UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /19 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <axisys> so how do I switch my hadoop instance from ec2 to local? is it possible?
[00:00] <lazyPower> What do you mean? Instead of working on EC2 work on your local machine?
[00:01] <lazyPower> juju switch local && juju bootstrap && juju deploy hadoop
[00:01] <axisys> right
[00:01] <jose> if anyone's got privileges: https://github.com/juju/docs/pull/66
[00:02] <lazyPower> jose: landed
[00:02] <axisys> agent-state: down after switch and bootstrap
[00:03] <jose> thanks lazyPower!
[00:03] <lazyPower> axisys: are you running the 1.18 rev's of juju?
[00:03] <axisys> agent-version:
[00:03] <axisys> 1.18.1-trusty-amd64
[00:05] <lazyPower> axisys: is the machine still listed as pending?
[00:07] <axisys> lazyPower: http://dpaste.com/1785728/ yep
[00:09] <lazyPower> axisys: yeah i saw that behavior today as well from 1.19 - i'm not sure why thats happening. Can you pastebiin the contents of your ~/.juju/local/log/machine-0.log?
[00:10] <axisys> ok
[00:11] <axisys> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7279918/
[00:15] <lazyPower> axisys: i'm not positive but i think there's some hijinx going on in the tools. The log lines repeating about no proper tool versions available lead me to believe... let me try something and i'll report back
[00:19] <axisys> lazyPower: thanks for your help.. juju feels magic..
[00:19] * axisys running some errands
[00:20] <lazyPower> axisys: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1309805
[00:20] <_mup_> Bug #1309805: LXC / Local provider machines do not boot in 1.18 / 1.19 series <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1309805>
[00:21] <lazyPower> if you want to +1 that bug for some additional traction. I'm pretty sure its a simple fix - but I don't have access to fix it.
[00:21] <lazyPower> and most of the core team is out for the holiday weekend.
[00:21] <lazyPower> jose: can you confirm you have this behavior with the local provider?
[00:21] <jose> lazyPower: hmm, I'm not in trusty, but I can try and confirm with saucy
[00:22] <lazyPower> jose: if you're running 1.18 or 1.19 branch it will show the same behavior
[00:22] <jose> I'm running 1.18
[00:22] <lazyPower> i've validated on trusty and saucy
[00:22] <jose> let's go for it
[00:23] <jose> lazyPower: btw, I'm still facing the old 'lxcbr0: no such interface' error where I have to uninstall and reinstall
[00:23] <jose> but it's got a simple workaround
[00:23] <lazyPower> hmmm thats strange
[00:23] <lazyPower> the juju-local package should be adding that network bridge interface for you
[00:24] <lazyPower> i'd open a bug against it if you haven't already
[00:24] <jose> it does, but when I reboot my machine that error pops up
[00:24] <jose> will do
[00:24] <jose> let me bootstrap and deploy some instances first
[00:24] <lazyPower> ack
[00:27] <jose> woohoo, it's so fun playing with local and ec2 at the same time :P
[00:27] <lazyPower> daily life on the juju solutions team. swapping from env to env
[00:36] <jose> I think I can confirm the behaviour, machines are listed as pending and they're making no efforts to download any images or anything
[00:39] <jose> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7280053/
[00:44] <jose> lazyPower: ^
[00:45] <jose> I'll be back in 5 in case you need me
[00:45] <lazyPower> yep, missing tools all around. seems to be the majority of the issue.
[00:46] <jose> at least it's not giving a standard message
[01:16] <jose> \o/
[01:17] <jose> statusnet charm = broken
[01:19] <axisys> lazyPower: +1'd
[01:34] <lazyPower> jose: file a bug against it, maybe the maintainer will update it.
[01:34] <jose> lazyPower: will do
[01:47] <jose> lazyPower: and the TeamSpeak charm is pushed for review!
[01:48] <lazyPower> Boom!
[01:51] <lazyPower> Great work jose
[01:51] <jose> :)
[01:51] <lazyPower> Thanks for submitting a fix
[01:52] <jose> np, I'll see if there's any other charm I can work in
=== timrc is now known as timrc-afk
[03:42] <jose> lazyPower: still around? I get some errors on my amulets tests
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
[09:54] <henninge> Hi! I have a problem that is probably quite common so I would be grateful for a pointer where this is documented.
[09:54] <henninge> I had to restart machine 0 (the state server) on EC2 and now it has a new ip address.
[09:55] <henninge> All the agents are down now. I am aware that they need to be informed about the new ip address of machine 0.
[09:55] <henninge> What is the best way to fix that?
[09:55] <henninge> They are running 1.16.3
[17:53] <ghartmann> is there something wrong with the trusty tools when using juju local
[17:53] <ghartmann> ?
[18:00] <jose> ghartmann: there's a bug currently open
[18:04] <ghartmann> ah ok, I just wonder if it was known already
[18:05] <ghartmann> tks
[20:52] <balboah> testing out MAAS with juju through virtualbox. I got it bootstrapped, but it doesn’t seem destroy-environment actually stops the machine, mongo and juju is still running on that instance, it just doesn’t know about them anymore. Is that expected?
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
[23:59] <hobbyBobby> good day - need some help networking if anyone is willing