UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /14 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[04:56] <jussi> well then. apart from the crazy install rubbish mentioned earlier, 14.04 install seems to have worked fine. I havent found anything not working yet, all appears good
[06:00] <snele> shadeslayer: I can confirm that muon updater bug is fixed :) thank you for fixing it.
[06:03] <snele> apachelogger: was it you that fixed grub to show "Kubuntu" instead of "Ubuntu"?
[06:04] <valorie> my restart today still showed "ubuntu"
[06:04] <snele> apachelogger: since latest updates in last few days it again shows "Ubuntu" instead "Kubuntu"
[06:04] <valorie> which sucks
[06:04] <snele> valorie: yeah. i hate it too
[06:04] <valorie> because what if people have unity, gnome etc. desktop as well as kubuntu?
[06:04] <valorie> we tell people all the time they can do that
[06:11] <Kalidarn> that's actually one of the things i prefer about fedora
[06:11] <Kalidarn> it's "fedora" - "gnome spin", or "kde spin"
[06:11] <Kalidarn> but still the same distribution
[06:12] <Kalidarn> people often think that ubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu are actually somehow different distributions
[06:12] <Kalidarn> when really the only difference is the default environment on the media
[06:15] <valorie> well, insofar as we have separate communities, we do have different distros
[06:15] <valorie> with a common base
[06:15] <Kalidarn> i guess that's true canonical is only really interested in unity
[06:15] <valorie> but then not all of us are separate, either
[06:15] <Kalidarn> true.
[06:16] <valorie> these days, they seem interested in profit, no matter what that takes
[06:16] <Kalidarn> i prefer KDE because it keeps me neutral
[06:16] <valorie> neutral from what?
[06:16] <Kalidarn> a distribution, i can use it on virtually any distribution i choose
[06:16] <valorie> I prefer KDE because it feels like home
[06:17] <Kalidarn> so if for some reason i am forced to use centos/rhel i can use KDE.
[06:17] <valorie> community is awesome
[06:17] <Kalidarn> that too, the amarok guys are really helpful.
[06:17] <valorie> nothing against the gnome people, they are cool as well
[06:17] <valorie> I started in amarok
[06:17] <Kalidarn> yeah i don't mind gnome as much, i was thinking more in regards to unity.
[06:17] <valorie> so far, unity is canonical only
[06:18] <Kalidarn> yeah.
[06:18] <valorie> and i don't think they are interested in community support for it
[06:18] <Kalidarn> ive always found "KDE" to be more configurable too.
[06:18] <valorie> of course
[06:18] <Kalidarn> like even basic things like rotating wallpapers
[06:18] <valorie> gnome isn't meant to be configurable
[06:18] <Kalidarn> to do that in gnome when i last used it you needed a python script on a cron job :P
[06:18] <valorie> it has other interests
[06:18] <Kalidarn> which isn't exactly user friendly :P
[06:19] <Kalidarn> especially when out of the box, that's the kind of functionality you can do on macosx/windows
[06:19] <valorie> people who want to configure stuff don't choose gnome
[06:19] <Kalidarn> that is why i disagree with gnome/unity "easy to use == has no features" mentality
[06:19] <lordievader> Good morning.
[06:19] <Kalidarn> that said my KDE configuration is pretty stock.
[06:20] <Kalidarn> gnome probably has that feature now though, and it was unity anyway i found I couldn't do it with
[06:23] <valorie> I'll have to confess I've spent less than an hour with anything but KDE
[06:23] <valorie> I just can't deal with the feeling of being confined
[06:23] <Kalidarn> oh i gave every environment more of a chance than that :D
[06:23] <valorie> I don't like strait-jackets either
[06:24] <Kalidarn> i used gnome 2 quite a bit, and i used unity for a good few releases
[06:24] <Kalidarn> somewhere around the 10.04/11.X days
[06:24] <Kalidarn> and i think at that point i found KDE less crashyy
[06:24] <Kalidarn> KDE before 4.8 was horrible.
[06:25] <valorie> I love it when people have used multiple systems
[06:25] <Kalidarn> seems most of the crashes were ironed out after 4.8
[06:25] <valorie> I've just not been able to bear to do so
[06:25] <Kalidarn> i've also used XFCE for ages too, a bit before that
[06:25] <Kalidarn> and i tried LXDE briefly, but didn't stay with it because well, my computer is powerful why not run a powerful environment.
[06:26] <Kalidarn> LXDE and Razor-Qt merged, it's a good server environment, though
[06:26] <Kalidarn> although in the case of a server i'd probably run something like TWM
[06:29] <jussi> you peoples might want to take this discussion to #kubuntu-offtopic ;)
[06:30] <valorie> thanks jussi
[06:30] * valorie is there
[06:31] <soee> good morning
[06:59] <soee> what was the command to upgrade form 13.10 to 14.04 ?
[07:02] <jussi> soee: currently: do-release-upgrade -d
[07:02] <jussi> iirc
[07:02] <soee> in the docs there is info to use: kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade but thers no such command
[07:02] <soee> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/TrustyTahr/Alpha2/Kubuntu
[07:06] <lordievader> soee: That's the first time I see that command, I recall 'do-release-upgrade -d' too.
[07:07] <soee> lordievader, yeah me to just googled it
[07:13] <tsimpson> ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt: /usr/bin/kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade
[07:14] <tsimpson> it's a one-liner script: kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE -d"
[07:19] <soee> tsdgeos, thanks for the explanation
[07:19] <soee> tsimpson, ^
[07:21] <valorie> the 'kubuntu-devel' version worked for awhile
[07:21] <valorie> perhaps there were problems and it was deprecated
[07:22] <apachelogger> snele: that's because the core distribution is called ubuntu
[07:26] <valorie> apachelogger: how will people be able to choose in grub between kubuntu/ubuntu/ugnome etc.?
[07:26] <valorie> for awhile it did say "kubuntu"
[07:28] <lordievader> valorie: I think that is up to the latest de that installs a plymouth theme, ofcourse you can change plymouth themes ;)
[07:29] <apachelogger> valorie: yeah, and that it saying there was what broke UEFI botting in 13.10 and prompted the creation for a patch in grub that does nothing more than put 'kubuntu' on equal footing which in turn requires someone to test UEFI every development cycle to make sure the patch actually covers everything, and then one just needs to hope that a corner case test was not forgotten
[07:30] <valorie> ah
[07:30] <valorie> I don't reboot that often anyway except while testing
[07:31] <apachelogger> if someone installs many ubuntus and does so on different distros, then they can still change the name themself
[07:31] <valorie> I'm dreading the first uefi box
[07:31] <apachelogger> in fact, they can even change it for uefi because most uefi managers do differentiate between name and loader directory
[07:31] <apachelogger> and as long as only name is changed everything works fine
[07:32] <apachelogger> the problem is that grub internally derives both loader directory and name from the distribution value
[07:32] <apachelogger> so us setting the distro to kubuntu makes grub think there should be a uefi loader directory kubuntu/, which of course is not there, so boom
[07:32] <valorie> most strange
[08:23] <apachelogger> I am seeing unbarable amounts of amarok crashery
[08:28] <snele> whenever I have tried amarok in last few years I was able to crash it within minutes. on other hand clementine is rock solid since day one
[08:29] <snele> so remove amarok, install clementine when i install kubuntu. sad but true
[08:30] * apachelogger prefers using free software
[08:35] <valorie> hmmm
[08:35] <valorie> I found one crash and reported it
[08:35] <valorie> but it is just in podcasts
[08:36] <valorie> I had to run it in gdb to get a backtrace
[08:36] <valorie> which is a bit of a drag
[08:37] <apachelogger> might be gstreamer then
[08:37] <apachelogger> apparently for some reason drkonqi doesn't come up recently ^^
[08:40] <kubotu> ::runtime-bugs:: [1306377] kwallet not use gpg auth @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1306377 (by GoFast)
[08:40] <valorie> it was a segfault
[08:40] <valorie> I've never had dr. k come up in those cases
[08:40] <valorie> apachelogger: clementine isn't free software?
[08:43] <apachelogger> drkonqi gets invoked on all error signals
[08:43] <apachelogger> valorie: you may want to talk to j-b ^^
[08:44] <valorie> I always enjoy talking with j-b!
[09:01] <Riddell> testing testing testing!
[09:01] * apachelogger shivers
[09:02] <Riddell> apachelogger: how is clementine not free software?
[09:16] <apachelogger> Riddell: contains copyrighted materials, unattributed materials, improperly licensed materials and at some point at least incompatibly licensed materials
[09:23] <apachelogger> ScottK, Riddell: can we still land a fix for baloo?
[09:23] <apachelogger> expands xapian exception catching
[09:26] <Riddell> apachelogger: was just looking at vHanda's " Minor fixes for Baloo"
[09:28] <apachelogger> Riddell: right that's the same fix
[09:28] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: yo
[09:28] <shadeslayer> I'm back
[09:28] <apachelogger> I'd hold off on the KCM thting though
[09:28] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: welcome back
[09:28] <Riddell> apachelogger: right, but if you upload the other fix I'll look for a chance to accept it
[09:28] <apachelogger> groovy
[09:28] <Riddell> hi shadeslayer!
[09:28] <shadeslayer> o/
[09:30] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: everything looking good?
[09:32] <shadeslayer> ScottK: software-properties?
[09:32] <apachelogger> vHanda: I don't see 3fbb3df42f619f57d390327cf56da4120d9e4ed2
[09:32] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: oh yeah, s-p, does that need sponsoring or something?
[09:32] <apachelogger> I saw that had a pending merge request
[09:32] <shadeslayer> needs mergering first
[09:33] <shadeslayer> kdeuser56_ hit a backtrace that looked quite similar to what apport had
[09:33] <kdeuser56_> shadeslayer: what backtrace?
[09:34] <apachelogger> bloody shitty workaround
[09:34] <apachelogger> ffs
[09:34] <shadeslayer> kdeuser56_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-properties/+bug/1307170
[09:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1307170 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/software-properties-kde crashed when triggering mirror selection and clicking ok quickly" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[09:34] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: yeah :/
[09:35] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: you dch -a'd to a released entry
[09:35] <shadeslayer> damn
[09:37] <kdeuser56_> shadeslayer: with the patch?
[09:37] <shadeslayer> kdeuser56_: no
[09:38] <shadeslayer> kdeuser56_: without it
[09:38] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: all fixed
[09:38] <vHanda> apachelogger: I haven't pushed it so far
[09:39] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: oddly kdeuser56_ reports that the try/except statement doesn't work for him , which is weird, just running sip.setdestroyonexit(False) works though
[09:39] <apachelogger> pff
[09:39] <apachelogger> what?
[09:39] <shadeslayer> some sort of indentation issue
[09:39] <shadeslayer> yeah
[09:39] <shadeslayer> it works fine here
[09:40] <kdeuser56_> apachelogger, shadeslayer that was really weird, but it did not work here
[09:40] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: oh yeah, your intention is shit
[09:40] <shadeslayer> what
[09:40] <shadeslayer> it works here!
[09:40] <apachelogger> you use 4 spaces
[09:40] <apachelogger> rest of the file uses two
[09:41] <apachelogger> love how the rules uses python2 :O
[09:41] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: fixed
[09:42] <apachelogger> Riddell: bug 1307291 is a dupe of another bug
[09:42] <ubottu> bug 1307291 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[kubuntu] crash when partitioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1307291
[09:43] <apachelogger> bug 1038522 gmail says
[09:43] <ubottu> bug 1038522 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "[kde] manual partitioning in installer crashes when handling many partitions" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1038522
[09:46] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: fyi bug 1294666 needs tracking
[09:46] <ubottu> bug 1294666 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[HSW mesa kde needs Xorg-1.15.1] Multiple tiling-esque artifacts in KDE" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1294666
[09:46] <apachelogger> it's a foundations bug?
[09:47] <shadeslayer> useful for tracking in release notes
[09:47] <apachelogger> foundation release notes are handled separately?
[09:47] <shadeslayer> dunno
[09:47] <apachelogger> I can not crash software-properties
[09:48] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: apparently happens one time out of 5
[09:49] <apachelogger> ah there we go
[09:51] <ghostcube> hello people :)
[09:52] <apachelogger> Uploading software-properties_0.92.36_source.changes: done.
[09:52] <apachelogger> Successfully uploaded packages.
[09:52] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: yay
[09:52] <apachelogger> fixes random crash on exit
[09:54] <shadeslayer> so, that's fixed too, everything looking green for release ? :D
[09:54] * apachelogger will never understand why lunchpad bugs can have an affected package removed but not a project
[09:54] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: no
[09:54] <shadeslayer> ^^
[09:54] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: :O
[09:54] <shadeslayer> what's broken
[09:54] <soee> ha :) i did just upgrade 13:10 -> 14.04 here @ work and it failed
[09:54] <apachelogger> sometimes you make me wanna throw entire buildings after you
[09:54] <apachelogger> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.structural_
[09:54] <apachelogger> subscriber=&field.milestone%3Alist=61346&field.milestone%3Alist=62300&field.milestone%3Alist=62301&field.milestone%3Alist=62303&field.milestone%3Alist=62304&field.milestone%3Alist=62302&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.tag=kubuntu&field.tags_combinator=ANY&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.has_cve.used=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.affects_me.used=&field.has_no_package.used=&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_
[09:54] <apachelogger> branches.used=&field.has_branches=on&field.has_no_branches.used=&field.has_no_branches=on&field.has_blueprints.used=&field.has_blueprints=on&field.has_no_blueprints.used=&field.has_no_blueprints=on
[09:54] <apachelogger> jesus
[09:55] <shadeslayer> hurray
[09:55] <apachelogger> https://tinyurl.com/ovfcj78
[09:55] <shadeslayer> langpack! :O
[09:55] <soee> system freezed during upgrade, after reboot i had info like: The drik drive for / ... is not accessible or something
[09:55] <soee> *disk
[09:55] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: actually the ones about export only need verifiction I reckon
[09:56] <apachelogger> pitti should have added the correct export rules, on wednesday there were no new exports available though
[09:56] <Riddell> soee: hmm, probably the interruppted upgrade caused the breakage, question is why it would freeze :(
[09:57] <apachelogger> bug 1298251 might be a bit concerning
[09:57] <ubottu> bug 1298251 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "[kubuntu] Ubiquity crash when starting LiveCD with a chosen language" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1298251
[09:57] <apachelogger> also it might play into the turkish localization being broken on some lines
[09:57] <apachelogger> it's rather suspicious tho
[09:58] <soee> Riddell: no idea i could move only mouse nothing more
[09:59] <soee> oh btn daily images are a bit broken - it is impossible ti install system using it
[09:59] <soee> when it comes to creating partitions it crashes
[10:00] <shadeslayer> 0.o
[10:00] * shadeslayer is downloading
[10:02] <kdeuser56_> is kubuntu ubiquity installer written in qt ?
[10:02] <xnox> kdeuser56_: python-qt4
[10:08] <Riddell> soee: :( hum, I'll be testing shortly to check all this
[10:26] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:27] <ghostcube> hi BluesKaj
[10:28] <BluesKaj> Hi ghostcube
[10:40] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: you looking into ubiquity crashing?
[10:40] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: mind you, the partitioning crash also has a bug
[10:40] <apachelogger> should be targeted accordingly to show up int he query
[10:41] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: I can have a look, but I'm not particularly good at fixing ubiquity
[10:41] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: what are you looking at?
[10:41] <shadeslayer> bug 1294666
[10:41] <ubottu> bug 1294666 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[HSW mesa kde needs Xorg-1.15.1] Multiple tiling-esque artifacts in KDE" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1294666
[10:41] <apachelogger> but why, it's foundation? :P
[10:42] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: just poking people to get the patched package in
[10:42] <apachelogger> ah, nice
[10:42] <shadeslayer> because if that's not in, then KDE on intel will be kaput
[10:46] <apachelogger> that would be quit the novelty
[10:46] <apachelogger> not
[10:50] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: looking at the partition crash
[10:53] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: you know the website theme is in bzr?
[10:53] <Riddell> kubuntu-website project I think
[10:54] <Riddell> hi vgezer
[11:13] <BluesKaj> where's muon , it disappeared
[11:13] <shadeslayer> ooohh
[11:13] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: found another bug :/
[11:14] <BluesKaj> I don't some silly icon infested gui catering to the eye candy crowd
[11:14] <BluesKaj> want
[11:14] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: start ubiquity with german language -> quit -> start with english -> manual partitioning -> page comes up partially in german
[11:14] <shadeslayer> BluesKaj: just install muon then
[11:14] <shadeslayer> via discover
[11:16] <BluesKaj> shadeslayer, yeah , i guess...still think it should be installed as a stand alone app
[11:16] <shadeslayer> useless duplication of apps
[11:16] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://imgur.com/4l8cdF4
[11:17] <BluesKaj> shadeslayer, I don't use discover
[11:17] <shadeslayer> BluesKaj: useless duplication of apps on the ISO
[11:17] <shadeslayer> those who use muon will just install it from discover
[11:17] <shadeslayer> and muon is targetted at advanced users anyway
[11:18] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: <mlankhorst> shadeslayer: feel free to test ppa:canonical-x/x-staging soon, uploading to ubuntu as well
[11:18] <shadeslayer> so yay
[11:20] <shadeslayer> hah
[11:20] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: works the other way too
[11:20] <shadeslayer> English -> go to manual partitioning -> go back to the language selection page -> switch to german -> manual partitioning page comes up in English
[11:20] <shadeslayer> xnox: ^^
[11:21] <BluesKaj> shadeslayer, true , perhasps there should be an optional minimalist version release
[11:21] <shadeslayer> minimalist version ?
[11:21] <shadeslayer> netinst :P
[11:21] <shadeslayer> ubuntu core
[11:22] <shadeslayer> very minimalist ;)
[11:23] <BluesKaj> like the mini cd
[11:24] <shadeslayer> get the mini cd then ? :P
[11:24] <BluesKaj> rhought it was discontinued
[11:26] <shadeslayer> BluesKaj: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/
[11:26] <shadeslayer> oh
[11:26] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: well, atleast i can reproduce it
[11:26] <shadeslayer> partitioning crashing
[11:28] <BluesKaj> thanks sha, good to know
[11:28] <BluesKaj> shadeslayer,:)
[11:31] <shadeslayer> and ofcourse, can't reproduce it with --debug :/
[11:33] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: manual part has l10n issues
[11:33] <apachelogger> haven't gotten around to look into them
[11:33] <apachelogger> been there since 13.10 though
[11:39] <apachelogger> Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.
[11:39] <apachelogger> QQ
[11:42] <apachelogger> agateau: didn't you fix bug 1285705
[11:42] <ubottu> bug 1285705 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "kubuntu: read release notes not working" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1285705
[11:42] <apachelogger> or did we only discuss it?
[11:43] <agateau> mmm
[11:43] <agateau> I think we only discussed it :/
[11:43] <Riddell> there's not been anyone working on that
[11:45] <apachelogger> much sad
[11:49] <apachelogger> subprocess.Popen(['sensible-browser', uri], close_fds=True,
[11:49] <apachelogger> preexec_fn=misc.drop_all_privileges)
[11:49] <apachelogger> is what the gtk side does
[11:51] <Riddell> what does our side do?
[11:52] <apachelogger> not sure yet
[11:52] <apachelogger> I am reasonable certain the slideshow at least does go through qt
[11:52] <apachelogger> without drop privs
[11:52] <apachelogger> so the slideshow definitely starts as root
[11:53] <agateau> I guess the kde side uses QDesktopService to open the url with the default browser, without dropping privileges
[11:54] <apachelogger> hm
[11:54] <apachelogger> I don't find the relaese notes thing
[11:54] <agateau> lost in ubiquity maze, are you? :)
[11:54] <apachelogger> http://i.imgur.com/1sTjy4e.png
[11:54] <apachelogger> it's just not there :P
[11:54] <apachelogger> maybe we removed it because it was broken? xD
[11:54] <agateau> ah, problem solved then \o/
[11:55] <agateau> might be, iirc it pointed to a stupid url
[11:55] <agateau> like kubuntu.org/news
[11:55] <agateau> meaning the link would not be valid next time a release is made
[11:56] <apachelogger> which itself is curious
[11:56] * apachelogger can't find a related commit -.-
[11:57] * apachelogger thinks agateau broke the partition stuff in feburary :P
[11:57] <apachelogger> oh, the bug was around since 2012
[11:57] <apachelogger> this is the most ludicrous thing ever
[11:58] <agateau> what did I break?
[11:58] <apachelogger> agateau: possibly nothing, possibly everything
[11:58] <agateau> now that's a precise bug report :)
[11:58] * apachelogger hates the structure of the code
[11:58] <apachelogger> it's like a pile of madness in every file
[11:59] <apachelogger> agateau: bug 1038522
[11:59] <ubottu> bug 1038522 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "[kde] manual partitioning in installer crashes when handling many partitions" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1038522
[11:59] <apachelogger> but its older
[12:00] <apachelogger> agateau: bug 1307291 might be yours
[12:00] <ubottu> bug 1307291 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[kubuntu] crash when partitioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1307291
[12:01] <agateau> apachelogger: that backtrace looks very odd
[12:03] * agateau pulls trunk
[12:03] <apachelogger> it's funny because treeitem definitely has parentItem ^^
[12:03] <agateau> apachelogger: yes, that's what I meant
[12:03] <apachelogger> unless it's an invalid treeitem
[12:03] <agateau> unless some crazy code does a del(item.parentItem)
[12:03] <apachelogger> not sure how that would come to pass
[12:05] * agateau downloads latest iso
[12:06] <apachelogger> there is a general problem FWIW, the GUI does not disable while partition is in progress :(
[12:06] <apachelogger> well, model manipulation anyway
[12:06] <apachelogger> but it does not seem to do anythign either, so bad UX only I suppose
[12:06] <agateau> yeah
[12:07] <agateau> mmm, cdimage.ubuntu.com does not respond
[12:09] <apachelogger> it's funny how the partitioner doesn't want to mark a new ext4 as / but does for ext3/2
[12:10] <apachelogger> kaboom it went
[12:10] <apachelogger> ooooh
[12:11] <apachelogger> agateau: the release notes thing is only there when starting ubiquity from the try-kubuntu-session
[12:11] <apachelogger> and now it disappeared Oo
[12:11] <agateau> uhuh
[12:11] <apachelogger> zafuq
[12:11] <apachelogger> the label is there and then it disappears
[12:12] <apachelogger> and I don't think it's broken vbox driver that eats it
[12:12] <apachelogger> then again, who knows
[12:12] * apachelogger tries on hardware
[12:13] <apachelogger> agateau: I made it crash by creating 100mb volumes for ext4/ext3/ext2 and it crashed at btrfs
[12:14] <apachelogger> ext4 was primary, all other logical
[12:14] <apachelogger> so it might be btrfs specific or there is a problem with too many logicals
[12:14] <agateau> apachelogger: still reading seed file :)
[12:14] <agateau> apachelogger: what does the backtrace say?
[12:14] <apachelogger> same useless thing as the bug report
[12:15] <apachelogger> and the release notes thing definitely disappears after a while
[12:15] <apachelogger> no clue why
[12:16] <agateau> regarding release notes: we might as well make it disappear for good
[12:17] <apachelogger> for now anyway ^^
[12:17] <apachelogger> seeing as it hides on its own anyway
[12:17] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: fwiw it's not a btfs thing because I could reproduce it with 10 ext4 partitions
[12:17] <apachelogger> fancy
[12:18] <apachelogger> agateau: oh we can't it has the update-installer link
[12:18] <apachelogger> so I guess we should make it not hide or something
[12:18] <apachelogger> or
[12:18] <apachelogger> maybe that is why it is hiding
[12:18] <apachelogger> checks-for-updates-automatically-then-hides-label-because-up-to-date
[12:19] <agateau> what do you mean "the update-installer link"
[12:19] <agateau> ?
[12:19] <apachelogger> the label that disappears reads "you may wish to read the release notes
[12:19] <apachelogger> or update this installer."
[12:19] <apachelogger> there's two links, one opens the release notes, the other updates the installer
[12:19] <apachelogger> and yeah, the label gets hidden because the installer is updated
[12:20] <apachelogger> if I pull the network the label stays
[12:21] <shadeslayer> facedesk
[12:21] <agateau> hu
[12:22] <apachelogger> :O
[12:22] <apachelogger> man this is confusing
[12:22] <apachelogger> apparently the label is controlled through the common ubi-language.py plugin
[12:23] <apachelogger> it apparently is not referenced by kde directly
[12:23] <apachelogger> release_notes_label is the name
[12:23] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7249408
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[12:23] <shadeslayer> ubiquity crash
[12:23] <apachelogger> wrong 'a'
[12:24] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: what you working on?
[12:24] <shadeslayer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1038522
[12:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1038522 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "[kde] manual partitioning in installer crashes when handling many partitions" [High,Triaged]
[12:24] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: that's what agateau is looking at
[12:24] <shadeslayer> pft
[12:24] <shadeslayer> well then
[12:24] <shadeslayer> agateau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7249408/
[12:25] <shadeslayer> same TreeItem crash
[12:25] <agateau> shadeslayer: uh, this paste as base64-encoded core-dump in it!
[12:26] <shadeslayer> agateau: yeah, it's from a vbox
[12:26] <apachelogger> don't open it in kate
[12:26] <shadeslayer> live system
[12:26] <apachelogger> it will fall over dead
[12:26] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: you know
[12:26] <agateau> shadeslayer: do you have a reliable way to reproduce?
[12:26] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: you could probably apport that stuff so it ends up on errors.ubuntu.com :P
[12:26] <apachelogger> because I fail to find it there
[12:26] <shadeslayer> agateau: just make loads of small partitions :P
[12:26] <agateau> k
[12:27] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: any recommendations on how to send it off to e.u.c ?
[12:27] <shadeslayer> because the blue splash didn't pop up
[12:27] <apachelogger> run apport-kde I guess
[12:28] <apachelogger> perhaps ubiquity kde ui lacks integration with apport
[12:28] <apachelogger> and that's why we have no reports on errors.ubuntu ^^
[12:29] <Riddell> yes it does
[12:29] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: you could look at the release notes thing btw
[12:31] * apachelogger is heading out for an appointment in 30 minutes
[12:31] <apachelogger> if anyone needs something, now is the time to whine :P
[12:33] <shadeslayer> pickles would be nice
[12:33] * apachelogger throws a keyboard
[12:34] * shadeslayer now has a mountain of keyboards
[12:35] <shadeslayer> agateau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7249463/
[12:39] <agateau> shadeslayer: /dev/sda-1... that sounds bad
[12:39] <agateau> ah no
[12:40] <shadeslayer> the full log is 17M :(
[12:42] <agateau> ubiquity logging is like that
[12:42] <apachelogger> better too much logging than too little I always say
[12:42] <shadeslayer> hah
[12:42] <shadeslayer> hah
[12:43] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: so clicking on update this installer doesn't really do anything
[12:43] <shadeslayer> and then the label disappears
[12:43] <apachelogger> yeah, because its uptodate
[12:43] <apachelogger> -.-
[12:43] <apachelogger> see what I wrote earlier...
[12:44] <shadeslayer> so why does it say "update this installer" ...
[12:44] <apachelogger> because it does not know
[12:44] <apachelogger> up until it hides the label
[12:44] <apachelogger> becasue then it knows
[12:44] <apachelogger> which is why it hides the label (presumably)
[12:45] <shadeslayer> why not do it the other way around, only show it when it knows there's an update
[12:45] <shadeslayer> don't show it otherwise
[12:47] <apachelogger> I do not know, that is not the problem I have with the showing anyway
[12:47] <apachelogger> the problem si that it also links to release notes
[12:47] <apachelogger> and if the installer is uptodate you can't access the release notes
[12:47] <apachelogger> which is le shit
[12:47] <shadeslayer> eh
[12:48] <shadeslayer> wfm
[12:48] <apachelogger> so the question is a) why does the label also include the release notes b) can it be detangled (which is not really in the scope for 14.04 at this point) c) fix the release notes link to do the drop_privs subprocess thing the gtk gui does
[12:49] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://imgur.com/QLXHyWn
[12:52] <agateau> apachelogger: from what I read, the code is using separate strings, so it should be possible to only show the installer update
[12:56] <Mamarok> so, the baloo_file_extractor ist using 25% CPU permanently, what can I do against that, other than not running it?
[12:57] <Mamarok> vHanda: ^
[12:58] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: agateau the whole release notes thing is broken
[12:58] <agateau> shadeslayer: yes, which is why I think they should be dropped
[12:58] <jose> Riddell: ping, I need some help
[12:59] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: agateau www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes?os=kubuntu&ver=14.04&lang=en < replace kubuntu with ubuntu and it redirects to ubuntu.com
[13:00] <shadeslayer> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes
[13:00] <shadeslayer> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes
[13:01] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: not sure I follow
[13:01] <apachelogger> ah
[13:01] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: redirect should be to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes
[13:01] <apachelogger> no
[13:01] <shadeslayer> no?
[13:01] <apachelogger> I think we never use the wiki for final notes
[13:01] <apachelogger> final notes are always the release announcement on kubuntu.org
[13:02] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: try 13.10
[13:02] <apachelogger> I guess the 14.04 forward is just not set up yet because we have no news yet ^^
[13:02] <shadeslayer> redirects to wiki.ubuntu.com
[13:02] <shadeslayer> mhm
[13:02] <apachelogger> http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.10 for me
[13:03] <apachelogger> anyway, I gotta run, laters
[13:03] <shadeslayer> aha
[13:03] <shadeslayer> hm
[13:04] <Riddell> hi jose
[13:05] <jose> Riddell: I'm in class atm and jakecn
[13:06] <jose> whoops
[13:06] <jose> I need to wget a file to docs.k o from jakecn
[13:06] <shadeslayer> agateau: I see priv dropping before the QDesktopService call
[13:06] <shadeslayer> so the browser isn't opened as root
[13:07] <agateau> shadeslayer: ah cool, I haven't checked
[13:07] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ^^
[13:07] <jose> Riddell: you think you could do that for me, please?
[13:08] <shadeslayer> agateau: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/view/head:/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-language.py#L503
[13:09] <agateau> shadeslayer: I trust you
[13:09] <shadeslayer> :)
[13:09] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/view/head:/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-language.py#L503 < should be fine btw
[13:19] <Riddell> jose: um probably, can't you do it? what's needed?
[13:27] <ovidiu-florin> hello world
[13:28] <ovidiu-florin> jose: are you still around?
[13:29] <jose> Ovidiu-Florin hey
[13:29] <jose> can we try a hangout?
[13:29] <jose> just went out of class
[13:29] <ovidiu-florin> sorry I can't I'm at work
[13:29] <jose> ok it's fine
[13:30] <jose> Ovidiu-Florin: let me ping jakecn
[13:30] <ovidiu-florin> I saw the emails
[13:30] <ovidiu-florin> jose: I'm in PM with him
[13:30] <Quintasan> \o
[13:35] <jose> [08:33] (jose) Ovidiu-Florin: let me know once we're on track again
[13:35] <jose> I should
[13:36] <jose> recognize, IRCing from the phone is no good
[13:41] <ovidiu-florin> jose: I'm on. I'm getting the files right now
[13:42] <jose> Ovidiu-Florin: awesome! looks like we're on time to get it ready for release?
[13:43] <ovidiu-florin> I hope so
[13:44] <jose> let me know if you need a hand with testing and I'll be happy to help with that, after I'm done with classes today I have the rest of the day and all tomorrow free
[13:44] <shadeslayer> jose: feel free to test anytime and reportback here
[13:44] <shadeslayer> or on the mailing list
[13:44] <jose> shadeslayer: I meant, on the migrated website stuff :)
[13:45] <shadeslayer> ah :)
[13:58] <vHanda> Mamarok: which version are you on? Also, could you please check the numbers at the end of baloo_file_extractor and see if they are changing?
[14:07] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: are you back?
[14:16] <agateau> shadeslayer: what were the spec of the partitions you created to crash ubiquity (fs type, primary/logical, size, mount point...)?
[14:16] <shadeslayer> all ext4
[14:17] <shadeslayer> I had a bunch of 1000 MB partitions in the beginning
[14:17] <agateau> ah boom, just got it
[14:17] <shadeslayer> awesome
[14:20] <ghostcube> hmm we dont have an alternate animore? or do we?
[14:20] <ghostcube> alternate.iso
[14:22] <shadeslayer> good question, I thought alternate ISO's were generated for LTS's ?
[14:23] <yofel> we never made a case for that
[14:23] <yofel> we dropped them, completely
[14:27] <ghostcube> hm ok so i would need to install xubuntu first on my old dell laptop
[14:28] <ghostcube> its non pae
[14:28] <ghostcube> :D
[14:28] <yofel> netinst should work, no? Or does that not have a NIC?
[14:28] <ghostcube> hmm ah yes this would be an opption
[14:29] <shadeslayer> I hate python
[14:29] <yofel> that, or ubuntu-server
[14:29] <shadeslayer> and it's shitty unicode formatting issues
[14:29] <shadeslayer> for some reason the language QComboBox shows the Romanian entry fine
[14:29] <shadeslayer> but getting the text makes it garbled
[14:30] <shadeslayer> or well
[14:30] <shadeslayer> currentText loses the accent on the n
[14:31] <shadeslayer> agateau: ^^ ideas why that would be happening?
[14:32] <agateau> shadeslayer: not really. How are you reading currentText?
[14:32] <shadeslayer> agateau: QComboBox::currentText()
[14:32] <shadeslayer> which converts it into a python str
[14:33] <agateau> shadeslayer: are you printing the value, or showing it in in a QLabel?
[14:33] <shadeslayer> agateau: passing it through misc.utf8 also makes no difference
[14:34] <shadeslayer> agateau: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/view/head:/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-language.py#L528
[14:35] <shadeslayer> agateau: the GTK code passes it through misc.utf8 : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/view/head:/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-language.py#L221
[14:35] <shadeslayer> I tried doing that, but it still comes up with the same error :/
[14:36] <agateau> shadeslayer: have you tried not using str() on it?
[14:37] <shadeslayer> agateau: yeah, same error
[14:41] <agateau> shadeslayer: running out of ideas, sorry :/
[14:41] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Python still can't into Unicode?
[14:41] <Quintasan> bloody hell it's 2014 already
[14:41] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: looks like it
[14:42] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: it's weird, the QComboBox displays the value correctly
[14:42] <shadeslayer> but when you fetch the current value back into python, it's muddled up with \x03 at the end
[14:42] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1298251
[14:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1298251 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "[kubuntu] Ubiquity crash when starting LiveCD with a chosen language" [High,Confirmed]
[14:42] <Quintasan> u"Something" doesn't work?
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[14:44] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: This is probably a hack but can't you just cut last 4 characters?
[14:44] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: no
[14:44] <Quintasan> Or it's not \x03 always?
[14:44] <shadeslayer> the n has a accent
[14:45] <shadeslayer> which is required for the map lookup
[14:45] <Quintasan> hurr
[14:45] <yofel> wasn't py3 like... supposed to fix all unicode issues? ^^
[14:46] <Quintasan> >Python
[14:46] <Quintasan> Sorry
[14:46] <Quintasan> >Python 3
[14:46] <Quintasan> >actually solving anything
[14:46] <Quintasan> yofel: Pick one.
[14:46] <yofel> I'll take latter :P
[14:46] <Quintasan> Didn't we just get more problems when migrating to Py3?
[14:47] <yofel> well, yes. But would you rather have PHP5 where folks are removing old stuff all the time requiring you to rewrite code once a year?
[14:48] <Quintasan> yofel: I'd rather use something else.
[14:48] <yofel> perl? :D
[14:49] <yofel> I need to get into ruby. Like seriously
[14:49] <Quintasan> You do not expect me to use Perl do you? :P
[14:49] <Quintasan> yofel: Ruby has it's own share of problems but I don't think Unicode is one of them
[14:50] <Quintasan> Do we have Qt bindings for Ruby?
[14:50] <yofel> well, smoke based ones
[14:58] <shadeslayer> ofcourse, Python3 Qt4 has no QString
[14:58] <shadeslayer> yay
[14:59] <yofel> right, py3 is supposed to solve any string issues you might have, so why would you need qstring? :P
[15:02] <shadeslayer> aha
[15:03] <shadeslayer> yofel: apachelogger Quintasan http://paste.kde.org/p5lu5so3w
[15:03] <shadeslayer> welcome to hell
[15:04] * yofel has a bad feeling but opens it anyway
[15:04] <Quintasan> wat
[15:04] <Quintasan> WAT
[15:04] <Quintasan> http://stewd.io/javascript/media/watDuck.jpg
[15:05] <yofel> hm, I shouldn't have
[15:05] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Just how did you do that?
[15:05] <shadeslayer> magic
[15:05] * yofel goes back to his PHP. That at least works
[15:05] <yofel> what I just said sounds so wrong
[15:05] <Quintasan> yofel: So I heard you like dollars
[15:06] <Quintasan> $$derp
[15:06] <yofel> sure, make likes them too. It's the cool way
[15:09] <Riddell> I always forget how long upgrade testing takes
[15:11] * shadeslayer emails python qt mailing list
[15:15] <lordievader> Good afternoon.
[15:19] <Quintasan> Riddell: You don't do it often enough then :P
[15:19] <Quintasan> i386 and amd64 13.10 -> 14.04 paths worked here
[15:19] <Riddell> Quintasan: ooh great
[15:19] <Quintasan> 12.04 amd64 also did work
[15:19] <Riddell> Quintasan: lightdm all good afterwards?
[15:20] <Quintasan> Assuming we are talking about the most common scenario, that is ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports was added and I first upgraded with that
[15:20] <Quintasan> Riddell: I had no problems on VirtualBox nor with my PC
[15:20] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: nice
[15:20] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: totally fun one week before release >.>
[15:20] <Riddell> Quintasan: the more scenarios the better, adding PPAs and installing extra stuff including other flavour meta packages all worth testing
[15:20] <apachelogger> good thing pyqt has no unit tests apparently
[15:21] <Quintasan> Riddell: Is there anything in particular I should look for?
[15:21] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: it's not there since this week
[15:21] <shadeslayer> oh
[15:21] <apachelogger> I reckon the problem is there since we moved to py3.4
[15:21] <shadeslayer> o_O
[15:21] <shadeslayer> interesting
[15:21] <kfunk> are there some known issues with locale-handling in trusty? after the recent system upgrade, I see weird things (tm).
[15:21] <shadeslayer> kfunk: define weird things
[15:21] <Riddell> Quintasan: weird things in locales :)
[15:21] <apachelogger> kfunk: env
[15:21] <kfunk> LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 ls --help <- shouldn't that give me english output
[15:21] <Riddell> Quintasan: check lightdm works, I also had a report of konqueror not being installed
[15:22] <kfunk> or, well, en_US.utf8
[15:22] <Quintasan> Riddell: Works; konq? I don't think we ship it
[15:22] <kfunk> (which doesn't work either)
[15:22] <Quintasan> hmm
[15:22] <Quintasan> LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 ls --help yields Polish here
[15:23] <Quintasan> LC_ALL=C works as expected
[15:23] <apachelogger> LANGUAGE will override LC_ALL I think
[15:23] <Quintasan> So it seems.
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[15:23] <apachelogger> LANG < LC_* < LC_ALL < LANGUAGE
[15:23] <Quintasan> kfunk: LANGUAGE=en_GB.utf-8 ls --help works here
[15:24] <apachelogger> LANGAUGE=en is good enough btw
[15:24] <kfunk> LANGUAGE is set to en:de:en
[15:24] <kfunk> Quintasan: indeed
[15:24] <apachelogger> kfunk: en:de will nto work
[15:24] <kfunk> i don't even know where this cr*p is coming from
[15:24] <kfunk> :P
[15:24] <apachelogger> there is a bug in eglibc
[15:24] <Quintasan> wat
[15:24] * shadeslayer moves onto next bug
[15:24] <apachelogger> it has a race condition (don't ask how that can happen) which leads to it trying the second value if and only if en is the first value
[15:25] <kfunk> lul
[15:25] <apachelogger> de:fr will yield de just fine
[15:25] <Quintasan> WAT
[15:25] <apachelogger> en:fr will yield french
[15:25] <Quintasan> apachelogger: Amounts of wat on this channel today are huge.
[15:25] <kfunk> apachelogger: indeed
[15:25] <kfunk> hehehe. this is awesome. NOT
[15:25] <apachelogger> Quintasan: that's not really news :P
[15:25] <apachelogger> I highlighted the issue back in january or maybe feburary
[15:25] <kfunk> apachelogger: thanks for clarifying.
[15:26] <kfunk> it was driving me insane this morning
[15:26] <apachelogger> also FWIW, glibc does not have this issue
[15:26] <apachelogger> gotta love debian for defaulting to eglibc because of political stuff ;)
[15:26] <Quintasan> libav drama
[15:27] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: about the py stuff, does it help if you explicitly construct a QString
[15:27] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: you can't
[15:27] <shadeslayer> there is no QString in Python3
[15:27] <shadeslayer> all hail the Python3
[15:27] <Quintasan> ALL GLORY TO THE Hypnotoad
[15:27] <Quintasan> wat
[15:27] <apachelogger> pff
[15:27] <kfunk> py3 strings are already good-enough (tm)
[15:28] <kfunk> they're the shit
[15:28] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: try wrapping the string in unicode()
[15:28] <apachelogger> alas, I think pyqt has a conversion problem
[15:29] <apachelogger> because it will still need to marshall into a qstring somewhere, and I reckon that broke because python cannot provide a stable language :P
[15:29] <Quintasan> shadeslayer, apachelogger: I think that driver manager should prompt me to restart the computer after it's done with installing the drivers.
[15:29] <apachelogger> </randomrantery>
[15:29] <apachelogger> Quintasan: that is also not news, I filed a bug about it back in feburary but it did not get fixed in time unfortunately :P
[15:29] <Quintasan> Bloody hell.
[15:29] <apachelogger> you really should test more than 4 days before release :P
[15:30] <Quintasan> Agreed.
[15:30] <kfunk> on related news: the german translations for git messages are so shitty, it's not even funny
[15:30] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: I think unicode isn't there in Python3
[15:30] <Quintasan> kfunk: You need to talk to git upstream I believe.
[15:30] <Quintasan> Or to Launchpad.
[15:31] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: "All text is Unicode; however encoded Unicode is represented as binary data"
[15:31] <yofel> shadeslayer: actually, I think everything is unicode by default in py3 - that's how it was supposed to be at least
[15:31] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: yeah
[15:31] <shadeslayer> erm
[15:31] <shadeslayer> yofel: yeah
[15:31] <yofel> great how it makes you life easier, right?
[15:32] <yofel> *your
[15:32] <apachelogger> if pyqt had unit tests for string conversion it sure would
[15:32] <kfunk> best of (for the germans amongst us, apachelogger, you, too): "Zunächst wird der Branch zurückgespult, um Ihre Änderungen darauf neu anzuwenden..."
[15:32] <apachelogger> kfunk: weltraumtaste
[15:32] <kfunk> zerbrochene pfeife
[15:32] <apachelogger> lawl
[15:32] <yofel> rofl, stop it :D
[15:34] <ghostcube> weltraumtaste eh? wer übersetzt den kram denn bitte?
[15:34] <ghostcube> -.-
[15:34] <yofel> ubuntu's german translation team IIRC :P
[15:35] <ghostcube> m(
[15:35] <ghostcube> chinese spam emails are even better than this
[15:36] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: oh btw, it was noticed that no one was handling translation imports and 3 billion imports piled up :P
[15:37] <shadeslayer> heh
[15:37] * Quintasan sometimes wishes he understood German so he could laugh at their jokes
[15:37] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: trying to fix https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330999
[15:37] <ubottu> KDE bug 330999 in updater "crash when cache update brings in completely new package that must be installed for update" [Crash,Confirmed]
[15:37] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: don't fix upstream bugs
[15:37] <apachelogger> tell the mister apol
[15:38] <shadeslayer> okay
[15:38] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: where's the import queue ?
[15:38] <kfunk> Quintasan: example: "pipe" is ambiguous in german and could also mean "whistle". and broken whistles really don't make sense in computer context
[15:38] <apachelogger> I do not know
[15:39] <Quintasan> lel
[15:39] <shadeslayer> heh
[15:39] <apachelogger> Quintasan: broken pipe = broken pipe (as in the thing you smoke)
[15:40] <shadeslayer> kfunk: gtranslate translated that sentence with whistle :)
[15:40] <Quintasan> I do believe we that we translate Broken pipe as "Przerwany potok" which would mean "Broken stream" with stream as stream of water.
[15:40] <kfunk> well, indeed, i meant ambiguous in *english*
[15:40] <Riddell> yay 12.04 upgrade working for me
[15:41] <apachelogger> equally weltraumtaste is the literal translation of space key (space as in outer space)
[15:41] <Quintasan> wat
[15:42] <Quintasan> Okay. That is ridiculous.
[15:42] <apachelogger> space, the final frontier. these are the voyages of the starship plasma.
[15:42] <ghostcube> muahahahaha
[15:42] <ghostcube> stop it :D
[15:45] <kfunk> apachelogger: I fail to see where LANGUAGE is populated(?)
[15:45] <kfunk> that's a KDE thing, where can I change that?
[15:45] <kfunk> are those the languages from the list view thing in the "locale" KCM?
[15:46] <shadeslayer> ohoho
[15:46] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: possibly figured out 1182784 too
[15:47] <apachelogger> kfunk: yeah
[15:47] <apachelogger> it's a kubuntu thing though that maps the kde setting to LANGUAGE/LANG
[15:47] <kfunk> ugh
[15:47] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: neat
[15:50] <shadeslayer> it's another key error
[15:50] <shadeslayer> potentially a type
[15:50] <shadeslayer> *typo
[16:03] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: question about the current site
[16:03] <ovidiu-florin> I see that the tags are random, not well thought of or assigned
[16:03] <ovidiu-florin> at least in the most recent news posts
[16:04] <ovidiu-florin> are they important?
[16:11] <ovidiu-florin> and most of all, I see that they are used as categories, not as tags.
[16:18] <ovidiu-florin> jose: are you around?
[16:20] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: right the tags are just whatever, you can ignore them
[16:20] <ovidiu-florin> great
[16:20] <ovidiu-florin> I have done a demo migration here: http://kubwp.geekaliens.com/
[16:21] <Riddell> with a different theme?
[16:21] <ovidiu-florin> it's a clean wordpress install
[16:22] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: stories look good
[16:22] <ovidiu-florin> in order not to mess up the current one while testing the migration
[16:22] <Riddell> mm but links not so good e.g. http://kubwp.geekaliens.com/news/trusty-beta-1-available-for-testing
[16:22] <ovidiu-florin> I can open that link, can't you?
[16:23] <Riddell> I can open http://kubwp.geekaliens.com/news/trusty-beta-1-available-for-testing yes
[16:23] <Riddell> the url is not the same as for the current site http://www.kubuntu.org/news/trusty-beta-1-available-testing
[16:23] <jose> Ovidiu-Florin: what's up
[16:23] <Riddell> word "for" is added
[16:23] <jose> my scrollback deleted
[16:24] <Riddell> also URLs don't get turned into links magically
[16:24] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: important to keep the URLs the same, I don't think you imported them
[16:24] <Riddell> e.g. http://kubwp.geekaliens.com/news/calligra-2-8-is-out vs http://www.kubuntu.org/news/calligra-2.8
[16:24] <Riddell> URLs are often set manually to make them neat
[16:24] <Riddell> and they are what the outside world links to
[16:26] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: poke
[16:26] <ovidiu-florin> I understand that
[16:26] <ovidiu-florin> they should have been the same
[16:26] <ovidiu-florin> let me check what wen't wrong
[16:26] <ovidiu-florin> jose: you said you want to test, I needed some feedback, but Riddell just gave it to me
[16:26] * Riddell out for a bit
[16:28] <shadeslayer> Riddell: that geekaliens site looks weird on my computer
[16:28] <Riddell> shadeslayer: it's unthemed
[16:28] <shadeslayer> huge margin/whitespace on the right
[16:28] <Riddell> just look at the content of the stories, has the import worked
[16:28] <shadeslayer> oh ok
[16:28] <shadeslayer> xnox: ping
[16:30] <xnox> shadeslayer: hey
[16:31] <shadeslayer> xnox: I was having a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1182784 and I see http://paste.ubuntu.com/7250467/
[16:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1182784 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Install with German / Swiss Keyboard fails: "ubi-console-setup failed with exit code 141" or "Installer Crashed"" [High,Confirmed]
[16:32] <shadeslayer> there's no de*layout*ch*Switzerland entry
[16:32] <shadeslayer> in kbdbames.gz
[16:32] <xnox> shadeslayer: is there ch-de one ? (e.g. the reverse)
[16:32] <shadeslayer> once I add that entry, it works perfectly
[16:33] <shadeslayer> xnox: ch*layout*de ? nope
[16:33] <xnox> shadeslayer: hm.
[16:33] <xnox> shadeslayer: weird, ch locales are crazy though.
[16:34] <shadeslayer> :D
[16:34] <xnox> shadeslayer: i thought we fixed fr/sw layout
[16:34] <xnox> shadeslayer: anything special about that one?
[16:34] <shadeslayer> dunno, I don't have a swiss keyboard
[16:34] <shadeslayer> xnox: it's just that you have the option to set that via syslinux
[16:35] <xnox> shadeslayer: oh, funny.
[16:35] <shadeslayer> yeah
[16:35] <xnox> shadeslayer: we haven't touched that in years.
[16:35] <shadeslayer> pretty sure you can reproduce this in Ubuntu too :P
[16:36] <shadeslayer> xnox: so yeah, what do we do here :)
[16:37] <shadeslayer> I understand what's causing the issue, but don't have a proper fix :)
[16:49] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: 1182784 investigated, don't have a proper solution :(
[17:26] <shadeslayer> xnox: btw still waiting on a answer :)
[17:28] <xnox> shadeslayer: well ubuntu boots into greeter mode _not_ syslinux language chooser.
[17:28] <xnox> shadeslayer: so i guess exposure is less.
[17:29] <shadeslayer> moment
[17:30] <shadeslayer> xnox: so does Kubuntu, but the reporter is directly changing the keymap via syslinux
[17:31] <agateau> apachelogger: shadeslayer: I think I fixed the partition bug. I am up to dev/sda33 right now :)
[17:31] <xnox> shadeslayer: right, ok.
[17:31] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: \o/
[17:32] <shadeslayer> erm
[17:32] <shadeslayer> agateau: \o/
[17:32] <agateau> :)
[17:36] <vgezer> Hi Riddell. Sorry for tooo late response. I was away during the day.
[17:37] <shadeslayer> xnox: huh, works on Ubuntu :/
[17:39] <agateau> will post a patch tomorrow
[17:39] * agateau is off
[17:39] <shadeslayer> agateau: cheers
[17:40] <xnox> shadeslayer: hm. weird. so how to reproduce on kubuntu? boot -> select what in syslinux? and then which language/keyboard/locations to select?
[17:40] <xnox> shadeslayer: i hope it doesn't depend on the geoip location detection.
[17:41] <shadeslayer> xnox: boot -> press F3 as soon as you see the a11y icon -> press F3 to open keymap selection -> select Swiss German keyboard -> start -> set lang to German in ubiquity -> proceed to install
[17:42] <xnox> shadeslayer: thanks!
[17:42] <shadeslayer> np
[17:49] <shadeslayer> ScottK: when's final freeze?
[17:50] <yofel> shadeslayer: FF was last thursday?
[17:51] <shadeslayer> oh
[17:52] <shadeslayer> hm, so zeroconf-ioslave is still at 4.12.97
[17:53] * shadeslayer will have a look tomorrow
[17:53] <yofel> hm, not released in bzr either. Someone worked with outdated files?
[18:02] <ovidiu-florin> where's ahoneybun?
[18:49] <ovidiu-florin> does anyone know?
[19:33] <shadeslayer> yofel: I'd guess
[19:33] <shadeslayer> who uploaded 4.13.0 ?
[19:34] <shadeslayer> hm, Riddell , so how come bzr got updated
[19:34] <yofel> I think we should add a kde-l10n-like branch check to kubuntu-archive-upload
[19:35] <shadeslayer> *nod*
[20:10] <jose> ovidiu-florin: ping
[20:27] <ovidiu-florin> jose: pong
[20:28] <jose> ovidiu-florin: looks awesome.
[20:28] <ovidiu-florin> what?
[20:28] <jose> the site
[20:29] <jose> I have a couple thingies but they should be minimal anyways
[20:30] <ovidiu-florin> jose: at wich site are you looking?
[20:31] <ovidiu-florin> which?
[20:31] <jose> ovidiu-florin: http://kubwp.geekaliens.com/
[20:31] <ovidiu-florin> jose: that was just the test
[20:31] <jose> for being a test it looks great
[20:31] <ovidiu-florin> here is the actual site: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/
[20:33] <ovidiu-florin> the migration does not do certain things, those will have to be done manually I think
[20:38] <jose> if you need a hand with anything just let me know, this week I'm basically free
[20:40] <ovidiu-florin> will do
[21:11] <vgezer> ovidiu-florin: new site is really cool :)
[21:11] <vgezer> good job :)
[21:13] <soee> ovidiu-florin: add repeat for background image :)
[21:19] <ovidiu-florin> I'll ask for some feedback when the posts are migrated
[21:30] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: are you around?
[21:33] <Riddell> hi ovidiu-florin
[21:33] <ovidiu-florin> take a look see http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/
[21:33] <ovidiu-florin> test the old urls
[21:33] <ovidiu-florin> on this site (domain)
[21:35] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: looking nice :)
[21:35] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: I want to ask for some feedback on the mail list. Is this necessary?
[21:35] <ovidiu-florin> or can I go ahead with the full migration
[21:35] <ovidiu-florin> I only get one go for the full migration
[21:36] <ovidiu-florin> I whish I could talk to aaron right now
[21:36] <ovidiu-florin> where is he?
[21:36] <Riddell> somewhere in america, maybe on easter holiday
[21:36] <jose> ovidiu-florin: maybe he's on G+?
[21:36] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: why do you only have 1 go? what still needs migrated?
[21:36] <jose> easter holidays don't start until Thursday (at least here)
[21:37] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: currently there are only 10 posts migrated
[21:37] <ovidiu-florin> the news posts
[21:37] <ovidiu-florin> this is a demo
[21:37] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: will comments be on?
[21:37] <Riddell> cos comments on wordpress get a lot of spam
[21:38] <ovidiu-florin> and to get all the articles migrated they have to fill my account on their site with some money so I can "pay" for the migration
[21:38] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: they don't have to be on
[21:38] <ovidiu-florin> it's just a default
[21:38] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: off then please unless we can think of some way to prevent spam
[21:38] <ovidiu-florin> I would like some feedback on how the migrated news posts look before I doo the full migration
[21:39] <ovidiu-florin> there is
[21:39] <ovidiu-florin> Akismet
[21:39] <jose> Riddell: is the instance able to communicate with the outside world?
[21:39] <jose> ovidiu-florin: you read my mind
[21:39] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: still incorrect urls http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/trusty-beta-1-available-for-testing vs http://www.kubuntu.org/news/trusty-beta-1-available-testing
[21:40] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: and urls not turned into links there
[21:40] <Riddell> jose: instance?
[21:40] <jose> Riddell: the wordpress instance
[21:40] <jose> or box
[21:40] <Riddell> jose: it can do whatever we like
[21:40] <jose> then Akismet is a good solution for spam
[21:41] <jose> we don't have it on canonical-hosted WP as they can't communicate with the outside world, which is why we get lots of spam on the Fridge as an example
[21:42] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: the links are not links because in the drupal post they are not links
[21:42] <ovidiu-florin> drupal recognises that they are links and displays them as such
[21:42] <ovidiu-florin> but they are not stored as <a> tags in the DB
[21:43] <ovidiu-florin> wordpress knows better than to show links when it's not told to do so.
[21:43] <ovidiu-florin> jose: Riddell I use akismet on my blog and it's verry efficient
[21:44] <jose> +1 here
[21:45] <ovidiu-florin> Akismet only has 1 disadvantage
[21:45] <ovidiu-florin> it's usage depends on a company
[21:45] <jose> the key?
[21:45] <ovidiu-florin> we can use the freemium option
[21:45] <ovidiu-florin> but it still depends on a closed source server that belongs to a company
[21:48] <ovidiu-florin> jose: Riddell any other feedback for the demo migration?
[21:48] <ovidiu-florin> I was thinking to send a mail to the mail list and give a 10 hour window for feedback for the demo migration. What do you think?
[21:48] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: just the URLs need sorting I think
[21:48] <ovidiu-florin> and after that, I'll do the full migration.
[21:49] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: go for it
[21:49] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: what do you mean?
[21:49] <ovidiu-florin> the URLs on that page?
[21:49] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: 22:39 < Riddell> ovidiu-florin: still incorrect urls http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/trusty-beta-1-available-for-testing vs http://www.kubuntu.org/news/trusty-beta-1-available-testing
[21:49] <ovidiu-florin> those are correct
[21:49] <ovidiu-florin> they are just not marked as links by the original author
[21:49] <jose> yeah, I can access them both good
[21:49] <Riddell> or http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.12 vs http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/kde-applications-and-development-platform-4-12-available
[21:50] <jose> btw, can we add a title to the site do it displays good on the tab names?
[21:50] <ovidiu-florin> look: this is the html stored in the DB on the drupal site: Trusty Beta 1, based on KDE SC 4.12.2, is available for Testing. The Beta 1 images can be downloaded at: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/trusty/beta-1/. More information on Kubuntu Trusty Beta 1 can be found here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/TrustyTahr/Beta1/Kubuntu.
[21:50] <ovidiu-florin> there are no <a> tags
[21:50] <vgezer> Riddell: you wrote me during the day, but I was away :/
[21:50] <ovidiu-florin> drupal just displays them as URLs to the browser
[21:50] <ovidiu-florin> but they are not stored as links
[21:51] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: yeah I don't mind too much about the turning URLs in the body text into links, it's the news story URLs themselves that should remain the same
[21:51] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: I can edit that by hand right now
[21:51] <Riddell> vgezer: you didn't miss anything, I was just being friendly I think :)
[21:51] <ovidiu-florin> There is a small script that has the old URLs stored and links the new ones and the old one s together
[21:52] <ovidiu-florin> the old ones are still valid
[21:52] <ovidiu-florin> they just get "redirected" to the new one
[21:52] <vgezer> Riddell: haha thanks :). I thought maybe you needed some info regarding to the different characters problem that we spoke :)
[21:52] <ovidiu-florin> even Google sees them the same
[21:52] <ovidiu-florin> it's a 301 redirect
[21:52] <vgezer> because today you added kubuntu tag iirc
[21:54] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: I've updated the article links http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/trusty-beta-1-available-for-testing
[21:55] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: nothing at http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/kde-sc-4.12
[21:55] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: nothing at http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/trusty-beta-1-available-testing
[21:56] <ovidiu-florin> interesting, it worked for some of the articles
[22:00] <Riddell> ooh exciting
[22:00] <Riddell> !testers | final candidate ISOs
[22:00] <ubottu> final candidate ISOs: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley for information
[22:01] <soee> Riddell: tomorrow :) i have to go sleep now
[22:06] * Riddell blogs http://blogs.kde.org/2014/04/14/calling-all-testers
[22:07] <soee> Riddell: thursday is the release day ?
[22:07] <Riddell> yep
[22:07] <soee> ok ill test images tomorrow after work
[22:10] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: the problem with the old URLs can be solved by recreating the permalinks in wordpress
[22:10] <ovidiu-florin> that won't be so difficult
[22:10] <ovidiu-florin> I can do that manually
[22:11] <ovidiu-florin> there are only 304 articles
[22:11] <ovidiu-florin> it will take a bit, but it's doable
[22:11] <ovidiu-florin> jose: can help if he wants
[22:11] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: what do you think?
[22:12] <jose> I think I can give a hand with that, for sure
[22:13] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: yeah whatever works
[22:13] <ovidiu-florin> it's just copy paste
[22:13] <ovidiu-florin> ok then
[22:14] <Riddell> although surely it can be scripted, 300 is quite a lot of pasting :)
[22:14] <ovidiu-florin> any other feedback besides the URLs?
[22:14] <Riddell> news stories are fine
[22:15] <Riddell> the site itself could do with some tweaks
[22:15] <ovidiu-florin> that can be done even after the migration
[22:15] <Riddell> right
[22:15] <ovidiu-florin> after the migration I'll have to do some category cleanup
[22:15] <ovidiu-florin> and tags
[22:16] <jose> ovidiu-florin: if you provide me with an account I'd be happy to help with links
[22:16] <ovidiu-florin> jose: will do
[22:16] <jose> cool
[22:17] <ovidiu-florin> jose: do you want it now or after the migration?
[22:17] <jose> ovidiu-florin: if you send it now, then I can start doing it now
[22:17] <ovidiu-florin> jose: there are only 10 articles
[22:18] <jose> oh, then I can have it done in a couple mins
[22:18] <ovidiu-florin> and 2 so far don't work
[22:18] <Riddell> d
[22:18] <ovidiu-florin> ok, just a moment
[22:19] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: d?
[22:21] <Riddell> typo
[22:27] <ovidiu-florin> jose: do I need to instruct you on how to change the permalinks?
[22:29] <jose> ovidiu-florin: nope, I'm good
[22:29] <ovidiu-florin> great
[22:29] <ovidiu-florin> you can use the quick edit to speed up the process
[22:29] <ovidiu-florin> the /news/ is added by WP
[22:30] <ovidiu-florin> you don't need to add that
[22:31] <jose> ok!
[22:37] <ovidiu-florin> email sent
[22:48] <ovidiu-florin> I'm off to bed
[22:48] <ovidiu-florin> Good night
[22:48] * ovidiu-florin zzzzzz
[22:55] <jose> Riddell: there'll be a problem with http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/kde-sc-4.12: wordpress doesn't accept dots in permalinks
[22:55] <jose> it changes them to dashes
[22:57] <Riddell> ug
[22:57] <Riddell> silly wordpress
[23:00] <jose> want me to leave it as kde-sc-4-12?
[23:00] <Riddell> I wonder if a rewrite rule could be made to fix those
[23:00] <Riddell> well workaround rather than fix
[23:01] <jose> hmm, not sure
[23:01] <Riddell> s/./-/ can't be too hard
[23:01] <kubotu> Riddell meant: "-ell workaround rather than fix"
[23:02] <jose> :P
[23:02] <Riddell> although beyond my capabilities tonight
[23:02] <jose> I wouldn't know how to do it either
[23:02] <jose> or if I could
[23:03] <Riddell> httpd.conf: RewriteEngine On
[23:03] <Riddell> httpd.conf: RewriteRule ^/([0-9]+)$ https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=$1 [R,QSA,L]
[23:03] <Riddell> for example
[23:03] <Riddell> you can do lots of things with apache RewriteEngine
[23:03] <Riddell> needs playing with apache config files
[23:03] <jose> do you have sudo access to that server?
[23:04] <jose> btw, is it fine if I remove smartboyhw from the testers factoid?
[23:04] <Riddell> well yeah, it's our server :)
[23:04] <Riddell> go ahead
[23:05] <Riddell> although I still have hope he'll come back one day
[23:05] <jose> everyone hopes so :)
[23:06] <jose> ubottu: no !testers-#kubuntu-devel is <reply>Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley for information
[23:12] <tsimpson> ^ done
[23:14] <jose> tsimpson: thanks
[23:14] <jose> and sorry for all those pings
[23:14] <dougl> been installing 14.04 for 12 hours now and I keep getting black screen weather or no I use recovery or normal boot
[23:14] <tsimpson> that's why I didn't do it in here ;)
[23:14] <dougl> any suggestions?
[23:16] <dougl> I used the mini.iso and installed that way cuz there was no text install option on the live dvd which booted to a black screen too
[23:40] <littlegirl> Hey there, Riddell, are you at keys?