UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /02 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
=== seelaman` is now known as seelaman
=== jam1 is now known as jam
[06:54] <domas> Hi, how one should install bzr as a library dependency? Adding 'bzr' to setup.py will try to look up bazaar-vcs page and fail - http://pastebin.mozilla.org/4746002
=== domas is now known as jackleo
[16:54] <hazmat> hi folks i'm trying to get bzr + git to work with git https urls.. latest git plugin (tip), latest dulwich (tip) and bzr 2.6..
[16:54] <hazmat> i get an error about a non existant store method.. store.get_graph_walker()
[16:54] <hazmat> not clear if that's an old deprecated thing or not..
[16:55] <hazmat> i had to modify the git plugin remote to support the additional transport url
[16:57] <hazmat> full traceback http://paste.ubuntu.com/7195053/
[16:57] <hazmat> jelmer, ^ any suggestions would be appreciated
[17:06] <zyga> hazmat: hey, I never got any luck with git + bzr other than what I did with git-lp
[17:14] <LeoNerd> It's a known bug
[17:14] <LeoNerd> Quick solution is to rollback to an older dulwich
[17:15] <jelmer> hazmat: what LeonErd says
[17:16] <hazmat> LeoNerd, jelmer thanks
[17:17] <hazmat> any particular version that is best?
[17:18] <jelmer> the latest that doesn't have the get_graph_walker changes
[17:18] <jelmer> 0.9.0 probably?
[17:19] <hazmat> looks like 0.9.3