UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /06 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <jjavaholic_> it appears that button-layout no lower works
[00:04] <optrusty> !ops > sultanselephant
[00:04] <ubottu> sultanselephant, please see my private message
[00:05] <optrusty> sultanselephant, windows 7 or what
[00:06] <optrusty> !ops > optrusty
[00:06] <ubottu> optrusty, please see my private message
[00:07] <sultanselephant> optrusty: what
[00:08] <sultanselephant> the irc client?
[00:09] <optrusty> sultanselephant, like what kind of windows did ubuntu erase
[00:09] <sultanselephant> optrusty: oh i was being sarcastic
[00:10] <sultanselephant> caps is sarcasm in my head
[00:10] <CyborgCygnus> Erm updated my xubuntu 14.04 a few times & am now missing system sound icon in the taskbar, the properties say it should be there but It's not clickable or searchable anywhere.
[00:10] <sultanselephant> was channeling the average ubuntu+1 user
[00:10] <sultanselephant> people who just rush into the beta
[00:10] <optrusty> sultanselephant, LOL
[00:12] <rww> optrusty: erm, any particular reason for that factoid invocation?
[00:19] <optrusty> anybody have problems
[00:21] <optrusty> CyborgCygnus: do you still have 13.10
[00:22] <CyborgCygnus> optrusty, I did say 14.04 if you saw that.
[00:23] <optrusty> CyborgCygnus: ok it might work try this
[00:23] <optrusty> CyborgCygnus: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/xubuntu-1310-sound-indicator-fix.html
[00:23] <optrusty> !hi > optrusty
[00:24] <rww> !fishing
[00:24] <ubottu> Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".
[00:24] <optrusty> hi me > optrusty
[00:24] <sultanselephant> what about msg ubottu factoid
[00:24] <sultanselephant> thats what i d
[00:25] <sultanselephant> oh that is handy
[00:26] <optrusty> !phising scam > ubbottu
[00:26] <optrusty> !phising scam > ubottu
[00:27] <sultanselephant> o sweet ubottu has a !bang on duckduckgo
[00:27] <rww> optrusty: please investigate with ubottu using /msg ubottu whatever, instead of poking the channel with factoid requests
[00:27] <optrusty> ok
[00:27] <sultanselephant> !botabuse > optrusty
[00:27] <ubottu> optrusty, please see my private message
[00:28] <optrusty> f
[00:28] <optrusty> f
[00:28] <optrusty> f
[00:28] <optrusty> f
[00:28] <optrusty> f
[00:28] <sultanselephant> !thanks
[00:28] <ubottu> You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)
[00:28] <optrusty> ffff
[00:28] <optrusty> f
[00:29] <rww> optrusty: cut it out, please
[00:29] <optrusty> are you a op
[00:29] <rww> optrusty: it doesn't matter. use this channel for pre-release version discussion and support.
[00:29] <sultanselephant> !hallmonitor
[00:29] <sultanselephant> that used to be a great factoid
[00:29] <sultanselephant> rip
[00:30] <rww> sultanselephant: that's never been a factoid here.
[00:30] <optrusty> !hallmoniter > optrusty
[00:30] * rww sighs
[00:30] <rww> optrusty: do you have some 14.04 discussion and support to engage in?
[00:30] <sultanselephant> !prayer
[00:30] <ubottu> Dear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette, and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines, and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language, or leisurely op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.
[00:31] <rww> sultanselephant: same question as above.
[00:31] <sultanselephant> rww: its a rare thing to find humor in here
[00:31] <optrusty> ok ok
[00:31] <rww> that's because it's a *support* channel. if you want to chat, go to #ubuntu-offtopic
[00:32] <sultanselephant> dunno i think its for discussion and in the same vein as -offtopic
[00:32] <sultanselephant> after all its not yet supported
[00:32] <rww> Discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Factoids are not pre-release versions of Ubuntu.
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[01:03] <basketball> after running apt-get dist-upgrade in my home folder i have two new files named upstart-dbus-bridge.11613.pid and upstart-file-bridge.11613.pid what are these files and why were they created can i delete them and if not where should i move them to
[01:05] <penguin42> basketball: That's interesting - I wouldn't have expected those
[01:08] <basketball> penguin42, what do i do
[01:09] <penguin42> basketball: I'd bet that if you reboot you could safely delete them afterwards - but it's an interesting observation, it suggestions there is a missing path somewhere
[01:09] <basketball> i have rebooted and they are still there
[01:10] <basketball> it has been there for several days
[01:13] <weena> hello. i just did a dist-upgrade on trusty and now any text entered into my dash shows up as rectangles
[01:13] <penguin42> basketball: I'd bet you could probably delete them now, but wouldn't be 100% sure
[01:13] <penguin42> anyway, bed
[01:14] <basketball> hey rww you know this stuff have any idea
[01:14] <Andorin> I can't get Bluetooth to work on Ubuntu 14.04. I paired my tablet and computer but sending files appears to be impossible -- both devices report errors when I try to send files from either one.
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=== harris is now known as basketball
=== basketball is now known as harris
=== harris is now known as basketball
=== basketball is now known as harris
=== harris is now known as basketball
=== `Fibz`` is now known as `Fibz
[02:17] <basketball> when i had 13.10 ubuntu reconized my usb printer without me having to install drivers or anything but now when i plug in the printer it doesnt show up
[02:20] <basketball> i have the cd with the drivers but it is only for windows and mac how do i use it in ubuntu
[02:24] <`Fibz> havent used ubuntu since unity... there should be a settings manager with a printer applet, there you should be able to click an add button and select the closest match for the make/model of the printer
[02:27] <basketball> `Fibz, my printer doesnt show up in the add list
[02:28] <`Fibz> is there one that is a close match? like same series but different number?
[02:28] <`Fibz> this would help, what porinter?
[02:28] <`Fibz> printer*
[02:28] <Artemis3> basketball, you could use a browser to http://localhost:631 and do it there
[02:44] <andrewaclt> There no torrents of the daily iso?
[02:49] <Beldar> !daily
[02:49] <ubottu> Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/
[02:50] <andrewaclt> Beldar Yes, no .torrents there, but thanks :)
[02:51] <Beldar> andrewaclt, You can use a sync after downloading it, but torrents are only on releases
[02:52] <andrewaclt> Probably quicker to torrent the beta then and just upgrade from there since it's going to take me 19 hours to download from ubuntu servers for some reason
[02:52] <basketball> Beldar, when i plug ibn my usb printer and go to settings and click add the printer does not show up in the list
[02:53] <Beldar> there is no official torrent until release I believe
[02:54] <Beldar> I just use rsync to download and sync
[02:55] <andrewaclt> Beldar, http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ has beta 2 torrents
[02:56] <Beldar> cool I did not know that.
[02:56] <Beldar> thanks
[03:04] <basketball> Beldar, do you have any idea
[03:05] <`Fibz> what printer
[03:13] <basketball> it is a hp office jet 100 mobile printer
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[03:23] <`Fibz> http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareCategory?os=2020&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&sw_lang=&product=4231408#N185
[03:24] <`Fibz> http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/officejet/officejet_100_mobile_l411.html
[03:32] <harris_> `Fibz, what do i do with those
[04:45] <harris_> wth how do i get my printer to show up in the add lsit
[04:53] <harris_> `Fibz, i just ran lsusb and my printer is not showing up on that list
[04:54] <harris_> and it does not show up on that website the http://localhost:631/
[05:04] <harris_> Ok i followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems#USB_printer to try to fix it and when i reconnected the printer and ran in that tail command i got a bunch of errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/7210911/
[05:35] <CarlFK> man fxload ... -D devpath Specifies the "usbfs" path name for the device in question, such as /proc/bus/usb/004/080.
[05:35] <CarlFK> /proc/bus$ ls ... input pc
[05:35] <CarlFK> where did usb go?
[06:25] <PatBateman> hi
[06:26] <PatBateman> if I install 14.04 will I have the newest gnome 3.10 if I install it with default commands?
[06:26] <caskaid> anyone using network-manager-openvpn-gnome ??
[06:26] <PatBateman> or should I add some repo for that?
[06:42] <CyborgCygnus> Is 14.04 stable release even out yet?
[06:43] <CyborgCygnus> Can't you check a file within the website directory for the release to check what is in it?
[06:43] <CyborgCygnus> Or type a command in a terminal to check?
[06:44] <rww> CyborgCygnus: it goes stable on the 17th
[07:09] <soa2ii> Hi. I just tested the Kubuntu 14.04 beta. If you choose german during installation you end up on a half translated KDE session. Is this a bug or expected behaviour?
[07:20] <Fudge> how can I tell the version of Gnome I am using, trusty
[07:20] <Fudge> think it's mostly 3.10
[07:20] <rww> !info gnome-shell trusty
[07:21] <ubottu> gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.10.4-0ubuntu5 (trusty), package size 299 kB, installed size 1039 kB
[07:21] <Fudge> oh gnome-session --version GNOME Shell 3.10.4
[07:21] <Fudge> rww: thanks for that
[07:21] <Fudge> your nick reminds me of rw/lr BBC permissions
[07:54] <nonuby> is there any workaround for this on xubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar-volman/+bug/1210898 ? and why is it marked as low shouldnt it be showstopper or "cant ship an OS without this fixed"
[07:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1210898 in thunar-volman (Ubuntu) "Thunar does not automatically mount removable drives and media" [Low,Confirmed]
[08:57] <bekks> nonuby: Why do you think automount is a showstopper?
[08:58] <bekks> nonuby: and the workaround is mentioned in the bug report referenced: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9193
[08:58] <ubottu> bugzilla.xfce.org bug 9193 in General "Automount doesn't work." [Normal,New]
[09:00] <PatBateman> anyone which php version has 14.04 by default?
[09:00] <bekks> PatBateman: packages.ubuntu.com will tell you
[09:00] <PatBateman> checing thx
[09:18] <sandGorgon> hey guys - I'm running 14.04 latest on my dell latitude. in the power settings for "when power falls below critical level", I only see hibernate and shutdown. There is no suspend and even hibernate is grayed out. My laptop now shuts down without warning.
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[09:39] <ElLute> Hi, anyone interested in helping mi tracking down why acpi is not working on a new thinkpad T440p with the current nightly
[09:39] <ElLute> The laptop seems to be working fully on 12.04.4
[09:43] <sandGorgon> ElLute, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/IRC - #thinkwiki ##ibmthinkpad #hdaps #thinkpad-forum
[10:12] <Amoz> hello, I did a fresh install from the beta2 on my u36sd laptop, run gnome-shell, and it seems my screen wont sleep. It won't even dim after a while. However, setting the timeout manually by "xset dpms 0 0 600" works. Is this a bug with gnome-settings-daemon or something?
[10:13] <Amoz> I tried looking at LP but I couln't find any related bugs for trusty, but I rather ask here first, because it has probably already been reported
[10:36] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[11:15] <nonuby> @bekks mounting removable storage is pretty critical to a normal desktop experience (unless you advocate xubuntu is only for dev/sysops etc..), thanks for pointing out the workaround although still such common use should require a workaround and certainly should be marked low 20 days prior to a release
[11:15] <nonuby> should require --> shouldnt require
[11:19] <bekks> It isnt even vital. It is a nice feature, it doesnt break anything at all. The use can stikll work flawlessly, and has to do ONE manual step only. Thats totally acceptable for NOT marking a bug as "showstopper", "breaker" or even "critical".
[11:20] <bekks> It's like you car has a broken window winder, and you are insisting you cant drive that car anymore at all :)
[11:20] <nonuby> bekks, we disagree on this, pissing around with a wrapper script with a sleep a solution isnt an out the box solutions, lets just hope its get fixed before release
[11:20] <nonuby> its a problem if on launch day all 11,000 preorder cars have fucked wipers yes
[11:21] <bekks> Can you watch your language please? If not, this discussion is over now.
[11:21] <nonuby> with a Low priority though its may be like the mess with 13.04 or 12.10 with the stalled login that took 2 minutes
[11:22] <bekks> Even 11.000 broken window winders will nont make cars unusable, in fact. It may be a problem, but that problem doesnt break onee single care.
[11:22] <bekks> car.
[11:22] <nonuby> unless it rains..
[11:22] <nonuby> anyway, we disagree..
[11:23] <bekks> The car will still be usable, even in rain. Wet, but usable.
[11:23] <nonuby> yes, but if manufacturers realises 20 days before launch day that they were in this position this might not rank it as low priority to ship a car with working wipers
[11:24] <bekks> And even if it isnt low prio it will not break a single car.
[11:24] <nonuby> analogies always break down, we disagree on the matter..
[11:24] <bekks> No one will jump off a bridge just because this feature isnt working. It isnt critical.
[11:24] <bekks> However.
[11:24] <nonuby> although someone might crash... analogies
[11:25] <bekks> Some people even die standing next to their car watching at the broken winder. Possibilities. Analogies.
[11:26] <nonuby> i couldnt give someone a USB stick with 14.04 on 26th (assumption - because Low it wont be fixed in ~20 days) on say check on this lightweight distro that out the box just works (just not heavy on resources) when they cant frickin mount a USB stick without a workaround that most wont know how to use
[11:27] <bekks> Then comment on that bug and insist on marking it a total breaker. I dont thing you will be successful but thats your only chance. And dont stop in the middle of the highway ot watch your broken winder. You might get hit by a truck.
[11:28] <nonuby> the intent was to get it bumped to High, because plug in USB sticks and drives is a regular task for most users
[11:29] <penguin42> what bug number is this?
[11:29] <Crashbit> regular!=critical
[11:29] <nonuby> @penguin42
[11:29] <nonuby> <asdasd> that is what happened to me, even though FGLRX was still installed and loaded in the kernel
[11:29] <nonuby> <asdasd> my laptop with Intel 4000 graphics still works fine after the update
[11:29] <nonuby> <Fudge> yeah this morning/ last night my system fell over as a partial upgrade broke isc-dhcp-client
[11:29] <nonuby> <asdasd> dhcp was also broken for me, yes
[11:29] <nonuby> <asdasd> but I believe that is fixed now
[11:29] <bekks> nonuby: Discussing bug in IRC will not raise their priority in launchpad, not at all. Submit your comments to the bug, to raise the bug heat.
[11:29] <nonuby> <asdasd> but the graphics issue is still there
[11:29] <nonuby> <asdasd> please vote for the bug and add your findings
[11:29] <nonuby>
[11:29] <nonuby> * Loaded log from Sat Apr 5 11:06:53 2014
[11:29] <nonuby>
[11:29] <nonuby> * Now talking on #ubuntu+1
[11:30] <nonuby> * Topic for #ubuntu+1 is: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Pre-release versions are unstable and will probably break your computer somehow. | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule | Daily ISO: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current | Release estimate: April 17th
[11:30] <nonuby> * Topic for #ubuntu+1 set by rww!robert@rww.name at Thu Mar 27 07:14:03 2014
[11:30] <nonuby> -ChanServ- [#ubuntu+1] Welcome to #ubuntu+1. Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken! This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService
[11:30] <nonuby> * roasted (~quassel@c-50-164-114-240.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has left #ubuntu+1 ("http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")
[11:30] <nonuby> <nonuby> is there any workaround for this on xubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thun
[11:30] <bekks> Ignore set for spamming.
[11:30] <nonuby> whoops, bad parse
[11:30] <nonuby> bug number: 1210898
[11:30] <penguin42> bug 1210898
[11:30] <ubottu> bug 1210898 in thunar-volman (Ubuntu) "Thunar does not automatically mount removable drives and media" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1210898
[11:30] <bekks> I dont think thats a critical show stopper that breaks the entire release cycle :)
[11:31] <Crashbit> this bug is for 13.10 version
[11:32] <Crashbit> also for 14.04 ?
[11:32] <penguin42> nonuby: Given that the upstream bug is still open, it sounds like they need to go and fix it - go get them to fix thunar and then someone could pull the fix in
[11:33] <nonuby> how do I find who is responsible then if not the distro? Benedikt Meurer last article is aug 06, yes im runing 14.04
[11:33] <Crashbit> mm, ok http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/bugs/1210898
[11:33] <penguin42> nonuby: Because that bug has an upstream bug link
[11:34] <penguin42> nonuby: See https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9193
[11:34] <ubottu> bugzilla.xfce.org bug 9193 in General "Automount doesn't work." [Normal,New]
[11:35] <nonuby> Normal priority is a little more appeasing.. :)
[11:36] <penguin42> nonuby: So, tell me, how easy is it to work around; it says automounting isn't working - but from the thunar gui can you then mount it with a few clicks or do you have to pop a shell open?
[11:45] <nonuby> thunar (the default file manager, folder show in an xubuntu install) doesnt seem to show an option to mount it, i believe its something to do with udisks2 calls thunar-volman which then send a message to thunar instance to show the drive
[11:47] <penguin42> hmm I would have been tempted to set it a bit higher than low then - I normally reserve low for things that have an easy work around or are totally irrelevant, but I agree mounting a thumb drive is a bit more than that
[11:47] <penguin42> nonuby: But in the end , I still think it's upstream that have to go and fix it first
[11:49] <penguin42> nonuby: It's going to take someone who understands the innards of Thunar to fix it
=== LjL-Gay is now known as LjL
[12:26] <ElLute> hi, I want to file a bug-report
[12:27] <majod> ElLute: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu
[12:28] <majod> make sure its not already there
[12:28] <ElLute> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/CrashdumpRecipe?action=show&redirect=KernelTeam%2FCrashdumpRecipe
[12:29] <ElLute> im currently reading through this, because the problem appears during startup on my thinkpad if i want to boot with acpi activated
[12:30] <Elvanor> Is it possible to replace the kernel in the ISO boot image easily?
[12:31] <Volkodav> Did anybody notice that notification applet is acting up in xfce?
[12:32] <BluesKaj> Elvanor, do you mean use a different kernel at boot/grub?
[12:33] <ElLute> majod: how do i set the different parameters for this different kernels?
[12:35] <majod> ElLute: sorry i cant help you,i dont have experience with this
[12:39] <Elvanor> BluesKaj: yes
[12:39] <Elvanor> but it is not present on the ISO, so I must add it manually
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[12:44] <BluesKaj> Elvanor, add the kernel manually, how?
[12:46] <Elvanor> BluesKaj: to the USB key I boot from
[12:46] <Elvanor> dont know if it is possible
[12:47] <Crashbit> Elvanor: yo can modify an ISO, the only problem is the installer works with your new ISO.
[12:48] <Crashbit> Elvanor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization
[12:48] <BluesKaj> Elvanor, not that I know of , you have to add the kernel to grub after installing the
[12:48] <BluesKaj> OS
[12:49] <BluesKaj> that's the usual method
[12:50] <Crashbit> Elvanor: And yes, after installing the system you can add a PPA repository with your kernel, and update the system
[12:51] <BluesKaj> there's no guarantee that a kernel not included and modded for a particular OS will install the OS properly
[12:51] <BluesKaj> install with the OS
[12:51] <majod> can someone help me solve my issue with unable to installing .deb files with ubuntu software center? all .debs fail to install, but with dpkg -i it runs successfuly
[12:53] <Crashbit> majod: try to open terminal and write "sudo -s" and "software-center"
[12:54] <majod> ok wait, let me download some .deb i dont already have
[12:55] <majod> Crashbit: what exactly am i supposed to see?
[12:56] <majod> i only got 2014-04-06 14:55:41,605 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.app - INFO - setting up proxy 'None'
[12:56] <majod> not even the software center started up
[12:57] <BluesKaj> majod, why not add the debs to your sources.list and update then upgrade r install the apps contained in the repos
[12:57] <BluesKaj> upgrade or install
[12:57] <majod> BluesKaj: how am i supposed to install skype for example?
[12:58] <majod> and why would i even do that, if i can just download deb, double click and insatll?
[12:58] <Crashbit> majod: skype already exists in ubuntu
[12:58] <majod> great. but that doesnt solve the problem with software center installing .debs
[12:58] <majod> cant install venom, steam
[12:58] <Crashbit> but steam already exists in ubuntu
[12:59] <Crashbit> you don't need a .deb
[12:59] <majod> but what if i want to install with deb?
[12:59] <majod> why does it have to end with "package installation failed"?
[12:59] <Crashbit> it's strange
[12:59] <BluesKaj> majod, software center looks at the sources.list for the repositories and all package managers use dpkg as the base for them
[12:59] <majod> and when clicking on "details" theres no error
[13:00] <majod> BluesKaj: so what does it mean?
[13:00] <majod> when i do dpkg -i <package>, it installs fine...when i double click on it, it doesnt install
[13:00] <BluesKaj> !packages
[13:00] <ubottu> You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!
[13:02] <majod> but...thats just avoiding the solution by some workaround, which doesnt even work for every software...when someone just provides .deb file on a website, i cant do anything but to download it and isntall from it
[13:02] <Crashbit> majod: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/360155/test/Captura%20de%202014-04-06%2015%3A00%3A15.png and I have steam and skype
[13:03] <Crashbit> majod: but your problem with software-center and .debs is strange
[13:03] <majod> but i believe you...i can also see steam in software center
[13:03] <majod> not skype tho
[13:04] <majod> but when i have .deb on my disk...and doubleclick on it...i expect it to install...not that i have to run terminal and dpkg it
[13:04] <BluesKaj> majod, 14.04 is a devel OS afterall, and skypw isn't really well supported in Linux since MS bought the company
[13:04] <majod> but the problem is not about skype
[13:04] <Crashbit> majod: yo can open other programs requiero root access from GUI, for example gnome-control-center user and accounts and unlock it ?
[13:04] <majod> its about debs
[13:04] <majod> please...
[13:05] <majod> Crashbit: let me try but i guess theres no problem with that
[13:05] <majod> sure, unlocked...
[13:05] <majod> what happens with software center is: i doubleclick .deb, software center opens and starts to install
[13:06] <majod> downloads everything, "applying changes"
[13:06] <majod> and at the end
[13:07] <majod> i just get an error message saying: "package operation failed: the installation or removal of a software package failed"
[13:07] <majod> i click "details" and theres simple output from installing but with absolutely no errors
[13:08] <majod> and the software is not listed as installed...when i do dpkg -i package, it prints the same output, but installs just fine.
[13:09] <Crashbit> majod: You can try to launch it from console with --force-rtl
[13:09] <Crashbit> majod: software-center --force-rtl yourpackename.deb
[13:10] <majod> what is --force-rtl?
[13:10] <Crashbit> it's for debuggin
[13:10] <majod> ok
[13:10] <majod> do i have to be su?
[13:10] <Crashbit> no, withoutroot
[13:10] <majod> ok
[13:10] <Crashbit> i know :þ
[13:11] <majod> why is actually right to left for debugging? :D
[13:12] <majod> 2014-04-06 15:12:06,477 - softwarecenter.backend - ERROR - error in _on_trans_finished 'Error: Package operation failed
[13:12] <majod> The installation or removal of a software package failed.
[13:13] <majod> Crashbit: http://pastebin.com/iYMF0EvC
[13:15] <BluesKaj> just use the default skype package in the repos
[13:15] <majod> ok, lets not install skype but something else
[13:15] <majod> http://wiki.tox.im/binaries
[13:16] <BluesKaj> majod, what's your OS , 14.04?
[13:16] <majod> yes
[13:16] <BluesKaj> then use the default packages instead of importing debs that may not worj for 14.04
[13:17] <BluesKaj> work
[13:17] <majod> is there any .deb i can try that is guaranteed to work with 14.04?
[13:18] <BluesKaj> majod, yes in the 14/04 ppas or the package managers
[13:18] <Crashbit> BluesKaj:
[13:18] <Crashbit> 2014-04-06 15:11:14,815 - softwarecenter.db.pkginfo_impl.aptcache - INFO - aptcache.open()
[13:19] <Crashbit> 2014-04-06 15:11:15,070 - softwarecenter.backend.reviews - WARNING - error creating bsddb: '(22, 'Invalid argument -- BDB0054 illegal flag combination specified to DB_ENV->open')' (corrupted?)
[13:19] <Crashbit> 2014-04-06 15:11:15,070 - softwarecenter.backend.reviews - ERROR - trying to repair DB failed
[13:19] <Crashbit> Traceback (most recent call last):
[13:19] <Crashbit> BluesKaj: maybe the database is corrupted
[13:19] <BluesKaj> BBL, stuff to do
[13:19] <Crashbit> BluesKaj: But I I'm not sure
[13:19] <majod> i guess thats for me
[13:20] <Crashbit> yes, sorry
[13:20] <Crashbit> :)
[13:20] <BluesKaj> his repos / sources.list might contain unsuitable debs
[13:20] <majod> ok. idk what to do with it...its true that software itried to install doesnt say which ubuntu version it supports...but its strange that it works with dpkg, but not with software center
[13:21] <BluesKaj> anyway gone for now
[13:21] <majod> it doesnt work with fresh install
[13:21] <Crashbit> majod: try tu purge software-center and reinstall it
[13:21] <majod> hmmmm
[13:22] <Crashbit> wait
[13:22] <majod> btw...software center is still 13.10 version
[13:23] <majod> Setting up software-center (13.10-0ubuntu3) ...
[13:23] <Crashbit> crashbit@crashbit-Dell-System-XPS-L321X:~$ software-center --version
[13:23] <Crashbit> software-center 13.10
[13:23] <Crashbit> yes, it's ok
[13:24] <majod> ok, obviously purging and reinstalling didnt help
[13:24] <majod> i guess it might be unsupported packages
[13:24] <majod> but still idk why dpkg installs it fine then
[13:24] <Crashbit> You prove it after reinstall ?
[13:24] <majod> yes, just tried it
[13:25] <majod> btw...you said you have skype in software center? which source is it? i checked all but i can get skype only from official page
[13:26] <Crashbit> majod: I put an image with my sources
[13:26] <Crashbit> majod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7212346/
[13:27] <Crashbit> majod: but you can try to open a bug with the debugging info
[13:28] <majod> yeah i was thinking about it but i think i wont...looks like im the only one with that problem
[13:28] <Crashbit> I undestand you have an updated system
[13:28] <majod> of course
[13:29] <Crashbit> Sorry, I can't reproduce your problem
[13:29] <majod> okay. thank you very much for your help!
[13:29] <majod> sorry to bother
[13:34] <TeraJL> hi there, i've been using 14.04, and i've installed gnome-shell, but on the login, i don't find the button to switch DE, am i missing something?
[13:34] <gartral> so who killed UNR?
[13:37] <ikonia> what do you mean who killed it ?
[13:38] <ikonia> it was retired
[13:38] <ikonia> and the product merged into ubuntu
[13:41] <gartral> ikonia: it doesn't work on a 1024x900 screen,all the dialouges are too big
[13:42] <ikonia> what doesn't ?
[13:42] <bekks> Unity works fine here on 1024x600
[13:43] <gartral> bekks: no, it doesn't, the upgrade dialouge is too damn big, it isn't displayed and client is complaning that they can't see buttons
[13:45] <gartral> this is an AOD250, basically an older netbook
=== miraiE is now known as mamat
[13:57] <gartral> to anyone that cares, the Ubuntu+1 community really needs to offer support for netbooks, else you are all going to take a hit in usership.. fix the netbook release. Or die as an OS, those are the options i see
[13:57] <ikonia> ok, thanks
[13:57] <ikonia> noted
[13:58] <bekks> Netbooks are actually already dead again. :)
[13:58] <bekks> Thats why displays grew again.
[13:58] <gartral> ikonia: you've been a great friend over the years, and i offer my respect, i hope you can UNR rebooted in time
[13:58] <ikonia> I have no interest in unr - it's dead
[13:58] <ikonia> I suggest you focus on swapping distros as you said to find a solution
[13:59] <gartral> bekks: I have Arch running on a 13 year old desktop that the ubuntu kerenl wouldn't boot on, what's wrong here?
[14:00] <ikonia> nothing to do with this channel
[14:00] <bekks> I dont care a second about arch anymore, which I used myself for about 6 years in the past. I quit using it for good reasons, and all of these are offtopic in here.
[14:00] <ikonia> please stop trying to provoke a problem
[14:00] <ikonia> you've said you are dumping ubuntu - it doesn't work for you, fine, please do s
[14:00] <ikonia> move on
[14:00] <gartral> ikonia: then Cononical is to be accused of the same atrocity that Apple anf Oracle is.
[14:00] <ikonia> not interested in that
[14:01] <ikonia> I suggest you move onto a distro that meets your needs
[14:01] <gartral> i'll disengage now, good bye
[14:01] <ikonia> don't want to discuss it any more
[14:01] <ikonia> thanks
[14:02] <bekks> "Oh no, 2 days till deadline and suddenly and unexpected I noticed that something I promised to the customer doesnt work. Now lets see wether I can sue the community to make the world turn into the other direction." </ot>
[14:03] <Daekdroom> Isn't it possible to resize the upgrade window?
[14:04] <beidl> Hey guys! Am I the only one who's missing 3 and 4 finger multitouch gestures in 14.04?
[14:05] <beidl> I really liked those in 12.04
[14:25] <monkeyjuice> i have started having a problem with my wireless connection to my hotspot, keeps droping connection for about 2 minutes then reconnects, running off my usb stick with 14.04 it works fine. so there is something in my laptop that is configed wrong , was working fine upto about a week ago.
[14:54] <mamat> I've just realized that there is no settings for add or edit user group in kubuntu system settings
[15:05] <streulma> hello, on Ubuntu 14.04 with stable 3.14 kernel I have a stack trace with indicator-cpufreq
[15:19] <CarlFK> http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/fxload fxload (0.0.20081013... ) there is a much more current version. Is there any chance of getting it into trusty?
[15:20] <CarlFK> I forget what the policy is for [universe] stuff
[15:28] <majod> anyone managed to run popcorn time on trusty?
[16:18] <ElLute> hi
[16:18] <ElLute> does anyone know how i get the kernel log of a previous, failed startup?
[16:19] <penguin42> it depends how far it got
[16:19] <penguin42> ElLute: Check /var/log/dmesg or dmesg.0 to see if it's got the previous version in - but if the bootup failed before the logging stuff managed to write it to disk it won't have anything
[16:19] <ElLute> i have lvm on dm-crypt, i can enter the password and then it says that it is not able to mount swap
[16:20] <penguin42> hmm, that might not be a kernel level issue
[16:20] <penguin42> see if there are any logs in /var/log/upstart from that boot
[16:20] <ElLute> ok, /var/log/dmesg seems to be the log from the previous startup
[16:21] <ElLute> the problem is, i have a new laptop, if i start up without acpi it is working, with acpi i need to debug now :)
[16:22] <penguin42> hth does acpi change whether it can mount swap....
[16:23] <penguin42> ElLute: If this is a new laptop I'd try a simple installation without crypt/lvm first and debug your acpi issues on a simple setup first
[16:25] <ElLute> the live-start had already the same problems... hanging during startup
[16:28] <ElLute> penguin42: I wanted to slide the laptop from development and trial machine directly to production after stable release of 14.04, but it seems i have to setup anyways to steps
[16:28] <penguin42> ElLute: What's the laptop and what's the misbehaviour?
[16:28] <ElLute> thinkpad t440p
[16:28] <ElLute> acpi=off it boots up fine
[16:29] <ElLute> default it hangs somewhere in the startup process
[16:30] <ElLute> with the encrypted lvm it tells sometimes things about ext4 issues which disappear with acpi=off and other times it just halts
[16:31] <ElLute> penguin42: do you know maybe how i can give the crashdump kernel different parameters as the normal? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/CrashdumpRecipe
[16:31] <penguin42> I've not used crashdump
[16:33] <bekks> Actually its not even a kernel crash, since the kernel already booted, passed control to init, and dm-crypt is nont able to unnlock swap properly.
[16:33] <penguin42> hmm, t440p - I'd look at others hitting similar things; Lenovo sometimes do odd things - I used to have a w520 I had to guess some parameters for
[16:34] <ElLute> 12.04.4 seems to work fine, but I thought since I have a machine available for playing around right at the release, I would like to contribute a little bit of testing
[16:34] <penguin42> ElLute: Take the 'quiet' off the boot line in grub, and see if you get any more detail on the console - if you get a backtrace or anything then take a screenshot and lets see
[16:34] <ElLute> i remove quiet and splash?
[16:35] <ElLute> it is quite a long time since I lastly dug so deep in the system (blush)
[16:35] <penguin42> ElLute: Yeh get some detail out of it
[16:35] <penguin42> ElLute: Does that model have Nvidia and Intel graphics?
[16:35] <ElLute> is there a verbouse option
[16:35] <ElLute> jup, both
[16:36] <penguin42> ElLute: Just a gut feeling, try it on Intel only - I used to have a w520 that lost all its interrupts on Nvidia
[16:36] <ElLute> ok
[16:36] <ElLute> thanks, i will make a reboot now
[16:36] <penguin42> broken bios I think
[16:36] <ElLute> get back here later
[16:37] <penguin42> has the 440p got the really nice screen that the 540p has got?
[16:54] <harris_> Ok i followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems#USB_printer to try to fix it and when i reconnected the printer and ran in that tail command i got a bunch of errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/7210911/
=== harris_ is now known as basketball
[16:56] <penguin42> basketball: That type of thing normally happens when you have an unhappy usb connection
[16:57] <basketball> penguin42, should i try different cable
[16:57] <penguin42> basketball: I would, or a different USB port
[16:57] <basketball> i tried different port
[16:57] <basketball> brb
[16:57] <basketball> gotta restart xchat
[16:59] <basketball> back
[17:00] <penguin42> basketball: it's a bit odd with a printer, so I would try another cable; I've seen it with unpowered devices when the port can't supply enough power, or with a bad hub
[17:00] <ElLute> penguin42: very good gut feeling8-)
[17:00] <basketball> it is in a hub but everything else in the hub works
[17:00] <penguin42> ElLute: It worked with the Intel ?
[17:00] <basketball> and the printer did not work even when it wasnt in hub
[17:02] <ElLute> penguin42: not yet. i was not able to disable nvidia in the bios, but during startup I saw something a little strange with the noveau driver and i was able to get an error message which could help the acpi-guys to fix something
[17:03] <basketball> brb reboot pc
[17:04] <ElLute> this bug seems to quite tackle my problem down
[17:05] <ElLute> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1268669
[17:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1268669 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lenovo T440p (Haswell/NVidia optimus gfx) flaky unless I blacklist nouveau" [Medium,Triaged]
[17:07] <basketball> penguin42, i just switched cable with a brand new one and it still doesnt show up
[17:12] <dw1> kind of silly ubuntuone packages are included since its discontinued but i guess its all frozen and stuff
[17:13] <dw1> i purged em out
[17:14] <dw1> hopefully indicator goes away on relog
[17:16] <dw1> (just upgraded 13.10 to 14.04 -- upgrade mentioned a bunch of errors but no real problems i can see)
[17:17] <dw1> notice unwanted ibus icon so removed that package..
[17:28] <Forkz> Hey. I dont quite get why Steam wont be installed. Software Center tells me that "libc6 (>= 2.15) but 2.19-0ubuntu3 is to be installed" but if I'm reading that correctly, that doesn' really make sense. Can anyone clear that up?
[17:40] <basketball> penguin42, do you think if i fresh install it will fix it
[17:44] <penguin42> basketball: Unlikely in my experience
[17:44] <penguin42> basketball: What type of printer is it?
[17:51] <basketball> hp officejet 100 mobile printer l4113
[17:52] <basketball> penguin42,
[17:54] <penguin42> basketball: odd, HP stuff normally works ok
[17:54] <BlueEagle> My qdbus appears to be broken. :/
[17:56] <BlueEagle> when I attempt to start Kubuntu I get a message saying it's not able to start D-Bus. Can you call qdbus? When I attempt to run qdbus it sais qdus could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qdbus': No such file or directory.
[17:56] <basketball> penguin42, what do i do
[17:57] <penguin42> basketball: I've not got any good ideas I'm afraid, if you're getting basic reset errors like that on usb
[17:57] <BlueEagle> It is true that no such file exists, but when I run `which qdbus` it sais /usr/bin/qdbus, so I do not know what the reference to this other directory is. Also, symlinking qdbus from the long directory to the one where qdbus actually exists appears to to work.
[17:57] <basketball> penguin42, do you know who might know
[17:58] <penguin42> basketball: I'd look for one of the printing places, look for stuff related to that printer or hplip
[17:58] <basketball> penguin42, the weird thing is it worked in 13.10
[17:59] <penguin42> basketball: OK, so file a bug for it since that's not good; you could also try some different kernels and see if it helps - try the very latest mainline and also try an old 13.10 kernel
[17:59] <basketball> i did file a bug and there is no activity
[18:00] <penguin42> basketball: OK, I'd say if it's at the USB level then I'd try kernel versions since it's pretty low level
[18:00] <BlueEagle> Also this did work fine earlier today, but then I ran the latest updates which appears to have broken it. :(
[18:00] <basketball> penguin42, idk what a kernel version is
[18:01] <penguin42> basketball: Then it's going to be pretty hard for you to debug it I'm afraid
[18:01] <penguin42> basketball: You could try a local LUG or the like
[18:01] <basketball> do you think when final comes out it will be fixed
[18:02] <basketball> or is there like a broken file somewhere
[18:04] <penguin42> basketball: Not many bugs are going to be fixed between now and final; however if it breaks a lot of people USB devices not just yours then there is a bigger chance
[18:04] <penguin42> <food>
[18:04] <basketball> penguin42, i still dont even understand what is wrong
[18:08] <basketball> penguin42, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip/+bug/1303230
[18:08] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1303230 in hplip (Ubuntu) "hp office jet 100 mobile printer will not show up in printer list and a bunch of errors when i connect printer and run tail -f /var/log/syslog" [Undecided,New]
[18:19] <basketball> penguin42, i posted on ask ubuntu also https://askubuntu.com/questions/444137/hp-office-jet-100-mobile-printer-l411-will-not-show-up-in-printer-list-in-ubuntu
[18:26] <satmandu> Does anybody here have auto-hide launcher enabled?
[18:26] <satmandu> Does it work for you on 14.04?
[18:26] <CarlFK> satmandu: I think I did a few days ago when I was playing around
[18:27] <Crashbit> satmandu: Worked for me, but now I use gnome
[18:27] <satmandu> Any reason to use gnome vs the standard ubuntu gui?
[18:27] <penguin42> basketball: You need to add a note to there saying that it worked for you on 13.10 (if it did)
[18:28] <Crashbit> satmandu: it's my preference, no technical reason
[18:28] <satmandu> thanks Crashbit
[18:29] <satmandu> I've done some googling, and there's a bit of chatter about the auto-hide not working in previous versions... and I'm just wondering what the best way to troubleshoot this is.
[18:30] <satmandu> Unrelated to that: Is there a way to import passwords and networks from a wpa_supplicant.conf to network manager?
[18:31] <satmandu> I'd like to get the networks I have already entered on my android device, all neatly saved inside a wpa_supplicant.conf file, into ubuntu, without manually entering everything.
[18:36] <BlueEagle> satmandu: At present I don't even have a working KDE environment because my qdbus is shot.
[18:36] <penguin42> BlueEagle: I'd try logging out of desktop, into a text console, and then move all your . files into a 'broken' dir and try logging back in
[18:39] <BlueEagle> penguin42: Well, since I cannot log into the desktop that is out of the question. But I just found the solution. Apparently qdbus-qt5 was not installed.
[18:39] <BlueEagle> penguin42: Looks like a missed dependency that the update today borked.
[18:39] <BlueEagle> penguin42: However, manually installing it resolved the issue
[18:39] <penguin42> BlueEagle: Login on the text consoe - from the login page ctrl-alt-f2 should get you a text mode
[18:40] <BlueEagle> penguin42: Yes, I already did. That's where I'm running irssi from now. But thanks anyway.
[18:41] <penguin42> BlueEagle: So you should be able to move your dot files from there
[18:42] <BlueEagle> penguin42: Again, it was a matter of a missing qdbus-qt5 package.
[18:42] <penguin42> BlueEagle: It's an interesting question why it was missing
[18:43] <BlueEagle> penguin42: It wasn't missing before I ran the upgrades earlier today. Also the qt4 qdbus does exist. Has something stopped usign the qt4 dbus and started to use the qd5 dbus without adding the dependency?
[18:44] <BlueEagle> qt5 qdbus*
[18:45] <penguin42> BlueEagle: It does sound a bit odd that, I wonder whether you have a ppa installed
[18:45] <BlueEagle> ppa?
[18:46] <penguin42> an extra package archive
[18:47] <BlueEagle> penguin42: I have not added any sources, no.
[18:47] <BlueEagle> penguin42: Do you run Kubuntu? If so, do you have qdbus-qt5 installed, and have you installed the latest updates?
[18:48] <penguin42> BlueEagle: I don' t have any qt5 pacakges installed ( dpkg -l \*qt5\* )
[18:49] <BlueEagle> penguin42: I have quite a few. I am doing some devel on cockatrice, and playing with qt5 too.
[18:51] <penguin42> BlueEagle: Right, so I suspect your problem is it's using qt5 in some places and that needs a bunch of other bits of qt5 as soon as you start using any
[18:51] <BlueEagle> penguin42: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7213701/
[18:52] <BlueEagle> penguin42: But if Kubuntu/KDE starts requiring qdbus-qt5 when other qt5-packages are installed then qdbus-qt5 should be a dependency, should it not?
[18:53] <BlueEagle> penguin42: ie. I am not automatically running any of my stuff, and the issue comes as I attempt to log in, before the desktop shows.
[18:53] <penguin42> BlueEagle: Yes - but a dependency on what - kubuntu doesn't need qt5, so it sounds like the act of pulling something in adds that dependency
[18:55] <BlueEagle> penguin42: Yeah, I do not know what is causing the dependency, and I am currently not very inclined to start removing parts of the system to see when it stops requiring it. I'll revisit the issue when I reinstall next time, which might not be until after the stable is released. :/
[18:55] <BlueEagle> penguin42: unless I find myself lacking stuff to do an evening, of course.
[18:56] <optrusty> wait can I put a bot on my channel
[18:56] <optrusty> here is my channel #Funbase
[18:57] <BlueEagle> optrusty: I think that might be !ot tbh.
[18:57] <optrusty> BlueEagle: On my channel or this channel
[18:58] <BlueEagle> optrusty: If you are talking about an IRC bot, then it's !ot on this channel. What is off topic on your channel must be up to you.
[18:58] <optrusty> !ot
[18:58] <ubottu> #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu. Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support. Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.
[18:58] <optrusty> !ot tbh
[18:59] <trism> bug 1295835
[18:59] <ubottu> bug 1295835 in qtchooser (Ubuntu) "qtchooser should have a fallback mechanism" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1295835
[19:00] <trism> BlueEagle: is that what you're seeing?
[19:01] <pietro10> question: was MATE removed from the trusty-proposed? I wanted to try it to see how my programs respond to taskbar quit requests. Thanks.
[19:02] <BlueEagle> trism: Indeed it is.
[19:02] <BlueEagle> trism: the error when running qdbus in terminal is: qdus could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qdbus': No such file or directory
[19:02] <k1l_> pietro10: cinnamon was removed. mate should be still there
[19:02] <k1l_> !info mate
[19:02] <penguin42> pietro10: I see mate-desktop in the package list
[19:02] <ubottu> Package mate does not exist in trusty
[19:02] <k1l_> !info mate-desktop
[19:02] <ubottu> mate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 95 kB
[19:02] <trism> pietro10: there are pieces there but the mate-session seems non-existent, which is probably required to actually use the session
[19:03] <trism> k1l_: yeah but that doesn't have the session stuff it only has a couple progs
[19:03] <pietro10> trism: right; thanks
[19:04] <trism> pietro10: I think packaging might still be in progress in debian so we only have parts right now
[19:04] <pietro10> I guess I'll test against GNOME 2 if that's still there instead (Metacity is)
[19:05] <trism> pietro10: the flashback session is still there and working
[19:06] <BlueEagle> trism: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7213774/ -- not sure where QTTOOLDIR is set, though.
[19:12] <popey> anyone got up to date trusty - can you run mumble and see if it segfaults?
[19:13] <CarlFK> popey: juser@negk:~$ sudo apt-get install mumble ... what next?
[19:13] <popey> run it
[19:13] <pietro10> seems to work here
[19:13] <popey> hmm
[19:13] * penguin42 installs
[19:13] <k1l_> popey: works here
[19:13] <BlueEagle> popey: I do, and it doesn't
[19:13] <popey> bum
[19:13] <popey> it worked yesterday, wonder why it barfs today
[19:14] <pietro10> popey: install gdb and mumble-dbg
[19:14] <pietro10> then run gdb mumble
[19:14] <elfy> popey: another "wfm" here
[19:14] <pietro10> type r and hit enter
[19:14] <CarlFK> heh.. warning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite
[19:14] <popey> pietro10: ta
[19:14] <pietro10> that should indicate where it's faulting
[19:15] <popey> 510 ../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-machine.h: No such file or directory.
[19:15] <penguin42> popey: Looks good here as well
[19:15] <popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7213817/
[19:16] <popey> thats the output I get
[19:16] <penguin42> popey: That's ok, but get the full backtrace - or better ubuntu-bug it
[19:16] <popey> bug already filed
[19:16] <penguin42> popey: number?
[19:16] <popey> its private
[19:16] <penguin42> popey: Can you pastebin the out of bt full
[19:16] <penguin42> popey: Checking it doesn't have passwords in
[19:18] <popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7213825/ is the bt full
[19:19] <penguin42> popey: That's very unusual - it's happening during runtime linking
[19:19] <popey> oh there's loads more
[19:20] <penguin42> oh
[19:20] <popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7213837/
[19:21] <penguin42> popey: If that's the full back trace that's still very very odd in the linker
[19:21] <popey> i have done updates and not rebooted
[19:21] <penguin42> it might be best not to....
[19:21] <popey> i prefer not to
[19:22] <penguin42> popey: An update shouldn't cause that, nothing should cause that
[19:22] <penguin42> popey: You didn't hit any disc fulls or the like?
[19:22] <popey> ooh
[19:22] <popey> i have a rogue mumble process hanging around
[19:22] <popey> oh no, thats the one in gdb I guess
[19:22] <popey> /home/alan/.Private 224G 196G 27G 88% /home/alan
[19:22] <popey> /dev/sdb1 231G 34G 194G 15% /
[19:23] <penguin42> popey: My best guess would be a corrupt binary somewhere - it's very odd for something to fail that early
[19:23] <popey> lemme reinstall it
[19:23] <pietro10> random question
[19:23] <penguin42> pietro10: 78
[19:23] <penguin42> (random answer)
[19:23] <pietro10> what decides update-alternatives auto mode priorities?
[19:24] <popey> before any research I am going to blame pulse
[19:24] <popey> its the 2012 way
[19:24] <DJones> popey: Thats what you get using automatix :)
[19:25] <popey> ooh retro!
[19:25] <popey> now, where's my motif
[19:25] <penguin42> popey: That's a really really early link failure - it's quite unusual, if you're still seeing it after a reboot - on the offchance it reboots - I'd go and ask a toolchain person
[19:25] <penguin42> anyway, nn
[19:28] <DJones> popey: Just updated my trusty install, installed mumble, ran mumble in terminal & it starts up, never used it before but I have the welcome to mumble audio wizard
[19:28] <popey> hmmm
[19:29] * popey reboots
[19:30] <DJones> terminal output when mumble is run shows http://paste.ubuntu.com/7213883/
[19:45] <popey> well that was annoying.. rebooted and dns broke
[19:46] <popey> mumble starts though
[19:46] <pietro10> ...
[19:46] <pietro10> how do I start gnome-shell with startx?
[19:47] <pietro10> or gnome-session?
[19:48] <k1l_> pietro10: dont do that. start the *dm (lightdm or gdm)
[19:48] <pietro10> ok
[19:48] <pietro10> and lightdm aborted mysteriously
[19:48] <pietro10> oh
[19:48] <pietro10> root
[19:48] <pietro10> blah
[19:49] <patbateman> hi
[19:49] <k1l_> if you fiddle with root and sudo you will have problems with stuff in your /home that is owned by root:root and will make you not login anymore
[19:49] <patbateman> after installing bumblebee and nvidia driver my terminal window is empty, and no close buttons, captions
[19:49] <k1l_> like .XAuthority
[19:49] <patbateman> any idea how to restore?
[19:49] <pietro10> faiiled to get dbus connection
[19:51] <pietro10> screw it I have no idea how this owrks
[19:55] <pietro10> let's see if gdm works
[19:57] <pietro10> ugh
[19:57] <pietro10> why can only root run display managers
[19:57] <pietro10> should I run sudo gdm/lightdm in the argument to startx?
[19:57] <k1l_> pietro10: stop with startx
[19:58] <k1l_> pietro10: first make sure your user doesnt ahve files in /home that belong to root:root (from your mistakes with root or sudo)
[19:58] <k1l_> pietro10: then start lightdm /gdm with "sudo service lightdm start"
[19:58] <k1l_> and yes the x-server needs root rights but ubuntu is configured not to use startx but to give the *dm the root rights
[20:00] <pietro10> ok
[20:00] <pietro10> the only two root files are .. and .dbus
[20:00] <pietro10> I assume .. is fine (it IS /home) but what of .dbus
[20:01] <k1l_> the .dbus folder needs to belong to your user
[20:01] <k1l_> user_user
[20:01] <pietro10> ok
[20:01] <k1l_> user:user
[20:01] <pietro10> fixed
[20:04] <pietro10> that... wasn't what I wanted to do
[20:05] <pietro10> screw it
[20:05] <pietro10> just going to log out and log back in
[20:05] <pietro10> let's just get the other session file s first...
[20:05] <pietro10> thanks anyway k1l_; I'm just an idiot :D
[20:09] <kit_t> hello! did someone know what is "UnicodeEncodeError in save()" during 14.04 upgrade?
[20:10] <satmandu> Does anybody here use mtrack in lieu of the synaptics trackpad driver?
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[20:50] <pietro10> ok
[20:50] <pietro10> now that I finished screwing around with desktops
[20:50] <pietro10> how do I get lightdm back to the KDE style?
[20:50] <pietro10> it's stuck on an ubuntu style with xfce background
[20:51] <pietro10> removing /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf (which did not work before) did not fix it
[20:51] <pietro10> *which did not exist before
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[21:28] <toresbe> Hey folks, I have an interesting issue with the new Ubuntu I was hoping someone might help me shed some light on. I installed this laptop using wubi, so it's a loop file on the Windows partition.
[21:30] <toresbe> Now, the loop device is _read-only_. I have confirmed that the host file system is R/W, and I can mount it R/W by adding another loop device.
[21:30] <toresbe> But I can't move / to the new device.
[21:38] <toresbe> That's really odd. It works on the 13.10 kernel.
[21:42] <bekks> wubi is basically not supported anymore, since it is discontinued.
[22:11] <STiK> Keep forgetting that 14.04 is still beta it runs so good.
[22:12] <toresbe> bekks: well, that's fine but dist-upgrades shouldn't break it
[22:14] <bekks> toresbe: It is discontinued, so compatibility with updates isnt checked anymore.
[22:23] <toresbe> bekks: so you're saying people are OK with a significant proportion of the user base having their systems break on upgrade, in a way even a seasoned Unix user is puzzled by? That can't possibly be true.
[22:30] <CarlFK> toresbe: i would rather people spend their time on the supported cases
[22:32] <CarlFK> I am curious how you concluded significant proportion
[22:36] <pietro10> Okay. What's the correct way to change the LightDM greeter used? Thanks.
[22:47] <toresbe> CarlFK: you guys aren't Ubuntu developers, right?
[22:49] <CarlFK> toresbe: I am not
[22:49] <toresbe> good, that's a relief
[22:52] <CarlFK> toresbe: do you have any stats, or are you assuming that "significant proportion of the user base" is like you?
[22:54] <toresbe> CarlFK: I know that a lot of people have installed with wubi. That's not something that's controversial to the point where it needs to be substantiated by statistics.
[22:55] <toresbe> CarlFK: Although wubi may well not be supported, which is a shame because it's really useful, that doesn't mean that it's OK for a major Linux distro to break on upgrades, rather than checking for the case and handling it (if necessary, by giving an error message on upgrading).
[22:55] <CarlFK> it is to OK.
[22:55] <CarlFK> that is the definition of supported.
[22:55] <CarlFK> and not supported.
[22:55] <toresbe> just like it's OK for me to stop wasting my time with this discussion - I mean, honestly.
[22:59] <pietro10> what is supported in this case
[22:59] <pietro10> supported by canonical or supported by the wubi developers?
[23:00] <CarlFK> heck if I know. I was more interested in the jump from "I broke my box" to "therefore a lot of people will too"
[23:02] <pietro10> also
[23:02] <CarlFK> and other heavy word choice.
[23:02] <pietro10> how do I get gtk+ to use the icons KDE assgined to it again
[23:02] <pietro10> because it's not anymore
[23:08] <pietro10> ok screw this I'm going to finish making sure quit events work right on unity and then remove it because it's caused everything so far
[23:16] <basketball> I tried following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems#USB . When I plugged in the printer and ran tail -f /var/log/syslog , I got the following errors Apr 6 16:12:32 harris-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP296UA-ABA kernel: [22075.172263] usb 1-3.2: new high-speed USB device number 13 using ehci-pci
[23:16] <basketball> Apr 6 16:12:37 harris-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP296UA-ABA kernel: [22080.584112] usb 1-3.2: device not accepting address 13, error -71
[23:16] <basketball> Apr 6 16:12:37 harris-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP296UA-ABA kernel: [22080.584285] hub 1-3:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 2