UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /13 /#maas.txt
Initial commit
[00:45] <tych0> bigjools: so it turns out that thing i was seeing was tempita
[00:45] <tych0> it didn't like the '#' in my string so it escaped everything
[00:45] <tych0> doing {{preseed|safe}} fixes it
[00:46] <bigjools> tych0: ah!
[00:46] <bigjools> that's a new one on me
[01:40] <tych0> bigjools: ever seen this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7082443/
[01:40] <bigjools> tych0: umm no, that's odd
[01:41] <bigjools> can you try make distclean and then re-build
[01:41] <bigjools> make sure your local db directory gets removed
[01:41] <tych0> yeah, that was my first move
[01:41] <bigjools> k
[01:47] <tych0> ah, well
[01:47] <tych0> i'll worry about it in the morning
[01:47] <tych0> if you have any bright ideas, i'm all ears :-)
[01:50] <bigjools> jtv may help
[01:50] <bigjools> he wrote most of that stuff
[01:52] <bigjools> tych0: you have got PG installed? :)
[01:52] <bigjools> PG_VERSION_BINS comes from stuff under /usr/lib/postgresql
[07:37] <rvba> bigjools: just put up for review a couple of branches that implement the change we talked about (i.e. the addition of the 'architectures' and 'releases' field on the nodegroup object).
[07:55] <rvba> jtv: Maybe you'll be kind enough to have a look at some of the branches I have up for review? They are migrations so despite being fairly large, there is very little to actually review.
[11:39] <tych0> bigjools: i ran sudo make install-dependencies
[11:39] <tych0> although it didn't actually install everything, so i installed a few extra pg things
[11:39] <tych0> it is possible some more dependencies are missing
[12:45] <tych0> although i guess this was working a while ago and i didn't change anything on this bo
[12:45] <tych0> x
[12:45] <tych0> just rebased onto the upstream lp:maas
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[21:11] <mwhudson> can you deploy a xen dom0 with maas?