UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /02 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== Elleo_ is now known as Elleo
=== alesage is now known as alesage|afk
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[01:32] <jincmd> any devop's here
[01:32] <jincmd> local ubuntu coders
[01:33] <jincmd> or could anyone point me in the right direction to locating a developer for my project??
[01:35] <AskUbuntu> what cd burn lib for app development libburn | http://askubuntu.com/q/442174
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[04:22] <jincmd> is there a deeper level to ubuntu chat on IRC?
[04:23] <jincmd> devop level
[05:02] <jincmd> hellllooo
[05:12] <micah2> hey, jincmd, what exactly are you looking for?
[06:29] <DanChapman> good morning
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[06:41] <dholbach> good morning
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
[08:12] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Reconciliation Day! :-D
[09:07] <popey> dholbach: beuno there's an inconsistency between the platform and the reviewer checks.. i get an error which says I must have some parameters in my desktop file, but when i run it on device it fails _because_ I have those options
[09:07] <popey> "text": "could not find --enable-back-forward in 'webapp-container http://giffgaff.com/?m=1'"
[09:07] <popey> "text": "must specify one of --webappUrlPatterns or --webappModelSearchPath"
[09:07] <popey> yet..
[09:07] <popey> webapp-container: unrecognized option '--enable-back-forward'
[09:07] <popey> webapp-container: unrecognized option '--webappUrlPatterns=https?://giffgaff.com/*'
[09:09] <dholbach> popey, looks like dbarth and jdstrand should have a chat about it - I don't know :-/
[09:09] <popey> ok
[09:09] <popey> will file a bug
[09:29] <mihir> ybon, ping !!
[09:49] <akiva-mobile> Why is this happening: http://imagebin.org/303420?
[09:49] <akiva-mobile> http://imagebin.org/303420 ?
[10:01] <jincmd> anybody around?
[10:02] <dholbach> jincmd, there are 108 people in this channel
[10:02] <dholbach> jincmd, if you have a question - just ask and wait a bit :)
[10:03] <jincmd> would someone tell me where i can find a local ubuntu touch programmer
[10:03] <jincmd> i want to tweak and rebrand ubuntu
[10:03] <jincmd> and sell it to consumers
[10:03] <jincmd> colleges
[10:04] <jincmd> am i allowed to do that? if so where should i look for a capabble developer ? meetup.com?
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
[10:24] <nik90> zsombi: In the default layout, can I have only one item similar to the conditional layout requirement?
[10:26] <zsombi> nik90: nope, as the default layout is nota single component, like in ConditionalLayout. Check teh default properties, that will always tell you what can you have :)
[10:27] <nik90> zsombi: well I am experiencing a bug regarding the visibility of items when switching between default layout and conditional layout if I have multiple items in the default layout
[10:27] <nik90> zsombi: the bug is gone if I use only one item in the default layout
[10:27] <nik90> hence the question :)
[10:28] <zsombi> nik90: and you are not moving the topmost items from teh default layout, only the child items, right?
[10:29] <nik90> zsombi: well I had a Row(with 2 child items) and a Rectangle which caused the bug when I moved the rectangle and the 2 child items.
[10:29] <nik90> zsombi: the Rectangle was outside the row to be clear
[10:30] <nik90> zsombi: so to answer your question, I am moving *one* of the topmost items from the default layotu
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[11:05] <ybon> mihir: pong
[12:31] <jdstrand> popey: talk to alex-abreu about that ^. it is probably failing earlier (I had a similar issue before)
[12:32] <popey> jdstrand: fixed, had to re-flash my phone, probably that whole mess we saw yesterday also caused by my crappy install
[12:34] <jdstrand> ok
=== _salem is now known as salem_
[12:50] <nadrimajstor> Hello everyone,
[12:51] <nadrimajstor> As it becoming apparent that I will fail to deliver a well polished app for the showdown on time... :(
[12:51] <nadrimajstor> I want to share some of my thoughts with you...
[12:51] <nadrimajstor> To set the context, I'm a hw guy and a linux sysadmin by trade. I finished a dozen of MOOCs so I'm not a sw developer by any stretch of the imagination.
[12:51] <nadrimajstor> * UI elements - working example with a corresponding screenshot is worth more than a thousand words :)
[12:51] <nadrimajstor> * Help - F1 context aware help is noob saving feature :D
[12:51] <nadrimajstor> * Prototyping - Working emulator is a must.
[12:51] <nadrimajstor> * News - One aggregated rss feed with all the things that are happening dev/design/emulator/sdk/tutorials
[12:51] <nadrimajstor> (something like http://developer.ubuntu.com/?&feed=rss2 but working one and filled with all the staff)
[12:51] <nadrimajstor> On a lighter note, I really like the QtQuick and QtCreator with the integrated Ubuntu elements. :)
[12:52] <nadrimajstor> Speaking of QtQuick... Noob warning :D
[12:52] <t1mp> nadrimajstor: the UI components have working examples. Screenthots are on our todo list
[12:52] <t1mp> *screenshots
[12:52] <nadrimajstor> What is the appropriate way to add onClick event to an icon in the ListItem.Subtitled?
[12:52] <nadrimajstor> Should I add MouseArea to ListItem.Subtitled or should I start with ListItem.Empty and recreate the Subtitled with modified Icon :?
[12:53] <t1mp> nadrimajstor: the listitem has a clicked event, but only for the full list item, not for the icon only
[12:53] <t1mp> nadrimajstor: so if you want only the icon clickable you'd have to create you own (based on Empty)
[12:54] <t1mp> nadrimajstor: F1 context aware help is also being worked on I think
[12:54] <t1mp> as is the emulator :)
[12:55] <t1mp> I think there is a working emulator, but I don't use it myself
=== jhodapp|afk is now known as jhodapp
[13:09] <nadrimajstor> I'll wait a bit more for experienced devs to cut out the rough edges... :)
[13:12] <nadrimajstor> Did I mention that I really like QtQuick? :)
[13:14] <nadrimajstor> I had a fully working ListView populated with rss feed data in two days... For the same thing in FxOS took me few weeks.
[13:17] <AskUbuntu> Ubuntu keyboard shortcut guidelines? | http://askubuntu.com/q/442390
[13:53] <dpm_> elopio, balloons told me you'd be looking at Reminders tests, so I've just sent you an invite to the Reminders meeting, happening in ~7 mins. If you can make it, that'd be great, if not, we can catch up afterwards
[14:00] <popey> dpm_: be a couple of mins late, need to reboot, plugin wedged
[14:00] <dpm_> np
[14:01] <dpm_> rpadovani, joining us today, or busy with uni?
[14:22] <elopio> dpm_: I'm here
[14:22] <elopio> too late?
[14:23] <DanChapman> dpm_, mzanetti sorry can't make the meeting today. balloons asked me to give the reminders autopilot tests some love and was hoping to get a catch up with progress/blockers so far. I'll try and grab a chat with you guys later
[14:24] <dpm_> DanChapman, thanks!
[14:24] <dpm_> elopio, we've just finished, but we can continue on IRC
[14:24] <mzanetti> dpm_: curious... what's actually the requirement for testing?
[14:25] <mzanetti> is there some rule like: "there must be at least 1 test or something?"
[14:25] <mzanetti> wrong quotes... but I hope you still get the meaning
[14:32] <popey> mzanetti: we need to be able to tell when it breaks, basically.
[14:32] <popey> mzanetti: we perform autopilot testing on all the main apps on the device on every image, and we need to be sure they're not broken before we promote an image.
[14:33] <mzanetti> popey: right... that's something I would agree with
[14:33] <nerochiaro> bfiller: lp:~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-pinch-unzoom (this already contains the mousearea+pincharea fix)
[14:33] <nerochiaro> bfiller: is what i was mentioning before in the standup
[14:33] <mzanetti> popey: would we accept qmltests or does it need to be AP?
[14:34] <bfiller> nerochiaro: thanks
[14:34] <popey> mzanetti: sounds like a question for qa ㋛
[14:37] <dpm_> mzanetti, yeah, what popey says. Essentially, we try to add as much coverage as we can, most probably an app with just 1 test would not be accepted to be added to the image. Traditionally we've just been adding AP tests, but we're now also making an effort to add qmltests
[14:38] <mzanetti> dpm_: ack. answers my question. thanks
[14:39] <mzanetti> dpm_: I just got the impression that people were saying: we need to add a test so we can add it to the distro
[14:39] <dpm_> elopio, have you had the chance to look at getting the Reminders tests in shape? We'd like to initiate the process of adding the app to the image this week, and any help from QA will be more than welcome. I know balloons asked you and DanChapman, and he's been looking at it already, which is awesome
[14:39] <mzanetti> which didn't make too much sense to me
[14:39] <dpm_> yeah, that's not the case :)
[14:39] <elopio> dpm_: not yet. But I can get to it today. DanChapman: when will you have some time?
[14:40] <dpm_> elopio, thanks. Do you have everything you need when you start? Let us know if you need more info
[14:40] <elopio> dpm_: are there design documents?
[14:42] <dpm_> elopio, the wiki contains the links to everything we have. The most important docs are the wireframes for the designs and the blueprint. They're all there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Reminders
[14:42] <elopio> dpm_: that's all I need to start.
[14:43] <dpm_> elopio, cool. Another thing to bear in mind is that you'll need to set up the Evernote account: it's not a production Evernote account, so you'll have to register at sandbox.evernote.com
[14:43] <DanChapman> elopio, i will be free from around 16.30 UTC for most of the evening
[14:43] <dpm_> and from there use those credentials to log in via system settings
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[14:44] <dpm_> the online account plugin is installed by default on the phone, but you'll need to manually install it from the core apps PPA if you run the app on the desktop
[14:45] <dpm_> DanChapman, do you have everything you need too? Do you need more info?
[14:50] <DanChapman> dpm_: yes i had a hangout with balloons on monday for a catchup, so i'm good to go on what i need, it's just devising a plan of attack now :-D
[14:52] <dpm_> awesome, thanks so much DanChapman, Reminders is a critical app that shows how Ubuntu is getting interest from the big names and how creating open source apps for commercial services does work, so this help is extremely appreciated!
[14:52] <labsin> Hi, I'm trying to build my application in the sdk with cmake. Everything works, but when I click package, I get "There are no click build targets available, Please create a target in the Ubuntu option page"
[14:52] <labsin> What's the Ubuntu options page?
[14:53] <dpm_> labsin, you can go to Tools > Options... > Ubuntu
[14:54] <labsin> dpm_, Owwww.... I see
[15:28] <nerochiaro> bfiller: i think i'm really stuck on that pinch unzoom problem. who do you think can have a look at it and give me an hand ?
[15:29] <bfiller> nerochiaro: what's the issue you are seeing exactly?
[15:31] <nerochiaro> bfiller: after unzooming a few times, apparently at random, when i pinch to unzoom the image isn't zooming out following the pinch anymore, but when the pinch finishes then the unzoom happens all at once
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
[15:32] <nerochiaro> bfiller: i can usually reproduce it after four or five unzooms
[15:32] <nerochiaro> bfiller: especially after i scroll the flickable around a bit, but sometimes even if i don't
[15:34] <bfiller> nerochiaro: hmnn, not sure. maybe best to document that in the MR and move on for now. maybe artmello can help look at it after he's done with current tasks.
[15:34] <nerochiaro> bfiller: i'll do so then. do you have any priorities that i should look at after i fix the mousearea-pincharea workaround tests ?
[15:35] <artmello> bfiller, nerochiaro: ok
[15:36] <bfiller> nerochiaro: for today I'd say fix those tests and help test artmello MR's that are pending
[15:37] <nerochiaro> bfiller: ok
[16:12] <labsin> dpm_, do you know how to get the build arch from cmake. I used dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_MULTIARCH but it returns amd64 even when packaging for armhf
[16:14] <dpm_> labsin, that's probably because you're running it from your host (amd64) and not from the click chroot (armhf)?
[16:14] <labsin> I'm using the packaging option in QtCreator
[16:15] <dpm_> have you used the "Build > Build in chroot" option?
[16:15] <labsin> dpm_, no. I removed the build folder and it's building it again in the chroot. I get lines like: Libc: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/librt.so;/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libdl.so;/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libm.so
[16:15] <labsin> But I will try
[16:16] <dpm_> bzoltan or zbenjamin, I've not yet packaged an app from the chroot. Does the Publish tab take that into account when building a package? I.e. how can I create an armhf .click package from my amd64 host?
[16:19] <labsin> dpm_, It builds an armhf click (I made a armhf target in options like you said)
[16:20] <labsin> It's just that dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_MULTIARCH returns x86_64-linux-gnu
[16:20] <labsin> I need this to put the libs in the right folder in the click package.
[16:20] <dpm_> weird. You can have a look at the cmake files for some of our core apps, let me get you a link
[16:22] <dpm_> labsin, you can try to use the cmake rules we use for reminders: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/trunk/view/head:/CMakeLists.txt#L21
[16:22] <dpm_> you can ignore the else (CLICK_MODE) part, as you're most likely not building a .deb package too
[16:37] <labsin> dpm_, oww it uses qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH instead of DEB_BUILD_LULTIARCH
[16:38] <dpm_> labsin, ah, yes, sorry, I should have seen that when you pasted your line!
[16:38] <dpm_> of course, that makes sense now
[16:38] <labsin> no problem. Thanks for the link
[16:38] <dpm_> np, glad it's sorted
=== _salem is now known as salem_
[16:48] <snwh> someone asked me for an ubuntu open week logo, I forgot who that was.
[16:48] <popey> snwh: maybe jose
[16:49] <popey> probably someone in #ubuntu-community-team anyway.
[16:52] <snwh> i shall pop over there then
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[17:49] <victor__> hi
[17:50] <victor__> can someone help me?
[17:51] <pmcgowan> victor__, ask your questions and someone can come along and coment
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[18:33] <qtros> Hi guys! I extremely need help with testing my Twitter client for UP. Code available in: lp:~mrqtros/twimgo/total-utc/
[18:36] <qtros> popey seems that only you can help me again :D
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko
=== jackson is now known as Guest78494
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[19:36] <qtros> Can someone help me with testing strange behavior in my Showdown app? I need help ...
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[20:51] <sarnold> qtros: irc works best if you just ask questions to the void -- sometimes answers will come back and sometimes not, but it usually works better than asking if anyone will answer a question..
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
[23:38] <gerlowskija> So I just loaded tried cloning and firing up the Terminal App on my desktop (through the Ubuntu SDK on Trusty), but I'm getting QML errors (http://paste.ubuntu.com/7196499/) and the display looks mangled. Has anyone seen a similar problem before?
[23:39] <gerlowskija> Are there any extra packages I need installed to get things working? (My guess right now is it's a setup/config problem).
[23:58] <vthompson> balloons, are you around?