UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /14 /#maas.txt
Initial commit
[01:32] <mwhudson> oh ffs
[01:33] <mwhudson> sometimes ubuntu's postgres packaging is pretty annoying
[02:16] <mwhudson> hm
[02:17] <mwhudson> when does bind/maas/named.conf.options.inside.maas get updated?
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
[08:38] <gmb> !ask
[08:38] <ubot5> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience
[09:21] <rvba> allenap: did you have time to look into bug 1306303?
[09:21] <ubot5> bug 1306303 in MAAS "Enlistment fails with "400 BAD REQUEST" in logs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1306303
[09:23] <allenap> rvba: No, unfortunately not.
[09:25] <allenap> rvba: I’ll try to take a look at it later, unless you’ve a burning desire to take it on.
[09:26] <rvba> allenap: I'm trying to recreate another bug right now. I'll have a look later unless I see you've commented on it/triagged it.
[09:56] <Alqemist> Hey, could anyone help me, I'm getting apache errors when trying to view my MAAS web interface..
[10:07] <rvba> Alqemist: sure, please give us the reference of the version you're using. Plus the content of the relevant logs (/var/log/apache2/* /var/log/maas/*).
[10:17] <Alqemist> Hi rvba, I tried to install MAAS via the Ubuntu installer and got the errors, so I'm trying to install MAAS manually via fresh install. If I still get the errors, I'll post them here.
[10:18] <rvba> All right.
[10:19] <Alqemist> I know that I got this error on the first line of my /var/log/apache2/error.log:-
[10:19] <Alqemist> mod_wsgi (pid=2600): Target WSGI script '/usr/share/maas/wsgi.py' cannot be loaded as Python module.
[10:20] <Alqemist> Alright, it seems installing the MAAS packages via apt-get on a fresh install works, I get no errors at all. Seems the installer via CD is causing a few issues.
[10:48] <gmb> rvba, allenap: Documentation changes for your beady eyes, if you could: https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/maas/node-doc/+merge/215634
[12:48] <gmb> rvba: Thanks for the thorough review. I’ll get on that now.
[12:55] <rvba> gmb: welcome. Btw, I just noticed that the doc about "Importing the images" (on which you're working) is really poor: it doesn't even mention simplestreams.
[12:56] <rvba> gmb: it looks as if it's trying hard not to define properly what the "boot resources" are :).
[12:57] <gmb> rvba: Fancy that :). I’ll take a proper look and clean it up.
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[13:56] <gmb> rvba: Can you point me to the specific doc you’re talking about?
[13:57] <rvba> gmb: http://people.canonical.com/~rvb/maas-docs/install.html#import-the-boot-images
[13:57] <gmb> rvba: Ta.
[13:57] <allenap> rvba: Re. bug 1307017, do you know what happened with the named.conf.options.inside.maas file?
[13:57] <ubot5> bug 1307017 in MAAS "MAAS does not update BIND configuration when domain changes" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1307017
[13:59] <rvba> allenap: not sure what you mean. That file is what Julian added recently so that MAAS can control BIND's options.
[14:01] <allenap> rvba: Okay, never mind then. Sorry.
[14:02] <rvba> allenap: I added a comment on the bug (you probably saw it). Waiting for a reply now because, like I said, I can't recreate the pb. Or do you think that I missed something?
[14:03] <allenap> rvba: Nope, don’t think you missed anything.
[14:03] <rvba> k, let's wait until we have more details then.
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
[17:09] <tych0> hi roaksoax, i'm doing http://paste.ubuntu.com/7250694/ before apt-get purge '.*maas.*', but it is still asking me the purge questions
[17:09] <tych0> any ideas on how to get it to just auto purge?
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=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
[19:23] <bigtree> does anyone know where I can find documentation on creating a curtin preseed file?
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=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
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[23:13] <mwhudson> anyone awake?
[23:17] <mwhudson> ah nm