UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /18 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:35] <DaveInFL> Am I correct in thinking that there is no server version of Kubuntu like there is for Ubuntu?
[00:39] <rww> yep
[00:40] <DaveInFL> Ok...so let me ask a stupid question. Kubuntu runs fine as a server right? It's just a matter of how I want to partition it?
[00:40] <DaveInFL> I mean, I can install the desktop version and it will run fine as a server. Just install what I need?
[00:41] <rww> Yep, if you ignore the potential security issues of installing a boatload of graphical software on a server.
[00:41] <DaveInFL> Ok...thanks...it's mainly for home use and it won't be exposed to the outside world :)
[01:20] <odium> hi I am being asked to make a SE edition of kubuntu is there such a beast?
[01:59] <Roey> hey I want to add something to crontab. What is the official way of doing it in Kubuntu?
[02:00] <Roey> i.e. do we edit /etc/crontab directly, or what?
[02:00] <rww> crontab -e
[02:00] <Roey> ah
[02:00] <rww> to edit per-user crontab. sudo crontab -u root -e to edit root's
[02:01] <Roey> ok
[02:01] <Roey> and must I be root to use this?
[02:01] <Roey> /run with sudo I meant.
[02:03] <rww> yes to edit root's, no to edit your own
[02:05] <Roey> so I just want it to run my btrfs snapshotter script every hour on the 01's, say.
[02:06] <Roey> and I want my backup script to run every twelve hours, say.
[02:06] <Roey> rww: ^
[02:07] <rww> do either of these things require sudo access when run manually?
[02:08] <Roey> hello here I have a question on crontab -e: I have a snapshotting script that I want run every hour on the 1's, and a backup script that I want to run every 4 hours.
[02:08] <Roey> ah, that'sthe question, reformulated
[02:08] <Roey> yeah they do.
[02:09] <rww> then sudo crontab -u root -e, and put them without sudo in there
[02:09] <rww> "every hour on the 1's" means what? 00:01, 01:01, etc.?
[02:09] <Roey> right
[02:09] <Roey> just some hourly time
[02:10] <rww> 1 * * * * my-snapshot command
[02:10] <Roey> that means execute every hour?
[02:11] <rww> * */4 * * * my-backup-command
[02:11] <rww> it means execute in the first minute of every hour, yes
[02:11] <rww> second one means execute sometime every fourth hour
[02:11] <Roey> I see
[02:11] <Roey> wonderful!
[02:12] <rww> Wikipedia's page on cron at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron is a pretty good reference for future use, btw
[02:12] <Roey> and where is it customary to put the scripts
[02:12] <Roey> aye, I was reading it
[02:12] <Roey> thanks
[02:12] <rww> not sure on that one.
[02:12] <Roey> /root? /usr/site?
[02:12] <Roey> /opt?
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[08:36] <antonanton> Hello guys! Anyone here?
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[11:18] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
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[11:45] <lordievader> Good afternoon.
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[12:21] <CyberTails> Hello Folks, My icons dissapeared from my Classic Start Menu and I'm trying to get them back, any ideas?
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[12:24] <BluesKaj> CyberTails, try going back to the default kicker then back to classic again
[12:26] <CyberTails> nope, same deal
[12:30] <BluesKaj> CyberTails, did you just upgrade kde
[12:30] <CyberTails> I did an security update if that counts?
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[12:34] <BluesKaj> it's possible, depends if you have the backports enabled
[12:34] <CyberTails> I'm running 12.04 if that counts
[13:06] <alphacrypt> you know gmote?
[13:06] <alphacrypt> could it work on kubuntu, get jave exceptions
[13:07] <jarkko> i have a question about kubuntu...today i received 21 updates along them 3.13.0-18 kernel (i have newer kernel in use) this kernel is not in my grub...why it wants to install that? after upgrade it wants to remove 3.13-0-17 (which is not in use either)
[13:08] <BluesKaj> alphacrypt, do you mean gmotionlive?
[13:09] <alphacrypt> that remotecontrolapp
[13:10] <BluesKaj> for cameras etc , alphacrypt , if so then it's gmotionlive
[13:10] <alphacrypt> its called gmote
[13:11] <Pici> jarkko: what kernel are you running instead and how did you get that installed?
[13:11] <jarkko> Pici: 3.13.6 manually, downloaded from ubuntu ppa
[13:11] <BluesKaj> alphacrypt, that's an Android app
[13:11] <alphacrypt> yes
[13:11] <jarkko> Pici: http://pastebin.com/BHLakxHb
[13:11] <alphacrypt> but you need to run the server
[13:11] <BluesKaj> not available for kubuntu afaik
[13:12] <alphacrypt> maybe
[13:12] <alphacrypt> you know alternatives?
[13:14] <Pici> jarkko: Because you have the linux-image-generic package installed, it will want to pull in a specific kernel package. The version that you are using shouldn't disappear though, you will just get another entry on your grub menu.
[13:15] <jarkko> Pici: well i quess i have deleted something, but not hole kernel then...
[13:36] <akis> hi all. i am running 12.04 and for file manager i am using dolphin. since last week every time i pluged a usb stick or a sd card dolphin recognised it automatically and placed it under trash icon. suddenly this stopped and every time i am plugging the usb stick i have to choose 'show all entries' in left panel to see usb stick and use it. any idea about a solution on this this issue?
[13:38] <BluesKaj> akis, right click in the panel, unlock the panel
[13:38] <BluesKaj> in dolphin
[13:41] <akis> ok. i did it and i plugged usb stick but it wasnt auto recognized.
[13:46] <akis> BluesKaj: i did it and i plugged usb stick but it wasnt auto recognized.
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[13:48] <akis> BluesKaj: i fixed it.
[13:49] <akis> BluesKaj: i choosed "show all entries" and then i choosed "hide" every entry i dont want to be shown except usb stick and now works!
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[15:33] <alerinaldi> Hello. I just upgraded to Kubuntu 14.04 and I see the scroll with the touchpad is really too fast. Should I file a bug or is it a known issue?
[15:36] <alerinaldi> I searched for it on the web and on Launchpad but noone ever talket about it...
[15:36] <alerinaldi> talked*
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[17:44] <cornfeedhobo> hello... so much keeps changing an i have been searching.. is there a unified way to manage services in 13.10??
[17:44] <cornfeedhobo> or do i just have to wait for systemd
[17:45] <lordievader> cornfeedhobo: There still is upstart, those scripts are in /etc/init. The old style are supported by upstart too and are located in /etc/init.d/
[17:48] <cornfeedhobo> i installed opeenssh-server and i have no clue how to disable it as an automatically starting service
[17:48] <cornfeedhobo> i never really got used to upstart.. kind of a sysinitV guy
[17:48] <lordievader> cornfeedhobo: Comment the "start on" clause in /etc/init/ssh.conf
[17:49] <cornfeedhobo> oh thanks
[17:50] <cornfeedhobo> lol
[17:51] <cornfeedhobo> i never knew there was a /etc/init dir
[17:51] <cornfeedhobo> sysinitV used conf.d :(
[17:51] <cornfeedhobo> thanks again!
[17:51] <Unit193> upstart uses /etc/init/, and can use the init.d scripts too.
[18:03] <hyhyth> hello ubuntu users
[18:03] <lordievader> Hey hyhyth
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[18:17] <__Roey> Hello. How do I fix this error: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9626044
[18:17] <__Roey> i.e. set my MTA agent
[18:19] <lordievader> __Roey: This might solve your problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/222512/cron-info-no-mta-installed-discarding-output-error-in-the-syslog
[18:41] <__Roey> lordievader: thank you!
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[18:41] <lordievader> __Roey: No problem, happy upstarting (for as long as it will last)
[18:44] <__Roey> lordievader: so just installing postfix will fix that error? I tried before with installing exim4 but the error persisted.
[18:45] <lordievader> Ohh I'm mixing up thing, sorry about upstart..
[18:46] <lordievader> __Roey: Yes, following the explanation on the page, cron misses an Mail Transfer Agent and therefore discards the message.
[18:48] <__Roey> okay
[18:48] <__Roey> but this was also the situation when I with installinx exim this morning
[18:48] <__Roey> but okay.
[18:49] <__Roey> lordievader: do you mess ariound with btrfs send/receive much?
[18:49] <lordievader> __Roey: Nope, I use lvm+ext4
[18:49] <__Roey> lordievader: ahh okay, gotcha
[18:49] <__Roey> lordievader: as I said before, thanks a lot for your help!
[18:50] <lordievader> :)
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[19:14] <dougl> afternoon
[19:16] <lordievader> Hey dougl, how are you doing?
[19:17] <dougl> lordievader, better now I am hangin with you guys...
[19:17] <lordievader> Hehe ;)
[19:18] <dougl> nothing to learn here today, all seems pretty quiet
[19:18] <dougl> you doing well?
[19:20] <lordievader> Jup, doing good here :) Pretty quiet today, indeed.
[19:35] <ozbrk> hi guys
[19:35] <ozbrk> I need help a bit
[19:35] <ozbrk> there are multiple problems in here
[19:35] <ozbrk> first of all is a common issue called screen tearing I have a ati radeon hd 5800
[19:36] <ozbrk> I can't install any drivers drivers breakes the opengş
[19:36] <ozbrk> opengl*
[19:42] <dougl> ozbrk, how attached are you to the ati?
[19:42] <ozbrk> what ?
[19:43] <dougl> do you love ati more than nvidia?
[19:43] <ozbrk> that's the only graphich card that I have why ?
[19:44] <dougl> I am not an ati fan because they have never behaved well with linux... that is why I asked - I would like to see you get an nvidia card and there are two driver avenues you could use there...
[19:45] <dougl> but tearing has always been an issue for me
[19:45] <lordievader> ozbrk: What driver are you currently running?
[19:45] <ozbrk> open
[19:45] <lordievader> ozbrk: The 'radeon' one?
[19:45] <ozbrk> I don't know accutally
[19:46] * dougl is glad to see lordievader is still here.
[19:46] <ozbrk> I reinstalled all xcof
[19:46] <BluesKaj> dougl, ati linux drivers were great up until 4-5 yrs ago then after amd boiught the company linux support has suffered
[19:46] <lordievader> ozbrk: Could you pastebin "lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA"
[19:46] <ozbrk> ooook hang on a sec.
[19:46] <lordievader> !info fglrx
[19:46] <ubottu> fglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:13.101-0ubuntu3 (saucy), package size 48023 kB, installed size 140013 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)
[19:47] <ozbrk> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7115981/
[19:47] <dougl> BluesKaj, how are you - good trivia amd, lets just not go there I am intel now
[19:47] <ozbrk> it says it is radeon driver
[19:47] <ozbrk> dougl: you are a funny guy aren't you :)
[19:47] <rww> yes hello, ATI user here. radeon works fine for me, and fglrx does too.
[19:48] <ikonia> it will really depend on your card and your expectations to define "does it work"
[19:48] <BluesKaj> rww, yes ati drivers are hit and miss on linux , depends on the HW
[19:48] <lordievader> ozbrk: Hmm this might explain it [1] doesn't list the HD 5830 as supported for the 13.101 driver <- the one Saucy ships: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7115981/forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=378785
[19:48] <rww> BluesKaj: so are nvidia ones, if you care at all about software freedom
[19:49] <ozbrk> Ubuntu Pastebin The Paste you are looking for does not currently exist. Return to the Pastebin
[19:49] <ozbrk> whatever what should I do then
[19:49] <lordievader> ozbrk: Err that should be: http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=378785
[19:49] <BluesKaj> rww, nvidia has the linux drivers prettywell supported, except for thier very hi-end cards
[19:50] <rww> BluesKaj: using the free-software driver? if so, that contradicts quite a lot of other people I've talked to, but I am pleased about the improvement.
[19:50] <rww> anyways. the silly "{nvidia, amd} is bad, go buy {amd, nvidia}" messages are silly on either side of the aisle, is my point. It depends on what you get and what your priorities are.
[19:50] <BluesKaj> rww, well that's been my experience
[19:51] <ikonia> rww: you're right, the novau stuff is %50/%50 - again depends on your card and expectations like ati
[19:51] <ozbrk> hey lordiveader
[19:51] <ozbrk> thanks for the help but
[19:51] <ozbrk> http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/incomplete :/
[19:51] <lordievader> ozbrk: You might try installing a newer version of the fglrx driver manually, according to the AMD website 13.12 supports the HD5000 series. I wonder if they said that for 13.6 too: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Linux%20x86_64
[19:51] <rww> (and arguing that one is better than the other is utterly pointless when -- like now -- the user already bought a graphics card)
[19:52] <dougl> ozbrk, they say I am a character in the flesh but here I try to be serious cuz you can't always tell when I am smiling or grinning
[19:52] <ikonia> dougl: what has that got to do with kubuntu ?
[19:52] <ozbrk> dougl: real deal philosophic topic
[19:53] <ozbrk> ''I went I saw I conquered''
[19:54] <dougl> ikonia, I try to be sincere and not joking so I don't upset the channel... and I wanted ozbrk to understand in case I offended him when we were discussing our nvidia/ati opinions
[19:54] <ikonia> ????
[19:55] <ozbrk> hey guys calm down I haven't read all of the conversations
[19:55] <ozbrk> whats going on
[19:55] <dougl> ikonia does not like how wordy I am - does it show?
[20:29] <fkm> Hi there. What VNC server would you recommend, if I want to be able to: a) control the currently running session b) only from the local network c) without entering a password or manually approving connections from the target machine and d) running it as a daemon at startup so it doesn't get in the way and I don't have to remember starting it before I can use it.
[20:30] <fkm> vnc4server, x11vnc, or something else?
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[21:19] <spachtel> hi
[21:31] <pramiti> hello, while installing kdepim, from following 3 commnds.. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install kdepim
[21:31] <pramiti> now i am getting error..http://fpaste.org/86529/39517786/
[21:35] <pramiti> http://fpaste.org/86532/51783561/ i am gettting this error when doing apt dist-upgrade
[21:35] <shadeslayer_> yofel: ^^ in case you're around since I cant debug from a phone :p
[21:52] <flems> hola
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[22:20] <pramiti> i am getting this error.. any help http://fpaste.org/86532/51783561/
[22:33] <pramiti> any help if there is corrupt package installation ? how to recover ?
[22:35] <pramiti> i have tried all the ways.. but kdelibs package installation corrupt.. i am stuck badly
[22:37] <pramiti> http://fpaste.org/86532/51783561/ getting this error
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[23:41] <yofel> pramiti: could you please pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy kdelibs5-dev' - it looks like you upgraded to the backports ppa, removed it and now you're trying to install kdelibs5-dev
[23:43] <pramiti> yofel: i tried again and kdepim is installled now.. i manually remove the packages.. sudo dpkg --force-all --remove kdelib5-dev
[23:43] <pramiti> and then sudo apt-get install kdepim
[23:43] <yofel> hm ok, as long as it works..
[23:44] <pramiti> yofel : thanxs anyways :)
[23:48] <pramiti> yofel: can u tell me do i have to build baloo also ?
[23:51] <yofel> baloo will be part of 4.13, it's not part of 4.12
[23:51] <pramiti> yofel: i want to develop kmail and fix bugs
[23:51] <pramiti> so i need to know baloo alsoo
[23:52] <yofel> we have beta2 test packages for trusty so far, backports will be there around RC maybe
[23:52] <pramiti> also i have installed kdepim.. but i cant find the code.. to start debugging
[23:53] <valorie> pramiti: have you investigated Project Neon?
[23:53] <valorie> #project-neon for more info in the /topic
[23:55] <yofel> you can get the source for the version you have installed with 'apt-get source kdepim'
[23:55] <yofel> the upstream source is at http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdepim.git
[23:55] <yofel> daily builds are provided by neon ^, but not for precise
[23:56] <Firestarter> I accidentally deleted the volume widget on my taskbar and can't seem to get it back. I was able to add some that I needed but can't find the volume.
[23:56] <pramiti> ohh i didnt knew about neon.. i wanted to work on kmail.. so i installed kdepim.. i just started with kde 4 days back
[23:57] <valorie> precise?
[23:57] <valorie> devels usually run a current version
[23:58] <pramiti> actually i wanted to start with gsoc: and wanted to work on Project: Enhanced Searching in KMail.. this is not suitable for beginners ?
[23:59] <ikonia> gsoc is not an "introduction" topic
[23:59] <ikonia> and is not part of the ubuntu kenel by default
[23:59] <pramiti> i am just using ubuntu distro.. i installed kmail in ubuntu to start working with it