UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /14 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:07] <dougiel> valorie, best man page I ever read (shortest) - lol
[00:08] <valorie> oh my
[00:08] <valorie> not helpful then?
[00:09] <dougiel> valorie, not really but no options or anything so was not expecting much... I think I will just try it and let you know :)
[00:09] <dougiel> ... beats reading - lol
[00:09] <valorie> cool
[00:09] <valorie> oh, lennart.....
[00:09] <valorie> at least there IS a man page
[00:10] <dougiel> Oh yeah, and I feel awesome about reading and understanding one completely for the first time in my linux life I read a whole man page :P
[00:11] <dougiel> valorie, but to answer your question the man page was nothing but I did not know about that utility which I think will be very helpful
[00:12] <valorie> right, I looked at it after your comments
[00:13] <dougiel> easy read
=== frogonwheels_ is now known as frogonwheels
[04:24] <mcgraw1710> I am a newbie with Kubuntu, and I can't get my phone recognized on here at all. It is in mass storage mode, but not recognized anywhere. Even in lsusb. I am on Kubuntu 13.10
[04:25] <mcgraw1710> Anyone know where and how I could install the drivers needed to connect my Motorola Triumph?
[05:15] <lordragnus> someone can help me with a sound issue?
[05:16] <jussi> lordragnus: just ask the question and if someone can help, they will most likely answer
[05:19] <lordragnus> I have a nvidia gtx 650, I have installed the driver but sounds not working. I'm completely noob in kubuntu and in linux in general. I've googled for the solution of my problem but none of the solutions seems to work.
[05:22] <jussi> lordragnus: gtx 650 appears to be a graphics card... ?
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[05:25] <lordragnus> yes is a graphic card from nvidia
[05:26] <lordragnus> in the windows 7 everythings work only in linux i having this issue, most probably because I'm noob and don't make the steps correctly in installation or something
[05:28] <jussi> lordragnus: no, sound should work out of the box. are you sure its not muted ? have you checked settings in system settings?
[05:30] <lordragnus> what settings should I check?
[05:31] <jussi> lordragnus: system settings -> Multimedia -> Audio and Video settings
[05:32] <DarthFrog> Or right-click on the Volume Control on your taskbar and choose Settings.
[05:32] <DarthFrog> I mean, Audo Setup. :-)
[05:33] <lordragnus> everything seems ok
[06:19] <lordievader> Good morning.
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[08:55] <linuxsuper> salve a tutti
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[10:26] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:35] <jelly_> hello
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[10:38] <BluesKaj> hi jelly_
[10:39] <jelly_> asl?
[10:40] <alket> hah
[10:45] <BluesKaj> jelly_, this isn't a chit chat chan. It's a support chan for Kubuntu.
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[11:03] <meemee> hi
[11:04] <BluesKaj> hi meemee
[11:04] <meemee> According to what I'm reading online, there should be an update to the latest, bug-free OpenSSL in the repositories. But my version is not up to date, and I'm not getting any update options.
[11:04] <meemee> hi BluesKaj
[11:06] <BluesKaj> are you hosting a site that uses openSSL ?
[11:07] <meemee> No, that's why I didn't pay much attention originally. But apparently I have some software that relies on it.
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[11:28] <lordievader> meemee: You can check if you have a patched version by checking the changelog: apt-get changelog openssl
[11:30] <lordievader> !info jockey-text
[11:30] <ubottu> Package jockey-text does not exist in saucy
[11:30] <lordievader> !info jockey-kde
[11:30] <ubottu> jockey-kde (source: jockey): KDE user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-0ubuntu15 (saucy), package size 9 kB, installed size 112 kB
[11:30] <lordievader> !info jockey-kde trusty
[11:30] <ubottu> Package jockey-kde does not exist in trusty
[11:30] <lordievader> Hmm, okay.
=== calin is now known as crucerucalin
[11:34] <spycrab0> Hi i'm having some focus problems with Kubuntu 13.10.I can only interact with the taskbar , thats it.strangely logging out and logging in again fixes it.I'm using a R.A.T. 5 mouse
[11:35] <meemee> lordievader: there's something that seems to refer to it, from my limited understanding of Heartbleed, and has the right date (http://paste.ubuntu.com/7249226/). But my OpenSSL version seems out of date (OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012).
[11:36] <lordievader> meemee: That's the patched version.
[11:37] <meemee> lordievader: Good to know. Thanks.
=== kevin is now known as Guest97924
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[13:07] <dougl> What image do I use to install 13.10 on a computer that has graphics issues
[13:11] <BluesKaj> dougl, you could start from here ,minimal install jso m dasically an assisted net install http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/
[13:12] <BluesKaj> basically
[13:13] <BluesKaj> suddenly very dark in here , rain moving in
[13:16] * dougiel dcc's umbrella to BluesKaj
[13:16] <dougiel> the mini.iso then?
[13:18] <BluesKaj> think it's worth a try, might have more HW driver options, but I dunno for sure
[13:20] <salsero_> cant be used for uefi
[13:21] <dougiel> where did the tex.. no uefi on desktops (I think that is the problem) ... so where did the text install option go?
[13:22] <salsero_> i think its gone now
[13:22] <BluesKaj> dougiel, if possible try the legacy mode in uefi
[13:24] <dougl> BluesKaj, legacy mode?
[13:25] <BluesKaj> no uefi on desktops , that's news to me
[13:26] <BluesKaj> after 2010 most pcs desktops and laptops switched to uefi
[13:27] <BluesKaj> legacy mode is the old bios equivalent in uefi
[13:28] <dougiel> LOL - BluesKaj what are you trying to say...the desktops are all hand me downs
[13:28] <salsero_> uefi with csm to allow legacy boot mode
[13:28] <BluesKaj> how old ?
[13:28] <dougiel> 5-10 yrs aprox
[13:29] <BluesKaj> ok ,then it must be a HW recognition problem
[13:30] <Pici> 4/36
[13:30] <dougiel> Sorry the one we are working on is about 7 years old... sec I have the manual here somewhere
[13:33] <OnkelTem> Is it possible to enable Dvorak or Colemak layout on Ubuntu 12.04? Simply put, it doesn't work/
[13:34] <OnkelTem> I removed all layouts, then added English (US) with Colemak, restarted KDE, no any effect
[13:34] <BluesKaj> OnkelTem, ubuntu support at #ubuntu
[13:34] <BluesKaj> oh kde
[13:36] <dougl> BluesKaj, yes 2007 the manual was published in so 7 yrs old
[13:38] <dougl> BluesKaj, I have a progress bar one the install from the mini.iso (downloading)
[13:52] <BluesKaj> dougl, TBH , never used that version
[13:54] <salsero_> i have
[13:54] <salsero_> so, where are you at?
[13:55] <dougl> I am getting errors dl packages after writting part tab and continuing - salsero_ , make sense?
[13:56] <salsero_> part as in partition?
[13:56] <dougl> yes sorry... will stop the anoying short cuts
[13:56] <dougl> tab = table
[13:57] <salsero_> could be that the partition you created is full?
[13:57] <salsero_> well, i have encountered that in the past as well
[13:57] <salsero_> so eventually I downloaded the full cd
[13:58] <salsero_> it could be also related to the mirror chosen
[13:58] <dougl> no - resized to 100 amd 24 g of windows data is on a 60 g partition
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[14:04] <dougl> salsero_, can you suggest a mirror? all kinds of packages failed to download
[14:05] <salsero_> choose the main server just in case
[14:05] <salsero_> might be slower thought
[14:05] <salsero_> might be slower though
[14:07] <dougl> I am at a prompt asking for a mirror host name... can ya thro me a bone salsero_ - lol
[14:07] * dougl is lost and sure appreciates salsero_ 's company and advice
[14:08] <salsero_> hang on bro
[14:08] <salsero_> got some shit on my plate
[14:10] <salsero_> would be something like: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
[14:10] <dougl> I here you... I wish I had a plate - my shit is hitting the fan and making a mess all over - don't let me distract you...
[14:10] <dougl> thanks
[14:12] <salsero_> try without archive as well
[14:13] <salsero_> mine is
[14:13] <salsero_> deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy main restricted
[14:14] <salsero_> but I am in spain, so this one is closer to me, which might not be the case for you
[14:14] <dougl> I picked china server (that is what I used to do for mandrake china or germany) and is progressing installing the base system
[14:15] <dougl> brb
[14:33] <dougl> back
[14:40] <salsero_> welcome back
[14:41] <dougl> salsero_, ty - all is progressing now
[14:42] <dougl> I am on select and install software at 23 of 31 files
[14:42] <dougl> Time to chat salsero_ ?
[14:43] <dougl> so this gives me ubuntu stock?
[14:43] <dougl> err a stock install of ubuntu...
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[14:54] <salsero_> ye
[14:54] <salsero_> you can then work your way out
[14:54] <salsero_> and install other stuff
[14:54] <salsero_> while you can work at the same time
[14:59] <BluesKaj> dougl, does the installer give you an option to install kde/kubuntu instead of unity/ubuntu?
[15:00] <salsero_> as far as I can remember, not
[15:00] <BluesKaj> so it just install ubuntu core?
[15:00] <BluesKaj> installs
[15:02] <alket> How to make kubuntu remember numlock on
[15:02] <salsero_> system settings
[15:03] <salsero_> input devices
[15:03] <salsero_> keyboard
[15:03] <salsero_> NumLock on KDE startup
[15:03] <alket> salsero_: thank you
[15:04] <salsero_> i dont know what core stands for, but it installs plain ubuntu
[15:04] <alket> ?
[15:04] <salsero_> long story alket
[15:15] <lordievader> Good afternoon.
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[15:41] <alket> if you install a software through apt-get it wont be avaialble in kickoff app launcher until reboot, how to fix this ?
[15:45] <lordievader> alket: It should be available right away.
[15:47] <salsero_> right away
[15:48] <salsero_> in KDE at least, should be the same for gnome
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[17:46] <alket> Why the the albanian server is always outdated ?
=== CongealedHapines is now known as EvilRoey
[18:21] <rberg> Have others been having graphical glitches on kubuntu 14.04?
[18:22] <lordievader> rberg: Trusty support is in #ubuntu+1
[18:23] <rberg> ohh ok thanks
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[23:11] <dougl> been installing 14.04 for almost 12 hrs now - what it the dev channel?
[23:55] <alastair> I just installed Unbuntu server on my Dell Laptop, and am having a hard time getting the wireless card to be recognized, anyone able to help ?