UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /18 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[01:36] <sethj> Anyone have any experience patching the Community website? (not sure if this is the right place to ask or not)
[02:11] <jose> it's wordpress
[02:12] <sethj> jose, sorry was busy. That doesn
[02:12] <sethj> doesn't help me very much, I'm not a wordpress version..
[02:12] <sethj> person*
[02:12] <sethj> I guess my real problem is I can't find the page I was trying to fix in all that php.
[02:13] <jose> wp = html
[02:48] <sethj> jose, there doesn't appear to be much html. At least, I can't find it.
[02:49] <sethj> a bit here and there, that's it.
[02:49] <jose> well, that's how you write in Wordpress, in HTML
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[02:55] <sethj> that isn't helping me. It's all PHP, almost no HTML at all that I can find.
[02:56] <nigelb> sethj: where are you looking?
[03:01] <sethj> nigelb: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-community-website-admins/ubuntu-community-website/trunk/files
[03:01] <sethj> I branched it locally too.
[03:01] <nigelb> sethj: and you're trying to fix content of a page?
[03:01] <sethj> nigelb, yep.
[03:01] <nigelb> (you can't do that, wordpress content goes into the db)
[03:01] <sethj> trying to fix a reported bug.
[03:02] <sethj> nigelb ah. thanks. Guess that's what I was looking for.
[03:02] <nigelb> sethj: It didn't dawn on me that you might be doing that until now :)
[03:02] <nigelb> Otherwise I'd have spoken up earlier!
[03:02] <sethj> Thanks though!
[08:31] <dholbach> good morning
[10:20] <philipballew> morning dholbach
[10:21] <dholbach> hey philipballew
[13:49] <jono> jose, sorry, last minute change, going to need to cancel the Q&A
[13:49] <jono> I have a conflicting meeting
[15:20] <jose> jono: no problem, have a nice day
[15:20] <jono> thanks jose
[15:22] <jose> popey: hey, have a minute?
[15:26] <pleia2> not sure who is handling the global jam scheduling, but it would be nice to see it happen earlier in the cycle
[15:27] <pleia2> this late it's really hard to do much of anything at a jam, even docs are frozen, so we're not doing one
[15:27] <pleia2> plus we're already in plan-release-event mode at this point
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[17:23] <dholbach> all rightie - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :-)
[18:45] <jcastro> OMG
[18:45] <jcastro> you have to be kidding me
[18:45] <jcastro> why do we have 3 calendars
[18:45] <jcastro> oops, sorry, I made a mistake. We have 4 calendars
[18:47] <pleia2> calendars \o/
[18:50] <elfy> is there not a 5th aggregating the other 4 yet?
[18:50] <pleia2> pretty sure that's called fridge/calendars
[18:51] <pleia2> or "pleia2's google cal" ;)
[18:51] <jose> :P
[18:52] <jcastro> Seriously why can't we have one calendar
[18:52] <pleia2> the bots that use them aren't that smart, patches welcome :)
[18:53] <pleia2> it's perl!
[18:53] <jcastro> what do the bots do?
[18:53] <pleia2> jose: still using the air bot?
[18:53] <jose> yep
[18:54] <jose> and we have classbot too
[18:54] <pleia2> the learning calendar is for the bot to automatically handle sessions in #ubuntu-classroom
[18:54] <pleia2> topic, moderation, ops/voices
[18:54] <jcastro> yeah but that's once a month
[18:54] <pleia2> airbot is the same code
[18:54] <jose> airbot is more frequent
[18:55] <jcastro> yeah but that doesn't need to exposed to the user right?
[18:55] <jcastro> if the calendars are used to make the bots work why show them to me?
[18:55] <pleia2> even if it is once a month, it's way too much work for us to manually handle classroom sessions, requires one of us to be around
[18:55] <jose> because people subscribe to the calendars and see events directly
[18:55] <pleia2> they aren't just for the bots, that's how people learn about upcoming classroom sessions
[18:56] <pleia2> we got rid of updating wiki pages for this purpose, we now just tell people to subscribe to the calendar
[18:56] <jcastro> yeah but the agenda isn't on the fridge calendar
[18:56] <jcastro> so how am I supposed to know if there is a learning or classroom event?
[18:57] <jcastro> "Subscribe to 4 calendars" <---- watch
[18:57] <pleia2> fridge calendar is for meetings, it says that
[18:57] <pleia2> meetings are for contributors, classroom sessions are for users
[18:58] <jose> on air sessions serve a different purpose, for users too, and release is for devs
[18:58] <jose> some people just happen to be subscribed to the four of them at a time, others only need one or two
[18:59] <pleia2> I don't love that we have 4, but this configuration has historically been valuable for folks