UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /02 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:10] <JamesJRH> Oh.
[00:15] <JamesJRH> I've just realised why that PPA doesn't seem to be showing up. It's latest version is slightly older than the one currently installed, so it doesn't show as an update.
[00:15] <JamesJRH> So I need to look for another PPA...
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[00:22] <JamesJRH> sarnold: Is this channel generally this quiet?
[00:23] <sarnold> JamesJRH: you've come near the end of the workday on the west coast US, after eod for east coast us, and europe is sleeping :)
[00:25] <JamesJRH> sarnold: Well, not all are sleeping.. :-]
[00:25] <sarnold> hehe :)
[00:28] <JamesJRH> I'm trying to scan something for tomorrow. I've used the printer a few times before for printing, but this is the first time I've wanted to scan something using this printer.
[00:30] <sarnold> JamesJRH: if none of the pre-built packages are working for you, you could try the external module: http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/searchModule
[00:31] <JamesJRH> How does it work? Will it work with libsane?
[00:31] <sarnold> it's linked off of the external backends page, so they've given it some kind of blessing. you'd have to check the notes on that page for why it isn't included..
[00:32] <JamesJRH> Well ‘Simple Scan’, which I assume uses libsane.
[00:35] <JamesJRH> sarnold: But what do I do with it? Where is the PPA?
[00:36] <JamesJRH> I got my printer driver from this repository: http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/op/stable/debian/
[00:36] <JamesJRH> That's in my sources.list.
[00:40] <JamesJRH> Oh! This is what Iscan is!
[00:40] <JamesJRH> Epson's thing.
[01:13] <JamesJRH> sarnold: I have it working now, but I really don't like installing stuff outside of repos/PPAs, especially if it's proprietary.
[01:13] <JamesJRH> sarnold: Anyway, thank you for your help. :-)
[01:13] <sarnold> JamesJRH: completely agreed :)
[01:13] <sarnold> JamesJRH: especially once you've seen some of that proprietary code.. *shudder*
[01:14] <sarnold> JamesJRH: good job getting it working :)
[01:14] <JamesJRH> :-)
[01:15] <JamesJRH> sarnold: Really, ideally, I'd like it if any proprietary code I have to run on my system is entirely sandboxed to do only what it's supposed to.
[01:16] <sarnold> JamesJRH: have you seen apparmor yet?
[01:16] <JamesJRH> Those packages have appeared to install some GUI software which I didn't want.
[01:16] <JamesJRH> No.
[01:16] <sarnold> JamesJRH: on my own systems, everything that talks to the internet is confined with apparmor, and every program which doesn't live in the ubuntu archives gets an apparmor profile
[01:17] <JamesJRH> Ooooh! o_O
[01:17] <sarnold> JamesJRH: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppArmor
[01:17] <JamesJRH> I'll look it up, thanks! :-)
[01:17] <sarnold> JamesJRH: now the disclaimer, I've been involved with apparmor for 14 years.. not exactly unbiased :) but there you go
[01:18] <JamesJRH> It's been around that long?
[01:18] <JamesJRH> I think I've seen it when upgrading actually, but never knew what it was.
[01:19] <sarnold> JamesJRH: well, back in 2000 it was known as "subdomain", but yes, the same project :) hehe
[01:20] <JamesJRH> I'm actually planning to completely revamp my system this month, so I'll check it out then.
[01:20] <sarnold> cool! :)
[01:20] <JamesJRH> I'm currently still using Natty.
[01:20] <sarnold> eeeeeeek
[01:20] <sarnold> yes, you've got higher priorities :)
[01:20] <JamesJRH> I didn't like any of the later releases, so I got stuck there.
[01:22] <JamesJRH> I'm instead going to switch to NixOS. For many reasons, but one of them being that I can upgrade things that need upgrading without having to upgrade things I don't want to upgrade.
[01:22] <sarnold> ah, makes sense, assuming someone at nixos is keeping up on security updates for old software
[01:27] <JamesJRH> sarnold: I like the interface of Natty. I actually started using Unity before it became default, and before that I used the UNR interface which I think was the predecessor to Unity. But since Oneiric, I really don't like Unity, and unfortunately some of those dislikes are common to GNOME, so I haven't readily switched to that either.
[01:29] <sarnold> JamesJRH: makes sense, some versions I've liked more than others. on my older desktop I always ran i3, but intended to try dwm "someday". I haven't bothered trying to reconfigure my laptop away from unity, there's a lot of little things to fix that are just more annoying on laptops..
[01:32] <JamesJRH> I particularly dislike recent Nautilus versions. Nautilus was one of those programs that had reached a kind of software contentment – it was mature software that had everything you need and worked how you'd expect. It pretty much just needed maintaining for bug fixes. Instead they decide to tear it apart and start again.
[01:33] <JamesJRH> Aparently though there's a fork of the old version – I'll be using that.
[01:37] <JamesJRH> sarnold: I believe that human interfaces are personal preference, and that users may not want to ‘upgrade’ them. I think that interfaces should be decoupled from the underlying software, such that one may upgrade everything except from the interface if desired.
[01:38] <JamesJRH> Of course, they'd still need to be tweaked to add new features to an old interface.
[01:39] <JamesJRH> The way I imagine this to work is similar to the DBus menu.
[01:41] <sarnold> JamesJRH: you and a few million windows xp users agree :) hehe
[01:41] <JamesJRH> sarnold: Rather than building GUIs using GTK or QT or whatever, applications, for the most part, would just ‘expose themselves’ to a DBus system, and potentially numerous interfaces should be easily made this way.
[01:42] <sarnold> JamesJRH: man, the number of programs that have built their logic straight into the views...
[01:42] <sarnold> *shudder*
[01:42] <JamesJRH> D-:
[01:42] <JamesJRH> /o\
[01:44] <JamesJRH> sarnold: I'd like to be involved in some brainstorming about how interfaces can be abstracted away from the core code, efficiently and generally. And I'm not just talking about GUIs, CLIs could have the same abstraction.
[01:45] <JamesJRH> I'm sure someone has some theory on this somewhere though.
[01:46] <sarnold> JamesJRH: could be; it reminds me of The Humane Interface, though to be honest it's been long enough since I've read it that I'm not sure if it shares any of these ideas or not :) hehe
[01:46] <JamesJRH> It would also allow users to have more consistency across applications that are abstracted.
[01:47] <JamesJRH> Okay, I'll have a look.
[02:08] <JamesJRH> sarnold: Modelessness sounds interesting, and “An end to stand-alone applications” definitely (think of how we use GNU utils), but many of the other things I disagree with. He seems to advocate a single way for all, so I doubt he covers the topic of abstracting to allow multiple personal interfaces as I'd advocate.
[02:09] <JamesJRH> Anyway, thank you and good night. :-)
[02:09] <sarnold> JamesJRH: I can't tell if I would have loved his system or hated it :)
[02:09] <sarnold> JamesJRH: nn
[02:09] <JamesJRH> :-D
[03:18] <robert_ancell> RAOF, is xrandr the correct extension to turn off a monitor?
[03:19] <RAOF> robert_ancell: Yes.
[03:19] <robert_ancell> RAOF, what is the actually function to do that? I'm confused
[03:19] <robert_ancell> is it implied by setting the gamma values to zero?
[03:22] <RAOF> robert_ancell: You're after RRSetCrctConfig with mode set to None.
[03:22] <robert_ancell> ok, cheers
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[07:29] <tjaalton> I don't have ~/.cache/upstart/unity-settings-daemon.log, but u-s-d is running and kbd layout is 'us' though the settings have it correctly on 'fi'. guess this is bug 1292412
[07:29] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1292412 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout is always English(!)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1292412
[07:55] <ogra_> Laney, bug 1301214 ...
[07:55] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1301214 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "IMEI test constantly fails on touch devices without telephony support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1301214
[07:57] <seb128> good morning desktopers
[07:57] <ogra_> moin :)
[07:57] <seb128> ogra_, that should be fixed in https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu-system-settings/fix_tests/+merge/213691 which is almost ready to land
[07:57] <ogra_> yay
[07:58] <seb128> 222 + @skipUnless(
[07:58] <seb128> 223 + model() == 'Nexus 4',
[07:58] <seb128> 224 + 'Nexus 4 is currently the only telephony device that we support'
[07:58] <seb128> 225 + )
[07:58] <seb128> 226 + def test_imei_information_is_correct(self):
[07:58] <ogra_> seb128, ugh
[07:58] <seb128> yeah, that's probably not the best way, feel free to comment on the mp to say it should check for the capability and handle it
[07:58] <ogra_> that means no IMEI for any ports (and for Meizu and bq phones)
[07:59] <seb128> in fact let me do that
[07:59] <seb128> well, those are only tests
[08:00] <ogra_> well, i expect us to get a chunk of either of these phones, even for the test lab
[08:00] <seb128> right, well if we skip the test it doesn't create any problem
[08:00] <seb128> but ideally we should run it, it's better
[08:00] <seb128> I commented with a needsfixing on the merge reques
[08:01] <seb128> t
[08:01] <ogra_> except the phones wont be green in the tests unless we SRU a change to the list :)
[08:02] <seb128> how so?
[08:02] <seb128> that's a skip
[08:02] <seb128> so tests are going to be green
[08:02] <ogra_> i doubt we will work with U images on them
[08:02] <seb128> just with 1 less test running
[08:02] <seb128> it's virtually like if that test was not there
[08:02] <seb128> it's not red
[08:03] <ogra_> indeed, but only dogfooding will find IMEI issues then
[08:03] <Laney> hello
[08:03] <ogra_> (imagine the meizu returns only UTF16 data because its a chinese model :) )
[08:04] <mlankhorst> UCS-2 :p
[08:04] <seb128> ogra_, not sure why we keep discussing it, as said I put a needsfixing on the merge proposal ;-)
[08:04] <seb128> Laney, good morning!
[08:04] <ogra_> yeah, sorry
[08:06] <Laney> yeah I don't understand the need for that restriction to be honest, it should check that we show 'N/A' with no IMEI and the right one with it
[08:07] <Laney> should be fixable
[08:07] <Laney> more generally I don't understand this "file a bug then ping people about it on irc immediately" thing
[08:07] <Laney> we get bug mail
[08:07] <seb128> Laney, shrug, can we stop arguing about the restriction, it was an error and is needsfixing :p
[08:08] <Laney> didn't argue
[08:08] <seb128> ok, then +1 to what you said ;-)
[08:09] <seb128> that mp has some
[08:09] <seb128> 249 + @skipIf(
[08:09] <seb128> 250 + model() == 'Desktop',
[08:09] <seb128> if you dislike those please comment on the merge request
[08:09] <seb128> (they are used for the system image tests and getprop call)
[08:10] <seb128> in fact let me comment, ideally we would just check for the dbus name or the service/command to be there
[08:11] <Laney> seb128: already commented
[08:11] <seb128> thanks
[08:21] <Laney> oh now I get an apparmor denial notification when opening empathy
[08:21] <seb128> I should install those notifications
[08:22] <seb128> Laney, btw, reading your comment about handling N/A reminded me that we have a WI to hide the serial/imei lines rather than display N/A, I think you even took the ownership of the item some weeks ago?
[08:22] * seb128 checks
[08:23] <Laney> oh, I forgot then
[08:23] <Laney> (the tests can just as easily check that though)
[08:23] <seb128> [laney] about - imei should be hidden if not available: TODO
[08:23] <Laney> oh ok, lemme do that
[08:23] <seb128> on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-s-system-settings-panels
[08:23] <seb128> Laney, that includes "serial" as well btw
[08:23] <seb128> thanks
[08:24] <seb128> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AboutThisDevice#Phone
[08:24] <seb128> "When being tested/demoed on a PC, the “Serial” and “IMEI” items should not be present. "
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[09:24] <seb128> qengho, mlankhorst: hey, is https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/018af4d271c7e39d1bd68026f129f2a13668f7b1 a mesa of chromium issue?
[09:25] <seb128> "brw->hw_ctx != ((void *)0)" assert
[09:25] <seb128> #4 0x00007fc5bfbc1b25 in brw_get_graphics_reset_status (ctx=<optimized out>) at ../../../../../../../src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_reset.c:43
[09:27] <mlankhorst> I have no idea
[09:27] <mlankhorst> it asserts a hw_context exists, but none does :p
[09:28] <mlankhorst> would have to ask the intel devs
[09:29] <seb128> qengho, mlankhorst: the issue started on march 28th it seems, that doesn't match either mesa nor chromium updates
[09:29] <seb128> hum
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[10:08] <mpt> update-manager just segfaulted, and the error reporting UI didn’t appear. What should I do to report the bug?
[10:13] <seb128> how do you know it segfaulted then?
[10:14] <Laney> Can you please try updating libffi6 first to see if it's the bug that was fixed on Friday?
[10:15] <seb128> right
[10:15] <hikiko> seb128, Laney could you help me with a gtk question?
[10:15] <hikiko> hello btw :)
[10:15] <hikiko> how are you?
[10:17] <seb128> hikiko, hey, good! how are you?
[10:17] <seb128> sure, just ask
[10:17] <hikiko> :)
[10:17] <hikiko> well I was trying to get a widget's size and position (x, y, width, height)
[10:18] <hikiko> and found that I have to use:
[10:18] <hikiko> gtk_widget_realize (self->priv->ui_scale);
[10:18] <hikiko> gtk_widget_get_allocation (self->priv->ui_scale, ui_scale_allocation);
[10:18] <hikiko> but I always get a null allocation struct
[10:19] <hikiko> is there any other way to do it? or should I do something else first?
[10:20] <seb128> hikiko, could you pastebin your code?
[10:21] <attente> hikiko: what if you pass the address of a stack-allocated GtkAllocation?
[10:21] <seb128> but what attente said
[10:22] <seb128> usually you would have a &ui_scale_allocation there
[10:22] <seb128> GtkAllocation ui_scale_allocation;
[10:22] <seb128> gtk_widget_get_allocation (self->priv->ui_scale, &ui_scale_allocation);
[10:22] <hikiko> let me try
[10:22] <hikiko> oh noooes
[10:22] <hikiko> lol
[10:22] <hikiko> people ignore :D
[10:23] <hikiko> I didnt see I dont have a & there
[10:23] <seb128> ;-)
[10:23] * hikiko feels ashamed :p
[10:23] <hikiko> thanks attente seb128 :) +sorry!
[10:23] <seb128> it happens to everyone don't worry ;-)
[10:23] <seb128> yw!
[10:28] <CrazyLemon> Hey guys.. there are some untranslatable strings in 14.04. To be specific in System settings -> Appearance -> Behavior "Show the menus for a window".. who should i bug about that and other similiar issues ?
[10:29] <seb128> CrazyLemon, it's translatable
[10:30] <CrazyLemon> seb128 is it? i cant find it anywhere on LP
[10:30] <seb128> CrazyLemon, what locale do you use?
[10:30] <CrazyLemon> seb128 sl_SI
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[10:30] <seb128> CrazyLemon, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/unity-control-center/+pots/unity-control-center/sl/27/+translate
[10:31] <qengho> seb128: I don't know if it's mesa or chromium. At least it's specific to trusty, and all ubuntu releases have the same chromium version.
[10:31] <CrazyLemon> oh.. ok.. nevermind me then :D
[10:31] <CrazyLemon> tnx seb128
[10:31] <seb128> CrazyLemon, yw
[10:32] <seb128> qengho, it's happening on my trusty machine since this week, let me know if maybe I can help providing info
[10:33] <qengho> seb128: I will. Care to see if later versions have same trouble? https://launchpad.net/~cmiller/+archive/chromium-browser-beta-daily
[10:35] <qengho> seb128: I think that will copy your config directory on each run, so you can test without advancing your config beyond usability by stable when you switch back.
[10:35] <seb128> k
[10:35] <seb128> I don't think I've much "config" anyway
[10:43] <seb128> qengho, same errors
[10:43] <qengho> seb128: thank you.
[10:43] <seb128> yw
[10:44] <seb128> /../../../../src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_reset.c:43: brw_get_graphics_reset_status: Assertion `brw->hw_ctx != ((void *)0)' failed.
[10:44] <seb128> chromium still runs fine btw
[10:44] <seb128> but there are a bunch of those and it triggers apport
[10:44] <seb128> [6:16:0402/124348:ERROR:command_buffer_proxy_impl.cc(160)] Could not send GpuCommandBufferMsg_Initialize.
[10:44] <seb128> is also printerd
[10:44] <seb128> in case that's useful info
[10:46] <qengho> seb128: is there anything interesting in dmesg around that time?
[10:48] <seb128> qengho, no, nothing
[11:24] <Laney> Trevinho: is the force quit dialog ready?
[11:24] <Trevinho> Laney: yes
[11:25] <Trevinho> Laney: I was just hard-testing it
[11:25] <Laney> rocking
[11:25] <Trevinho> but it's ready to go
[11:25] <Laney> I just had firefox hang :(
[11:25] <Trevinho> Laney: you will get rid of it soon :)
[11:25] <Laney> (why is it so bad at handling large text files?)
[11:25] <seb128> Trevinho, andyrock, bregma: not sure if you saw but robert_ancell started looking at the screen not turning off lockscreen issues, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/1292041
[11:25] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1292041 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "Lockscreen doesn't turn off the screen" [Medium,Confirmed]
[11:25] <Trevinho> seb128: yes, I did
[11:26] <Trevinho> seb128: but I had no time in the past days to check the lockscreen, but I could work on it this afternoon
[11:26] <seb128> Trevinho, well, andyrock is working on it no?
[11:26] <seb128> Trevinho, your call, I'm sure you guys have enough bugs for everyone to find stuff to work on ;-)
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[11:26] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah, he should do... but if he needs some help...
[11:26] <Laney> force quit> ok, would be good if you could get it approved today :-)
[11:26] <seb128> right
[11:27] <Trevinho> Laney: yes, I hope so... I guess we'll do a landing
[11:27] <Laney> ideally
[11:27] <Trevinho> seb128: and... I don't want it to be reverted at all... since it's a killer feature :P
[11:27] <seb128> hehe, right
[11:27] <Trevinho> (for the pwoer... :D)
[11:27] <seb128> Laney, Trevinho: there is an unity landing in the CI train on silo 008
[11:28] <seb128> but that doesn't seem to include the quit dialog change :/
[11:28] <Trevinho> seb128: yeah, as it's ready just now
[11:28] * seb128 updates to the ppa to test that version
[11:28] <Laney> no, that's not approved yet
[11:28] <Laney> so we should cler this one out first
[11:28] <Trevinho> if we want the quit dialog in, then we can wait to land I guess
[11:28] <Trevinho> bregma: ^
[11:28] <seb128> right, I'm going to update/test it
[11:28] <seb128> Trevinho, no, just land what is ready and put another one with the next round of things that are ready
[11:29] <Trevinho> seb128: ok
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[13:36] <andyrock> seb128, actually we can try to implement g-s dbus interface in unity
[13:36] <andyrock> it's just few functions
[13:36] <andyrock> at this point is faster
[13:40] <bregma> andyrock, what are the risks?
[13:40] <bregma> and when can it be ready to test?
[13:42] <andyrock> bregma, risks? we just need to implement the "fading to black"
[13:42] <andyrock> and provide one signal and 2-3 dbus methods
[13:43] <andyrock> it's not that easy because we need to respect the same options of g-s
[13:44] <bregma> so the risk is they won't be supported exactly the same and there will be corner cases that don't work: as long as that does not include "does not wake up" or "can not unlock"
[13:48] <xnox> seb128: gir scanner started to behave funny http://paste.ubuntu.com/7194320/
[13:48] <seb128> xnox, why do you tell that to me? I've nothing to do with that component
[13:48] <seb128> xnox, try asking pitti, he maintains the g-i stack
[13:49] <xnox> seb128: ah, ok. Although, maybe it's me. Let me clear builder's $HOME and try again.
[13:51] <xnox> seb128: i always think that you know _everything_ about any glib/gtk/gdk/cairo/etc stacks =)))))
[13:52] <seb128> haha, I know some things, but not a lot about g-i
[13:52] <seb128> there is lot of magic there :p
[13:52] <xnox> seb128: but, you are the expert =) http://www.cnet.com/uk/news/this-is-how-an-engineer-feels-when-hes-surrounded-by-idiots/
[13:52] <seb128> ;-)
[13:52] <xnox> wait, direct link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKorP55Aqvg
[13:54] <kenvandine> xnox, that video would be so much funnier if it wasn't sooooo true
[13:54] <kenvandine> :-D
[13:55] <kenvandine> i've been that expert more than once
[13:55] <xnox> kenvandine: they asked for 7 red lines, all perpendicular, 3 in green ink, the rest invisible... In 3D one can have 3 lines perpendicular to each other (e.g. x-y-z coordinates) using green ink. The rest are invisibles kittens :) jobs done, what's left is to convince the client that's what they have asked for...
[13:55] <xnox> kenvandine: i was extremely happy to move away from customer-facing "consultant - engineer" into R&D role.
[13:55] <kenvandine> hehe... but a kitten isn't a line :)
[13:56] <kenvandine> me too
[13:56] <xnox> kenvandine: doing quotes, negotiations, scoping exercises, implementations was a nightmare.
[13:56] <kenvandine> throwing the kitten in was really what made me start laughing, that was awesome
[14:00] <om26er_> Laney, seb128 I have fixed all concerns in the MR, for when you have time
[14:00] <om26er_> Laney, did you wrote the system upgrade UI ? I have a question
[14:00] <om26er_> *write
[14:03] <Laney> om26er_: no, gatox did that one
[14:03] <om26er_> gatox, Hi
[14:04] <gatox> om26er_, hi
[14:05] <om26er_> gatox, I am working on automated upgrade testing, so wanted to find out if the image was being downloaded, but it seems system-settings is not revealing any property that shows the progress of download
[14:06] <om26er_> gatox, can you point me at the code which has that progress so that I could add a property in qml that I can use through autopilot ?
[14:07] <om26er_> I care about download progress so that my tests know if its still downloading or is stuck due to some reason
[14:09] <gatox> om26er_, here is the progressbar component and you can see how it connects the value property: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/view/head:/plugins/system-update/PageComponent.qml#L378 take into account this is part of a delegate inside a list that will create as many items of that as downloads it has
[14:12] <om26er_> gatox, cool, does modelData.downloadProgress return integers ? (from 1 to 100 ) ?
[14:12] <om26er_> or should I actually rely on 'value' ?
[14:12] <Laney> Isn't checking that the value is equal to the value a bit redundant?
[14:12] <Laney> Assuming that's what you're going to do
[14:13] <gatox> om26er_, yes, 1 to 100..... but modelData.downloadProgress is only useful if you want to track only the system updates, not click updates
[14:14] <om26er_> gatox, yes, system updates is that I care in this case.
[14:14] <om26er_> gatox, also is logging into ubuntu one a hard requirement now to get system image update ?
[14:15] <gatox> om26er_, no, that is for click updates
[14:16] <om26er_> gatox, guess I found a bug then, If I flash clean (--bootstrap) it always says about missing credentials, no way to go forward unless I add my UOne login
[14:16] <gatox> om26er_, it should notify about missing credentials, but show system updates anyway if there is any
[14:17] <om26er_> gatox, aah so it keeps checking in the background ? and if it finds one starts showing progress ?
[14:18] <xnox> seb128: who are the deja-dup megaminds? I see test-suite failures and not sure how to resolve them. Yet i need to build/upload deja-dup, to drop u1.
[14:18] <gatox> om26er_, no showing progress..... it should show an item and you should click "download" as always
[14:18] <om26er_> gatox, btw it seems the latest update to system-settings broke the 'UPDATE' property http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/view/head:/plugins/system-update/PageComponent.qml#L103 as it never changes to UPDATE even when it is available. it was working with previous version
[14:18] <kenvandine> xnox, that's mterry
[14:18] <mterry> xnox, hello
[14:19] <mterry> xnox, can I see what the test suite failures are?
[14:19] <xnox> mterry: current deja-dup fails for me with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7194450/
[14:19] <xnox> mterry: let me do a fuller pastebin.
[14:19] <xnox> mterry: maybe it wants a clean $HOME?
[14:19] <om26er_> gatox, ok, i am flashing to latest image - 1 to check if its working like that.
[14:19] <mterry> xnox, they should be making their own fake /tmp home
[14:20] <om26er_> so i would assume if we are fully upto date we don't have a way to confirm that from the UI anymore unless we login to UOne ?
[14:20] <seb128> xnox, mterry is
[14:20] <xnox> mterry: actually exporting a fake HOME ahead of time makes it pass. I'll fudge it into the debian/rules test target for now =)
[14:21] <Laney> yeah make a debian/tmp-home, I've done that a few times
[14:22] <mterry> xnox, so you're just dropping the U1 feature? What is the experience for people upgrading?
[14:23] <xnox> mterry: they need to select new target for backups, and they can't restore u1 backups.
[14:23] <xnox> mterry: there are gazzion of other options, e.g. they can pick to backup to e.g. ~/DropBox
[14:24] <mterry> xnox, is there a dialog about that or do automatic backups just stop happening?
[14:25] <hikiko> seb128, Trevinho gtk question :/
[14:25] <xnox> mterry: don't know, did not test. It is functional with u1 dropped. But i'm not currently using deja-dup. I can run a full test of backup to u1 -> upgrade to u1-less deja-dup -> file bugs =)
[14:26] <hikiko> from the gtk_window_move documentation:
[14:26] <hikiko> Asks the window manager to move window to the given position. Window managers are free to ignore this; most window managers ignore requests for initial window positions (instead using a user-defined placement algorithm) and honor requests after the window has already been shown.
[14:26] <hikiko> is it possible that compiz just ignores the move request?
[14:27] <mterry> xnox, I'm just nervous of people upgrading and thinking everything is fine when it's not
[14:28] <Trevinho> hikiko: it generally works
[14:28] <Trevinho> hikiko: I'm using it on the force-quit dialog and it works
[14:28] <Trevinho> hikiko: unless your dialogue has not a fixed size, but it generally works
[14:29] <hikiko> I am not using a dialogue
[14:29] <hikiko> I am trying to move
[14:29] <hikiko> the u-c-c window
[14:30] <hikiko> where is the force quit dialogue?
[14:30] <hikiko> I might need to do something first
[14:30] <hikiko> eg realize?
[14:30] <hikiko> no
[14:31] <Trevinho> hikiko: you can movea window only after that it has been presented to screen
[14:31] <hikiko> !
[14:31] <hikiko> so I render first
[14:31] <Trevinho> hikiko: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/forcequit-dialog/+merge/213832
[14:31] <hikiko> and then I move it
[14:31] <hikiko> mm and another question
[14:32] <hikiko> I can't find a way to get the root window, I calculate the target positions based on the screen size and the ucc win atm
[14:32] <hikiko> but if I had the root window it would be much easier
[14:33] <hikiko> (because relative positions to the root == absolute coordinates)
[14:33] <Trevinho> ah so you want the abs coords
[14:33] <Trevinho> hikiko: use https://developer.gnome.org/gdk3/stable/gdk3-Windows.html#gdk-window-get-origin
[14:33] <hikiko> yes, I calculate them with gtk_translate_coordinates atm
[14:33] <hikiko> let me see
[14:34] <Trevinho> you can use that, on the gdk window of the gtk window
[14:34] <hikiko> cool! :D I think that's exactly what I was looking for!
[14:34] <hikiko> thank you
[14:34] <hikiko> :)
[14:36] <xnox> mterry: rm: cannot remove ‘/home/xnox/canonical/build-area/deja-dup-30.0/debian/tmp-home/.gvfs’: Device or resource busy
[14:36] <xnox> not sure how to "unmount gvfs"
[14:37] <mterry> huh
[14:37] <mterry> xnox, that's from a make check?
[14:37] <xnox> fusermount -u =)
[14:37] <xnox> mterry: yeah, from ctest stuff - which seems what dh_auto_test calls.
[14:40] <mterry> xnox, ok will try to reproduce
[14:42] <om26er> gatox, hey! I flashed it to a newer image. Now when I open updates page it just says ' Credentials not found' and then 'please log into Ubuntu One account...' and then 'auto download' list items
[14:42] <om26er> want me to log a bug for that ? if we are sure that's a bug
[14:42] <gatox> om26er, weird
[14:42] <rvr> seb128: Do you know why helper-launch-system-settings/+merge/213450 hasn't been merged in trunk? You approved it
[14:42] <xnox> mterry: i think it's passing in sbuild, with fake home, and me unmounting all gvfs ahead of build, and cleaning up the created gvfs post-built. So i think i'm ok. (as in this is not high priority)
[14:43] <xnox> mterry: i'll send merge proposal of my patches, and packaging i'll just commit it.
[14:43] <mterry> xnox, sounds like a lot of workarounds :-/
[14:43] <gatox> om26er, yes... but i don't know when i would have time to look at it... is there anyone else working on system settings?? I'm working on something else right now
[14:44] <om26er> gatox, that's probably a question for seb128 or Laney ?
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[14:45] <seb128> om26er, gatox: settings are mostly a best effort project, no dedicated team
[14:46] <seb128> rvr, because landing go through CI train, the merge back to trunk only happens once the package is in the Ubuntu release serie
[14:46] <rvr> seb128: Oh, right
[14:47] <om26er> seb128, that sounds "great" ;)
[14:47] <Trevinho> seb128: can you still reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1283775?
[14:47] <Trevinho> because I can't
[14:47] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1283775 in unity (Ubuntu) "Launcher: icon pips are not always updated properly" [High,Confirmed]
[14:47] <Laney> om26er: weird, I don't see that and I'm not logged in either
[14:47] <om26er> Laney, image # ?
[14:47] <Laney> dunno, I heard the latest doesn't start
[14:47] <om26er> Laney, you do see 'credentials not found; ?
[14:47] <Laney> shall I update?
[14:47] <Laney> no
[14:48] <seb128> Trevinho, yes, with today's landing
[14:48] <om26er> I had always thought that was April Fools joke
[14:48] <seb128> Trevinho, click on nautilus in the launcher, then right click on nautilus in the launchpad and pick "open new win"
[14:48] <Laney> anyway, really best if gatox can find some time to work on polishing his landing
[14:48] <Laney> neither of us know that code well enough ...
[14:48] <Trevinho> seb128: I get two pips..
[14:48] <Laney> ok, updating then
[14:49] <seb128> Trevinho, try again :p
[14:49] <seb128> Trevinho, it happens every 3 try or so for me
[14:49] <Trevinho> ok, got it
[14:50] <om26er> gatox, question, is there a way to put UbuntuOne credentials somewhere before running our tests so that we don't need to add tests
[14:51] <om26er> ...so that we don't need to add a new account each time we run the tests
[14:52] <gatox> om26er, yes.... as the current test does (but it adds fake creds, those won't be useful to download real clicks from the server)
[14:52] <Laney> om26er: oh yeah, now I see that
[14:52] <Laney> boo
[14:52] <Trevinho> seb128: got once, then not anymore... :(
[14:53] <Laney> I guess this is the first time I'm running with the click updates
[14:53] <seb128> Trevinho, it's happening quite often here
[14:53] <Laney> We should have had a design for this authentication before doing the work
[14:54] <seb128> the auth is for clicks
[14:54] <seb128> it's not needed for system images
[14:54] <Laney> I know
[14:54] <om26er> gatox, is that test code in ubutnu-system-settings i.e. the one with fake credentials. I am sure that way we can fool the app to not stop us from downloading system updates
[14:54] <Trevinho> seb128: can you give me the output of gdbus monitor --session --dest org.ayatana.bamf --object-path /org/ayatana/bamf/application/1855564622 ?
[14:54] <Trevinho> that's the nautilus object path fyi
[14:54] <Laney> Does it still let you download the system updates without authenticating?
[14:54] <Trevinho> seb128: just run it before and keep it running when opening/closing please
[14:55] <gatox> om26er, che the line: os.environ["IGNORE_CREDENTIALS"] = "True" in test_system_updates.py
[14:55] <gatox> om26er, that one is to get ignore credentials
[14:55] <om26er> gatox, thanks I'll look into that
[14:56] <seb128> Trevinho, ok
[14:56] <seb128> Laney, yes
[14:56] <Trevinho> seb128: thanks
[14:57] <seb128> Trevinho, what's the easiest way to get the object path for nautilus?
[14:57] <Laney> ok, then I guess just the presentation needs work
[14:57] <Trevinho> seb128: that one should be universal (as it's the hash of its path=
[14:57] <seb128> Trevinho, btw it's not specific to nautilus, gedit does the same
[14:57] <Trevinho> but...
[14:57] <Trevinho> seb128: but... run nautilus and do
[14:57] <Trevinho> gdbus monitor --session --dest org.ayatana.bamf --object-path "$(gdbus call --session --dest org.ayatana.bamf --object-path /org/ayatana/bamf/matcher --method org.ayatana.bamf.matcher.ApplicationForXid $(wnckprop --list |grep -i Home|cut -f1 -d:) | cut -f2 -d"'")"
[14:58] <seb128> Trevinho, you are right, it's the same
[14:59] <seb128> Trevinho, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7194636/
[15:00] <seb128> Trevinho, l10 is where it stops when opening the second windows
[15:00] <seb128> Trevinho, l11&12 are added when I focussed back my command line, and the pips got updated when that happened
[15:01] <Trevinho> seb128: so, bamf-side all seems right...
[15:01] <Trevinho> at least, daemon side
[15:06] <seb128> rvr, om26er: ok, changes merged in trunk
[15:06] <rvr> seb128: Manually?
[15:06] <om26er> seb128, wow! great :)
[15:06] <seb128> rvr, no, through normal CI train landing (it was ongoing when you guys pinged earlier)
[15:10] <seb128> om26er, you need to rebase your branch btw
[15:11] <om26er> seb128, on trunk ?
[15:11] <seb128> yes, Laney did a bug fix on the about panel, hiding imei/serial rather than displaying n/a
[15:11] <seb128> which landed with that round
[15:11] <om26er> seb128, so skip on desktop sounds fine ?
[15:12] <seb128> no
[15:12] <seb128> desktop is a false thing
[15:13] <seb128> ogra has the issue with phones without a sim and imei
[15:13] <seb128> you can't special case form factor or devices
[15:13] <ogra_> well, every tablet has
[15:13] <seb128> it's really whether the feature is there or not
[15:13] <seb128> ogra_, yeah, I'm just saying, we can't filter on "desktop"
[15:13] <Laney> Check the IMEI and if it's not there check the entry is hidden
[15:13] <Laney> and vice versa, same for serial
[15:15] <ogra_> right, and even "desktop" might have 3G modems nowadays ...
[15:17] <seb128> time for exercice, be back in 1 hour
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[17:00] <om26er> seb128, Done. merged with trunk and resolved new conflicts.
[17:01] <seb128> om26er, thanks
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[17:07] <Laney> cyphermox: any opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-modeswitch/+bug/1280546 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-modeswitch-data/+bug/1280548 ?
[17:07] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1280546 in usb-modeswitch (Ubuntu) "[FFe] sync current version of usb-modeswitch 2.1.0+repack0-1 from Debian testing (Trusty has 2 years old version)" [Wishlist,Triaged]
[17:07] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1280548 in usb-modeswitch-data (Ubuntu) "[FFe] sync latest version of usb-modeswitch-data 20140327-1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Triaged]
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[18:08] <cyphermox> Laney: yeah, I think it shouldn't be synced; it was ported to C for a reason
[18:08] <cyphermox> Laney: not sure whether it's still relevant and if we should just ignore this and sync it
[18:11] <cyphermox> as I recall it was ported so as to not have the impact of loading a tcl interpreter at boot time to switch devices which may or may not be connected, but it only happens if there is a modem device connected, so maybe it's not worth the trouble
[18:11] <cyphermox> upstream never seemed to be very fond of having a C port of the app
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[18:45] <mterry> xnox, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/deja-dup/drop-u1/+merge/213904 is my changes on top of yours
[18:48] <mterry> robru, got time for a Deja Dup review for old times sake? :) ^
[18:48] <mterry> (not urgent)
[18:50] <robru> mterry, haha sure
[18:53] <robru> mterry, lets get that in a silo, eh?
[18:53] <robru> mterry, or maybe it should go along with some of the other u1-removal branches I saw for other projects
[18:53] <mterry> robru, Uh... I never really considered it so tightly coupled to Ubuntu
[18:53] <robru> mterry, oh, I just have silos on the brain ;-)
[18:54] <mterry> robru, well. This is upstream changes, not to distro. I think xnox already uploaded something for deja-dup to trusty, but I actually want to see my further changes hit distro too
[18:55] <robru> mterry, ok
[18:56] <mterry> robru, (my further changes being the ones that throw up an error, telling users something is wrong)
[18:57] <robru> mterry, so how do you normally do it? "upstream release" + manual distro upload? I just suggested citrain because (for me) it's the easiest possible way to get something in distro quickly.
[18:58] <mterry> robru, that is how I do it yeha
[18:58] <robru> YEEEHAW! ;-)
[18:58] <mterry> :)
[18:59] <mterry> robru, I agree that citrain is sexy sauce nowadays. But I have other distros that consume deja-dup
[19:00] <robru> mterry, true. alright, i'll leave it with you then
[19:45] <robert_ancell> bregma, do you want to land lp:~robert-ancell/lightdm/usc-hardware-cursor before the mir changes land? It will break the existing u8 session I think (since u-s-c/mir exits if given an unknown command line flag still?)
[19:47] <bregma> robert_ancell, could they both go in the same silo and land together?
[19:47] <robert_ancell> bregma, we're not using silos for lightdm at the moment
[19:47] <robert_ancell> bregma, my default position is to land once the mir changes land
[19:47] <bregma> mmmm
[19:47] <bregma> then yes, that is the preferred route to take
[19:47] <robert_ancell> ok, I'll do that
[19:50] <robert_ancell> bregma, actually running u-s-c from the command line suggests it does ignore unknown args - can you test that? (new lightdm, current u-s-c)
[19:52] <bregma> robert_ancell, sure, give me a few minutes
[19:57] <bregma> robert_ancell, u-s-c runs despite the unknown arg, seems everything is copacetic
[19:58] <robert_ancell> bregma, awesome, I'll land that now then
[19:58] <bregma> of course, now I have no cursor, dang it
[19:59] <robert_ancell> bregma, use your third eye :)
[20:00] <bregma> ah, visualization: I must keep the cursor centered and follow the middle way
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[22:23] <cyphermox> xnox: hey
[22:25] <cyphermox> xnox: so I think it's probably fine to drop bluez-gstreamer from the desktop seed if nothing on the image requires gstreamer0.10
[22:25] <cyphermox> it certainly doesn't seem to break anything to remove it
[23:08] <xnox> cyphermox: yeah \o/
[23:08] <xnox> cyphermox: i think i've removed all other 0.10 users of the desktop image today, but will check.