UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /18 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:08] <Beryl> Soo who else has this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1284558
[00:08] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1284558 in firefox (Ubuntu) "SEGFAULT at start: GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[00:17] <rohan> how do i move window controls to the right in ubuntu unity 14.04?
[00:19] <Beryl> i'm pretty sure ubuntu tweak still works with that
[00:19] <rohan> Beryl: i am not having the firefox bug you linked to
[00:20] <rww> me either
[00:20] <rohan> Beryl: also i read somewhere that unity no longer uses GTK styling so the older way of moving buttons wouldn't work
[00:20] <rohan> i am using KDE myself, but i am asking this for a test build i'm planning to use
[00:21] <rohan> Beryl: also, i *just* noticed a new firefox update was pushed. does that fix your issue?
[00:21] <rohan> i get that error in my terminal too, but firefox still works. did you try resetting your profile?
[00:22] <Beryl> I've tried everything, 5 different version fo firefox, empty and premade profiles
[00:22] <Beryl> it never gets tot he point of reading the profile folder
[00:22] <Beryl> the strace output is too monsterous to read
[00:26] <rohan> very odd.
[00:26] <Beryl> funny thing is if you use a firefox built for debian's older glibc it'll run once in a while
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[07:55] <Hempathy> hi guys, I'm looking for some help with 14.04 packages
[07:57] <Hempathy> specifically dependencies for compiz-gnome and unity-settings-daemon
[09:44] <TenLeftFingers> In 14.04 I've been offered a partial upgrade for nearly a week now. The details section specifies a new kernel installaiton as well as upgrades to 149 packages. Is it safe to assume after several days that this is one of those cases where the changes are intended to be applied?
[09:54] <dawk> I'm not able to login to my desktop
[09:55] <dawk> I stopped lightdm to disable GUI, ever since then I'm not able to login to my desktop
[09:55] <dawk> I get the login screen
[09:56] <dawk> and when I enter the password, I see the mouse cursor, and it comes to the login screen
[11:02] <varikonniemi> hello, i have a suggestion for the new shutdown/restart window. Currently the text can only be seen on mouseover, this is bad for touchscreens since they cannot know the options
[11:06] <DJones> varikonniemi: Is that on a touchscreen based laptop, or on tablet? I don't have a touchscreen laptop so its not something I'd thought of, but I can see what you mean
[11:06] <varikonniemi> no its just something i noticed while testing
[11:07] <DJones> It makes sense, got me wondering how the tablet/phone version does it?
[11:07] <varikonniemi> i have normal laptop wo touchscreen
[11:08] <DJones> I wonder whether its different with a touchscreen laptop
[11:08] <varikonniemi> that was my first thought, but it would be unnecessary work
[11:10] <varikonniemi> this is also a problem on lock/lgout screen, an perhaps all similar dialogs?
[11:10] <DJones> I thought the default was that the shutdown button is highlighted so you can see the text, not something I can check at the minute
[11:10] <DJones> But even so, you still wouldn't know what the other button was for
[11:10] <varikonniemi> i did not notice any button being highlighted, i was only running in live media
[11:10] <varikonniemi> so maybe driver bug or something
[11:11] <varikonniemi> but you are right, the other option remains a mystery even if highlighting works
[11:15] <varikonniemi> i suggest to make the text always visible as background white, and turn foreground white on mouseover.
[11:18] <DJones> I think the idea is people realise the the difference between the two icons, one looks like a power button, the other part circle with the arrow suggests reboot
[11:19] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[11:22] <varikonniemi> DJones, i can see that, but imho that sacrifices quite significant functionality for some aesthetic preference
[11:25] <varikonniemi> not everyone has taught themselves the meaning of those symbols. And it gets even more pronounced when you add more options to that menu like hibernate etc. with their own symbols
[11:26] <varikonniemi> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Lycchb5oXAE/UTnMzmh87rI/AAAAAAAAOa4/dTl_TlMcUa4/s1600/ubuntu-new-shutdown-dialog_1.png feeling lucky?
[11:31] <Gamoder__> Hi everyone, was there some major change in latex since 13.04? Somehow my document formatting is wrong now (and it wasn't in 13.04). Specifically, several line breaks are missing. Or am I just missing a package?
[11:34] <popey> varikonniemi: what kind of device are you imagining this being a problem on?
[11:41] <varikonniemi> popey, all devices which are being used by touchscreen
[11:42] <varikonniemi> please don't say unity8 is what supports touch etc....
[11:43] <popey> varikonniemi: devices such as?
[11:43] <varikonniemi> this is a really simple ui design bug, why these questions?
[11:44] <varikonniemi> there are hundreds of touch enabled devices ubuntu can run on
[11:45] <lordievader> Good afternoon.
[11:49] <popey> varikonniemi: I only asked one question.
[11:50] <popey> varikonniemi: trying to figure out the impact of the issue. How many users are likely affected. Pretty normal bug triage process.
[12:00] <varikonniemi> popey, my point is that even if there was only a few such devices, why make something non functional for those few, when making it functional for everyone is a nobrainer? So there really is no point in figuring out exactly what % is affected, as the fix is not a compromise
[12:08] <popey> varikonniemi: because we have to prioritise work
[12:08] <popey> varikonniemi: e.g. a bug which causes data loss, or affects many users is higher priority than a design glitch that affects only a few
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[15:04] <junkanoo> if I'm running 14.04 beta, how can I get the latest updates to 14.04... just run apt-get update?
[15:05] <junkanoo> what about when 14.04 is released in april... same thing or do I need to do apt-get upgrade?
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[15:07] <Pici> !final
[15:07] <ubottu> If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.
[15:11] <junkanoo> dist-upgrade... got it
[15:12] <junkanoo> thx
[15:12] <junkanoo> while I have you, I'm having trouble installing jave (jre) on my 14.04
[15:12] <junkanoo> any ideas?
[15:15] <junkanoo> scratch that... seems to work now (after a reboot)
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[16:22] <varikonniemi> junkanoo, update you do before every upgrade
[16:23] <varikonniemi> and dist-upgrade every time it says that some packages were not upgraded
[18:22] <marianne> hello, is the new LTS 14.04 going to be available on disc?
[18:23] <k1l> marianne: with disc you mean CD length?
[18:25] <Nothing_Much> marianne: most likely not if you're expecting it on a CD and not a DVD
[18:30] <marianne> Nothing_Much: DVD works too... just want a good hardcopy just in case
[18:38] <Nothing_Much> marianne: DVDs work fine, CDs no longer work because the images are too big, the only known Ubuntu distro that I know of that'll fit on a CD is Lubuntu
[18:39] <marianne> Nothing_Much: well I'm decent once things are configured, but along the way mishaps can happen and it's nice to have a DVD to reinstall on hand
[18:39] <Nothing_Much> that's fine, a DVD will work :)
[18:42] <marianne> Nothing_Much: only thing I wish is that they had a repair option, for required system files
[18:47] <TJ-> marianne: I guess most people use a USB device now in preference to a DVD
[18:48] <marianne> TJ: what size would be required?
[18:50] <TJ-> marianne: I think 1GB should be sufficient for the Live ISO, larger for containing the complete software archive of course!
[18:51] <marianne> TJ: coolio... I'll go out and get one just for it...
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[20:44] <burner> how do I know if fglx-updates has the latest 14.3 beta 1 catalyst driver?
[20:44] <burner> I was using fglrx, but the crashing on vlc was annoying enough to drop back to the open source
[20:50] <k1l> see the version the package in the repo is
[21:18] <robotti^> hello
[21:18] <robotti^> I find some little bug on ubuntu 14.04
[21:18] <robotti^> I do not have /dev/dvd
[21:18] <robotti^> only /dev/sr0 and /dev/cdrom
[21:18] <burner> is that a bug?
[21:18] <robotti^> I could not play dvd movies
[21:18] <burner> use vlc
[21:18] <burner> :)
[21:19] <robotti^> vlc cannot play dvd movies because of that
[21:19] <robotti^> mplayer cannot also
[21:19] <robotti^> lsdvd does not work also
[21:19] <burner> lsdvd doesn't work here, but I can open dvds with vlc
[21:19] <burner> !dvd
[21:19] <ubottu> Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[21:19] <Beldar> robotti^, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs install the restricted-extras as well
[21:19] <robotti^> I installed those
[21:19] <robotti^> Playback failure:
[21:19] <robotti^> DVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/dvd".
[21:19] <robotti^> Your input can't be opened:
[21:19] <robotti^> VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd'. Check the log for details.
[21:20] <robotti^> sorry my flood
[21:20] <robotti^> vlc log
[21:20] <burner> no worries... check can you tell vlc to open disk and change it to /dev/sr0 ?
[21:21] <robotti^> now it is trying to something, but it does not play
[21:22] <robotti^> that bug does not occur on earlier version of ubuntu
[21:23] <llutz> robotti^: "grep dvd /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules" any output?
[21:26] <robotti^> Ok, I managed to install libdvdcss, normally it will install automatically
[21:27] <robotti^> and no need for shell script
[21:27] <robotti^> but now it was different than before
[21:27] <robotti^> should I make symbolic link for /dev/sr0 to /dev/dvd?
[21:28] <robotti^> because by default my players are trying to open /dev/dvd? I think it should fix?
[21:34] <robotti^> ok, now it is working
[21:34] <robotti^> thanks for help!
[21:44] <burner> :)
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