UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /09 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[03:54] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1304787] startkde qdbus invocation is broken with the 4:4.11.8-0ubuntu4 change @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1304787 (by Joseph Yasi)
[05:48] <kubotu> ::qt-bugs:: [1304805] KDE desktop login failure: "Could not start d-bus. Can you call qdbus?" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1304805 (by meldroc)
[06:21] <valorie> two folks have filed a bug about something similar to your first problem just while I was away
[06:22] <valorie> oops, wrong chan
[06:36] <lordievader> Good morning.
[06:52] <jussi> I must say the postgres backend does help with kmail speed :)
[06:52] <jussi> (need to make sure you install the package, then restart - it appears to migrate itsself
[06:55] <kubotu> ::qt-bugs:: [1304805] KDE desktop login failure: "Could not start d-bus. Can you call qdbus?" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1304805 (by meldroc)
[06:56] <lordievader> Hehe, just the bug I'm facing.
[06:57] <jussi> lordievader: ouch
[06:57] <valorie> I hope I don't face it again
[06:57] <jussi> lordievader: oh, and good morning
[06:57] <valorie> because it is fixed for me now
[06:57] <lordievader> o/
[06:57] <jussi> lordievader: set sources to main repos and update
[06:57] <jussi> :D
[06:58] <lordievader> Funny thing is project neon5 works fine.
[06:59] <valorie> I'm thinking I won't update/upgrade tomorrow morning until checking in here
[06:59] <valorie> :-)
[06:59] <lordievader> I thought I had the main repos, will check in a bit. Saw somewhere that qt4-dev-tools might work for some reason, so trying that.
[06:59] <lordievader> ;)
[06:59] <soee> good morning
[06:59] <lordievader> o
[06:59] <lordievader> o/
[07:00] <valorie> I gave that advice earlier, but it didn't help that person
[07:00] <valorie> unfortunately
[07:10] <jussi> morning soee
[07:14] <lordievader> jussi: Sources have been unchanged.
[07:20] <lordievader> !info kde-workspace-bin
[07:20] <lordievader> !info kde-workspace-bin trusty
[07:21] <ubottu> kde-workspace-bin (source: kde-workspace): core binaries for the KDE Plasma Workspace. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.11.5-0ubuntu0.1 (saucy), package size 1824 kB, installed size 8742 kB
[07:21] <ubottu> kde-workspace-bin (source: kde-workspace): core binaries for the KDE Plasma Workspace. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.11.8-0ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 1826 kB, installed size 8761 kB
[07:38] <apachelogger> https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/fd73219a6c413c7360e223fe56b7cceb35ceb421
[07:38] <apachelogger> people still have synaptiks
[07:38] <apachelogger> Riddell: what do we do about it :O
[07:39] <apachelogger> could be a post-upgrade-before-reboot-crash, but who knows
[07:40] <apachelogger> https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/b674d33a11fddc5b8e414df042f41bb5a9b047af
[07:40] <apachelogger> printer-applet
[07:40] <apachelogger> much madness
[07:42] <valorie> $ apt-cache policy synaptiks
[07:43] <valorie> N: Unable to locate package synaptiks
[07:43] <valorie> I never removed it
[07:43] <valorie> and used to have it
[07:51] <lordievader> Anyone else affected by bug 1304805
[07:51] <ubottu> bug 1304805 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "KDE desktop login failure: "Could not start d-bus. Can you call qdbus?"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1304805
[07:55] <kubotu> ::qt-bugs:: [1304856] QDbus fails to start on login @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1304856 (by [Po]lentino)
[08:24] <Riddell> apachelogger: hmm, make a transitional empty package?
[08:25] <Riddell> lordievader: meh, I thought I'd fixed that yesterday
[08:25] <alvin> lordievader: Yes, me. A few days ago it worked by installing qdbus-qt5, but not since the updates of (yesterdag/thi morning)
[08:25] <lordievader> Riddell: Perhaps the fix is still in proposed or something?
[08:25] <apachelogger> ....
[08:25] <apachelogger> Riddell: you broke it
[08:25] <apachelogger> again
[08:25] <Riddell> hmm, maybe I created it yesterday instead
[08:26] <lordievader> alvin: Can you mark that you are affected by the bug?
[08:26] <alvin> sure
[08:26] <lordievader> Riddell: Hihi, that is a possibility. A less comforting one though.
[08:27] <Riddell> yeah I did
[08:27] <Riddell> doh
[08:27] <apachelogger> Riddell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+changelog
[08:27] <apachelogger> see 4:4.11.6-0ubuntu3
[08:27] <apachelogger> 4:4.11.6-0ubuntu5
[08:27] <apachelogger> 4:4.11.8-0ubuntu2
[08:28] <apachelogger> if $qdbus >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
[08:28] <apachelogger> your change broke it entirely
[08:28] <apachelogger> you cannot do exec assignments as part of unescaped execs
[08:29] <Riddell> I know (now)
[08:29] <Riddell> it works if I remove the quotes from the qdbus="QT_SELECT=qt4 qdbus" line
[08:31] <apachelogger> even so
[08:31] <apachelogger> it is a broken fix
[08:31] <Riddell> how?
[08:31] <apachelogger> it breaks qt5
[08:31] <Riddell> how?
[08:31] <apachelogger> equally if I were to remove qdbus4 it would be broken
[08:31] <apachelogger> Riddell: oh, actually it might not
[08:31] <Riddell> its only set locally to the startkde script, a previous version had an export QT_SELECT which did break qt5
[08:32] <apachelogger> rohan's probably did twiddle it in the env
[08:32] <apachelogger> Riddell: yes, that is nifty
[08:32] <Riddell> hopefully something depends on qdbus-qt4 so it won't get removed
[08:32] <apachelogger> let's check
[08:34] <apachelogger> Riddell: looks good, nice fix, only the quotes get in the way
[08:34] <apachelogger> sorry for the raging :P
[08:34] <apachelogger> Riddell: I still should point out that this is not much of a fix to the actual problem
[08:34] <Riddell> kde-workspace-bin depends on qdbus
[08:35] <Riddell> qtchooser is generally broken upstream
[08:35] <apachelogger> everything else calling qdbus will still fall over dead when qt5-defaults is installed but no qdbus5
[08:35] <apachelogger> Riddell: I agree
[08:35] <Riddell> I don't understand why they can't rename like everyone else
[08:35] <apachelogger> I also don't understand why debian can't make hard dependencies between chooser and the choosable binaries
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[08:36] <Riddell> that would mean always having qtcreator installed wouldn't it?
[08:36] <apachelogger> qtc is not choosable
[08:36] <apachelogger> only moc/uic/qdbus etc.
[08:37] <apachelogger> mind you, if it only deps on those three it might be enough
[08:38] <apachelogger> it's just a very big mess :'(
[08:40] <valorie> seems to be getting bigger
[08:41] <apachelogger> which one? the qt mess or the overall kubuntu mess?
[08:42] <valorie> qt
[08:42] <valorie> because before, it was solveable
[08:42] <valorie> the folks today can't fix it
[08:42] <apachelogger> nah
[08:42] <apachelogger> invocation was just rubbish
[08:42] <valorie> cool
[08:43] <apachelogger> there is no way to recover from that other than fixing the invocation itself
[08:43] <valorie> an easy fix is awesome
[08:43] <valorie> but do we have a long-term answer?
[08:43] <apachelogger> on the plus side Riddell figured out a nice way to prevent the problem
[08:46] <apachelogger> Riddell: I think we need a different way to manage our own translations
[08:46] <apachelogger> shit is not getting imported into launchpad
[08:46] <apachelogger> and getting it into langauge packs for verification is also a drag^2
[08:47] <Riddell> apachelogger: and as I said with split up upstream tars we won't have a very useful kde-l10n-xx package to just include
[08:47] <Riddell> so we might have to look at generating our own language-packs somehow
[08:47] <Riddell> "FAILED: kubuntu-notification-helper (The source kubuntu-notification-helper - 14.04ubuntu11 is already accepted in ubuntu/trusty and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution. "
[08:47] * valorie gets off IRC so an important email can be written
[08:47] <Riddell> dual upload of kubuntu-notification-helper?
[08:55] <apachelogger> Riddell: yeah
[08:55] <apachelogger> Riddell: I am not getting mails for notification-helper
[08:56] <kubotu> ::qt-bugs:: [1241859] package libqtgui4 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: lectura insuficiente en buff... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1241859 (by Lucas Germán Burgos)
[08:56] <kubotu> ::qt-bugs:: [1242028] samplebuffer qt multisampling doesn't work after upgrade to 13.10 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1242028 (by Damian Obernikowicz)
[08:56] <apachelogger> didn't find any mails from yesterday's upload, so I uploaded again...
[08:56] <Riddell> hum
[08:56] <apachelogger> Riddell: I still do not get the problem with not having kde-l10n-xx btw
[08:57] <Riddell> we'll have to install all languages for KF5 and Plasma packages which will take up lots of disk space
[08:57] <apachelogger> that's an upstream problem
[08:58] <apachelogger> if kde doesn't want 1/4 of the size of a plasma next workspace to be translations, then they cannot put translations in the source tarballs
[08:58] <apachelogger> if they don't care, then we do not care
[09:04] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1304805] KDE desktop login failure: "Could not start d-bus. Can you call qdbus?" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1304805 (by meldroc)
[09:04] <Riddell> apachelogger: hmm, how else would you like upstream to do it?
[09:05] <Riddell> cos upstream is kindae me
[09:06] <apachelogger> Riddell: put in one tar?
[09:06] <apachelogger> oh wait
[09:06] <apachelogger> Riddell: aren't kf5 and plasma different anyway?
[09:06] <apachelogger> kf5 would have l10n bundled
[09:06] <apachelogger> plasma would have it in kde-l10n-xx
[09:16] <Riddell> apachelogger: kf5 have lots of tars and plasma has lots more tars
[09:16] <Riddell> apachelogger: plasma gets released separately from applications
[09:16] <Riddell> agateau: you might have input into this ↑
[09:17] * agateau reads
[09:17] <Riddell> or maybe not, you're not the release dude :)
[09:18] <agateau> heh
[09:18] <agateau> not much input indeed
[09:18] <agateau> but you made me realize our current tarballs do not include translations, which is something i got wrong, so thanks nevertheless
[09:21] <apachelogger> Riddell: then I guess we'll have to life with translations in each package?
[09:23] <apachelogger> thing is, you can look at it from the other side as well, if I install the application kittenpix, why would I need to get all l10n of all kde packages in the archive
[09:23] <apachelogger> just as silly
[09:27] <Riddell> mm
[09:28] * Riddell out for some hours today
[10:05] <apachelogger> oh noes
[10:05] <apachelogger> I installed with german keyboard layout
[10:05] * apachelogger lost -.-
[10:30] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:42] <apachelogger> Uploading muon_2.1.70-0ubuntu4_source.changes: done.
[10:42] <apachelogger> Successfully uploaded packages.
[10:42] <apachelogger> more upstream commits, fixing some notifier issues, throwing out old unused notifier and replacing it with the new one
[10:46] <apachelogger> Riddell: phonon-backend-gstreamer1.0 is still around?
[10:46] <Kalidarn> uhhh oh, something is broken.
[10:47] <Kalidarn> no doubt you already know though.
[10:47] <Kalidarn> is there a solution yet?
[10:47] <apachelogger> sudo nano /usr/bin/startkde
[10:47] <apachelogger> somewhere in the first 30 lines or so there's a line starting with qdbus=
[10:47] <apachelogger> remove the quotes in that line and it should work
[10:47] <apachelogger> or wait for update
[10:48] <Kalidarn> okies
[10:48] <Kalidarn> qdbus=QT_SELECT=qt4 qdbus
[10:48] <Kalidarn> instead of
[10:48] <Kalidarn> qdbus="QT_SELECT=qt4 qdbus"
[10:48] <apachelogger> yeah
[10:49] <Kalidarn> thankyou sir
[10:50] <Kalidarn> all order is restored to the world
[11:00] <allee> apachelogger: qdbus="QT_SELECT=qt4" qdbus
[11:00] <allee> would be less obfuscated
[11:04] <apachelogger> allee: very much point of view dependent
[11:04] <allee> apachelogger: might be
[11:12] <apachelogger> jussi: how the hell do channel notices work, can't seem to send any
[11:12] <apachelogger> or rather, they don't arrive ^^
[11:12] <jussi> apachelogger: why do you want to notice the channel?
[11:13] <apachelogger> not this one, work channel needs feeding with build status information
[11:13] <apachelogger> it appeared to me that channel notices would be more noticable then your regular msg
[11:15] <jussi> apachelogger: in my client its simply /notice #channel message
[11:15] <apachelogger> perhaps the channel flags block it
[11:15] <jussi> apachelogger: which channel?
[11:15] <apachelogger> can't say :P
[11:15] <jussi> heh
[11:15] <jussi> oh
[11:15] <jussi> work channel
[11:15] <jussi> what channel flags are there?
[11:16] <apachelogger> oh, not even registered it seems
[11:17] <jussi> Kalidarn: careful, noticing the channel is not nice for peopl
[11:18] <Kalidarn> is that what he meant?
[11:18] <Kalidarn> or something else
[11:18] <jussi> yes
[11:18] <Kalidarn> jussi: how else am i supposed to express my love for everyone in #kubuntu-devel
[11:31] <ghostcube> Kalidarn: 102 cans of coffee for free would do the trick :D
[11:34] <jussi> ghostcube: 102 might do for one developer...
[11:34] <ghostcube> hmm i just took the people in here .. maybe we should count it up i++
[11:34] <ghostcube> ::D
[11:45] <ScottK> apachelogger: muon accepted.
[12:00] <ScottK> Riddell: I reverted doko's plasma-scriptengine-ruby change after confirming the issue he was worried about is one I fixed. It's in bzr for the next -workspace upload.
[12:12] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1304805] KDE desktop login failure: "Could not start d-bus. Can you call qdbus?" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1304805 (by meldroc)
[12:25] <jarkko> kubotu: i got that too
[12:25] <jarkko> i was able to login in xfce
[12:25] <jarkko> but not kde
[12:26] * jussi hugs jarkko (next tiem you can talk to a human, not a bot) :D
[12:26] <jarkko> lol
[12:27] <jarkko> didnt notice
[12:27] <ScottK> jarkko: Should be fixed in the latest package update
[12:27] <jarkko> when was it?
[12:28] <jarkko> i went to console and updated some packages over there, meanwhile logged in to xfce
[12:28] <jarkko> those big updates are always so insecure
[12:32] <ScottK> jarkko: kde-workspace 4:4.11.8-0ubuntu5
[12:33] <jarkko> i read the launchpad report
=== apachelogger is now known as apakhelogger
=== apakhelogger is now known as apaKhelogger
[12:59] <apaKhelogger> oh, apport crash fixed
[13:18] <Kalidarn> ghostcube: coffee comes in cans?
[13:18] <Kalidarn> you must live in a strange land
[13:21] <ghostcube> isnt this dbus bug reltated to not installed dbus 64 bit package?
[13:21] <ghostcube> i remember this happened some times ago too
[13:21] <ghostcube> -s
[13:23] <ghostcube> ah no forget it..
[14:25] <apaKhelogger> Uploading dolphin-plugins_4.12.97-0ubuntu2_source.changes: done.
[14:25] <apaKhelogger> Successfully uploaded packages.
[14:25] <apaKhelogger> upstream bug fix import
=== apaKhelogger is now known as apachelogger
[14:57] <apachelogger> ScottK: ping
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[15:02] <apachelogger> Uploading baloo_4.12.97-0ubuntu4_source.changes: done.
[15:02] <apachelogger> Successfully uploaded packages.
[15:02] <apachelogger> upstream bug fix import
[15:12] <apachelogger> ScottK: we have the possibility to include pam-kwallet (i.e. wallet gets automatically opened on login, without weird password dialogs when network manager wants to connect etc.)... enabling this will require a package on the seed that previously was not seeded, optional loading of the pam module in the lightdm pam config, as well as a patch for kde-workspace
[15:12] <apachelogger> does the release team approve? :P
[15:14] <apachelogger> http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kde-workspace.git&a=commit&h=f3d4a7ef1dcbe4cb9116736888cef1c36eae0295 is the workspace change
[15:17] <yofel> what an incredible socket name...
[15:23] <debfx> Riddell: thanks for uploading gpgme. could you do another upload to fix a build failure: http://paste.kde.org/pvjmauvkc
[15:26] <kdeuser56> yofel: did dist-upgrade and installed some debug symbols today, can't login anymore :-( ... it can't call qdbus ... although on a virtual terminal it works (complains about missing display)
[15:26] <yofel> bug 1304805 - probably?
[15:26] <ubottu> bug 1304805 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "KDE desktop login failure: "Could not start d-bus. Can you call qdbus?"" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1304805
[15:29] <kdeuser56> yofel: rebooting and trying dist-upgrade
[15:29] <Riddell> debfx: yeah, in a minute
[15:31] <apachelogger> yofel: the afiestas says he's going to twiddle it still
[15:32] <yofel> ok ^^
[15:39] <kdeuser56> yofel: I am not seeing any update here ... so I manually fixed startkde
[15:39] <kdeuser56> yofel: I am not on ninjas here
[15:40] <yofel> probably stuck in the queue somewher
[15:46] <Riddell> kde-workspace 4:4.11.8-0ubuntu5 with the fix is in release, but maybe not on all mirrors
[15:47] <kdeuser56> Riddell, yofel: okay thanks
[15:57] <Riddell> apachelogger: will you file a FFe bug for that kwallet issue?
[15:57] <Riddell> apachelogger: do you know the status of kwallet with gpg?
[15:58] <apachelogger> kwallet doesn't really need an FFe, the new pam-kwallet only fixes the bug that it was completely kaput
[15:58] <apachelogger> gpg rubbish was disabled
[15:58] <Riddell> apachelogger: yeah I guess you could argue that, what needs done?
[15:59] <apachelogger> Riddell: all done, I just need to work out what configs we need
[16:00] <apachelogger> and well, I need an executive decision if the release team is ok with that sort of change
[16:00] <Riddell> debfx: uploaded
[16:13] <apachelogger> much kitten
[16:13] <apachelogger> Riddell: did you see the latest comment on the qdbus bug?
[16:13] <apachelogger> the guy has a point you know ^^
[16:14] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: when compiling phonon-backend-vlc equalizer support should work in amarok right?
[16:14] <apachelogger> yeah
[16:14] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: what about the analyzer in amarok? does not work with vlc-backend atm
[16:15] <apachelogger> no
[16:15] <apachelogger> kdeuser56: mind you, I think the EQ needs vlc 2.2
[16:15] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: yeah I actually meant that, sorry
[16:16] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: forgot to say against vlc 2.2
[16:16] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: what is the problem with the analyzer? is it not implemented in libvlc?
[16:16] <apachelogger> something like that
[16:17] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: I remember having read somewhere in a mailing list that it was implemented in phonon-vlc but broke something else and was therefore disabled
[16:17] <apachelogger> there's documentation about it somewhere in the phononvlc source
[16:19] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: so this wont even be possible with vlc 2.2?
[16:19] <debfx> Riddell: thanks
[16:20] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: what is this component called again? AudioDataOutput?
[16:20] <apachelogger> yeah
[16:22] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: i think it was that mail I read: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-multimedia&m=134020496511242&w=2
[16:22] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: anyway thanks
[16:24] <Riddell> apachelogger: hmm yes but do you agree it shouldn't export QT_SELECT? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172351825/qdbus.patch
[16:26] <apachelogger> yeah, that breaks qtc
[16:26] <apachelogger> Riddell: I have a review of the changeroo on my board for tomorrow
[16:27] <apachelogger> don't really fancy getting sucked into that pile of madness this late
[16:27] <Riddell> apachelogger: changeroo?
[16:27] <apachelogger> the change history
[16:27] <Riddell> apachelogger: of what?
[16:27] <apachelogger> the attempts to unbreak qdbus resulting in more breakage
[16:28] <apachelogger> it might well be safest to simply change all $qdbus to eval $qdbus
[16:28] <apachelogger> that way qdbus can be defined as a string containing whatever rubbish needed
[16:28] <apachelogger> alas, more invasive, so maybe there's something more elegant
[16:30] <apachelogger> I am not sure why startkde uses that weird variable shit anyway
[16:30] <apachelogger> alias is a posix defined builtin of all shells
[16:30] <apachelogger> and what the var meddling does is try to mimic alias in a very crappy way
[16:36] <apachelogger> ah great, now you made me think about it :@
[16:37] <apachelogger> expr might be suitable
[16:38] <apachelogger> or not ^^
[16:39] <apachelogger> Riddell: why are we patching this?
[16:40] <apachelogger> bug #1180196
[16:40] <ubottu> bug 1180196 in qtchooser (Ubuntu) "qtchooser operation prevented by PATH forcing under KDE" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1180196
[16:40] <apachelogger> :S
[16:45] <Riddell> apachelogger: kde-workspace
[16:50] <ScottK> apachelogger: re the kwallet thing, I think (release team hat on) you need to file for an FFe.
[16:50] <apachelogger> ScottK: and would the FFe get accepted?
[16:50] <ScottK> That said, I'm favorably disposed, but the paperwork needs to be done.
[16:51] <ScottK> Compared to the already planned level of insanity for this cycle, this is a detail. Sure.
[16:51] <apachelogger> ^^
[16:57] <ScottK> debfx: Accepted the gpgme fix.
[17:06] <apachelogger> Riddell: for you consideration http://paste.ubuntu.com/7227078/ waiting for afiestas to approve
[17:07] <Riddell> apachelogger: your shell script foo is impressive
[17:07] <apachelogger> turns out you cannot make the var expansion work because there's no eval involved at that point anymore, so it will bypass every builtin
[17:09] <apachelogger> (which is also why your first attempt did not work, it will not parse the command and export the variable but feed the should-be-variable to the fork like fork(QT_SELECT=4, qdbus)
[17:09] <apachelogger> )
[17:10] <ScottK> apachelogger or Riddell: Please update from bzr before uploading workspace again. I pushed some changes there last night.
[17:10] <apachelogger> yep, I noticed
[17:11] <ScottK> Great.
[17:12] <debfx> ScottK: yay, and it even built :)
[17:12] <ScottK> Bonus.
[18:35] <kdeuser56> yofel: is that true: http://askubuntu.com/questions/365644/qdbus-cannot-be-called-in-kubuntu-saucy ?
[18:36] <yofel> kdeuser56: I have no saucy system to test one, someone else will have to verify that
[18:36] <yofel> *on
[18:36] <kdeuser56> yofel: I will probably do it tomorrow
[18:37] <kdeuser56> yofel: but if I understand correctly this would solve the qdbus issue, woudln't it?
[18:37] <yofel> I'm currently really busy with $LIFE, so I have no idea in what state our dbus issue is right now
[18:38] <yofel> and there's no bug report against the PPA, so THAT ^ issue is new
[18:38] <yofel> wait, that's on the 13.10 image, which was verified to work
[18:38] <yofel> so that askubuntu post makes no sense
[18:40] <kdeuser56> yofel: the package qdbus-qt5 contains here in saucy the qdbus binary in the correct path (I downloaded the package)
[18:40] <kdeuser56> yofel: as the package is also available in trusty: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libs/qdbus-qt5 this should be kinda solved
[18:40] <yofel> the point is that we don't want that installed
[18:40] <yofel> as that pulls in quite a bit of qt5
[18:40] <yofel> and we have no need for qt5
[18:40] <yofel> (yet)
[18:41] <kdeuser56> yofel: yeah but if one installs qtcreator on kubuntu he will run into troubles currently
[18:41] <yofel> *sigh*
[18:41] <kdeuser56> yofel: it will by default install qt5-default, but without qdbus
[18:41] <yofel> that's what we've been trying to fix the last few days...
[18:42] <kdeuser56> yofel: have not tested for a few days so could be fixed
[18:42] <kdeuser56> yofel: installing qdbus-qt5 together with qtcreator would solve the issue in theory ....
[18:42] <yofel> meh, I need to quit quassel. I need to get some work done and plasma keep steeling my keyboard focus everytime you ping me
[18:42] <yofel> sorry
[18:43] <kdeuser56> sorry
[18:43] <kdeuser56> I will simply stop pinging you so you can leave quassel open :-)
[20:43] <ovidiu-florin> hello world
[20:43] <ovidiu-florin> I'm back on IRC with a new and more reliable server for my quassel-core
[20:43] <ovidiu-florin> and for my blog :D
[20:43] <ovidiu-florin> currently under reconstruction
[20:43] <ovidiu-florin> my previous server's hdd died
[20:43] <ovidiu-florin> :(
[20:44] <ovidiu-florin> and apparently I can't find my backups :(
[20:48] <Riddell> hi ovidiu-florin!
[20:48] <Riddell> gosh that sucks
[20:51] <ovidiu-florin> yeah, it does... I have to rebuild my blog from google cache
[20:51] <ovidiu-florin> to have my data recoverd would cost somewhere in between 15€ and 240€
[21:00] <ovidiu-florin> from the dead HDD I mean
[21:03] <apachelogger> ScottK, Riddell: bug 1305307
[21:03] <ubottu> bug 1305307 in pam-kwallet (Ubuntu) "FFe for pam-kwallet integration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1305307
[21:03] <apachelogger> won't be able to do anything WRT uploading until tomorrow though
[21:06] <ScottK> apachelogger: Is the lightdm patch anywhere publich?
[21:06] <ScottK> public even
[21:15] <apachelogger> ScottK: not yet created, haven't yet found out if my changes are correct ... but the change is pretty much a nobrainer, basically adds an option module like for gnome-keyring
[21:15] <apachelogger> ScottK: i.e. if you look at /etc/pam.d/lightdm* for everyline that has gnome-keyring we'd want the very same line for pam_kwallet.so
[21:15] <ScottK> apachelogger: OK. Since that's the one package other flavors use, it's kind of important that gets a close review.
[21:16] <ScottK> (i.e. I'd like someone non-Kubuntuish to ack that part of the change)
[21:16] <apachelogger> yeah, I plan to run that by robert
[21:16] <apachelogger> once I actually have a concrete patch I know works
[21:16] <ScottK> Please do that and then post the patch in the bug and say he's agreed to it.
[21:16] <apachelogger> which I have been promised for tomorrow morning
[21:16] <apachelogger> ok
[21:16] <ScottK> I'll be glad to approve the lot then.
[21:18] <apachelogger> Riddell: you still around?
[21:36] <kubotu> ::qt-bugs:: [1305294] QT uses incorrect theme when GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is unset @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1305294 (by Øyvind Stegard)
[21:46] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1305307] FFe for pam-kwallet integration @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1305307 (by Harald Sitter)
[22:18] <Riddell> apachelogger: not really
[22:25] <Riddell> apachelogger: approved! but needs thorough testing
[22:28] <valorie> looks like it might be safe to do the daily update/upgrades?
[22:28] <Riddell> valorie: should be yes
[22:39] <apachelogger> Riddell: was just wondering when you'll check in tomorrow
[22:39] <apachelogger> Riddell: albert says we should have tarballs in the mornings
[22:40] * littlegirl winks at Riddell
[22:41] <valorie> apachelogger: sounds appetizing for breakfast