UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /05 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== jackson is now known as Guest58248
=== Guest58248 is now known as Noskcaj_
[09:40] <freinhard> has someone tested telepathy calls?
[09:40] <freinhard> fails here with:
[09:40] <freinhard> Failed to link videoscale ! colorspace ! capsfilter
[10:00] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: when I built phonon-backend-vlc against vlc 2.2 will amarok be able to show the analyzer or does this need another feature?
[10:02] <lordievader> Good morning.
[10:06] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: oh I think AudioDataOutput is what I am looking for ...., anyway is this supposed to work when build against latest vlc?
[10:08] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: since http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-multimedia&m=134028505507932&w=2 is already quite old
[10:12] <kdeuser56> apachelogger: regarding the equalizer: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=280413, this should be solved when built against vlc 2.2, right?
[10:12] <ubottu> KDE bug 280413 in general "Equalizer does not work with vlc backend for phonon" [Wishlist,Resolved: later]
[10:30] <R33D3M33R> hello, several problems with kwallet popped up recently (myself involved): https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=CONFIRMED&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=NEEDSINFO&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=CLOSED&component=kwallet&product=kdelibs&query_format=advanced&resolution=FIXED&resolution=INVALID&resolution=WONTFIX&resolution=LATER&resolution=REMIND&
[10:30] <R33D3M33R> resolution=DUPLICATE&resolution=WORKSFORME&resolution=MOVED&resolution=UPSTREAM&resolution=DOWNSTREAM&resolution=WAITINGFORINFO&resolution=BACKTRACE&resolution=UNMAINTAINED&order=changeddate%20DESC%2Cpriority%2Cbug_severity&query_based_on=
[10:30] <R33D3M33R> it appears that this is not kwallet, but Kubuntu problem, can you check?
[10:31] <R33D3M33R> trusty offcourse
[10:32] <R33D3M33R> here is something relevant: "Despite kwalletd being the process where the crash occurs, the crash is not kwalletd-related. It seems that your Qt libraries are somewhat corrupt. If in doubt, please file a bug with kubuntu."
[10:33] <R33D3M33R> since 14.04 release is near and kwallet is a vital component of the system, this should have high priority, currently it seems the package is unusable
[10:33] <kdeuser56> R33D3M33R: could you please post a tiny url, as your url is split over many lines
[10:33] <R33D3M33R> or to say it better, it very rarely seems to work
[10:33] <R33D3M33R> sorry, in a moment
[10:34] <R33D3M33R> https://tinyurl.com/q768qns
[10:35] <kdeuser56> R33D3M33R: okay thanks, and which of these bugs are you referrring to?
[10:35] <R33D3M33R> look at the orange ones
[10:35] <R33D3M33R> they are basically duplicates of the same thing
[10:35] <R33D3M33R> but i clicked some of them and they have 14.04 in common
[10:36] <R33D3M33R> all were reported this week
[10:36] <R33D3M33R> and Valentin Rusu says there is something wrong with qtlibs
[10:37] <R33D3M33R> hmm, i just noticed this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-runtime/+bug/1298951
[10:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1298951 in kde-runtime (Ubuntu) "kwalletd crashed with SIGABRT in __GI_raise()" [Medium,Fix released]
[10:37] <kdeuser56> R33D3M33R: since when do you experience this problems? I have tested trusty last week and never captured this
[10:38] <R33D3M33R> i'm not sure, but it's probably more than 2 weeks
[10:38] <R33D3M33R> i didn't have trusty before
[10:38] <R33D3M33R> it was a clean install
[10:39] <R33D3M33R> actually, a new update has appeared from that launchpad link
[10:39] <R33D3M33R> maybe this is it
[10:41] <kdeuser56> yofel, Riddell, shadeslayer_, ping, please have a look at the issue by R33D3M33R
[10:47] <kdeuser56> R33D3M33R: but seems indeed to be fixed with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-runtime/+bug/1298951
[10:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1298951 in kde-runtime (Ubuntu) "kwalletd crashed with SIGABRT in __GI_raise()" [Medium,Fix released]
[10:48] <R33D3M33R> yes, updating right now
[10:48] <kdeuser56> R33D3M33R: but the bug report where valentin rusu said qt would be broken is not related is it?
[10:48] <R33D3M33R> i don't know yet, he said this for my problem, so after reboot we will know if its fixed
[10:53] <kdeuser56> R33D3M33R: did you use gpg backend?
[10:53] <R33D3M33R> no, just simple password
[10:53] <R33D3M33R> brb, reboot
[10:55] <R33D3M33R> ok, upgrade works
[10:55] <R33D3M33R> no more crashes for me :)
[10:55] <kdeuser56> R33D3M33R: fine :-)
[10:56] <R33D3M33R> yeah, i don't know how this was connected to the gpg backend, but ...
[11:22] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
=== cff is now known as Sunrise
=== Sunrise is now known as Cosmos
[15:09] <sgclark> Anyone available to review 2 packages?
[16:33] <soee> someone can take a look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7208434/ ?
[19:54] <alleehol> vHanda: Congrats! With yesterdays git checkout, I noticed no problem after ~2 hour. Everything is okay: only one _exgatractor process (not up to 40 as before) and the CPU fan is idle
[20:32] <alleehol> vHanda: balooshow with git snapshot only shows ids. Regardless if _extractor runs or finished: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7209475/
[20:59] <freinhard> can someone confirm working video in ktp-call-ui?
[21:40] <jose> ovidiu-florin: hey! do you have a deadline for the db dump? because I think you wanted to get the page ready before release?
[21:41] <ovidiu-florin> jose: do I have a deadline for when to have it, or when to use it?
[21:41] <jose> ovidiu-florin: for when to have it
[21:41] <ovidiu-florin> jose: asap
[21:41] <jose> because I can try to speed up the process
[21:42] <jose> but I'd need a deadline (maybe some dates with a roadmap)
[21:43] <ovidiu-florin> I need that as soon as possible
[21:43] <ovidiu-florin> tomorrow if they can
[21:43] <ovidiu-florin> there's a lot of work to be don in migrating the site
[21:44] <ovidiu-florin> done*
[21:44] <jose> I'm going to try and see what can I do
[21:45] <jose> if I have any updates, I'll let you know
[21:45] <ovidiu-florin> jose: can you do it via mail please?
[21:45] <ovidiu-florin> I'm having server issues, and I can't be online on IRC all the time for the moment