UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /07 /#ubuntu+1.txt
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[00:05] <basketball> can anyone answer this please http://askubuntu.com/questions/444137/hp-office-jet-100-mobile-printer-l411-will-not-show-up-in-printer-list-in-ubuntu/444164?noredirect=1#444164
[00:23] <henryC> I had to revert kernel because I had only "dummy output", yesterday. Any idea when it might be safe to try updating again? Kubuntu 14.04....
[00:23] <henryC> lost sound, I meant to say
[00:25] <henryC> If there's a more appropriate place to ask the question, sorry, please tell me.
[00:41] <henryC> please, one at a time
[00:46] <dw1> ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) y u no discuss ubuntu 14.04?
[03:09] <caf4926> can someone try a LO presentation with the Vintage page. When you go to the presentation mode, do you loose some of the formatting of the Vintage look?
[03:18] <GI_Jack> I just installed ubuntu 14.04, it all seems good except the menu bar is too small, especially the buttons to really work with touch
[03:19] <GI_Jack> how do you change this menu bar buttons. In gnome and other desktops, the desktop respects the theme's window manager decorations
[03:19] <GI_Jack> why not unity?
[03:20] <Andorin> I'm having trouble getting themes to work on 14.04. I'm new to Unity as a whole and want to apply a new skin, but can't figure out how. I downloaded a GTK 3 theme from gnome-look.org and put it in ~/.themes but it's not showing up as an available theme.
[03:21] <GI_Jack> Andorin, did you try ~/.local/share/themes ??
[03:21] <Andorin> no, but I could
[03:21] <GI_Jack> do it
[03:22] <GI_Jack> everything in ~/.local/share overrides whatever is in /usr/share
[03:22] <Andorin> I didn't put anything in /usr/share, I put it in ~/.themes
[03:22] <GI_Jack> look if you put it in /usr/share/themes it would work
[03:22] <GI_Jack> similarly so does ~/.local/share/themes
[03:22] <GI_Jack> do you understand that concept
[03:23] <Andorin> Also I moved the theme folder to ~/.local/share/themes and it's still not showing up
[03:23] <GI_Jack> log out and log back in
[03:23] <GI_Jack> there is no alt-f2 "r" like gnome
[03:23] <GI_Jack> trust me I just did this
[03:23] <Andorin> ok...
[03:23] <GI_Jack> also unity does respect theme's window decorations like gnome does
[03:23] <GI_Jack> I came here to ask about this issue myself
[03:24] <GI_Jack> which I have no clue why they did this
[03:24] <Andorin> ok, brb
[03:24] <GI_Jack> I think sometimes cannocial colaborates with apple
[03:25] <Andorin> Still not showing up.
[03:25] <Andorin> Okay, everyone else, what am I doing wrong?
[03:26] <trism> Andorin: are you using unity-tweak-tool?
[03:26] <Andorin> Yeah
[03:27] <Andorin> I'm also looking at the official theme selection menu in the wallpaper-changing window
[03:28] <Andorin> Here's the theme I'm trying to use http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/MediterraneanNight+Series?content=156782
[03:28] <Andorin> Well, theme collection, really, but they all go in one folder
[03:28] <caf4926> can someone try a LO presentation with the Vintage page. When you go to the presentation mode, do you loose some of the formatting of the Vintage look?
[03:29] <Andorin> I read somewhere that GTK 3.x themes will generally work with Unity, but I think somewhere else said that you want GTK 3.4+ themes for best results
[03:29] <trism> Andorin: well the Appearances menu has been hardcoded for many releases now, I doubt it changed in 14.04
[03:29] <Andorin> trism: So I could ask about it in #ubuntu?
[03:31] <trism> Andorin: hmm I am seeing all of those Mediterranean themes in unity-tweak-tool after unpacking them to ~/.themes
[03:32] <Andorin> Oh hang on a sec
[03:34] <Andorin> Okay I got it
[03:34] <Andorin> The problem was, I had ~/.themes/MediterraneanNight-2.03/(individual theme folders here)
[03:34] <Andorin> Moving the individual folders up to ~/.themes made them visible
[03:39] <trism> ahh that would do it
[05:17] <GI_Jack> Does anyone know how to change the window decorations on 14.04?
[05:50] <lordievader> Good morning.
[05:52] <yenic> Does anyone know the default version of Python in 14.04 LTS?
[05:52] <rww> !info python trusty
[05:52] <ubottu> python (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 130 kB, installed size 671 kB
[05:53] <lordievader> !info python3 trusty
[05:53] <ubottu> python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB
[05:54] <yenic> so it will have both?
[06:52] <hyde> is Beta1 going to be directly upgradeable to final release?
[06:53] <rww> ubottu: final
[06:53] <ubottu> If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.
[06:53] <hyde> uhm, and is beta1 the latest beta, or did Google botch it up?
[06:53] <hyde> (the search I mean)
[06:54] <hyde> 27th of Feb, pretty old...
[06:54] <hyde> ah yeah, ../beta2 exists
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[07:30] <satyakaki> hello
[07:34] <k1l> so if you are on ubuntu 12.04 you are in the wrong channel here for your cdma dongle issue
[07:38] <satyakaki> where can I get it
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[09:25] <jonasrogert> Im trying out python 3.4 in ubuntu 14.04 and i found that pyvenv-3.4 cant install pip. it returns non-zero result. with without-pip parameter it works but i cant install pip after it. anyone have any idea on how to solve this?
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[10:02] <kelogs> Hello, I did an update to .23 in Trusty, and I am stuck on .22.... which is fine for now, but I would like to get my updates. I am using Xubuntu, the problem was, I updated, and changed my desktop resolution to a lower resolution, but I could not see anything on screen, and none of the shortcut keys changed terminal, or anything, I was forced to reboot, however that reboot, broke my update.... is there a way I can repair this, or will I have to refo
[10:02] <kelogs> rmat?
[10:05] <kelogs> Also now, anytime I install, or uninstall something, it throws up errors as a result of it.
[10:06] <kelogs> But what I do not get, is the uninstalls, and installs are still successful.... which Is strikingly odd for me.
[10:07] <kelogs> I mean, I boot fine into but 23 is broken in that Kernal, because of the failed installing.
[10:07] <kelogs> or upgrading.
[10:08] <ikonia> could you please try to desribe better than "broke my computer"
[10:08] <ikonia> you're using a pre-release version of the operating system, I'd hope you can actually put across problems with some form of clarity
[10:09] <kelogs> lol, I did not say that, it just broke the upgrade. The upgraded Kernal is not letting me into it, because it is not configured properly.
[10:09] <kelogs> Because when I restarted brute force.... it broke it
[10:09] <ikonia> what are you talking about ?? restarted brute force
[10:10] <kelogs> power reset button
[10:10] <ikonia> why did you power the machine off ?
[10:11] <kelogs> I changed desktop resolution to a lower resolution that I know my display can do, it is using it now a matter of fact. And when I did that, the screen was black, I could not open tty1, 2 , 3 ect.... could not force crash or anything, had to shut down/restart with the power button.
[10:11] <ikonia> kelogs: ok, so what is the current status of the box when you boot it
[10:13] <kelogs> I boot fine into just when I install or uninstall anything, it throws up errors about not configured popularly, however, the programs run fine, and appear at first to fail install or uninstall, but it works fine, boots fine. I just want to either remove 23, or clean it up, and start over, or just plain fix it so I can be updated.
[10:14] <ikonia> kelogs: ok, so fix the broken package install then
[10:14] <kelogs> thats just it
[10:14] <ikonia> what's just it ?
[10:14] <kelogs> I tried using symantic package installer, and it wont re-install, or repair it. What other ways can I fix this besides the obvious formatting?
[10:15] <ikonia> remove the broken package
[10:15] <ikonia> look at why it's not completing
[10:15] <kelogs> what about the dependancies?
[10:15] <ikonia> what about them ?
[10:15] <kelogs> they get uninstalled too
[10:15] <kelogs> breaks the desktop
[10:15] <ikonia> then you don't need them
[10:15] <ikonia> it breaks the desktop ??
[10:15] <kelogs> yes
[10:15] <kelogs> last time I tried this
[10:16] <ikonia> what package are you trying to remove ?
[10:16] <kelogs> I was left unbootable
[10:16] <kelogs> just going by past experiences is all
[10:16] <kelogs> the image
[10:16] <kelogs> kernal
[10:16] <ikonia> what is the exact name of the package you are trying to remove
[10:16] <kelogs> has the same dependencies as
[10:16] <ikonia> ok , bye
[10:16] <ikonia> I'm not interested
[10:16] <cojack> ;D
[10:17] <ikonia> you're answering questions I'm not asking, and ignoring questions I am asking and need the answers to
[10:17] <kelogs> would you like my log files?
[10:17] <ikonia> no
[10:17] <ikonia> I would have liked you to answer the questions I asked, but I'm no longer interested
[10:18] <cojack> I'm interested!
[10:18] <ikonia> over to you then,
[10:18] <cojack> so I will repeat the question that ikonia make
[10:18] <cojack> "what is the exact name of the package you are trying to remove" ?
[10:19] <kelogs> this is the error I get when trying to re-install it
[10:19] <kelogs> E: Internal Error, No file name for linux-image-3.13.0-23-generic:i386
[10:19] <kelogs> that is the package that failed
[10:20] <cojack> kelogs: can you write step by step what you're trying to do?
[10:20] <cojack> I'm litle confused
[10:23] <kelogs> I ran the updater after I installed a fresh install of Trusty Xubuntu 14.04 LTS, and when I tried to update, I could not see what was going on, as my screen went black when changing my desktop resolution. None of the shortcut keys would bring me back or reboot, so in desperation I pressed the power button to restart. Now, I am getting errors on install, and uninstall of packages, however the packages I installed or uninstall work fine, but it is ra
[10:23] <kelogs> ther annoying that it does this now. I would like to update to the newest Kernel that it states I am supposed to be on.
[10:24] <cojack> kelogs: are you sure that update finish his work at all?
[10:24] <cojack> upgrade*
[10:24] <kelogs> well I am guessing it didn't, because I am still on the older Kernel
[10:24] <cojack> so why you don't just try it?
[10:25] <bekks> No updates pulls in a new kernel magically. ;)
[10:25] <cojack> true
[10:25] <kelogs> its on status 2
[10:25] <cojack> what?
[10:25] <kelogs> whats that mean?
[10:25] <kelogs> let me do a apt-get clean and autoremove and see what error throws up
[10:25] <bekks> kelogs: can you provide the entire info?
[10:26] <bekks> kelogs: And not just "status 2" without any context?
[10:26] <kelogs> lol
[10:27] <kelogs> cojack
[10:27] <cojack> autoremove can remove all of the desktop packages at all if some deps are broken
[10:27] <cojack> so be careful ;]
[10:27] <bekks> kelogs: How about stopping whatever you do there, and provide the information asked?
[10:27] <kelogs> cojack your probe, did something
[10:27] * cojack did magic
[10:28] <bekks> kelogs: Can you read me?
[10:28] <kelogs> I can;t do anything now
[10:28] <kelogs> Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
[10:28] <bekks> Ok, then I'm going to ignore your case since you dont want help actually.
[10:28] <kelogs> no
[10:28] <kelogs> I do
[10:28] <kelogs> the POC
[10:28] <kelogs> locked me out
[10:28] <kelogs> Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?
[10:29] <bekks> Whatever a POC is - I dont want to know.
[10:29] <kelogs> PC
[10:29] <cojack> kelogs: maybe some process is working on
[10:29] <kelogs> typos :)
[10:29] <cojack> or you're not root
[10:29] <kelogs> naw
[10:29] <kelogs> it was package manager
[10:29] <kelogs> sorry
[10:29] <cojack> screw package manager
[10:29] <cojack> open console
[10:29] <kelogs> dpkg: error processing package linux-image-3.13.0-23-generic (--configure):
[10:29] <kelogs> subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2
[10:29] <kelogs> Errors were encountered while processing:
[10:29] <kelogs> linux-image-3.13.0-23-generic
[10:29] <kelogs> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[10:30] <bekks> !pastebin | kelogs
[10:30] <ubottu> kelogs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[10:30] <kelogs> thanks
[10:30] <kelogs> I will bookmark that
[10:30] <cojack> kelogs: u're newbie in linux?
[10:31] <bekks> kelogs: you should follow it, instead of bookmarking it.
[10:31] <kelogs> naw I am just a disabled guy, I started Linux use back in November, so partially new and wet behind the ears.
[10:31] <kelogs> no, I need it bookmarked, I tend to forget stuff
[10:32] <cojack> great, so conversation is ended, this is still in beta, if you don't know the basic, please don't use beta products and don't agonize ppl
[10:32] <kelogs> now, since the damage is done, what you think?
[10:33] <kelogs> no, I can use terminal
[10:33] <cojack> who can't
[10:33] <kelogs> install packages and uninstall through terminal, evne have added pp's before, even though dangerous
[10:33] <kelogs> ppa's*
[10:33] <kelogs> even have edited grub
[10:34] <cojack> for what?
[10:34] <kelogs> I just need to know what I need to do with the broken package?
[10:34] <kelogs> if I need to format, or is there a way to remove it safely without being stuck in terminal?
[10:35] <lordievader> Alpha/Beta's are targeted at people who know what they are doing. They expect breakage every once in a while and know how to fix it.
[10:35] <lordievader> kelogs: Usually fixing broken packages is not much more than "apt-get -f install".
[10:36] <bekks> kelogs: How about answering questions then without doing other stuff, without giving other other information?
[10:36] <bekks> kelogs: Which package is broken?
[10:37] <kelogs> I understand this, I did not come here to debate that, I came here for awnsers. I would like to prevent formatting all the time when something breaks, I want to know proper ways to fix the package, rather than uninstalling and tearing this PC part by part, and re-assembling it manually. Thats not what I want to do, I just want to know if it would be easier to format, then update, or would it be safer to just uninstall that package, and try to re-in
[10:37] <kelogs> stall it?
[10:37] <bekks> I am giving up. You dont even read what people write to you. Good luck.
[10:38] <kelogs> I can not look while typing, give me a moment
[10:38] <kelogs> linux-image-3.13.0-23-generic
[10:38] <bekks> Dont hurry, I am not interested anymore.
[10:38] <kelogs> that package is broken
[10:40] <cojack> I will give you a good advice kelogs, install ubuntu 13.10 and wait for upgrade
[10:41] <cojack> btw grub still override user config
[10:41] <cojack> give me a sec, i will provide info
[10:42] <kelogs> better yet, what is a more stable environment, I get all kinda of problems with 12.04, 13.10 inbetween, I have formatted, re-installed, manual installed, installed nvidia drivers, jumped many hoops to get where I am at now, I was suggested this version, or I would not of Gotten it, the other thing is NetBootin is missing 12.04 and 13.10 from the list, which forces me to go download the iso.
[10:43] <lordievader> Define "all kinds of problems"
[10:44] <kelogs> Well, it first started with my sound pulseaudio, it had robotic, stuttering issues with VOIP applications such as Skype, and other programs. That was fine for awhile, but I kept wanting to fix it.
[10:44] <bekks> Skype has entirely nothing to do with VoIP.
[10:45] <kelogs> then, there was issues with Nvidia drivers as well... I decided to upgrade to 331 which was recommended to me, when I switched to 319 updates.
[10:45] <kelogs> that screwed up my graphics card, causing black outs
[10:45] <kelogs> on the desktop
[10:45] <kelogs> and no, it was not over heating
[10:45] <cojack> oh here we are grub config os-prober override timetout_style overtime even if you configure it in /etc/default/grub to don't show
[10:46] <kelogs> I mean, anything VOIP related has voice issues, all other sounds sounded fine, like movies, and music
[10:47] <bekks> Skype has nothing to do with VoIP. It is not related, it isnt even similar to VoIP.
[10:47] <kelogs> well I do not know, I assumed it was VOIP, since it allows you to talk over the internet
[10:48] <kelogs> the point is, mic, and speaker sounds from calls and talking are the only things I had issues with pulse... everything else, the sounds was fine
[10:49] <kelogs> and I know it was not interent connection, because I tested it several times, and it was rock solid
[10:49] <lordievader> I have seen more people with that problem, I suppose there are a few fixes afloat on the internet.
[10:50] <kelogs> the problem is pulse... everyone I talked to use alsa, but I tried that too... and later found out pulse uses alsa anyways.... so that confused me
[10:51] <bekks> The problem is you are mixing up different issues and try to solve them with using a beta release. Just my two cents.
[10:51] <kelogs> eh, I had the problems on 12.04 LTS actually before all this
[10:52] <bekks> Read again what I wrote.
[10:52] <Evilsparza> hey guys, do you know how to install mate on 14.04? I've read that it has been added to the official repositories. I installed the "mate-desktop" package, but it didn't change anyhthing, still on unity
[10:53] <kelogs> well I did not know it was beta, until later, no one told me it was beta until I found out here, and from some people. I wondered why this was not available on the website as iso.
[10:54] <cojack> can some one remind me from where files in /etc/grub.d/ are created?
[10:54] <ikonia> they are not dynamic
[10:54] <kelogs> but that still does not help me with UNetBootin not having 12.04 or later iso's available
[10:54] <bekks> kelogs: The website clearly states that the latest stable version is 13.10 - so any other version cannot be stable.
[10:54] <ikonia> thaey are static
[10:54] <ikonia> they
[10:55] <kelogs> so there is no way of using UNetBootin?
[10:55] <kelogs> I have to go get the iso everytime?
[10:55] <cojack> ikonia: thx
[10:55] <Ben64> well, you do need the iso for anything you want to use with unetbootin
[10:55] <cojack> ikonia: but they're not generated from grub?
[10:56] <ikonia> cojack: no, they are used to generate the grub config file
[10:56] <kelogs> UNetBootin allows you to select them from repository, but it wont let me choose anything past 11
[10:56] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[10:56] <lordievader> Hey BluesKaj
[10:56] <kelogs> I wanted a more secure download of the iso
[10:57] <Ben64> kelogs: you can download the iso from many places
[10:57] <BluesKaj> hi lordievader
[10:57] <kelogs> because the last iso I got, was corrupted
[10:57] <Ben64> !md5 | kelogs
[10:57] <ubottu> kelogs: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows
[10:58] <kelogs> thank you, I will just step back from this LTS until I figure out things or until it is official
[10:59] <lordievader> !release
[10:59] <ubottu> Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases
[10:59] <kelogs> oh
[10:59] <lordievader> Hmm wasn't really wat I wanted. Release estimate: April 17th as read from the topic, kelogs
[11:00] <kelogs> can anyone verify for me that 3.11 kernel of Ubuntu is indeed 13.10?
[11:00] <lordievader> !info linux-image-generic saucy
[11:00] <ubottu> linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 2 kB, installed size 33 kB
[11:01] <lordievader> kelogs: ^
[11:01] <kelogs> ah ok, thanks :)
[11:01] <kelogs> not to go off topic of this room, what is the most stable of the ubuntus for a 4-5 year old system?
[11:02] <lordievader> Probably Precise (12.04LTS).
[11:03] <kelogs> ok will 14.04 be able to be used on those older systems? or is that a trivial question?
[11:03] <BluesKaj> 13.`0 is running fine here on my 6yr old desktop
[11:03] <kelogs> or that one of those, we hope things?
[11:04] <BluesKaj> err 13.10
[11:04] <kelogs> ok, is there a channel in here for help with buggy DSDT's? :o
[11:05] <kelogs> or could that bug of my DSDT be because I am on 14.04?
[11:05] <kelogs> well nevermind, it was bugged on 12.04 LTS as well
[11:12] <kelogs> quick question, I am imagine y'all getting tired of me. But is the DSDT really that important if it has some bugs, but no critical bugs? Should I be concerned if I see 96 errors?
[11:19] <BluesKaj> kelogs, despite the errors, why not tell us more about your HW , some have experience with 14.04 HW problems
[11:19] <BluesKaj> too late
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[11:35] <slyder> hi
[11:35] <slyder> i want upgrade to 14.04 by terminal
[11:35] <slyder> it's possible?
[11:42] <BluesKaj> slyder, which version do run now?
[11:42] <BluesKaj> you
[11:42] <slyder> 13.10
[11:44] <BluesKaj> slyder, update and upgrade first, then run sudo do-release-upgrade -d to upgrade to 14.04 in the terminal
[11:46] <bekks> slyder: backup your data, then reinstall. As has been told to you in #ubuntu already
[11:47] <slyder> bekks, i'm expert user
[11:47] <slyder> but
[11:47] <slyder> if no progress is successful
[11:47] <slyder> can i recovery my data by distro live?
[11:47] <bekks> Expert users have backups, you dont.
[11:48] <bekks> Buy a harddisk to backup your data.
[11:48] <slyder> i don't have money
[11:48] <slyder> and i have too mugh gigabyte
[11:48] <bekks> Then your data is disposable.
[11:48] <slyder> my ask it's another
[11:49] <slyder> if i start upgrade to 14.04
[11:49] <bekks> The answer is the same. Backup your data, then reinstall.
[11:49] <bekks> Dont start this discussion here again, as you are currently dicussing it in #ubuntu already, please.
[11:49] <slyder> and no progress is successful
[11:50] <slyder> can i recovery my data by liveCD?
[11:50] <slyder> can i read my hard disk?
[11:50] <bekks> Sure.
[11:50] <slyder> ok
[11:50] <slyder> this it's all! :D
[11:51] <slyder> thank you very much ;-)
[12:15] <optrusty> Is there a place to download dragon eyes
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[12:35] <fela> how unstable is the current beta? is it compatible with nVidia drivers? Should i update now or wait?
[12:36] <bekks> If you have those question, then the answer is a clear "Wait for the release."
[12:36] <fela> Ok, thanks.
[12:38] <DJones> fela: I can only speak for myself, as bekks said, if you're not sure, wait. Personally I've found it pretty bomb proof on a dual graphics laptop (intel/nvidia), install went cleanly & hardly any issues since
[12:39] <dawnk> I've encountered a problem when I tried the scaling in Settings > Display > Scale for Menu and title bar
[12:39] <dawnk> when I set the value to 0.75, the scales work fine
[12:39] <dawnk> except when I right click any option on the unity sidebar
[12:39] <dawnk> the scales are not aligned properly
[12:40] <dawnk> can anyone try to replicate this?
[12:41] <dawnk> For instance, if I try rightclicking the firefox icon, the options such as "Open a New Window", "Open a New tab" etc are not aligned properly
[12:42] <dawnk> or less
[12:42] <fela> ok i understand
[12:43] <fela> does it work on default scale? for instance, scale "1"
[12:43] <fela> is it properly aligned then?
[12:47] <dawnk_> fela: it works fine in scale 1.
[12:47] <dawnk_> fela: only when I choose a scale below 1, the aligned gets messed up.
[12:49] <dawnk_> I want to know if it is replicable.
[13:39] <rmarcandier> Hello, I have a dell xps ubuntu (sputnik project) model 9333 - Where can I find the original image? I found this site but it doesn't work for 9333.. -> http://odm.ubuntu.com/uds-q/dellxps/ - Could you help me please?
[13:43] <brendand_> rmarcandier, i don't think it's obtainable
[13:53] <bekks> rmarcandier: Did you look at the dell website?
[13:54] <ikonia> how does this fit into #ubuntu+1 14.04 discussion ?
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[16:09] <yenic> ! trust python
[16:09] <yenic> ! trusty python
[16:10] <yenic> ! python
[16:10] <ubottu> python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python
[16:10] <yenic> !trusty python
[16:10] <yenic> ! python3
[16:10] <yenic> ! trusty-python
[16:11] <yenic> How do I lookup information on 14.04? I thought the command was ! trusty python3 for packages?
[16:16] <Pici> /msg ubottu !info python trusty
[16:34] <Pici> is wubi being included on the 14.04 install images?
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[16:53] <yenic> Pici thanks
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[17:45] <tsimpson> Pici: http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-14.04-beta2-desktop-amd64.list shows /wubi.exe
[17:45] <Pici> :(
[17:45] <lordievader> :(
[17:55] <GeertJohan> lol.. just tried to upgrade to 14.04, failed hard.
[17:55] <lordievader> GeertJohan: Failed hard how?
[17:56] <GeertJohan> It failed with errors, but couldn't see what errors
[17:56] <lordievader> Hmm, that is too bad.
[17:56] <GeertJohan> rebooted, missing lots of bins.. myspell-en-au won't remove.
[17:56] <GeertJohan> therefore cant install new stuff
[17:56] <bekks> GeertJohan: So you updated from 13.04 to 13.10 then, before?
[17:56] <GeertJohan> yes
[17:56] <GeertJohan> bekks ^
[17:57] <bekks> GeertJohan: And do you have any specific, full, error messages what "failing hard" means?
[17:57] <GeertJohan> 13.10 was doing fine, only wpa failed to auth to router, but figured I wasn't going to debug that unless it's still the case with 14.04
[17:57] <GeertJohan> bekks: it just stopped somewhere in the middle of the do-release-upgrade process
[17:57] <bekks> GeertJohan: And how long did you wait to let it finish?
[17:57] <GeertJohan> it stopped
[17:58] <GeertJohan> it's not that I got kicked away from the screen or something..
[17:58] <bekks> Without any messages, at all?
[17:58] <GeertJohan> it only said that it had errors.. but I couldn't scroll up anymore to see them..
[17:58] <GeertJohan> probably the removal of myspell-en-au, since that's being a problem now
[17:58] <bekks> So what happens when you try to remove it?
[17:59] <GeertJohan> Removing myspell-en-au (2.1-5.4) ...
[17:59] <GeertJohan> Error: update-dictcommon-hunspell not present or executable. Missing dependency on dictionaries-common?
[17:59] <GeertJohan> dpkg: error processing package myspell-en-au (--remove):
[17:59] <bekks> GeertJohan: Thats output of some command - which command?
[18:00] <GeertJohan> sudo aptitude -f install
[18:00] <GeertJohan> its part of the output
[18:00] <GeertJohan> sec, will paste full
[18:00] <bekks> Thats what I initially asked for.
[18:00] <GeertJohan> http://pastebin.com/q52ivia6
[18:00] <GeertJohan> sorry
[18:00] <GeertJohan> there
[18:01] <GeertJohan> every time it gets a little further with the other packages, but doesnt continue because of removal error
[18:01] <GeertJohan> I figure re-running `aptitude -f install` again and again isn't going to make things prettier..
[18:01] <bekks> Try installing "dictionaries-common"
[18:01] <GeertJohan> k
[18:02] <GeertJohan> looks like that fixed the package: http://pastebin.com/HTxZi2KZ
[18:02] <GeertJohan> now? -f install again ?
[18:02] <bekks> Yes.
[18:03] <GeertJohan> ok, that finished successfully
[18:03] <GeertJohan> I guess I should run dist-upgrade to continue the upgrade process?
[18:03] <GeertJohan> I'm still missing lots of binaries..
[18:03] <GeertJohan> or well.. I don't know if it's lots.. but I'm noticing that some are missing..
[18:04] <GeertJohan> e.g. git
[18:04] <GeertJohan> hm
[18:04] <GeertJohan> 1260 packages upgraded, 358 newly installed, 50 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[18:04] <GeertJohan> Need to get 943 kB/918 MB of archives. After unpacking 654 MB will be used.
[18:05] <GeertJohan> is what dist-upgrade sais
[18:05] <bekks> So run that.
[18:05] <GeertJohan> ok
[18:06] <GeertJohan> ok this might take a while I guess.. thanks so far bekks! :D
[18:06] <peloverde> How do I disable the global menu in libreoffice in trusty?
[18:34] <majod> is amd/ati catalyst driver available on trusty from "additional drivers"?
[18:35] <rohan> anyone here using kubuntu kde on an intel card? the opengl desktop effects are still broken and I was wondering if people are aware of the problem
[18:45] <Evilsparza> hello. do you know if mate will be supported in ubuntu 14.04? There are only repos for saucy yet http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/download#ubuntu
[18:50] <Beldar> Evilsparza, supposed to be.
[19:14] <BluesKaj> have you guys noticed the spdif passthru doesn't pass dolby digtal or dts signals, only pcm digital; stereo gets thru on kubuntu trusty...was working until 2 days ago
[19:15] <BluesKaj> something change in puldeaudio
[19:15] <BluesKaj> ?
[19:24] <trism> BluesKaj: there was a pulseaudio update on April 4th, so I suppose that could be it
[19:27] <BluesKaj> trism, yes I'n researching atm, I may have found the problem
[19:42] <xenolyse> Hi guys. I've just recently updated to 14.04 beta and i wonder what nvidia driver version i should use? I got a 670 if that matters.
[19:44] <nyl> hi i've installed cinnamon on 14.04 and now Unity gives me this
[19:44] <nyl> http://i.imgur.com/l4qKMkI.jpg
[19:45] <bekks> !info cinnamon
[19:45] <ubottu> Package cinnamon does not exist in trusty
[19:45] <bekks> nyl: Well, then uninstall cinnamon first :)
[19:45] <nyl> !info cinnamon-desktop
[19:45] <ubottu> Package cinnamon-desktop does not exist in trusty
[19:45] <nyl> o.O
[19:46] <nyl> does unity use nautilus
[19:47] <k1l_> nyl: yes
[19:48] <k1l_> nyl: cinnamon got removed. so you are doing stuff on your own anyway
[19:48] <nyl> cinnamon uses it's own modified version of nautilus
[19:48] <k1l_> there you go
[19:48] <k1l_> cinnamon got removed from debian and ubuntu anyway.
[19:52] <roasted> hello friends
[19:52] <roasted> potentially dumb question - does anybody else feel as though the white dots under the running applications in the unity bar is exponentially smaller than before?
[19:52] <roasted> I feel like I can hardly tell if there are 2 dots to signify two running instances.
[19:58] <trism> roasted: they look the same size as a 13.10 system here, screenshot?
[20:00] <roasted> trism: http://s16.postimg.org/kj3wsq4ud/unitydots.png
[20:01] <roasted> trism: I don't know if it's just me or not. They're small enough to be downright useless. I never thought this in prior releases so I just suspected they were changed.
[20:01] <roasted> trism: likewise, when an icon needs attention, it doesn't look that different from when it doesn't need attention, so at first glance it doesn't look obvious as to whether or not I need to click on it to see the new message/IRC ping/etc
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[20:06] <trism> roasted: oh I think I see the issue now, in 13.10 when you used a smaller icon size it looks like they kept the size of the dots constant
[20:06] <trism> roasted: in 14.04 it seems to be scaling the dots too
[20:07] <roasted> is there a way for them to not scale
[20:07] <trism> roasted: with the default size of 48px they are the same size in both versions but when I shrink mine to 32px I can see a noticable difference between the two
[20:07] <roasted> their current size makes them (hate to sound abrasive)... useless
[20:08] <BluesKaj> trism, yup , had ti use the pulseaudio output in VLC rather than alsa output.
[20:08] <roasted> trism: do you know if they have an official name?
[20:08] <roasted> I don't know what to search for aside from "white dots on unity bar"
[20:11] <roasted> and of course when I google for white dots all I get are things related to the login screen with the white dot grid
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[20:12] <trism> roasted: I would call the pips, as say, bug 1283775
[20:12] <ubottu> bug 1283775 in unity (Ubuntu) "Launcher: icon pips are not always updated properly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1283775
[20:13] <roasted> trism: ah okay. that helps. I'll keep digging around.
[20:14] <roasted> man, searching for pips is just as useless
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[20:20] <roasted> found a bug on launchpad - 1297588 - but it says fix released for 7.2.0. I'm on 7.2.0+14.04.20140404-0ubuntu1
[20:20] <roasted> er..
[20:23] <trism> roasted: ha I just found that bug too...but it's the opposite of what you're thinking, it is the bug that added the pip scaling
[20:23] <roasted> maybe I need to file a new one.
[20:24] <roasted> I rely on those little jiblets so much.
[20:24] <roasted> 14.04's jiblets are :(
[20:25] <trism> roasted: yeah you should probably file one mentioning bug 1297588 and how they are too small now when using 32px or so, maybe with some screenshots
[20:25] <ubottu> bug 1297588 in Unity "Launcher Arrows and Pips doesn't scale correctly with icons" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1297588
[20:26] <trism> roasted: alternatively if you increase the icon size to 48 they are the same size as in 13.10
[20:26] <roasted> trism: I'll wait to get home to do it. My wife's laptop is on 13.10 so that'll give me some comparable screenshots.
[20:26] <roasted> leaving in 5 minutes anyway
[20:26] <trism> roasted: that's a good idea as well
[20:27] <roasted> I can't imagine I'm the first to notice this.
[20:27] <roasted> Everybody I talked to hasn't understood what I meant, or even seen a difference. You were the first to acknowledge it, trism.
[20:28] <trism> roasted: since they hide the launcher size option in ccsm now, I'm sure most won't notice it since it doesn't affect the default size as far as I can see (which is why I didn't notice at first either)
[20:28] <roasted> what is the default icon size?
[20:28] <trism> roasted: 48
[20:28] <roasted> ah
[20:28] <roasted> 48 is freakin huge...
[20:28] <GeertJohan> bekks: FYI I got most things fixed.. still some packages missing, looks like it forgot to upgrade those.. but nothing essential..
[20:29] <roasted> given how many people w anted the option to downsize the icons, I'm still surprised that it went unnoticed.
[20:29] <bekks> GeertJohan: great :)
[20:29] <GeertJohan> bekks: thanks again! :D
[20:59] <trinode> in the last few days something has borked wifi in the updates, basically authentication fails, I've made it work by deleting and recreating my wifi settings, but then after a few minutes it drops and can;t auth again
[20:59] <trinode> any ideas where to start?
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[21:44] <gabr13l> greetings all I have a few questions... can I get the new gnome ubuntu icon theme installed in the ubuntu daily distro?
[21:56] <bekks> "No." :P
[21:58] <johnjohn101> any word on what 14.10 will be called?
[21:59] <k1l_> johnjohn101: expect that some time after the release of 14.04
[21:59] <johnjohn101> i have no patience :(
[22:00] <johnjohn101> 14.04 is looking good for me now. thanks. 10 more days
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[22:14] <roasted> trism: posted bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1304073
[22:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1304073 in unity (Ubuntu) "14.04 Unity pips (white dots in bar) are now too small." [Undecided,New]
[22:15] <roasted> hey johnjohn101. Check that bug report. It's what I was referencing when you and I were discussing it earlier in the other channel. Feel free to +1 it if you notice the same thing on your 14.04 box.
[22:16] <roasted> gotta jet - wife sending me to grocery store. :P
[22:26] <Crashbit> caught and serves a Château Guiraud
[22:28] <basketball> hey when i ran apt-get update i did not get any errors but then i got a pop up message that said http://paste.ubuntu.com/7219161/
[22:29] <trism> basketball: that happens sometimes
[22:30] <trism> basketball: I usually do a: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer; if it happens but it is supposed to fix itself eventually
[22:36] <basketball> how do i install a deb file from terminal
[22:36] <bekks> basketball: Which deb in particular?
[22:36] <basketball> it is named chrome.deb
[22:38] <bekks> sudo dpkg -i nameofyour.deb
[22:41] <basketball> thanks bekks
[22:41] <basketball> and trism
[22:45] <atpa8a> hello
[22:46] <atpa8a> just found that 14.04 doesn't have the u+s for /bin/ping... is that a bug or "by design"?
[22:47] <dw1> thats weird, I was just using the comp, browsing around and it jumped to lock screen
[22:47] <jtaylor_> atpa8a: why would ping need that?
[22:48] <atpa8a> jtaylor_: getting "ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted"
[22:48] <atpa8a> have to do sudo ping
[22:49] <trism> atpa8a: it is suid here on a fairly clean install
[22:49] <atpa8a> hmm
[22:50] <atpa8a> trism: brand new install here
[22:50] <atpa8a> ubuntu-server too
[22:50] <jtaylor_> not suid here, and it works
[22:50] <atpa8a> hmm
[22:51] <atpa8a> interesting :)
[22:51] <atpa8a> jtaylor_: and you can ping as any user?
[22:52] <trism> atpa8a: I see bug 1302192
[22:52] <ubottu> bug 1302192 in iputils (Ubuntu Trusty) "ping is not setuid root" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1302192
[22:52] <jtaylor_> I currently only have one user, but I don't need sudo
[22:53] <jtaylor_> ah it has network capabilities
[22:53] <jtaylor_> /bin/ping = cap_net_raw+p
[22:54] <atpa8a> hmm
[22:54] <atpa8a> i don't have that cap...
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[22:56] <atpa8a> so... is it better to set a cap or +s?..
[22:57] <jtaylor> cap should be better
[22:57] <jtaylor> +s is all caps
[22:57] <atpa8a> works now
[22:58] <atpa8a> thanks!
[23:07] <dw1> getting lock screen even in the middle of typing. weird.
[23:07] <atpa8a> another funny situation... can't ping the gateway from that box... can ping the box from the gateway, can ping the gateway from other boxes, but not from this 14.04...
[23:07] <atpa8a> can ssh into the gateway too
[23:07] <atpa8a> hmm
[23:07] <atpa8a> no... now it's fixed...
[23:08] <atpa8a> i wonder if there're other effects...
[23:08] <atpa8a> or other capabilities to set
[23:09] <basketball> so i have a broad com chip and to get my wifi working i have to run sudo apt-get install bcm-453-installer is there a way to do this automatically while the os is installing from the live cd
[23:09] <bekks> basketball: No.
[23:10] <atpa8a> basketball: only if.... what's it called? bcm-kernel or something... works with your hardware
[23:12] <atpa8a> j,,
[23:12] <atpa8a> hmm
[23:12] <atpa8a> again can't ping the gateway (after upgrade)...
[23:14] <basketball> atpa8a, to get wifi working i run sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer and sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source then i reboot and it works
[23:15] <atpa8a> yeah... then you're out of luck, sorry
[23:16] <dw1> why a i getting lock screen / inactivity timeout even when using computer
[23:17] <dw1> hmm