UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /07 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
[00:54] <workingwriter> Hi folks, first time here. Seeing an issue when installing the Ubuntu SDK on Kubuntu Trusty beta 2. After installing Beta 2 in a VirtualBox (Windows 7 host), I update to the latest. After a restart, I install the SDK. Next time I login, before loading the desktop, I receive a text box reading "Could not start D_Bus. Can you call qdbus?'
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[00:55] <workingwriter> I am then kicked back to the login screen. I am new enough to (K)ubuntu that I have no idea how to log in with any other setting, so I'm dead in the water.
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[01:32] <valorie> workingwriter: how did you install ubuntu? install ubuntu-desktop?
[02:03] <workingwriter> kubuntu-desktop
[02:03] <workingwriter> from the iso
[02:08] <workingwriter> To be precise: kubuntu-14.04-beta2-desktop-i386.iso
[02:43] <valorie> workingwriter: you've confused me
[02:43] <valorie> the "ubuntu SDK" or Kubuntu?
[02:44] <valorie> because *U*buntu comes with unity
[02:44] <valorie> kubuntu is KDE
[02:44] <valorie> however, you might have run into the bug I did a couple of days ago
[02:45] <workingwriter> valorie: Installed the Ubuntu SDK on Kubuntu. The SDK (for creating apps) runs on Qt5.
[02:45] <valorie> i'll look up what I did -- I think it was a qt5 mismatch or something
[02:46] <workingwriter> The SDK was obtained through the standard repo.
[02:47] <valorie> sudo apt-get install qdbus-qt5 qt4-default
[02:47] <valorie> this solved my problem
[02:48] <valorie> there again, you are confusing me: did you install kubuntu, then `ubuntu-desktop` also?
[02:48] <valorie> if so, you should be able to choose between them on startup
[02:49] <valorie> oooooo, you got this: http://developer.ubuntu.com/
[02:49] <valorie> I see
[02:49] <workingwriter> Did not install ubuntu-desktop, just Kubuntu. Yes-the developer tool.
[02:49] <valorie> so you are going to develop apps for unity/ubuntu phone?
[02:50] <workingwriter> Possibly. Don't know much, but think it's an opportunity to learn.
[02:51] <valorie> because if not, we offer kdevelop, Qt Creator for qt stuff
[02:51] <valorie> some devels like one, some the other
[02:52] <workingwriter> That's part of why I'm confused about getting the SDK to work -- it's a modified Qt Creator, with an Ubuntu page.
[02:52] <valorie> it sounds like your ubuntu sdk isn't playing nice with qdbus
[02:53] <valorie> try what I did; you can always reverse that if it doesn't help
[02:53] <workingwriter> Exactly. I will try the qdbus install
[02:53] <valorie> cool
[02:53] <tsimpson> the ubuntu sdk thing is just a few libraries along with a plugin for creator, but it depends on all the Qt5 stuff along with qt5-default
[02:53] <valorie> that looks like a nice app for developing ubuntu unity and ubuntu phone applications
[02:53] <tsimpson> (which should probably pull in qdbus-qt5)
[02:54] <tsimpson> probably = doesn't, but I wish it did
[02:54] <valorie> well, somebody somewhere made a packaging error I think
[02:54] <valorie> I reported it thoroughly on LP
[02:54] <valorie> as did others with the same problem
[02:54] <valorie> problems
[02:55] <tsimpson> I really don't like how qtchooser installs a bunch of links in /usr/bin regardless of if the actual package providing the binary is installed
[02:55] <workingwriter> Should I chime in on your bug, or add a bug/request for qdbus-qt5 support?
[02:57] <valorie> that's up to you; I filed against
[02:57] <valorie> um, what did I file against
[02:57] <valorie> not that, so maybe that's a good place to file
[02:57] <valorie> and it obv. isn't fixed yet
[03:00] <workingwriter> I will throw that on the todo list for tomorrow. Thanks for your help valorie and tsimpson!
[03:01] <valorie> nice to talk with you workingwriter
[03:01] <valorie> thanks for introducing me to an application I didn't know existed
[03:02] <workingwriter> Glad to be of help! 8-)
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[05:50] <lordievader> Good morning.
[06:18] <apachelogger> ScottK, Sput: bug 1299872
[06:18] <ubottu> bug 1299872 in quassel (Ubuntu) "Quassel Client won't start with recent updates (3/30/2014)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1299872
[06:18] <apachelogger> (I have not actually read anything but the title :P)
[06:42] <apachelogger> Riddell: have you looked at scarlett's kolab backportery? or are you going to?
[06:42] <apachelogger> or, have you seen the mail? :P
[06:49] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1258422] Maximized windows go under panel if panel attached to screen edge between two monitors @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1258422 (by kolen)
[06:51] <soee> good morning
[06:53] <jussi> apachelogger: you may want to buy a bigger stick...
[06:53] <apachelogger> oi
[06:53] <jussi> morning soee
[06:53] <apachelogger> my stick is big enough
[06:54] <jussi> apachelogger: then you are using it wrong :P
[06:54] <apachelogger> how dare you
[06:54] <apachelogger> I should have you reported for inappropriate talk in an ubuntu channel
[06:54] <apachelogger> outragous
[06:54] <jussi> apachelogger: I wa actually talking about your mail...
[06:54] <jussi> but yeah
[06:55] <apachelogger> :O
[06:55] <valorie> why does this make me think of the two doctors comparing the size of their sonic screwdrivers?
[06:55] <apachelogger> stop reading spam
[06:56] <apachelogger> valorie: because they are cool?
[06:56] * apachelogger needs more coffee
[06:56] <valorie> indeed
[07:01] * apachelogger writes some glib code :'<
[07:07] <Sput> apachelogger: ah. now that one has a bit more information than the first time I saw it :P
[07:07] <Sput> apachelogger: could you have the users try out if the client starts with minimized window (e.g. by having them click on the tray icon or however you restore a minimized window in Unity)?
[07:09] <apachelogger> Sput: seems unlikely since the unity dock thing would control that, so trying to start it again would maximize AFAIK, but yeah, asking
[07:11] <Sput> apachelogger: it's the only thing I could imagine, and as there were some window-state related changes (and we had one Mac user reporting that Quassel would start minimized on a fresh install for him), there may be something weird like that
[07:25] * apachelogger really wonders why qapt would use qgst rather than gst
[07:26] <apachelogger> Riddell: btw, I think the so-name of phonon gstreamer needs to be changed
[07:27] <apachelogger> right now if someone reports a bug it is not at all obvious to upstream that this is not the actual 4.7 as released
[07:36] <yofel> moin
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[07:46] <yofel> I wonder if graphics driver programmers have something against me. My intel notebook has intel issues: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7215967/ and nvidia is being really funny:
[07:46] <yofel> [420356.589] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to allocate primary buffer: out of memory.
[07:46] <yofel> [420356.590] (EE) NVIDIA(0): *** Aborting ***
[07:51] <yofel> well, the intel/mesa issue is at least getting fixed
[07:53] <apachelogger> xnox: pingsies, does on-demand gstreamer plugin installation work on ubuntu? it appears to me libgstreamer constructs install details that define the version as 1.0 whereas the packages have Gstreamer-Version: 1.2
[07:53] <apachelogger> e.g. ("/usr/bin/gstreamer-codec-install", "--transient-for=85983307", "gstreamer|1.0|dragon|H.264 decoder|decoder-video/x-h264, stream-format=(string)avc, alignment=(string)au, level=(string)3.1, profile=(string)high", "gstreamer|1.0|dragon|MPEG-4 AAC decoder|decoder-audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)4, framed=(boolean)true, stream-format=(string)raw, level=(string)2, base-profile=(string)lc, profile=(string)lc")
[07:54] <apachelogger> and at least our plugin install handler does a comparision between the version that was requested (1.0) and the version a package is associated with (1.2) and thus discards all gstreamer1.0 packages as possible candiates
[08:05] <valorie> i decided to seed the beta2 torrents for a fellow with a slow connection, and they both are almost at 100%
[08:06] <valorie> looks like a week ago; that seems fast for betas
[08:11] <xnox> apachelogger: hm.
[08:38] * jussi wonders if markey or Mamarok are around?
[08:38] * markey_work waves
[08:46] * Mamarok is
[08:52] <apachelogger> xnox: I think the packaging is wrong, if I look at gst-libavl I see "./configure:GST_API_VERSION=1.0" which is the version that we supposedly care about according to http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-base-libs/html/gst-plugins-base-libs-gstpbutilsinstallplugins.html
[08:52] <apachelogger> > plugin system version, e.g. "0.10"
[08:52] <apachelogger> > This is required so that when there is a GStreamer-0.12 or GStreamer-1.0 at some point in future, the different major versions can still co-exist and use the same plugin install mechanism in the same way.
[08:55] <xnox> apachelogger: so where/how do you believe this should be fixed?
[09:06] <apachelogger> xnox: libgstreamer1.0's debian/gst-codec-info.c sets the gstreamer:Version substvar to the values reported by gst_version(...) that probably needs changing to harcoding
[09:07] <apachelogger> in 0.1x gst_version was always the same as the api version, however in 1.x we now have api version 1.0 but gstreamer version 1.2
[09:07] <Peace-> hi :)
[09:08] <Riddell> apachelogger: oor bcooksley has some issues with the l10n kcm
[09:08] <Riddell> 08:46 < bcooksley-away> Riddell: the l10n module, yes - in particular it's functionality to configure IBus and the like
[09:08] <Riddell> apachelogger: you mean confusion between phonon gstreamer 0.10 and 1.0 needs the soname changed?
[09:09] <Riddell> apachelogger: I can look at scarlett's kolab if you don't get to it first
[09:09] <apachelogger> Riddell: busy doing gstreamer
[09:10] <Riddell> busy bee
[09:16] <xnox> apachelogger: i see what you mean.
[09:17] <xnox> apachelogger: so, gst-codec-info needs to s/minor/0/, then rebuild all plugins, test that discovery of plugins works? i'll throw that into a ppa to test.
[09:18] <xnox> apachelogger: and debian needs the same fix?
[09:18] <apachelogger> yeah, probably applies to debian as well
[09:19] <apachelogger> xnox: s/minor/0/ might not be enough though, it needs absolute hardcoding
[09:19] <apachelogger> e.g. 1.3 could bump the API version
[09:19] <apachelogger> then you need s/minor/3/, at which point it might be better to simply hardcode the entire version somewhere visible
[09:20] <xnox> apachelogger: well i'm assuming upstream is sensible and will keep the major at 1 and still be compatible =))))
[09:21] <apachelogger> maybe ;)
[09:21] * apachelogger adds workaround
[09:21] <apachelogger> Riddell: I also fixed a bug which prevented auto-reload of plugins ... ultimately one should now be able to run dragon, select a file, get a codec query, install the packages, and dragon will automatically retry the file (i.e. no restarts required)
[09:21] <apachelogger> ... as it was expected to work -.-
[09:27] <Riddell> apachelogger: awooga!
[09:28] <Riddell> apachelogger: but every get plugin program has the need-to-restart issue no? amarok and gwenview do certainly
[09:28] <apachelogger> yes, I just used dragon as an example
[09:28] <apachelogger> they will all reload their plugin caches after installation
[09:29] <apachelogger> the logic and everything was always there, the installer just returned with the wrong value
[09:29] <Riddell> "Adam Conrad (adconrad) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members (kubuntu-members) team until 2015-04-14" yay infinity still loves us!
[09:29] * Riddell looks round for infinity
[09:30] <Riddell> "Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman (fenris) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members (kubuntu-members) team until 2015-04-13" another most unknown still loves us!
[09:30] <Mamarok> can somebody point me where I should file a bug to the currently shipped parted 2.3 package? Apparently Launchpad doesn't let me, and if I file it upstream I will get the answer "use the altest version" which is a no go, as post 2.4 one can't create filesystems anymore with parted
[09:30] <Riddell> that seems quite a limitation
[09:30] <Mamarok> I am really desperate, there seems to be no way to make a partition on this disk
[09:30] <yofel> Mamarok: define 'doesn't let me' ?
[09:30] <Riddell> Mamarok: you can use ubuntu-bug no?
[09:31] <Mamarok> nope, as launchpad tells me parted bgs are tracked upstream only
[09:31] <Mamarok> which is just a snak bitting its own tail
[09:31] <Mamarok> snake*
[09:32] <yofel> Mamarok: are you trying to report a bug against the parted project possibly?
[09:32] <Mamarok> and really, having a completeyl broeken parted seems to be really critical to me, doesn't it?
[09:32] <yofel> please report it against the package
[09:32] <Mamarok> I am trying to file a bug against parted, which is shiped by Ubuntu, but you can't file the bug as launchpad tells you to file it upstream
[09:33] <Mamarok> well, then I am just too dumb to use Launchpad, sorry, can somebody tell me a link on how on earth I do that?
[09:33] <yofel> Mamarok: please run 'ubuntu-bug parted' in konsole
[09:34] <yofel> see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for the documentation
[09:34] <Mamarok> can't apport crasehs every time
[09:34] <Mamarok> crashes*
[09:34] <yofel> IIRC it crashed after sending the report...
[09:34] <yofel> anyway, next try
[09:34] <yofel> if ubuntu-bug doesn't work, use apport-cli parted
[09:35] <Mamarok> wait, now I see a possibility to add a summary, lasted like forever
[09:35] <yofel> yeah, launchpad takes a while to process the information
[09:40] <Mamarok> so let's try to run gdb to get a backtrace...
[09:50] <Mamarok> gah, how do I run gdb for an application which only runs as root, is "sudo gdb" enough?
[09:51] <apachelogger> Mamarok: yes
[09:55] <Mamarok> there: bug 1303693
[09:55] <ubottu> bug 1303693 in parted (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/partitionmanager-bin': free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000002786000 ***" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303693
[10:08] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1258422] Maximized windows go under panel if panel attached to screen edge between two monitors @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1258422 (by kolen)
[10:46] <apachelogger> Uploading libqapt_2.1.70-0ubuntu3_source.changes: done.
[10:46] <apachelogger> Successfully uploaded packages.
[10:56] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[12:31] <apachelogger> Uploading baloo_4.12.97-0ubuntu2_source.changes: done.
[12:31] <apachelogger> Successfully uploaded packages.
[12:31] <Riddell> apachelogger: what's new?
[12:32] <apachelogger> Riddell: git commits up until now
[12:52] <Riddell> hi sgclark
[12:52] <Riddell> sgclark: I copied your kolab over
[12:52] <sgclark> Riddell: good morning :)
[12:52] <sgclark> Riddell: thanks!
[12:53] <apachelogger> Uploading kubuntu-driver-manager_14.04ubuntu6_source.changes: done.
[12:53] <apachelogger> Successfully uploaded packages.
[12:53] <apachelogger> fixes bug 1303209 and visualization when only one driver is available
[12:53] <ubottu> bug 1303209 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "No drivers shown, but I know there are drivers available" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303209
[12:56] <apachelogger> Uploading kubuntu-notification-helper_14.04ubuntu11_source.changes: done.
[12:56] <apachelogger> Successfully uploaded packages.
[12:56] <apachelogger> fixes same bug
[12:57] <Riddell> yay
[12:59] <sgclark> Riddell: I noticed kde-workspce-kf5 is still broken, did you get https://spideroak.com/browse/share/Kubuntu/kubuntu_packaging/kde-workspace-kf5/
[13:01] <Riddell> possibly not sgclark
[13:04] <Riddell> this spiferoak site doesn't seem to download very fast
[13:06] <sgclark> Riddell: rather slow on the uploads as well
[13:11] <apachelogger> for some reason qapt didn't upload earlier :(
[13:11] * apachelogger fix0red
[13:14] <apachelogger> Riddell: what do we do about the libreoffice kaputness?
[13:14] <apachelogger> stop seeding the kde thing?
[13:14] <Riddell> ug :(
[13:15] <Riddell> but ug that it breaks randomly
[13:15] <Riddell> get bjoern michaelsen to revert libreoffice?
[13:15] <apachelogger> Riddell: feel free to conduct the poking for that :P
[13:16] <apachelogger> Riddell: there's also the chance that it's the qt patch rather than a change in LO
[13:16] <Riddell> yep
[13:16] <apachelogger> bjoern mentioned in the bug report that there weren't a lot of changes in the kde things IIRC
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[13:35] <apachelogger> Riddell: oh, apparently he identified the offending commit already
[13:35] <ScottK> apachelogger: Seems from the KDE release thread we want to update akonadi and baloo to git head, at the very least.
[13:35] <apachelogger> also https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77128
[13:35] <ubottu> Freedesktop bug 77128 in graphics stack "LibreOffice fails to start on KDE4" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[13:35] <apachelogger> ScottK: baloo is already uploaded
[13:35] <apachelogger> akonadi probably will have to wait until tomorrow
[13:35] <ScottK> Cool.
[13:35] <ScottK> I might get to it today.
[13:36] <Riddell> apachelogger: bjoern has?
[13:36] <ScottK> Fixing ruby crap ATM.
[13:36] <apachelogger> also baloo had some interface retractions so rdeps of libbaloofile4 will need some testing
[13:36] <apachelogger> Riddell: yes
[13:36] <apachelogger> Riddell: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77128
[13:36] <ubottu> Freedesktop bug 77128 in graphics stack "LibreOffice fails to start on KDE4" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[13:36] <Riddell> cool
[13:37] <Riddell> hmm, akonadi is supposedly at a stable release
[13:38] <yofel> right, but from what I read you want at least 1.12.1, which isn't released yet. So git head it is
[13:39] <yofel> .12 git head
[13:40] * apachelogger imagines QA on akonadi is a bit hard
[13:49] <allee> apachelogger: baloo not at git KDE/4.13 AFAIK. But I can confirm that branch KDE/4.13 is much better than rc (fixed 2 bugs for me)
[13:50] <allee> releasing trusty with baloo from rc1 would not be a good idea IMHO
[13:51] <apachelogger> that's why I uploaded baloo with patchery
[13:55] <allee> apachelogger: ah. so will soon appear on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/baloo
[13:57] <apachelogger> one would hope
[13:57] <apachelogger> probably stuck in some weird prerelease queue
[13:57] <apachelogger> because you know, the release team doesn't trust me :P
[13:58] <apachelogger> because you know, the release team doesn't trust me :P
[13:58] <apachelogger> that wasn't the wrong window at all
[13:58] <allee> :-)
[14:05] <ScottK> apachelogger: Accepted now.
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[14:43] <allee> ScottK: thx. apachelogger: baloo build an published on all archs, so triggering the rebuilds of rdepends would be great!
[14:46] <apachelogger> (needs testing, they may not actually use the symbols in question)
[14:46] <apachelogger> otherwise I doubt they would ahve been retracted ^^
[14:50] <ScottK> apachelogger: That would be true assuming sound software engineering practices.
[14:51] <allee> apachelogger: try to rate a jpg in dolphin. With baloo ...ubuntu1 it works with git pkg rebuild, I get a dolphin crash after 3-4sec
[14:51] <Riddell> sgclark: yay kde-workspace-kf5 compiled
[14:53] <apachelogger> allee: might need a rebuild then
[14:53] <apachelogger> best had been rebuilt anyway I reckon
[14:53] <apachelogger> SO
[14:53] <apachelogger> how about I simply batch patch all of the affected packages tomorrow
[14:54] <apachelogger> since we need to upload anyway, might as well pick up git changes
[14:55] <allee> restarting the crashed dolphin shows the rating was saved before dolphin crashed
[14:57] <sgclark> Riddell: cool, I am still messing with it in a chroot :)
[14:58] <allee> mhhm, kaddressbook does not list any category at all anymore (still see them in owncloud webinterface). Not sure if this is baloos fault (same for rc1)
[15:01] <apachelogger> vHanda might know
[15:01] <vHanda> not sure about the addressbook thing
[15:02] <vHanda> I doubt it is related to Baloo though
[15:02] <vHanda> allee: may I see the backtrace please?
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[15:09] <allee> vHanda: dolphin crash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217405/ without rebuilding dolpin after baloo kde/4.13 upgrade
[15:19] <vHanda> allee: just to confirm - baloo has been rebuilt?
[15:20] <allee> vHanda: yes, my git checkout of baloo from last friday evening
[15:20] <vHanda> would you mind helping me debug this?
[15:20] <vHanda> I'll need you to do the following - $ gdb dolphin
[15:21] <vHanda> > catch throw
[15:21] <vHanda> > run
[15:21] <vHanda> and try to get it to crash, it'll tell you when an exception has been thrown
[15:21] <vHanda> I need to know the exception name and location.
[15:25] <allee> vHanda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217468/
[15:27] <vHanda> allee: backtrace please?
[15:31] <allee> vHanda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217488/
[15:35] <allee> vHanda: this time with libxapian-dbg installed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217516/
[15:37] <apachelogger> ScottK: a new pam-kwallet snapshot should be in queue soonishy, it makes the package actually install something
[15:37] <ScottK> OK.
[15:40] <vHanda> allee: can you please type 'continue'. That will give you the exception name
[15:40] <vHanda> though I'm quite certain what it is
[15:42] <allee> vHanda: wait I'm confused, I've noticed I can tag txt, dir, png and jpeg in another dir without problem. Lemme try some more ...
[15:42] <vHanda> also, I don't think this is the cause of the crash. Cause it should not crash on
[15:42] <vHanda> this exception, I'm clearly catching it
[15:46] <allee> vHanda: ~/Pictures is a link (from an SSD to a big rotating disk). When I use /home/allee/Pictures/Fun/xy.jpg in dolphin -> crash :-( when I the identical file but with path without a softlink /data/allee/Pictures/Fun/xy.jpg taging is okay, no crash
[15:47] <allee> I check for the exceptin name ...
[15:49] <allee> vHanda: catch, bt, continue http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217587/
[15:49] <vHanda> continue
[15:49] <vHanda> this won't make it crash
[15:50] <allee> vHanda: 2nd continue and dolphin crashes
[15:51] <vHanda> I need the 2nd backtrace
[15:51] <allee> downloading more dgb pkgs ...
[15:55] <vHanda> basically before each time you hit continue, get a backtrace. I need the final backtrace before it crashes
[15:56] <allee> vHanda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217616/
[15:58] <allee> k
[16:03] <allee> vHanda: continue;bt listing until dolphin crashes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217640/
[16:12] <vHanda> allee: ah! Thanks. This helps
[16:13] <allee> vHanda: :-)
[16:16] <vHanda> allee: I've committed a fix, will test more and push. Thanks again.
[16:17] <allee> vHanda: lemme know, then I'll rebuild and test. Thx a million for working on baloo!!!
[16:18] <vHanda> pushed
[16:18] <allee> vHanda: thx
[16:54] <kdeuser56> yofel: when installing qt5-default you cannot login anymore
[16:54] <yofel> install qdbus-qt5
[16:54] <yofel> shadeslayer_: whatever happened to solving that ^ ?
[16:55] <Riddell> Mirv too :) ↑
[17:02] <allee> vHanda: successfully verified: tagging a file in a path that contains a solflink does not crash dolphin anymore
[17:06] <allee> vHanda: but I've discovered another bug: /home is an SSD, /data a big disk. ~/Pictures is a softlink to the data disk. When I open 2 dolphins windows one with ~/Pictures/Fun/xy.jpg I see 3 stars as tagging but no x any y pixel of the picture. When I look at the identical file via it's 'real' path /data/allee/Pictures/Fun/xy.jpg I get no stars as tagging and I get x and y size displayed in dolphin (I've added /data/allee to the path baloo
[17:06] <allee> should index in system settings)
[17:07] <allee> vHanda: IMHO baloo should resolve softlinks in the path of a file and show the meta infos of the real path without softlinks in between
[17:09] <kdeuser56> yofel, Riddell: qt5-default (installed when installing qtcreator) prevented login for me (could not call /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qdbus, because I had not network to install package qt4-default I had to manually link to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qdbus
[17:09] <yofel> kdeuser56: known issue
[17:09] <yofel> we don't really have a good solution right now
[17:09] <kdeuser56> yofel: maybe patching the login component to call the absolute path?
[17:10] <kdeuser56> instead of just qdbus?
[17:10] <yofel> possibly, and leaving everything else that needs qdbus broken
[17:10] <yofel> so, rather not
[17:10] <kdeuser56> yofel, very true :-(
[17:10] <yofel> ideally qtchooser should have a fallback if qt5 qdbus isn't there, but right now it doesn't
[17:11] <kdeuser56> yofel: new users will be very confused as one simple package can break their install :-(
[17:11] <freinhard> wasn't there once a page to post cdimage test results?
[17:12] <yofel> freinhard: iso.qa.ubuntu.com is probably what you're looking for
[17:12] <freinhard> yofel: thx!
[17:12] <allee> vHanda: screenshot: https://owncloud-test.mpe.mpg.de/~test/6.0/public.php?service=files&t=dec100834056ae481c5f4bdc0e726b40
[17:13] <freinhard> wtf? ubuntu one? on iso.qa.ubuntu.com? no openID?
[17:13] <ScottK> yofel: Wouldn't it help to have qt5-default recommend qdbus-qt5?
[17:15] <shadeslayer_> yofel: sorry, I'm not around this week, please ping Riddell/apachelogger
[17:15] <yofel> shadeslayer_: ah ok, forgot
[17:15] <yofel> ScottK: looking at how there's no really good solution so far that might actually help the most :/
[17:16] <ScottK> I don't fully understand the problem, but that seems like at least it wouldn't break people's systems then.
[17:20] <Riddell> it would be nicer to have a solution that solved it for all the things qtchooser points at but it would mostly solve this major issue
[17:21] <kdeuser56> I am sticking for a local qt5/qtcreator install for now
[17:26] <shadeslayer_> maybe try putting : qdbus="QT_SELECT=qt4 qdbus" in startkde
[17:43] <tsimpson> one can use 'qdbus -qt=qt4' too
[17:43] <kdeuser56> yofel: what about adding an environement variable at startup?
[17:44] <yofel> tsimpson: that's also just a one-place fi
[17:44] <yofel> x
[17:44] <kdeuser56> yofel: when is .kde/env invoked? i guess after calling qdbus :-(
[17:45] <yofel> kdeuser56: no idea
[17:45] <yofel> shadeslayer_ tried setting it in startkde, and obviously broke qt5-default with that
[17:46] <yofel> so the only solutions that work at all are installing qdbus-qt5 or having a qt4 fallback in qtchooser
[17:55] <shadeslayer_> drat
[17:55] <shadeslayer_> yofel: what happens if you unset it before ksmserver
[17:56] <yofel> IIRC ksmserver spawns the session, so everything inside the session shouldn't have a working qdbus (AFAIK though)
[17:56] <yofel> probably easy to test by doing that and pressing the power button in kde. If the system shuts down you have a problem
[18:00] <shadeslayer_> we live in fun and exciting times ^^
[18:13] <kubotu> ::runtime-bugs:: [1303237] kwalletd crashed with SIGSEGV in QHash() @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1303237 (by Roy Gilby)
[18:28] <kdeuser56> yofel: does kubuntu patch date/time (shown when right clicking the clock and select adjust data/time)?
[18:28] <yofel> no idea
[18:28] <kdeuser56> yofel: have a reliable way of producing a crash ..., wonder if it's an upstream bug
[18:30] <kdeuser56> yofel: if you want to try (makes kcmshell4 crash: select: adjust data and time, and select "adjust date/time automatically" and wait for the crash :-)
[18:30] <kdeuser56> yofel: click "apply" and "ok"
[18:30] <yofel> you mean "set date and time automatically" ?
[18:31] <kdeuser56> yofel: everything affected from 4.11 to 4.13rc
[18:31] <yofel> already enabled here
[18:31] <kdeuser56> yofel: then disable it, produces the same crash
[18:31] <kdeuser56> yofel: remember: click apply and ok (a warning message will appear, click ok) and you will get the crash
[18:32] <yofel> yeah, got it
[18:34] <yofel> from what I see we have place_global_config_in_etc.diff and kubuntu_avoid_zic_and_deep_copy_timezone_data.diff which modify the kcm
[18:36] <kdeuser56> yofel: I do not know which component to file the bug against
[18:37] <kdeuser56> yofel: (in kde bugtracker), anyway it seems we cannot say for sure it's an upstream bug ...
[18:37] <kdeuser56> yofel: so I will wait
[18:37] <kdeuser56> yofel: if you want I will compile without the patch when I have time, could you link me to the patch?
[18:38] <kdeuser56> (to see what it modifies)
[18:38] <yofel> the 2 patches don't really have anything to do with the singleShot() call though, so I don't think they matter. They're in kde-workspace
[18:40] <kdeuser56> yofel: okay, which component to file against in kde bug tracker?
[18:40] <yofel> TBH, I'm clueless. I hate how workspace is split in bugzilla :(
[18:41] <kdeuser56> yofel: okay, I will ping someone on kde-devel in the next days
[18:41] <yofel> worst case you can file it against 'kde' and hope someone sees t
[18:41] <yofel> *it
[18:42] <kdeuser56> yofel: this should get better with frameworks, shouldn't it?
[18:42] <ScottK> Riddell: Would you please accept korundum.
[18:42] <yofel> hopefully
[18:44] <yofel> kdeuser56: FWIW, drkonqi points me to kde 242648 in the end
[18:44] <ubottu> KDE bug 242648 in general "Crash due to partial KAuth support in System Settings" [Crash,Reopened] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=242648
[18:46] <kdeuser56> yofel: oh cool, okay
[18:55] <Riddell> sgclark: are you able to get that kf5 plasma running?
[18:55] <Riddell> sgclark: could you look at perlkde in saucy in staging ppa sometime? we'd be after a wee script to do whatever change it needs done so we can automate those backports
[18:56] <Riddell> !testers | 4.13 rc1 needs tested in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging for saucy
[18:56] <ubottu> 4.13 rc1 needs tested in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging for saucy: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley for information
[18:56] * mamarley will test when he gets home from work.
[18:57] <Riddell> ScottK: accepted!
[18:57] <soee> woho, will test in a few minutes
[18:58] <sgclark> Riddell: stuck on qtquick.Window
[18:59] <Riddell> sgclark: yeah me too, I ended up installing all the qtdeclarative5 packages and that did sort it so it is in there somewhere
[18:59] <Riddell> but would be nice to narrow it down to which one
[18:59] <sgclark> Riddell: ok, will try to narrow down
[19:00] <sgclark> Riddell: unsure what you mean on item #2
[19:21] <Riddell> sgclark: item #2?
[19:22] <sgclark> Riddell: perlkde
[19:22] <Riddell> sgclark: this didn't compile https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+packages?field.name_filter=perlkde
[19:23] <sgclark> Riddell: oh ok :) will take a look
[19:23] <Riddell> sgclark: missing a file, needs investigation if that nepomuk file can be fixed so nepomuk compiles or needs a script written so it'll fix the .install file to not look fir it
[19:23] <Riddell> sgclark: look in kubuntu-automation/backport-hooks for similar scripts
[19:24] <Riddell> just a sed line should be enough
[19:24] <sgclark> Riddell: ok
[19:26] <Kalidarn> has anyone noticed when using the NVIDIA binary driver sometimes lightdm does not start
[19:26] <Kalidarn> sometimes it does
[19:26] <Kalidarn> and a "sudo service lightdm start" always seems to make it start
[19:29] <soee> ah it is saucy, will test tomorrow @ work
[19:29] <soee> Kalidarn: no, starts always for me
[19:29] <Kalidarn> okay it's probably my graphics card
[19:30] <Kalidarn> i think it wants to die
[19:30] <Kalidarn> sometimes i get artefacting and that happens in windows too
[19:30] <Kalidarn> and sometimes the computer will just go "black" then reboot.
[19:30] <Kalidarn> in both linux/windows.
[19:31] <Kalidarn> only error i saw in Xorg.log was
[19:31] <Kalidarn> [ 42.054] (EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
[19:32] <Kalidarn> oh wait here we go in Xorg.log.old
[19:33] <Kalidarn> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7218481/
[19:34] <Kalidarn> nothing in the kernel log
[19:34] <Kalidarn> indicating an error.
[19:35] <Kalidarn> mystery who knows. i wish it would just die completely so i can go buy a new graphics card.
[19:38] <ahoneybun> Riddell: may I ask something package related even if it is gnome?
[19:39] <Riddell> ahoneybun: oh, ok
[19:39] <ahoneybun> Riddell: http://pastebin.com/DsspNzy6
[19:39] <Riddell> the answer is probably "use a decent build system" :)
[19:39] <ahoneybun> dbuild?
[19:39] <ahoneybun> debuild
[19:39] <Riddell> "dpkg-source: info: fuzz is not allowed when applying patches"
[19:39] <Riddell> ahoneybun: try quilt refresh so make the patch apply cleanly
[19:40] <ahoneybun> said that with another patch that I replaced with the updated debian version but this patch came from ubuntu
[19:40] <ahoneybun> not debian
[19:40] <Riddell> quilt push, quilt pop, quilt refresh should help
[19:41] <Riddell> to refresh each patch
[19:41] <ahoneybun> just 'quilt refresh'?
[19:42] <ahoneybun> Riddell: all that did was 'Refreshed patch 50_add_unity_quicklist.patch
[19:42] <ahoneybun> '
[19:54] <yofel> and that's all it's supposed to do
[19:54] <yofel> it updates the line numbers and patch context
[19:55] <yofel> where line numbers fixes offset and context fixes fuzz
[19:59] <debfx> Riddell: (or any other core dev), could you have a look at bug #1293704
[19:59] <ubottu> bug 1293704 in gpgme1.0 (Ubuntu) "Kleopatra don't support s/mime" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1293704
[19:59] <debfx> I have attached a debdiff fixing encryption in kmail
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[20:12] <Riddell> debfx: sweet, how do I test it?
[20:18] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks.
[20:18] <debfx> for one thing the kleopatra selftest won't error out anymore
[20:19] <debfx> actually testing s/mime is probably a bit more complex
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