UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /16 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Ahmuck> i don't know if this is IRC program specific or all IRC programs
[00:00] <Ahmuck> however, for whatever reason the syntax of "ubuntu-es" works fine (and does not grab the quotes.
[00:01] <holstein> im not following
[00:01] <Ahmuck> placing the info as "ubuntu-es"; would work
[00:01] <holstein> i use the *exact* syntax of the command tha ti use to join, and that the link the bot gave suggests
[00:01] <Ahmuck> it has to do with how the IRC client is reading the syntax of the help
[00:02] <holstein> i used /join #ubuntu-es, and i joined that channel. it worked, and i chatted in there
[00:02] <Ahmuck> nm
[00:02] <Ahmuck> forget about it
[00:02] <Ahmuck> i need to move on to other things
[08:29] <Snicksie> hiya, is there any way to configure the lubuntu panel so it looks more like unity? I like to integrate the application launcher and the task bar into one, is that possible?
[08:30] <Snicksie> I already put the panel on the left and activated icon only :)
[08:32] <Snicksie> also, is it possible to make only the launch bar & task bar icons larger instead of all icons?
[08:38] <JohnDoe_71Rus> Snicksie: you can try some dock, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/you-choose-the-best-dock-for-ubuntu-poll
[08:40] <Snicksie> good idea, seems exactly what I'm looking for JohnDoe_71Rus , thanks!
[12:25] <Hamp> Hello, anyone here?
[12:26] <Hamp> Can someone help me with a simple question
[12:26] <Hamp> Is the new lubuntu 14.04 lts be able to download as NON pae?
[12:36] <leszek> Hamp: I heard there was a version in testing on the mailinglist but I don't nothing concrete about it
[12:37] <Hamp> mkay, cuz I've an old Ibm t42 that's not have a supported kernel
[12:38] <Hamp> Been googling around which distro should run best, and lubuntu seems to be it. 12.04 tho "newest" lts
[12:39] <leszek> Hamp: no one stops you from using the old kernel with the new release or recompiling the 14.04 kernel without pae
[12:43] <Hamp> Leszek: Oh, well that's out off my intelligence :P
[12:44] <Hamp> I've no idea how to do that.
[12:45] <leszek> Hamp: as I am reading the mailinglist there seems to be a forcepae bootoption that might work for you
[12:45] <leszek> also with the pae image
[12:48] <leszek> Hamp: here you find more information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE
[12:57] <Hamp> Leszek: Wow, that seems pretty easily done. Will try that when I am home, thanks alot for the tip :)
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[17:32] <chulis> a laptop with 4 gb ram with intel pentium ¿how many swap do you recomend?
[17:32] <Meerkat> chulis, 4 gigs
[17:36] <chulis> 4 gb of swap?
[17:38] <Meerkat> yes.
[17:40] <chulis> but ram is faster ¿can i install without any swap?
[17:45] <Meerkat> You can install without swap. I recommend 4 gb of swap on a laptop because of hibernation/sleep/suspension/whatever it is called. The computer will not run slower with swap. RAM is always used first.
[17:45] <Meerkat> swap should equal the amount of RAM on a laptop.
[21:00] <DrChill> Hiyo all, about when will 14.04 Lubuntu ship?
[21:02] <DrChill> Or just tomorrow with normal ubuntu?
[21:02] <pleia2> tomorrow with normal ubuntu
[21:03] <DrChill> pleia2: Cool :)
[21:03] <DrChill> ty
[22:18] <Junior> Hello !!
[22:20] <Junior> Hi
[22:20] <Junior> help-me?
[22:21] <pleia2> Junior: this channel is all support, so feel free to go ahead and ask your question :)
[22:22] <Junior> thank you =)
[22:22] <Junior> I speak Portuguese, so forgive my English
[22:23] <Junior> I'm having problems with the package manager Lubuntu
[22:24] <Junior> I put the command as root # apt-get update, and it returns error ...
[22:24] <Junior> http://titanpad.com/m4Cohh2BBs
[22:25] <Junior> pad containing the error it returns, it shows that after reaching some links
[22:25] <pleia2> might want to ask in #ubuntu-pt
[22:25] <pleia2> since the errors aren't in english :\
[22:27] <Junior> In English, placed as it is there, but thanks for the tip, I'll try to contact them also
[22:55] <Junior> Olá, gostaria de dizer que consegui resolver o problema ... obrigadoHello, I would say it could solve the problem ... thanks
[23:28] <Junior> http://gildasio.net/blog/2014/04/resolvido-gerenciador-de-pacotes-do-lubuntu/