Riddell is probably right and it's a race condition somewhere
[10:30] <Quintasan> Riddell: The question is how do I determine what calls suspend.
[10:30] <Riddell> should we have a u-series kickoff meeting?
[10:30] <Riddell> investigate if removing pm-utils helps?
[10:30] <Riddell> it may stop suspend altogether
[10:30] <Quintasan> I'm sure that Solid calls suspend since I made it to do so when on battery via Power Management kcm
[10:31] <Quintasan> Hmm
[10:31] <Riddell> solid calls suspend in interesting ways though
[10:32] <yofel> it's worth looking at what powerdevil in our kde-workspace package actually does
[10:32] <Riddell> through layers of systemd abstraction/reimplementation that may just use pm-utils or may not, shadeslayer looked into it
[10:32] <yofel> because we've weird patchery in powerdevil/upower/logind
[10:32] <Quintasan> Removing pm-utils stopped suspend altogether
[10:32] <Quintasan> Though I'll reboot
[10:32] <Quintasan> just to be sure
[10:34] <Quintasan> Yeah
[10:35] <Quintasan> upower -d says it can't suspend at all
[10:39] <Quintasan> Well
[10:40] <Quintasan> yofel, Riddell: purging and reinstalling pm-utils "fixed" the issue
[10:40] <Quintasan> Not sure what was the problem in the first place
[10:42] <jose> hey Riddell, just to let you know all pages should be backwards compatible by now, you can test if you'd like
[10:46] <Quintasan> yofel: Do you have Optimus in your thinkpad?
[10:47] <yofel> no
[10:47] <Quintasan> Riddell: ^^
[10:47] <Quintasan> bloody hell this is annoying
[10:47] <Quintasan> prime-select query returns "unknown"
[10:47] <Quintasan> where possible options are nivdia or intel
[10:47] <Quintasan> just what the hell
[10:48] <Quintasan> Best drivers or best drivers
[11:01] <Riddell> jose: high five!
[11:01] <jose> o/
[11:02] <Riddell> Quintasan: I don't think so, it's an intel laptop
[11:03] <Quintasan> Riddell: Okay.
[11:05] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: interested in linuxtag? jos is sounding desperate
[13:16] <sgclark> Riddell: good morning, please let me know if there are any task that need to be done.
[13:37] <ScottK> Riddell: No issues if they do the qtcreator split upstream.
[14:28] <Riddell> sgclark: I had a request for calligra in precise
[14:30] <sgclark> Riddell: ok, I will need to set up a chroot etc, but I can work on that today, thank you
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[16:37] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1310701] krunner uses too much memory @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1310701 (by Jtb)
[16:51] <ronnoc> apachelogger: Good user case for the changes you've made in MD: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2218009&p=12993311#post12993311
[16:52] <ronnoc> :)
[16:53] <ronnoc> ScottK: Related (maybe): Did you see the email on the ML regarding PMC not working due to the conflicting requirements for gs 0.1 vs. 1.0? Will forthcoming changes fix that?
[16:54] <ScottK> I did see the mail.
[16:54] <ScottK> I suspect PMC will need to be ported to 1.0.
[16:54] <ScottK> Dunno if anyone is working on it.
[16:55] <ronnoc> Ok thx
[16:56] <ronnoc> Hopefully you and the other devs had a completely relaxing and Kubuntu-free weekend!
[17:13] <lordievader> Good evening.
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[19:26] <kdeuser56> how to make use of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu#PAM_KWallet_git20140410 ?
[19:48] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1310701] krunner uses too much memory @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1310701 (by Jtb)
[22:39] <ahoneybun> Riddell, you here?
[22:50] <ahoneybun> apachelogger, they released the official png of the tahr logo
[23:07] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin, I may have gotten this one done drop the image block from posts that don't have images