UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /22 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
[01:40] <Noskcaj> Ampelbein, cjwatson, xnox, Laney, Riddell, Logan_, mdeslaur, micahg: Are any of you willing to give me a testimonial for MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#MOTU
[01:40] <Noskcaj> You've all sponsored a number of packages for me
[01:41] <Noskcaj> And i've got over 330 packages that have been sponsored
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-away
[08:46] <alexbligh1> Is there a way of determining what versions of packages WERE in an ubuntu release? I'm looking at a problem with Precise openjdk6 which I think is https://java.net/jira/browse/OPENJDK6-29 and is fixed in upstream b31, and introduced (I think) in b28. We started seeing problems about a month ago with a Precise update so I want to know what the package version in Precise was a month or two ago.
=== psivaa_ is now known as psivaa-afk
[09:15] <ogra_> alexbligh1, yes, next to the isos on cdimage.ubuntu.com or releases.ubuntu.com there is always a .manifest file that lists all binary packages included
[09:16] <alexbligh1> ogra_, thanks. I used the "ssh to every machine that has Precise on but has not been upgraded" method, which is less, um, Precise :-)
[09:18] <alexbligh1> ogra_, releases.ubuntu.com only seems to have 12.04.4 and cdimages only seems to have the last couple of days. Am I missing something?
[09:18] <ogra_> what are you looking for ?
[09:20] <alexbligh1> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/+bug/1295987 - I am trying to work out what the shipped version of openjdk would have been on a Precise box which was regularly updated back in Jan. Something in Feb (which I think I have identified) broken openjdk6 quite severely - I think it was the upgrade from b27 to b30, but I need to know the shipping version in around Jan was b27 (and not, say, b28).
[09:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1295987 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "openjdk6 regression causes finalizers never to be called" [Undecided,New]
[09:21] <alexbligh1> ogra_, I'm 90% sure of the above, but just want to check my facts
[09:21] <ogra_> you can look on the precise-changes ML when a specific package was uploaded ...
[09:22] <ogra_> (or on launchpad)
[09:22] <alexbligh1> ogra_, ok will do
[09:25] <alexbligh1> ogra_, LP is perfect, thanks - confirmed the issue
[12:05] <MrCasper> HI everyone. I recently got my degree in IT and I'm working full time now, but I would like to0.
[12:06] <MrCasper> contribute by doing some programming for an open source project. And suggestions where would be a good place to start?
[12:20] <ersi> MrCasper: That's a tough one. Is there anything in specific that interest you extra much? A type of problem or a set of programs or such? :)
[12:22] <MrCasper> I like solving problems like you see in Google Code Jam. Writing algorithms, that sort of thing
[12:24] <ersi> Alright. In any specific direction of interest? (Like do you fancy visualization, mapping/geography, data storage or some specific domain?)
[12:25] <MrCasper> Not particularly
[12:26] * ersi puts on thinking cap
[12:26] <MrCasper> I don't work in IT at the moment so my exposure has been limited to what we did in varsity
[12:26] <ersi> Any language/tool preferences?
[12:27] <ersi> (I guess not too strong of a preference there, since you expressed that you particularily liked algorithmic work)
[12:27] <MrCasper> Nope. I'm keen to learn. Although I have some experience in C++ and a handful in Java
[12:28] <MrCasper> The problem I've had is before is the difficulty of getting into it. I spent a whole day reading documentation, guides, coding guides etc. that I didn't do any coding
[12:30] <MrCasper> I want to do this as a hobby so I can't exactly spend a week on it just to get setup
[12:30] <ersi> Yeah, there can be a lot of that for better or worse
[12:31] <ersi> I understand that sentiment. It's hard to know how much setup cost there is to contribute to a project though, so you might want to timebox your setup time and perhaps look for another project if it isn't interesting enough until the time comes up.
[12:33] <MrCasper> Is there a project you can think of that really needs an extra hand?
[12:33] <ersi> I'm at loss of a really bright idea about where to take a stab at contributing at the moment. But seeing C++ and algorithmic preferences - maybe it's worthwhile pointing you to the Mozilla community as a somewhat good starting point. I frequent #introduction on irc.mozilla.org and see that come up from time to time.
[12:37] <MrCasper> Thanks , I will check it out!
[12:38] <ersi> They even got a http://www.whatcanidoformozilla.org/ site :-)
[12:39] <ersi> Great :)
=== TheMaster is now known as Guest70634
=== Zic is now known as Guest24527
[14:35] <kaliko> hi
[14:37] <pitti> bdmurray: thanks for accepting postgresql-9.1! can I talk you into looking at -8.4 as well?
[14:40] <kaliko> I'm maintaining a package in debian. Unfortunately the latest version sync in ubuntu contains a critical bug. I know trusty is currently frozen, but how can I eventually have the bug fixed in trusty repository.
[14:41] <jtaylor> kaliko: depends on if its mixed with other changes
[14:41] <jtaylor> if debian only contains bugfix on top of ubuntu we can just sync it
[14:42] <kaliko> It is not the case, a new upstream version is packaged in debian.
[14:42] <kaliko> But I could fix the version in ubuntu
[14:43] <jtaylor> you can also go for a feature freeze exception if the new version is not too invasive
[14:45] <jtaylor> are failing autopkgtests a migration blocker even if they never succeeded?
[14:45] <jtaylor> unlike for failing builds
[14:47] <cjwatson> jtaylor: they are right now, though I think we're largely agreed they shouldn't be
[14:47] <cjwatson> need to fix that
[14:47] <cjwatson> release team can override
[14:47] <cjwatson> I can't right now, need to fix a washing machine :-/
=== SpamapS_ is now known as SpamapS
[15:07] <jtaylor> is mixing tk 8.5 and 8.6 a bad idea?
[15:08] <jtaylor> python-tk is 8.6 while e.g. vtk is still 8.5, so its python bindings might be screwed
[15:08] <jtaylor> bug 1294927
[15:09] <ubottu> bug 1294927 in python-numpy (Ubuntu) "python2.7 crashed with SIGSEGV in Tk_CreateWindowFromPath()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1294927
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[15:16] <doko> jtaylor, can we build vtk with 8.6?
[15:16] <jtaylor> don't know
=== Guest70634 is now known as Unit193
[15:17] <jtaylor> I don't really want to touch vtk its kind of complicated
[15:18] <jtaylor> I'm just trying a build to see if it fixes that issue
[15:18] <jtaylor> nope fails to build
[15:21] <doko> direct access to the interp struct?
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as G4MBY
[15:40] <jtaylor> how much tcl 8,5 do we still have left?
[15:41] <jtaylor> hm not much
[16:05] <doko> the worst thing seems to be ruby, which claims that it doesn't work with 8.6. otoh antonio terceiro did mention that nobody uses this ... so could be dropped
[16:47] <jtaylor> ok got vtk to build with 8.6 and the issue is solved
[16:47] <jtaylor> but no idea of the thing actually works
=== Guest24527 is now known as Zic
[16:57] <ScottK> jtaylor: Details.
[16:59] <jtaylor> ?
[16:59] <jtaylor> oh that it works are details :)
[16:59] <jtaylor> right building is all that matters ;)
[16:59] <jtaylor> fwiw it doesn'T work, but neither does what we have in the archive right now
[16:59] <jtaylor> so probably not so bad
[17:00] <jtaylor> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7136756/
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
[17:08] <jtaylor> also broken in debian,good enough for me to ignore it
[17:45] <infinity> jtaylor: Looks like it's probably just underlinked?
[17:46] <jtaylor> yes but not as-needed related
[17:46] <jtaylor> as debian ahs it too
[17:46] <jtaylor> looks like the buildsystem is broken (and hasn't worked since at least precise)
[18:01] <bernardo_> hello!! i have a ask please can anyone help me? its about bash programming
[18:06] <bernardo_> please can anyone tellme if i can ask here? please!
=== jackson is now known as Guest15284
=== Guest15284 is now known as Noskcaj
[19:15] <Noskcaj> Ampelbein, cjwatson, xnox, Laney, Riddell, Logan_, mdeslaur, micahg: Are any of you willing to give me a testimonial for MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#MOTU
[19:15] * Noskcaj should probably stop spamming people for testimonials
[19:18] <bernardo_> i have a problem with fstab!! please help me
[19:19] <bernardo_> i have this line //servername/sharename /media/mountname smbfs username=guest,password=,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode 0 0 and dont works, when i do a mount /media/mountname i have a line, only root can do that
[19:24] <infinity> bernardo_: Add 'user' to your options.
[19:24] <infinity> bernardo_: Assuming you want it to be mountable by users.
[19:24] <infinity> bernardo_: Otherwise, mount it as root. :P
[19:26] <bernardo_> but i do that infinity, but i have next line: password: <--- i put the password, but i like what dont do that, and mount error(22):invalid argument
[19:46] <Noskcaj> Is there anyone who's actively maintaining MATE in ubuntu?
[19:51] <mdeslaur> Noskcaj: I'll take a look on monday
[19:51] <Noskcaj> ty
[20:11] <jtaylor> doko: grr said I didn't want to look at vtk, but did so anyway ..., don't look at the patch its ugly as hell, but works ;)
[20:12] <Noskcaj> mdeslaur, The meeting is 19UTC on the 24th, just so you know
[20:16] <doko> jtaylor, nice!
[20:25] <mdeslaur> Noskcaj: ok
[20:26] <jtaylor> we also should move plplot to 8.6 that also as python bindings
[20:26] <Logan_> Noskcaj: MATE is being done in Debian
[20:27] <Noskcaj> Logan_, I know. I mean keeping the ubuntu packages of it up to date, since some are missing bugfix releases
[20:27] <Noskcaj> I just put up two minor merges
[20:27] <Logan_> the actual session support hasn't even been packaged yet, so I'd call that a nonissue, tbh :P
[20:30] <Noskcaj> ok
[20:30] <Noskcaj> Any chance of a testimonial Logan_ ?
[20:31] <Logan_> it's not like you haven't pinged me three times about that already ;P
[20:31] <Noskcaj> just making sure you heard ;)
[20:31] <Logan_> how many of your packages have I sponsored?
[20:33] <Logan_> okay, I've sponsored 30 of yours
[20:33] <Logan_> okay question
[20:34] <Logan_> Noskcaj: why did you ask for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/mysql-utilities/1.3.5-2 to be synced?
[20:34] <Logan_> when it explicitly states in the changelog that it added a versioned dependency on python-mysql.connector
[20:35] <Logan_> did you check which version of python-mysql.connector we had? it's lower than the versioned dependency, and thus the RC change doesn't even affect us
[20:35] <Logan_> and it clogs up the -proposed for this package
[20:36] <Logan_> I've seen a lot of problems like this because you've been going too quickly
[20:36] <jtaylor> doko: you already seem to ahve looked at plplot, can itcl3 be moved to 8.6 so plplot can too?
[20:37] <Noskcaj> Logan_, that sync was a mistake, sorry
[20:37] <Logan_> that's why I'm still only comfortable with you being sponsored
[20:37] <Noskcaj> And that's pretty much the only bad sync i've had this year
[20:37] <Logan_> there have still been a good number of "mistakes" recently
[20:39] <Noskcaj> i have to get breakfast, will be back soon
[20:40] <brainwash> Noskcaj is doing an amazing job, really glad that he helps with the Xubuntu packaging
[20:43] <doko> jtaylor, no, this was just to get a supported version into the release. didn't look at tcl/tk specifically
[20:48] <Noskcaj> Logan_, Would you at least give me a testimonial for the xubuntu packageset? All my uploads there have been good, and the two packageset uploads currently have very little time for ubuntu
[20:50] <infinity> Noskcaj: In my experience, I'm not sure you're ready (yet) to have upload permissions without someone reviewing your work.
[20:51] <Noskcaj> :(
[20:51] <infinity> Noskcaj: This isn't a personal insult or anything, just pointing out that you're a bit too quick and not quite careful enough at times.
[20:52] <Noskcaj> infinity, yep, i agree. I have improved though, and have fixed anything i can. Plus it's either this meeting or the very end of the year
[20:52] <Logan_> that's more of a reflection on the broken apply-by-email process than on anything else, and you shouldn't use that as an excuse for rushing this
[20:53] <infinity> Noskcaj: There's no rush here. If you talk to people I've forced into core-dev in the past (like apw and rsalveti), they were very much keen on having as many reviews of their work as possible before being allowed to go without the training wheels.
[20:53] <infinity> Noskcaj: Until all your sponsors are of the opinion that you're basically wasting their time because they don't find bugs in your uploads, it's better to have the reviews.
[20:54] <Noskcaj> ok
[20:54] <Noskcaj> Although i've had no declined review recently, just things that have been sponsored and are broken
[20:55] <Logan_> which reflects badly on some of the sponsors who haven't been checking your uploads carefully enough, unfortunately
[21:00] <Noskcaj> Maybe i'll go back to looking for a debian developer who accepts bribes, since i'm not able to meet one and get a keysigning for something like 5 years
[21:00] <infinity> Noskcaj: Where do you live?
[21:01] <Noskcaj> infinity, Australia, 500km from the nearest DD, who lives in an area known for crime. And i'm 15
[21:02] <infinity> Noskcaj: Where in .au? There are a ton of DDs there, maybe they're just not advertising. :P
[21:02] <Noskcaj> infinity, I looked into this. Armidale, new south wales. 500km from any major city
[21:04] <infinity> Fair enough.
[21:04] <infinity> (Weird coincidence, I used to live in Armadale, VIC)
[21:05] <Noskcaj> Why'd you leave?
[21:06] <infinity> Not enough maple syrup.
[21:06] <Noskcaj> :)
[21:09] <doko> ohh, you didn't like the autralian substitute?
[21:11] <infinity> doko: The Australian substitute is imported Canadian syrup at 15 times the price. :P
[21:11] <infinity> doko: Also, the Australian substitute for tolerance of sexual preference is constitutional ammendments to ban gay marriage.
[21:11] <doko> no, there is some spread, forgot the name ... somebody did bring it to UDS'es
[21:11] <infinity> (It's safe to say that the current political climate in .au doesn't agree with me)
[21:12] <infinity> doko: Oh, ugh, Vegemite?
[21:12] <infinity> doko: That stuff is vile.
[21:12] <infinity> I do miss Anzac cookies, though.
[21:12] <infinity> Should find a good recipe and get my bake on.
[21:13] <Noskcaj> doanac, vegemite is easily the worst national food a country has
[21:14] <Noskcaj> oops, doko
[21:14] <PabloRDinella> Some1 knows where can I find the official Trusty Tahr mascot emblem?
[21:14] <Logan_> I didn't realize there was one
[21:15] <infinity> PabloRDinella: I'm not sure if anyone actually did one.
[21:15] <Noskcaj> PabloRDinella, http://ubuntuportal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ubuntu-14.04-mascot.png
[21:16] * infinity notes a complete lack of 14.04-related t-shirts in the store.
[21:16] <PabloRDinella> Exactly that one Noskcaj
[21:17] <PabloRDinella> But I'm wondering from where did this site and omgubuntu found the image..
[21:21] <Logan_> PabloRDinella: it doesn't seem awfully official to me, tbh
[21:25] <Noskcaj> PabloRDinella, I think omgubuntu may have made it.
[21:26] <PabloRDinella> Hmm, I figured out that this is at the installation screen of trusty..
[21:26] <PabloRDinella> maybe they remade it over the installation screen image
[21:32] <PabloRDinella> http://i.imgur.com/qsfIzc6.png I think that the canonical design team make these mascot emblems at closed doors.. btw thks for helping me ;)
[21:35] <infinity> PabloRDinella: Ahh, okay, so it does exist. I'm sure we can hunt down the source of that somewhere. :P
[21:35] <infinity> xnox: ^-- Any idea where the original for the Tahr logo in the installer live?
[21:37] <PabloRDinella> infinity, this is what I'm was thinking right now :P I'm browsing through the live cd looking for it
[21:39] <infinity> PabloRDinella: apt-get source ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu && eog ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-79/images-source/ubuntu/tahr_rgb_AW.png
[21:40] <infinity> PabloRDinella: I suspect that's what you're after.
[21:43] <infinity> (Sadly, a PNG instead of a vector, but maybe there's a vector version somewhere that xnox knows of)
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[21:51] <PabloRDinella> Haha, I forgot that I was talking to developers, thks man
[21:52] <PabloRDinella> if we can get the vector I'll be thankful too
[22:12] <Noskcaj> Ampelbein, bug 1278106 is fixed in debian if you want to try and sync it
[22:12] <ubottu> bug 1278106 in haskell-llvm-base (Ubuntu) "haskell-llvm-base: FTBFS: configure: error: could not find LLVM C bindings" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1278106
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
[22:27] <Noskcaj> doko, Since you uploaded to it last, is it worth packaging the new upstream release of jocaml? It allows the package to work with our ocaml version
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha