UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /09 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[08:39] <g0mib0y> Hi how do I add new windowmanagers to lightdm?
[08:43] <hyperair> add a .desktop file to /usr/share/xsessions/
[08:44] <hyperair> i'm not sure what else is needed though
[08:56] <g0mib0y> oki hyperair I will try this
[12:14] <zaggynl> anyone tried installing 14.04 beta 2 i386? I can't get it to boot
[12:14] <zaggynl> just fails on the boot device
[12:17] <zaggynl> oh, contig mangled the file, sha1sum no longer is correct
[15:15] <MaxFrames> hell
[15:15] <MaxFrames> o
[15:15] <MaxFrames> nice start lol
[17:58] <chulis> hola ¿hay alguna manera de agregar el icono de firefox al panel?
[18:01] <chulis> ¿?
[18:03] <chulis> me refiero añadir firefox o cualquier otro programa en el panel
[18:07] <IAmNotThatGuy> !spanish | chulis
[18:07] <ubottu> chulis: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.
[18:51] <zaggynl> hmm
[18:51] <zaggynl> lubuntu 12.04 isn't LTS
[18:52] <zaggynl> I guess I could install ubuntu and then lxde and remove all the standard DE packages?
[18:52] <leszek> zaggynl: why ?
[18:53] <zaggynl> was just reading through the lubuntu wiki page
[18:53] <zaggynl> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Applications
[18:53] <zaggynl> er https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu
[18:55] <zaggynl> I mean, to to profit of the LTS support
[18:58] <leszek> zaggynl: that does not help. It doesn't matter if you install Lubuntu or Ubuntu with LXDE in that regard
[18:58] <Mikaela> Lubuntu 12.04 is LTS and so will be 14.04 when it's released.
[18:58] <leszek> Lubuntus components that matches Ubuntus components that are in main and LTS will update aswell no matter if you install Lubuntu directly or Ubuntu with LXDE
[19:17] <zaggynl> right
[19:49] <phillw> Mikaela: lubuntu 12.04 was *NOT* an LTS... 14.04 will be
[19:50] <comics_idees> why it was nt
[19:50] <phillw> comics_idees: it was not allowed to be as per the rules
[19:51] <phillw> add that to the devs did not wish it to be.. you get a simple answer
[19:53] <ianorlin> 14.04 will be relase in a few days now
[19:53] <comics_idees> we are waiting
[19:54] <comics_idees> now that winxp is not supported people want an alternative os
[19:54] <comics_idees> for all the old laptops
[19:55] <comics_idees> maybe the lubuntu 14.04 will be that os
[19:55] <ianorlin> you can also put it on computers that came with vista and newer
[19:57] <phillw> comics_idees: for any laptops that cannot handle vista, use the standard lubuntu 64 bit install. for machines from win 98 who made the leap to XP you may need lubuntu-non-pae.... Quite simply? It is there if needed and I will support it.
[19:58] <ianorlin> windows took longer to suspend than lubuntu to boot
[21:39] <phillw> comics_idees: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/02/four-reasons-why-windows-xp-users-should-switch-to-lubuntu-this-april
[21:39] <comics_idees> thanks