UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /02 /#ubuntu-ci-eng.txt
Initial commit
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
=== alesage is now known as alesage|afk
[01:26] <Saviq> robru, cyphermox, +1 on rebuilt silo 015
[01:27] <Saviq> so, +3 in total :)
[01:39] <tedg> Silo4 is ready to publish
[01:53] <cyphermox> ok, will look at both shortly
[01:58] <Saviq> ok then... o/
[02:05] <imgbot> === trainguard: IMAGE 273 building (started: 20140402 02:05) ===
[02:07] <ToyKeeper> ... and that's what I've been waiting to test.
[02:55] <veebers> ToyKeeper: do you know how long it normally takes from the 'started' message until we can flash that image?
[02:56] <robru> veebers, an hour
[02:56] <veebers> robru: ah awesome, thanks robru :-)
[02:56] <robru> veebers, you're welcome
[02:57] <robru> bregma, sorry, was at dinner. you got silo 8
[03:05] <ToyKeeper> In the spirit of April Fools Day, I should mark all the image 273 tests as "green -- ship it!"
[03:14] <veebers> robru: another query for you :-) will imgbot state when the image is ready and can be flashed?
[03:15] <robru> veebers, yes, imgbot pings again at the exact moment that the new image is flashable.
[03:15] <veebers> robru: sweet thanks
[03:15] <robru> veebers, you're welcome
[03:17] <cyphermox> ToyKeeper: I rather all red :)
[03:17] <thomi> ... April 1st was yesterday ;)
[03:17] <cyphermox> thomi: it's still on for another 45 minutes here
[03:18] <cyphermox> :D
[03:20] <ToyKeeper> As soon as it's April 2 in UTC+11, it should be safe to use the internet again. ;P
[03:21] <ToyKeeper> Er, UTC-11, I mean. ;P
[03:25] <robru> ugh, only 8:25 here...
[03:26] <robru> good news everyone! (tedg, Saviq): I published silos 4 and 15 ;-)
[03:32] <cyphermox> oh, shoot.
[03:32] <cyphermox> robru: thumbnailer is still in unapproved.
[03:33] <cyphermox> and I see it wasn't in the touch ffe
[03:35] <imgbot> === trainguard: IMAGE 273 DONE (finished: 20140402 03:35) ===
[03:35] <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/273.changes ===
[03:42] <robru> cyphermox, how could thumbnailer not be in the touch ffe? isn't it a touch-only thing?
[03:42] <cyphermox> seems to me like it should be yeah, I'm trying to figure out why it's not in the list
[03:42] <cyphermox> but yeah, grepping the page says it's not mentioned at all
[03:43] <robru> cyphermox, I wonder if it's a new component or something? in any case just add it to the list, I don't think anybody will mind
[03:44] <cyphermox> not that I know, it started getting landed in saucy
[03:44] <cyphermox> (at least according to lp)
[03:49] <robru> bbl
[03:58] <cyphermox> yuck yuck yukc
[03:58] <cyphermox> Saviq: still around?
[04:04] <Mirv> morning
[04:04] <Mirv> cyphermox: thumbnailer is part of ubuntu/xubuntu/edubuntu since it's required by UITK which is required by probably webapps :S
[04:05] <Mirv> so it's not purely "touch only"
[04:05] <cyphermox> robru: btw, thumbnailer is seeded everywhere via qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin; because checkbox-gui requires it
[04:05] <cyphermox> Mirv: I know
[04:05] <Mirv> right ^
[04:05] <cyphermox> or yeah, webapps
[04:05] <cyphermox> but I think checkbox is a more likely culprit on things like edubuntu and xubuntu
[04:06] <cyphermox> I'm not sure, but I'd expect them to rip out webapps; though I may be wrong
[04:06] <Mirv> true
[04:07] <cyphermox> heh, then again indeed maybe it is unity-webapps-qml
[04:07] <cyphermox> in any case, this is disgusting
[04:09] <Mirv> well, ui-toolkit itself went through in a day too
[04:31] <veebers> robru: when you say you published silo 15, that means that it's contained in the latest image 273?
[04:46] <cyphermox> veebers: no
[04:47] <veebers> cyphermox: ah ok, thanks for clarifying. Does it mean it'll be in the next image?
[04:47] <veebers> cyphermox: hmm, I guess I'm asking when will the fixes it contain be contained in an image :-)
[04:47] <cyphermox> there's a snag; thumbnailer slipped through the cracks and is still in the unapproved queue, it will take a bit to deal with
[04:47] <cyphermox> best I can tell you right now is "sometime tomorrow"
[04:50] <veebers> cyphermox: ok, thanks again for the clarification.
[05:43] <cyphermox> Mirv: I'm off to bed considering I should be up again in only a little more than 4 hours
[05:43] <cyphermox> Mirv: if you want you can try to bribe an archive admin to let thumbnailer in in exchange for beer, considering it's just adding a Provides
[05:44] <cyphermox> I'm not overly happy with how this worked though, although it's in part my fault for not checking more thoroughly to make sure it was safe
[05:51] <ToyKeeper> Well, it took about 2 whole minutes to make image 273 lock up.
[05:51] <Mirv> yeah, I'll consider bribing
[05:59] <cyphermox> ToyKeeper: yay
[06:00] <cyphermox> Mirv: good day!
[06:00] * cyphermox logs off
[06:13] <Mirv> good night :)
[06:49] <psivaa> ogra_: didrocks: and anyone interested in the test results on manta.. the (2) devices are not showing up under adb in the lab. hence can't get the results until someone from the IS goes direct and resurrect both of them
[06:49] <didrocks> psivaa: ok, thanks for the head's up
[07:25] <psivaa> didrocks: just sent an email about the image status of 272 and 273( upto now). I need to run some emergency errands and not sure if i'll be back before the meeting.
[07:25] <didrocks> psivaa: no worry! thanks for the update (just received your email :))
[07:25] <psivaa> didrocks: yw :)
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk
[07:36] <ogra_> didrocks, bah, cu2d doesnt respect multiple changelog entries it seems (i explicitly built lxc-android-config with -v to get all four versions shown in the changelog)
[07:37] <didrocks> ogra_: hum? cu2d doesn't resign anything
[07:37] <didrocks> ogra_: so it doesn't change the .changes file
[07:37] <didrocks> ogra_: see: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc-android-config/0.155
[07:37] <ogra_> didrocks, hmm, something did ... i wonder if its the PPA itself
[07:38] <didrocks> ogra_: it's a bug in the launchpad copy API. Nothing to do with cu2dd
[07:38] <ogra_> didrocks, right, see the changes ML
[07:38] <didrocks> cu2d*
[07:38] <didrocks> so "bah"
[07:38] <ogra_> well it got lost somewhere ;)
[07:38] <didrocks> ogra_: yeah, and it's not cu2d
[07:39] <ogra_> yeah, sorry, i meant the whole process when saying cu2d
[07:39] <didrocks> ogra_: you should really use a branch, at least, you will just click "rebuild" adding a new MP, and all will be in one shot :)
[07:41] <Mirv> bzoltan: need a silo?
[07:42] <bzoltan> Mirv: what a service :) Sure I could use one for quick landing
[07:42] <didrocks> Mirv: FYI, I asked to get unity8 unstuck from proposed (see #ubuntu-release)
[07:48] <ogra_> imgbot, status 273
[07:49] <imgbot> Image 273 test results on mako - Total: 667, Pass: 666, Crashes: 0, Rate: 99.7%
[07:49] <ogra_> oh, it was fast today :)
[07:50] <didrocks> yeah :)
[07:50] <Mirv> bzoltan: landing-007 it is
[07:50] <ogra_> ah, still syncing ... thats why there are no crashes yet
[07:50] <didrocks> ogra_: false hope! :p
[07:50] <Mirv> didrocks: thanks, I asked for approving thumbnailer earlier which was blocking it first
[07:51] <didrocks> Mirv: ah, it was in unapproved?
[07:51] <didrocks> and stuck there?
[07:51] <Mirv> didrocks: yep, since it's seeded elsewhere. but infi_nity accepted it then.
[07:51] <Mirv> there was only the addition of Provides line over there
[07:52] <didrocks> great
[08:06] <ogra_> imgbot, status 273
[08:06] <imgbot> Image 273 test results on mako - Total: 668, Pass: 667, Crashes: 5, Rate: 99.7%
[08:06] <ogra_> oh ?
[08:06] <ogra_> 5 crashes ?
[08:10] <popey> jenkins experts.. how do I find the .debs built by this:- https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/qtorganizer5-eds-trusty-amd64-ci/ ?
[08:12] <sil2100> popey: on the first look of it, they don't seem to be exported
[08:24] <popey> sil2100: does that mean it didnt build?
[08:25] <seb128> hum
[08:25] <seb128> https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/58560a4ce3c2e52baaaa19390dc28579e7f5e8c3 tops e.u.c today
[08:25] <seb128> click (gi._glib.GError) /usr/bin/click@86 → main → run
[08:25] <seb128> "gi._glib.GError: Error opening directory '/home/famost/.cache/url-dispatcher/click-urls': Permission denied"
[08:26] <seb128> just as fyi, in case that's not known
[08:26] <seb128> cjwatson, ^
[08:28] <sil2100> popey: it seems it built correctly but jenkins didn't export the debs anywhere for download - or maybe you have ssh access to that jenkins instance?
[08:28] <popey> i do not
[08:29] <ogra_> hmm, so am i running oxide now when i start a webapp ?
[08:31] <popey> ogra_: is oxide even installed?
[08:31] <popey> i see no packages with ox in the name
[08:31] <ogra_> yes, liboxide entered in 273
[08:31] <popey> so it is
[08:31] <ogra_> and we have a new webbrowser app
[08:32] <ogra_> whihc i was expecting to use it
[08:32] <popey> but webapps use webapp-container though, right?
[08:32] <ogra_> but i was kind of expecting it to be a lot snappier etc
[08:32] <didrocks> ogra_: I don't think it's activated until people use the new framework
[08:32] <popey> ah
[08:32] <didrocks> dbarth explained that yesterday during the meeting
[08:32] <ogra_> ah, i thought the last change activated it
[08:32] <didrocks> are you listening guys? :p
[08:32] <popey> yeah, but he's french.. so you know.. ☻
[08:32] <didrocks> davmor2: around?
=== psivaa-afk is now known as psivaa
[08:42] <dbarth> hey, so to the question, only apps with the new framework take advantage of oxide
[08:42] <dbarth> ogra_: for example, the new facebook or twitter should use that, i uploaded them to the store yesterday
[08:42] <dbarth> is there already an image i can try with the new oxide runtime included?
[08:42] <ogra_> dbarth, so my handfull of webapps needs to change that in the manifest ?
[08:43] <ogra_> (do we have some developer guide what to do ?)
[08:43] <dbarth> ogra_: yup
[08:43] <dbarth> ogra_: there's a wiki page for that
[08:43] <dbarth> hang on
[08:45] <dbarth> see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/WebAppsConfinement and the new 14.04 section in particular
[08:45] <ogra_> thanks !!
[08:46] <Saviq> Mirv, hey, can I help with the thumbnailer situation in any way?
[08:47] <Mirv> Saviq: it was resolved in the morning. then, didier unlocked another promotion blocking issue. I'm wondering though why it's still not migrating.
[08:48] <Saviq> Mirv, right, there's a bunch of things from silo 015 that didn't migrate yet - unity8, ubuntu-touch-session, lxc-android-config, qtubuntu....
[08:49] <Mirv> Saviq: thumbnailer was blocking most of it earlier, now that shouldn't be the issue
=== vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: vila | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
[08:50] <ogra_> davmor2, wow, thanks for the gmail tip ... G+ is sooo much snappier !
[08:52] <davmor2> ogra_: pleasure
[08:54] <davmor2> popey: facebook isn't as pretty
[08:56] <davmor2> dbarth: ^ in the facebook webapp if there is an image in the feed it scrolls off the page and there is no way to scroll it over to see the rest, also in a couple of the app G+ and Facebook I see a scrollbar down the side should that be there?
[08:56] <davmor2> popey: ^
[08:57] <dbarth> the scrollbar should go away at some point
[08:58] <dbarth> but that's a standard feature of blink
[08:58] <dbarth> chris & olivier are planning to remove that on touch devices
[08:58] <davmor2> dbarth: oh interesting the images only screw up on a first run. I closed FB and reopened it and now they fit in the tile
[08:58] <dbarth> davmor2: however, what is the scroll story where you can't scroll it over?
[09:01] <davmor2> dbarth: first run after a login to facebook you get the tile with the text in and then the image below that that goes off the page and then the comment below that. The image it appears should scale to fit in the width of the tile which it does if you reopen the app, however doesn't when you first open it
[09:02] <dbarth> davmor2: did the UI look weird on first run? ie, do you think FB served a different style of UI (WAP style) whereas now you have the modern UI?
[09:02] <dbarth> we've seen that happen because we were not sending the same UA string to their servers on all requests
[09:03] <dbarth> and so we were ending up with a funky interface or low-res images
[09:03] <dbarth> however, oxide is supposed to fixing that, whereas qtwebkit had a bug deep inside where the UA string could be wrong for certain requests (like images off of a CDN)
[09:03] <davmor2> dbarth: I'd have to check but I think it looked the same. I need to disappear for a bit I'll try and remove my creds and login and grab a screenshot
[09:04] <dbarth> keep us posted, and file bugs on webbrowser-app when you spot issues
[09:04] <dbarth> ok
[09:04] <dbarth> make sure you remove cookies and files in .local/share/<app id>
[09:05] <sil2100> didrocks: strange, enabling proposed on my device and installing all of the packages stucked in -proposed doesn't cause any problems, it upgrades nicely - digging further
[09:08] <didrocks> sil2100: ok, then, just poke on #ubuntu-release. Britney may need some hints
[09:16] <popey> dbarth: I'm getting some odd errors with my webapps in #273 and my webapp fails to start http://paste.ubuntu.com/7193477/
[09:16] <popey> notably line 12 and 13 should not appear at all, as they are required parameters
[09:16] <popey> also note line 25
[09:17] <popey> and line 30
[09:17] <popey> my .desktop file has this as the exec Exec=webapp-container --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=https?://giffgaff.com/* http://giffgaff.com/?m=1
[09:19] <dbarth> popey: do you have a click or branch i can try?
[09:19] <popey> sure
[09:19] <dbarth> popey: the parameter errors are mostly noise, unfortunately, but the parameters are taken into account i think
[09:21] <popey> dbarth: http://people.canonical.com/~alan/com.popey.giffgaff_0.4_all.click and https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/+junk/giffgaff
[09:21] <dbarth> ok
[09:21] <popey> dbarth: I'm seeing apparmor failures in dmesg
[09:22] <popey> dbarth: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7193491/
[09:22] <dbarth> popey: you need to add the webview policy_group
[09:23] <dbarth> that explains the apparmor rejects you're seeing
[09:23] <popey> ah
[09:23] <popey> ok, thanks
[09:23] <dbarth> eh, yeah, been there done that ;)
[09:23] <dbarth> it's a bit tricky
[09:23] <popey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/WebAppsConfinement need some love
[09:25] <popey> dbarth: added that and it still fails to start..
[09:25] <dbarth> same rejects?
[09:26] <popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7193499/
[09:26] <dbarth> hmm, weird
[09:27] <popey> lets start clean ☻
[09:27] * popey wipes his phone and makes some tea
[09:33] <davmor2> dbarth: the images aren't expanding like they were so I might do a fresh flash but this should give you and idea http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/fb-image.png notice how the image is bigger than the text tile it sits on the stream is static on a width of the tile so if the image goes off the screen you can't scroll to the right to see the rest
[09:39] <didrocks> thostr_: hey, any news on the tasks/issues you are assigned to on the landing email?
[09:40] <thostr_> didrocks: yes, working on it. click scope fix is under testing right now, mediascanner is in the works (one waiting for more info) and saviq with work on the other ones
[09:40] <thostr_> didrocks: will answer the mail in some moments
[09:40] <didrocks> thostr_: thanks! any ETA on the click scope fix?
[09:41] <didrocks> thostr_: as I think the crashers are getting lower, so it will be the last blocker
[09:41] <thostr_> didrocks: 2 hours....
[09:41] <didrocks> thostr_: perfect!
[09:41] <didrocks> thostr_: you can even take 3 :p
[09:48] <sil2100> didrocks: I'm keeping an eye on rmadison to see if the packages already migrated fully - LP says yes but rmadison still says no, I'll give you a sign once it's completely in ;)
[09:48] <didrocks> sil2100: thanks a lot :)
[09:48] <didrocks> let me heat the iso building page
[09:49] <sil2100> didrocks: it's in!
[09:50] <sil2100> unity8 | 7.85+14.04.20140401.3-0ubuntu1 | trusty/universe | source, amd64, armhf, i386
[09:50] * didrocks kicks
[09:50] <sil2100> (same for other 3)
[09:50] <didrocks> thanks sil2100!
[09:50] <sil2100> np ;)
[09:50] <didrocks> Saviq: FYI (image building with unity8 right-edge) ^
[09:50] <didrocks> Saviq: there are some crash fixes as well in it, right?
[09:56] <davmor2> dbarth: and ofcourse now I can't reproduce the large images :'(
[10:00] <imgbot> === trainguard: IMAGE 274 building (started: 20140402 10:00) ===
[10:02] <dbarth> davmor2: ok, noted
[10:03] <dbarth> davmor2: worth filing a bug for; affect webapps-core and webbrowser-app please
[10:03] <dbarth> this way we can see if it's rendering vs UA for ex.
[10:03] <davmor2> dbarth: will do
[10:03] <dbarth> popey: giffgaff works here, when i add the webview policy
[10:03] <dbarth> popey: what's the issue you're seeing on your end?
[10:04] <popey> dbarth: lemme test now I have re-flashed
[10:04] <dbarth> i'm running on #272
[10:04] <cjwatson> seb128: regression caused by Ted's url-dispatcher change, I guess. The question is why that directory isn't writable by the user
[10:04] <dbarth> but maybe i have leftovers of a silo and oxide pkg
[10:04] <popey> dbarth: works here now too, thanks!
[10:05] <dbarth> ah cool
[10:05] <seb128> cjwatson, I'm unsure if that's a regression, the e.u.c page has reports from earlier version ... but it might be grouping different problems which leads to a similar signature
[10:07] <cjwatson> seb128: that url-dispatcher hook was only added yesterday
[10:07] <cjwatson> seb128: click didn't change
[10:07] <sil2100> Oh, so url-dispatcher it is in the end!
[10:07] <sil2100> didrocks: ^ ;p
[10:08] <cjwatson> well, arguably
[10:08] <cjwatson> it's poking click into failing
[10:08] <seb128> cjwatson, ok, so the e.u.c page is a bit misleading
[10:08] <seb128> cjwatson, it's putting e.g https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/2434944e-b7a5-11e3-afbf-fa163e707a72 in the same bucket, which is a different issue
[10:08] <cjwatson> yeah, that's entirely different
[10:09] <cjwatson> I can understand it grouping all GErrors together
[10:09] <cjwatson> I don't see why it's putting run_user_hooks with run_system_hooks ...
[10:11] <seb128> cjwatson, I think it builds the signature from the functions' name
[10:11] <seb128> so it's "run" in both cases
[10:11] <seb128> "click (gi._glib.GError) /usr/bin/click@86 → main → run" is the signature
[10:12] <seb128> https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/84147a74-a96c-11e3-a62e-e4115b0f8a4a is also in the same bucket
[10:13] <cjwatson> seb128: I suppose I could artificially separate those, but it would be awkward and it would only solve a part of the problem anyway
[10:16] <seb128> cjwatson, the right solution is probably to enhance the apport code/signature to handle those cases better
[10:16] <seb128> I've also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/989819 on the same line
[10:16] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 989819 in apport (Ubuntu) "the signatures match code should probably consider the exception for python errors" [High,Triaged]
[10:21] <davmor2> popey: is this you updating the million and 1 apps you have in the store for the new browser
[10:22] <popey> moi?
[10:22] <popey> testing oxide, yes.
[10:22] <davmor2> popey: giffgaff 2 bbc I'm expecting BR anytime ;)
[10:23] <popey> where are you seeing this?
[10:23] <davmor2> appdev-notifications@lists.canonical.com
[10:24] <davmor2> popey: you not on that mailing list?
[10:24] <popey> i was not aware of that list! i asked if we could get email notifications, and was told no..
[10:24] <popey> jeez
[10:25] <davmor2> popey: you asked the wrong person :D
[10:25] <popey> clearly, i asked the guy who owns it
[10:25] <davmor2> popey: ah what does he know :D It does list everything though so that might become a problem for you
[10:29] <popey> davmor2: whats going on with this bug where apps are installed with the wrong name?
[10:29] <didrocks> sil2100: cyphermox: Mirv: robru: so, as long as we don't have an apache proxy to expose the silo, I'm rsyncing every 10 minutes the silo files to http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/citrain/silos/
[10:29] <didrocks> sil2100: cyphermox: Mirv: robru: it means people can have access to the branches while they are building
[10:30] <davmor2> popey: no idea, I'll chase up with it after
[10:30] <didrocks> like http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/citrain/silos/landing-002/mir/ is the mir branch in landing-002
[10:30] <sil2100> Oh
[10:30] <sil2100> That's convinient
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
[10:30] * ogra_ wouldnt mind a silo for line 37 :)
[10:31] <sil2100> ogra_: on it!
[10:31] <ogra_> great, thanks :)
[10:32] <seb128> ogra_, sil2100: would be nice if the assignments would be fifos, and not first to nag on IRC hijacks the ones that prefer to not bother others ;-)
[10:33] <ogra_> but but ...
[10:33] <ogra_> :)
[10:33] <seb128> just saying
[10:33] <ogra_> i'm sure you'll get the next two before me :)
[10:34] <seb128> let's see
[10:35] <Mirv> ok.. bookmarking
[10:35] <sil2100> seb128: no no no ;) I assign them not depending on the order of pings
[10:36] <seb128> sil2100, don't worry, it was more a remark for ogra_ than you, things work better if people don't IRC ping after filing a request
[10:36] <sil2100> seb128: your and thostr_'s silos were assigned first
[10:36] <seb128> or at least not before waiting for a bit, then if things don't move you can ping ;-)
[10:36] <seb128> sil2100, thanks
[10:36] <sil2100> sil2100: since I do a scan from first to last with a correction not to starve some other landers ;p
[10:36] <ogra_> seb128, the landing team isnt staring on the spreadsheet the whole day ... i just notified that there is something new
[10:37] <seb128> ogra_, they are
[10:37] <seb128> well, they look at it often enough that IRC pings are usually not needed
[10:37] <sil2100> We're trying to at least, I'm polling the spreadsheets in intervals of 20-30 minutes
[10:42] <ogra_> hmm
[10:42] <ogra_> looking at my PPA i'm wondering if we possibly could reset the build count (and failed count) ... that seems to pile up for all builds ever done in that PPA
[10:48] * sil2100 jumps out for a lunch ingredient
[10:52] <didrocks> ogra_: doesn't seem to be exposed through launchpad API
[10:52] <ogra_> ah, sad
[10:52] <didrocks> (in write mode)
[10:52] <ogra_> i guess within one or two releases that will become a quite high number
[10:52] <didrocks> especially in the first silos :)
[10:53] <davmor2> dbarth: ha finally looks like rotation can throw it our of kilter by I have a couple of screenshots to highlight it writing the bug up now
[10:53] <Mirv> Saviq probably wouldn't mind if I rebuilt the necessary parts of landing-002 now that right edge branches were merged
[10:54] <didrocks> Mirv: I guess he will even love you! :)
[10:54] <Mirv> :)
[10:57] <davmor2> dbarth: oh apparently not rotate grrrr something random then :( not so useful
[11:02] <didrocks> ok, going for some exercise
[11:09] <davmor2> dbarth: bug #1301318
[11:09] <ubot5> bug 1301318 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Facebook webapp occasionally displays images wider than the screen and can't be scrolled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1301318
[11:10] <ogra_> oh, thats so sexy ... videos play in the browser
[11:13] * Mirv merging what remains of robru's ubuntu-touch-session packaging fixes
[11:14] <davmor2> didrocks: it appears we have lost ogra_ to cat videos on google+ can we send someone to reset his browser to the old qtwebkit version please
[11:14] <ogra_> lol
[11:14] <ogra_> totally not !
[11:14] <davmor2> ogra_: haha
[11:14] <ogra_> i'm watching an awesome unboxing video atm
[11:14] <ogra_> for a potato !
[11:14] <davmor2> ogra_: you need help
[11:15] <ogra_> he is just comparing the potato to an LG G2
[11:15] <Mirv> ogra could reack https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-touch-session/packaging_robru/+merge/213813 since it's the same changes you acked before for robru, just conflicts-resolved
[11:15] <ogra_> the G2 actually comes with a lot of megapickles ... while you can only add a few pickles to the poatao
[11:16] <davmor2> ogra_: oh well the potato is obviously far more diverse and useful, the LG doesn't have Ubuntu on it :)
[11:16] <ogra_> the potato neither
[11:16] <ogra_> it is a phablet potato though ... it is pretty big
[11:17] <ogra_> you can get the potato without contract too !
[11:18] <Mirv> thanks sil2100 :)
[11:18] <davmor2> popey: quick work with xnox
[11:19] <popey> davmor2: eh?
[11:20] <davmor2> popey: on the google+ app :)
[11:20] <popey> oh
[11:22] <davmor2> WOW google+ works on the FLO!!!!!!!!! didrocks shipit :D
[11:24] <davmor2> dbarth: anyone on your team got a manta?
[11:24] <davmor2> ogra_: have you got a manta?
[11:24] <dbarth> davmor2: manta?
[11:24] <davmor2> dbarth: nexus 10
[11:25] <dbarth> hmm, no i don't think we do
[11:25] <ogra_> davmor2, just upgrading it for my silo testing
[11:25] <imgbot> === trainguard: IMAGE 274 DONE (finished: 20140402 11:25) ===
[11:25] <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/274.changes ===
[11:25] <dbarth> davmor2: needs adjustments?
[11:25] <davmor2> dbarth: I'll get a video for you
[11:25] <dbarth> ok
[11:31] <popey> davmor2: doesn't work here on mako. blank screen after logging in
[11:32] <davmor2> popey: no it is not updated I think he just republished it
[11:33] <popey> davmor2: i approved it and have it on my device
[11:33] <davmor2> popey: :'( blame ogra
[11:38] <ogra_> silo 13 is ready for releasing ...
[11:39] <sil2100> ogra_: as long as it's not set to 'Tested: yes' then we will not notice ;)
[11:39] <popey> dbarth: omgubuntu doesn't work in our browser anymore http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-02-123815.png
[11:40] <sil2100> Ah
[11:40] <popey> dbarth: it used to (i have a phone on #250 here and it loads). My bet is it's the facebook popup you get
[11:40] <sil2100> ogra_: you didn't run the Build job with watch-only, let me do that
[11:40] <sil2100> ogra_: that's why it didn't get marked as done on the spreadsheet
[11:40] <dbarth> popey: the popup should indeed be the issue
[11:40] <ogra_> davmor2, popey, so running G+ in the manta browser gets me the "go to mobile website" page
[11:40] <ogra_> sil2100, oops
[11:41] <dbarth> do you see a crash or something in the logs?
[11:41] <sil2100> ogra_: just for the future ;) It's running now
[11:41] <davmor2> ogra_: go to it via gmail
[11:41] <ogra_> sil2100, how would i do that, i dont see a switch/button
[11:43] <ogra_> davmor2, well, works now in the browser
[11:43] <ogra_> hmm
[11:43] <ogra_> kind of
[11:43] <ogra_> trying to scroll ends up in massive flickering
[11:43] <davmor2> ogra_: bit juddery though right
[11:43] <davmor2> ogra_: same for gmail
[11:44] <sil2100> ogra_: once you dput the package to the PPA, you press the Build button and check the 'WATCH_ONLY' option
[11:44] <ogra_> sil2100, ah, ok, thanks !
[11:45] <ogra_> dbarth, double tapping on an article text doesnt zoom in anymore ... is that wanted ?
[11:48] <dbarth> ogra_: not sure, but it's normal; there are discussions as to whether double tap should be handled by the browser or not
[11:48] <dbarth> think "fastclick"
[11:48] <ogra_> well, other mobile browsers behave like that
[11:49] <ogra_> i guess people will have an assumption that you can zoom into article text that way
[12:02] <davmor2> popey: does grooveshark playback work for you anymore?
=== cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cprov | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
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[12:07] <popey> thostr_: who is working from the platform side on waking devices up from sleep on alarms?
[12:08] <thostr_> popey: tvoss that is
[12:09] * popey pokes tvoss
[12:09] <popey> thanks thostr_
[12:10] <popey> tvoss: is there a blueprint / bug tracking that?
[12:18] <thostr_> popey: yes, it's in our experience tracking sheet
[12:19] <popey> thanks
[12:29] <davmor2> ogra_: WOW volume works in videos in the google plus feed
[12:31] <ogra_> yeah
[12:31] <tvoss> popey, the android side is there, we need to provide a fallback impl for the desktop, though
[12:32] <popey> davmor2: videos work?
[12:32] <Mirv> mardy: phew, publishing qtbase in a minute. I needed quite a few reruns because of flakiness locally, but in the end confirmed that there are no regressions compared to ubuntu10.
[12:33] <ogra_> popey, if yyu play embedded youtube videos in G+ in the browser they work
[12:33] <ogra_> popey, it doesnt work in the app
[12:33] <mardy> Mirv: excellent!
[12:33] <ogra_> (yet)
[12:33] <davmor2> popey: yeap see either jono q&a or ogra_ potato unboxing
[12:33] <ogra_> bug 1301351 for the webapp ...
[12:33] <ubot5> bug 1301351 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] embedded videos do not play in G+ app while they play fine in the browser" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1301351
[12:51] <Mirv> Saviq: I did Stuff while you were away to your landing! :)
[12:52] <Mirv> Saviq: so in the greeter split.. I removed the touch schemas branch which already landed via "indicator-sound rerelease with test suite fix". and I redid the ubuntu-touch-session packaging branch since it conflicted after partially similar branches went in
[12:53] <Mirv> Saviq: then I tried to rebuild the rest, but ended up rebuilding only indicator-sound ubuntu-touch-session unity-mir since the unity8 split branch now has new conflicts that would need to be fixed
[12:57] <didrocks> Mirv: rocking!
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[13:04] <davmor2> popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1301341
[13:04] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1301341 in webbrowser-app "grooveshark playback has stopped functioning" [Undecided,New]
[13:20] <boiko> cjwatson: hi, would you mind please triggering a rebuild on this powerpc build: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-005/+build/5872529
[13:24] <cjwatson> boiko: done
[13:25] <boiko> cjwatson: thansk
[13:25] <boiko> thanks
[13:25] <pmcgowan> How's 274 looking
[13:33] <ogra_> whee !
[13:34] <ogra_> switching apps is so shiny now
[13:34] * sil2100 still needs to upgrade
[13:35] <sil2100> hm, maybe it's the best moment for that now!
[13:35] <ChickenCutlass> ogra_: I love the right edge
[13:35] <ChickenCutlass> :)
[13:35] <ogra_> yeah, me too
[13:35] * ogra_ waits for 275 though ... i want faster boots as well :P
[13:35] <ChickenCutlass> Saviq: nice work (and your team)
[13:36] <ChickenCutlass> ogra_: new broswer in too
[13:36] <ChickenCutlass> love it
[13:36] <ChickenCutlass> oxcide
[13:36] <bregma> sil2100, landing-008 is ready for publish (desktop only), it will probably need a packaging change approval
[13:36] <ogra_> yeah, i have to re-upload all my webapps now
[13:37] <ogra_> ChickenCutlass, video playback in G+ works now :)
[13:37] <ChickenCutlass> yup
[13:39] <pmcgowan> quite a landing day, April 1!
[13:39] <sil2100> bregma: looking
[13:39] <ogra_> boot animation (split greeter) and media-hub are still missing from the big landings
[13:40] <kenvandine> bfiller, i tested landing-011, looks good. have you tested it yet?
[13:40] <ChickenCutlass> ogra_: and MMS stuff
[13:40] <ChickenCutlass> :)
[13:40] <ogra_> lol, yeah
[13:40] <bfiller> kenvandine: haven't had time yet
[13:40] * ogra_ still thinks we should better ship a UPS voucher ... would be cheaper than sending MMMS
[13:41] <bfiller> kenvandine: has Elleo tested it? I hope to get to it today
[13:41] <ogra_> (SCNR ... MMS jokes have to happen if someone mentions it)
[13:41] <kenvandine> bfiller, not sure
[13:41] <bfiller> I'll ask him
[13:43] <sil2100> didrocks: packaging ACK needed! Looks ok, the packaging dep downgrade seems strange, but it's simply a minor one -> https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-008-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity_7.2.0+14.04.20140402-0ubuntu1.diff
[13:45] <didrocks> sil2100: +1
[13:53] <davmor2> popey: that link in the email you sent out is either getting ddos'd or it doesn't exit anymore :)
[13:55] <Saviq> cprov, hey, can you have a look at what failed here http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/6307/console ?
[13:55] * Saviq has no idea how things work now after the move to new scripts
[13:55] <cprov> Saviq: sure
[13:59] <cprov> Saviq: I am not familiar with it, but it looks like a process died mid-build. Let me get someone who actually know it.
[14:00] <Saviq> cprov, thanks
[14:11] <cprov> Saviq: fginther walked me through the log ... We can see that the phone was reboot and the test failed to unlock the phone. Does it ring any bells to you ?
[14:12] <cprov> Saviq: it seem that previous jobs (6301 - 5) failed in the same way.
=== retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: retoaded | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
[14:21] * ogra_ wonders whats up with 274 on mako
[14:21] <ogra_> plars, ^^^^any idea ?
[14:25] <plars> ogra_: probably the device for in a bad state. psivaa is looking at it right now
[14:25] <ogra_> thanks
[14:32] <sil2100> Mirv: so, qtbase from your silo 17 FTBFS - the main reason is that libxkbcommon that's awailable in trusty is too old for your distropatched patches to work
[14:32] <sil2100> Mirv: you need at least 0.4.0, while the archive has 0.3.1-2
[14:32] <ogra_> pmcgowan, did you by chance try 274 on a manta ?
[14:32] * ogra_ ends up at a black screen after OTA upgrade
[14:32] <pmcgowan> ogra_, no but I can momentarily
[14:33] <pmcgowan> I thought davmor2 had
[14:33] <davmor2> pmcgowan: no I'm still testing 273
[14:33] <ogra_> after another reboot it comes up now
[14:34] * davmor2 updated to 274
[14:35] <davmor2> ogra_: so it workd fine for me on manta
[14:35] <davmor2> pmcgowan: ^
[14:36] <ogra_> yeah, was only the first boot after upgrade for me
[14:36] <davmor2> ogra_: I didn't get that it was just like normal
[14:37] <sil2100> Mirv: debian already has 0.4.0, but I'm not sure if it would be easy to get it into trusty now at this stage...
[14:39] <ogra_> hmm, on the manta you cant switch between apps ?
[14:42] <psivaa_> ogra_: davmor2: pmcgowan: we have about 4 mako's down at the moment. thinking of borrowing from fginther from another pool. but if 274 had any issues in flashing/ rebooting we'll end up making one more device unusable
[14:43] <davmor2> psivaa_: I'm updating my mako now
[14:44] <pmcgowan> I have 274 on my mako, seems good
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[14:44] <ogra_> same here
[14:45] <sil2100> Whoops, we're getting low on silos again
[14:45] <psivaa_> ok, thanks. let me find run the tests on another device
[14:46] * sil2100 can't wait for u-s-s to be considered for migration from -proposed already
[14:47] <sil2100> seb128: how does it look for desktop related package uploads that include bugfixes only? Can those be normally moved out of the UNAPPROVED queue?
[14:47] <seb128> sil2100, they can yes
[14:47] <seb128> sil2100, are you low on silos?
[14:47] <seb128> sil2100, I can m&c settings if you want
[14:48] <sil2100> seb128: it's not critical, we still have 2 silos free - but I would like to assign one additional for you as well, but we can wait for u-s-s to move out of proposed with the m&c
[14:50] <seb128> sil2100, I clicked m&c, there is no way that one doesn't migrate ;-)
[14:50] <sil2100> ;)
[14:50] <sil2100> Thanks!
[14:51] <sil2100> I'll poke the release team for packages in the unapproved queue then
[14:51] <seb128> I was about to do that
[14:51] <seb128> but nice if you do it ;-)
[14:52] <seb128> sil2100, I guess thostr_ could publish hud as well, since it has been flagged as testing success
[14:53] <sil2100> Oh, it just got turned
[14:53] <sil2100> Let me publish then
[14:53] <thostr_> sil2100: thanks
[14:55] <davmor2> psivaa_: no issue here doing an ota on mako how are you updating the devices though?
[14:58] <psivaa_> davmor2: 'ubuntu-device-flash --bootstrap --channel trusty-proposed' is the command to do the flashing
[14:59] <davmor2> psivaa_: right give me 5 and I'll do that
[15:08] <davmor2> psivaa_: just double checking you are adb reboot bootloader before --bootstrap right?
[15:10] <psivaa_> davmor2: yes. that's correct
[15:10] <davmor2> psivaa_: that's okay then :) just double checking :)
[15:11] <davmor2> psivaa_: downloading now
[15:11] <davmor2> and downloaded
[15:11] <davmor2> rebooting into recovery
[15:21] <davmor2> psivaa_: so I have a working mako on 274
[15:25] <davmor2> psivaa_: http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/r274.png
[15:27] <Saviq> cprov, fginther, sorry was otp, no, nothing changed that I know of that could cause that... but then I don't know the scripts used at all...
[15:34] <didrocks> thostr_: did the fix flowed in?
[15:36] <thostr_> didrocks: no, not yet...
[15:51] <sil2100> thostr_: m&c please :) !
[15:52] <thostr_> sil2100: running...
[15:52] <sil2100> thostr_: thank you!
[15:55] <davmor2> cyphermox: if this goes tits up I'm going to hunt you down and hurt you /me hit the sync button in rhythmbox on a freshly bootstrapped n4
[15:56] <dbarth> o/ silo 001 verified; ready for publication
[15:57] <sil2100> o/
[15:58] <sil2100> dbarth: published, thanks!
[15:59] <plars> ogra_, didrocks: I think we finally have a working device again and install/test on 274 is starting now, sorry for the delay. I'll monitor it closely but i don't expect more problems at this point
[15:59] <ogra_> thanks :)
[16:02] <sil2100> plars: excellent :)
[16:02] <sil2100> seb128: I'll m&c your silo as we're low on silos :)
[16:03] <sil2100> ogra_: meeting!
[16:04] <ogra_> oops
[16:04] <ogra_> sorry
[16:04] <didrocks> cyphermox: coming?
[16:06] <dbarth> sil2100: thanks
[16:07] <kenvandine> bfiller, i tested silo 11 again, looks good
[16:08] <bfiller> kenvandine: going to mark it tested
[16:08] <kenvandine> thx
[16:09] <sil2100> \o/
[16:10] <sil2100> dbarth, bfiller, robru: dealing with landing 11
[16:11] <kenvandine> sil2100, the packaging changes in landing 11 are good, submitted by a core dev and reviewed by another core dev :)
[16:11] <cyphermox> davmor2: well, no, I didn't add the media player sync parts yet
[16:11] <sil2100> kenvandine: I love packaging changes like these ;)
[16:11] <davmor2> cyphermox: it looks like it worked all the same :)
[16:12] <cyphermox> davmor2: well, you shouldn't be able to see more than Unknown - Unknown
[16:12] <cyphermox> if you are, then you're using amarok
[16:12] <cyphermox> (amarok is cheating and caching the files locally)
[16:13] <davmor2> cyphermox: no this is syncing stuff from a laptop to an empty phone so I'm assuming that is fine it possibly won't work now if I add track to my pc
[16:13] <cyphermox> the file sync, copying files from the computer to the device via the music player might work though; the issue is just that it never reads metadata
[16:13] <cyphermox> so showing that you have files X, Y, Z on the device in the media player will never list you tracks (until I add code to ask libtag about those)
[16:14] <cyphermox> but pushing the files probably does
[16:16] <sil2100> bregma: I'll m&c your silo if you don't mind, usually we don't do that for landers but we're a bit low on silos still ;)
[16:16] <bregma> sil2100, please go ahead
[16:16] <didrocks> ogra_: and yeah, I'm a year off
[16:17] <ogra_> heh
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
[16:19] * sil2100 is happy that the CI Train process works so well lately
[16:20] <davmor2> cyphermox: http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/music-from-rb-sync.png I unplugged it and plugged it back in and now ofcourse it all displays as unknowns on the device but it is a much nicer way to transfer the files in the first place :)
[16:20] <cyphermox> I bet :)
[16:25] <psivaa_> davmor2: ack, thanks. plars got the tests going again. i had to go out suddenly again
[16:27] <davmor2> cyphermox: about 1 minute faster on transfer to which is bizarre
[16:34] <seb128> sil2100, thanks, I was out for exercice
[16:55] <davmor2> ogra_, popey: man this phone is getting slow http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/ on a plus side individual and many apps scroll well in the right hand drag :)
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[17:26] <plars> ogra_: quick question for you - how long does image generation take now from start to finish? And what about the component parts of it? (android, ubuntu rootfs, system-image)
[17:26] <plars> do we have rough numbers for that at least?
[17:27] <ogra_> well, we have the imagebot that marks the start and end of builds
[17:27] <ogra_> (and announces them in here)
[17:28] <ogra_> cdimage has timestamps ... so one could etrapolate the time the different steps take from that
[17:31] <cprov> Saviq: did you sort the s-jenking failure out ?
[17:32] <ogra_> plars, <imgbot> === trainguard: IMAGE 273 building (started: 20140402 02:05) ===
[17:32] <ogra_> plars, <imgbot> === trainguard: IMAGE 273 DONE (finished: 20140402 03:35) ===
[17:33] <ogra_> that was our nightly buiuld
[17:33] <ChickenCutlass> ogra_: does that have the latest boot stuff
[17:33] <plars> ogra_: does that include all three of those pieces?
[17:33] <ogra_> ChickenCutlass, nope, 275 will have it
[17:33] <ChickenCutlass> ok
[17:34] <ogra_> plars, thats from starting the build to it showing up on system-image.u.c
[17:34] <plars> ogra_: ok, so that includes building the android parts and the rootfs, not just assembling the system image
[17:35] <ogra_> plars, for the start the bot monitors the processlist on the central builder in a 5min interval ... for the end it is watching the content of the mako json index on s-i.u.c
[17:35] <plars> ogra_: how hard would it be to replicate that whole process to build customized images?
[17:35] <ogra_> that does *not* include building any android parts
[17:35] <plars> ah, ok
[17:35] <ogra_> they come from a package which is build asyncronously
[17:36] <ogra_> during build we just install the android package on the builder and copy around the img files it contains
[17:36] <plars> ok
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[17:38] <Saviq> robru, hey, icanhassilo for row 45 please?
[17:38] <robru> sure
[17:40] <robru> Saviq, ok, you got silo 4
[17:41] <Saviq> robru, awesome, thanks!
[17:41] <robru> Saviq, you're welcome
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: fginther | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
[17:44] <ogra_> plars, oh, i missed the question above ... for customized images i would still recommend rootstock for rootfs and system-image and well ... the android package with your patches in case you plan to change the android bits
[17:45] <plars> ogra_: the android package isn't built in a ppa like a normal package though, right?
[17:45] <ogra_> it is a normal package we upload to the archive
[17:46] <ogra_> (and i think rsalveti recently even started using a silo for it ... which is pretty pointless though)
[17:50] <robru> brb
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
[18:26] <boiko> robru: landing-005 tested and ready for releasing
[18:28] <robru> boiko, published!
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[18:32] <boiko> robru: nice! thanks!
[18:35] <bschaefer> cjwatson, ping
[18:43] <robru> boiko, you're welcome
[18:45] <davmor2> rsalveti: help please, I followed https://askubuntu.com/questions/360554/how-do-i-sync-google-contacts/432433#432433 but I'm getting oh no you can't do that :) First ERROR encountered: error code from SyncEvolution access denied (remote, status 403): GET: bad HTTP status: <status 1.1, code 403, class 4, Forbidden>
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[19:00] <cjwatson> bschaefer: hi
[19:00] <cjwatson> bschaefer: (note it's 8pm for me)
[19:00] <bschaefer> cjwatson, hello! I was wondering if you could take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/libsdl/enable-mir-support-ffe/+merge/212072
[19:00] <bschaefer> cjwatson, oo
[19:01] <cjwatson> well, not just now
[19:01] <bschaefer> cjwatson, well, if you could take a look at a reasonable time for you
[19:01] <cjwatson> hopefully somebody will respond to your message on #-release
[19:01] <bschaefer> cjwatson, thanks again for helping me get the deb files corrected :)
[19:01] <bschaefer> yeah as do i!
[19:28] <bfiller> robru: need a silo for line 47 when you have a moment
[19:30] <robru> bfiller, ok, you got silo 8! and can i get you to clean silo 11? thanks
[19:31] <bfiller> robru: thanks, just did the merge and clean on silo 11
[19:31] <robru> bfiller, thanks!
[20:08] <pmcgowan> bfiller, wow a fix already?
[20:10] <bfiller> pmcgowan: yup
[20:11] <bfiller> pmcgowan: and there was an oxide fix as well, need both oxide and ubuntu-keyboard fixes
[20:11] <pmcgowan> bfiller, good stuff
[20:11] <bfiller> pmcgowan: should help a lot
[20:15] <ChickenCutlass> bfiller: is that the facebook one?
[20:15] <ChickenCutlass> you where showing m
[20:15] <ChickenCutlass> me
[20:15] <bfiller> ChickenCutlass: yes, and some others pmcgowan found
[20:15] <ChickenCutlass> nice work
[20:15] <ChickenCutlass> brocacho
[20:15] <bfiller> as I said thanks
=== alesage|afk is now known as alesage
[20:20] <bregma> hey robru it's time.... be generous and gift me a silo for line 48 ?
[20:30] <bregma> robru, and line 49, we are burninating the electrons today
[20:34] <robru> bregma, your wish is my command! You got 5 and 11
[20:35] <bregma> multually prime!
[20:41] <kgunn> robru: bregma will also want one for 46
[20:49] <robru> kgunn, bregma: ok, that one's 12
[20:50] <bregma> it's just like gosh-darn Christmas today
[20:51] <robru> everybody gets a silo! ;-)
[20:52] <kgunn> oprah style...you get a silo! you get a silo! you get a silo!
[21:14] <bfiller> robru: silo 8 ready for release
[21:23] <thostr_> anybody around that can give me a silo for line 42?
[21:27] <robru> bfiller, done!
[21:28] <robru> thostr_, ok, you got silo 15
[21:29] <thostr_> robru: thanks
[21:29] <robru> thostr_, you're welcome
[21:56] <bregma> robru, landing-011 has passed its test and can be published at your liesure
[21:56] <robru> bregma, thanks
[21:57] <robru> bregma, published
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
[23:37] <stgraber> anyone around to give xnox a silo for two Ubuntu One removal branches? (last entry of the spreadsheet)
[23:57] <robru> stgraber, got you silo 11, please build
[23:57] <stgraber> robru: thanks
[23:57] <robru> stgraber, you're welcome