UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /02 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:38] <Guest29086> WARNING:softwarecenter.db.update:The file: '/usr/share/app-install/desktop/sonic-visualiser:x-sonicvisualiser-layer.desktop' could not be read correctly. The application associated with this file will not be included in the software catalog. Please consider raising a bug report for this issue with the maintainer of that application
[00:42] <rww> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sonic-visualiser/+bug/1161283
[00:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1161283 in sonic-visualiser (Ubuntu) "Problems reported with .desktop files for sonic-visualiser" [Medium,Triaged]
[01:11] <harris_> The installation or removal of a software package failed.
[01:13] <rww> ok
[01:13] <harris_> how do i fix it
[01:15] <harris_> rww,
[01:21] <Ben64> harris_: why are you asking in both #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu ? what are you running?
[01:22] <harris_> i have 2 pcs
[01:23] <harris_> on with 14.04 and 13.10 I fresh installed both
[01:26] <rww> and you're having the error on...?
[01:26] <Xtremeasure> harris_ is it an installation or removal that failed?
[01:26] <Xtremeasure> ?
[01:26] <Xtremeasure> and on which version
[01:26] <Ben64> rww: i'm guessing linux mint
[01:27] <harris_> i tried installing many apps
[01:27] <harris_> ubuntu 14.04
[01:27] <rww> so you asked about it in #ubuntu because...
[01:27] <harris_> sorry
[01:28] <harris_> does anyone know the answer
[01:28] <Xtremeasure> with out knowing what failed not really
[01:28] <rww> which package failed?
[01:28] <harris_> dropbox chrome
[01:28] <rww> also, go pull up the apt log and find the relevant actual error, since that one is vague to the point of uselessness
[01:29] <harris_> rww, how do i do that
[01:29] <rww> if you don't know how to get to your log files, you probably shouldn't be using an unreleased, unstable development release
[01:29] <rww> also, I note that this is at least the second time that you've crossposted to #ubuntu and #ubuntu+1 and then apologized, and I operate on a three-strikes policy, fyi
[01:32] <nbros652> anyone here know way to unlock the new lock screen in trusty from command line? I'm looking for the equivalent of "gnome-screensaver-command -l"
[01:32] <nbros652> sorry make that "gnome-screensaver-command -d"
[01:35] <harris_> rww, it lets me install other programs that are in the software center not .debs though
[01:35] <rww> harris_: which .debs?
[01:35] <harris_> dropbx and chrome
[01:35] <rww> harris_: install them through the command line, see if there are relevant errors
[01:38] <trism> nbros652: I figured out last night after you left logind can do it over dbus if you have permission
[01:39] <trism> nbros652: in bash you first have to figure out the session you are in: gdbus call --system --dest org.freedesktop.login1 --object-path /org/freedesktop/login1 --method org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.GetSessionByPID $$
[01:39] <nbros652> rww, harris_: don't know if it's related or not, but I've installed some apps in the app center that don't show up in the lenses after installation when I search installed apps (one in particular is system-config-samba). However running it from the command line works just fine.
[01:39] <trism> nbros652: that will return an object path for your session (though if you just grab it from stdout it will need some trimming)
[01:40] <trism> nbros652: then you can just call Lock or Unlock on that session: gdbus call --system --dest org.freedesktop.login1 --object-path $SESSION_PATH --method org.freedesktop.login1.Session.Lock
[01:40] <trism> nbros652: though I needed root for that, my user had permission to get the session
[01:41] <nbros652> trism: Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for! On boot, I can save the session in /tmp and use the file there to lock and unlock using pamusb_agent.
[01:41] <trism> nbros652: alternatively there is a LockSessions/UnlockSessions method that does them all at once...though whether that is a good idea or not
[01:41] <nbros652> trism: I'll have to see if pamusb_agent runs with the correct privileges
[01:43] <nbros652> trism: if not, I can write my own script that watches and sends the unlock command on insert and lock command on removal then run that as root at boot.
[02:16] <basketball> Niles, in the settings under printer why doesnt my usb printer show up and under add printer it doesnt show up
[02:17] <Niles> I dunno
[02:17] <Niles> Make sure you have all your drivers
[03:00] <basketball> how can i get the drivers for my printer hp officejet 100 l411
[03:05] <unstable> There is some bug for when I lock my screen, .. after I unlock it.. it locks again sometimes within a few seconds.
[03:05] <unstable> Is this a known issue? I was looking for the bug on launchpad
[03:10] <unstable> I know the lock screen code was changed on 14.04, so it's suspicious to me that this is here.
[03:12] <unstable> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/1299719
[03:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1299719 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "5 minutes inactivity on a lock screen causes 2nd locking" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[03:12] <unstable> ok, that's the bug. I found it.
[03:15] <unstable> (super annoying bug)
[03:17] <Xtremeasure> sounds it
[03:18] <unstable> It was only reported recently, and is easy to fix
[03:18] <unstable> So I'm optimistic.
[04:23] <snadge> i can confirm the above bug.. that i have had to unlock my lock screen twice that is
[05:48] <slyrus> So I'm trying to upgrade on a couple of different boxes and keep getting the "Could not calculate the upgrade" error. I don't doubt that unofficial software packages are part of the problem, but the only two options presented by the dialog box are 1) give up or 2) report a bug. I'm looking for something like:
[05:48] <slyrus> 3) run this handy-dandy script to find the offending package or 4) read this error log to see what went wrong
[05:48] <slyrus> unfortunately options 3 and 4 don't exist. suggestions?
[05:48] <Beldar> slyrus, turn off the 3rd party repos
[05:49] <slyrus> I get a dialog box in the middle of the install telling me that the installer is going to do that for me, which would be fine, of course
[05:50] <Beldar> it's supposed to but we see on occasion that is a problem.
[05:50] <slyrus> ok
[05:58] <slyrus> same problem... and it's too bad it takes 10 minutes of installing/downloading stuff to trigger the failure mode :(
[08:57] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:01] <Laibsch> gnome-terminal in precise used to page-up and page-down when clicking in the scroll-bar. Nowadays with trusty it jumps to the relative position of where the click occurs. How do I get back the PgUp and PgDown behaviour which I prefer and is still the default for other applications such as TB?
[09:49] <akiva-mobile> Why is this happening? http://imagebin.org/303420
[09:56] <dragan> my keybord layout picture on top status bar is gone after upgrade to 14.04. But when i go in guest session it is there. When i do unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity everthing goes normal until i reboot
[10:32] <gcollura> how can I reset the compiz/unity settings from terminal?
[10:39] <gcollura> ok solved
[11:27] <ph8> hi all
[11:27] <ph8> when's the guesstimate release date for 14.04?
[11:27] <Nothing_Much> ph8: I think on the 8th or 17th
[11:28] <Nothing_Much> It's always on one of those two dates
[11:31] <ph8> cool
[11:31] <ph8> i was about to flash my work PC but contemplating waiting
[11:32] <bekks> "flash my work pc"?
[11:35] <onca> my computer turned off inexplicably last night, how might I find the logs that would tell me why this happened?
[11:37] <Nothing_Much> ph8: what do you mean flash?
[11:37] <Nothing_Much> do you have an ARM PC?
[11:39] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[11:52] <Niles> Hello BluesKaj
[11:52] <BluesKaj> Hi Niles
[12:32] <Volkodav> Did anybody notice the notification area in xfce panel does not show any icons or just one maybe instead of all of them? I only have pidgin showing there and not a single other one
[12:43] <kiwilinuxguy> howdy
[12:43] <kiwilinuxguy> testing xubuntu beta 2
[13:47] <Laibsch> gnome-terminal in precise used to page-up and page-down when clicking in the scroll-bar. Nowadays with trusty it jumps to the relative position of where the click occurs. How do I get back the PgUp and PgDown behaviour which I prefer and is still the default for other applications such as TB?
[13:54] <CooLBALL1> a guy in -offtopic said there are major bugs in 14.04
[13:56] <ikonia> CooLBALL1: why don't you talk to him about it
[13:56] <ikonia> what bugs
[13:56] <ikonia> how they effect him
[13:56] <ikonia> how it relates to you
[13:57] <ikonia> rather than joining support channels and making vaguge comments ?
[13:57] <CooLBALL1> okay whatever I thought it could be well known in which case someone could inform me
[13:59] <Pici> the last set of release notes would have anything that would be considered high-profile
[14:03] <ikonia> perhaps questioning the person making the statements seems more sensible
[14:04] <ikonia> as what's a major bug to him maybe nothing to everyone else
[14:13] <CooLBALL1> Pici: looks like I was misinformed
[14:14] <Pici> CooLBALL1: misinformation? in #ubuntu-offtopic? *gasp*
[14:14] <CooLBALL1> ikonia: okay ty
[14:39] <danieru> hi! I'm trying to report a bug from a daily build of Trusty Ubuntu server, but when I attempt to use 'ubuntu-bug' it tells me 'This is not an official Ubuntu package..' What is the proper way to report bugs for Alpha/Beta releases of Trusty?
[15:01] <ikonia> danieru: is the package something from the ubuntu repos ?
[15:01] <ikonia> which package is it ?
[15:15] <blocky> anyone experienced an issue where unity loads the desktop but no panels? my other DE loads fine
[15:15] <blocky> by desktop i mean wallpaper
[15:16] <CooLBALL1> can you repeat the bug?
[15:17] <blocky> yeah, I can't fix it
[15:19] <blocky> it looks like maybe compiz is crashing, could that cause the behavior I'm seeing? I see an error reporting dialog for /usr/bin/compiz
[15:20] <CooLBALL1> well I would report the bug and try switching to unity 2D by logging out and selecting unity 2D from the drop down menu on the login screen
[15:20] <blocky> is there a reason doing sudo apt-get upgrade once would only update some of the packages? I thought I was up to date but apparently not
[15:21] <blocky> CooLBALL1: my only options on the session picker are i3wm, i3wm (debug) and Ubuntu
[15:21] <blocky> and the ubuntu one is only there because I did apt-get --reinstall ubuntu-desktop, it was missing after my last upgrade
[15:23] <blocky> ... and mysteriously the problem is gone
[15:23] <blocky> I'll show myself out, thanks CooLBALL1
[15:30] <CooLBALL1> yeah I meant ubuntu 2D
[15:37] <EvilRoey> Hi all, thanks for all the hard work you all are putting into the next release. Why can't I hear sound on any of my Kubuntu 14.04 installations?
[15:38] <EvilRoey> My volume is 100% on all software and hardware guages
[15:41] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Does pavucontol register a signal?
[15:44] <EvilRoey> lordievader: I had two music devices.
[15:44] <EvilRoey> lordievader: one was the GK107 HDMI Audio Controller from my NVidia card, and the other was Built-in Audio from my motherboard
[15:45] <EvilRoey> lordievader: I looked this up in PAVUControl's Configuration tab
[15:45] <EvilRoey> I set the GK107 HDMI Audio Controller profile to: "Off", and then immediately the sound started coming
[15:45] <EvilRoey> shadeslayer: hi
[15:45] <EvilRoey> shadeslayer: ^^^^^
[15:46] <EvilRoey> listen, for some reason the Kubuntu installer made the NVidia HDMI port audio the default output
[15:46] <shadeslayer> hey hey
[15:46] <shadeslayer> oh pft
[15:46] <shadeslayer> that's Phonon's area
[15:46] <EvilRoey> when in my case I have an SPDIF connection to my stereo receiver, and also headphones, all plugged into the motherboard's sound
[15:46] <EvilRoey> is it?
[15:46] <EvilRoey> is Pavucontrol a Phonon configurator?
[15:46] <shadeslayer> yeah, IIRC it queries PA and the current backend for devices
[15:46] <EvilRoey> okay
[15:47] <shadeslayer> EvilRoey: no, it's a PA configuration tool
[15:47] <EvilRoey> oh
[15:47] <EvilRoey> phonon is under PA?
[15:47] <EvilRoey> or is Phonon built on top of PA
[15:47] <shadeslayer> no, Phonon -> PA -> ALSA (?) -> Kernel
[15:47] <EvilRoey> ok
[15:47] <EvilRoey> that's what I thought
[15:48] <EvilRoey> PA is Ubuntu's, right?
[15:48] <EvilRoey> whereas Phonon is KDE
[15:48] <shadeslayer> how do you mean
[15:48] <shadeslayer> well
[15:48] <shadeslayer> PA is developed outside KDE :)
[15:48] <shadeslayer> if that's what you wanted to know
[15:50] <BluesKaj> EvilRoey, pulseaudio is default on both KDE and Unity/gnome. Pavucontrol is optional in the repos./
[15:51] <BluesKaj> afaik
[15:52] <BluesKaj> ok ...BBL
[15:53] <chichov1> hey, I was referred here from #ubuntu regarding a bug in the installer
[15:54] <chichov1> when trying to install in encrypted mode (with LVM) I get an error that LVM group creation failed
[15:54] <chichov1> is anybody aware of this flaw / is there a solution?
[16:01] <lordievader> Can't Phonon talk to Alsa directly if there is no PA?
[16:02] * lordievader should boot up his gentoo install to see how it is configured there.
[16:08] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj: ah, okay
[16:09] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj: btw, that above is a solution to my no sound issue. If we in this channel hear complaints by other users that they can't hear sound, we can ask them to set the profile of their NVidia card's HDMI output to "off", in Pavucontrol.
[16:10] * EvilRoey feels accomplished, myes.
[16:10] <BluesKaj> lordievader, yes, i don't use pulse on this laptop because the intel audio driver doesn't need it
[16:10] <EvilRoey> shadeslayer: and yes that is what I wnated to know, thanks :)
[16:11] <EvilRoey> I didn't know which group supports which part of the regarding PA<->Phonon interaction
[16:13] <BluesKaj> pulseaudio rides on top of alsa as a sound server for some soundcards that don't link thru phonon to alsa for some reason. I've tried to research why this is the case, but there doesn't seem to be a clear explanation for this behaviour
[16:17] <BluesKaj> phonon to alsa works fine in the pc environment. However in web browsers flash needs pulseaudio to pass audio to alsa. That's the situation i've encountered with sound cards like m-audio and SB
[16:17] <BluesKaj> anyway , BBL
[16:19] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Pa is there so that multiple applications can use the soundcard at the same time.
[16:35] <BluesKaj> yes lordievader , but i don't listen to more than one audio source at a time
[16:52] <EvilRoey> lordievader: you're a KDE user too, right?
[16:52] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Correct.
[16:53] <EvilRoey> lordievader: gotcha
[16:53] <EvilRoey> lordievader: do you delve into Python much?
[16:54] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Yes, actually most of the programs that I write are in Python (3) :D
[16:54] <EvilRoey> oh neat!
[16:54] <EvilRoey> lordievader: maybe I've seen you in #python before
[16:55] <EvilRoey> lordievader: what do you get into with Python?
[16:55] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Don't think so, it is not a channel that I frequent.
[16:55] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Currently I'm working on a print registration program.
[16:55] <EvilRoey> ahh gotcha
[16:56] <EvilRoey> lordievader: for a school or an organization, say?
[16:56] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Are you in #kubuntu-offtopic? This topic is rather offtopic for this channel.
[16:56] <EvilRoey> lordievader: like, register a print account, track its funds, add to its funds, etc.
[16:56] <EvilRoey> lordievader: ah, I'll join #kubuntu-offtopic
[17:06] <levente> Yesterday I installed trusty server (mostly) successfully, but today on the same server the installer displays that "Download installer components" "No kernel modules were found". This is the same for the beta-2, 2014-04-01, 2014-04-02 versions. The syslog contains this line:
[17:06] <levente> anna[2231]: WARNING **: no packages matching running kernel 3.13.0-20-generic in archive
[17:07] <levente> Is this only me? Or is there somebody who installed trusty server successfully today?
[17:09] <levente> It is also strange that the server installer asks me to select a mirror. As far as I remember it never asked this. I checked from the installer shell that the archive server is indeed accessible. I tried the US and HU mirrors.
[17:35] <pimpim> anyone with ubuntu 14.04 and Optimus bumblebee successful install?
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
[17:54] <AlexZion> hi everyone I had some problem to run kubuntu 14.04 beta2 64bit on my Dell Xps 15z so I tried with the 32bit version and it runs very well without add special option on boot ......
[17:54] <AlexZion> should I add some kernel option to run in the same way the 64bit ?
[18:00] <lordievader> AlexZion: What problem did you have on 64bit?
[18:00] * lordievader never needed to add kernel options for 64bit
[18:00] <AlexZion> the live doesn't runs and I get just a black screen
[18:01] <AlexZion> while I can just run fine the 14.04 beta2 32bit
[18:01] <lordievader> AlexZion: Sounds like a gfx driver issue.
[18:02] <lordievader> AlexZion: What graphics card do you have?
[18:02] <AlexZion> yeah sure it is but normally I adding an option at boot time can I fix
[18:03] <AlexZion> my laptop has 2 GPU an Intel and a Nvidia G 425m
[18:04] <lordievader> AlexZion: Ah that might explain things. Bumblebee, I don't have any experience with it, but from what I've heard it can be tricky getting it going.
[18:06] <AlexZion> well that's the problem so I would like to understand what the difference between 32 and 64 in terms of hardware support , I mean with 32bit it runs just fine ....
[18:08] <lordievader> AlexZion: Perhaps this can be of help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee
[18:09] <AlexZion> lordievader: I know very well the project I'm using it on my actual version ....
[18:09] <AlexZion> but the problem remain to run a live and than install it .......
[18:10] <AlexZion> right now is Impossible install 14.04 64bit on machines like mine without change some kernel option ....
[18:10] <AlexZion> and I don't know even if is possible passing some options actually
[18:11] <lordievader> AlexZion: Is Bumblebee enabled on the live-cd? Else you can go minimal -> kubuntu-desktop route.
[18:11] <lordievader> (Or ubu-server -> kubuntu-desktop)
[18:12] <AlexZion> with 32bit I have the normal live and even openGL is working fine, but with 64bis is impossible to start a live ....
[18:12] <AlexZion> it make any sense ?
[18:13] <AlexZion> I mean I have different hardware support for 32 and 64 ?
[18:13] <lordievader> Since drivers are quite low level it makes some sense.
[18:14] <AlexZion> ok so I cannot using a live and check if everything is compatible with 14.04 64bit , great .......
[18:15] <lordievader> As I said, I have no experience with bumblebee, but there might be a change that you can enable those drivers and get the live cd running.
[18:15] <AlexZion> I was waiting to install a new version for that reason but I waited for nothing ......
[18:15] <AlexZion> I didn't find any info about it but I hope find it on next days before the last release ....
[18:17] <lordievader> I suppose it would be usefull for you to talk to someone with more experience in bumblebee ;)
[18:27] <EvilRoey> AlexZion: nice nick
[18:47] <AlexZion> thanks EvilRoey
[18:55] <EvilRoey> AlexZion: what's the significance/meaning behind it?
[18:55] <EvilRoey> AlexZion: אתה ישראלי?
[18:55] <EvilRoey> AlexZion: oh, you're in Italy I see
[18:55] <AlexZion> well actually I like the meaning a reggae band given to it .....
[18:55] <AlexZion> do you know "reggae national ticket" ?
[18:57] <AlexZion> this is the song inspires me to use "Zion" combined with my first name on my nickname - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF9Syvwqa8c it has an Italian lirycs
[18:59] <AlexZion> but EvilRoey I guess we are a little bit offtopics here ? :)
[19:01] <EvilRoey> ahhhhhh
[19:01] <EvilRoey> now I understand :)
[19:01] <EvilRoey> AlexZion: I'm on #kubuntu-offtopic as well
[19:01] <EvilRoey> AlexZion: hmm, youtube had issues finding that
[19:01] <EvilRoey> but okay
[19:03] <Xtremeasure> out of curiosity has anyone been able to use the cinnamon desktop
[19:04] <Xtremeasure> when i was i on 12.04 it failed to build a lib it need forcing me to fallback i havent tried here yet
[19:05] <Xtremeasure> kept** not need lol sorry
[19:28] <catnig> schreber: What dumb dumb.
[19:28] <schreber> can someone explain the reasoning behind, and this will sound harsh, what appears to be a depreciation of ffmpeg in 14.04 (stock ubuntu)?
[19:29] <catnig> My name is schreber and I am stupid
[19:30] <Xtremeasure> hahaha
[19:31] <schreber> I see asking a question is an open invite to be rude rather than helpful
[19:32] <catnig> Hey schreber . Your rude
[19:34] <schreber> It's "You're" not "Your"
[19:35] <schreber> if you want to insult someone at least learn the difference
[19:35] <Pici> just ignore them
[19:36] <rww> schreber: Are you aware of the ffmpeg vs. libav mess?
[19:36] <BluesKaj> schreber, it's hard to say, however avconv replaces ffmpeg or rather acts as a container for it afaik. Why this was changed in 14.04 is a mystery to me.
[19:37] <schreber> My thing is the note had very little to say about a replacement since you know a lot of people are going to do 'sudo apt-get install ffmpeg' and when they can't find it they're going to well complain
[19:39] <schreber> I'm not an expert by any means but I have to say some of the things Ubuntu does has me scratching my head if not simply shaking it (with the optional fist).
[19:40] <rww> *shrug* Upstream split in two (to oversimplify), Debian went with libav, we went with libav. People using ffmpeg should be aware of their upstream's drama, imho.
[19:40] <rww> (I don't care one way or the other about which one is right, since I don't use either.)
[19:42] <Xtremeasure> is there a major difference between the two ?
[19:42] <Xtremeasure> i mean libav vs ffmpeg ?
[19:42] <schreber> drama would be appropriate
[19:43] <BluesKaj> rww, suffice to say there's no satisfactory logical explanation. I suppose one should browse thru the release notes, but I'm lazy so I'll just wait til someone in the know explains it.
[19:43] <jtaylor> Xtremeasure: different interfaces and depending on who you ask one is far better than the other
[19:44] <schreber> could you liken them to pencil v. pen both are good, both do similar jobs but in some instances one is better than the other depending on needs/wants.
[19:45] <rww> BluesKaj: The two upstreams fail badly at compatible sonaming and blame each other for it, so one got picked over the other. iirc the Debian packager is part of libav, so that's why we went that way. There isn't going to be a "satisfactory logical explanation"
[19:45] <Xtremeasure> ok i see well from what im reading ffmpeg is the better of the two hahah which explains the optional fist shaking
[19:46] <BluesKaj> I know one thing , mpv plays mp4 files which VLC seemed to handle fine until the avconv app replaced ffmpeg
[19:46] <jtaylor> it probably is now, but that was not clear when the split occurred
[19:46] <jtaylor> could have gone either way
[19:46] <Xtremeasure> yeah i got yah.
[19:49] <Xtremeasure> after im done doing what im doing im going back to trying to get the cinnamon desktop to work im running mate right now but it just isnt the same
[19:50] <schreber> are you using linux mint's repo or some third party repo for mate/cinnamon ?
[19:51] <Xtremeasure> im using the ubuntu repo
[19:51] <Xtremeasure> its listed in ours anything past 12.04
[19:52] <Xtremeasure> but it broken i believe
[19:53] <k1l_> cinnamon got dropped from debian and ubuntu since they have really big problems to keep it compatible with latest gnome base
[19:54] <schreber> you could try seeing if anyone in the mate/cinnamon channel may have some information
[19:54] <Xtremeasure> i might try
[19:54] <Xtremeasure> ail_ you sure i believe its still listed in software center
[19:54] <Xtremeasure> kil_*
[19:55] <Xtremeasure> i was just gonna try to build it off of the libraries its missing from the nightly repo
[19:55] <k1l_> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty&searchon=names&keywords=cinnamon
[19:55] <k1l_> seems you got some mint repos in your ubuntu
[19:55] <Xtremeasure> oh boy
[19:55] <schreber> silly question are you building it from a netinstall or from a default ubuntu one
[19:55] <BluesKaj> k1l_, yeah I tried cinnamon on ubuntu since it was recommended as a nice easy to use DE, but it didn't work very well on 14.04 with nvidia gpu
[19:56] <Xtremeasure> im gonna purge my packages then take a look at my sources
[19:57] <Xtremeasure> this is an upgrade maybe i forgot to remove the nightly and stable repos when i upgraded
[19:58] <Xtremeasure> i had trouble with it back on 12.04 to a library was refusing to build and it resulted in fallback crashes on login
[20:00] <Xtremeasure> schreber: do you have the name of that channel just so i dont have to look for it
[20:03] <Xtremeasure> my sorces list isnt showning anything out of the ordinary i am still seeing cinnamon here
[20:03] <AndChat-746004> Is it recommended that we upgrade from 12 to 14 after 4/17?
[20:04] <k1l_> i think the LTS upgrade gets enabled when 14.04.1 is released
[20:05] <k1l_> Xtremeasure: look at "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d"
[20:06] <Xtremeasure> it is showing the cinnamon rep there though
[20:06] <Xtremeasure> lol thanky ou kil_
[20:06] <k1l_> PPAs get stored there. use ppa-purge to remove PPAs
[20:10] <AndChat-746004> I want to upgrade to the final
[20:10] <AndChat-746004> Release of 14
[20:10] <AndChat-746004> Any reason not to?
[20:12] <AndChat-746004> Or... is 14 an exciting release?
[20:15] <BluesKaj> AndChat-746004, the official release is on Apr 17th. If you're on a work pc then a month or so later would be a good time to upgrade to 14.04, just for stability's sake.
[20:16] <BluesKaj> AndChat-746004, but if you're a home user like me and like to live close to the edge then by all means upgrade :)
[20:21] <schreber> Xtremeasure, sorry no.
[20:48] <wiredfool> openssl question -- when I start a ssl enabled server @ boot, it starts quickly, and reads 32 bytes from /dev/urandom. Some time later, I get htis from dmesg: [ 99.783379] random: nonblocking pool is initialized
[20:48] <wiredfool> This looks sketchy
[20:52] <onca> wanna hear about something cool? My mobo died on me today, so I took the ssd out of the compy and put it into an old netbook and booted. It booted right up all the bells and wistles work. That's awesome. can't do that with windows. You guys are great, don't ever change. I owe you.
[20:57] <willyg_cos> I USED to be able to open a VNC session from Mac OSX to Ubuntu 12.04 with "Screen Sharing" on the mac, but I no longer can with 14.04 ??? Any ideas or suggestions of where to turn on logs??
[20:57] <onca> how do you turn off the feature that tried to resize windows when you press them against the sides of the desktop?
[20:58] <onca> oh I got it, it's so intuitive
[21:06] <CarlFK> Where is the description of support schedule - like how long normal vs lts releases
[21:07] <k1l_> !lts
[21:07] <ubottu> LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)
[21:07] <k1l_> CarlFK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases
[21:08] <CarlFK> k1l_: bingo "Long term support (LTS) releases are for 5 years. "
[21:08] <CarlFK> thanks
[21:09] <k1l_> CarlFK: keep in mind that the other community releases (kubuntu xubuntu..) can have other support times
[21:56] <onca> This is incredible.. I popped the SSD out of a beast of a machine with your distro and proprietary ati drivers, who's awesome ITX motherboard from ASROCK failed and put it (the drive) into a netbook an Acer ASPIRE ONE and the fucking thing loaded beautifully and runs like a dream.
[21:56] <onca> someone recognize how awesome that is
[22:09] <cobolfoo> unity crash when I log in, someone aware of this problem?
[22:09] <cobolfoo> (stock install + nvidia prop drivers)
[22:10] <onca> I've seen similar, not sure what I did to overcome it. I wish I could help.
[22:10] <cobolfoo> I will eventually find :)
[22:10] <cobolfoo> unity log to which file
[22:10] <cobolfoo> ?
[22:13] <cobolfoo> apt-get dist-upgrade fixed it
[22:13] <onca> incredible.. I just popped the SSD out of a beast of a machine with your distro and proprietary ati drivers, who's awesome ITX motherboard from ASROCK failed and put it (the drive) into a netbook an Acer ASPIRE ONE and the fucking thing loaded beautifully and runs like a dream.
[22:17] <cobolfoo> Linux detect hardware on every boot :)
[22:19] <onca> It was just similar enough to work perfectly
[22:19] <onca> I even have wobly windows and desktop cube
[22:19] <onca> and translucent terminals
[22:19] <onca> eeeeeee!
[22:23] <willyg_cos> How do I set Mac OSX Screen Sharing to connect to vino?? vino-server reports the error: rfbClientConnFailed("No security type suitable for RFB 3.3 supported") - but Mac WILL connect to vino-server on xubuntu 12.04 box...
[22:31] <willyg_cos> Vino issue: Found 14.04 vino-server version is 3.8.1-0 while xubuntu 12.04 version is 3.4.2-0
[22:36] <Crashbit> oh! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cgmanager/+bug/1301544
[22:36] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1301544 in cgmanager (Ubuntu) "cannot boot with latest systemd updates" [Critical,Triaged]
[22:36] <Crashbit> It's a great problem with cgmanager, i can't boot with separate /usr
[22:38] <Crashbit> I use separate /usr with my server, I have to wait to solve it
[22:40] <trism> Crashbit: did you see the workaround? 'Workaround consists in copying libcgmanager.so.0 and libcgmanager.so.0.0.0 from /usr/lib/x86-64-linux-gnu to /lib/x86-64-linux-gnu and everything is fine again.'
[22:41] <Crashbit> yes yes, I see it, but it's fatal for a production server.
[22:42] <trism> Crashbit: the other bug says they should have a fix uploaded shortly so it shouldn't be much longer
[22:43] <Crashbit> Yes, I don't know if a positive o negative answer :þ
[23:16] <phillw> hi good people, is there any plan in place to have 14.04 server kernel (3.13.5 #1 SMP) and the desktop (3.13.0.-21-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP) actually merged ?
[23:17] <mathuin> I would like to run vncserver with gnome or unity sessions on a trusty system. Having trouble with getting xstartup properly configured. Anyone have suggestions?
[23:27] <Scrivener> This channel is for discussion of pre-release Ubuntu, but would I be within the bounds of the rules to seek support for it here?
[23:27] <Scrivener> I'm not sure it's anything particular to 14.04 or to my hardware, on which Ubuntu hasn't been run before.
[23:28] <Scrivener> But I was told in #ubuntu to come here.
[23:28] <trism> Scrivener: yes this is the correct channel for 14.04 support
[23:28] <Scrivener> Excellent. Let me give you the quick rundown.
[23:29] <CarlFK> phillw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule says April 3rd KernelFreeze https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelFreeze "The kernel freeze is a deadline for kernel updates"
[23:29] <CarlFK> so I would say wait two days and see what happens
[23:29] <Scrivener> Last night I installed 14.04 on my desktop, which is running dual GTX 670s (for SLI).
[23:29] <Scrivener> It was booting fine, using the very sluggish Nouveau drivers, though, so I changed to the binary drivers. Rebooted, still working fine.
[23:30] <Scrivener> Go into Nvidia configuration, enable (Xinerama?) for multiple displays (I have two), reboot, and Unity is apparently broken.
[23:30] <Scrivener> I can log in just fine, but see only my cursor and the desktop background.
[23:30] <Scrivener> I cannot launch a terminal with ctrl-alt-T, and had to do it through ctrl-alt-F1
[23:31] <Scrivener> What would you suggest I do to find out more? I've been googling all the while looking for potential solutions.
[23:32] <CarlFK> Scrivener: you may get help here, but also try in /j #nvidia too
[23:32] <Scrivener> Thanks very much
[23:33] <zenx> Scrivener, did it generate a xorg.conf?
[23:33] <zenx> maybe try and delete that
[23:33] <zenx> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaMultiMonitors
[23:35] <phillw> CarlFK: okies, thanks
[23:37] <Scrivener> zenx, will there be any adverse affects of deleting this file?
[23:37] <Scrivener> If not, I can.
[23:39] <zenx> No, at least I haven't had any, it uses a default configuration
[23:45] <Scrivener> zenx, I've done so, restarted, and Unity was accessible. I've gone back into the Nvidia settings, enabled the second display (without selecting the option for Xinerama) and rebooted. The second display is now detected, and I can move my cursor over to it (which changes to an "X"), but I cannot use it as a second display in conjunction with my primary.
[23:45] <Scrivener> It has no background, no Unity interface whatsoever, just a black screen, and I cannot drag windows to it.
[23:46] <Scrivener> It used to be that Nvidia showed an option "Twinview" which I used before... I figured Xinerama was the new name for it.
[23:46] <zenx> Scrivener have you trying using ubuntu's screen tool to set the displays?
[23:47] <zenx> I am not using an nvidia card atm
[23:47] <edude03> Hey guys, I did a dist upgrade from 13.10 -> 14.04 but how do I upgrade my sources now? IE PPAs that are for saucy to trusty
[23:48] <zenx> Scrivener, I wouldn't use twinview
[23:48] <Scrivener> zenx, no, I am using Nvidia's tool -- interestingly, the Ubuntu tool only detects one of the two displays, and it is identifying the one as a display that isn't actually either one of them.
[23:48] <Scrivener> Neither of my displays is the one "Ancor Communications Inc 22" " that it shows.
[23:49] <Scrivener> One is 21.5in Asus, the other a 20in Acer.
[23:49] <zenx> Scrivener, ok that is awkward.. Can you try it without choosing twinview?
[23:49] <Scrivener> zenx, twinview is not an option anymore.
[23:49] <Scrivener> When I last used Ubuntu on this desktop (with a different, single video card) it was.
[23:49] <Scrivener> Now it's just "Xinerama"
[23:49] <zenx> without using xinerama then
[23:50] <Scrivener> Oh, the Ancor Comms is the Asus monitor.
[23:50] <zenx> it joins both screens as one, instead of having separate screens..
[23:50] <Scrivener> Also, I am not using Xinerama now. Using Xinerama caused the entire DE not to load earlier.
[23:50] <Scrivener> I couldn't do anything with it enabled.
[23:50] <zenx> Oh ok
[23:50] <Scrivener> Right now I'm not using it, and the second monitor is useless.
[23:50] <zenx> You have one monitor connected to each cart right?
[23:50] <zenx> *card
[23:51] <Scrivener> Yes. I have the Asus connected to the top 670, the Acer connected to the lower one.
[23:52] <Scrivener> The Acer currently apparently is configured as its own X screen, and I can move my cursor to it (which turns to a generic "X"), but I cannot interact with it in any other meaningful way.
[23:52] <Scrivener> And it has a black background, not the one Ubuntu would use.
[23:53] <zenx> seems like bad news http://askubuntu.com/questions/288527/is-it-seriously-not-possible-to-use-both-sli-and-two-monitors-at-the-same-time-o
[23:54] <zenx> nvidia's fault apparently
[23:54] <Scrivener> ...
[23:54] * Scrivener sighs
[23:54] <zenx> but even in windows multiple gpu and multiple monitors sometimes have problems
[23:54] <zenx> lol, i know the feeling
[23:54] <Scrivener> Never had an issue myself ;)
[23:54] <Beldar> Anuska, gnome-session-fallback is the gnome 3 version of the classic, it is not exactly the same.
[23:54] <Scrivener> It was plug in and go with Windows
[23:55] <Scrivener> I use Linux primarily, only had the desktop around for gaming.
[23:55] <Anuska> Hi Beldar , i install thaks
[23:55] <Scrivener> Figures that when I try to use the desktop for Linux I run into issues ;_;
[23:55] <Anuska> :*
[23:55] <zenx> Maybe there is hope defining a xorg.conf manually
[23:55] <Scrivener> Maybe. For now I might just give the second monitor to a Raspberry Pi or something.
[23:55] <Anuska> how i see if i have driver vor video installed
[23:55] <Scrivener> Got a couple of them running here on the desk
[23:55] <Beldar> Anuska, No prob, 14.04 is in development, and this is the channel for that, will move to #ubuntu when released.
[23:56] <zenx> I had a nvidia dual gpu (one card) and could actually use three monitors in linux and is was supposedly not supported and impossible
[23:56] <Anuska> thanks
[23:56] <Anuska> nice :)
[23:56] <zenx> Scrivener, what about connecting both monitors to the same gpu?
[23:56] <Scrivener> I can give it a go.
[23:56] <Scrivener> Brb
[23:56] <zenx> it will work no doubt