UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /16 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:47] <ScottK> shadeslayer: Why did you not apply the patch you sent upstream?
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
[04:48] <jussi> so my Kontact on 14.04 suddenly wont start. running it from CLI gets "QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
[04:48] <jussi> "
[04:55] <facorread> Hello, neither adobe-flashplugin or flashplugin-installer work in chromium-34.0.1847.116-0ubuntu2 released hours ago for kubuntu 14.04 LTS.
[04:55] <facorread> Any of you with the same problem?
[04:56] <jussi> facorread: check with people in #ubuntu+1
[04:56] <facorread> I created symbolic links to libflashplayer.so at /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins and also peppers, but the browser does not report a Flash plugin present
[04:57] <facorread> OK I will, thanks.
[04:57] <jussi> but you might find the next few hours is a bit of a quiet time
[05:00] <jussi> I guess somethign just got confused. kmail working now after a reboot
[05:00] <ScottK> facorread: I believe it's a known issue with the chromium API, but the decision was that was better than releasing with a known vulnerable browser.
[05:00] <ScottK> Nothing Kubuntu specific though.
[05:02] <facorread> I see; kpartsplugin has the same problem, but both work well on Firefox. Thanks for your help.
[06:02] <jussi> bah, Kontact has done it again.
[06:02] <jussi> so, this repeats - not sure why yet though
[06:30] <jussi> Seems even when Kontact is closed, some process is remaining - a stuck one. killall kontact and then restarting fixes it. at least for now...
[06:32] <valorie> maybe baloo was indexing?
[06:32] <jussi> valorie: that would suck.
[06:33] <valorie> did you try top to see what was going on?
[06:40] <jussi> no
[06:41] <valorie> might be helpful next time
[06:41] <valorie> I keep having to use top because asquiiaquarium keeps acting up, and I keep having to kill one or two of them
[08:19] <Riddell> random e-mail du jour, not sure this guy quite gets the idea of community contributions http://paste.ubuntu.com/7260166/
[08:22] <valorie> any good salesman tries to give you something right up front
[08:22] <valorie> so you feel obligated to reciprocate
[08:22] <valorie> one reason I love this place instead of the commercial space
[08:37] <shadeslayer> ScottK: unapproved by upstream, and I waited quite a bit for them to ack the patch, but didn't get a reply, so it was decided to revert the QString changes
[08:37] <shadeslayer> good morning
[08:44] <Riddell> shadeslayer: did you work out if vgezer thought it was fixed?
[08:44] <shadeslayer> whaaa
[08:45] <shadeslayer> Riddell: I don't follow
[08:55] <Riddell> shadeslayer: he said 00:17 < vgezer> still exists
[08:55] <Riddell> and also 00:40 < vgezer> Riddell: yay!! thanks apachelogger :)
[08:55] <Riddell> so I'm not sure if he thought it was fixed or not
[08:55] <Riddell> guess i can just try in my best turkish
[08:55] <apachelogger> Riddell: it is fixed
[08:56] <shadeslayer> ^^
[08:56] <Riddell> yay
[08:57] <Quintasan> Riddell: On it.
[09:03] <Riddell> Quintasan: great. on what?
[09:03] <Quintasan> ISO testing obviously :P
[09:04] <Riddell> yay!
[09:14] <apachelogger> Riddell: do you have a script to convert moinmoin to html for the announcement ?
[09:16] <Riddell> apachelogger: I've always just done it manually before
[09:16] <apachelogger> you are too brave :O
[09:16] <Riddell> but the question is do we put it on the new site or the old
[09:16] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: how's that going?
[09:17] <apachelogger> do we have a migration plan for the new one?
[09:17] <Riddell> "Michał Zając (quintasan) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members (kubuntu-members) team until 2015-04-23" yay Quintasan still loves us!
[09:17] <Riddell> apachelogger: ping sysadmin to change the dns?
[09:17] <Riddell> what else needs done?
[09:17] <apachelogger> that's already plenty
[09:17] <Quintasan> apachelogger: pandoc can't do this?
[09:17] <apachelogger> dunno
[09:18] <Riddell> apachelogger: jose is able to make sysadmins do stuff
[09:18] <apachelogger> nice
[09:18] <apachelogger> the slideshow dots are cut off :(
[09:19] <apachelogger> Riddell: this might be a bit rushed to be honest
[09:19] <apachelogger> 3 days for site feedback aint that good
[09:20] <Riddell> apachelogger: I think the new site is about ready to go, it all works, tweaks can be done any time
[09:20] <apachelogger> the dots on the slide show do not work for starters
[09:21] <apachelogger> has anyone orchestrated a stress test?
[09:21] <apachelogger> because switching sites to then have the server crap its pants on release day is also not good
[09:22] <apachelogger> the meta box seems broken to me
[09:22] <apachelogger> equally the langauge box has no text but spans 25% of the width
[09:22] <apachelogger> contribute page is broken WRT linking
[09:23] <Riddell> ach, tweaks
[09:24] <apachelogger> broken layout is not tweaks
[09:35] <Quintasan> i386 running fine
[09:40] <Riddell> Quintasan: really? tested anything using phonon? tested baloo?
[09:40] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:41] <Riddell> lordievader: able to test today? 1 day to go!
[09:42] <lordievader> Riddell: No I'm sorry, I'm swamped with work :(
[09:55] <agateau> Riddell: any chance you can get that one in? https://code.launchpad.net/~agateau/ubiquity/kde-fix-cropped-step-labels/+merge/216043
[09:56] <xnox> Riddell: we probably will have ubiquity respin today.
[09:56] <Quintasan> Riddell: As far as installation goes it went fine, I'm poking around after reboot. If you want to have the basic desktop functionality tested then we need to update the testcase
[09:56] <Riddell> agateau: maybe given what xnox just said
[09:57] * agateau crosses fingers
[09:57] <agateau> Riddell: changes are really small: just removed a spacer from app.ui
[09:58] <Riddell> yep looks simple
[09:59] <Riddell> shadeslayer: yay, how are you testing EFI?
[09:59] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: bugs against driver manager go where?
[09:59] <shadeslayer> desktop @ office
[10:00] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: ubuntu-bug kubuntu-driver-manager
[10:00] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: I presume the no reboot prompt after driver installation is known? at least I recall that's what apachelogger told me
[10:00] <shadeslayer> yes
[10:00] <shadeslayer> and I distinctly recall writing code for that
[10:00] * Quintasan doesnt report that then
[10:00] <shadeslayer> Riddell: we need screenshots for kdeconnect
[10:01] <shadeslayer> I was thinking https://www.flickr.com/photos/xmodulo/11680579015/in/photostream/
[10:02] <Riddell> shadeslayer: does that machine have windows on as well?
[10:02] <Quintasan> The desktop search kcm is part of Baloo now?
[10:02] <Riddell> agateau: committed, if we need to respin then it'll get in
[10:02] <vHanda> yes
[10:03] <Riddell> Quintasan: you can tell with the new icon :)
[10:03] <Quintasan> vHanda: Truth be told I'd rather tell Baloo where to scan for files rather than telling it where not to look for files
[10:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: for the release announce? I prefer the one we're already using https://wiki.kubuntu.org/TrustyTahr/Beta2/Kubuntu
[10:03] <shadeslayer> Riddell: no
[10:04] <shadeslayer> ack
[10:06] <agateau> Riddell: thanks
[10:06] <shadeslayer> Riddell: banner for VLC is pretty bad
[10:07] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what are you looking at?
[10:07] <shadeslayer> discover
[10:07] <Riddell> ah
[10:07] <Quintasan> vHanda: I was wondering if there is anything users can do to explicitly make sure Baloo works how it's supposed to, I tried creating a text file and searching for it via krunner but the first thing that showed up was that text file but from the Recently used documents plugin
[10:08] <vHanda> use the baloosearch tool?
[10:08] <shadeslayer> GRUB says Ubuntu instead of Kubuntu
[10:08] <shadeslayer> not sure if that's intended or not
[10:08] <Quintasan> It's not.
[10:08] <vHanda> Quintasan: you're right though, we could use a detailed "how to test baloo" document.
[10:08] <Quintasan> And when you have only Kubuntu installed you won't see it anyways
[10:08] <Quintasan> ARGH
[10:09] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: on efi you see it
[10:09] <Riddell> shadeslayer: yes it's intended
[10:09] <Quintasan> vHanda, Riddell: We now have two Desktop Search plugins in Krunner
[10:09] <Riddell> shadeslayer: apachelogger removed the thing which changed it to Kubuntu and which broke efi all the time
[10:09] <shadeslayer> Riddell: it's intended to display Ubuntu?
[10:09] <shadeslayer> aha
[10:09] <shadeslayer> aha
[10:09] <shadeslayer> cool
[10:09] <Riddell> Quintasan: what are they?
[10:09] <Quintasan> Nepomuk Desktop Search and Desktop Search
[10:09] <Riddell> Quintasan: baloo migration should turn off nepomuk
[10:09] <Quintasan> The latter has the Baloo icon while former has the Nepomuk one
[10:10] <Quintasan> It didn't on a fresh install and both were enabled
[10:10] <Riddell> Quintasan: hmm yes maybe
[10:10] <Riddell> Quintasan: but nepomuk shouldn't be returning any results?
[10:11] <Quintasan> let me try
[10:11] <Quintasan> It doesn't
[10:11] <Quintasan> Though I don't think we should install it if it doesn't work
[10:12] <Quintasan> vHanda: What about Nepomuk Cleaner?
[10:12] <Quintasan> Is that supposed to work with Baloo?
[10:12] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: after installing kdeconnect, discover doesn't show a launch button
[10:13] <apachelogger> I see
[10:15] <Riddell> Quintasan: we have to keep nepomuk installed for the migration to happen
[10:15] <Riddell> we can remove it next cycle
[10:16] <Quintasan> Riddell: I'm talking about the KRunner plugin
[10:16] <Quintasan> or maybe we can disable it?
[10:16] <Quintasan> And Nepomuk Cleaner does nothing here
[10:17] <Riddell> Quintasan: you could update nepomukbaloomigration to disable it but since nepoumk itself is already disabled it wouldn't have any effect
[10:17] <Riddell> Quintasan: yes nepomukcleaner will do nothing since nepomuk is disabled
[10:18] <Quintasan> We should hide that stuff from the user I think
[10:18] <Quintasan> hmm
[10:18] <Quintasan> Jabber does not work in KTp
[10:19] <Quintasan> http://i.imgur.com/OypNjJj.png
[10:19] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeconnect/+bug/1308458
[10:19] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:19] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1308458 in kdeconnect (Ubuntu) "No launch button to launch kdeconnect kcm after installing from discover" [Undecided,New]
[10:21] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: http://i.imgur.com/asXh1zO.png
[10:21] <Quintasan> There is something wrong with the search bar there
[10:21] <Quintasan> Forget the KTp dialog
[10:21] <Quintasan> There is something broken there
[10:22] <Quintasan> telepathy-gabble and haze are installed here
[10:22] <Quintasan> no need to install anything yet that dialog got displayed
[10:22] <shadeslayer> d_ed: ^^
[10:23] <d_ed> Quintasan: have you only just installed them?
[10:23] <shadeslayer> d_ed: I think we ship with gabble and haze on the ISO
[10:24] <Quintasan> d_ed: Nope, they were installed before I did anything
[10:24] <Quintasan> The dialog popped up when I tried to add an XMPP account
[10:27] <d_ed> run ktp-debugger
[10:27] <d_ed> ideally killall mission-control-5 first
[10:28] <d_ed> and paste me output.
[10:33] <ovidiu-florin> Hello world
[10:33] <ovidiu-florin> jose: are you around?
[10:34] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: the new site can be used
[10:34] <ovidiu-florin> I would like to change the theme though
[10:34] <ovidiu-florin> this one is hard to control I think
[10:34] <ovidiu-florin> I'd like to talk with ahoneybun about this
[10:37] <jose> ovidiu-florin: just connected
[10:38] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: isn't a change of theme quite a big thing to do?
[10:38] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: see also apachelogger's list of issues
[10:42] <jose> ovidiu-florin: if you were looking for feedback, on the language selection part I can't see the language names, just the flags
[10:43] <jose> Riddell: is it just me or the theme changed?
[11:00] <Riddell> jose: what theme?
[11:00] <jose> Riddell: disregard that, I just saw the page being updated
[11:01] <apachelogger> Riddell: initial wiki port in drupal
[11:01] <apachelogger> needs pictures moved over
[11:02] <apachelogger> also I am crushing the pngs right now
[11:02] <Riddell> apachelogger: of release announcement? cool (and good you told me I was about to start on it)
[11:02] <apachelogger> ^^
[11:02] <Riddell> apachelogger: will you do pictures or shall I? it needs the sysadmins to be poked
[11:03] <apachelogger> Riddell: oh, how so?
[11:03] <apachelogger> (the poking)
[11:03] <Riddell> ping the vanguard in #canonical-sysadmin
[11:03] <apachelogger> thing is... for 13.10 we had the pix on the wiki
[11:03] <Riddell> that probably works just as well
[11:03] <apachelogger> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SaucySalamander/Final1/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=MuonDiscover.png
[11:03] <apachelogger> I do not care particularly
[11:04] <apachelogger> reckon moin is actually easier since drupal is just meh
[11:05] <jose> apachelogger: what do you need from the sysadmins exactly? I may be able to handle it quickly
[11:06] <apachelogger> jose: I have no idea, probably nothing ;)
[11:06] <Riddell> apachelogger: so you on it or shall I?
[11:06] <jose> cool, just let me know :)
[11:06] <apachelogger> Riddell: I'll handle it
[11:06] <Riddell> groovy, I'll go test images
[11:06] <apachelogger> got the pngs preped already
[11:06] <apachelogger> down 300k \o/
[11:07] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: y u no webp
[11:07] <apachelogger> whatever happend to webp btw?
[11:10] <ovidiu-florin> jose: the theme did change, I experimented with a different one
[11:11] <jose> ovidiu-florin: with a little bit more of tweaking it could look good :)
[11:11] <ovidiu-florin> which one
[11:11] <ovidiu-florin> ?
[11:11] <ovidiu-florin> I changed it back when I left the computer
[11:12] <apachelogger> WebP is supported by a variety of tools. In addition, it is now natively supported in Google Chrome, the Google Chrome Frame plug-in for Internet Explorer, Opera 11.10 and Android Ice Cream Sandwich.
[11:12] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: we can have our announcement not display pix on IE
[11:12] <jose> ovidiu-florin: nevermind. also, the flags or languages are not displaying anymore, I'm seeing some boilerplate text
[11:12] <apachelogger> rather progressive I say
[11:13] <ovidiu-florin> jose: I know, I'm trying to get rid of it
[11:15] <jose> oh ok
[11:16] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: webp brings down the size to 90k for all current pix ^^
[11:16] <apachelogger> (from 680k with best possible compression on png)
[11:17] <apachelogger> might have been lossy though
[11:17] <apachelogger> who knows
[11:18] <apachelogger> apparently fireflux also doesn't support it natively :O
[11:18] <apachelogger> spooky
[11:19] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: might be worth considering with the new site as full coverage will likely need a js shim
[11:26] <Quintasan> Riddell: I poked around some more but nothing interesing came up
[11:26] <Quintasan> Baloo works much faster than I expected it though.
[11:39] <apachelogger> the silly release pages are too busy :@
[11:41] <apachelogger> Riddell: do we have banner artwork?
[11:56] <Riddell> apachelogger: ahoneybun did something
[11:58] <Riddell> apachelogger: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-14.04.png
[12:00] <apachelogger> nice
[12:08] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: IIRC I read something about that, lemme check
[12:15] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: yeah, last discussion was a month ago, still inconclusive I'd say
[12:16] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: about?
[12:16] <shadeslayer> webp + firefox
[12:16] <apachelogger> discussion?
[12:17] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.media/qMtHAyn2clI
[12:17] <apachelogger> lol
[12:17] <apachelogger> well, regardless we'd need a shim or something for internet explorer anyway
[12:17] <apachelogger> so it's not like fireflux is the only thing blocking us
[12:19] <apachelogger> oh bugger
[12:20] <apachelogger> we forgot about software-properties
[12:20] <apachelogger> again
[12:20] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: does bug 1274605 have a card?
[12:20] <ubottu> bug 1274605 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Please demote xul-ext-ubufox from Firefox Recommends to Suggests" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1274605
[12:21] <shadeslayer> nope
[12:22] <shadeslayer> or, maybe
[12:22] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: https://trello.com/c/EfEUxH5p/5-aptdaemon
[12:22] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: untarget the bug please
[12:23] <apachelogger> will need retargetting for 14.10
[12:23] * apachelogger hates how the milestones are not created well in advance -.-
[12:23] <apachelogger> Riddell: do we have something going on facebook?
[12:23] <shadeslayer> no 14.10 target
[12:24] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: that's what I said
[12:24] <apachelogger> untarget
[12:24] <shadeslayer> done
[12:24] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: oh and plz leave a comment on the card
[12:24] <apachelogger> needs repoking
[12:25] <shadeslayer> done
[12:25] <shadeslayer> well then
[12:25] <shadeslayer> amd64 is done
[12:25] <shadeslayer> everything passes on efi
[12:25] <shadeslayer> \o/
[12:46] <Riddell> apachelogger: we do nothing on facebook or twitter, it's something that we've been missing for a long time, I was hoping the new website would make it easy to do something sensible
[12:46] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: bug 1306887 haven't uploaded a fix for that?
[12:46] <ubottu> bug 1306887 in muon (Ubuntu) "[Regression] Muon updater system tray icon says there are updates when there are none" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1306887
[12:46] <apachelogger> Riddell: well, do we have an official presence?
[12:46] <Riddell> nope
[12:47] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: yes
[12:47] <Riddell> we do?
[12:47] <apachelogger> New: KsCD UI is awful
[12:47] <shadeslayer> ^^
[12:47] <ovidiu-florin> jose: can you please also take a look at removing that boilerplate
[12:47] <ovidiu-florin> ?
[12:47] <Riddell> kscd still exists? I just removed by CD drive yesterday
[12:47] <apachelogger> Riddell: shadeslayer meant yes to having uploaded a fix but not closed the bug
[12:47] <apachelogger> bad shadeslayer
[12:48] <Riddell> ah
[12:50] <apachelogger> straw poll: should the release announcement mention -) merchandise -) possibility of donation -) distrowatch
[12:51] <apachelogger> (I do find the 13.10 announcement rather crowded and would like to drop those 3 as they are discoverable by other means and not directly related to the actual release)
[12:51] <Riddell> apachelogger: it would be nice to have them all but if it results in it being too crowded by all means drop them
[12:52] <Riddell> morning sgclark
[12:52] <apachelogger> so what I would like is highlights; known problems; commercial support ; feedback
[12:52] <sgclark> Riddell: morning :)
[12:52] <jose> Ovidiu-Florin: I'll take a look once I'm out of class in 5h
[12:52] <ovidiu-florin> ok
[12:52] <apachelogger> Riddell: mind you, if you found a way to incorporate them into the highlights somehow I'd be all for it ^^
[12:53] <apachelogger> the problem is the 13.10 announcement had this stuff stuck to the bottom without any resonable context
[12:53] <apachelogger> much like those youtube videos with people telling you to comment and subscribe and brush your teeth
[13:01] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: why is https://trello.com/c/YNgHRmvZ blocked?
[13:02] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: there's no way to detect if a computer has a touchpad or not .... so we could potentially add it on Desktops. where it would not make sense
[13:02] <shadeslayer> plasma has no property for touchpads like it has for batteries :(
[13:02] <shadeslayer> otoh we could just add it, and then on desktops it's hidden away like the muon updater KSNO
[13:02] <shadeslayer> *KSNI
[13:03] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: https://trello.com/c/6VF1dORD/40-make-kdeconnect-show-up-in-discover
[13:03] <shadeslayer> that's done
[13:04] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what needed to be done
[13:04] <shadeslayer> Riddell: huh?
[13:05] <Riddell> sgclark: the main task of the day is testing images for release tomorrow but if you're in a packaging mood calligra also has a new release on depot
[13:05] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what needed to be doen to get kdeconnect to show up in discover?
[13:05] <shadeslayer> Riddell: fake desktop file + updated app-install-data
[13:06] <Riddell> shadeslayer: fake desktop file in kdeconnect?
[13:06] <sgclark> Riddell: I have been doing some testing. But I would rather package :) On calligra!
[13:10] <shadeslayer> Riddell: yeah
[13:13] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: move it to done then? :P
[13:14] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: do we reuse the 14.04 board for 14.04.1 ?
[13:14] <Riddell> yes
[13:14] <shadeslayer> aha
[13:14] <shadeslayer> cool
[13:14] <apachelogger> boards become major SRU tracking boards after release
[13:15] <apachelogger> up until I feel like switching their background grey, at which point they are not expected to see any activity (because everything in need of tracking has been done), up until the next release is almost done, at which point they get closed entirely
[13:16] <apachelogger> (there are very useful meanings behind the colors I give boards :P)
[13:16] <apachelogger> deadlines is always the red board, green is always the master board, blue are all supporting boards, purple are temporary QA boards, orange are SRU tracking boards, grey are legacy boards
[13:17] <apachelogger> just in case someone had not noticed that yet :P
[13:17] <shadeslayer> might want to document that somewhere ... apart from IRC :)
[13:17] <apachelogger> you don't need to know that :P
[13:17] * shadeslayer never paid heed to board colours
[13:22] <apachelogger> so
[13:22] <apachelogger> we needs to write new text for KDE 4.13.0, Muon 2.2 and pam-kwallet
[13:22] <apachelogger> (unless we don't actually want ot mention pam-kwallet, because IMHO it's way to techy)
[13:22] <apachelogger> other than that announcement is pretty much ready
[13:27] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell jose feedback on the language switcher please: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/
[13:28] <shadeslayer> pam thing is too techy
[13:28] <shadeslayer> I'll have a look at release notes in another hour
[13:29] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: flags in the top right?
[13:29] <ovidiu-florin> yes
[13:30] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: looking good
[13:30] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: how are the translations done?
[13:30] <ovidiu-florin> manually by the translators
[13:31] <ovidiu-florin> untranslated languages will be removed
[13:31] <ovidiu-florin> untranslated posts will be redirected to the english post
[13:31] <jose> Ovidiu-Florin: I like it, but would like to see Spanish in the future
[13:31] <jose> :P
[13:31] <ovidiu-florin> jose: if someone translates, no problem
[13:32] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: but how? the translation is built into wordpress somehow?
[13:32] <ovidiu-florin> yes
[13:33] <ovidiu-florin> how about a hangout later today and I'll explain?
[13:33] <jose> I can :P
[13:34] <Riddell> mm ok, if I can find time
[13:34] <Riddell> what time ovidiu-florin?
[13:35] <ovidiu-florin> I'll tell you in 30 mins, ok?
[13:35] <Riddell> ok
[13:39] <Riddell> shadeslayer is the master of amd64 testing
[13:39] <shadeslayer> Riddell: apachelogger we might want to SRU user-manager
[13:39] <shadeslayer> I think it's a bit broken
[13:40] <Riddell> Quintasan: did you report your test results?
[13:40] <Riddell> shadeslayer: uh oh, what's up?
[13:40] <shadeslayer> Riddell: I added a user, logged out, lightdm shows user but says my password is incorrect, log back into the original user and open user manager, the user I added 5 minutes ago isn't listed
[13:41] <Riddell> does the user exist? can you log in at a linux console?
[13:42] <shadeslayer> ye[
[13:42] <shadeslayer> *yep
[13:44] <shadeslayer> oh
[13:44] <shadeslayer> git verison is broken too
[13:48] <shadeslayer> well ... this is interesting
[13:49] <shadeslayer> user manager doesn't show the additional user in the orignal user that the installer created
[13:49] <shadeslayer> but it appears fine in the new user
[13:54] <ovidiu-florin> feedback on the front page please: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/
[13:54] <ovidiu-florin> general look and feel
[13:57] <Riddell> shadeslayer: hmm yes, /etc/shadow doesn't store the password and lightdm doesn't ask to set one, I doubt it's user-managers issue more likely accountservice
[13:57] <apachelogger> shadeslayer, Riddell: I am done with the announcement page for today, only the descriptions mentioned earlier are missing
[13:57] <apachelogger> formatwise it's in a good spot I think
[13:57] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: okay
[13:57] <apachelogger> (as good as it gets with our current site anyway)
[13:57] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: anything else we should be concerned about?
[13:57] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: looking nice
[13:57] <apachelogger> nope
[13:57] <Riddell> apachelogger: url?
[13:57] <shadeslayer> things looking ~decent :)\
[13:57] <apachelogger> /news/kubuntu-14.04
[13:58] <apachelogger> I might decide to exchange some screenshots tomorrow
[13:58] <Riddell> should probably be /news/kubuntu-14.04-lts
[13:58] <apachelogger> Riddell: no
[13:59] <Riddell> apachelogger: no?
[13:59] <apachelogger> standardization demands 14.04
[13:59] <shadeslayer> ^^
[13:59] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: we should probably update the welcome message
[13:59] <apachelogger> also 12.04 used 12.04-release for some reason
[13:59] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: I agree
[13:59] <Riddell> apachelogger: standardisation means using the lts tag consistently
[14:00] <apachelogger> Riddell: not in the url
[14:00] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: how do I edit that?
[14:01] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: I'll make you an account :D
[14:01] <ovidiu-florin> apachelogger: RiddellI don't think the URL is that important
[14:01] <ovidiu-florin> it can be anything descriptive
[14:01] <ovidiu-florin> google will find it by tags, not by URL
[14:02] <apachelogger> there's things poking the internet other than real people
[14:12] <ghostcube> http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/de a little bug ... dont set it as Holen kubuntu... Kubuntu Download would do the trick even in german
[14:12] <ghostcube> or get kubuntu... users working witrh linux are mostly able to read a bit english ;)
[14:13] <ovidiu-florin> ghostcube: then what's the point of having a german site?
[14:13] <ghostcube> not all is needed to be translated... every one in german knows what it means Download
[14:15] <ghostcube> better not translate some stuff as translate it in wrong grammar :D
[14:16] <ovidiu-florin> I used Google translate for that
[14:16] <apachelogger> weltraumtaste
[14:16] <ovidiu-florin> you are free to provide a better suited option
[14:16] <ghostcube> :D
[14:17] <ghostcube> the problem is its translated correct but not in a way you would say it in german... like apachelogger wrote.. spacebar isnt a weltraumtaste in german :D
[14:18] <ghostcube> its totally correct. but it doesnt fit
[14:19] <ghostcube> Willkommen auf Kubuntu for example is totally correct and fits perfect
[14:19] <apachelogger> kubuntu runterholen
[14:20] <apachelogger> oh my
[14:20] <ghostcube> oh noes
[14:20] * apachelogger runs before someone finds out what he meant there
[14:20] <ghostcube> :D :D :D
[14:21] <ghostcube> so Download Kubuntu would fit
[14:21] <ghostcube> in english and german for sure
[14:41] <shadeslayer> Riddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/user-manager/+bug/1308589
[14:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1308589 in user-manager (Ubuntu) "Adding a new user is broken since the password is not set correctly" [High,Confirmed]
[14:41] <shadeslayer> if you want to break freeze :P
[14:43] <Riddell> shadeslayer: but you have no fix right?
[14:43] <shadeslayer> Riddell: git works
[14:43] <shadeslayer> that is the fix
[14:43] <Riddell> ah
[14:43] <Riddell> SRU should be fine no?
[14:43] <shadeslayer> I guess
[14:44] <shadeslayer> depends on how critical you think adding new users is
[14:44] <Riddell> fancy doing that? preferably with a minimal fix rather than using a git snapshot
[14:44] <Riddell> since nobody has noticed so far I don't think it's very critical
[14:44] <shadeslayer> I'll try
[14:50] <shadeslayer> Riddell: Alex says we need the whole git snapshot
[14:50] <shadeslayer> there's no one liner fix
[14:51] <Riddell> shadeslayer: okay dokay
[14:51] <shadeslayer> Riddell: do we want a SRU then? or upload right away?
[14:52] <Riddell> same thing
[14:53] <Riddell> 15:31 < infinity> stgraber: Full respin about to happen for ubiquity (again) anyway.
[14:53] <Riddell> shadeslayer: so maybe it'll get in if you hurry
[14:54] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: halp releaseme crashing for user-manager
[14:54] <shadeslayer> oh
[14:54] <shadeslayer> silly releaseme
[14:54] <shadeslayer> Riddell: need 20 minutes
[14:54] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I'll try and hold off infinity :)
[14:55] <shadeslayer> :D
[14:58] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: we don't have a test doc for user manager?
[14:59] <shadeslayer> Riddell: hm, tar is still building, might take a bit more than 20 minutes, lets see
[15:02] <Riddell> 16:02 < Riddell> infinity: do we have time to get one more fix in or is that it?
[15:03] <Riddell> 16:02 < infinity> Riddell: If it only affects you, maybe.
[15:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: rapido! :)
[15:03] <shadeslayer> yes, it's building
[15:08] <shadeslayer> Riddell: 2 minutes
[15:08] <shadeslayer> just testing
[15:09] <shadeslayer> Riddell: uploaded
[15:11] <shadeslayer> Riddell: needs approval
[15:12] <shadeslayer> looks like Unity is having problems too
[15:12] <shadeslayer> :P
[15:13] <Riddell> shadeslayer: did you test?
[15:13] <shadeslayer> Riddell: yes
[15:13] <Riddell> shadeslayer: accepted!
[15:13] <shadeslayer> adding accounts/removing accounts/adding admin account/removing admin account
[15:14] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I'm going out shortly for a few hours and will be back to do more testing later, infinity should respin the new images, are you around for more testing?
[15:16] <Riddell> ta da http://docs.kubuntu.org/
[15:16] <shadeslayer> yep
[15:16] <shadeslayer> Riddell: I'll try and fix some other minor things too
[15:16] <shadeslayer> while the images spin
[15:17] <Riddell> shadeslayer: seems he's already spinning them, so an extra spin will be needed after the next one appears
[15:17] <shadeslayer> aw :(
[15:18] <shadeslayer> Riddell: is that automagical?
[15:18] <Riddell> shadeslayer: nope just a proof of concept, but it's not hard to turn it into automagical
[15:19] <shadeslayer> no no
[15:19] <shadeslayer> Riddell: the ISO respin
[15:19] <Riddell> lp:~jr/+junk/kubuntu-docs-downloader-userbase downloads the lp package
[15:19] <Riddell> shadeslayer: oh right, no infinity should do it
[15:19] <shadeslayer> ah ok
[15:19] <shadeslayer> I'll try and fix kdeconnect till then :P
[15:21] <shadeslayer> xnox: ping
[15:25] <xnox> shadeslayer: hi
[15:26] <shadeslayer> xnox: USC picks up the exec line in desktop files to start a program right?
[15:26] <xnox> shadeslayer: no.
[15:26] <shadeslayer> oh?
[15:26] <xnox> shadeslayer: it launches the desktop file, i believe.
[15:26] <xnox> shadeslayer: it does not do exec line parsing at all.
[15:26] <shadeslayer> how does on launch a desktop file ? 0.o
[15:27] <shadeslayer> double click?
[15:27] <xnox> shadeslayer: i'm not sure about the exact api used, check with mvo on #ubuntu-devel.
[15:29] <shadeslayer> ok
[15:29] <shadeslayer> thx
[16:47] <sgclark> Riddell: calligra commited to bzr. Do I do saucy backport?
[17:32] <shadeslayer> hmm
[17:33] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: Riddell Kubuntu 13.10 + Backports -> Kubuntu 14.04 fails
[17:33] <shadeslayer> ah
[17:33] <shadeslayer> no space
[17:33] <shadeslayer> that's why
[17:39] <shadeslayer> Riddell: ping
[17:43] <shadeslayer> Riddell: I have to leave
[17:43] <shadeslayer> cya tomorrow
[18:08] <ovidiu-florin> apachelogger: check out http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/contribute-to-kubuntu
[18:08] <ovidiu-florin> I still need to fix the URL to be compatible with the old one
[18:24] <ovidiu-florin> done, the old url should work
[18:24] <ovidiu-florin> can someone please confirm that this goes to the right place: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/community/contribute
[18:24] <yofel> 404
[18:25] <yofel> yeah, that works
[18:25] <ovidiu-florin> ok
[18:25] <ovidiu-florin> so that's done
[18:25] <yofel> are the icons supposed to have a shadow around them?
[18:25] <ovidiu-florin> yofel: is that bad?
[18:25] <yofel> hm, not for picture
[18:26] <yofel> erm
[18:26] <BluesKaj> ovidiu-florin, yup the url works here
[18:26] <yofel> not for pictures really, but those icons with white background on a white page with boxed shadows look strange IMO
[18:27] <ovidiu-florin> yofel: the page isn't white
[18:29] <yofel> hm yeah, but the old one was and that's what the icons were made for
[18:29] <ovidiu-florin> the icon background should be transparent
[18:29] <yofel> now they look like... printed out on paper, cut out and glued on a newspaper or so
[18:29] <ovidiu-florin> I'll try to fix that in the future
[18:30] <ovidiu-florin> yofel: that's what gives the site it's charm :P
[18:30] <ovidiu-florin> newspaper look
[18:30] <ovidiu-florin> :D
[18:31] <yofel> if it were consistent, sure. Like, make the icon background #F6F6F6 like the module boxes. That would fit in nicely I think
[18:33] <yofel> hm, we need new pictures for the feature tour anyway...
[18:34] <yofel> or at least the desktop screenshot, that has a different border size than the other ones
[18:38] <yofel> on the community page, the language listing needs to be below the image or moved to the right somehow
[18:40] <yofel> why is the text on the support page below the icons but on the community page it floats beside them?
[18:44] <yofel> on the feature tour, the text for the mulitmedia section has to be below the image, and the Image section text is text-align: center for some reason
[18:45] <yofel> the download page needs some work to not show both download below each other, but we'll have only one for the LTS now anyway
[18:46] <yofel> *downloads
[18:48] <yofel> the mirror list looks like it's dropdowns, but in fact they're just links. Intentional?
[18:49] <yofel> hm, the whole theme seems to use arrows for list items, how confusing :/
[18:49] <yofel> anyway, that's all I see for now, otherwise the page turned out nice :)
[18:49] * yofel -> dinner
=== alleehol is now known as allee
[19:02] <ovidiu-florin> feedback please: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/community
[19:16] <shadeslayer> !test | New ISO's are up
[19:16] <ubottu> New ISO's are up: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )
[19:16] <shadeslayer> !testers | New ISO's are up
[19:16] <ubottu> New ISO's are up: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley for information
[19:16] <ovidiu-florin> feedback please: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/donate
[19:17] <shadeslayer> my home connection is pretty bad
[19:17] <BluesKaj> yes shadeslayer ?
[19:17] <shadeslayer> BluesKaj: plz test ISO's
[19:18] <shadeslayer> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds/66909/testcases
[19:18] <shadeslayer> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds/66911/testcases
[19:20] <ovidiu-florin> jose: are you around?
[19:21] <yofel> ovidiu-florin: the paypal image doesn't stay in the image tag, creating a small white box bottom left of it
[19:28] <Quintasan> Mmkay
[19:28] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: What was wrong with the previous ones?
[19:28] <shadeslayer> ubiquity
[19:28] <shadeslayer> user-manager
[19:29] <Quintasan> hmm
[19:29] <Quintasan> I see.
[19:33] <shadeslayer> I don't know what else was updated though
[19:33] <ovidiu-florin> yofel: fixed
[19:33] <ovidiu-florin> except the download page
[19:33] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: are you around?
[19:34] <yofel> did you change the font on the feature tour page?
[19:34] <ovidiu-florin> no
[19:34] <ovidiu-florin> why?
[19:36] <yofel> hm, the top text is h2 now, not p and is rendered differently than the rest of the text
[19:36] <ovidiu-florin> yofel: look now
[19:36] <yofel> fine
[19:37] <yofel> yep, feature tour is ok now
[19:38] <yofel> can't say I like the social media part on the community page as the picture is far too large. Not sure how to improve that though :/
[19:51] <ovidiu-florin> yofel: make it smaller?
[19:52] <yofel> yeah, but that's a g+ image, not sure if it'll still look good if it's smaller..
[19:54] <ovidiu-florin> it will
[19:55] <ovidiu-florin> yofel: can someone make me a moderator on the Google+ Community?
[19:55] <yofel> you'll have to talk to Riddell, I'm not a moderator
[20:15] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin, I like the layout on the new site
[21:26] <jose> ovidiu-florin: around now
[21:34] <ovidiu-florin> http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/ meta widget (footer) feedback please
[21:34] <ovidiu-florin> jose: you said you can take care of the URL?
[21:34] <ovidiu-florin> the copy paste thing.
[21:34] <ovidiu-florin> can you?
[21:36] <jose> ovidiu-florin: what do you want to get rid of exactly?
[21:36] <jose> what text?
[21:36] <ovidiu-florin> hangout?
[21:37] <jose> sure :)
[21:42] <soee> Install (manual partitioning) tested - passed
[21:53] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: are you around
[21:53] <ovidiu-florin> ?
[22:01] <kubotu> ::qt-bugs:: [1305294] QT uses incorrect theme when GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is unset @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1305294 (by Øyvind Stegard)
[23:22] <Riddell> evening
[23:34] <Riddell> !testers | final candidate images to test!
[23:34] <ubottu> final candidate images to test!: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley for information
[23:35] <dolomite> RC testers needed?
[23:36] <Riddell> ooh yes please dolomite
[23:36] <Riddell> dolomite: see http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds
[23:36] <Riddell> dolomite: what gaps in the testing can you fill?
[23:36] <alket> although im running kubuntu 14.04 wher can i get the latest build
[23:37] <Riddell> alket: you know you really want to reinstall to help testing :)
[23:37] <Riddell> alket: see http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds
[23:37] <alket> i will make a new partition
[23:37] <alket> but this is just to test image right ?
[23:38] <alket> since I don't have any problem at all
[23:38] <alket> Im runing 14.04 for like a week now
[23:38] <Riddell> alket: right, we need to make sure these images install and run before we can release them
[23:38] <Riddell> alket: you not having any problems is a very good sign, but we need to test the specific images too
[23:39] <dolomite> Riddell if I understand this correctly you need to know if the images install?
[23:39] <dolomite> I can install all on VM to fill gaps ...but does that help you?
[23:39] <Riddell> dolomite: yes it does
[23:40] <dolomite> Riddell ok I'm reading the docs and getting the necessary files
[23:41] <Riddell> great, if you are about to start a test case please "Add a test result" "In progress" so we know where the gaps remain
[23:41] <Riddell> although duplicating is a good thing to do too, I don't trust myself to test my own release product alone
[23:44] <dolomite> can't blame you ;)