UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /13 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[08:11] <brainwash> can anyone please make bug 1290176 public? there are a handful of crash reports pointing to this one
=== smola_ is now known as smola
[12:13] <j_f-f> pls set the status return to triaged in bugs #1050358 and #1208019
[12:13] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1208019 in unity-gtk-module (Ubuntu) "Eclipse menus doesn't show up in Saucy" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1208019
[12:13] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1050358 in emesene (Ubuntu) "emesene crashed with SIGSEGV in tupledealloc.24592()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1050358
[12:45] <cprofitt> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/1255558
[12:45] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1255558 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Can't type my password after cold boot" [High,Triaged]
[12:46] <cprofitt> how does this get assigned -- seems like a trivial, but important bug to get fixed
[13:00] <hggdh> cprofitt: the best would be to check in #ubuntu-desktop. As a rule, we do not assign bugs to other people
[13:02] <j_f-f> cprofitt: I've write a mail to Anders to ask why
[13:04] <j_f-f> cprofitt: sry my answer was for an other bug
[13:06] <hggdh> j_f-f: bug 1208019 -- oracle-jdk7-installer returned to triaged.
[13:06] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1208019 in oracle-jdk7-installer (Ubuntu) "Eclipse menus doesn't show up in Saucy" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1208019
[13:07] <j_f-f> hggdh: thanks
[13:08] <hggdh> j_f-f: 1050358 was already updated by pitti
[13:12] <hggdh> brainwash_: bug 1290176 is not public. But there is one one duplicate...
[13:12] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1290176 in tumbler (Ubuntu) "tumblerd crashed with SIGSEGV in gst_mini_object_replace()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1290176
[13:14] <brainwash_> hggdh: oh, appeared to me that it should have more duplicates
[13:15] <hggdh> brainwash_: no problem; anyway, there is nothing there that requires keeping it private
[13:15] <brainwash_> according to my mail inbox spam
[13:16] <brainwash_> thanks for marking it public :)
[13:16] <hggdh> and, if a bug is a dup of a private bug, it makes it very difficult for others to follow the master bug :-)
[20:18] <dkessel> good evening. does anybody know the irc nickname matching to this bug related URL?: http://people.canonical.com/~brian/tmp/apport-crash-package-count.txt
[20:23] <dkessel> balloons: ping ;) any idea who that brian might be?
[20:23] <balloons> dkessel, bdmurray
[20:23] <dkessel> balloons: thanks
[20:23] <dkessel> bdmurray: is that list ^ up to date?
[20:24] <balloons> dkessel, he can help you out with all sorts of bug questions
[20:24] <dkessel> ok
[20:26] <bdmurray> dkessel: no, that's rather old
[20:26] <bdmurray> well terribly old
[20:27] <dkessel> bdmurray: still have the script/report? ;)
[20:28] <bdmurray> dkessel: maybe, it shouldn't be hard to rewrite its just a matter of querying for bugs tagged apport-crash. what exactly are you looking for?
[20:29] <dkessel> bdmurray: well, an up-to-date version of the result ;) might be a good starting point for a new bug hug day...
[20:31] <bdmurray> dkessel: crash reports by default are private which limits the number of people that could participate in such a bug hug day
[20:32] <bdmurray> a different filter might be bugs reported by apport - those tagged apport-bug as they usually contain more information than bugs not reported by apport
[20:33] <dkessel> bdmurray: ok and those do not need to be private? that might be a good starting point then
[20:34] <bdmurray> dkessel: right, apport-bug tagged bugs are not automatically set to private