UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /30 /#cloud-init.txt
Initial commit
[18:26] <jclift> Hmmm, is /var/lib/cloud/instance/obj.pkl meant to be consumable via python on spun up VM instances?
[18:27] * jclift is trying to pass meta-data to an instance, for reading by the instance after cloud-init has finished
[18:27] <jclift> While it's would be possible to mount the config drive somewhere (eg mount /dev/xvdd /foo) and get it that way
[18:28] <jclift> It seems like it'd be simpler to be able to unpickle /var/lib/cloud/instance/obj.pkl and get the data that way
[18:28] <jclift> Or am I think about this all wrong? (completely possible) :)
[20:17] <jclift> Ahhh. from cloudinit import util
[20:25] <jclift> Got it working. :)