UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /02 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[02:42] <jono> pleia2, around?
[02:42] <pleia2> jono: yep
[02:42] <jono> pleia2, thanks, will msg you
[06:41] <dholbach> good morning
[10:14] <dholbach> dpm_, popey: relocating to the office, brb
[10:15] <dpm_> ok!
[10:51] <jose> popey: hey! you'll be hosting today's app clinic for Jouni, right?
[10:51] <popey> jose: excellent timing, just spoke to them and we're postponing this week, because we have insufficient content
[10:51] <popey> going to make a blog post instead
[10:51] <jose> sounds good to me
[10:52] <popey> will let you know if we do it next week or week after
[10:52] <popey> might be good to do one on the last day of the app showdown (next week)
[10:52] <popey> as we'll likely have some stuff to review
[10:52] <jose> awesome, just let me posted and I'll make sure everything's good to go
[10:53] <jose> s/let/keep/
[10:53] * jose is still a bit sleepy
[10:54] <popey> jose: thanks!
[10:54] <jose> np :)
[13:17] <AskUbuntu> Ubuntu keyboard shortcut guidelines? | http://askubuntu.com/q/442390
[15:37] <jcastro> mhall119, is that streaming call today?
[15:58] <mhall119> jcastro: yes, regular time still
[16:03] <dholbach> all right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :)
[16:03] <SergioMeneses> take care dholbach !
[16:04] <dholbach> you too :-)
[16:53] <snwh> ubuntu open week, someone perhaps jose, approached me for a logo
[16:53] <jcastro> mhall119, is this update in 7 minutes
[16:53] <jcastro> or 1 hour and 7 minutes?
[16:54] <pleia2> snwh: probably jose :)
[16:55] <pleia2> snwh: ah yes < jose> pleia2: hey, I was thinking on having a new OpenWeek logo, maybe we can ask Sam Hewitt about it?
[16:55] <pleia2> snwh: I'm also on the classroom team that's helping to organize open week
[16:56] <snwh> well this was something i came up with: http://snwh.org/stuff/ubuntu-open-week.svg
[16:56] <snwh> thoughts?
[16:59] <mhall119> jcastro: 1 hour
[16:59] <mhall119> 1800 UTC
[17:00] <jcastro> lol I suck
[17:47] <pleia2> snwh: so we have to be careful about manipulating the ubuntu logo http://design.ubuntu.com/brand/ubuntu-logo
[17:47] <pleia2> I like the idea, I'm just not sure how acceptable it is to break the CoF in that way
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[18:09] <snwh> pleia2, there is that. I was trying to be clever with it. the circle of friends with one arm open :)
[18:23] <jcastro> http://wmpoweruser.com/microsoft-introduces-universal-windows-apps/
[18:23] <jcastro> " Developers will be able to have device specific and shared code and will be able to easily test the app on both Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 emulator."
[18:23] <jcastro> sounds so familiar!
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[21:11] <jose> snwh: I like it, but pleia2 is right - we don't want anyone into troubles
[21:11] <jose> or anyone getting letters from legal canonipeople
[22:44] <jono> jose, ping?