UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /16 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:16] <quem> hm, how is a squashfs image used?
[00:32] <Jordan_U> quem: Generally to contain a read only compressed image of a LiveCD/USB root filesystem.
[00:37] <quem> ah.
[00:37] <linuxuz3r> hi ho
[00:37] <linuxuz3r> hello
[02:01] <xangua> hi yoho yoho
[02:09] <quem> could install the latest daily of trusty-desktop-i386.iso on an old asus eee 900, but not trusty-server-i386.iso
[02:10] <holstein> quem: id check the iso
[02:12] <quem> i did... md5 was correct.
[02:14] <holstein> what was the failure?
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[03:11] <spikebike> quem how much ram on your eee 900?
[03:11] <spikebike> also the -server version might assume pae
[03:12] <quem> spikebike: 1gb.
[03:12] <quem> switching from desktop to server now.
[03:12] <spikebike> ah, I'd think that would be enough for a -server install
[03:13] <quem> i hope it'll reboot fine, for i do not wish to do this again. :)
[03:17] <spikebike> not sure if ubuntu publishes minimum ram for an install
[03:24] <quem> spikebike: rebooted fine. :)
[03:34] <quem> spikebike: neat that root logins aren't allowed through ssh by default anymore. if i had the time, i'd go through every little change from release to release
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[04:57] <spikebike> quem: thats nothing new
[04:58] <facorread> Hello, neither adobe-flashplugin or flashplugin-installer work in chromium-34.0.1847.116-0ubuntu2 on kubuntu 14.04 LTS. I created symbolic links to libflashplayer.so at /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins and also peppers, but the browser does not report a Flash plugin present. Any of you with the same problem?
[05:51] <alkisg> Is there no RC for 14.04? Should I download the daily image instead?
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[05:54] <facorread> Yes, or update from your current installation.
[05:56] <alkisg> Thank you facorread, downloading... (for a new installation...)
[05:56] <alkisg> (on this system I'm on 14.04 since December... :))
=== rww changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Pre-release versions are unstable and will probably break your computer somehow. | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule | Daily ISO: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current | Release estimate: April 17th | Free virtual celebratory cake: #ubuntu-release-party
[06:24] <michagogo|cloud> !14.10
[06:24] <rww> little early for that :P
[06:25] <michagogo|cloud> Is the codename known yet?
[06:25] <rww> michagogo|cloud: nope
[06:25] <michagogo|cloud> I thought those were decided a couple releases ahead...
[06:26] <michagogo|cloud> What was the command to look up packages in trusty, btw?
[06:26] <rww> in the bot?
[06:27] <rww> and they're decided right around release day
[06:27] <michagogo|cloud> Yeah
[06:27] <michagogo|cloud> I seem to remember it having one
[06:27] <rww> !info irssi trusty
[06:27] <ubottu> irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.15-5ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 852 kB, installed size 2388 kB
[06:27] <michagogo|cloud> !info bitcoin trusty
[06:27] <ubottu> Package bitcoin does not exist in trusty
[06:27] <michagogo|cloud> !info bitcoind trusty
[06:27] <ubottu> Package bitcoind does not exist in trusty
[06:28] <michagogo|cloud> Okay, that's what I thought I remembered
[06:28] <michagogo|cloud> !info litecoin trusty
[06:28] <ubottu> Package litecoin does not exist in trusty
[06:28] * michagogo|cloud shakes his fist at autocorrect
[06:28] <michagogo|cloud> !info litecoind trusty
[06:28] <ubottu> Package litecoind does not exist in trusty
[06:29] <michagogo|cloud> Hm, is tree a way to search for other *coind packages?
[06:29] <rww> michagogo|cloud: use the PPAs instead, they update too often for us to release stable packages of them, I believe
[06:29] <michagogo|cloud> There*
[06:29] <rww> i think electrum or one of those things is in the repo tho
[06:29] <rww> !info electrum trusty
[06:29] <ubottu> electrum (source: electrum): Easy to use bitcoin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.7-1 (trusty), package size 123 kB, installed size 1044 kB
[06:29] <michagogo|cloud> rww: yeah, I know -- it's because of me that it's not in the archives :-)
[06:29] <michagogo|cloud> I was just making sure that it hadn't snuck back in since being removed
[06:30] <rww> michagogo|cloud: ah. not sure if I should thank you for prompting the right thing, or shake my fist because people keep going on about compiling coin stuff in #ubuntu :P
[06:30] <michagogo|cloud> Unfortunately old versions are still around in older released
[06:30] <michagogo|cloud> Releases*
[06:30] * rww nods
[06:30] <michagogo|cloud> !info bitcoind precise
[06:30] <ubottu> bitcoind (source: bitcoin): peer-to-peer network based anonymous digital currency - daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.24~dfsg-1 (precise), package size 477 kB, installed size 1188 kB
[06:30] <michagogo|cloud> That version is useless, baa socially
[06:31] <michagogo|cloud> Wtf, autocorrect?
[06:31] <michagogo|cloud> Basically*
[06:31] <michagogo|cloud> That version of the software won't sync up with the network
[06:31] <michagogo|cloud> !info bitcoind quantal
[06:31] <ubottu> bitcoind (source: bitcoin): peer-to-peer network based digital currency - daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 616 kB, installed size 1541 kB (Only available for any-alpha; any-amd64; armel; armhf; any-i386; any-ia64; any-mipsel; any-sh4)
[06:31] <michagogo|cloud> I think that one won't work either
[06:32] <michagogo|cloud> !info bitcoind raring
[06:32] <ubottu> bitcoind (source: bitcoin): peer-to-peer network based digital currency - daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-1 (raring), package size 964 kB, installed size 3072 kB (Only available for any-alpha; any-amd64; any-arm; any-i386; any-ia64; any-mipsel; any-sh4)
[06:32] <michagogo|cloud> That one will sync, but is an older version and is missing a lot in the way of fixes and stuff, I think
[06:34] <michagogo|cloud> I think the person I was talking to (Steve something, maybe) was saying that there would probably be justification for removing it, but because of the way releases work it's impossible to actually remove the package from the list or something
[06:34] <rww> Langasek?
[06:35] <michagogo|cloud> So to get it removed, someone would need to create a dummy update that removes the functionality and gives a message explaining it
[06:35] <michagogo|cloud> rww: yeah, I think so
[06:35] <rww> and yeah, I don't think I've seen packages disappear in SRUs before, so it's probably not something they've coded for
[06:35] <rww> yeah, he knows his stuff :)
[06:35] <michagogo|cloud> ...and then propose that dummy package as an update to the current versions
[06:36] * rww nods
[06:36] <michagogo|cloud> I would do it, if I had any idea how the whole Ubuntu packaging thing works
[06:37] <ar> hm
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[06:37] <michagogo|cloud> I think I tried reading about it and wasn't able to understand everything from what I was reading
[06:37] <ar> why does 14.04 still have old openssl?
[06:37] <michagogo|cloud> Eep
[06:37] <michagogo|cloud> !info libssl trusty
[06:37] <ubottu> Package libssl does not exist in trusty
[06:37] <michagogo|cloud> !info OpenSSL trusty
[06:37] <ar> oh, nvm, built on: Mon Apr 7 21:22:23 UTC 2014
[06:37] <ubottu> Package OpenSSL does not exist in trusty
[06:38] <michagogo|cloud> What's it called?
[06:38] <ar> !info openssl trusty
[06:38] <ubottu> openssl (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 468 kB, installed size 899 kB
[06:38] <michagogo|cloud> !info openssl trusty
[06:38] <michagogo|cloud> Ah
[06:38] <ar> !info libssl1.0
[06:38] <rww> ar: yeah, the fix got backported :)
[06:38] <ubottu> libssl1.0.0 (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - shared libraries. In component main, is important. Version 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 760 kB, installed size 2700 kB
[06:39] <michagogo|cloud> I guess it happened too late to package g
[06:40] <michagogo|cloud> rww: you seem to appreciate that Bitcoin shouldn't be packaged by Ubuntu
[06:41] <michagogo|cloud> Do you know anything about packaging?
[06:41] <rww> michagogo|cloud: nope, unfortunately not, and I'm fine with leaving it in the repositories and having it go away as people upgrade :P
[06:42] <michagogo|cloud> Aww. I was going to ask if you felt like making the dummy removal packages
[06:43] <michagogo|cloud> I guess now that Trusty's out (or, about to be) hopefully the install base on precise will drop
[06:43] <rww> indeed
[06:44] <michagogo|cloud> Though, will the package be removed on upgrade if someone who installed it upgrades?
[06:45] <rww> i believe so. not 100% sure though
[06:46] <michagogo|cloud> Also, it's probably a good thing that older versions (0.7 and earlier, I think) will *usually* fail to fully sync with the network
[06:46] <michagogo|cloud> Though if I understand correctly the failure is non-deterministic
[06:47] <rww> i thought the blockchain hardforked at some point for older versions? though I don't pay attention enough to know the details
[06:49] <michagogo|cloud> rww: back in March last year
[06:50] <michagogo|cloud> Basically, with version 0.8 we switched from BDB to leveldb for the blockchain index and UTXO database, IIRC
[06:51] <michagogo|cloud> BDB had a bug, that triggered non-deterministically on blocks that changed large numbers of transactions (inputs and/or outputs)
[06:52] <michagogo|cloud> Something to do with a limited number of locks or something
[06:52] <michagogo|cloud> A block that triggered that problem would fail to be validated by 0.7 unless you created some file to reconfigure the maximum number of locks
[06:53] <michagogo|cloud> Leveldb, used in 0.8, didn't have that problem
[06:54] <rww> fun
[06:54] <rww> yeah, for stuff like bitcoind, I have a hard time articulating a reason not to SRU to new major versions except for "it's against policy", which is unfortunate
[06:55] <michagogo|cloud> And because a large portion of the hashpower switched to 0.8 fairly quickly, when one of them mined a block it created a situation where a substantial portion of miners and users created and built on a block which many others rejected
[06:55] <michagogo|cloud> The very definition of a hardfork
[06:58] <michagogo|cloud> So a new version (0.8.1) was rushed out that put a limit on something, set to expire 2 months later
[06:59] <michagogo|cloud> There might have been a new 0.7.x release too that fixed the problem
[07:00] <michagogo|cloud> And then the built-in alert mechanism was activated, linking everyone on affected versions to a page with an explanation
[07:08] <ar> michagogo|cloud: didn't that bdb vs leveldb bug cause a splitchain?
[07:14] <michagogo|cloud> ar: read what I said?
[07:14] <michagogo|cloud> 6:46 UTC and on
[07:15] <michagogo|cloud> (I think 6:46... unless I'm wrong and I'm not on +3
[07:15] <michagogo|cloud> )
[07:17] <ar> ah, yeah
[07:28] <captin> hi all. I just installed the new 14.04 beta 2 on my macbook pro and am very impressed at how well things seem to be working. Am just wanting some advice on requestion a change to the installer. The gui installer still advertises ubuntu one which I believe is closing down? Think this advert should be removed from the future releases.
[07:29] <captin> where would I log that so it is tracked and completed? would hate to have friends installing it and then trying to register for the service etc.
[07:29] <Aki-Thinkpad> captin, beta2 has ended afaik
[07:29] <Aki-Thinkpad> and the release candidate has already removed ubuntu1 afaik
[07:29] <captin> great
[07:29] <captin> thanks
[07:29] <Aki-Thinkpad> So I think you are running an old ubuntu :P
[07:29] <captin> lol
[07:30] <captin> I did the apt-get update and it downloaded a ton
[07:30] <captin> :)
[07:30] <Aki-Thinkpad> Although its great to hear its working on your mac. They aren't exactly linux friendly from what I hear
[07:30] <captin> even the magic mouse is connected etc. the mouse is just super sensitive even on the lowest sensitivity settings
[07:31] <Aki-Thinkpad> See I don't know what a magic mouse is
[07:31] <Aki-Thinkpad> You arent talking about that bar of soap that comes with macs, are you?
[07:32] <captin> lol
[07:32] <captin> the most expensive bar of soap I have ever bought... :)
[07:32] <Aki-Thinkpad> :)
[07:46] <gshmu> Ubuntu 14.04 will released at 4-17, but is no set time. How do I get it as soon as possible
[07:46] <gshmu> and where can i get it ?
[07:47] <rww> gshmu: The final release, or a pre-release beta version?
[07:47] <Aki-Thinkpad> gshmu, Could just get the release candidate.
[07:47] <gshmu> final release
[07:47] <rww> gshmu: you wait until the release is announced, then download it from download.ubuntu.com
[07:48] <gshmu> where can get announced???
[07:48] <gshmu> rww: I'm sorry to ask this
[07:49] <Aki-Thinkpad> There is probably an rss feed, isn't there?
[07:49] <rww> gshmu: It'll be rather obvious in here, #ubuntu, and #ubuntu-release-party, or you can subscribe to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce
[07:49] <gshmu> thanks
[07:49] <Aki-Thinkpad> #ubuntu-release-party +1
[07:50] <rww> well, it's low on people right now since release is still a while away, but yes :)
[07:51] <Aki-Thinkpad> is the release day actually tomorrow? I thought it was going to be the twentiuth?
[07:51] <ggreer> but... what happens to this channel once 14.04 is out? must we all leave?! :o
[07:51] <rww> Aki-Thinkpad: it's the 17th. Ubuntu releases are always on Thursdays
[07:52] <rww> ggreer: usually, it gets set invite-only and forwarded to #ubuntu until at least after the toolchain for ubuntu+2 comes out
[07:52] <ggreer> oh
[07:52] <ggreer> that's not nearly as cool as I hoped
[07:52] <lanoxx> hello, how can I change the maintainer of a package in launchpad? Should i register a bug against the launchpad package?
[07:53] <rww> lanoxx: which package?
[07:56] <lanoxx> rww, tilda
[07:56] <lanoxx> rww, I am the current maintainer in debian
[07:57] <rww> lanoxx: I believe that's under the purview of #ubuntu-motu, might want to ask there.
[07:58] <rww> (#ubuntu+1 is more for end-user discussion and support, not so much archive issues)
[08:11] <Elfuego> cifs username=msusername,password=mspassword, is correct syntax for network share right?
[08:14] <Aki-Thinkpad> This is a common annoyance bug, but I am unsure how to report it.
[08:14] <Aki-Thinkpad> if you use autohide with unity
[08:14] <Aki-Thinkpad> and then you right click somewhere or open a dialogue, and then go to unhide the dock
[08:15] <Aki-Thinkpad> the dock will not let you select anything; it will just hide as soon as you take your mouse away from the screen
[08:15] <Aki-Thinkpad> Someone must have reported this somewhere
[08:25] <Elfuego> Is CIFS Error -13 Authentication or Permission error I cant remember:?
[09:41] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:55] <c10ud> Hi, yesterday I installed trusty on a SSD. I use the nvidia proprietary drivers and the boot is so fast I actually don't need the boot splash (1st world problems). Is plymouth-disabler the recommended package for this job?
[09:58] <c10ud> also, completely unrelated question: fonts in gedit and QtCreator text area look "weird" like they're not getting system fonts' subpixel configuration...known issue? the rest of the programs are fine..
[09:58] <c10ud> (or hinting)
[10:19] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:20] <Elfuego> What ssd did u use?
[10:27] <BluesKaj> no ssd here
[10:33] <euryale> is there an event viewer for ubuntu?
[10:33] <c10ud> Elfuego, cheap kingston 60gb
[10:58] <Elfuego> What u trying to vidw
[11:36] <SorenHolm> Hi
[11:37] <BluesKaj> hi SorenHolm
[11:37] <SorenHolm> Will release be tomorro?
[11:37] <BluesKaj> yes
[11:38] <SorenHolm> BluesKaj: Damn - at lease for the kubuntu part there are some anoying bugs that will just make people pull out their hairs during the easter and not make them happy about the new shiny ubuntu version. I guess the same is the case for the Unity-part.
[11:39] <roasted> updates... brought an amazon icon back on my unity bar.
[11:39] <roasted> that's awesome. or something like that.
[11:39] <roasted> thankfully my online search toggle was left untouched or else I'd be lighting some torches. hardy har. :P
[11:41] <BluesKaj> SorenHolm, so far Kubuntu seems have stabilized on my desktop and laptop, and to which annoying bugs are you referring?
[11:41] <SorenHolm> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1296425
[11:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1296425 in alsa-plugins (Ubuntu) "pulseaudio is started twice - effectively making device management impossible." [High,Confirmed]
[11:41] <SorenHolm> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1307717
[11:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1307717 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "multiple problems with new chromium-browser" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[11:42] <SorenHolm> BluesKaj: but mostly the pulseaudio issue. But I agree that things have stabilized and looks and feels very nice.
[11:43] <BluesKaj> SorenHolm, I haven't encountered either of those.
[11:44] <SorenHolm> BluesKaj: how many pulseaudio instances have you got running now?
[11:45] <Meerkat> I'm having a problem with my laptop on 14.04 xubuntu. The monitor is completely black after unlocking. Is this a known issue?
[11:46] <qengho> SorenHolm: Of that Cr bug, the font size in the _address line_ is huge? Do you have a screenshot?
[11:46] <BluesKaj> SorenHolm, just one instance of pulseaudio, as far as I can tell
[11:46] <brainwash> Meerkat: it is
[11:47] <qengho> Meerkat: does it seem to go back dim after you unlock? Does tapping a key wake the display?
[11:47] <Meerkat> brainwash, is it reported? do you have the bug ID?
[11:48] <brainwash> bug 1259339
[11:48] <ubottu> bug 1259339 in xfce4-power-manager "Xfce4 Power Manager does not restore screen power" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1259339
[11:48] <SorenHolm> BluesKaj: hmmm ... well for the live-image under VirtualBox theres two.
[11:48] <brainwash> which is linked to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-bugs
[11:48] <SorenHolm> qengho: http://sgh.dk/~sgh/chromium-font-size.png
[11:49] <BluesKaj> oops SorenHolm , you're right, system monitor shows 2 pulseaudios
[11:49] <SorenHolm> qengho: It's not HUGE. It's just larger than the previous version. and then in addition the screen is not updates correctly - and icedtea-plugin is not detected.
[11:50] <bartzy> Hello
[11:50] <bartzy> Using Ubuntu 14.04, I cannot login via SSH (public key) to a set of servers (to others I can). However, with the same computer, same network, and Ubuntu 13.10 (live CD), I can login successfully to these servers.
[11:50] <bartzy> Anything changed with 14.04? The SSH client, firewalls, anything ? Any configuration perhaps that the default has changed for it and may cause these issues ?
[11:50] <BluesKaj> normally i just purge pulse because it's not necessary with my HW. SorenHolm
[11:51] <bekks> bartzy: As which user do you try to log in via key auth?
[11:51] <bartzy> bekks: my user on the server.
[11:51] <SorenHolm> BluesKaj: That of cause takes care of it:) ...
[11:52] * BluesKaj proceeds to purge pulseaudio
[11:52] <bekks> bartzy: did you setup ~/.ssh/authorized_keys correctly?
[11:52] <bartzy> bekks: I tried with -vvvv and it seems like it tries my key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa. It gets stuck on debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY, then comes back and fails.
[11:53] <qengho> SorenHolm: About icedtea, it is probably that Chromium upstream is dropping support for the old Netscape Plugin API. It will never come back. PPAPI, "Pepper", is the new way.
[11:53] <SorenHolm> BluesKaj: I ran systemtap to find out that the "false" pulseaudio instance is started by aplay. Why that is run during login is a mystery to me.
[11:53] <bartzy> bekks: Yes. With the same key and the same exact ssh command, I’m able to connect without issues with Ubuntu 13.10, on the same machine.
[11:53] <bartzy> bekks: So it’s not a network issue or a misconfigured sshd or a misconfigured key.
[11:53] <bartzy> bekks: It’s something with 14.04 that has changed and now it’s not working with my setup.
[11:53] <BluesKaj> SorenHolm, did you file a bug ?
[11:53] <SorenHolm> qengho: Well such a change is not somthing to do 3 days before release imho.
[11:54] <qengho> SorenHolm: In a security update a week after release is better?
[11:54] <bekks> bartzy: Doublecheck the MTU used on your 13.10/14.04 servers.
[11:54] <bartzy> bekks: The 13.10/14.04 are not servers
[11:54] <SorenHolm> BluesKaj: yes 1296425
[11:54] <bartzy> bekks: They are clients that try to connect to servers (which are debian wheezy).
[11:54] <BluesKaj> SorenHolm, good
[11:54] <bartzy> What should the MTU be ?
[11:55] <bekks> bartzy: What is the mtu...? :)
[11:55] <bartzy> bekks: Of the client, of the server? of the router ? which one ?:p
[11:55] <bekks> bartzy: Of the clients trying to connect.
[11:55] <bartzy> it’s 1500.
[11:56] <bartzy> bekks: And it’s 1500 on 13.10 (which can connect) and on 14.04 (which can’t connect)
[11:56] <bekks> bartzy: So it's not an MTU issue then.
[11:56] <bartzy> bekks: Seems that it’s not
[11:56] <bartzy> bekks: But I can’t think of what can be different on 14.04 that creates that issue , that does not exist on a 13.10 client ?
[11:56] <bekks> bartzy: Maybe this post helps?: http://superuser.com/questions/699530/git-pull-does-nothing-git-push-just-hangs-debug1-expecting-ssh2-msg-kex-ecd
[11:57] <bartzy> bekks: Give me a second to try that
[11:58] <bartzy> bekks: That’s weird if that’s really the case, but I’ll try.
[12:02] <bartzy> bekks: Nope, still same behavior :|
[12:07] <cebor> hi do nvidia optimus gpus now work correctly on 14.04?
[12:12] <DJones> cebor: Its worked perfectly for me using nvidia-prime
[12:13] <cebor> DJones in 13.10 i dont get the hdmi/display port working wich is wired to the nvidia
[12:13] <cebor> on a ThinkPad T430
[12:14] <DJones> Must admit I've not tried an external screen, I was just happy enough that it worked on my laptop's main screen
[12:20] <ikonia> cebor: I'm using a T430s with intel and a hdmi out
[12:20] <ikonia> the port works fine, I suspect you just need to define it statically in the nvidia created xorg.conf
[12:21] <cebor> yes but then yo cant extend desktop over 2 monitors
[12:21] <cebor> i think my next thinkpad will be an intel only
[12:23] <ikonia> I can extend it on the intel
[12:23] <ikonia> casn you not do it using twinview on nvidia ?
[12:23] <ikonia> twinview spanning mode ?
[12:23] <MannerMan> I have a T430 with nvidia, and using it with a dockingstation - dualscreen works great
[12:23] <ikonia> it still gets an xorg identifier, so I don't see why on paper it shouldn't work
[12:24] <MannerMan> screens connected with DVI and displayport
[12:44] <bartzy> bekks: I found the issue.
[12:45] <bartzy> bekks: The SSH servers I’m unable to connect to are routed through a server in the office. The router of the office sends an ICMP redirect to the client that the host should be found in another router on that LAN
[12:45] <bartzy> bekks: For some reason, 14.04 doesn’t store the ICMP redirect, and keeps asking for the default gateway , which keeps sending an ICMP redirect....
[13:13] <mberlin> Hi there. How final is the repository at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/ ? Will there be major changes until tomorrow?
[13:16] <Pici> major? probably not. Some changes, perhaps. Remember that ISO testing is being done, and any changes that are required for that will result in new uploads.
[13:17] <mberlin> ok. thanks for the info.
[13:44] <andygraybeal> tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
[13:54] <terrasapien> will 14.04 be LTS?
[13:54] <jpds> terrasapien: Yes.
[13:54] <terrasapien> awesome!
[14:08] <CountryfiedLinux> Are 14.04 mirrors available right now or do they wait until after the release is "official"?
[14:08] <Meerkat> CountryfiedLinux, mirrors for what?
[14:09] <Pici> Technically.... yes. But they may not incorporate fixes that get commited due to changes from ISO testing.
[14:09] <CountryfiedLinux> Download mirrors Meerkat
[14:09] <Pici> so.. results may vary.
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[14:22] <Faux> My gnome-shell is using 50+% of a core a load of the time, and it's making the desktop unpleasant. glxinfo http://pastie.org/9085153 . I have a gtx750ti, which only works with beta binary drivers; no noveau so I can't try that. Up to date and rebooted as of an hour ago.
[14:24] <altaryBeastiful_> hi all
[14:24] <altaryBeastiful_> got an apt-get crashes since this morning
[14:24] <altaryBeastiful_> resumed in : http://askubuntu.com/questions/448575/apt-get-crashes-with-relocation-error-libapt-pkg-so-4-12
[14:25] <altaryBeastiful_> basically any apt-get command crashes
[14:25] <angch> altaryBeastiful_, which versions of apt and libapt-pkg (?) running?
[14:26] <angch> fwiw, i'm on 14.04, and apt is on 1.0.1ubuntu2 and libapt-pkg4.12:amd64 is on 1.0.1ubuntu2
[14:26] <altaryBeastiful_> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/V9RhhMYY
[14:26] <altaryBeastiful_> angch: there you go
[14:27] <angch> altaryBeastiful_, can you check /var/log/dpkg.log and see when was the last time you installed any apt related?
[14:27] <angch> md5sum `which apt`
[14:28] <angch> I have db5b5f7d75c414bfcea038c748176a3c
[14:28] * Faux confirms a db5b5f7d75c414bfcea038c748176a3c.
[14:29] <altaryBeastiful_> db5b5f7d75c414bfcea038c748176a3c
[14:29] * altaryBeastiful_ confirmed
[14:29] <altaryBeastiful_> angch: I got this : 2014-04-11 09:54:15 upgrade apt:amd64 1.0.1ubuntu2
[14:29] <qengho> altaryBeastiful_: do you have gdb installed?
[14:29] <altaryBeastiful_> seems to be most recent from log
[14:30] <qengho> Or maybe strace?
[14:30] <angch> altaryBeastiful_, dunno the symbol DDDD thing looks wierd. libc6 prolly like in #ubuntu
[14:30] <altaryBeastiful_> qengho: ho yeah, never tought that ^^
[14:30] <altaryBeastiful_> ill get on it
[14:30] <bekks> the libc6 is one version of - so thats the reason most likely.
[14:30] <bekks> *off
[14:30] <altaryBeastiful_> okay im gonna manually update libc6 with .deb
[14:31] <altaryBeastiful_> get back to you after
[14:35] <angch> altaryBeastiful_, check your libapt-pkg4.12:amd64 as well.
[14:36] <angch> wierd, coz if libc6 is really broken, dpkg shouldn't be able to run properly.
[14:37] <altaryBeastiful_> angch: got
[14:37] <altaryBeastiful_> ii libapt-pkg4.12:amd64 1.0.1ubuntu2 amd64 package management runtime library
[14:37] <bekks> It isnt broken - it is just not the version the latest libapt is linked against.
[14:37] <altaryBeastiful_> update libc6 manually with no result
[14:37] <angch> md5sum /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libapt-pkg.so.4.12 ?
[14:37] <altaryBeastiful_> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/UmIzL0Xf
[14:38] <altaryBeastiful_> angch: 13f149b4ef2edfc3fc467d1afa721406 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libapt-pkg.so.4.12
[14:38] <angch> 18dc7a032a43de12e9896d63ab3c5670
[14:38] <angch> ah......
[14:38] <angch> find, download and reinstall that one.
[14:39] <aneks> the official release date for 14.04 is the 17th of April?
[14:39] <altaryBeastiful_> okay
[14:40] <altaryBeastiful_> angch: that was it
[14:41] <angch> yay! funny how it got installed in the first place.
[14:41] <sydneyJDykstra> What is the time that Trusty will be realeased?
[14:41] <altaryBeastiful_> i dunno how my libapt got corrupted
[14:41] <altaryBeastiful_> well I'll answer my question on askubuntu in case anybody else gets this
[14:42] <angch> sydneyJDykstra, over on #ubuntu-mirrors: "I don't think it's been nailed down to a specific time yet, but I would expect sometime in the early (UK) afternoon."
[14:42] <altaryBeastiful_> thanks guys, learned some package knowledge today ;)
[14:42] <qengho> altaryBeastiful_: also:
[14:42] <qengho> for f in /var/lib/dpkg/info/{apt,libapt*}.md5sums; do cat $f |while read repohexdig checkingfile; do actually=$(md5sum /$checkingfile |cut -b -32); test "$repohexdig" == "$actually" || echo $f $checkfile; done; done
[14:42] <sydneyJDykstra> angch: Not midnight?
[14:43] <altaryBeastiful_> qengho: and thats for checking md5sums?
[14:43] <angch> sydneyJDykstra, dunno, /me just relaying what i was told. even the .iso has not been updated since beta2.
[14:43] <qengho> altaryBeastiful_: change that "{apt,libapt*}" to * to check for other packages' problems.
[14:43] <qengho> I wrote a poor-man's "debsums".
[14:43] <altaryBeastiful_> qengho: nice, im gisting it
[14:43] <sydneyJDykstra> angch: It hasn't? I thought you could still get the daily build?
[14:45] <angch> sydneyJDykstra, well, that's what we see from our mirror. tons of new .deb updates streaming in, but no new .iso
[14:45] <sydneyJDykstra> angch: According to this they keep updating it. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/
[14:46] <sydneyJDykstra> angch: But they haven't updated it? Thats queer.
[14:46] <angch> sydneyJDykstra, ah ok, we're not monitoring the daily build then.
[14:46] <angch> different release channels.
[14:46] <Ekushey> another 24 hours or so for 14.04?
[14:47] <sydneyJDykstra> angch: You are not looking at the daily build?
[14:47] <angch> sydneyJDykstra, nope. just the releases. (i upgraded from 12.04 anyway, seldom reinstall)
[14:48] <utusan> sydneyJDykstra: no updates means it's ready to go
[14:49] <sydneyJDykstra> angch: Did ubuntu 13.10 use noveau drivers?
[14:49] <utusan> once it's released, the updates will be pushed
[14:49] <angch> sydneyJDykstra, i've no idea. i'm an LTS guy.
[14:49] <utusan> nouveau is used if necessary
[14:51] <sydneyJDykstra> angch: Well I am a LTS guy to,and I want to upgrade to ubuntu trusty tommorow,but the defult nouveau drivers don't work with my graphics card. 12.04 worked fine,but trusty I have to use the nomodeset option,and I didn't know if when you upgrade ubuntu is replaces the drivers.
[14:53] <utusan> nomodeset disable nouveau, and it will use nvidia ( better be there or else no gui)
[14:54] <angch> come to think of it... don't even have nvidia cards.
[14:54] <sydneyJDykstra> But cannot it keep using the drivers I have already in 12.04? I just don't want to restart and have to fix that.
[15:04] <sydneyJDykstra> Acording to this it should not be to hard to fix if I need to fix it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132
[15:13] <sydneyJDykstra> Has anyone here had to use nomodeset?
[15:15] <kern> I can't redis to autostart
[15:15] <kern> I use the vagrant cloud-image
[15:15] <utack> does 14.04 boot faster than 13.10? i have the feeling it does
[15:15] <kern> the /etc/init.d/redis-server is there
[15:16] <kern> update.rc says it everything is okay
[15:16] <kern> but when i boot it just isn't running
[15:16] <kern> what do?
[15:17] <sydneyJDykstra> utack: probobly. ;)
[15:17] <utack> sydneyJDykstra, yeh
[15:18] <sydneyJDykstra> utack: I havent installed it yet,but from what I hear....
[15:18] <utack> i have a feeling. hard times to be determined
[15:18] <angch> Can't tell the boot speed from 12.04 to 14.04. Feels the same. Fast.
[15:19] <angch> (helps to have ssd)
[15:19] <utack> i have one too. so if my feeling is about 2sec off, i was wrong
[15:19] <utack> but i know the 13.10 time for my notebook and will check again after installing
[15:19] <kern> how can i figure out why an init script is not executed?
[15:20] <utack> seriously what in the hell is os prober doing. a blank ssd and it takes around 3 minutes and is still working...
[15:22] <sydneyJDykstra> utack: Ha Ha HA. ;)
[15:22] <Quitifolen> hola
[15:23] <sydneyJDykstra> Quitifolen: Hello!!
[15:23] <Quitifolen> hi sydneyJDykstra
[15:23] <sydneyJDykstra> Quitifolen: isn't my nick Sydney? or does it show up to you as sydneyJDykstra?
[15:24] <Quitifolen> it is show so
[15:25] <sydneyJDykstra> Quitifolen: oh. ;)
[15:25] <Quitifolen> you can not see your complete nick?
[15:26] <sydneyJDykstra> Quitifolen: no,just wondering.
[15:27] <Quitifolen> oic
[15:28] <utack> sydneyJDykstra, likely stuck. killed it and formatted the ssd with a fresh gpt table. took around 10sec after that
[15:28] <sydneyJDykstra> utack: Good. :)
[15:51] <jje> has libc been updated lately? last i checked (2 days ago) ubuntu 14.04 would not run folding@home.
[15:56] <forest> Hi, I'm having trouble compiling a kernel with make-kpkg in 14.04 beta2. I've tried posting in the forums, but I get no response. I'm wondering if someone can help me with this or point me to a better place to post my question.
[16:03] <sakang> try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile
[16:04] <sakang> what exactly is your problem? not promising anything but I might be of help
[16:05] <BluesKaj> !kernel
[16:05] <ubottu> The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)
[16:07] <BluesKaj> sakang, compiling a kernel for a dev OS is risky and isn't necessary as the bot info says.
[16:08] <sakang> BluesKaj: what are you talking about?
[16:10] <BluesKaj> sakanI guess there's no point warning you with that attitude
[16:10] <BluesKaj> sakang,^
[16:15] <Greylocks> So if I downloaded beta2 in March and updated today can I just update again after release or will I have to download the iso after release?
[16:16] <trism> Greylocks: just update and you will be on final when it is out
[16:16] <sakang> update everyday and you should be fine
[16:16] <Greylocks> trism: sakang Thank you
[16:17] <sakang> actually the iso will be outdated once the 'held' updates come out after release
[16:18] <kern> I just remove an echo statement from /etc/init.d/redis-server and now it starts
[16:19] <kern> what's the best way to report this issue?
[16:21] <trism> kern: ubuntu-bug redis-server
[16:27] <BluesKaj> Greylocks, make sure you dist-upgrade as well.
[16:28] <Greylocks> BluesKaj: Will do thanks.
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[17:02] <quem> hm, installed ubuntu server 14.04 on an old laptop.
[17:02] <quem> closing the lid suspends it.
[17:03] <quem> how would i disable that?
[17:03] <quem> solved it.
[17:03] <Pici> yay
[17:16] <stego> has anyone got problems with the latest chromium update on ubuntu 14.04? it changed layout and it doesn't fit in unity anymore. or alternatively, could anybody recommend some steps to report this?
[17:19] <CrazySurfer> hey guys... Ubuntu One came with ubuntu 13.10 installed by default the thing is that the ubuntu 14.04 doesn't come with it.. I know ubuntu one will no longer be supported but I would like to take my files out of there.. I haven't seen any way of installing it in ubuntu 14.04 any ideas? :)
[17:20] <rewbycraft> Web interface? ubuntuone.com
[17:20] <trism> stego: like bug 1308310 ?
[17:20] <ubottu> bug 1308310 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "[regression] Gtk+ settings ignored for icons on bookmark bar and font sizes of bookmark bar and menus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308310
[17:21] <trism> stego: looks like they enabled aura which would explain the issues
[17:21] <stego> sorry, but what is aura? a new browser engine?
[17:22] <stego> it looks like this: https://cdn.mediacru.sh/dhnuGWbYDDSF.png
[17:22] <trism> stego: yeah chromium draws all the ui itself with aura which is why everything looks kind of weird
[17:22] <CrazySurfer> rewbycraft: the problem is that it allows me to download just files.. not complete folders.. I'll be downloading for years
[17:23] <stego> do you notice the sharp edge between top bar and window? also, there is an 'a' over the settings icon.. i suppose it stands for aura, am i right?
[17:23] <rewbycraft> CrazySurfer: Exactly how much did you have in there? Also, you could easily just install virtualbox and run a 12.04 or 13.10 vm to download your stuff.
[17:23] <trism> stego: they enabled it on the chrome dev channel for a while and it was terrible I switched back to stable which still doesn't have it fortunately (although I'm sure it'll be here soon)
[17:23] <CrazySurfer> rewbycraft: 952MB
[17:23] <stego> what can we do?
[17:23] <CrazySurfer> lots of files
[17:24] <CrazySurfer> I guess I'll ask my dad for his windows pc to download them with the windows client :(!
[17:24] <rewbycraft> CrazySurfer: I generally make sure to keep a VM of a stable version when running a beta.
[17:24] <rewbycraft> CrazySurfer: Just in case I need something that isn't ported yet. It's not very hard, takes ~20 min to setup and very handy.
[17:25] <stego> trism, is it probable that it will be "fixed" / patched ? or what can we do?
[17:25] <CrazySurfer> I just don't like virtual machines.. I don't know why.. anyway 14.04 is no longer a beta
[17:25] <rewbycraft> CrazySurfer: Another option would be to see if you can install the saucy version on 14.04
[17:26] <CrazySurfer> where can i find it?
[17:26] <rewbycraft> CrazySurfer: I did that with a couple programs. Not everything'll work but the general stuff usually will.
[17:26] <rewbycraft> CrazySurfer: One sec, i'll look.
[17:26] <CrazySurfer> wait
[17:26] <CrazySurfer> seems kind of difficult
[17:26] <CrazySurfer> I guess I'll just ask my dad haha
[17:26] <rewbycraft> Crazy: Let me try on my VMs.
[17:27] <trism> stego: I'm sure the issues will shake out over time, I would say they could just disable aura but it looks like they want touch support which apparently requires it
[17:27] <rewbycraft> Crazy: I'll make sure it's safe and help you to do it.
[17:28] <stego> trism, should i switch to firefox now.. ? this is kinda lame.. do you know a way to disable it?
[17:28] <trism> stego: I believe you would have to rebuild to disable it, and it isn't a really nice build
[17:29] <trism> stego: it still isn't enabled in chrome-stable, that's what I'm using, if you don't mind using the closed version, but I don't know how long that will last either
[17:29] <stego> trism, well ok. that's sad.. thanks for answering me all the questions..
[17:32] <rewbycraft> CrazySurfer: Running the installs now on the VM. Almost have an answer for you.
[17:32] <CrazySurfer> :)
[17:32] <CrazySurfer> thanks
[17:36] <exalt> hello, has anyone noticed wireshark doesnt work on 14.04 -> https://dpaste.de/8x94
[17:51] <trism> exalt: wow that is pretty broken bug 1248400
[17:51] <ubottu> bug 1248400 in wireshark (Ubuntu) "Wireshark hangs, spewing Gtk errors" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1248400
[17:53] <trism> exalt: the workaround works though: LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 wireshark;
[17:54] <exalt> trism: ty
[17:58] <rewbycraft> CrazySurfer: I'm very sorry. I really tried (and broke one of my VMs) but I couldn't get it to work. The dependencies of the program are a rabbit hole even *I* am not going down. (And I've recompiled QT twice to make something work.)
[18:02] <MaxSan> Can anyone help me get back my tray icons?
[18:02] <CrazySurfer> rewbycraft: Ok, doesn't matter... I'll ask my dad :)
[18:02] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: You have a screenshot?
[18:02] <rewbycraft> CrazySurfer: Ah. Oh well. I tried.
[18:02] <MaxSan> no, I mean actually new tray icons
[18:02] <rewbycraft> MaxSan?
[18:02] <rewbycraft> *: ?
[18:02] <CrazySurfer> rewbycraft: yes.. Thanks anyway! ;)!
[18:02] <MaxSan> If a new app wants a tray icons, how do i let it add it?
[18:03] <rewbycraft> CrazySurfer: No problem.
[18:03] <MaxSan> rewbycraft
[18:03] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: It doesn't do that on it's own?
[18:03] <MaxSan> no Unity blocked tray icons
[18:03] <rewbycraft> Erm... It shouldn't.
[18:03] <MaxSan> you cant even change the whitelist anymore
[18:03] <MaxSan> i just want to whitelist all applications
[18:03] <MaxSan> but its been blocked
[18:04] <MaxSan> like this question here
[18:04] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: Let me just get an app that adds tray icons. I've been meaning to reinstall skype anyways.
[18:04] <MaxSan> http://askubuntu.com/questions/362135/how-to-re-enable-tray-icons-for-applications-in-ubuntu-13-10
[18:04] <MaxSan> it maybe on the whitelist
[18:05] <MaxSan> i want to run Moneychanger (systry *required*)
[18:05] <MaxSan> and OAST i think is accessible from the tray as I cant seem to open my current VPN connection
[18:05] <MaxSan> I said this was stupid in #ubuntu and they banned me from the channel lol
[18:06] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: Gimme one sec to verify. If it doesn't work then yes, that would be stupid.
[18:06] <MaxSan> atleast someone agrees :D
[18:07] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: Nope. Skype works fine. Maybe the program is doing something weird. Can you run it from terminal and see if it throws up any errors?
[18:08] <MaxSan> skype is probabaly whitelisted
[18:08] <MaxSan> thats why
[18:08] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: Try running in terminal. If it's not whitelisted it should error out. Also, skype vanishes when set to DND mode. What the ...
[18:08] <MaxSan> whats DND mode?
[18:09] <MaxSan> these applications work fine
[18:09] <rewbycraft> Do Not Desturb
[18:09] <mathuin> do not disturb?
[18:09] <MaxSan> wait a sec got a linux mint machine
[18:09] <MaxSan> il compare pidgin on it
[18:09] <MaxSan> its a good example i think
[18:09] <rewbycraft> Never mind. A reboot (or two) fixed it.
[18:10] <MaxSan> ok so skype is deff whitelsited
[18:10] <MaxSan> i have pidgin running on both liux mint and unity
[18:10] <rewbycraft> I'm not sure if there is a whitelist anymore even.
[18:10] <MaxSan> linux mint has a tray icon, ubuntu does not
[18:10] <rewbycraft> Lemme check the unity source.
[18:11] <MaxSan> either way pidgin as an example works perfectly on both computers
[18:11] <rewbycraft> Okay, there is a whitelist. But only Java and Wine are on it.
[18:13] <MaxSan> hmmmm
[18:13] <MaxSan> im slightly confused then lol
[18:13] <MaxSan> where you finding this whitelist?
[18:13] <rewbycraft> Source code.
[18:13] <MaxSan> link?
[18:13] <rewbycraft> unity/panel/PanelTray.cpp
[18:14] <rewbycraft> I'll find the link, one sec.
[18:14] <MaxSan> gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"
[18:15] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/view/head:/panel/PanelTray.cpp
[18:16] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: Sorry for the delay. I have a local copy which was quicker to search than the online one.
[18:16] <MaxSan> np i thought you found online
[18:17] <rewbycraft> There seems to be a log for rejected tray icons. Lemme find where it's at.
[18:18] <MaxSan> the applications I use require this. most data is not accessible any other way. very odd to remove =/
[18:21] <rewbycraft> I'm not sure why they removed it. If you really needed it you could also patch unity to make PanelTray::FilterTray always return true
[18:25] <MaxSan> How do i go about doing on the on my current OS?
[18:25] <rewbycraft> Your current OS being what?
[18:25] <MaxSan> 14.04
[18:26] <mbruzek> Is there a pastebin for screen shots that I can use on this channel?
[18:26] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: There's a page on the wiki: https://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unity/
[18:26] <MooDoo> !pastebin
[18:26] <ubottu> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[18:26] <MooDoo> mbruzek: that help?
[18:26] <MaxSan> excellent thanks very much
[18:26] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: Just edit the file and see if it works I guess.
[18:26] <MaxSan> you have been a star
[18:27] <mbruzek> Thanks MooDoo
[18:27] <MooDoo> yw
[18:27] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: I'm rebuilding it myself to see if it changes anything.
[18:27] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: Be advised, it'll take a while.
[18:27] <MaxSan> but as i need to reocmpile it, is there an issue with replacing it as its currently running?
[18:27] <MaxSan> if that makes any sense lol
[18:28] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: See the "Running Unity" on the wiki page I linked. (PS you can skip recompiling nux)
[18:28] <MaxSan> thanks il give it a try once I sort a few things
[18:29] <MaxSan> again you have been a great help. thanks.
[18:29] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: I'll pastebin my edited file for you in a sec.
[18:30] <MaxSan> cheers
[18:30] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: http://pastebin.com/wSehzM5M
[18:31] <rewbycraft> MaxSan: Just replace panel/PanelTray.cpp in the unity source. I'm not sure if it'll work. But it should disable the whitelist so you can see if that's the problem.
[19:25] <Faux> Did upgrading to 14.04 fuck up my ntfs partition, or did Windows do it to itself? We may never know.
[19:26] <rewbycraft> Maybe both? Maybe zoidberg.
[19:26] <Faux> In/deed/ily.
[19:26] <BluesKaj> Faux, did you run sudo update-grub after installing ubuntu?
[19:27] <rewbycraft> Or boot-repair.
[19:28] <Faux> It boots, but late into the boot BSODs inside the ntfs driver.
[19:28] <rewbycraft> How do you know it's the NTFS driver?
[19:29] <Faux> The BSOD cclaims as such.
[19:29] <rewbycraft> Ah.
[19:29] <rewbycraft> Never knew there was a BSOD error code for that.
[19:29] <rewbycraft> Any other particulars the BSOD revealed?
[19:30] <BluesKaj> Faux, I see you're running irssi so grub must have booted, run sudo upodate grub in the virtual terminal/tty
[19:30] <Faux> This is a different machine, I'm waiting for it to fsck.
[19:31] <BluesKaj> bsod might be the gpt unable load windows
[19:31] <BluesKaj> to load
[19:31] <rewbycraft> If you have another Windows machine you may be able to add the hdd with the broken ntfs partition to that machine and have it boot the working drive and have windows fix the broken partition.
[19:34] <BluesKaj> Faux, did you use manual partitioning duringh the install ?
[19:41] <Faux> BluesKaj: Old install, just uprgraded to 14.04 today. No intentional mounting of the partition at all.
[19:41] <rewbycraft> Hmm. Did you check the HDD for bad sectors?
[19:42] <Faux> It's fscking itself perfectly fine. It could just be windows, but it's a bit suspicious. The fsck progress is lumpy, which isn't encouraging.
[19:42] <rewbycraft> Define 'lumpy'
[19:42] <Faux> 1% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 5% 6%.
[19:43] <rewbycraft> That can be normal. Mine does that even on my ext partition. It really depends on HDD usage.
[19:43] <Faux> It's an ssd, too.
[19:43] <rewbycraft> Oh...
[19:44] <rewbycraft> Do you have the exact bsod error code for us?
[19:44] <Faux> NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM. I've got loads of things to try before panicing, don't worry. :)
[19:45] <rewbycraft> Doesn't it usually give a set of hex error codes as well?
[19:45] <Faux> Not anymore!
[19:45] <rewbycraft> Windows 8?
[19:46] <Faux> Yeah.
[19:46] <rewbycraft> How much ram?
[19:47] <Faux> 32gb.
[19:47] <rewbycraft> Hmm. That isn't the issue then.
[19:47] <rewbycraft> Can you still mount it in linux?
[19:47] <Faux> It seems to mount fine in the windows recovery console, let alone linux.
[19:48] <rewbycraft> If you have a recovery partition (which windows usually has) then you might be able to let windows' own fsck handle it.
[19:48] <Faux> It is!
[19:48] <rewbycraft> Ah.
[19:48] <rewbycraft> Sorry, that fact wasn't clear to me.
[19:49] <Faux> I wasn't clear; I can't really type on this silly keyboard.
[19:49] <rewbycraft> No problem.
[19:51] <rewbycraft> According to the ms page at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff557433%28v=vs.85%29.aspx there can be a number of causes. Does any of these sound like something that might've happenend to you?
[20:02] <johnjohn101> how do i report what seems to be a samba change in tahr?
[20:03] <rewbycraft> johnjohn101: Depends on what changed.
[20:03] <johnjohn101> 13.10, guest access, i can net use from windows and it returns immediately. in 14.04, i'm asked for a username/password. doen't matter what i put in and i get access.
[20:05] <rewbycraft> Can't log in with <windowspcname>\<windowspcusername> and your windows password?
[20:06] <johnjohn101> i can log in with both. just need an extra step in 14.04 that wasn't there in 13.10
[20:07] <johnjohn101> ok, maybe it was the first time only
[20:07] <johnjohn101> works now. weird
[20:07] <rewbycraft> Does it work now?
[20:07] <rewbycraft> Never mind. You ninja'd me.
[20:08] <johnjohn101> was weird that it prompted me for a password. i'm sure samba 4 will break some stuff
[20:08] <rewbycraft> It works now because samba stored your password for this session. If you reboot it'll ask for the password again.
[20:08] <johnjohn101> let me try that with 13.10
[20:08] <rewbycraft> If you want it to just automount you can always do this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently
[20:10] <johnjohn101> 13.10 didn't make me reenter password on reboot
[20:11] <johnjohn101> anyway to recycle samba without a system reboot?
[20:11] <rewbycraft> Maybe it saved it. Isn't there a checkbox for that?
[20:11] <johnjohn101> just doing it through nautilus.
[20:12] <rewbycraft> Maybe you're experiencing this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/96791/network-share-remember-forever-option-doesnt-work
[20:15] <johnjohn101> rewbycraft: yeah, restarted the service, made me reenter userid/password
[20:15] <rewbycraft> Tried the advise of the link?
[20:16] <johnjohn101> but not in 13.10. didn't require me to do this. both set up the same with guest access. seahorse doesn't have anything for me to look at. I'm sure it's a samba difference 3 -> 4
[20:17] <rewbycraft> Hmm. What is sharing it?
[20:17] <johnjohn101> http://askubuntu.com/questions/258284/setting-up-an-anonymous-public-samba-share-to-be-accessed-via-windows-7-and-xbmc
[20:17] <johnjohn101> something like that
[20:19] <rewbycraft> This is bringing back bad memories of trying to make a win 8 machine access a share from my fileserver (samba share).
[20:20] <rewbycraft> They might've changed something with samba, yes. But mounting on ubuntu is handled by GVFS.
[20:21] <johnjohn101> file is slightly different between versions
[20:22] <rewbycraft> I know this is a post about Linux Mint, but the method should be roughly the same for linux. And it'll automount which is a bonus. http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=42713
[20:22] <rewbycraft> *linux=ubuntu linux
[20:24] <johnjohn101> rewbycraft: it really doesn't matter to me but it will make a diff for a noob
[20:24] <rewbycraft> Probably yeah.
[20:24] <johnjohn101> just where do you think i should report the bug? launchpad and under what category?
[20:24] <rewbycraft> I just find it weird that there's no (functional) 'remember login' button.
[20:26] <rewbycraft> If you're going to report it, then I guess to either GVFS or nautilus on launchpad. Anyways, I gotta get going. See y'all later.
[20:26] <johnjohn101> thx, last day of this board!!
[20:32] <Faux> Seems that the backups drive, the only other drive in the machine, has just died. Nothing will read it at all now. How inconvenient.
[20:35] <CountryfiedLinux> hey y'all
[20:35] <CountryfiedLinux> Wlll Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, and Ubuntu Gnome be released tomorrow also?
[20:36] <johnjohn101> CountryfiedLinux: #ubuntu-release-party will get you started
[20:36] <k1l> CountryfiedLinux: yes.
[20:36] <CountryfiedLinux> johnjohn101: Is that a yes or no? I gotta leave real soon.
[20:36] <CountryfiedLinux> ok thanks k1l
[20:36] <johnjohn101> most likely yes. 98% chance, jmo
[20:56] <mhall119> man, it seems like just yesterday I closed this channel's window because it was post-release...my how time flies
[20:57] <k1l> :)
[21:10] <rberg_> hmm.. I keep getting Segmentation faults from svn..
[21:19] <rberg_> looking at strace it looks like its trying to open kwallet (I am running kde)
[22:02] <jesper__> hello people
[22:02] <jesper__> I have an issue with my current 14.04 install
[22:02] <jesper__> seems the kde-standard package is broken?
[22:03] <jesper__> it is unable to install due do dependency issues
[22:03] <rohan> ubottu: isitoutyet
[22:03] <ubottu> Not yet! It's due out some time on the 17th :)
[22:03] <rohan> meh isn't it already 17th in the uk?
[22:03] <rohan> no it isn't
[22:04] <k1l> !party | rohan
[22:04] <ubottu> rohan: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/
[22:04] <rohan> k1l: thanks!
[22:11] <sakang> jesper__: if that's show stopper for kubuntu, check it with #kubuntu-devel
[23:03] <ChibaPet> rberg_: Welcome to my consistent, unvarying experience when running anything related to KDE.
[23:36] <rohan> rberg_: what are you trying to do with svn /
[23:59] <altaryBeastiful_> Is oit the right place for bug about unity on 14.04 ?