UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /13 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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[06:38] <mihir> renato, ping
[06:39] <mihir> renato, do we need to install EDS to run calendar application ?
[06:39] <mihir> renato, if yes, then how can I install it , i am unable to create any events
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[09:25] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy World Kidney Day! :-D
[09:27] <justCarakas> JamesTait, is there everyday something special ? :p
[09:27] <JamesTait> justCarakas, that really depends on your definition of special. :)
[09:28] <justCarakas> jamestait, true true, kindeys are special, some people are willing to pay a lot for one
[10:41] <dpm> mzanetti, morning! I'm not sure if you saw the e-mail, but we put the Reminders UDS session to today at 18:00UTC -> http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/2014-03-13/display - will you happen to be around and able to join the session?
[10:41] <mzanetti> dpm: yeah... should be doable.
[10:41] <dpm> cool, thanks!
[10:42] <dpm> rpadovani, if you are interested and you can make it, it would be great to have you there too ^
[10:50] <MacSlow> Is there a simple way to query the type of device an app is running on... via the SDK?
[10:51] <seb128> MacSlow, define "type", what are you trying to do?
[10:51] <MacSlow> seb128, I need to know if I'm on a phone
[10:51] <seb128> MacSlow, what is a phone?
[10:52] <seb128> like do you want to adapt to the input there? the screen geometry?
[10:52] <seb128> why would a tablet be different?
[10:52] <MacSlow> seb128, I've to restrict a certain notification-feature to phone-only devices
[10:53] <seb128> can you give an example?
[10:54] <MacSlow> seb128, a new UX-design for the phone dictates that snap-decision notifications always have a input-blocking tinted fullscreen background... making them kind of a modal dialog.
[10:55] <MacSlow> seb128, but on devices (tablet, desktop) where we would have a side-stage that's not meant to happen.
[10:55] <MacSlow> seb128, that's the use-case for it
[10:56] <seb128> k, I guess that makes sense
[10:56] <MacSlow> seb128, if there's no easy way, I'll have to study the side-stage code
[10:56] <MacSlow> and see how it's done there
[10:56] <seb128> MacSlow, yeah, maybe just ask Saviq directly, he might know ;-)
[10:56] <seb128> bzoltan, ^ or maybe you can help there?
[10:57] <MacSlow> seb128, I can't always bother Saviq
[10:57] <MacSlow> :)
[10:57] <seb128> right ;-)
[10:58] <t1mp> MacSlow: there is no simple way to get the device type from the sdk yet
[10:59] <MacSlow> t1mp, ok... then it's side-stage study-time... :) thx
[11:00] <t1mp> MacSlow: eventually we will have it, the bug is assigned to me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1276808 - but I am currently occupied with new header and bottom-edge stuff
[11:00] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1276808 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "new API that allows to know what the current mode is (desktop, phone, tablet)" [Medium,Confirmed]
[11:02] <MacSlow> t1mp, hehe... I'm always out of luck ;)
[11:03] <t1mp> MacSlow: feel free to help us with this one :)
[11:27] <rpadovani> dpm, yeah, cool, I'll try my best to attend it :-)
[11:27] <dpm> excellent, thanks :)
[11:42] <rpadovani> dpm, both Mihir and I will attend calculator session this afternoon, we talked ~1 hour ago
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[11:42] <rpadovani> thanks for the reminder :-)
[11:42] <dpm> rpadovani, excellent, thanks for confirming!
[11:43] <dpm> rpadovani, feel free to modify or add items to the agenda: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1403-calculator-app-review-and-planning
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[12:15] <oSoMoN> popey, hey, you mentioned that your phone has pretty much all the apps in the store installed, do you have a script that automates this?
[12:31] <popey> oSoMoN: not really, i just wget all of them from the most recent folder in http://popey.mooo.com/mirror/clicks/ then adb push 2014-03-09-100001/ /tmp, then adb shell sudo -u phablet pkcon install-local /tmp/*.click
[12:40] <oSoMoN> popey, ah, thanks for the tip, that’s automatic enough for my needs :)
[12:42] <popey> oSoMoN: np ☻
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[13:35] <elopio> ping nik90, I'm seeing something really weird with the clock and qt5.2
[13:35] <elopio> are you here?
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[13:46] <nik90> elopio: hey
[13:46] <nik90> elopio: what's wrong
[13:48] <elopio> nik90: I'm not sure. It shows no label for the three timer presets, and on the time it shows NaN
[13:48] <elopio> then, things crash.
[13:49] <nik90> elopio: erm weird
[13:50] <mihir> popey, are we clashing hangout with Calendar meeting
[13:50] <nik90> elopio: frankly I am using the same label widget for the timer presets as in the other places. So I am not sure why only those won't show up
[13:50] <popey> mihir: we decided not to have the irc meeting, but use the hangout
[13:50] <nik90> elopio: The only difference being those 3 timer preset labels are obtained from the u1db storage
[13:51] <mihir> popey, but i see, calculator hangout has been scheduled at 16:00UTC
[13:52] <elopio> nik90: yes, the other tabs seem to work
[13:53] <elopio> nik90: do you know what does this mean?
[13:53] <elopio> (process:14404): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/run/user/32011/dconf/user': Permission denied. dconf will not work properly.
[13:53] <popey> mihir: yes, and calendar at 15:00
[13:54] <mihir> okay
[13:54] <mihir> popey, could you send hangout invitation , i can't see
[13:55] <popey> mihir: i will when i set it up closer to the time
[13:55] <nik90> elopio: no..but this is something you regularly see in the AP test console output
[13:55] <mihir> okay thank you :)
[13:56] <elopio> nik90: I have a crash file, but I don't know how to read it. sergiusens maybe you can give me a hand here?
[13:57] <popey> vthompson: ahayzen link to hangout in etherpad
[13:57] <ahayzen> popey, thanks
[13:58] <sergiusens> elopio, there's a wiki dedicated to that ;-)
[13:59] <sergiusens> elopio, my search foo is bad today, all I found was this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/ApportRetraces
[13:59] <sergiusens> there's also an email on the phone list from ev with details on how to process them
[14:00] <elopio> sergiusens: that's helpful :) Thanks.
[14:04] <elopio> Your computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyze the problem and send a report to the developers.
[14:04] <elopio> :/
[14:04] <t1mp> new app header update session is going on here now :) http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22223/header-update/
[14:09] <justCarakas> oww all these interesting meetings and I cant follow since Im at work
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[14:49] <t1mp> justCarakas: they are all recorded so you can watch the videos on youtube later. Unfortunately you cannot ask questions live after the session, but we will still be on irc for questions
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[15:07] <justCarakas> oki thx :)
[15:07] <elopio> nik90: It seems to be bad :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1292047
[15:07] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1292047 in Ubuntu Clock App "Timer tab doesn't show the preset labels and shows NaN on the time" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[15:09] <nik90> elopio: Do you see the NaN time in other tabs as well? Or just in the timer tab?
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[15:09] <elopio> nik90: just there. People is investigating in #ubuntu-ci-eng
[15:09] <nik90> elopio: just joined that room
[15:10] <nik90> elopio: just a bit hesitant about moving to Qt 5.2 without breaking my desktop :/
[15:10] <nik90> elopio: can you create a new timer and check if it shows properly?
[15:10] <elopio> nik90: yes, don't do it
[15:11] <elopio> I have it on a VM
[15:11] <elopio> nik90: no, the new timer shows NAN too
[15:11] <nik90> elopio: and the timer label as well?
[15:11] <elopio> well, the problem is that autopilot killed my maliit
[15:12] <elopio> so I couldn't enter the label. I can try it again in a few minutes.
[15:12] <nik90> elopio: Will take a look at the timer code to see why this is happening
[15:19] <elopio> nik90: it's probably something on the new v4 engine, not on your code.
[15:20] <nik90> I think so too
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[17:26] <rpadovani> mihir, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1288353/+merge/210276
[17:26] <rpadovani> please? :-)
[17:27] <mihir> rpadovani, sure i'll do that
[17:27] <mihir> i am taking my dinner
[17:27] <rpadovani> enojy it :-)
[17:41] <mhall119> push notifications! https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JohnLenton/posts/9Ds7XeicYPK
[17:45] <PaoloRotolo> Hi nik90 :)
[17:45] <PaoloRotolo> I've just noticed that the swich is correctly rendered after you set an Alarm: http://imagebin.org/299155
[17:46] <PaoloRotolo> I have tried too to use the same code of that page, without success :/
[17:46] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: ooh..I didnt do anything to fix it :P
[17:46] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: It could have been a upstream bug that magically got fixed
[17:48] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, actually, the switch is bad rendered before you set an alarm but it's good after :|
[17:49] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: ah...so it is badly rendered only in the AddAlarm Page?
[17:49] <PaoloRotolo> Yes, only in AddAlarm page, even I tried to reproduce the same condition with the same code
[17:49] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: weird
[17:50] <PaoloRotolo> So I think it isn't an upstream bug if it's fine on AlarmList
[17:51] <t1mp> huh? the icons disappeared in the toolbar for calendar-app for me
[17:51] <nik90> t1mp: known bug
[17:51] <nik90> t1mp: it is a cmake issue i think..where they haven't properly referenced the icons?
[17:52] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: I have been meaning to talk to zsombor (SDK dev) about this...but got more important bugs at the moment
[17:52] <t1mp> nik90: ok, thanks :)
[17:52] <t1mp> by the way, it is now possible to set iconName for the buttons and it will pick that icon from ubuntu-mobile-icons :)
[17:53] <t1mp> err.. ok that was already possible on device but now it also works on desktop :)
[17:53] <t1mp> it is handy for testing to have some consistency :)
[17:55] <t1mp> nik90: are you working on calendar-app?
[17:55] <nik90> t1mp: nope..I am just the clock guy
[17:55] <dpm> t1mp, yeah, I noticed that too
[17:56] <t1mp> when setting the iconNames to "new-event" and "calendar-today", icons no longer need to be packaged
[17:56] <dpm> we discussed that on the calendar call today
[17:56] <t1mp> dpm: ok, cool.
[17:56] <dpm> it was probably a cmake issue
[17:57] <t1mp> dpm: when using the iconName, you no longer need to include the icons with the app I think
[17:57] <dpm> t1mp, but I wasn't aware of the new icons available. So apart from the two ones you're mentioning, are there any other ones you know that we can drop from the click package to use the system ones instead?
[17:57] <t1mp> dpm: dpkg -L ubuntu-mobile-icons
[17:57] <t1mp> dpm: | less :)
[17:59] <dpm> t1mp, or rather https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1274895 :P
[17:59] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1274895 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Add mobile icons to the Gallery Showcase" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[18:01] <t1mp> dpm: that makes sense. But is the UITK gallery the best place to track the icons?
[18:01] <t1mp> dpm: for us it would also mean to check what is available in ubuntu-mobile-icons and add those to the list (may be automated though)
[18:02] <t1mp> dpm: I'll comment on the bug
[18:02] <dpm> balloons, do you want to join the Reminders session to talk about tests? https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYe0KDdWUMG6pGYZ2oE4-LqUApesSLVKtr0n1FpWgAUgeBWg4g
[18:04] <t1mp> dpm: I commented on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1274895
[18:04] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1274895 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Add mobile icons to the Gallery Showcase" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[18:05] <t1mp> dpm: I'm not saying it would be bad to add it to the uitk gallery, but I just like to give it some thought whether that is the best place to show them off
[18:17] <PaoloRotolo> dpm, hi! So do you only want a empty .desktop file for this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1291906
[18:17] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1291906 in Ubuntu Terminal App "Add a workaround to get "run on device" with Ctrl+F12 working again" [Low,Triaged]
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[18:25] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: not just a empty desktop
[18:25] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: a proper desktop file I think
[18:26] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, yep, I thought it was too simple :D
[18:26] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: :D
[18:29] <nik90> elopio: we got a fix for the timer crash! :D
[18:36] <elopio> nik90: yay!
[18:37] <nik90> elopio: we are discussing on ubuntu-ci-eng on how to solve the issue. It seems that u1db was not updated on the phone which resulted in the syntax change causing an invalid time to be passed to the timer functions resulting in the crash.
[18:38] <elopio> nik90: thanks for working on it.
[18:39] <nik90> elopio: np...I hate it when clock app is the one stopping something as important as 5.2 transition
[18:39] <nik90> so glad to get this fixed
[18:52] <rpadovani> mzanetti, QML doens't have an API to manage network, but you can do via C++ using QNetworkAccessManager, there is also a signal, networkAccesibleChanged(), that can be very useful to manage network errors
[18:52] <rpadovani> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/QNetworkAccessManager.html
[18:53] <mzanetti> rpadovani: yep, actually for determining the state QNetworkSession is the correct one, but yeah
[18:54] <rpadovani> mzanetti, ops, seems I choose the wrong class :P
[18:54] <mzanetti> dpm: hey, reminders-app starting with autopilothere now
[18:54] <dpm> \o/
[18:54] <mzanetti> - base.get_qmlscene_launch_command(),
[18:54] <mzanetti> - self.installed_location,
[18:54] <mzanetti> + "reminders",
[18:54] <mzanetti> dpm: ^
[18:55] <dpm> aha!
[18:55] <mzanetti> Carla doesn't seem to be around any more. can you tell her when she shows up next time?
[18:55] <mzanetti> or ping me so I can explain her
[18:55] <dpm> ok, will do
[18:56] <dpm> actually, I'll fire off an e-mail to keep balloons in the loop. He was also trying to help her on this one
[19:02] <balloons> sorry dpm and mzanetti
[19:02] <balloons> bad scheduling, I had to stay in the other meeting
[19:03] <balloons> did carla not show? sad i wonder what happened
[19:03] <mzanetti> balloons: yeah, carla was around
[19:04] <mzanetti> balloons: she said she still has troubles to run the app
[19:04] <mzanetti> I just tried and it works fine here after filldling around alittle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7086380
[19:04] <mzanetti> balloons: ^
[19:04] <dpm> balloons, no worries, Carla showed up and with mzanetti's help we figured out how to launch reminders with autopilot, but he left after the call, so we need to follow up with her
[19:04] <balloons> mzanetti, yes.. were you able to help at all?
[19:05] <balloons> ahh ok.. yes, I think it's going to be a team effort to help land things :-)
[19:05] <mzanetti> balloons: I think only line 39 - 41 from the diff are needed
[19:06] <balloons> mzanetti, yea, I tried to do some of this in a branch and give it to her, but local launching was still a ? for me
[19:06] <mzanetti> balloons: yeah... local launching is a bit more tricky
[19:06] <mzanetti> balloons: so what the reminders app does is this:
[19:07] <mzanetti> it searches the current folder for a file called qml/reminders.qml
[19:07] <mzanetti> if it can't find it, it tries again in /usr/share/reminders/reminders.qml
[19:07] <mzanetti> no... if you run it with AP, you're running it from tests/autopilot
[19:07] <mzanetti> which is calling a ../../builddir/src/app/reminders
[19:08] <mzanetti> but in that case, the current directory is the autopilot one
[19:08] <mzanetti> and it doesn't find the qml file
[19:08] <mzanetti> so we can either change autopilot to do a cd ../../builddir/... etc
[19:08] <mzanetti> or we change the reminders binary to take the qml file as a parameter
[19:09] <balloons> mzanetti, ahh ok..yea, I think I would prefer to see the binary accept a qml file as parameter, how about you?
[19:10] <mzanetti> balloons: you'll get it by tomorrow
[19:11] <balloons> mzanetti, ok so with that change, do you think you could make sure carla gets the tweaks to __init__.py to launch things properly? that should left her fix the tests up
[19:11] <balloons> and of course make sure she knows how to launch it locally herself, so she can use vis
[19:11] <balloons> I should try now
[19:27] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1284564
[19:27] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1284564 in Ubuntu Clock App "List of days in alarm view run into time" [Low,Confirmed]
[19:27] <PaoloRotolo> What if we just move a little down the list of days?
[19:27] <PaoloRotolo> http://imagebin.org/299174
[19:27] <nik90> t1mp: you should totally check out http://stefano92100.blogspot.it/2014/03/not-promising-anything-it-will-probably.html
[19:27] <nik90> t1mp: in particular https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T6OfLrfQmBA
[19:27] <nik90> t1mp: you will be pleasantly surprised :D
[19:28] * nik90 is looking at the bug report PaoloRotolo pointed out
[19:28] <PaoloRotolo> ty ;)
[19:28] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: that could work actually
[19:29] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: I guess we should first ensure that the alarm label and the alarm time are vertically on the same line
[19:29] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: and then place the alarm days beneath them
[19:30] <t1mp> nik90: I will check it out after the UDS summary session is done
[19:30] <nik90> ok
[19:32] <t1mp> nik90: ok I couldn't wait, I watched it
[19:33] <t1mp> nik90: cool... the first app to make use of the bottom edge for apps? :)
[19:33] <nik90> t1mp: looks like it yes :D
[19:33] <nik90> t1mp: also the new headers
[19:34] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, even before my fix they weren't on the same line: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/167533223/2014-02-25%2009.45.52.jpg
[19:35] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: yes yes..previously when I implemented it, the intention was to have the alarm time in vertical center of the alarm label and the alarm days.
[19:36] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: but now it would be nice to change that to what I said above
[19:36] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, ok :D
[19:48] <mzanetti> dpm: balloons: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/qmlfile-param/+merge/210891
[19:54] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, alright: http://imagebin.org/299176
[19:54] <balloons> mzanetti, ty
[19:57] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: can you ensure that the Alarm Label and Alarm Time are vertically centered with the switch
[19:58] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: and then put the alarm days below the alarm label
[20:10] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, http://imagebin.org/299182
[20:14] <PaoloRotolo> crashed, sorry
[20:31] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: that's good. Just one small thing. We need to crease the height of the listitem
[20:31] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: can you try setting the listitem height as height: units.gu(7)
[20:31] <nik90> delegate: ListItem.Base {
[20:32] <nik90> height: units.gu(7)
[20:32] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, yes, of course :)
[20:34] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, done http://imagebin.org/299183
[20:38] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: can you propose it
[20:53] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, you've a new mp ;)
[20:53] <randomcpp> is there an app like HabitFlow for android already on ubuntu-touch?
[20:54] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: checking now
[21:09] <PaoloRotolo> Have to go now.
[21:09] <PaoloRotolo> Good night nik90!
[21:09] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: gud nite
[21:09] <PaoloRotolo> \o/
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[23:14] <zeebok> anyone here have a suggestion? i added the PPA and installed the SDK, but when I open it i see no Ubuntu project templates, just the usual QtCreator templates
[23:14] <zeebok> i tried doing a purge of the sdk, qtcreator, and qt5 but that that did not seem to have any affect
[23:15] <zeebok> what's strange is i did on my laptop earlier today with no issue, both running 12.04
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