UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /09 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[01:28] <robert_ancell> darkxst, can you reproduce bug 1278467?
[01:28] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1278467 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "[xsettings]: gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in notify_have_shell()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1278467
[01:34] <darkxst> robert_ancell, I haven't seen that crash in quite some time
[01:34] <darkxst> also it should have been fixed already by http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-settings-daemon/ubuntu/revision/448
[01:34] <darkxst> (if its the same bug)
[01:35] <robert_ancell> darkxst, it's the number 3 crasher in trusty right now
[01:35] <robert_ancell> there's a typo in debian/patches/90_set_gmenus_xsettings.patch which is probably causing it.
[01:35] <robert_ancell> But I can't reproduce
[01:36] <robert_ancell> darkxst, #3 on https://errors.ubuntu.com/?release=Ubuntu%2014.04&period=month
[01:45] <darkxst> apparrently I can reproduce it
[01:45] <darkxst> do you have a patch?
[01:45] <robert_ancell> darkxst, can you try lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-settings-daemon/ubuntu?
[01:48] <darkxst> robert_ancell, ok, will do
[01:52] <darkxst> robert_ancell, that code should not even get run on a gdm/gnome-shell session
[02:00] <darkxst> oh it does actually, but setting have_unity = TRUE there is just wrong
[02:07] <robert_ancell> TheMuso, what time is the desktop meeting?
[02:11] <darkxst> robert_ancell, that seems to fix the crash, but can you also fix
[02:11] <darkxst> 104
[02:11] <darkxst> 104
[02:11] <darkxst> + manager->priv->have_unity = TRUE;
[02:11] <darkxst> before you upload
[02:11] <robert_ancell> darkxst, I'll let you fix that one
[02:11] <robert_ancell> darkxst, I've already uploaded
[02:11] <robert_ancell> I was optimistic :)
[02:12] <robert_ancell> so dobey, when you guys going to stop hogging the top spots on errors.ubuntu.com? ;)
[02:17] <darkxst> robert_ancell, lp:~darkxst/gnome-settings-daemon/have-unity
[02:18] <TheMuso> robert_ancell: I have no idea what meeting you are referring to. So far as I know, there hasn't been a desktop team meeting for a while. I know there are system settings meetings on Friday EU time, but thats all.
[02:19] <robert_ancell> TheMuso, there is one but just not a good time for us https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting
[02:21] <TheMuso> And note the lack of any 2014 meeting notes...
[02:22] <TheMuso> Sed meetings seased in June last year.
[02:24] <robert_ancell> TheMuso, they're on IRC, no-one updates the Wiki anymore (the last one http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/04/01/%23ubuntu-desktop.html)
[02:24] <TheMuso> h ok.
[02:28] <cyphermox> qengho: you should ask to get testimonials prior to the next membership boards meeting
[02:28] <qengho> Ah, right.
[02:28] <cyphermox> to add to your wiki page, and/or people to come cheer for you during the meeting
[02:28] <robert_ancell> darkxst, I don't think that's needed - g_bus_watch_name will call one of the callbacks so in this case you will immediately get a name_vanished in GNOME
[02:28] <robert_ancell> https://developer.gnome.org/gio/unstable/gio-Watching-Bus-Names.html#g-bus-watch-name
[02:29] <qengho> cyphermox: How many testimonials do you recommend?
[02:30] <qengho> cyphermox: and, how did you notice my page?
[02:30] <cyphermox> qengho: no number in particular, one or two, the more the better of course
[02:30] <robert_ancell> darkxst, yeah, and that value is only used after one of the callbacks so it should be fine
[02:30] <cyphermox> I'm on the 1200 UTC board and I was wondering if tomorrow was a meeting
[02:31] <cyphermox> I've been feeling so-so for a while so waking so early up is hard
[02:35] <darkxst> robert_ancell, in which case that line should not even be there!
[02:35] <robert_ancell> darkxst, yeah, I guess so!
[02:40] <qengho> All: Most of you are out-of-phase from my normal work-day, but if you know me, chad, please make a note on my wiki page about my suitability for Ubuntu membership. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChadMiller
[03:01] <qengho> beuno, dobey, jcastro, slangasek: Hi, diverse selection of colleagues. I'm applying for Ubuntu membership. If you don't think that is a terrible idea, please consider adding a note to say so on my wiki page. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChadMiller
[03:02] <qengho> Oh, smuxi irc client, you so crazy.
[03:02] <qengho> Wrong channel.
[03:06] <darkxst> qengho, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard
[03:08] <qengho> darkxst: you're pointing me to the desktop delegationm?
[03:13] <darkxst> qengho, DMB handles memberships for devs and they have a template for collecting endorsements
[05:26] <pitti> Good morning
[06:30] <maclin> pitti, hi, the chinese language pack is not updated to latest. Our QA team is doing the translation tests these days. Would you please help to rebuild this package?
[06:31] <pitti> maclin: latest is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-zh-hans/1:14.04+20140403
[06:32] <pitti> maclin: today we'll get a new automatic update
[06:32] <pitti> right, it was built last night: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+language-packs
[06:32] <pitti> maclin: for some reason Launchpad didn't produce an update last Friday
[06:32] <maclin> pitti, yes, we have updated new translations these days.
[06:34] <maclin> these changes are not include in the latest ISO
[06:46] <maclin_> pitti, could you help to confirm the problem of language pack?
[06:46] <pitti> maclin_: which problem?
[06:46] <pitti> maclin_: probably not, I can't read Chinese; i. e. if some translation is wrong I won't be able to spot taht
[06:46] <pitti> maclin_: if you mean the rebuild, that's going to happen automatically in a few hours
[06:47] <pitti> (see above)
[06:52] <maclin_> pitti, I lose the connection just now. you said there is a problem of building of package last Friday. Normally the pckage will be built automatically everyday, however the last version is 20140403.
[06:53] <pitti> maclin_: yes, but LP did build an update yesterday, so today we'll get new langpacks
[06:59] <maclin_> pitti, I get it, thanks a lot:)
=== maclin_ is now known as maclin
[07:44] <mlankhorst> morning!
[08:04] <ritz> what is the probability of this fix in precise - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/+bug/1214352 ?
[08:04] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1214352 in LibreOffice Productivity Suite "GUINT32/64_SWAP_LE_BE macros do not enclose val argument in parentheses" [Critical,Confirmed]
[08:06] <Laney> guten morgen
[08:10] <beidl_> bregma, I'm sorry if I'm starting to annoy you but I just found another bug related to the launcher (no gestures). bug 1304882
[08:10] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1304882 in Unity "[Regression] Launcher doesn't reappear fully after hiding from DND" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1304882
=== beidl_ is now known as beidl
[08:32] <Laney> tjaalton: did you see the wayland change? Might be something that's needed in Debian too
[08:33] <tjaalton> don't think so
[08:33] <tjaalton> they never had the old pkg names iirc
[08:33] <tjaalton> on a shipped release anyway
[08:33] <Laney> I thought they did the same libwayland0 -> client/server split
[08:33] <Laney> https://packages.debian.org/source/stable/wayland
[08:34] <tjaalton> hum, ok
[08:35] <Laney> I don't really get what situation made this necessary, so I can't say if it is a problem there too
[09:36] <Laney> man, I like epiphany
[09:49] <Laney> + g_spawn_command_line_async("killall -q gnome-screensaver", nullptr);
[09:50] <Laney> This makes me feel weird
[09:52] <larsu> Laney: ugh
[09:52] <larsu> why?
[09:52] <Laney> unity wants to own org.gnome.Screensaver
[09:52] <Laney> I guess gnome-screensaver was getting there first
[09:53] <larsu> and gnome-screensaver doesn't allow replacement?
[09:53] <larsu> patching it to do allow that might be the better route
[09:54] <Laney> Don't know
[09:54] <Laney> how do you do that?
[09:54] <pitti> killall is racy
[09:54] <larsu> pass G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT do g_bus_own_name()
[09:54] <pitti> dbus-activation or upstart could be faster than your own
[09:54] <larsu> and G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_REPLACE in unity
[09:55] <pitti> right, that sounds like the more proper way to do it
[09:55] <Laney> yes, it does
[09:55] <Laney> I didn't know about this facility
[09:55] <Laney> Trevinho: ^^^^^^
[09:55] <larsu> pitti: I love how you came up with an actual problem of this line instead of just being disgusted by it (like I was) ;)
[09:56] <Laney> haha
[09:56] <Laney> If we're fixing the line, don't use killall
[09:56] <Laney> it does something very very different on solaris
[09:56] <Laney> also pass -u <username> :-)
[09:56] <pitti> well, eww for killall and using shell, too, of course :)
[09:57] <pitti> 'pkill', '-u', geteuid(), 'gnome-screensaver'
[09:57] <pitti> (with appropriate stringificatino and syntax of course)
[09:57] <larsu> Laney: argh, dbus-glib
[09:58] <Laney> larsu: somehow I'm not surprised
[09:58] <larsu> Laney: so pass DBUS_NAME_FLAG_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT to dbus_bus_request_name(). Want a patch?
[09:59] <mhr3> ALLOW_REPLACEMENT on a security-based component isn't overly... secure
[09:59] <pitti> *shrug*, you can also just kill it
[09:59] <larsu> mhr3: if you're on the bus it's too late
[09:59] <pitti> ALLOW_REPLACEMENT is merly avoiding a race condition, it's not making the whole thing any less secure
[09:59] <larsu> you can even call "SetActive" on it
[09:59] <larsu> also, what pitti says
[10:00] <Laney> larsu: it's okay, I'm already there
[10:00] <larsu> coolio
[10:03] <Laney> I guess it should handle NameLost too,e h
[10:09] <larsu> wow, it adds a match for _every_ nameownerchanged
[10:09] <larsu> *sigh*
[10:10] <larsu> and then doesn't do anything with it ...
[10:10] <larsu> (not even when its own name changeS)
[10:10] * larsu should stop reading that code
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
[10:24] <xnox> Laney: larsu: borderless metacity theme is unusable under a normal desktop (e.g. edubuntu) so now i'm thinking what can I do about ubiquity. It has darkcolor/normal white/darkcolor layout and an ugly 1px white hairlines on the left and right around the dark bits under metacity.
[10:24] <xnox> last time around trying to switch to compiz, proved unreliable as it was crashing a lot.
[10:25] <xnox> i wonder if i can make ubiquity window borderless - e.g. with Window hints? set_border_width? i'll experiment with it later.
[11:06] <larsu> xnox: you can remove decrations entirely, but that will remove the titlebar as well
[11:07] <larsu> I don't think there's another way to control the border width
[11:10] <xnox> larsu: that wouldn't be that bad. We don't support mimimising/maximizing and for most part "the x" button doesn't do anything, and we have a dedicated "quit" button anyway.
[11:10] <xnox> larsu: how would i do that?
[11:10] <xnox> (to try out, clearly not for trusty)
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
[11:10] <larsu> xnox: gtk_window_set_dectorated
[11:16] <mlankhorst> no seb128 today?
[11:17] <Laney> travelling
[11:17] <mlankhorst> k
[11:32] <Sweetsha1k> ^^ no seb today!
[11:33] <Trevinho> Laney yeah, larsu yeah I thought about use the replacement thing... but gs does not use gdbus
[11:34] <Trevinho> pitti: yeah, I've done that with killall -u ... I just didn't push the change yet as it needs a rebuild of the silo
[11:34] <Laney> Trevinho: trying it now, hopefully works
[11:35] <Sweetsha1k> didrocks, pitti: since seb is AWOL, would one of you sponsor a final LibreOffice upload for me today then? minimal change: to heal the worst of bug 1300283 with one upstream commit reverted?
[11:35] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1300283 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice does not start in a KDE 4 session" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1300283
[11:35] <larsu> Trevinho: that's a dbus feature which should work with any client library
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
[11:35] <Trevinho> and yes... I would have loved to use upstart to stop gs,. but that would have made things more complex
[11:37] <Trevinho> larsu: yeah, I know, it's just that i wasnt' unsure how quick to do it was there
[11:38] <Trevinho> larsu: as... if I override the name, then the client gets it back automatically as soon as it's available?
[11:39] <Trevinho> however, ihmo the best solution would just be to use upstart to start the service, instead that using a dbus rule
[11:39] <Trevinho> but not sure how quick that can be
[11:45] <didrocks> Sweetshark: here is seb128 for you :)
[11:45] <didrocks> I wonder where he was slacking :p
[11:45] <didrocks> 13:35:12 Sweetsha1k | didrocks, pitti: since seb is AWOL, would one of you sponsor a final LibreOffice upload for me today then?
[11:45] <didrocks> | minimal change: to heal the worst of bug 1300283 with one upstream commit reverted?
[11:45] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1300283 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice does not start in a KDE 4 session" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1300283
[11:46] <mhr3> Trevinho, as long as upstart activation and dbus activation are two separate things, it's never going to work properly
[11:46] <mhr3> fortunately we're moving to systemd :)
[11:47] <Trevinho> mhr3: isn't this working https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-December/032295.html
[11:47] <Trevinho> mhr3: at least, that's what I meant...
[11:47] <Trevinho> mhr3: i read about that some time ago, but never tested
[11:48] <Trevinho> nor I can find any *.service using UpstartJob
[11:48] <mhr3> if that works then indeed that's the way to go
[11:48] <seb128> good afternoon desktopers
[11:48] <seb128> Trevinho, mhr3: what are you trying to do?
[11:48] <Trevinho> hi seb128
[11:49] <Trevinho> seb128: well.... see if I can clanup the killall thing for gs (that I hate, but it's the faster, and works)
[11:50] <Trevinho> seb128: so if it would be a way to start the g-s service using upstart on name activation, then it would be just trivial to stop it in a cleaner way
[11:51] <Laney> I'm looking at the replacement, don't bother duplicating
[11:51] <seb128> Laney, thanks
[11:51] <Laney> hey seb128
[11:53] <Sweetshark> didrocks: ha!
[11:53] <mhr3> Trevinho, so that feature is available for over 3 years and there isn't a single service using it?
[11:54] <Trevinho> mhr3: it looks like that :o
[11:54] <mhr3> that's just... sad
[11:54] <seb128> Trevinho, mhr3: dbus activation through upstart?
[11:55] <mhr3> yea
[11:55] <Trevinho> Laney: looking at the replacemenet of gs name?
[11:55] <Laney> yes
[11:55] <mhr3> why did we have the awful hud hacks then
[11:56] <mhr3> guess i'm not the only one who didn't know about it
[11:57] <Trevinho> I read about that loong time ago, always in my mind, but now not looking references for that makes me worry
[11:57] <Sweetshark> seb128: Im right now preparing an update for just the libreoffice doesnt start on KDE issue with just one upstream revert (the other fixes seem too risky), will you sponsor today?
[11:57] <seb128> Trevinho, mhr3: the dbus patched needed for the upstart-dbus-activation got dropped since that email (or said different upstart doesn't support upstart activation)
[11:57] <Trevinho> Laney: ok, thanks... what made me worried about it how to recover the name and functionalities when the other owner goes away... If that is somewhat possible... Also at that point I would have preferred not to keep a not-needed instance of gs running
[11:58] <Trevinho> :°(
[11:58] <seb128> Trevinho, why is g-s running at all?
[11:59] <Trevinho> seb128: I didn't debug, but it always run on startup for some service/app/indicator requiring it... Anyway also if it would not run, we still need to kill it in case that you switch off one option that doesn't need gs anymore
[11:59] <Trevinho> seb128: also, have you tried the ppa? And, can you trigger a rebuild or only bregma can?
[12:01] <Trevinho> as I've one line fix for 1291088
[12:02] <Trevinho> btw in recent updates I've noticed another thing... When clicking on the username in the indicator-session, logind doesn't emit the Lock signal anymore... So tty7 (say) stays unlocked
[12:04] <seb128> Trevinho, since when? with that ppa only?
[12:04] <seb128> Trevinho, no I didn't test the ppa, it failed to build on the a11y schemas issue yesterday and I was travelling/offline this morning
[12:07] <Trevinho> seb128: ah ok...
[12:07] <Trevinho> seb128: no, since before
[12:07] <seb128> wfm
[12:07] <seb128> the sessions got locked here
[12:08] <pitti> Sweetshark: sure! do you have a .dsc and source.changes to sign and upload somewhere? (debdiff would be nice too, but I can generate that myself)
[12:08] <Trevinho> seb128: mh, it does here by calling the dbus service manually... let me check
[12:08] <Laney> Trevinho: I made it exit if the name gets replaced
[12:09] <Laney> and it's got D-Bus activation so if unity goes away then the next call will start g-s
[12:14] <Trevinho> Laney: ah nice
[12:14] <Sweetshark> pitti: (re)generating them right now, Ill ping you with a link, when they are all done. Thanks!
[12:18] <Laney> Trevinho: btw how do you build unity packages?
[12:18] <Laney> I'm finding that the dbus part of the testsuite fails when I use sbuild
[12:18] <Trevinho> Laney: I quite never build packages for unity... and so when I do that I just use the manual way :/
[12:19] <Trevinho> Laney: but dbus should work there... I mean, we create a fake context
[12:19] <Laney> ok, well the branch I'll propose (if it works) contains a change in debian/rules to let you skip the testsuite
[12:19] <Laney> I was getting connection refused errors
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[12:20] <Trevinho> Laney: mh, let's see
[12:20] <Laney> it's not urgent to fix as it obviously works on the buildds
[12:20] <Laney> just was wondering
[12:29] <Laney> Trevinho: how do I test the onboard/a11y fallback?
[12:29] <Laney> hold on, I installed the wrong g-s
[12:29] <Trevinho> Laney: just enable OSK or screen reader from ucc
[12:31] <Laney> turning on OSK didn't do anything visible
[12:31] <Laney> I can't make it come up
[12:32] <Laney> however it did make g-s start and the osk worked in its lock screen
[12:36] <Sweetshark> pitti: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/trusty/4.2.3/libreoffice_4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu2_source.changes <- here is the new package, and here is the debdiff: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/trusty/4.2.3/libreoffice_4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu2.diff
[12:39] <bregma> Laney, could you update me what's going on with the lockscreen stuff? Do you have an additional patch for g-s to upload to my silo and are going to make an MP for Unity?
[12:39] <pitti> Sweetshark: do we need -l10n as well?
[12:40] <Laney> bregma: correct
[12:40] <Laney> killall gnome-screensaver is bad and unnecessary
[12:41] <Sweetshark> pitti: I generated, signed and uploaded one just in case, but we certainly dont need one for the fix (which will only touch libreoffice-kde). So no, dont sponsor a new libreoffice-l10n.
[12:42] <bregma> Laney, agreed, do you know when it'll be ready?
[12:42] <pitti> Sweetshark: ack; libo uploaded
[12:42] <Laney> bregma: imminently
[12:42] <Laney> Trevinho: can you check lp:~laney/unity/g-s-replace and merge it into your branch if you like it?
[12:44] <Trevinho> Laney: yes
[12:44] <Trevinho> Laney: do I need also a gs irght?
[12:45] <Laney> larsu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7226032/ for g-s
[12:45] <seb128> Laney, Trevinho: what vcs do you use? I commited yesterday's silo upload to lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-screensaver/ubuntu
[12:45] <Laney> I'll bzr it in a sec
[12:45] <Trevinho> Laney: ok, yhsnkd
[12:45] <Trevinho> thanks*
[12:45] <Laney> I didn't do anything fancy like checking the owner
[12:46] <Sweetshark> pitti: We only ran with the -l10n debian revision diffing from the libreoffice debian reversion once in early trusty and there havent been any issues then with dependencies, so I assume that to be safe. I prepared the -l10n package only for the worst case scenario that there is an overspecific dependency relation somewhere still. But no, I dont want it to be uploaded.
[12:46] <Laney> because it's exiting if it doesn't get the name that situation shouldn't happen
[12:46] <Sweetshark> pitti: thanks a lo for the upload.
[12:47] <Trevinho> Laney: yeah, change is fine (it's the same that I did, and then stashed :))
[12:47] <Laney> nice
[12:47] <mlankhorst> seb128: you mentioned a touch bug to jasoncwarner?
[12:47] <Laney> well, if someone can review that g-s debdiff and see what they think then we can do some bit pushing
[12:48] <mlankhorst> also can't reproduce the chromium bug, probably hw specific :/
[12:49] <seb128> mlankhorst, the latitude inspiron we got for testing gets lot of input error in the xorg logs when using the touch screen
[12:50] <mlankhorst> what errors exactly?
[12:50] <seb128> mlankhorst, the chromium issue got fixed with tjaalton's mesa uploaded yesterday
[12:50] <mlankhorst> ah k
[12:50] <Trevinho> Laney: where it is?
[12:51] <mlankhorst> marking dupliate then
[12:51] <seb128> mlankhorst, I don't have my touch laptop here for the xorg error, let me try to get that
[12:51] <Laney> Trevinho: pastebinned it up ^^^ there
[12:51] <Trevinho> Laney: ah sorry
[12:52] <seb128> Laney, you should commit to the packaging vcs directly?
[12:52] <Laney> just did that
[12:52] <Trevinho> Laney: exit(0) can't be replaced by quitting the loop?
[12:55] <bregma> seb128, would that be the [ 25508.732] (EE) BUG: ../../dix/touch.c:644 in TouchConvertToPointerEvent() xorg error?
[12:56] <seb128> bregma, could be, I tried that some weeks ago ... do you get stack of thoses in the log?
[12:56] <seb128> mlankhorst, ^
[12:56] <seb128> bregma, can you pastebin/share your xorg log maybe?
[12:56] <Laney> Trevinho: Maybe could gtk_main_quit() instead
[12:58] <Trevinho> Laney: yeah it's probably better
[12:58] <larsu> Laney: I don't think you need to listen to both nameownerchanged _and_ namelost
[12:58] <Laney> Just thinking if it can happen before gtk_init
[12:58] <Laney> larsu: wasn't clear to me which one you are supposed to get
[12:59] <Trevinho> Laney: ah, well main_loop_quit might still be fine, isn't it?
[12:59] <Laney> it's the gtk mainloop
[13:00] <larsu> Laney: namelost should be enough and results in much less dbus traffic (if you also remove the watch)
[13:00] <larsu> not sure if this patch should fix existing bugs, though
[13:00] <larsu> but getting woken up for every name change is a bit excessive...
[13:00] <larsu> otherwise it's fine. Thanks!
[13:00] <Laney> yeah...
[13:00] <Laney> let me check if NameLost works
[13:01] <larsu> you might ned to add a mtch rule for that (not sure though)
[13:01] <bregma> seb128, mlankhorst, Xorg.0.log with MT errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7226096/
[13:02] <seb128> bregma, thanks
[13:02] <bregma> the on-screen symptom is the pointer gets entangled with MT gestures
[13:02] <seb128> mlankhorst, ^
[13:02] <Trevinho> Laney: is that patch based on lp:~3v1n0/gnome-screensaver/not-autostart-in-unity? as it fails to merge there
[13:02] <bregma> now if I could figure out how to get my external monitor configured correctly, I'd be happier
[13:02] <bregma> damned lying EDIDs
[13:02] <Laney> Trevinho: lockscreen-disable-with-osk
[13:02] <Trevinho> Laney: ah, ok it's based on the pkg that is in the silo
[13:03] <Trevinho> Laney: no, I meant the gs one
[13:03] <Laney> ah yes, that
[13:05] <mlankhorst> non-emulating touch event :s
[13:05] <Laney> testing with NameLost only
[13:06] <Trevinho> Laney: how is it going?
[13:06] <Laney> 2 mins
[13:08] <Laney> Trevinho: works, also with gtk_main_quit() too
[13:08] <Trevinho> Laney: cool
[13:12] <Laney> Trevinho: pushed, try lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-screensaver/ubuntu
[13:12] <Trevinho> Laney: thanks
[13:16] <Laney> lunch now, will fix up when I get back if necessary
[13:16] <Laney> otherwise looking forward to silage
[13:20] <mlankhorst> bregma: do you have a reproducible testcase?
[13:20] <mlankhorst> or just a sequence that lets you trip things reliably
[13:20] <Trevinho> Laney: it works like a charm, cool!
[13:22] <seb128> xnox, is it known there is no indicator-power on ubiquity-install-mode?
[13:23] <Trevinho> seb128: from my POV, Laney's patch is fine to go into the silo
[13:23] <Trevinho> Laney: fyi i've merged the unity branch into mine as well
[13:23] <seb128> Trevinho, wfm, I don't have access to the silo for uploads
[13:24] <seb128> so you need a lander to do it
[13:24] <l3on> I all. someone could take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/1305016 ?
[13:24] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1305016 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Windows have only borders if __GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS is not supported by WM" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[13:24] <Trevinho> ah, ok... bregma ^
[13:26] <seb128> Trevinho, he can't upload either
[13:26] <seb128> maybe Laney can
[13:29] <xnox> seb128: /usr/share/unity/indicators/com.canonical.indicator.power doesn't declare a "ubiquity" profile and ubiquity doesn't exec it, so yeah there is no indicator-power in ubiquity.
[13:29] <xnox> seb128: if it's desired/required/wanted then we need to update the indicator and add a line to exec it to ubiquity-dm
[13:29] <seb128> xnox, so both need to be changed?
[13:30] <xnox> seb128: yeap. Do we need/want power indicator? is it e.g. shown on the login/lock screens?
[13:30] <seb128> it does
[13:30] <seb128> I'm installing trusty on a new machine which is unplugged and I've no clue what's the battery charge level
[13:31] <seb128> would be useful to have that info
[13:33] <seb128> xnox, also unity-control-center is mostly empty because XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is not set (so you can't add e.g keymaps)
[13:34] <seb128> xnox, I'm going to change u-c-c to always display all its icons though
[13:34] <bregma> mlankhorst, I could give you evemu device and recordings files
[13:34] <seb128> need to check with Laney if that's fine for release though
[13:34] <mlankhorst> bregma: might help, let me upload x1.15.1rc1 real quick, perhaps it helps some
[13:35] <mlankhorst> uploaded to x-staging
[13:38] <bregma> mlankhorst, evemu device description http://paste.ubuntu.com/7226247/ and event recording http://paste.ubuntu.com/7226249/
[13:39] <bregma> those were recorded at the same time as those logged errors
[13:45] <xnox> seb128: yeah, i lost track in updates and changes to the unity-* jobs events.
[14:03] <mlankhorst> bregma: can you test xserver from https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/x-staging/+packages ?
[14:04] <qengho> seb128: I'm applying for chromium upload rights via normal means. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChadMiller/DeveloperApplication I don't understand the desktop-team Ubuntu-membership delegation or which I should choose.
[14:04] <seb128> qengho, just apply for a ppu for chromium
[14:05] <qengho> seb128: Okay. I think ^that's it.
[14:05] <seb128> looks about right yes
[14:06] <qengho> Good. Thanks.
[14:10] <Laney> hey
[14:10] <Laney> you want me to upload gnome-screensaver to the silo?
[14:12] <seb128> Laney, ouais
[14:13] <Laney> hold tight
[14:14] <Trevinho> Laney: works nicely, thanks for fixing my bad code :)
[14:14] <Trevinho> but I went with the faster thing as I had to improve the things in unity code itself, first
[14:15] <Laney> Trevinho: np - actually I didn't know enough about replacing names on dbus to appreciate this solution
[14:15] <Laney> so thanks go to larsu for telling me
[14:15] <Laney> I was thinking about adding a method to make g-s quit itself ...
[14:16] * larsu can't count the number of people anymore that he taught aobut this feature
[14:16] <larsu> *about
[14:16] <Trevinho> yeah, I knew about it, but I didn't think it was that straight forward to do in gs code
[14:16] <Laney> λn. suc(n)
[14:17] <larsu> Trevinho: that's a fair assumption given that it still uses dbus-glib (it turned out to be fairly easy though)
[14:17] <bregma> Trevinho, is everything ready for one last rebuild in the screensaver silo?
[14:17] <Trevinho> larsu: yeah, when I've read that gs-dbus code the first time, I just thought that it wasn't the case :)
[14:18] <Trevinho> bregma: we need to trigger a rebuild of unity
[14:18] <Trevinho> bregma: and at this point add also https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/lockscreen-caps-lock-detector
[14:20] <jibel> bregma, hey, for info I tried a unity8 session on a desktop and u8 crashed. I filed bug 1304959
[14:20] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1304959 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGABRT in qt_message_fatal()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1304959
[14:20] <jibel> bregma, is the a minimal system requirement to run unity8?
[14:21] <jibel> s/the/there/
[14:25] <Laney> ok it is silo'd
[14:26] <Laney> seb128: what are you planning on doing with u-c-c?
[14:26] <seb128> Laney, listing all the panels in its main UI, without respecting OnlyShowIn
[14:26] <Laney> still to make it ignore OnlyShowIn?
[14:26] <Laney> I think it makes sense
[14:27] <seb128> ok, great
[14:27] <seb128> I ran into the issue where the ubiquity install mode has indicator-keyboard opening u-c-c with 2 icons listed
[14:27] <seb128> not including the keyboard settings
[14:27] <seb128> (no XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP env there)
[14:27] <Laney> it means my fixes (that I forgot to push) to set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP from the indicators won't be needed
[14:28] <seb128> great
[14:29] <xnox> seb128: hang on a minute, inside ubiquity install mode there is no XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP and no session upstart running.
[14:29] <Laney> I guess g-c-c could do that too
[14:29] <xnox> seb128: if you want me to fake one, when on Ubuntu Desktop product (and/or when we launch unity-settings-daemon) i'm happy to set it to anything that is needed.
[14:30] <xnox> seb128: ubiquity-dm (install mode) is not launched by normal display manager, thus environment is weird.
[14:30] <seb128> xnox, I'm just going to make unity-control-center not rely on an env
[14:30] <xnox> seb128: sounds the best way.
[14:53] <seb128> xnox, I just did an install of a recent daily and the screen reader was on in the user session after first boot, is there any log than can tell me if that's something ubiquity did?
[14:59] <xnox> seb128: pastebin /var/log/installer/syslog
[14:59] <xnox> it might have useful things there.
[15:04] <seb128> xnox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7226601/
[15:05] <seb128> xnox, Apr 9 14:29:51 ubuntu /plugininstall.py: running /usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config/30accessibility
[15:05] <seb128> xnox, is that normal/wanted?
[15:05] <seb128> hum
[15:05] <seb128> Apr 9 14:30:00 ubuntu ubiquity: Setting capabilities for gnome-keyring-daemon using Linux Capabilities failed.
[15:05] <seb128> (that's not the same issue but spotted that in the log)
[15:06] <xnox> what a11y settings did you end with in dconf-editor?
[15:07] <seb128> I don't know how to diff that compared to a normal install should be
[15:07] <xnox> seb128: hmm.... i ponder if the unity lock screen "shortcut" clashes with the screen reader shortcut....
[15:07] <seb128> xnox, org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-reader-enabled true
[15:08] <xnox> aha, so did you ever triggered screen-reader whilst installing?
[15:08] <seb128> I doubt it
[15:08] <xnox> (cause if you did we propagate that...)
[15:08] <xnox> right.
[15:08] <Laney> doesn't it turn itself on automatically if you wait for $time?
[15:08] <xnox> i'll do test install here to check.
[15:08] <seb128> the installed was silent/I didn't touch the keyboard
[15:09] <seb128> Laney, screen reader?
[15:09] <seb128> Laney, why would it?
[15:09] * seb128 confused
[15:14] <Laney> So that people who can't see can still install
[15:14] <Laney> But it's not true, you have to press ctrl-s I think
[15:22] <GunnarHj> Hi seb128!
[15:22] <Trevinho> FYI unity packages are in ppa for testing
[15:22] <Trevinho> silo-6
[15:24] <bregma> https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-006/+packages
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[15:27] <seb128> GunnarHj, hey
[15:27] <GunnarHj> seb128: Since you are working with l-s... When you launch it, a new icon shows up in the Launcher. The colors are nice (Swedish flag), but still.
[15:28] <seb128> GunnarHj, right, I was just looking at that
[15:28] <GunnarHj> seb128: Ok, good.
[15:28] <seb128> GunnarHj, but maybe you can help me
[15:29] <GunnarHj> seb128: I don't know how it's selected (or where it's located).
[15:31] <seb128> GunnarHj, the issue is that it seems to be using "gnome-language-selector.desktop" as desktop name but that doesn't exist
[15:31] <seb128> GunnarHj, the issue happens only if started through settings right?
[15:31] <GunnarHj> seb128: No, also when you start it from a terminal window.
[15:32] <seb128> GunnarHj, hum, I get the flag when I start it from the unity dash here
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[15:33] <GunnarHj> seb128: You do? Well, I may not have tried on a fresh install.
[15:34] <seb128> GunnarHj, I'm trying on my machine, which is a 10.10 updated since
[15:34] <seb128> GunnarHj, hum, new install has the issue in the dash
[15:34] <GunnarHj> seb128: Then that shouldn't make a difference.
[15:35] <GunnarHj> seb128: Then we see the same thing. ;)
[15:37] <seb128> GunnarHj, do you know where is "gnome-language-selector.desktop" coming from?
[15:37] <seb128> mvo, ^
[15:37] <seb128> the package installs language-selector.desktop
[15:38] <seb128> but the dash has "gnome-language-selector.desktop"
[15:38] <GunnarHj> seb128: The name should be language-selector.desktop, I suppose.
[15:38] <mvo> seb128: app-install-data may have a copy
[15:38] <seb128> mvo, that wouldn't be in the dash searchpath
[15:38] <mvo> seb128: not sure when that was last refreshed
[15:39] <mvo> seb128: you sure? iirc its reading that data too to find whats not installed and availalbe (well, it did in the old days, not sure about today)
[15:39] <seb128> my new install has one in .local/share/applications
[15:39] <mvo> *ekk*
[15:39] <mvo> did you create it yourself ;) ?
[15:39] <seb128> is ubiquity creating that?
[15:40] <seb128> mvo, I like to think I did not (or that I would remember if I did)
[15:40] <mvo> I have no idea, but none of the apt tools as this is user teriotiry
[15:40] <seb128> that's a new install from an hour ago
[15:40] <mvo> territory even
[15:40] <seb128> mvo, right, I was rather asking you as a language-selector person than as an apt one :p
[15:40] <seb128> e.g is l-s doing some weird .desktop generation?
[15:40] * seb128 greps
[15:41] <Laney> I see the issue from u-c-c only
[15:41] <Laney> no .desktop file in there
[15:41] <Laney> but bamf.index does mention gnome-language-selector
[15:41] <Laney> and launching that give the bad icon
[15:42] <seb128> Laney, yeah, my desktop has it from u-c-c only, the new install has it from the dash with a copy in .local/share/application
[15:45] <GunnarHj> seb128: Should /usr/share/applications/language-selector.desktop be renamed?
[15:47] <seb128> GunnarHj, no, we need to find where the gnome- prefix is coming from
[15:48] <mvo> seb128: you have a fresh install, right? there is python-pycurl installed, correct?
[15:49] <GunnarHj> seb128: The gnome- prefix is what's in PATH: /usr/bin/gnome-language-selector
[15:50] <seb128> mvo, yes and yes
[15:50] <mvo> seb128: nevermind, just checked myself
[15:50] <mvo> seb128: thanks still :)
[15:50] <seb128> mvo, sorry for being slow, pinged on other channels as well
[15:50] <mvo> no problem, sorry for bothering instead of simply checking myself
[15:53] <ara> Hello! Do we know who is actively working on the new lock screen bugs?
[15:53] <seb128> ara, andyrock
[15:53] <seb128> ara, Trevinho as well
[15:53] <seb128> ara, hey ;-)
[15:54] <Trevinho> :)
[15:54] <bregma> ara, mostly Trevinho at this point
[15:55] <ara> Trevinho: do we expect bug 1291365 and bug 1292041 to be fixed before release?
[15:55] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1291365 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "gnome screensaver locks again shortly after unlocking" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1291365
[15:55] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1292041 in Unity "Lockscreen doesn't turn off the screen" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1292041
[15:55] <Trevinho> ara: yes
[15:56] <ara> Trevinho: awesome :) thanks for confirming
[15:57] <seb128> GunnarHj, mvo, Laney: renaming language-selector.desktop to gnome-language-selector.desktop might be the easier fix
[15:58] <seb128> GunnarHj, mvo, Laney: the issue happens also if you run "gnome-language-selector" by hand, I think the problem is that the is no way to match back from the binary to the .desktop and bamf fallbacks to trying "<name>.desktop"
[15:58] <Laney> It's the icon of /usr/bin/python3
[15:59] <seb128> right
[15:59] <Laney> which is the interpreter of that program
[15:59] <seb128> it goes through some fallback since it can't find a .desktop
[15:59] <Trevinho> seb128: do you have any idea what is calling org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Lock when doing: switch-to-another-user -> ctrl+alt+tty7?
[15:59] <seb128> Trevinho, indicator-session
[16:00] <Trevinho> seb128: well, indicator session calls org.freedesktoip.DisplayManager
[16:00] <Trevinho> seb128: SwitchToUser, that is done by lightdm..
[16:00] <Trevinho> seb128: but, unity at that point gets the lock request on screensaver api... and that's strange
[16:02] <Trevinho> seb128: oh, yeah dbus-monitor seems to point to it
[16:04] <Trevinho> seb128: Mh, I just wondering why there's that delay..
[16:06] <GunnarHj> seb128, Laney, mvo: I can fix that renaming in a couple of hours, if that's what you think should be done.
[16:08] <seb128> Trevinho, larsu or charles might know better
[16:09] <seb128> GunnarHj, I'm unsure, renaming is always an issue if user local configs have the old names :/
[16:09] <GunnarHj> seb128: That's true...
[16:10] <GunnarHj> seb128: Or copy it so we have both?
[16:10] <seb128> GunnarHj, that leads to have duplicate entries in menus/dash
[16:10] <GunnarHj> seb128: :(
[16:11] <Trevinho> charles: so.. can you read the messages above with seb128, about the screen locking on tty switch?
[16:12] <GunnarHj> seb128: Have to leave now. Back in about an hour.
[16:12] <seb128> GunnarHj, ok
[16:13] <larsu> seb128: know what better?
[16:13] * larsu reads
[16:13] <seb128> larsu, what is locking the session when you use indicator-session to switch to another user
[16:13] <Trevinho> seb128: ah, I think I found it
[16:14] <Trevinho> it's basically calling gs interface, then display manager switch to guest
[16:14] <larsu> seb128: gnome-session, no?
[16:14] <Trevinho> but....
[16:14] <larsu> Trevinho: use dbus-monitor to find out ;
[16:14] <larsu> ;)
[16:14] <Trevinho> for some reason the signal is like late
[16:14] <Trevinho> larsu: yeah, I've used and found that
[16:15] <Trevinho> but I don't see why the signal is somewhat "late"...
[16:15] <larsu> what exactly do you mean by late?
[16:16] <Trevinho> larsu: we get it actually only when back to your tty, instead that before switching user
[16:17] <larsu> werid
[16:17] <larsu> *weird
[16:20] <Laney> surely unity has to support desktop files going away
[16:20] <Laney> what if you remove an application
[16:20] <Laney> hmm
[16:20] <seb128> Laney, you mean?
[16:21] <Laney> I guess it can't know if one in .local/share is obsolete though
[16:21] <seb128> oh, for renaming
[16:21] <seb128> Laney, well, issue is that you can have e.g a desktop launcher
[16:21] <seb128> we can use dh-migration to update the unity launcher config (we did it for other instances)
[16:22] <seb128> I don't think it's a big issue/should block us to fix the bug though
[16:22] <Laney> mmm
[16:22] <Laney> maybe it's a fixable thing in bamf anyway
[16:22] <Laney> who knows that code? ;-)
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[16:22] <Trevinho> Laney: I used to do :P
[16:22] <Laney> reassuring!
[16:22] <seb128> what is fixable? getting the right icon without renaming the desktop?
[16:23] <Laney> yeah
[16:23] <Trevinho> eheh, just jocking... :)
[16:23] <Laney> it should be able to see /usr/bin/python3 gnome-language-selector -> l-s.desktop -> win
[16:24] <seb128> stripping the interpreter or something?
[16:25] <Laney> seb128: it looks like it's supposed to
[16:25] <Laney> tests/bamfdaemon/test-matcher.c
[16:25] <Laney> line 1039
[16:26] <seb128> Laney, well, fixing bamf wouldn't fix the icon in the dash I think
[16:27] <seb128> hum
[16:27] <Laney> I thought that's what is used to get the icon
[16:27] <Laney> could be wrong
[16:27] <seb128> I wonder why I get a wrong icon in the dash on that new install
[16:27] <seb128> it should use the .desktop
[16:27] <Trevinho> wait, the dash is not using bamf for the icons
[16:27] <Laney> oh ok
[16:27] <Trevinho> only the launcher
[16:28] <Laney> no I'm confused, I mean the launcher
[16:28] <Laney> it's right in the dash for me
[16:28] <Trevinho> ah ok
[16:28] <Laney> seb128 says not though
[16:29] <seb128> not on that new install
[16:29] <seb128> works on my machine though :/
[16:29] <seb128> but that new install has the .local copy
[16:29] * Laney zsyncs an isoooooooooooooooooo
[16:30] <seb128> that .desktop in .local has Icon=python3, wth
[16:30] <seb128> oh
[16:30] <seb128> OH
[16:31] <Laney> the tension
[16:31] <seb128> mvo, Laney, Trevinho: I found what created it, it's bamf
[16:31] <Laney> it's unbearable
[16:31] <seb128> run gnome-language-selector
[16:31] <seb128> right click in the launcher -> keep in launcher
[16:31] <seb128> that creates a copy in .local
[16:31] <Laney> you did that?
[16:32] <seb128> I guess it does that because it has no system .desktop to link to
[16:32] <Trevinho> seb128: indeed
[16:32] <seb128> Laney, yes, to know what .desktop name it was using :p
[16:32] <seb128> Laney, I pined it and did a gsettings get of the favorites
[16:32] <Laney> I see
[16:32] <seb128> ok, so fixing bamf should be enough
[16:32] <Trevinho> seb128: there's some euristic to get that name, so it might not be the "proper" one in all the cases, but it mostly worked ok
[16:33] <seb128> Trevinho, "mostly" is the keyword ;-)
[16:33] <Trevinho> let's say 99% :P
[16:33] <Trevinho> you, as always, found the 1% :D
[16:33] <seb128> Trevinho, it doesn't like the language-selector case (using python3 interpreter in the command)
[16:34] <seb128> well also having the .desktop name not matching the binary
[16:34] <Trevinho> mh, weird... any python[\d]\+.?[\d]* thing should be accepted
[16:34] <seb128> (gnome-language-selector vs language-selector.desktop=
[16:34] <seb128> Trevinho, that's what Laney said
[16:34] <seb128> Laney, are you looking at bamf?
[16:36] <Laney> I don't know bamf, but I'm adding a testcase to see if it fails
[16:36] <seb128> k
[16:37] <seb128> normally I would annoy Trevinho about it
[16:37] <seb128> but he's on the lockscreen issue and that's higher priority atm ;-)
[16:37] * Trevinho still wonders why didn't get a direct ping :D
[16:37] <Trevinho> ah, ok :)
[16:37] <seb128> Trevinho, you focus on lockscreen ;-)
[16:37] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah, although the code on ppa should fine... have you tested it?
[16:38] <seb128> Trevinho, no, doing that now
[16:38] <seb128> did the new g-s got uploaded/build?
[16:38] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah Laney did
[16:39] <Laney> yeah that fails
[16:39] <Laney> it gets 'python3' as expected
[16:39] <Trevinho> Laney: ah wrong regex I think
[16:39] <Laney> yep
[16:39] <Laney> I see it
[16:39] <Trevinho> the one I wrote here was more right than the one that is in bamf :D
[16:40] <Laney> it accepts python and pythonx.y but not pythonx
[16:40] <Trevinho> Laney: check "^python(\\d(.\\d))?$"
[16:40] <Trevinho> err, missing ?
[16:40] <Trevinho> "^python(\\d(.\\d)?)?$"
[16:41] <Trevinho> Laney: in bamf-matcher.c EXEC_BAD_PREFIXES
[16:41] <Laney> ya, I see it
[16:41] <Laney> I think you want to escape that . as well
[16:41] <Trevinho> yeah
[16:42] <Trevinho> that was the thing probably, I didn't wrote that
[16:42] <Laney> sure sure
[16:42] <Laney> I won't run bzr blame :P
[16:42] <Trevinho> Laney: you'd find me as the first one, but I only copied there... :)
[16:42] <seb128> lol
[16:42] <seb128> they all say that
[16:42] <Trevinho> seb128: don't make me loose time on bzr log :D
[16:43] <seb128> hehe, ok, I won't ;-)
[16:43] * seb128 moves to fix the next bug
[16:43] <seb128> I was just looking at one small think in language-selector
[16:43] <seb128> I hit 3 bugs on the way though
[16:43] <Laney> yep passes with that
[16:43] <Laney> 3?
[16:44] <excalibr> can any of you here do something about this bug?
[16:44] <seb128> bug #1165626
[16:44] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1165626 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Details pane is dysfunctionally small in package installation prompt." [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1165626
[16:44] <excalibr> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1300393 ('Bug #1300393 “Connected external monitor causes very high cpu us...” : Bugs : “compiz” packa [...]')
[16:44] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1300393 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Connected external monitor causes very high cpu usage by compiz" [Critical,Triaged]
[16:44] <Laney> oh yeah I want to fix the size of disks
[16:44] <Laney> it's weirdly huge by default
[16:45] <seb128> one translation issue as well
[16:46] <seb128> excalibr, everybody is busy, but the bug is reported in launchpad so eventually somebody is going to get at it
[16:47] <seb128> Laney, same udisks issue here
[16:47] <Laney> yep mpt mentioned it the other day too
[16:48] * Laney haz correct icon
[16:48] <seb128> \o/
[16:48] <Laney> GunnarHj: stand down, nothing for you to fix
[16:49] <seb128> Laney, it's not a bug, it's a feature :p
[16:49] <seb128> Laney, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-disk-utility/commit/?id=e1aeb73be20296e38d2c2822a7cb3cd91d2fa02f
[16:49] <Laney> wtf
[16:49] <seb128> indeed
[16:51] <seb128> Laney, no bug report, no extra explanation ... let's revert/open a bug upstream about it?
[16:51] <Laney> yeah I'll just fix it back to 600
[16:51] <Laney> is the position thing normal/ok?
[16:53] <seb128> looks fine to me yes
[16:53] <seb128> though I'm unsure why he wants to center it rather than letting the wm place it where it fits
[16:54] <seb128> I wonder if they tried to make it look more like a system component than an app
[17:00] <bregma> hey guise my lockscreen testing has been positive so far: screen finally goes to sleep after the cat test, I haven't seen double-unlock yet (although I still have some test cases that require timeout waits)
[17:00] <bregma> let me know how happy you are with it before I hit the 'tested' button, will ya?
[17:01] <Laney> the cat test?
[17:01] <Laney> meow
[17:01] <seb128> bregma, oh, sure; let me install that ppa/restart, I got sidetracked
[17:01] <seb128> lol
[17:01] <Laney> <everyone's screen locks simultaneously>
[17:01] <seb128> Laney, is that the noise your cats are doing?
[17:01] <seb128> ours do "miaou"
[17:01] <Laney> yep
[17:01] <Laney> or mew if it's a kitten
[17:02] <Laney> or MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW if you are my mother's cat
[17:02] <seb128> lol
[17:05] <bregma> cat test is where your cat walks across your keyboard in the middle of the night and enters random keystrokes into the password field, then the screen stays on for the rest of the night
[17:05] <Laney> seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/bamf/prefix-regex-python/+merge/214995 please to review
[17:05] <Trevinho> uff, nice of you Xorg! After few displaymanager.lock's i just get xorg eating my cpi
[17:05] <Trevinho> cpu*
[17:05] <bregma> it can be emulated without the use of a real cat
[17:06] <Trevinho> Laney: mine :)
[17:06] <seb128> Trevinho, I'm sure it's because unity is spamming it with drawing requests ;-)
[17:06] <Laney> Trevinho: didn't want to distract you either :P
[17:06] <Trevinho> Laney: np
[17:07] <Trevinho> seb128: no compiz is still the good guy here :/
[17:12] * Laney sees '<filename> is being uploaded to your personal cloud' and cries
[17:13] <seb128> Laney, looks fine to me, approved
[17:13] <Laney> I think Trevinho won
[17:14] <Laney> but you can handle landing it ;-)
[17:14] <seb128> sure
[17:14] <seb128> let me restart my session to test the lockscreen first though
[17:15] <Laney> np, I'm off to climbing anyway
[17:15] <Laney> going out in the light
[17:15] <Laney> I could get used to this
[17:15] <seb128> Laney, have a good evening!
[17:15] <Laney> thanks, you too!
[17:18] <Trevinho> don't remind me the light... tonight it should have been another of my "jogging Wednesday's"... :/
[17:29] <seb128> bregma, Trevinho, Laney: hum, my screen turns off after 15-20s
[17:30] <Trevinho> seb128: on lock?
[17:30] <seb128> every time I don't touch keyboard/mouse for 15-20s
[17:30] <seb128> no
[17:30] <seb128> on normal session idle
[17:30] <Trevinho> seb128: whaat?
[17:30] <Trevinho> seb128: is your session idle set correclty?
[17:31] <Trevinho> seb128: make sure that g-s is not running and all
[17:31] <seb128> org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay uint32 600
[17:31] <seb128> no g-s running
[17:31] <Trevinho> seb128: is turning off with fade?
[17:31] <seb128> no fading
[17:31] <seb128> no locking
[17:32] <seb128> just "dpms" sort of screen off
[17:32] <Trevinho> seb128: mh, that's weeeeird
[17:32] <seb128> indeed
[17:33] <Trevinho> I got it sometimes when the screensaver was not there
[17:33] <Trevinho> seb128: can you check that unity is exporting the g-s interface?
[17:34] <seb128> it is
[17:36] <Trevinho> I'm out of ideas then...
[17:36] <seb128> yeah, me too :/
[17:37] <seb128> is dpms supposed to be enabled?
[17:38] <seb128> Trevinho, xset -q says dpms is enable, shouldn't it be disabled
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[17:39] <Trevinho> seb128: it's to me as well
[17:39] <seb128> it shouldn't
[17:39] <seb128> g-s-d is supposed to disable it since it takes over handling that
[17:40] <seb128> my u-s-d log has
[17:40] <seb128> (unity-settings-daemon:11895): power-plugin-WARNING **: failed to turn the panel off: Could not change DPMS mode
[17:41] <seb128> weird
[17:41] <seb128> let me reboot
[17:43] <seb128> no, same thing
[17:43] <seb128> need to go for a bit, I'm going to investigate later
[17:43] <seb128> xset -dpms fixes it
[17:44] <seb128> but g-s-d is supposed to disable dpms to handle the standby itself, I wonder if that's an issue with g-s interfaces not being ready with it starts or something
[17:47] <GunnarHj> seb128, Laney: Did you find the root cause of the l-s icon issue?
[17:49] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah it should do that
[18:18] <seb128> GunnarHj, yes, it's a bamf matching issue
[18:18] <GunnarHj> seb128: Ok, thanks for letting me know.
[18:43] <seb128> Trevinho, bregma: I can reproduce the issue by starting u-s-d before unity I think
[18:43] <seb128> I did that
[18:43] <seb128> - start session
[18:43] <seb128> - disable unity plugin in ccsm
[18:44] <seb128> - unity-settings-daemon --replace --debug
[18:44] <seb128> -> not issue
[18:44] <seb128> - re-enable unity in ccsm
[18:44] <seb128> -> screen turns off
[18:44] <seb128> the u-s-d debug log has
[18:44] <seb128> (unity-settings-daemon:20004): power-plugin-DEBUG: setting up blank callback for 15s
[18:44] <seb128> (unity-settings-daemon:20004): power-plugin-DEBUG: Doing a state transition: blank
[18:44] <seb128> (unity-settings-daemon:20004): power-plugin-DEBUG: TESTSUITE: Blanked screen
[18:45] <Trevinho> mh... doesn't it monitor for g-s api to arrive?
[18:45] <seb128> doesn't seem so
[18:46] <seb128> well the issue starts when unity starts
[18:46] <seb128> so it seems it does
[18:47] <bregma> that sounds like a pretty pathalogical condition, though, and not something a normal user sould encounter in daily use, right?
[18:49] <seb128> bregma, it happens on normal use on my laptop, guest session as well
[18:49] <seb128> bregma, I think it depends in which order u-s-d/unity start
[18:49] <seb128> or maybe that's just a wrong guess from my part
[18:49] <seb128> not sure why it doesn't happen to others
[18:49] <seb128> I added a --debug to the u-s-d upstart job
[18:49] <seb128> that "fixed" it
[18:49] <seb128> but I had gnome-screensaver running then
[18:50] <seb128> killing g-s made the issue appear again
[18:50] <seb128> ^ those were in a normal session start, not my hacked config
[18:51] <Trevinho> mmhmh
[18:52] <Trevinho> couldn't that the start/stop of gs could confuse it?
[18:52] <Trevinho> err, of the gs interface
[18:52] <seb128> try what I described first maybe?
[18:52] <seb128> e.g disable the unity plugin, restart u-s-d, re-enable compiz
[18:52] <seb128> see if that happens
[19:14] <Trevinho> seb128: no i can't reproduce either in that way :(
[19:16] <Trevinho> (unity-settings-daemon:16790): power-plugin-DEBUG: external monitor still there; trying again later
[19:16] <Trevinho> not sure if that prevents it
[19:17] <Trevinho> seb128: all I get is (unity-settings-daemon:16790): power-plugin-DEBUG: Received screensaver ActiveChanged signal: 0 (old: 0)
[19:20] <Trevinho> seb128: it looks like you get the same behavior that we have when no screensaver is there, but we really have one
[19:23] <Trevinho> seb128: thats what i get in uss http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7227720/
[19:23] <Trevinho> when the screensaver starts normally
[19:23] <Trevinho> (with lower idle value)
[19:26] <attente> darkxst: hi, can we possibly backport https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/gnome-control-center/upstream-xkb-option/+merge/214538?
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[20:54] <bregma> nope, I can't seem to be able to reproduce seb128's symptoms at all
[21:05] <Trevinho> bregma: me neither :(
[21:32] <seb128> bregma, Trevinho: :-/
[21:32] <seb128> bregma, Trevinho: I can't really say let's land it, if one of the few testers get the issue it's likely going to bite of the userbase other users
[21:33] <Trevinho> seb128: I've checked the uss code but I don't see what it might happen
[21:33] <seb128> bregma, Trevinho: I've no idea about the interactions between those components and can't really spend days on it but I'm happy to help debugging/provide debug info
[21:34] <seb128> Trevinho, the warning comes from gnome-desktop's code
[21:34] <Trevinho> seb128: the fact is that I can't reproduce :/
[21:34] <Trevinho> where?
[21:34] <Trevinho> according to your logs it seems that UCC is using the SCREENSAVER_TIMEOUT_BLANK value
[21:34] <Trevinho> (15s)
[21:34] <seb128> libgnome-desktop/gnome-rr.c
[21:35] <Trevinho> seb128: are you getting the issue, right?
[21:35] <seb128> gnome_rr_screen_set_dpms_mode()
[21:35] <Trevinho> I mean now...
[21:35] <seb128> yes
[21:36] <seb128> well not now because I xset -dpms to workaround it
[21:36] <Trevinho> seb128: try to set that back...
[21:36] <seb128> but I've it on guest session/new log in
[21:36] <seb128> Trevinho, the warning comes from gnome_rr_screen_set_dpms_mode() in libgnome-desktop/gnome-rr.c
[21:36] <Trevinho> seb128: as the fact is that here I don't get it anyway since my xset screensaver timeout is 0, and I didn't set it... I guess uss has
[21:36] <seb128> /* DPMSForceLevel() return value is often a lie, so ignore it */
[21:36] <seb128> DPMSForceLevel (screen->priv->xdisplay, state);
[21:36] <Trevinho> I see
[21:36] <seb128> "Could not change DPMS mode");
[21:37] <Trevinho> seb128: try to give me the result of gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.ScreenSaver --object-path /org/gnome/ScreenSaver --method org.gnome.ScreenSaver.GetActive
[21:38] <seb128> brb, restarting session to get back to buggy state
[21:41] <seb128> Trevinho, ok, so I restarted my session, gnome-screensaver --no-daemon is running
[21:41] <seb128> should I stop it?
[21:41] <seb128> it's not buggy while g-s is running
[21:42] <seb128> last time I killed it and then the bug started to be back
[21:42] <Trevinho> seb128: well, unity should stop it...
[21:42] <seb128> it doesn't
[21:42] <Trevinho> seb128: it's what Lanley did and here it goes... I hope it has been built the last rev
[21:45] <seb128> Trevinho, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172345880/gnome-screensaver_3.6.1-0ubuntu12_3.6.1-0ubuntu13.diff.gz
[21:45] <Trevinho> seb128: the unity pkg is fine
[21:46] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah it's the right one...
[21:46] <Trevinho> seb128: you don't have osk keyboard or screen readeer enabld, right?
[21:46] <seb128> org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-reader-enabled false
[21:47] <seb128> org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-keyboard-enabled false
[21:47] <seb128> killing g-s makes the bug start
[21:47] <seb128> $ gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.ScreenSaver --object-path /org/gnome/ScreenSaver --method org.gnome.ScreenSaver.GetActive
[21:47] <seb128> (true,)
[21:47] <Trevinho> yeah, that's why
[21:47] <Trevinho> it's active
[21:47] <Trevinho> but I don't see how it can be
[21:48] <Trevinho> is unity now handling that dbus path? It seems unlikey if you didn't restart it
[21:48] <Trevinho> as the name was owned by gs there
[21:48] <Trevinho> dfeet should allow you to check it
[21:48] <seb128> let me restart, I just restarted unity, seems that fixed it
[21:48] <seb128> seems like the issue is that g-s is starting before unity and unity fails to replace it
[21:49] <seb128> Trevinho, I can reproduce that easily
[21:49] <seb128> unload unity from ccsm
[21:49] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah, but it's very strange... maybe it's just all happening at the same time, hard
[21:49] <seb128> run g-s
[21:49] <seb128> enable unity back
[21:49] <seb128> g-s keeps running
[21:50] <seb128> I've run it by hand on a command line
[21:51] <Trevinho> seb128: it gets killed here
[21:51] <Trevinho> seb128: [main] gnome-screensaver.c:109 (23:51:31): gnome-screensaver finished
[21:51] <Trevinho> [gs_debug_shutdown] gs-debug.c:115 (23:51:31): Shutting down debugging
[21:52] <Trevinho> seb128: are you sure it's the right gs?
[21:52] <seb128> Trevinho, let me re-update, my system might be in a weird state, I've been going forth and back
[21:52] <Trevinho> as if for you it happens also in a such procedure (slower than autostart) it's not a race
[21:53] <seb128> seems like my g-s is still the old one on that run, let me dist-upgrade back/restart session
[21:53] <seb128> sorry about that
[21:54] <bregma> /usr/local/bin/gnome-screensaver?
[21:54] <Trevinho> bregma: no, it was just the old version
[21:56] <Trevinho> seb128, uh, this time maybe is better than another "incredible-corner case that only seb hits" :-D
[21:57] <seb128> Trevinho, ok, so no g-s
[21:57] <seb128> but the bug happen directly at login
[21:57] <seb128> like first thing in the session screen turns off
[21:57] <seb128> then it turns off after 15 idle
[21:58] <Trevinho> seb128: mh, so maybe.... we should do this
[21:58] <seb128> "this"?
[21:58] <Trevinho> seb128: try to put back the old autostart file
[21:58] <Trevinho> seb128: err add Unity in OnlySHowIn and remove from NotShowIn
[21:58] <seb128> $ gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.ScreenSaver --object-path /org/gnome/ScreenSaver --method org.gnome.ScreenSaver.GetActive
[21:58] <seb128> (true,)
[21:59] <Trevinho> mh, no... that's not expected
[21:59] <seb128> compiz own the namespace
[21:59] <Laney> late night seb128
[22:00] <Trevinho> seb128: active... how can it be active?! mhmh
[22:00] <seb128> Laney, yeah, those screensavers issues are annoying me :/ (I'm at didrocks and was not around since 7pm, trying to catch up before going to sleep now)
[22:00] <seb128> Trevinho, I'm on 32 bits if that makes any difference
[22:01] <Laney> hrm
[22:01] <Laney> I'm not going to read up on what they are now
[22:01] <Laney> but can help out tomorrow if you want
[22:01] <seb128> Laney, basically my screen turns off every 15 seconds idle
[22:01] <Trevinho> seb128: anyway, I was thinking maybe uss needs a screensaver to be there before it runs... then if we re-enable the screensaver in autostart, and we replace it when needed might fix the thing
[22:02] <seb128> Trevinho, you should be able to test the "maybe uss needs a screensaver to be there before it runs" scenario
[22:02] <seb128> that's what I did earlier with my "turn off the unity plugin/kill g-s, restart u-s-d, re-enable unity"
[22:03] <seb128> Laney, but yeah, looks like a tomorrow topic, I'm still providing info tonight if I can in case bregma/Trevinho are up to night hacking
[22:03] <Trevinho> mh, it wasn't happening before... let me check again
[22:03] <Trevinho> seb128: can you quickly check if this changes something http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7228329/
[22:03] <seb128> did you get g-s autoactivated in between?
[22:06] <Trevinho> seb128: no
[22:07] <Trevinho> seb128: I don't really see any reason why it should do that when the screensaver is there :(
[22:07] <Trevinho> seb128: at least, yeah I see if it does when it returns that is Active for you
[22:08] <Trevinho> but... how can it be
[22:10] <seb128> Trevinho, no, changing the autostart doesn't fix it
[22:10] <bregma> more like waiting half the night for a free silo, but stil....
[22:11] * bregma gets a silo the second he typed that
[22:15] <seb128> bregma, Trevinho: looking to the session logs, g-s is dbus activated before being autostarted
[22:16] <seb128> the .cache/upstart/dbus.log has mention of it being activated
[22:16] <seb128> while gnome-session-Unity.log has a warning about it not starting because already running
[22:16] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah, in fact also here it gets dbus-activated, but once unity replaces it all goes
[22:16] <bregma> who is starting it?
[22:16] <seb128> Trevinho, right, I'm just saying your autostart change doesn't change the situation
[22:17] <seb128> bregma, the dbus log doesn't say who is the caller, does it matter?
[22:17] <seb128> indicator-session I guess?
[22:17] <seb128> or unity-settings-daemon
[22:18] <bregma> no, it shouldn't matter, I just don't like to not understand what's going on
[22:19] <bregma> fact is unity should take the name no matter what, and g-s should shut down
[22:19] <Trevinho> yeah, but in any case unity should replace it... and does it
[22:19] <seb128> well, likely indicator-session or unity-settings-daemon starting first
[22:19] <seb128> bregma, that's happening yes
[22:19] <seb128> but it ends up in a situation where unity claims that the screensaver is active when it's not
[22:19] <seb128> which turns off the screen after 15s
[22:20] <seb128> if unity has the wrong isActive status it's an issue in Unity somewhere
[22:20] <Trevinho> seb128: tomorrow can you compile unity to provide more debuggin?
[22:20] <seb128> yes
[22:20] <Trevinho> seb128: as I don't see how that can be active
[22:20] <seb128> note again that I'm on 32 bits
[22:20] <Trevinho> seb128: basically it can be activated in two ways: by calling SetActive on it
[22:21] <seb128> just in case you case spot an error that would happen on that arch in the code ;-)
[22:21] <Trevinho> or, by uss that changes the status
[22:21] <seb128> well, how can it be activated without resulting in the screen actually locking?
[22:21] <seb128> I would expect the screen to be locked if one of those calls happen
[22:21] <seb128> Unity manages to get in an inconsistant state
[22:22] <Trevinho> seb128: in normal conditions (i.e. with default settings), it happens yeagh
[22:22] <Trevinho> unless there's something that grab the screen
[22:22] <seb128> ok, I guess we need debug statements tomorrow then
[22:22] <Trevinho> seb128: but if you set to have a delay, it can only turn the screen off
[22:22] <Trevinho> yep
[22:24] <seb128> Trevinho, bregma: other interesting data point, if I lock the screen and unlock it, GetActive() still returns true
[22:24] <Trevinho> seb128: when you start to debug, please use this branch lp:~3v1n0/unity/lockscreen-prompt-activation
[22:24] <seb128> Trevinho, ok
[22:24] <Trevinho> seb128: mhmhmh
[22:24] <seb128> Trevinho, so locking/unlocking doesn't clear the status
[22:25] <Trevinho> this is really strange... mhmh
[22:26] <seb128> Trevinho, ignore the arch bug theory, that doesn't happen in a consistant way, like it's sometime working in guest sessions
[22:26] <seb128> so probably just a startup order/initial status issue
[22:26] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah, the arch theory would have been quite strange, since it's just a bool to handle...
[22:26] <Trevinho> I would have understood for the time, but not for a simple bool
[22:27] <seb128> right
[22:27] <Trevinho> the more strange thing there is understanding what set the active state on beginning
[22:28] <seb128> Trevinho, on that note I'm off to take a shower, I'm still going to read IRC then before heading to bed, in case you need other info ... otherwise debugging is for tomorrow, I'm going to check out that vcs from yours in the morning/build/run it
[22:28] <seb128> Trevinho, could bustle or something help there?
[22:28] <Trevinho> since it's a false initialized-variable, and gets true only afterwards that a screensaver fading...
[22:28] <seb128> or is that internal to unity?
[22:29] <Trevinho> seb128: yes
[22:29] <Trevinho> seb128: the fade is ours..
[22:29] <Trevinho> fade to black...
[22:29] <seb128> it turns off at login
[22:29] <seb128> like I can see the wallpaper for a second then screen turns off
[22:30] <Trevinho> seb128: I think that something calls SetActive...
[22:30] <seb128> why isn't the status cleared after a manual lock/unlock?
[22:31] <Trevinho> because on lock the screensaver doesn't start, so we don't reset it
[22:31] <Trevinho> it starts afterwards (if user does nothing)
[22:31] <seb128> oh, ok
[22:31] * seb128 tries bustle
[22:31] <Trevinho> seb128: but... just moving the mouse should reset that screen going off
[22:32] <Trevinho> as when the screen is off, there's actually a black window under it.
[22:32] <seb128> yes, as said it happens at login, then after 15s of idle
[22:36] <Trevinho> seb128: for tomorrow: try to comment out the content of Controller::OnScreenSaverActivationRequest as first start
[22:38] <seb128> Trevinho, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/boot-log.bustle
[22:38] <seb128> Trevinho, that's the bustle log of a guest session start having the issue
[22:39] <seb128> Trevinho, I can't set SetActive() called in there
[22:47] <Trevinho> seb128: mh, I neither see any presence emission from sessionmanager
[22:49] <Trevinho> seb128: I can't believe it
[22:49] <Trevinho> ok I found that, I did a cleanup and I forgot to remove a local variable that is used but never set :/
[22:50] <Trevinho> that's why it's random
[22:54] <Trevinho> seb128: so, tomorrow morning just try to build the branch I linked to you (or hopefully it will be in the silo), and it should not be random
[22:55] <seb128> Trevinho, excellent!
[22:55] <Trevinho> seb128: just wondering why it's two days that my pc sets that variable to FALSE :)
[22:56] <seb128> Trevinho, do you do debug builds?
[22:56] <seb128> Trevinho, -O0 init things to 0 where -02 doesn't
[22:56] <seb128> Trevinho, or maybe just randomness/luck
[22:56] <seb128> or missluck, depends of your view ;-)
[22:57] <Trevinho> eheh
[22:59] <seb128> good night everyone!
[23:13] <Trevinho> robert_ancell: hey
[23:13] <robert_ancell> Trevinho, hello
[23:14] <Trevinho> I'm with bschaefer trying to figure out what is the caps lock icon used by the greeter... As per gtk default it should be dialog-warning-symbolic
[23:14] <bschaefer> but that one is super grey
[23:14] <Trevinho> robert_ancell: but.... that is gray with default themes, while in the greeter is white
[23:16] * robert_ancell looks
[23:16] <robert_ancell> I believe it's all done in the theme. The greeter has a different theme to the desktop
[23:17] <bschaefer> robert_ancell, well that could explain that.. I don't know much about what themes even are :)
[23:17] <Trevinho> robert_ancell: mh, yeah I was trying to figure that, but it's strange that I can't find other icons with that name
[23:17] <robert_ancell> bschaefer, I don't know much either. I think Cimi did all the work there
[23:17] <bschaefer> robert_ancell, cool, I can poke him tomorrow morning about that
[23:17] <Trevinho> robert_ancell: ah, ok... thanks
[23:17] <bschaefer> grey doesn't look to bad imo, just different then unity-greeter
[23:17] <bschaefer> robert_ancell, thanks!
[23:18] <robert_ancell> np