UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /13 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== stgraber_ is now known as stgraber
=== siel_ is now known as siel
=== jasoncwarner___ is now known as jasoncwarner
[02:20] <xnox> robert_ancell: i don't like the new wallpaper, or unity-greeter, or both together.
[02:21] <robert_ancell> xnox, ?
[02:21] <xnox> robert_ancell: the dot patters doesn't line-up with suru/origami guide-lines and the circle of friends is not in the center of the suru cross.
[02:22] <xnox> robert_ancell: either one or both of these are missaligned, or we have a bug/regression in the toolkits somewhere.
[02:22] <robert_ancell> ah
[02:22] <robert_ancell> file a bug :)
[02:23] * xnox things of the title
[02:23] <robert_ancell> "Default wallpaper does not align well with greeter grid"
[02:28] <desrt> robert_ancell: any plans to continue porting the games to new tech?
[02:28] <desrt> i noticed today that aisleriot still uses gconf....
[02:28] <robert_ancell> desrt, which games?
[02:29] <robert_ancell> desrt, I don't work on them anymore, but the main games are being actively ported
[02:29] <robert_ancell> aisleriot got split off, so I think it's stagnating as much as it always was
[02:30] <robert_ancell> desrt, did you ever look at those gsettings editor changes I made?
[02:30] <desrt> ah... no
[02:31] <xnox> robert_ancell: bug #1291735
[02:31] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1291735 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Default 14.04 wallpaper does not align well with greeter grid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1291735
[02:32] <desrt> robert_ancell: this is not bad
[02:38] <desrt> robert_ancell: the idea of adding summary/description to schemas is interesting
[02:38] <desrt> maybe could add some more structural information too
[02:38] <desrt> like belongs-to-desktop-id or so
[02:38] <robert_ancell> yeah
[02:38] <robert_ancell> I couldn't see any downside to doing it
[02:39] <desrt> i have some ideas for a version 2 of the schema file starting to add up
[02:41] <robert_ancell> xnox, did you assign to mpt for a specific reason?
[03:10] <xnox> robert_ancell: yeap, the wallpaper is buggy, I agree with you =) and i've now generated images showing the bull's eye and rough offsets.
[03:11] <robert_ancell> xnox, they may have offset it on purpose, because that might made it look less rigid. But with the grid on top we emphasise the offset
[03:11] <robert_ancell> xnox, because in general you should open a task against the ayatana-design project so any designer can see it
[03:13] <xnox> robert_ancell: i never touch ayatana-design tasks. Most of the time, it's bug updates by JL demanding things that got rejected by desktop team / TechBoard / mark.
[03:13] <xnox> robert_ancell: i thought "needs-design" was the tag to get designers attention =/
[03:14] <robert_ancell> xnox, perhaps the process changed :)
[03:15] <xnox> i don't like this border-less stuff =) i've got confused between "emacs full screen with two buffers" vs "two emacs windows, each snapped to half-screen"
[03:15] <xnox> I guess, i'll get used to it =)
[03:16] * xnox ponders if i can tripple the shadow
[03:36] <RAOF> Why, hello libhybris!
[03:38] <RAOF> I take it there's not a lot of testing of unity8-desktop-session-mir, then.
=== FJKong_afk is now known as FJKong
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as Zachary_DuBois|A
[05:40] <pitti> Good morning
[08:49] <mlankhorst> seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xinput/+bug/1287341 needs fixing in some other layer, the transformation matrix needs to be set..
[08:49] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1287341 in xinput (Ubuntu) "Touchscreen controls both screens in dual-monitor setup" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[08:50] <seb128> good morning desktopers
[08:50] <mlankhorst> should I reassign it to gnome-settings?
[08:50] <seb128> hum, I guess unity-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon should do that, but why can't xorg do the right thing?
[08:51] <mlankhorst> it does by scaling it over the entire screen :P
[08:52] <mlankhorst> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=698284 I think
[08:52] <ubot2`> Gnome bug 698284 in xrandr "Missing feature causes weird behavior when using touchscreen when two (or more) monitors are present" [Normal,Unconfirmed]
[08:53] <seb128> so why is the output not matching?
[08:56] <mlankhorst> poking the xi maintainer some more it seems garnacho is working on it
[08:57] <seb128> cool
[08:57] <seb128> that still seems wrong
[08:57] <seb128> it means every desktop environment has to implement the same logic
[08:57] <seb128> input should just match the screen, without needed a specific desktop/client code
[08:57] <mlankhorst> they also have to map things like output providers / render slaves
[09:02] <seb128> hum, k, I don't know the details of the input stack, but it still seems wrong that input doesn't match screen out of the box, e.g that you have to rely on desktop code to make things work for you
[09:03] <seb128> because it means GNOME, KDE, xfce, ldme, lightdm, etc are all going to need to add the same "transformation matrix code"
[09:03] <seb128> which is just nonsense
[09:22] * mlankhorst didn't write the code :/
[09:24] <RAOF> seb128: Oh, ho ho ho!
[09:24] <seb128> RAOF, hey, how are you?
[09:24] <RAOF> seb128: There's no way to map between the display panel and the touch input device.
[09:24] <RAOF> Because hardware is hateful.
[09:25] <seb128> :-(
[09:25] <RAOF> seb128: Hey!
[09:25] <seb128> there is also no way to have a more common component/something not desktop specific?
[09:26] <RAOF> Well, you could, but you absolutely have to expose a user-visible preference, because any heuristic will be wrong in some cases.
[09:26] <RAOF> So there's going to be a desktop-specific component to any solution.
[09:27] <seb128> does that need calibration?
[09:27] <RAOF> Not so much calibration as ‘which monitor is this input device attached to?’
[09:29] <seb128> so we need a piece of UI as well to do that?
[09:29] <RAOF> Yeah.
[09:29] <seb128> it means it can't work out of the box/has to prompt you when you connect a new monitor?
[09:30] <RAOF> Weeeell.
[09:30] <RAOF> You *can* do some heuristics (which is what I intend to do in Mir), like ‘did a touchscreen-like input device show up at the same time as this monitor was plugged in’?
[09:31] <seb128> I guess you can do guessing, like if you have a touch input and one screen only, match them, if you add new devices that a non touch assume the input should still match the first one
[09:31] <RAOF> But, no, if everything's plugged in on first boot, you can't get it to reliably work out of the box (this also affects Windows)
[09:31] <seb128> :-(
[09:31] <RAOF> Yes.
[09:31] <RAOF> I have no idea how MS hasn't written a hardware spec for this.
[09:32] <seb128> why is tech so lame? by now you would expect that new hardware don't come out without a way for the OSes to deal properly with them :/
[09:32] <RAOF> It's not like they've not spent a huge amount of effort pissing off their existing users to move to a touch interface or anything.
[09:33] <RAOF> This wasn't so much of a problem when there weren't external touchscreens available.
[09:33] <RAOF> Because then ‘is it an internal display?’ is a very good guess.
[09:33] <seb128> right
[09:35] <RAOF> And you only had to deal with the reasonably rare hateful cases where that didn't apply :)
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
[09:36] <seb128> well, if I read the bug pointed earlier correctly, atm we do the wrong thing if you have a touch laptop and dock it
[09:36] <seb128> but I guess that's where we need code in g-s-d
[09:55] <davmor2> anyone else have FF using 200% cpu on trusty when you close it, especially after a hangout?
[10:18] <seb128> andyrock, hey
[10:19] <seb128> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1291088
[10:19] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1291088 in unity (Ubuntu) "Doesn't unlock when coming back from the greeter" [High,Triaged]
[10:19] <seb128> how do you try?
[10:24] <mlankhorst> can I increase the upstart timeout before it sends SIGKILL?
[10:26] <jodh> mlankhorst: 'kill timeout <seconds>'.
[10:26] <mlankhorst> ah ty
[10:32] <tkamppeter> larsu, hi
[10:37] <mlankhorst> argh no way to increase timeout for lightdm killing X >:(
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
=== Zachary_DuBois|A is now known as Zachary_DuBois
[11:29] <seb128> dobey, hey, could you review the patch on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/1244493?
[11:29] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1244493 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Software Center doesn't save settings on Saucy" [High,Confirmed]
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as Zachary_DuBois|A
[11:30] <ogra_> hmm, i can see the shadows cut off on the launcher tooltips since the last upgrade
[11:32] <ogra_> (everywhere where there is bright bg behind them ... )
[11:32] <seb128> ogra_, yeah, seems a new bug indeed
[11:32] <andyrock> seb128: hey
[11:32] <seb128> andyrock, hey
[11:32] <andyrock> seb128: i just login as "User1"
[11:33] <andyrock> seb128:switch account using session indicators (let's say User2)
[11:33] <andyrock> now I'm in the unity-greeter
[11:33] <seb128> ogra_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1291838
[11:33] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1291838 in unity (Ubuntu) "Wrong Launcher tooltips decorations/shadows" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[11:33] <andyrock> move back to User1 using lightdm
[11:33] <andyrock> session in unlocked
[11:33] <seb128> :-(
[11:33] <seb128> for me it's locked
[11:33] <seb128> I do
[11:33] <seb128> - start my session
[11:33] <ogra_> seb128, ah, perfect, thanks
[11:34] <seb128> - go to the indicator-session, click on "testuser"
[11:34] <seb128> -> that brings me to the greeter with "testuser" selected
[11:34] <seb128> - move back to "normaluser"
[11:34] <seb128> - type my password
[11:34] <seb128> -> back to the session with unity locked
[11:35] <andyrock> I'll ask Trevinho if I can reproduce it
[11:35] <andyrock> it's that lightdm should emit logind signal "Unlock"
[11:36] <seb128> weird that we see different behaviour though, I'm on trusty with everything from the archive uptodate
[11:37] <andyrock> you're using unity from repo right?
[11:38] <andyrock> launching it in the normal way
[11:38] <andyrock> not from a tty
[11:38] <andyrock> or stuff like that
[11:50] <andyrock> seb128:^^^^
[11:56] <seb128> andyrock, yes, boot, log in using lightdm (not autologin)
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
[12:03] <davmor2> seb128: am I correct in assuming that the new lock screen is lightdm I'm having issues with it and the screen blanking
[12:03] <seb128> davmor2, no it's not, it's unity, what issues?
[12:05] <davmor2> seb128: if I leave it for 5 minutes it should blank, but instead displays the unlock screen, if I unlock it 2-3 seconds later the screen blanks and I have to unlock it again. If I hit ctrl+alt+l it used to blank the screen again now it just displays the lock screen
[12:06] <seb128> Trevinho, andyrock: ^
[12:06] <seb128> davmor2, you should open a bug about it
[12:06] <seb128> davmor2, what are you setting for turn off and lock screen?
[12:06] <davmor2> seb128: hence me asking what it was part of :)
[12:07] <xnox> mpt: hello! I have a bug report against the new default wallpaper =) while it clearly has a center point, it's not in the center. bug #1291735
[12:07] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1291735 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "Default 14.04 wallpaper does not align well with greeter grid" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1291735
[12:07] <davmor2> seb128: default settings I've not modified anything
[12:07] <xnox> mpt: thus it looks odd, when greeter dot pattern & circle of friends are applied on top of it (as those are centered perfectly)
[12:10] <seb128> davmor2, the default setting is to turn off & lock after 5 minutes, seems to be what you describe
[12:11] <seb128> davmor2, if it was not locking before then it was buggy and the current behaviour is correct
[12:11] <davmor2> seb128: no it was blanking before you move the mouse or hit a key and the lock screen would appear
[12:12] <seb128> blanking before you hit a key?N
[12:12] <seb128> I don't understand the concept :p
[12:12] <davmor2> seb128: now instead it isn't blanking it is displaying the lock screen, then it blanks after you unlock it
[12:12] <seb128> I can't confirm that
[12:12] <seb128> for me it fades the screen after the timeout
[12:12] <seb128> once the screen is off it's locked
[12:12] <seb128> if I move the mouse it turns the screen on
[12:12] <davmor2> seb128: I'll write the bug and then take a video of saucy and trusty
[12:12] <seb128> if I type my password I've my session
[12:13] <seb128> don't bother taking a video of saucy
[12:13] <seb128> having one of trusty would help (make sure you have uptodate, maybe check in a new user session)
[12:13] <davmor2> seb128: no I meant as a comparison for what I expect to happen and was happening on trusty
[12:14] <davmor2> seb128: it could be the optimus gfx that are causing the issue maybe
[12:14] <seb128> right, don't bother doing the saucy one
[12:14] <seb128> we know what's expected
[12:28] <davmor2> seb128: ofcourse now I want to video it, it is working perfectly sods law I record it if it happens again
[12:28] <seb128> haha
[12:28] <seb128> ok, thanks
[12:29] <seb128> davmor2, did you reboot since the recent update? I wonder if you maybe still had the old gnome-screensaver running or something
[12:29] <davmor2> seb128: ah could be
[12:31] <davmor2> might be a race as to what blanks it first gnome or unity which would explain to 2 logins
[12:32] <seb128> we patched gnome-screensaver to call unity locking under unity
[12:32] <seb128> so that should not happne
[12:41] <tkamppeter> larsu, around?
[12:43] <seb128> tkamppeter, you probably just better ask your question so he can reply when he reads scrollback
[12:44] <seb128> bregma, hey, how do you guys track bugs to fix for trusty in unity/what's the best way to point the "that's a regression we need to fix before release"?
[12:45] <tkamppeter> larsu, seb128, there seems to be a problem with whatever icon pops up on Xubuntu when something is printed, see bug 1291075. CUPS does its job correctly as the printout comes correctly out of the printer, the problem is the desktop icon. To which package do I have to assign this bug?
[12:45] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1291075 in cups (Ubuntu) "printer icon does not disappear" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1291075
[12:48] <seb128> tkamppeter, I don't know, maybe ochosi can help you
[12:48] <tkamppeter> ochosi, ^^^
[12:51] <davmor2> seb128, Trevinho, andyrock: Okay so after a reboot the screen blanking is kicking in correctly \o/ however ctrl+alt+l isn't blanking the screen like it used to it is just displaying the unlock screen is that deliberate or not do you know?
[12:51] <larsu> tkamppeter: I don't know either, sorry
[12:52] <seb128> davmor2, seems like worth reporting a bug
[12:52] <davmor2> seb128: will do
[12:52] <seb128> thanks
[12:52] <mdeslaur> seb128: so bug 1291370 is a regression in unity-gtk-module
[12:52] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1291370 in unity-gtk-module (Ubuntu) "in virtual-manager, the global-menu or local integrated menus stopped working in the vm-display" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1291370
[12:53] <seb128> mdeslaur, from what version?
[12:53] <mdeslaur> seb128: the latest one, I put the version that worked in the bug
[12:53] <seb128> shrug
[12:54] <seb128> mdeslaur, thanks for figuring that out
[12:54] <mdeslaur> np, thanks in advance for fixing it ;)
[12:56] <seb128> mdeslaur, stop using old gtk2 softwares btw :p
[12:56] <mdeslaur> seb128: you mean like firefox? ;)
[12:56] <jibel> seb128, do you know if there is a more detailed test plan than https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/ubuntu-system-settings for system settings?
[12:56] <seb128> mdeslaur, for example :p
[12:56] <mdeslaur> hehe
[12:57] <seb128> jibel, there isn't
[12:57] <jibel> thanks
[12:57] <seb128> jibel, what sort of details are you missing? it's basically "run autotests, check manually things that changed"
[12:57] <seb128> jibel, I'm open to suggestions on what else you would like to see there
[13:03] <jibel> seb128, I'm looking for a list of user stories or a high level test cases that could be used to determine what should be tested, what can be automated and what cannot, this sort of thing.
[13:03] <jibel> seb128, the best doc I could find is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemSettings
[13:04] <seb128> jibel, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-t-system-settings-testing is a the items we listed that would be nice to test
[13:04] <seb128> those are not really "user story oriented" though
[13:05] <seb128> they are specific widgets/actions to test rather than user journeys
[13:27] <ochosi> tkamppeter: i don't have a printer (and also no network printer) here, but i'll try to look at it as soon as i can
[13:28] <seb128> ochosi, hey, do you know what component is used by xubuntu, is that system-config-printer-applet? indicator-printer? xsomething?
[13:28] <ochosi> by default in 13.10 we only had indicator-application
[13:28] <ochosi> because we were restricted to gtk2 indicators
[13:28] <seb128> but you have support for the notification area
[13:29] <seb128> so you could be using system-config-printer-applet?
[13:29] <ochosi> and system-config-printer-applet
[13:29] <seb128> k
[13:29] <seb128> that's probably the printer icon there
[13:29] <ochosi> i think that one goes through either tray or indicator-application
[13:29] <ochosi> not sure now, i frankly haven't had a printer @home for quite a while...
[13:29] <seb128> seems like the bug should be reassigning to system-config-printer
[13:29] <seb128> which was the question I think
[13:29] <ochosi> ah ok
[13:29] <ochosi> yeah, in that case that seems the obvious choice
[13:30] <seb128> reassigned*
[13:30] <seb128> ochosi, thanks
[13:30] <seb128> tkamppeter, ^
[13:31] <ochosi> no problem!
[13:32] <tkamppeter> ochosi, thank you very much.
[13:33] <ochosi> tkamppeter: can you check whether that still happens in 14.04?
[13:33] <ochosi> would be nice to get this fixed before the release
[13:34] <ochosi> tkamppeter: if it really still applies to trusty, please then link it to this blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-bugs
[13:34] <ochosi> and for the rest, head over to #xubuntu-devel, no need to spam these nice folks' channel ;)
[13:36] <tkamppeter> ochosi, I do not have Xubuntu here.
[13:37] <ochosi> ok
[13:41] <tkamppeter> ochosi, seb128, I have reassigned the bug to s-c-p now and asked the original author (Tim Waugh) for help on debugging this.
[13:42] <seb128> tkamppeter, thanks
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
[14:45] <andyrock> seb128, i can reproduce the bug
[14:45] <andyrock> i'm working on it
[14:45] <seb128> andyrock, oh, what did you change?
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[14:54] <andyrock> seb128, i reinstalled gnome-screensaver
=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
[14:57] <seb128> shrug, disconnects
[14:57] <seb128> tedg, kenvandine, larsu, charles, attente: I delete the settings meeting for today, vUDS ... but I just realized you guys might want to have one anyway (if you don't have sessions)
[14:57] <seb128> andyrock, so your version was maybe different from the only we landed?
[14:57] <seb128> (not sure that went through before)
[14:57] <larsu> seb128: I'm fine thanks. I finally got around to pushing that rhythmbox MR if you have some time
[14:58] <seb128> larsu, great, I've another session to lead now but then I can have a look
[14:58] <larsu> cool
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
[15:01] <kenvandine> seb128, nothing from me
[15:12] <nessita> hello everyone! so long. kenvandine, question: were you able to workaround the issue we were having yesterday when trying to watch live streams of UDS sessions? ("An erro occurred please try again later")
[15:12] <seb128> nessita, hey! it has been a while, how are you?
[15:12] <kenvandine> nessita, incognito mode in chrome worked for me
[15:13] <nessita> kenvandine, oh, I tried that, no luck for me
[15:13] <nessita> seb128, hola!!!! I'm pretty good -- one year older! as every year :-D
[15:13] <nessita> you?
[15:13] <seb128> nessita, just got your birthday?
[15:13] <seb128> nessita, I'm good thanks
[15:13] <nessita> seb128, today! still crying, though :-P
[15:14] <seb128> nessita, happy birthday! don't cry :-(
[15:15] * seb128 hugs nessita
[15:15] * nessita hugs seb128
[15:16] <seb128> I can see a chrisccoulson!
[15:29] <seb128> bregma, did you see my questions about unity bugs tracking earlier today btw?
[15:30] <bregma> seb128, yes: any lockscreen bugs should be tagged with 'lockscreen' because those are the priority right now, else we target them for the upstream Unity 7.2 release
[15:30] <seb128> bregma, so you want bugs on upstream component and ubuntu?
[15:31] <seb128> I noticed for lockscreen, but I've some that are not with it
[15:31] <seb128> like the launcher tooltips looking wrong
[15:31] <seb128> or the ">" in the launchers being out of sync with reality sometimes
[15:32] <seb128> dobey, hey, did you see the s-c bug/patch I pointed earlier?
[15:33] <dobey> seb128: yeah. will look at it
[15:33] <seb128> dobey, thanks
[15:38] <mlankhorst> ok that was terrible, i had to check the desktop background settings to make sure that I didn't regress mesa with my mesa 10.1 in the ppa
[15:38] <mlankhorst> who came up with triangles for the trusty background? :o
[15:47] <desrt> seb128: any update on the gsettings crasher?
[15:47] <desrt> i'd like to tuck that into the next release if possible
[15:50] <ochosi> quick question: do you guys use button-images in general in unity or not? (i.e. ButtonImages=1)
[15:51] <ochosi> just wondering cause there's a change in how gtk3 aligns labels in buttons (now they're baseline-aligned instead of vertically centered) and it looks a bit bad with icons
[15:52] <ochosi> here's an illustration of what i mean: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-03-13-164642.php
[15:52] <ochosi> (it looks the same with ambiance, but yeah, this is adwaita)
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
[15:53] <seb128> desrt, when is the next release? I uploaded to the desktop team ppa bit earlier, waiting for that to build and giving you my +1 soon
[15:54] <desrt> seb128: monday
[15:54] <seb128> desrt, ok, so that should be fine, you are going to be my feedback before eod today
[15:54] <desrt> excellent
[15:54] * desrt doing end-of-cycle cleanups
[16:00] <Sweetshark> seb128: libreoffice autopkgtests are (almost) running again.
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
[16:00] <seb128> Sweetshark, nice, what's the almost?
[16:00] <Sweetshark> seb128: (just some broken deps, that should be easy to fix)
[16:02] <Sweetshark> seb128: broken in the sense of "some needless autogenerated deps in the helper package (libreoffice-subsequentcheckbase) that we use"
[16:02] <seb128> k
[16:24] <davmor2> seb128: bug 1292069 has been filed so I confirmed it but I think it and it could link to bug 1292078
[16:24] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1292069 in Unity "After locking the screen manually (Ctrl+Alt+L), then walking away, need to unlock twice" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1292069
[16:24] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1292078 in unity (Ubuntu) "New lock screen is shown on ctrl+alt+l rather than blanking the screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1292078
[16:35] <GunnarHj> Hi seb128!
[17:47] <lifeless> hmm, my laptop now suspends when I close the lid, even though I've used gnome-control-center to tell it to 'do nothing'
[17:47] <lifeless> Any suggestions on how to debug this?
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=== TheDrums is now known as DalekSec
[18:42] <seb128> davmor2, ok
[18:42] <seb128> GunnarHj, hey
[18:43] <GunnarHj> seb128: What do you think about this new shortcut thing at first login?
[18:43] <seb128> lol
[18:43] <seb128> GunnarHj, I knew you wouldn't like for guest sessions ;-)
[18:44] <seb128> it's useful, not sure it should happen in a guest session though
[18:44] <seb128> having it stack on top of the dialog that the guest session opens looks buggy
[18:45] <GunnarHj> seb128: Right, for the guest session it's extra bad. But I doubt that it's the kind of guidance that new Ubuntu users ask for at first hand.
[18:45] <GunnarHj> seb128: Do you know what kind of flag that stops it from showing up later on?
[18:46] <seb128> GunnarHj, I'm not sure, open a bug about it I guess
[18:46] <seb128> no, but bregma or Trevinho might know
[18:47] <bregma> GunnarHj, there's a file in XDG_CONFIG_DIR that gets created to prevent it from showing
[18:48] <bregma> GunnarHj, open a bug so we can track this problem please
[18:48] <GunnarHj> bregma: Thanks! Guess I could use that to propose something that stops it in guest session.
[18:48] <GunnarHj> bregma: Will open a bug as well.
[18:58] <seb128> bregma, btw what that a design request? it feels like a first start dialog, which we decided to not do long ago ... if we revisit that it seems like we might have more things to communicate to users than keybindings
[18:59] <seb128> bregma, it also feels like that should have been through a ffe ... ;-)
[19:26] <GunnarHj> seb128: It's a "fix" of bug 1283619
[19:26] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1283619 in Unity "No "first run" tutorial for Unity/Ubuntu" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1283619
[19:27] <GunnarHj> seb128, bregma: I filed bug #1292178 about the guest session conflict.
[19:27] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1292178 in unity (Ubuntu) "New shortcut hint conflicts with startup dialog in guest sessions" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1292178
[20:57] <GunnarHj> bregma: still there?
[20:59] <apw> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1292217
[20:59] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1292217 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm screen lock has triggered but keyboard is still connected to the main session" [Undecided,New]
[20:59] <apw> who owns lightdm as a screensaver issues, as i have a laptop which is letting me type through the screensaver
[21:07] <bschaefer> apw, the new lock screen?
[21:07] <bschaefer> apw, if so the current tagged list of bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bugs?field.tag=lockscreen
[21:07] <bschaefer> apw, if its a new bug please file it against unity with a lockscreen tag :)
[21:39] <desrt> seb128: hey. update?
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[21:40] <seb128> desrt, hey, works fine from what I can tell! I was not able to trigger the issue so I can't confirm it's fixed, but computer/session works without any visible issue
[21:41] <desrt> cool
[21:41] <desrt> i'll roll it into monday's release, then
[21:41] <desrt> it seems pretty 'safe' to me, fwiw
[21:41] <desrt> but i appreciate the testing just incase of some stupid mistake
[21:42] <seb128> right, thanks
[21:42] <desrt> no. thank YOU
[21:42] <desrt> </canadian>
[21:42] <seb128> I'm going to upload it to trusty and watch errors.ubuntu.com
[21:42] <seb128> desrt, oh, sorry, did you just accidentally bump into me? ;-)
[21:42] <desrt> seb128: that's sorry
[21:43] <seb128> I just said that!
[21:43] <desrt> but it's probably my fault that you had the wrong information. sorry about that.
[21:43] <seb128> ;-)
[21:43] <desrt> oh indeed. you're right! very sorry.
[22:05] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: ping?
[22:05] <robert_ancell> GunnarHj, you can just ask a question..
[22:05] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: Any spontaneous idea what causes the confusing behavior at bug 1292241?
[22:05] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1292241 in unity (Ubuntu) "Using lightdm-gtk-greeter and still taken to unity-greeter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1292241
[22:06] <robert_ancell> GunnarHj, look at lightdm.log and the config
[22:06] <robert_ancell> GunnarHj, oh, this is running Unity right?
[22:07] <robert_ancell> Unity now provides a screen lock
[22:07] <robert_ancell> I think there might be a bug where it doesn't drop it's lock sometimes when lightdm authenticates
[22:08] <seb128> robert_ancell, GunnarHj: bug #1291088
[22:08] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1291088 in unity (Ubuntu) "Doesn't unlock when coming back from the greeter" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1291088
[22:08] <robert_ancell> there we go :)
[22:09] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell, seb128: Seems that the issue is addressed. Leaving it you you guys to sort it out. ;-)
[22:09] <seb128> GunnarHj, can you mark you bug as duplicate?
[22:10] <GunnarHj> seb128: Sure.
[22:10] <seb128> thanks
[22:11] <robert_ancell> seb128, have you ever looked into bug 1272977?
[22:11] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1272977 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "gtk-update-icon-cache segfaults in gdk_pixbuf_io_init()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1272977
[22:11] <robert_ancell> Seems quite common
[22:11] <robert_ancell> according to errors.ubuntu.com
[22:11] <seb128> robert_ancell, yes, I think it's a dist-upgrade issue
[22:11] <seb128> e.g versions mismatch in memory and disk
[22:12] <robert_ancell> oh, the loaders?
[22:12] <seb128> or mismatch because half the update happened and triggers are called
[22:12] <seb128> yeah, from what I saw it seemed like to happen on precise to trusty updates
[22:12] <seb128> so I guess there is a side effect of doing updates in sessions...
[22:13] <seb128> I might be wrong, but it seemed the reason why the retracings bts were not good as well
[22:22] <seb128> robert_ancell, got disconnected, not sure if you replied, I was saying that the failing retraces seemed to me because the running/disk versions mismatched
[22:22] <seb128> but I might be wrong
[22:22] <robert_ancell> seb128, yeah, it looks likely
[22:22] <seb128> not sure if there is anything we can do about that
[22:22] <robert_ancell> I wondered if they were being triggered on bad files, but I think what you've said is more likely
[22:22] <seb128> out of stopping to do update in session
[22:23] <robert_ancell> it should probably check the loaders version number and stop if they mismatch
[22:38] <apw> seb128, how do i unlock unity lockscreen from the command line, as i cannot from the prompts
[22:38] <seb128> apw, you can't afaik, why can't you from the prompts?
[22:38] <apw> seb128, cause my keyboard is connected to the applications behind it
[22:39] <seb128> how do you do that?!
[22:39] <apw> seb128, for instance i am typeig this text now though the lockscreen
[22:39] <seb128> weird
[22:39] <sarnold> .. and reading the responses?
[22:39] <apw> seb128, because it is compeltely broken i assume, and insecure
[22:39] <seb128> that's helpful
[22:39] <apw> sarnold, no, i have a second machine to read it
[22:39] <seb128> wfm
[22:39] <seb128> (as helpful)
[22:40] <apw> yeah, that
[22:40] <seb128> did you do anything special to get it in this state?
[22:40] <seb128> having steps to reproduce would help to debug
[22:40] <seb128> rather than "it's buggy and insecure"
[22:41] <seb128> but otherwise, no way to unlock that I guess, go to a vt and run "unity" to replace the running one?
[22:41] <apw> i left the machine to lock and this is what i got
[22:41] <apw> until i can unlock it i can't reproduce without rebooting etc
[22:41] <apw> if there is nothing interesting to be gained from its current state, then i can do that
[22:41] <seb128> did you have a context menu/special ui/something open?
[22:42] <apw> behind the lock ... hard to say
[22:42] <apw> thlugh alt-tab is "working" as in it pops the app selector
[22:42] <apw> and that normally doesn't work when menus are open does it ?
[22:42] <seb128> bregma, Trevinho, andyrock, ^ is there any info that would be useful?
[22:42] <seb128> it doesn't indeed
[22:43] <apw> my memory is upgrading, rebooting, logining in and setting up windows, moving to another machine leaving it to lock
[22:43] <apw> not even locking it, and coming back to this
[22:43] <apw> but ... i wasn't looking out for it
[22:43] <seb128> k
[22:44] <seb128> well, you are the first one to report the issue
[22:44] <apw> its quite a new change too mind you
[22:44] <seb128> with is good, because it's not everyone, but less good because it means there is a bug there that might be not easy to reproduce/debug
[22:44] <seb128> well, we got like 10 bug reports about other (minor) issues
[22:45] <seb128> I've also beeing locking and testing different scenarios on several machines since yesterday
[22:45] <seb128> including what happens on idle timeout, etc
[22:45] <seb128> never got that one
[22:45] <apw> so the other issue i have with it is it is not turning off the screen, so i will have to zap it before bed
[22:45] <seb128> right, that has been report and should be easy to fix
[22:45] <seb128> reported
[22:46] <apw> seems i can interact with my rhythmbox as well, but no i can do that on the working machine as well
[22:46] <bregma> apw, here's trick to unlocking until the window ordering bug is fixed (and the fix is in the works): select an indicator, then select the password field again
[22:47] <apw> bregma, that does indeed work
[22:47] <bregma> if you use alt-tab while the lock screen is on, input gets redirected to one of the apps behind the lock screen
[22:47] <bregma> which you need to hop is not your facebook status
[22:47] <apw> bregma, or in my case irc indeed
[22:48] <seb128> bregma, I can't reproduce that, alt-tab on the lock screen gives the focus back to the password entry for me
[22:48] <apw> yeah it doesn't reproduce immediatly for me, there must be some other factor, like self locking or something
[22:49] <seb128> self locking didn't do it for today
[22:49] <bregma> I can reproduce it by hitting alt-tab then without lifting tab, hit control-L
[22:49] <seb128> so maybe rather timing or bug or something
[22:49] <bregma> it's definitely a reproduceable bug, and I believe with a known solution
[22:50] <seb128> bregma, good to see you can reproduce, it means you can confirm the fix once we have one ;-)
[22:50] <seb128> good
[22:50] <seb128> I hope you guys plan to do a landing when that's available
[22:50] <apw> bregma, ok you are right if i ALT-tab and then without releasing ALT move to C-A-L to lock it does reproduce
[22:50] <bregma> the downside to the new screen locker is it raises a bunch of old stacking order problems, the upside is we already know how to solve most of those
[22:51] <seb128> that sentence would be better without the "most of"
[22:51] <seb128> when we though that being in the wm would make it easier to avoid stacking issues than being outside of it...
[22:53] <bschaefer> seb128, the stacking issue is that all nux windows are DOCK type, which according to the standard, FULLSCREEN windows stack above them
[22:53] <bschaefer> seb128, sooo the WM is doing the right thing, we just want a different behavior :)
[22:55] <xnox> apw: bregma i have a way to recover.
[22:55] <seb128> bschaefer, well, that doesn't explain alt-tab working in backend and other apps taking input while the lockscreen is displayed in front, does it?
[22:55] <bschaefer> seb128, well no, but i have a fix to hide the switcher before going into the lockscreen :)
[22:56] <seb128> xnox, recover what?
[22:56] * bschaefer missed half of the convo
[22:56] <xnox> seb128: from broken lock.
[22:56] <seb128> xnox, <bregma> apw, here's trick to unlocking until the window ordering bug is fixed (and the fix is in the works): select an indicator, then select the password field again
[22:56] <xnox> seb128: meh, not fun =)
[22:56] <seb128> ;-)
[22:56] <xnox> seb128: i did: XDG_SEAT_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0 dm-tool switch-to-greeter
[22:56] <xnox> and login again =)
[22:57] <seb128> bschaefer, so the issue is "only" that the switcher is open while the lockscreen kicks in?
[22:57] <seb128> xnox, haha
[22:57] <bschaefer> seb128, yup!
[22:57] <bschaefer> once you're in lockscreen you cannot use the switcher
[22:57] * bschaefer double checks just to be sure :)
[22:57] <seb128> bschaefer, it's a bit weird, apw said it happen on a lock-on-idle for him
[22:57] <seb128> happened
[22:57] <seb128> like he was away from the box when it locked
[22:58] <seb128> so alt-tab was not likely open
[22:58] <bschaefer> seb128, i've actually never tested the lock-on-idle
[22:58] <seb128> that seems like something we should test ;-)
[22:58] <bschaefer> seb128, i can test that out, but ill get the fix for the switcher open when going into the lockscreen
[22:58] <seb128> we better release the lts with a secure lock screen
[22:58] <seb128> k
[22:58] <bschaefer> seb128, yeah i just now started using the lockscreen :)
[22:59] <seb128> let's see if some users still hit issues once those fixes land
[22:59] <bschaefer> cool, i have 4 other branches with some fixes as well landing
[22:59] <xnox> seb128: we only need secure lock screen in .1 ;-)
[22:59] <bschaefer> with the alt+tab
[22:59] <seb128> great, let's land that
[22:59] <seb128> xnox, hehe
[22:59] <seb128> on that note, calling it a day
[22:59] <seb128> night
[22:59] <bschaefer> seb128, have a good night!