UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /02 /#kubuntu.txt
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=== ubuntu is now known as Guest36233
[00:38] <zhick> i just updated to kde 14.04 beta 2. now i'm having this problem: phonon doesnt display my audio devices anymore when trying to arrange device priority, only one single one labeled "default", so i cant use my external dac anymore. does anybode have any idea what might be causing this? all devices show up fine in alsamixer and pavucontrol.
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest33414
[01:17] <Roey> helloo
[01:17] <Roey> Need help, I can't hear sound from my 14.04 installation.
[01:21] <zhick> Roey: is your soundcard listed under device priority in phonon-settings? i'm curious because I also have a problem with audio and there's only a default device listed the. maybe we're affected by the same problem?
[01:22] <Roey> this is the second 14.04 installation I have issues with sound btw
[01:22] <Roey> zhick: one moment, checking
[01:23] <Roey> Device Preference is builtin analog/stereo
[01:23] <Roey> yet I hear nothing on my earphones
[01:23] <zhick> Roey: ok, so it appears we have different problems.
[01:24] <Roey> ok
[01:24] <Roey> why, what is your issue zhick?
[01:24] <zhick> did you try fiddeling with your soundcard settings in alsamixer/pavucontrol?
[01:26] <zhick> phonon only lists a default device under device priority (which appears to be my laptops internal soundcard), so i cant select my external usb-soundcard. everywhere else all soundards are listed though.
[01:27] <Roey> ah
[01:27] <Roey> oh I see, you have an external sound card
[01:34] <Roey> monkeyjuice: pfffft awesome nick!!
[01:34] <Roey> how creative
[01:36] <monkeyjuice> hows it going Roey
[01:42] <Condorito> Good evening, awesome people!
[01:46] <zhick> ok i think ive figured out my problem. gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio was not installed so phonons gstreamer backend fell back to alsa.
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest93389
[01:51] <Roey> all good monkeyjuice
[01:51] <Roey> hello Condorito :)
[01:51] <Roey> oh I see.
[01:51] <Roey> how can I check this on my system?
[01:51] <zhick> I'm wondering why it was missing, though. Roey, you just did a fresh install also? can you check if gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio is installed on your system?
[01:52] <zhick> Roey: just try sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
[01:52] <zhick> if its installed it should say theres nothing to do
[01:52] <Roey> zhick, see this: https://gist.github.com/roeyk/9846761b36945fe23bc9
[01:52] <Roey> it's already installed
[01:53] <Roey> oh wait
[01:53] <Roey> zhick: the apt-get command you specified actually /is/ installing it.
[01:53] <Roey> So it wasn't installed. Progres...
[01:55] <Roey> zhick: so it installed it, now what, restart KDE?
[01:56] <zhick> it should pick it up automatically. worked fine for me, but then again, we didnt have the exact same problem
[02:03] <Roey> `hmm I still do not have it.
[02:03] <zhick> Roey: hm thats too bad.
[02:04] <Roey> eh well maybe someone else has this issue
[02:04] <zhick> did you check your mixer levels?
[02:04] <Roey> I have it on both of my 14.04 installations, as I said before
[02:04] <Roey> yes I just did
[02:04] <Roey> through KDE, through alsamixer, my headphones volume, and the application volume (amarok's)
[02:04] <Roey> and also I tried with straight mpg123
[02:07] <Condorito> WOW. My copy of Kubuntu for Chromebook doesn't have make installed.
[02:08] <zhick> Roey: ok then i've got no idea. maybe running PHONON_PULSEAUDIO_DEBUG=5 PHONON_DEBUG=5 PHONON_BACKEND_DEBUG=5 kcmshell4 phonon and looking for warnings or errors might help you figure out your problem, that's how i figured out mine.
[02:10] <Condorito> (warning: I'm about to screw up my make command for trying to get Wine on an ARM. I shall need strong arms to cry into momentarily.)
[02:17] <Condorito> Time to go on a magical recursion journey! Do you need to have flex on your install to install flex? WE SHALL SEE!!!
[02:25] <Condorito> Okay, it looks like I'll need to install m4 to get flex to work to get make to work to get Wine to work.
[02:25] <Condorito> According to this: http://www.geeksww.com/tutorials/operating_systems/linux/installation/installing_flex_fast_lexical_analyzer_ubuntu_linux.php
[02:33] <Condorito> I THINK m4 is installed? Now it's time to see if flex can be installed correctly.
[02:37] <Condorito> It's worked! flex is installed! I am a sexy manbeast of a clueless ninny!
[02:41] <Condorito> My reach has exceeded my grasp. Again.
[02:45] <Condorito> I'm re-downloading Wine so that I have something that was untainted by my lack of correct software.
[02:52] <Condorito> Okay. so flex isn't REALLY installed in /bin. I guess that's my bad.
[02:56] <Condorito> Ah. Now I must install the bison package.
[02:56] <Condorito> At least I know the rules of the game now.
[02:57] <Condorito> PATH=$PATH/usr/local/ulcer
[03:16] <Condorito> Okay. There's a metric crud-ton of errors, but Wine appears to have actually ./configure 'd.
[03:17] <Condorito> Now to make it.
[03:21] <Condorito> I fear I will never be smart enough to figure out what's going on in the myriad streams of text wandering past my 'puter's terminal.
[03:57] <Condorito> Watching Wine compile on a Chromebook has got to be one of the more hilarious things I've done to abuse a piece of hardware in a while.
[03:58] <Condorito> "Noooo! I am a fancy cell phone! Please don't make me do any heavy lifting!" "Buahahahaha, next I shall find the source for a CAD program!" "Nooooooo!"
[04:30] <jussi> Condorito: sounds fun. come join me/us in #kubuntu-offtopic for general chat and stuff :D
[04:41] * Condorito realizes he has become That Guy. Will will shut up now.
[05:19] <Num83rGuy> Hello I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out why video playback is so choppy in all programs. Firefox, VLC, XBMC Mplayer, etc. Video jumps and audio skips. Nvidia 550ti prop driver 319.32, AMD phenom quad core at 2GHz, 3GiB RAM
=== calin is now known as crucerucalin
[07:41] <dnivra> Hello. I asked in #kopete but it's probably not very active now. I am running Kubuntu 13.10 and Kopete does not seem to be displaying any notifications for incoming messages. I checked the notifications settings and found that play a sound and show message in popup but neither seem to be working. Should something else be done to enable them?
[08:00] <shimano> Hi how a can reinstall Qt on Kubuntu ? thanks
[08:53] <abdi> hi room
[08:57] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:02] <abdi> if i wanna join new chanel like uk how can i do ?
[09:02] <lordievader> abdi: /join #<channel-name>
[09:03] <abdi> i have try but it dose not work
[09:05] <lordievader> alvin: Quassel should work with that though.
[09:05] <alvin> What did I say?
[09:05] <alvin> Ow, wrong tab completion. I see :-) carry on
[09:06] <abdi> this chanel i can join but others is not
[09:11] <lordievader> alvin: Ah sorry for the hilight
[09:17] <alvin> np$
=== emanuele is now known as betaFPUIKnowYou
[11:39] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[13:17] <sven222> hi help needed. fresh instakk of kubuntu 12. amd64 msi mainboard. create lvm encrypted filesystem fails. no error msg. without works. any hints
[14:46] <aljosa> kwallet(manager) is broken, at least for me, after last update in 14.04/dev. should i report this as bug or is this a known issue?
=== DeadS0ul is now known as spawn57
[15:25] <EvilRoey> hi all, why can't I hear sound on any of my Kubuntu 14.04 installations?
=== art is now known as Guest16858
[15:26] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Support for Trusty is in #ubuntu+1 until Trusty is released.
[15:37] <EvilRoey> thanks
[15:37] <EvilRoey> lordievader: thanks
=== emanuele is now known as betaFPUIKnowYou
=== artao is now known as HomerJay
=== HomerJay is now known as artao
=== emanuele is now known as betaFPUIKnowYou
[16:15] <Desert> i have 12.04 is there a safe way to install gcc 4.7 or 4.8?
[16:16] <Desert> can i expect an upgrades gcc in 14.04 ?
[16:16] <Desert> im in the need to c++11 features
[16:41] <Num83rGuy> Hello I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out why video playback is so choppy in all programs. Firefox, VLC, XBMC Mplayer, etc. Video jumps and audio skips. Nvidia 550ti prop driver 319.32, AMD phenom quad core at 2GHz, 3GiB RAM
[16:50] <freinhard> hi! what do i need to install? "The VPN service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.l2tp' was not installed"
[16:50] <freinhard> there's no network-manager-l2tp package or similar
[16:54] <BluesKaj> freinhard, install l2tp-ipsec-vpn
[16:55] <BluesKaj> freinhard, it's in the repos
[16:57] <freinhard> BluesKaj: a grep for l2tp in /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ doesnt give a hit. sure this is sufficient? didn't restart yet, i guess new dbus services need a reboot/logout-in
[17:00] <BluesKaj> freinhard, I've used l2tp-ipsec in the past on free vpn servers, but found them unreliable, so I went with openvpn on commercial vpn services which is more popular and easier to install and maintain
[17:00] <freinhard> BluesKaj: unreliable in terms of the service or the protocol?
[17:01] <BluesKaj> service...connections are unrelaible, freinhard
[17:02] <freinhard> BluesKaj: so there shouldn't be a problem with a self hosted service
[17:03] <BluesKaj> freinhard, I don't know, never tried that
[17:03] <freinhard> brb
[17:36] <venny> Hi, someone know how Kubuntu 13.10 share folders with windows?
[17:37] <venny> Can someone help me? I need make a Kubuntu PDC
[17:38] <venny> I'm looking for some documentation of Kubuntu 13.10 but I dont find
[17:39] <venny> thanks a lot :(
[17:47] <zinz> Hi can anyone help me installing windows please?
[17:48] <LucidGuy> Odd situation. KDE/ubuntu workstaition authenticating via ldap. I can login to the system with a local account and an ldap account. But unable to unlock the lock screen with local accounts. ldap accounts can unlock the lock screen???
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
[19:00] <zorael> Should the kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade tool work at this point? It seems to just block and do nothing.
[19:02] <zorael> There we go, took a good few minutes for it to start though
=== Vito_ is now known as Vito
=== Liquid is now known as Guest53866
=== Guest53866 is now known as Liquid83
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== artao is now known as artaOUT
[22:09] <TarantulaFudge> hey guys I've got kind of an annoying problem, how can I set driver options without defining my xorg.conf? I've tried adding device entries to xorg.conf.d but it totally freaks out
[22:22] <goodtime> #kubuntu-offtopic
[22:22] <goodtime> oops
=== artaOUT is now known as artao