UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /14 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== maclin__ is now known as maclin
[05:04] <pitti> Good morning
[07:02] <mlankhorst> Hello, world!\n
[07:09] <RAOF> mlankhorst: Yo! Whatup!
[07:16] <mlankhorst> nothing much, kernel is a pain :P
[07:17] <RAOF> Hurray! :)
[07:18] <RAOF> In other pain points: looks like helgrind doesn't understand C++11 very well.
[07:23] <Ads20000> Hello, I installed Ubuntu GNOME on my Trusty installation on my Ubuntu desktop because Unity wasn't working and I noticed that the GNOME 3 PPA that claims to have the 3.12 packages for Trusty doesn't. Any chance I could help (or at the very least join the GNOME 3 team)? Thanks :)
[07:24] <Ads20000> (considering that Debian Experimental has the 3.12 packages - all I would need to do would be to move them over to Ubuntu and test them - should be fairly stable considering they've basically already been tested upstream...)
=== jhernand1z is now known as jhernandez
=== maclin_ is now known as maclin
[08:05] <Laney> salut tout le monde
[08:08] <didrocks> bonjour Laney, comment vas-tu?
[08:08] <didrocks> bon week-end ? :)
[08:09] <didrocks> (you are starting to regret, right? :p)
[08:11] * Laney summons all the knowledge of french
[08:11] <Laney> très bien!
[08:11] <didrocks> heh ;)
[08:11] <didrocks> \o/
[08:11] <Laney> et toi?
[08:11] <didrocks> très bien aussi ;)
[08:11] <didrocks> a lot of people this week-end at home
[08:12] <didrocks> (we were 7 sleeping at my home). And it was kind of geeky
[08:12] <didrocks> really nice to have seb128 around for some days as well
[08:12] <Laney> wow
[08:12] <Laney> the others were free software people?
[08:12] <didrocks> yeah ;)
[08:12] <didrocks> ubuntu-fr/gnome
[08:13] <didrocks> we were at jdll: http://www.jdll.org/
[08:13] <didrocks> which is a FLOSS "public oriented" conference + booth
[08:13] <Laney> oh cool
[08:13] <Laney> did anyone give a talk?
[08:16] <didrocks> not this year
[08:16] <didrocks> not a lot of people are coming, I became lazy and didn't submit
[08:16] <didrocks> it was more an excuse to hang out with people you know well more or less ;)
[08:18] <seb128> good morning desktopers!
[08:18] <seb128> didrocks, !!! ;-)
[08:18] <didrocks> hey seb128! long time no see :)
[08:18] <Laney> ola seb128
[08:18] <seb128> indeed!
[08:19] <seb128> hey Laney
[08:19] <seb128> how are you?
[08:19] <Laney> ¿cómo estás?
[08:19] <Laney> pretty good thanks
[08:19] <Laney> the sun has come!
[08:20] <Laney> did you have a nice weekend?
[08:24] <seb128> excellent
[08:24] <seb128> Lyon is great, and stay at didrock's is awesome ;-)
[08:25] <seb128> I managed to do some 13.10 -> 14.04 upgrade for people who paid me back with beers at the conf as well
[08:25] <Laney> who needs a salary?
[08:25] <seb128> haha
[08:25] <Laney> :P
[08:25] <seb128> speaking of which
[08:26] <seb128> mvo, mmmmmvvvvvooooooo
[08:26] <seb128> you have bogs!
[08:26] <mvo> seb128: hm?
[08:26] <didrocks> mvo: bugs coming from Lyon, they are good bugs! :)
[08:26] <Laney> some of the finest tasting bugs in all of france
[08:26] <mvo> didrocks, seb128: *cough* beer bugs?
[08:26] <seb128> mvo, one of the 13.10 -> 14.04 had dist-upgrader getting down with an utf error while trying to desactivate the ppas
[08:26] <mvo> seb128: aha! what is the bugnumber?
[08:27] <seb128> let me find it back
[08:27] <didrocks> Laney: that's the spirit! ;)
[08:27] <seb128> mvo, the bt matched https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/1278280
[08:27] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1278280 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-release-upgrader crashes with DistUpgrade/sourceslist.py", line 416, in save : UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 97-114: ordinal not in range(128)" [High,Confirmed]
[08:28] <seb128> mvo, well, apparently bdmurray fixed it in trusty,, but I guess we should SRU the fix to saucy, since people upgrading run the saucy version?
[08:28] <seb128> mvo, or is the dist-upgrader updating itself on start?
[08:28] <mvo> seb128: thanks, infinity made me work for him, once I finished that I will look at this
[08:29] <seb128> mvo, danke
[08:29] <mvo> seb128: hm, during a saucy->trusty upgrade the trusty version of the upgrader is used
[08:29] <seb128> ok, I was unsure
[08:29] <seb128> so the bug is not fixed
[08:29] <seb128> well, people said that on the report as well/reopened it
[08:29] <mvo> yeah, looks like the fix is either not working or not "enough"
[08:29] * mvo nods
[08:29] <seb128> mvo, the other smaller issue is that g-c-c/g-s-d are not uninstalled on upgrades
[08:30] <seb128> not sure if we have a way to say "clean those if nothing depends on them"
[08:30] <mvo> seb128: aha, yeah, you mentioned that and I failed to do it, sorry
[08:30] <seb128> they are only needed if you have gdm/GNOME installed
[08:30] <seb128> no worry
[08:30] <seb128> that's really a detail
[08:30] <seb128> it's a bit of disk space
[08:30] <didrocks> I guess it's just a question of being puzzled on the dash
[08:31] <didrocks> but yeah, as seb128 a detail
[08:31] <mvo> seb128: it should be very simple, I put it on my list
[08:31] <seb128> mvo, danke
[08:31] <didrocks> said*
[08:33] <mvo> didrocks: very simple (hopefully) - u-r-u will just mark it as auto-installed and the cleanup will automatically clean it
[08:33] <didrocks> ah nice ;)
[08:48] <jibel> seb128, salut, could someone have a look at bug 1303516
[08:48] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1303516 in graphite2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "ubiquity crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_malloc()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303516
[08:48] <jibel> ?
[08:50] <seb128> jibel, salut, I'm going to have a look/forward upstream, I don't think we have anyone knowing that stack though
[08:51] <jibel> seb128, I understand. It is not nice to see the installer crash on 1rst screen though
[08:51] <seb128> indeed not
[08:51] <seb128> is there an easier way to reproduce that booting an iso and running the installed in an env that is not set up for debug?
[08:53] <jibel> seb128, you can reproduce it directly on your machine. Install ubiquity-frontend-gtk and start ubiquity --greeter
[08:53] <seb128> jibel, thanks, that's going to make debugging easier
[08:54] <jibel> seb128, it will change the configuration of your locale/keyboard so be ready to revert to something you can use
[08:54] <seb128> k, I should be able to manage ;-)
[08:54] <seb128> thanks for the notice though
[08:54] <jibel> :)
[09:19] <xnox> jibel: yeah, all python people are in montreal at the moment...
[09:24] <tjaalton> unity --reset is apparently deprecated, but manpage still has it?
[09:26] <seb128> tjaalton, we welcome patches ;-)
[09:27] <jibel> xnox, do you mean they'll do a brainstorm session on this crash ? ;)
[09:28] <tjaalton> seb128: as always.. :)
[09:28] <tjaalton> just wondering what the replacement might be
[09:29] <seb128> tjaalton, not sure why they dropped it, maybe we should just add it back
[09:30] <seb128> I had to google for the gsettings reset command this w.e
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=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
[09:57] <tkamppeter> mlankhorst, hi
[09:58] <tkamppeter> mlankhorst, I will report the bug at freedesktop.org now, as product I have chosen "xorg which is the component which I have to choose?
[10:02] <mlankhorst> server
[10:09] <tkamppeter> mlankhorst, "Server/Input/Core"?
[10:09] <seb128> Trevinho, hey, did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~beidl/unity/unity-lockscreen-gestures/+merge/215569 ?
[10:09] <mlankhorst> yeah
[10:10] <tkamppeter> mlankhorst, you tell you have seen something in my log files. Can you tell me which log files? From which bug and which attachment there?
[10:11] <mlankhorst> /var/log/Xorg.0.log iirc
[10:16] <tkamppeter> mlankhorst, thanks, bug submitted as https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77426
[10:16] <ubot2> Freedesktop bug 77426 in Server/Input/Core "Several touch screen issues, I do not know whether all are caused by X or not" [Normal,New]
[10:18] <mlankhorst> tkamppeter: can you look in Xorg.0.log ?
[10:22] <tkamppeter> mlankhorst, will do, I am simply reproducing the problems, so that appropriate errors will get there.
[10:28] <tkamppeter> mlankhorst, /var/log/Xorg.0.log attached to the bug.
[10:31] <mlankhorst> tkamppeter: odd, I thought I saw mentions of BUG_WARN_MSG(!(event->device_event.flags & TOUCH_POINTER_EMULATED), "Non-emulating touch event\n"); in a touch bug report :/
[10:33] <tkamppeter> mlankhorst, any other log needed? Or are all my observations bugs in the appropriate apps?
[10:35] <mlankhorst> not sure yet..
=== beidl_ is now known as beidl
[10:59] <didrocks> hum, I wonder if the notify-osd didn't regress
[10:59] <didrocks> I plugged back to 2 monitors
[10:59] <didrocks> ah no
[10:59] <didrocks> the behavior is just different from what I expected :)
[11:00] <didrocks> (it's only on the monitor which has the focused app, like when typing, not where the mouse is)
[11:02] <seb128> didrocks, right
[11:02] <didrocks> making sense :)
[11:02] <seb128> didrocks, before this cycle it was always on the primary monitor
[11:03] <didrocks> yeah, I was expecting that we went the "where the mouse is" proposal
[11:03] <seb128> but yeah, the new behaviour makes more sense
[11:03] <didrocks> but I prefer the real behavior actually
[11:03] <seb128> same here, sometime the cursor end up on the other screen while you are just using the keyboard
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
[11:17] <om26er_> question: why are apport dialog' not disabled before the release ?
[11:18] <om26er_> they seem to appear all the times, puts a bad impression on the release.
[11:18] <seb128> om26er_, wrong channel for that question
[11:18] <seb128> try to ask ev on #ubuntu-devel
[11:19] <om26er_> hmm, I thought it affecting the desktop experience ;) will try there.
[11:19] <seb128> om26er_, what sort of issues do you have? they shouldn't be that frequent, it might because you work in qa and trigger bugs often, that's less of an issue for normal users
[11:20] <om26er_> seb128, I have not enabled anything, whenever I log in I am greeted with apport 'report a problem'
[11:20] <om26er_> and they are like 3 dialogs one over the other
[11:20] <seb128> om26er_, can you ls /var/crash and share the details/bug numbers?
[11:22] <om26er_> seb128, ok, lightdm,unity-greeter and gvfsd-mtp look interesting one's
[11:22] <om26er_> I'll report that by clearing everything there and reboot .
[11:23] <seb128> om26er_, ok
[11:23] <seb128> om26er_, the bottom line is that if we don't collect reports, we don't know what to fix
[11:23] <seb128> om26er_, the best solution is to fix the bugs so apport stops prompting, not to keep the bugs and just don't tell the user about those
[11:23] <seb128> especially for user apps, when they close it's better to tell the user what happened
[11:24] <om26er_> seb128, sure, I was expecting the report a problem thing to be disabled because it has haunted people in the past (talking askubuntu etc)
[11:24] <seb128> but yeah, the tradeoff is the quality perception
[11:24] <seb128> we disable the reports to launchpad
[11:24] <seb128> not the errors collecting
[11:24] <seb128> not that other OSes do the same
[11:25] <seb128> for what it's worth I don't see apport more than 1 a week on my system (out of some issues with dev tools, like system-dbus-image hitting exceptions when I run autopilot tests)
[11:25] <seb128> so your 3 prompts at every login means your machine has specific issues
[11:26] <om26er_> brb
[11:28] * seb128 removes ubiquity
[11:29] <seb128> Laney, thanks for taking on that bug, best is probably to report it to upstream harfbuzz
[11:29] <seb128> I think it's a good starting point
[11:29] <Laney> yeah it's hard
[11:29] <Laney> valgrind doesn't work properly on it
[11:29] <Laney> is that language Thai?
[11:39] <seb128> Laney, not sure, did you figure it out?
[11:39] <Laney> nope
[11:39] <Laney> reporting it upstream
=== maclin__ is now known as maclin
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
[11:46] <seb128> Laney, it tries to apply a "mm" keyboard layout, which is "Burmese" in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml
[11:47] <seb128> Laney, so yeah, looks like Thai could be right
[11:50] <Laney> why not burmese?
[11:50] <Laney> looks like that
[11:51] <seb128> is that a locale?
[11:51] <seb128> I didn't find a language-pack-gnome-mm :p
[11:51] <seb128> oh, it's "my"
[11:52] <Laney> yeah, myanmar
[11:52] <seb128> Gtk:ERROR:/build/buildd/gtk+3.0-3.10.8/./gtk/gtktextsegment.c:195:_gtk_char_segment_new: assertion failed: (gtk_text_byte_begins_utf8_char (text))
[11:53] <seb128> gedit doesn't like ubiquity/ubiquity/my.po
[11:53] <seb128> I've that by selecting text in there
[11:53] <seb128> could be a better/easier testcase than ubiquity
[11:53] <seb128> if that's the same issue/underlining bug
[11:57] <Laney> can't make that one happen
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-lunch
[12:02] <seb128> Laney, weird, happens every time for me, I just left click on the top of the file and move a bit the cursor over the text to select/deselect it
[12:03] <Laney> nope
[12:03] <seb128> k
[12:04] <seb128> well, I'm going to report that on gtk since that's where the error is from the backtrace
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
[12:25] <Trevinho> Laney: hey, I've just noticed that a fix that was merged some weeks ago (https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/alpha-windows-shadows-fix/+merge/213352) got deleted by the last merge... I guess there's nothing to do but an SRU, right? :(
[12:25] <Laney> Probably best, I guess you're going to do an early SRU
[12:26] <Laney> how did that happen?
[12:26] <seb128> Trevinho, hey, did you see my ping earlier?
[12:26] <Trevinho> Laney: well, one of the branches for fixing the lockscreen (not mine) was probably not well merged with trunk
[12:26] <Trevinho> seb128: ops, no
[12:26] <seb128> Trevinho, hey, did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~beidl/unity/unity-lockscreen-gestures/+merge/215569 ?
[12:26] <seb128> Trevinho, I want to land that today, it's a security issue/should be fixed for release
[12:27] <seb128> Trevinho, can you review that change?
[12:27] <Trevinho> seb128: yes, I will check that today...
[12:27] <Trevinho> seb128: ok
[12:27] <Trevinho> seb128: any other high-prio thing you can land today?
[12:27] <seb128> Trevinho, thanks, if you can do now/not to late that would be nice, they might not wait too much
[12:27] <seb128> Trevinho, I doubt it, I'm already going to be happy if we manage to get that in, not sure if they plan to respin isos again
[12:27] * Trevinho if his shoulder strain make him write...
[12:28] <seb128> :-(
[12:28] <seb128> what did you do?
[12:28] <Trevinho> seb128: no idea... during the night something weird happened... Maybe I just slept in the wrong position, no ieda... this morning I wasn't able to move in bed as well :o
[12:28] <seb128> urg
[12:28] <seb128> Trevinho, get better!
[12:29] <beidl> Trevinho, wouldn't it be better if hiding the launchers parent window would be taken out for now? it causes the icons as well as the hint shadow not to show up in autohide mode.
[12:29] <Trevinho> it's simliar to the stiff neck, but in the shoujlders...
[12:29] <beidl> Trevinho, get well soon!
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
[12:30] <Trevinho> beidl: mh, hint shadow? it was showing when I proposed it... hmmhm let me check
[12:30] <beidl> Trevinho when you drag the mouse pointer to the left edge in autohide
[12:30] <Trevinho> beidl: right it is now showing now, but couldn't that after the last change you proposed?
[12:31] <Trevinho> beidl: not point anything, I just recall it was working :)
[12:31] <beidl> Trevinho that change was just for allowing the launcher-drag-in-animation to work when using the 4 finger gesture
[12:32] <Trevinho> beidl: let me see
[12:32] <qengho> Hi all. I have a new chromium-browser, which is in universe. What are the chances I can get it into 14.04?
[12:33] <qengho> Many CVEs fixed, as usual.
[12:34] <Laney> qengho: It's on mythbuntu and kylin. Go check in #ubuntu-release
[12:34] <seb128> qengho, hey, did you hear about issues where chromium was opening a new instance with your session every time you click on an url to open it?
[12:35] <seb128> qengho, rather than opening a tab in the current instance
[12:35] <seb128> qengho, the new version from your ppa seems also quite slow (well, I didn't upgrade it since I installed it a week ago so maybe that's resolved since)
[12:35] <qengho> seb128: Was this my testing PPA?
[12:35] <seb128> yes
[12:37] <qengho> seb128: I had the testing version use a temporary directory, instead of clobbering a profile you might value. That would explain xdg-open starting new windows.
[12:37] <seb128> qengho, k, so should not happen with the archive upload? good!
[12:37] <seb128> didrocks, ^
[12:37] <didrocks> oh phew!
[12:37] <didrocks> thanks qengho, seb128 :)
[12:38] <seb128> yw!
[12:39] <qengho> didrocks, seb128, I'd be happy if you try the version in my update-staging PPA to verify it's gone. https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/stage
[12:39] <seb128> qengho, let me try that version
[12:47] <Malsasa> Hello. My HUD on Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't work anymore. When I tap ALT, Unity opens menu of focused app. Not the HUD anymore. I can't do ALT+TAB switcher at all. Any idea for me? Thank you.
[12:55] <mvo_> seb128: no luck so far reproducing the utf8 bug you mentioned earlier
[12:56] <seb128> mvo_, we didn't have luck reproducing it either at the install party, we tried to get debug output but couldn't get it again
[12:57] <seb128> mvo_, did you try to put non ascii chars in a sources.list.d source that is going to be commented?
[12:57] <seb128> mvo_, or maybe rather than "non ascii" using "non utf8 valid"?
[13:00] <mvo_> seb128: yeah, I tried a bunch of different things, I will try harder
[13:01] <seb128> mvo_, don't spend too much effort on it, e.u.c doesn't have it ranked in the top issues so it might not be that important
[13:03] <rickspencer3> seb128, jasoncwarner what's the word on the street? everything getting settled for releasing 14.04 this week?
[13:05] <seb128> rickspencer3, hey, things look alright I think, still a few issues/things we would like to land but that's usual
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
[13:07] <rickspencer3> seb128 coolio
[13:07] <rickspencer3> seb128, the desktop feels very solid to me
[13:07] <rickspencer3> I've got it on 2 very different computers, and it's working really well
[13:08] <seb128> thanks, I'm quite happy with the state of things as well
[13:08] <seb128> we still have stuff to fix/polish to make it even better, but that's always the case
[13:08] <seb128> we have SRUs for that as well ;-)
[13:09] <seb128> rickspencer3, Didier, I and others were at a small opensource event in Lyon this w.e, we did some 13.10 -> 14.04 upgrade for users who had brought their laptops, things went smoothly in most case and we only had happy users ;-)
[13:10] <rickspencer3> \o/
[13:10] * rickspencer3 fumes about not being invited
=== psivaa-lunch is now known as psivaa
[13:11] <seb128> sorry about that, next time ;-)
[13:12] <rickspencer3> :)
[13:20] <didrocks> rickspencer3: come to Lyon! it will be easier :)
[13:21] <rickspencer3> didrocks, sounds good, I can live there as did your belle-soeur
[13:22] <seb128> lol
[13:22] <didrocks> seb128: see, management tracks their employees! Time to go on strike! ;)
[13:22] <seb128> didrocks, yeah, just make sure don't give him my room though!
[13:22] * seb128 was first to claim it
[13:22] <didrocks> heh :)
[13:23] <seb128> didrocks, is it sunny enough today to use a strike day?
[13:23] * seb128 looks outside
[13:23] <seb128> seems like it could be one of those days :p
[13:24] <didrocks> seb128: yeah, but it's a little bit too late now :p
[13:24] <didrocks> better to start in the morning
[13:24] <didrocks> and tomorrow is sunny as well
[13:24] * seb128 notes that down
[13:24] <didrocks> let's do from torromow until… thursday :p
[13:24] <didrocks> well, you have your friday off
[13:24] <seb128> it let me time to do a banner on how the NSA^Rick spies on us
[13:24] <didrocks> Mr "I claim to be French but in fact, I'm half-German" :)
[13:24] <seb128> oh, that's right ;-)
[13:25] <seb128> "good friday" is good ;-)
[13:26] <didrocks> yeah yeah…
[13:26] * didrocks starts doing a second strike banner
[13:26] <seb128> :-(
[13:26] <Laney> four day weekend this week :-)
[13:26] <seb128> didrocks, come to Metz and claim it's a day off for you! ;-)
[13:26] <didrocks> Laney: you are German as well?
[13:28] <Laney> Wenn ich weniger arbeiten müss, JA!
[13:28] <didrocks> :)
[13:32] <Trevinho> beidl: that shadow thing is not related to the window not being shown it seems...
[13:33] <Laney> Sweetshark: libreoffice autopkgtest went boom
[13:33] <beidl> Trevinho, how did you test? I removed every _parent->ShowWindow() call and it works.
[13:34] <Trevinho> beidl: or, wait... sorry I didn't install correctly the plugin :(
[13:36] <beidl> Trevinho classic :D also, when minimizing a window, the corresponding icon should pop up for a second and hide again. Reverting the launcher window hide fixes that as well.
[13:36] <beidl> * parent_->ShowWindow rather
[13:37] <tkamppeter> seb128, I have a problem with bug 1306344. One could solve it by installing the hplip-gui binary package. Could we ship Trusty with this package? Or do we still have the problem that dependencies make Trusty too big then?
[13:37] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1306344 in hplip (Ubuntu) "hp-setup crashes when adding new printer because hp-sendfax is not found" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1306344
[13:37] <Trevinho> beidl: yeah, the same for urgent icons
[13:37] <Trevinho> beidl: ok, +1 on reverting that
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
[13:37] <Trevinho> beidl: do you want to do a branch for that or should I do?
[13:38] <beidl> Trevinho I could push it to the branch related to showing the switcher on lock screen using gestures
[13:38] <Trevinho> beidl: it actually saves us a lot of redraws, but the fix should probably add more edge-cases than the real gain
[13:38] <Trevinho> beidl: ok
[13:38] <beidl> Trevinho: I figured that, but I guess thats SRU material until all edge cases are found
[13:38] <Trevinho> it's weird btw I was pretty sure I tested these cases... :o
[13:39] <tkamppeter> seb128, would be great if we could ship hplip-gui as in Trusty + 1 we could lift the awkward binary package splitting then.
[13:39] <seb128> tkamppeter, it's late now to do changes for trusty...
[13:40] <tkamppeter> seb128, or should I then make an SRU which makes hplip pulling in hplip-gui?
[13:40] <seb128> tkamppeter, try asking on #ubuntu-release if they would be ok with that
[13:44] <Sweetshark> Laney: thx checking
[13:45] <Laney> Looks like some kind of test problem rather than an actual issue
[13:45] <Laney> sadly
[13:45] <seb128> bregma, hey
[13:45] <bregma> seb128, yo
[13:45] <seb128> bregma, could you get https://code.launchpad.net/~beidl/unity/unity-lockscreen-gestures/+merge/215569 reviewed?
[13:45] <seb128> bregma, that seems like a release blocker
[13:46] <bregma> already working on it
[13:46] <seb128> bregma, I tried to put it in a silo to get testing/an head start, but ppc64el build fails in tests :/
[13:46] <Trevinho> seb128: what failure? there are some tests that seems to fail there
[13:46] <bregma> ppc64el has been misbehaving in tests lately, usually it succeeds when you rerun just that build
[13:46] <bregma> roll the dice on that one
[13:47] <seb128> cjwatson retried it for me
[13:47] <seb128> same issue
[13:47] <seb128> Trevinho, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-008/+build/5908000/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-ppc64el.unity_7.2.0%2B14.04.20140414-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[13:47] <Sweetshark> Laney: sadly? of course, hickups shouldnt happen, but I much prefer this to the tests pointing to an actual problem at this point of the cycle ;)
[13:47] <seb128> us
[13:47] <bregma> previously it was one of the tests that ran a fake D-Bus service, and the service failed to start for some reason (not logged)
[13:47] <Trevinho> seb128: lp lost something?
[13:47] <seb128> Trevinho, the build has been restarted, which wiped the log, let's see
[13:48] <bregma> Trevinho, yes, it lost the diff for the MP, beidl had to cancel it and submit a new MP
[13:49] <Trevinho> oh, ok
[13:49] <bregma> ◔_◔
[13:50] <Sweetshark> Laney: hmm, even the log says "dsc0t-junit-subsequentcheck PASS" at the end, so putting that in the https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQsLL60iOaDgX0D1th2iRRsIHBYgs-WUEgVR-ChlEae4ftxU8sweA bucket for now ...
[13:51] <Malsasa> Hello. My HUD on Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't work anymore. When I tap ALT, Unity opens menu of focused app, not the HUD. Any idea for me? My complete quesion was here http://askubuntu.com/questions/447587/alt-key-for-hud-doesnt-work. Thank you.
[13:51] <Laney> Sweetshark: are you looking at the same thing as me? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-libreoffice/336/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/consoleFull
[13:51] <beidl> when I noticed launchpad not scanning my branch for 24 hours, I was all like "zomg, I accidentally the whole thing"
[13:53] <bregma> beidl, I just assumed my browser was broken
[13:53] <bregma> because why should it be any different?
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[13:57] <Sweetshark> Laney: hmmm, no. Did I end up in a 'last successful artifacts' thing or somesuch. Indeed that doesnt look good -- seems like "something" deleted/modified/whatever the copy of the source in /tmp, while the tests where running on it ...
[13:59] <Sweetshark> Laney: there is one very weird line 512 in the syslog ...
[14:02] <beidl> bregma, I had connection issues with my ISP that day, might be an incomplete push that caused that error
[14:03] <Laney> Sweetshark: mmm, that's in the passing one too
[14:04] <Laney> seb128: looks like it worked that time, but they are going to slip the other fix in to this upload
[14:05] <seb128> Laney, great
[14:05] <Sweetshark> Laney: when Im finished with this bug, I will run that in a local VM to see whats going on.
[14:06] <Laney> re-siloing appreciated
[14:07] <bregma> seb128, I'm going to add another (approved) MP to the Unity silo, if you don't mind, now that ppc64el has successfully built
[14:07] <Laney> just said that ;-)
[14:09] <beidl> Trevinho, the remaining nasty bug that I could think of is the launcher not reappearing if a edge-hit causes the launcher to hide.
[14:15] <seb128> bregma, sure, the silo is all yours ;-)
[14:15] <bregma> party on
[14:15] <seb128> bregma, I just started it to have an head start
[14:18] <mvo_> seb128: it was gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-control-center, correct?
[14:18] <mvo_> seb128: that should be autoremoved if possible?
[14:19] <seb128> mvo_, yes
[14:23] <mvo_> thanks
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[15:04] <Trevinho> beidl: yeah, that's indeed a bug we should check... you say the one on dnd, right?
[15:04] <beidl> Trevinho: exactly
[15:05] <Trevinho> seb128: but... is it just me or since last few updates the indicator-sound is not showing up?
[15:05] <Trevinho> seb128: and loading it with indicator-tool brings me an empty indicator
[15:06] <seb128> Trevinho, just you
[15:06] <Trevinho> larsu: ^ any idea how debug that?
[15:06] <seb128> Trevinho, what theme do you use?
[15:06] <Trevinho> seb128: ambiance
[15:06] <seb128> Trevinho, what do you have in .cache/upstart/indicator-sound-service.log and unity-panel-service.log?
[15:06] <Trevinho> seb128: ok checking... fyi the service runs btw
[15:07] <seb128> can you open the menu?
[15:07] <Trevinho> seb128: on indicator-sound.log (process:22071): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_variant_get_uint32: assertion 'g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT32)' faile
[15:07] <Trevinho> seb128: nope
[15:07] <seb128> like if you click on another indicator and do left/right?
[15:07] <seb128> Trevinho, if you do system-settings -> sound, is the "show" checkbox at the bottom checkeD?
[15:08] <Trevinho> seb128: ops... :D
[15:08] <seb128> ;-)
[15:08] <Trevinho> seb128: how did it gets clicked :P
[15:08] <Trevinho> seb128: maybe just a wrong action I hope
[15:08] <seb128> Trevinho, the option is age old but we had a bug that it was not respected in 13.10
[15:09] <Trevinho> seb128: ah... ok. sorry for bothering
[15:09] <seb128> so maybe you had it from while back and it started working again when we fixed the bug
[15:09] <Trevinho> and thanks...
[15:09] <Trevinho> mh, might be
[15:09] <seb128> Trevinho, no worry, with all the pinging I did in your direction recently you can ping me for a while before we are even ;-)
[15:10] <Trevinho> seb128: oh, no worries... I will take few days :D
[15:10] <seb128> hehe
[15:10] <Trevinho> mlankhorst:
[15:10] <Trevinho> hey
[15:11] <Trevinho> just for information... is there any plan for the future of 14.04 to support DRI3 drivers?
[15:22] <larsu> Trevinho: your issue seems resolved now?
[15:23] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah, sorry for the ping :/ i've been just too worried, and it was my fault :(
[15:23] <seb128> larsu, ^
[15:24] <Trevinho> seb128: that was for a free ping_count-- for you :D (sorry!)
[15:24] <seb128> haha
[15:24] <seb128> ;-)
[15:24] <larsu> Trevinho: no worries
[15:24] <larsu> seb128: thanks :)
[15:25] <seb128> yw!
[15:38] <beidl> Trevinho, had to leave my laptop, but a wild guess: maybe the hide animation has to be reversed as soon as DnD is stopped
[15:50] <Trevinho> beidl: mh, it might be the case... I need to look further on it
[15:51] <seb128> qengho, new chromium from your stage ppa seems fine to me
[15:52] <qengho> seb128: thank you.
[15:52] <seb128> yw!
[15:52] <ali1234> tedg: now that we implemented upstart indicators in xfce, we need a way to blacklist them
[15:53] <ali1234> specifically appmenu, since it doesn't work, and if the backend is started it steals all your menus whether the indicator is visible or not
[15:53] <ali1234> also -session since it also doesn't work
[15:53] <tedg> ali1234, Well appmenu isn't a service, you can just avoid loading the .so
[15:53] <ali1234> apparently you can't
[15:54] <seb128> Trevinho, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172796846/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-ppc64el.unity_7.2.0%2B14.04.20140414.1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[15:54] * tedg is really sure about this :-)
[15:54] <seb128> Trevinho, the pp64el issue
[15:54] <ali1234> if it is installed, it steals the menus, regardless of whether you actually want it loaded or not
[15:54] <seb128> bregma, that one ^ needs a retry as well
[15:54] <qengho> seb128: I don't know what then next step is. infinit-y seemed to say "sounds like a good idea". Should I do something else?
[15:54] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah that's the same that shown up also last time...
[15:54] <seb128> qengho, get it uploaded
[15:54] <Trevinho> seb128: and really I've not much clue what might be other than a timing issue
[15:54] <Trevinho> seb128: mhr3 fixed these tests some time ago
[15:55] <ali1234> tedg: so what steps must we take to "avoid" loading the .so?
[15:55] <tedg> ali1234, So that's not an upstart thing, that's in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80appmenu
[15:55] <tedg> ali1234, You need an attente
[15:55] * mhr3 hides
[15:55] <qengho> seb128: yeah, but by whom?
[15:56] <tedg> ali1234, I'm guessing that script needs to be smarter, it's only checking to see if the file exists. Which is clearly not enough.
[15:56] <qengho> I made noise in #ubuntu-release already.
[15:56] <ali1234> it used to be that it wouldn't do anything if UBUNTU_MENUPROXY was not set
[15:56] <seb128> qengho, your usual sponsors? I can do it if you want
[15:56] <ali1234> well, i'm fairly sure we don't set that in xfce...
[15:57] <tedg> ali1234, It's set by lightdm using that script. All the scripts in that directory run before the user session.
[15:57] <ali1234> if it's not a service, how does it get the menus?
[15:57] <qengho> seb128: yes, please. I think CCC is busy with other stuff.
[15:58] <tedg> ali1234, All GTK programs load a GTK module, that hides and exports the menus.
[15:58] <ali1234> exports them where?
[15:58] <tedg> ali1234, On the other side of things the .so implemented everything needed to recieve the menus. It's a little different from the others in that the process loading it does a lot more.
[15:58] <ali1234> via what mechanism is the menu transfered from the application to the thing that runs in the panel?
[15:58] <tedg> dbus
[15:59] <ali1234> so there is a service that listens on dbus then?
[15:59] <tedg> Yes, who ever loads the .so
[15:59] <ali1234> so in other words it is a service...
[15:59] <tedg> Yes, but no one of the indicator services
[15:59] <tedg> not
[16:01] <ali1234> so it's more like the mpris stuff? where each app exports it's own menus, and then the indicator goes and finds them all?
[16:01] <mhr3> seb128, Trevinho, weird: (test-gtest-service:19151): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: Error releasing name com.canonical.Unity.Scope.testscope1.T29883340183229126: Timeout was reached
[16:01] <qengho> seb128: Also, if you want me to not have to bother you for this, you may endorse my PPU application in the next 30 hours. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChadMiller/DeveloperApplication
[16:01] <mhr3> seb128, dbus blew up?
[16:01] <seb128> mhr3, that could be, not sure
[16:02] <seb128> qengho, noted down
[16:02] <seb128> qengho, the version to sponsor is from your ppa?
[16:02] <Trevinho> mhr3: fyi the tests just seems to be unstable... sometime the go, some others don't
[16:02] <seb128> qengho, 34.0.1847.116-0ubuntu1~pkg1006 is the correct version? you keep the ~pkg for archive uploads?
[16:02] <ali1234> tedg: the problem here is that by making everything work off an environment variable set by lightdm, you are asking lightdm to predict the future
[16:02] <mhr3> Trevinho, everywhere? or a particular arch?
[16:03] <qengho> seb128: yes. It takes hours to rebuild. I like uploading exactly what people have tested.
[16:03] <ali1234> there is no way it can know if the user is going to load indicator-appmenu or not
[16:03] <seb128> qengho, k
[16:03] <tedg> ali1234, Are you underestimating the abilities of LightDM? ;-)
[16:03] <tedg> ali1234, I think that the script should probably just set the variable based on which desktop is being loaded.
[16:03] <ali1234> tedg: it doesn't have permission to access the settings file
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[16:03] <ali1234> so even if it was able to parse xfce settings, it still would not work
[16:04] <tedg> Sure but you could force it into the upstart environment table if it was enabled.
[16:04] <tedg> Heck, we should just do that…
[16:04] <ali1234> yeah, or we could add more crap to accounts service...
[16:05] <tedg> Then it could use dconf
[16:05] <ali1234> a larger problem is we allow the user to toggle on/off indicators at run time
[16:05] <seb128> qengho, hum, do you usually ppa source copy?
[16:06] <tedg> Yeah, and the Upstart job could just set the variable based on a setting.
[16:06] <tedg> It would run on desktop-start, but could be run anytime as needed.
[16:06] <seb128> Laney, there? to upload chromium from https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/stage/+packages to trusty do you think we can just ppa source copy it?
[16:06] <Trevinho> mhr3: only on ppc64el
[16:06] <tedg> Would be nice to get another thing out of Xsession
[16:06] <ali1234> sounds more sensible
[16:06] <tedg> We need it to die sooner rather than later.
[16:06] <Laney> seb128: is that what they normally do?
[16:07] <seb128> Laney, no idea
[16:07] <seb128> chrisccoulson, there? how do you sponsor chromium uploads usually?
[16:07] <ali1234> at the moment appmenu doesn't even work in xfce - it crashes both the app and the desktop
[16:07] <Laney> Looks like it
[16:07] <ali1234> so it doesn't really matter how it gets fixed
[16:07] <mhr3> Trevinho, then i'll say that dbus on ppc64 is broken :)
[16:07] <ali1234> (in the short term)
[16:07] <ali1234> some people are trying to make it work though
[16:08] <mhr3> Trevinho, or something dbus related, but clearly not my code ;P
[16:08] <Laney> not clearly
[16:08] <Laney> you should try to reproduce on the porter machine first
[16:08] <seb128> Laney, "copy-package --ppa=canonical-chromium-builds --ppa-name=stage -s trusty --to-primary --to-suite trusty-proposed chromium-browser" ?
[16:09] <Laney> seb128: include binaries
[16:09] <seb128> Laney, k
[16:09] <qengho> seb128: I see uploads pretty quickly. It has to be something like that.
[16:09] <seb128> qengho, it's chrisccoulson who usually sponsor those right?
[16:10] <qengho> seb128: yes.
[16:10] <seb128> k
[16:10] <seb128> he doesn't seem to be around
[16:10] <seb128> let's try that ppa copy then
[16:11] <Laney> I looked at https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/stage/+build/5815872 which is a copy from the ppa with binaries
[16:11] <seb128> k, it makes sense if the ppa is configured for security updates
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[16:14] <qengho> seb128: et merci beaucoup.
[16:18] <seb128> qengho, de rien ! ;-)
[16:19] <ali1234> tedg: i'm looking on a saucy machine and there is no 80appmenu
[16:20] <tedg> ali1234, Correct, it changed with teh change from appmenu-gtk to unity-gtk-module
[16:21] <ali1234> i also don't see the string "MENUPROXY" anywhere in /etc
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[16:24] <ali1234> i just installed it on trusty and that file still doesn't exist
[16:25] <seb128> bregma, Trevinho: the unity in the silo looks fine to me (just from basic user testing), I'm calling it a day in a bit but feel free to publish/nag #ubuntu-release when you feel it's ready
[16:25] <Trevinho> seb128: thanks
[16:25] <seb128> yw!
[16:27] <ali1234> so which package does /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80appmenu belong to?
[16:32] <ali1234> unity-gtk-module isn't a package
[16:33] <ali1234> unity-gtk(2|3)-module neither contain 80appmenu
[16:33] <tedg> Wait, I had it backwards :-/
[16:33] <ali1234> appmenu-gtk also isn't a package
[16:33] <tedg> That's an appmenu-gtk thing, it is just left over on this machine.
[16:34] * tedg hates on /etc for a moment
[16:34] <ali1234> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/874943 <- lol
[16:34] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 874943 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Appmenu stays visible behind gnome-shell panel" [Undecided,New]
[16:35] <ali1234> same bug, except 2.5 years old
[16:35] <tedg> ali1234, So yes, we already moved it to an Upstart job, unity-gtk-module
[16:36] <ali1234> so how do we kick it out of xubuntu then?
[16:36] <tedg> ali1234, That job should be smarter
[16:36] <dobey> appmenu-gtk - Export GTK menus over DBus
[16:36] <dobey> appmenu-gtk3 - Export GTK menus over DBus
[16:36] <dobey> ali1234: ^^ those look like packages to me
[16:36] <ali1234> !info apmenu-gtk trusty
[16:36] <ubot2> 'trusty' is not a valid distribution:
[16:36] <tedg> dobey, Those are probably left over if you've upgraded
[16:37] <ali1234> whoops, well, they don't exist here in my package manager
[16:37] <ali1234> bbiab
[16:37] <tedg> ali1234, So I'd say check something in the pre-start of that job, what exactly is something you'll need to talk with attente about.
[16:38] <dobey> oh
[16:39] <dobey> ugh, something causing extremely slow rendering issues in current trusty :(
[16:40] <dobey> or maybe i just need a reboot
[16:40] <tedg> Yup, seems to be after about an hour for me.
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[17:11] <ali1234> i still don;t get it. that job doesn't do anything unless UBUNTU_MENUPROXY is already set
[17:15] <ali1234> why is this even in unity-gtk-module anyway?
[17:18] <sarnold> when scrolling the list of online accounts in the unity control center, more than one provider is selected at once; any guesses where I should file the bug? unity? gtk? unity-control-center?
[17:18] <sarnold> (I suspect it is only a visual glitch)
[17:45] <beidl> Trevinho: found the issue and fixed it. where to push? :)
[17:45] <Trevinho> beidl: cool! :) new branch please
[17:45] <beidl> Trevinho: based on trunk?
[17:46] <Trevinho> beidl: yes, or your previous branch is fine anyway... as it will be trunk soon
[17:46] <beidl> perfect
[17:46] <Trevinho> beidl: or just set it as a prerequisite on the merge-proposal
[17:46] <Trevinho> beidl: so it won't show the diff of that
[17:51] <beidl> Trevinho: if the launcher hides, and I drag the icon away *without* dropping it, should the launcher reappear? currently the launcher reappears only after a new drag start.
[17:52] <Trevinho> beidl: yes, the launcher should hide only if you try to pass over it.. (in multi-monitor you want to move on the other screen for example)
[17:57] <xclaesse> I'm writing a gtk app, basically a GtkStack and GtkListBox, the background is all black with ubuntu theme
[17:58] <xclaesse> is there known ubuntu gtk theme issues?
[18:11] <beidl> Trevinho: is there an event that gets emitted whenever the mouse is moved? all dnd related events except resets won't get called as soon as the launcher is hidden
[18:13] <Trevinho> beidl: mh, right... In theory the dnd collection window might get that, but it's also hidden as soon as it gets something
[18:14] <Trevinho> beidl: so... mhmh, a possibility might make that to show up again in that case
[18:14] <Trevinho> beidl: calling collect on it should be enough
[18:15] <beidl> Trevinho: what needs to happen is reversing the animation and setting the DND_PUSHED_OFF quirk to false. currently that only happens when dnd is either complete or aborted
[18:16] <beidl> Trevinho: but if the launcher should reappear as soon as mouse.x >= geometry.width
[18:17] <beidl> Trevinho: I'd need to find out where to do that. I assume RenderArgs isn't going to get called if the launcher is hidden, right?
[18:18] <Trevinho> beidl: it depeneds, it might... it gets called each redraw... so since the basewindow is always there it happens also if not shown
[18:19] <Trevinho> beidl: that's why I added that change that you reverted... As I didn't want to spend cycles when not needed, it should be done more carefully
[18:19] <beidl> Trevinho: yeah, those stupid corner cases :)
[18:23] <Trevinho> beidl: indeed... unfortunately there are so many that is quite easy to hit one :o
[18:40] <beidl> Trevinho: I'd basically have the UnityScreen inform the launcher about every single mouse movement. I'm not sure if that's worth it.
[18:40] <Trevinho> beidl: mh, it's probably better to avoid that
[18:41] <beidl> Trevinho: should I keep it the way it is now? only make the launcher reappear on DND ending?
[18:42] <Trevinho> beidl: ok, that's enough for now... if there aren't cleaner solution it's already an improvement :)
[18:53] <ali1234> tedg, attente: i opened bug 1307657 re appmenus.
[18:53] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1307657 in unity-gtk-module (Ubuntu) "UBUNTU_MENUPROXY should not be set in Xfce" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1307657
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[19:02] * tedg commented
[19:03] <ali1234> thanks
[19:04] <beidl> Trevinho: do you think there's still enough time to fix bug 1163041 ? :)
[19:04] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1163041 in unity (Ubuntu) "Inconsistent behaviour with minimized Trash windows" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1163041
[19:04] <Trevinho> beidl: I hope so
[19:04] <Trevinho> beidl: it's on my list
[19:04] <Trevinho> beidl: we can make as sru, as the pieces area ll there, we only have to fix unity
[19:05] <beidl> Trevinho: how would you go about fixing it? actually make a trash/device window "fly" into its corresponding launcher window on minimize?
[19:06] <beidl> launcher icon*
[19:08] <Trevinho> beidl: I'm about to go now, but I can explain this with some more details tomorrow (or later) if you want
[19:08] <beidl> Trevinho: great! :)
[19:08] <beidl> Trevinho: my quassel is always-on anyways :D
[19:08] <Trevinho> beidl: btw basically we should make nautilus a case of Application that has sub-windows, and these might be detached from the main app if are "special"
[19:09] <beidl> Trevinho: ok, makes sense
[19:10] <Trevinho> beidl: this is an old diff I did to begin on that... but just to give the idea http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7251294/
[19:10] <beidl> Trevinho: looking into it
[19:10] <Trevinho> beidl: see if you can get what I meant.. Need to go now
[19:11] <beidl> Trevinho: alright, have a nice day!
[19:11] <Trevinho> beidl: thanks ;)
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