UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /22 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:13] <FuuqUmiist> where is the location of the default icons
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=== one is now known as Guest16540
=== Guest16540 is now known as one
[01:57] <one> Where are the lightdm / x settings to change the vt?
[02:02] <one> ~there is a reference to "$@"
[02:54] <one> The webe drones keep siphoning my ip lines
[02:54] <one> 50ft to 200yrds
[02:54] <one> not a request a demand
[02:54] <one> or else...
[02:55] <one> don't ask, what
[02:55] <holstein> one: you want to /join #lubuntu-offtopic ..thanks
[03:57] <cdoublejj> what version of X server does lubuntu 13.10 use?
[03:57] <holstein> !x
[03:57] <ubottu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution
[03:57] <holstein> !info x
[03:57] <ubottu> Package x does not exist in saucy
[03:58] <holstein> !info X11
[03:58] <ubottu> Package X11 does not exist in saucy
[03:58] <holstein> !info xorg-server
[03:58] <ubottu> Package xorg-server does not exist in saucy
[03:59] <cdoublejj> hhhmm i wonder if the 9800 pro ati drives WOULD work in lunbuntu 13.10
[03:59] <holstein> xorg-server 2:1.14.3-3ubuntu2
[04:00] <holstein> cdoublejj: try it live.. the open ones should work fine from the live CD
[04:00] <holstein> !ati
[04:00] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto
[04:01] <cdoublejj> no the opens one's don't TRULY work, they work great for 2d stuff heck it even plays mincecraft fora few minutes before my screen is possed by sta and i'm sucked in to the 7th level artifact hell
[04:01] <cdoublejj> hell even in 2d the buttons in the os have some small artifcating
[04:02] <cdoublejj> here is my issue
[04:02] <cdoublejj> http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Saucy_Installation_Guide#The_Options
[04:02] <cdoublejj> i have a 9800 and i need drivers better than the crappy open source ones
[04:33] <cdoublejj> well after some thinking AMD sucks i think i'm forced to switch to windows in this case or some how find another card that is compatible but, this machine does not have compatible AGP slot with newer cards.
[04:34] <one> peace
[07:16] <these_eyes> !seen wife
[07:16] <ubottu> I have no seen command
[07:18] <these_eyes> I close my eyes and she slipped away
[07:20] <these_eyes> smurfslover what do you think you are elvis or something?
[07:20] <smurfslover> elvis?
[07:20] <smurfslover> lol
[07:23] <smurfslover> i'm a metalhead actually \m/
[07:25] <these_eyes> from where?
[07:25] <smurfslover> belgium
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=== Enrique is now known as Guest3758
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=== jackson is now known as Guest15284
=== Guest15284 is now known as Noskcaj
[21:46] <Kevin578> I just installed lubuntu, but when I boot up, I just get a black screen
[21:48] <Kevin578> the bios splash screen still shows, but then it just shows a black screen. it was working before on a 1280 x 1024 monitor, but this problem happens on a 1920x1080 monitor
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[22:14] <jarkko> Kevin578: ati 7xxx series?
[22:15] <Kevin578> ati radeon 9200
[22:19] <jarkko> Kevin578: i have glamour issue you might be reflected too
[22:20] <jarkko> closed source driver works but withouth it blank screen, ati 7870
[22:25] <Kevin578> ok, so it seems putting nomodeset in the boot options makes it boot.
[22:25] <Kevin578> i'm trying to make the boot settings permenant, but when I type gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub in the terminal, no text file shows up
[22:32] <jarkko> ja got grub.d directory there
[22:32] <jarkko> just single file
[22:32] <jarkko> Kevin578: are you sure you dont have /boot ?
[22:33] <Kevin578> what does that mean?
[22:33] <Kevin578> sorry, im new to linux
[22:35] <jarkko> Kevin578: i dont have /etc/default/grub directory
[22:35] <jarkko> it's /etc/default/grub.d
[22:35] <jarkko> but there is only 1 file
[22:35] <jarkko> Kevin578: whats your distro?
[22:35] <Kevin578> lubuntu 13.10
[22:36] <jarkko> Kevin578: i got kubuntu 14.04
[22:36] <jarkko> Kevin578: can you open console?
[22:36] <Kevin578> how do I do that?
[22:36] <jarkko> there should be somekind of menu where you can launch programs
[22:36] <jarkko> you know what i mean?
[22:38] <Kevin578> yeah, I have that
[22:39] <jarkko> Kevin578: this could work for you http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2013/12/14/grub-customizer-4-released-install-it-on-ubuntu-13-10-and-linux-mint-16/
[22:39] <jarkko> Kevin578: there should be some program that launches console
[22:39] <jarkko> Kevin578: system --> console for me
[22:43] <jarkko> Kevin578: actually you could use that program to add the needed parametrer