UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /30 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[13:20] <saiarcot895> Do the PPA builders allow the use of alternatives in Build-Depends?
=== mamarley is now known as Guest51393
=== mamarley is now known as Guest78082
=== lazyPower is now known as lazypower_travel
[16:16] <CarlFK> is there support for uploading to a ppa so that it will build for multiple releases? (like saucy,trusty)
[17:20] <jeffrey_f> Question: I've noticed that some windows during upgrade and in other areas similar are too big for some screens putting the "ok/cancel" type buttons out of reach. How do I report that? Example: http://i.imgur.com/U1ha4na.png
[20:37] <cjwatson> CarlFK: No, but often all you need to do is upload to the oldest series and copy-with-binaries to the newer ones once it's built
[21:12] <CarlFK> cjwatson: thanks.