UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /30 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
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[02:40] <psusi> so I'm not even sure what package to file a bug against.. several releases back some system got worked out that nicely offered to install the required codec whenever you tried to play a video.. this doesn't seem to have been working for a while now. what packge is that?
=== back is now known as bakc
=== penguin421 is now known as penguin42
[20:48] <kgodwin> The launchpad bot suggested I ask in here for a package to associate the bug I reported. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1299825 I'm pretty sure there isn't a specific package tho.
[20:48] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1299825 in Ubuntu "14.04 LTS Beta 2 Upgrade -> failed to update kernel, broke video drivers" [Undecided,New]
[21:21] <hggdh> kgodwin: for a first try you can use linux (the kernel itself). But I am unsure, from your description... could also be the ugrade process
[21:23] <kgodwin> It's the upgrade process
[21:24] <kgodwin> At least, I assume the lack of kernel upgrade but upgrading the other packages is unintentional.