UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /22 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[09:23] <lordievader> Good morning.
[12:25] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[13:13] <yofel> shadeslayer: as you know quite a bit about firefox, could you look at bug 1289684 ?
[13:13] <ubottu> bug 1289684 in Kubuntu PPA "Firefox needs to be packaged with a css style sheet to allow for darker themes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1289684
[13:18] <shadeslayer> quite a bit .... ahahaha
[13:19] <shadeslayer> will have a look on monday
[13:20] <yofel> well, more than me :P
[13:20] <yofel> thanks in any case
[13:21] <kdeuser56> yofel: somehow I though Ubuntu was switching to chromium as default browser ...
[13:21] <shadeslayer> ok, off to get my laptop :P
[13:22] <yofel> kdeuser56: not that I know of..
[13:23] <kdeuser56> yofel: seems like the media did improper research then: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-13-10-Sticks-with-Firefox-Ubuntu-14-04-LTS-to-Feature-Chromium-as-Default-375012.shtml
[13:23] <shadeslayer> lol softpedia
[13:24] <kdeuser56> shadeslayer: not that I read such kind of news, but I saw it on mutliple sources around that time
[13:24] <yofel> the current trusty image still ships firefox, so that's what they'll keep I guess
[13:26] <BluesKaj> shadeslayer, did you ever find a fix or updated driver for bug 129466. The intel driver graphical artifacts problem on the i915 ?
[13:26] <ubottu> bug 129466 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129466
[13:26] <BluesKaj> oops must have quoted the wrong bug
[13:27] <BluesKaj> bug 1294666
[13:27] <ubottu> bug 1294666 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[HSW mesa kde] Multiple tiling-esque artifacts in KDE" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1294666
[13:29] <BluesKaj> shadeslayer, I'm having the same problem with OpenGL and raster settings, but when I revert to xrender and native (without any desktop effects) all is fine. Would this be a separate bug ?
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[15:15] <lordievader> Good afternoon.
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as G4MBY
[15:48] <shadeslayer> BluesKaj: no, didn't find a update, it's a known issue, instead I plugged in a discrete card on the desktop and papered over the problem :P
[15:49] <BluesKaj> ok, shadeslayer, that's not an option here, on a laptop :/
[15:50] <BluesKaj> my nvidia gpu desktop doesn't suffer from any artifacts
[15:50] <shadeslayer> mhm
[15:50] <shadeslayer> it's a issue with the intel driver
[15:50] <BluesKaj> yeah, figured that
[15:52] <shadeslayer> hmm
[15:52] <shadeslayer> this motherboard is keeping up well so far
[15:52] * shadeslayer ponders about leaving the tests running till tomorrow
[17:33] <Sput> is (k)ubuntu still using libindicate for notifications? is there a Qt5 version?
[17:34] <Sput> I guess agateau would know
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=== Guest15284 is now known as Noskcaj
[18:53] <manchicken> Okay, I upgraded to 14.04 and I'm unable to get qdbus running under KDE
[18:59] <yofel> what's the error?
[19:00] <manchicken> Can't start D-Bus? Can you call qdbus?
[19:00] <manchicken> Err, the first one is a period not a question mark.
[19:00] <yofel> is that at kde startup? Do you have an update for kde-workspace pending?
[19:00] <manchicken> We use lightdm by default, yeah?
[19:00] <yofel> we do
[19:01] <manchicken> Yeah.
[19:01] <yofel> rohan fixed/worked around some qdbus issues in the last upload
[19:01] <yofel> if you don't have qdbus-qt5 installed that'll help
[19:01] <manchicken> Is there a package for lightdm specifically for KDE?
[19:02] <manchicken> qdbus-qt5 isn't installed
[19:02] <yofel> there's lightdm itself, and lightdm-kde-greeter for the frontend
[19:02] <yofel> if you have qt5-default and not qdbus-qt5, then you'll either need qdbus-qt5 or latest kde-workspace
[19:03] <manchicken> I'll try to reinstall lightdm-kde-greeter
[19:03] <yofel> wait, the login screen doens't come up either
[19:03] <yofel> ?
[19:04] <manchicken> That may have been it.
[19:04] <manchicken> I just nuked qt5-default and it's getting farther now.
[19:15] <manchicken> That's better.
[19:15] <manchicken> So the qt5-default package was what was burning me.
[19:15] <manchicken> Is it just pulling the wrong version then?
[19:20] <yofel> manchicken: well, not quite, the problem is qt4 and qt5 binary paths. By default we install qt4 qdbus which is
[19:20] <yofel> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qdbus
[19:20] <yofel> if you install qt5-default qtchooser will switch all binary paths so it instead looks for
[19:20] <yofel> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qdbus
[19:20] <yofel> which is in qdbus-qt5 and not installed by anything by default
[19:20] <yofel> so the solutions are: a) replace qt5-default with qt4-default b) install qdbus-qt5 c) install kde-workspace-bin >= 4:4.11.6-0ubuntu3
[19:20] <yofel> which add some qdbus lookup magic to startkde
[19:20] <yofel> *adds
[19:28] * manchicken hugs the new touchpad configs...
[19:33] <shadeslayer> yofel: huh, quite interesting
[19:34] <yofel> hm?
[19:34] <shadeslayer> apple fixed my computer too good :P
[19:34] <yofel> lolwhat? :D
[19:34] <shadeslayer> yofel: qtdbus interaction above
[19:34] <shadeslayer> I can't break it anymore
[19:34] <yofel> hahaha
[19:34] <shadeslayer> if I could, I'd have a new computer
[19:35] * shadeslayer continues to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey
[19:36] <lordievader> Whoo, 2001. If you like the film be sure to read the book too. It's nice to see the differences between the two :)
[19:37] <shadeslayer> :D
[19:37] <shadeslayer> I have too many books on my reading list
[19:37] <shadeslayer> ASoIAF , TEoAM, etc etc
[19:38] <shadeslayer> need >= 24 hours a day
[19:41] <lordievader> Same here, if only >=24 hours would be possible...
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=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
[23:30] <valorie> weird, as soon as I sent my report that apport crashed
[23:30] <valorie> it crashed again
[23:31] <valorie> and it says, "Problem already known"
[23:31] <valorie> I love it
[23:32] <valorie> and then it crashes, but meanwhile takes me to the matching bug report in launchpad
[23:33] * valorie feeds some chocolate to poor apport