UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /13 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:08] <ianorlin> sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
[00:08] <ianorlin> is the one for the browser
[00:10] <henryC> thanks. I had just went and resorted to the software center though, and I have Chromium working at least. I was thinking running lubuntu should not be too much different than the kubuntu I'm used to, just lighter, faster, fewer bells and whistles. Is that mostly true?
[00:11] <henryC> I only need to run basic essential web dev tools and such.
[00:12] <ianorlin> yes pretty much but some applicatinos are different
[00:13] <henryC> ok. The only KDE stuff I'm really used to is plasma-desktop and konsole, that I can think of.
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[12:58] <lorenzo> hi! is there a way to install legacy nvidia drivers in lubuntu?
[13:02] <Unit193> How old?
[13:02] <Unit193> I take it Additional Drivers didn't find it?
[13:04] <lorenzo> yeah
[13:04] <lorenzo> it's a MX400
[13:06] <Unit193> I think everything that's still maintained is in the repo (104), so any older than that might not work as the package likely would no longer be compatible with the kernel, but could take a shot at -94.
[13:07] <lorenzo> hmm
[13:07] <lorenzo> well maybe nouveau is good enough
[13:07] <lorenzo> but I'm getting some odd artifacts
[13:07] <lorenzo> e.g. in the menus the ">" icon is sometimes missing
[13:07] <lorenzo> as well as the checked icon in the software center
[13:07] <lorenzo> but it's probably unrelated
[16:46] <Faisal> hi
[17:00] <parlabane_> hello Faisal
[17:00] <Faisal> parlabane_: hi
=== TheDrums is now known as DalekSec
[19:01] <theblindowl> hello. lubuntu freezes alot on my pc
[19:01] <theblindowl> what should i do?
[19:01] <theblindowl> also i get many errors
[19:11] <wxl> theblindowl: what errors?
[19:11] <holstein> theblindowl: i dont.. so, i would look at what your specific case has that my case doenst
[19:12] <wxl> holstein: or doesn't have
[19:12] <holstein> theblindowl: i would try the live CD, see if "errors" happen with the live CD
[19:12] <holstein> wxl: yup :)
[19:12] <wxl> theblindowl: memory might be a good place to start looking, as well as hard drive space
[19:12] <theblindowl> i dont know there are many errors specially when running Chromium browser.or other stuff
[19:12] <theblindowl> one just appeared
[19:12] <holstein> theblindowl: lack of flash support is not an error
[19:13] <holstein> theblindowl: is that the issue? some flash website not working? or complainging?
[19:13] <wxl> theblindowl: it's hard to help when we don't know the problem. those errors are the signal to the issue.
[19:15] <theblindowl> It just happened. it says ; The application X has closed unexpectedly
[19:15] <theblindowl> i'm tired of this
[19:15] <theblindowl> everyday lots of this errors are happening to me
[19:15] <theblindowl> even for software updater.
[19:15] <wxl> again, do you have the same problems using the live cd?
[19:15] <theblindowl> no i have it installed
[19:16] <theblindowl> i dont know what hardware i'm using. i'm noob. the PC is about 7-8 years old i think
[19:16] <holstein> theblindowl: when using the live CD, do you have the same issues
[19:16] <holstein> theblindowl: please test with the live CD, and confirm
[19:16] <holstein> theblindowl: test the hardware.. test the memory as wxl suggests.. then, the hard drive
[19:17] <theblindowl> how can i find which hardware i have?
[19:17] <wxl> theblindowl: that and see how much memory you have and how much hard drive space
[19:17] <theblindowl> i have 200gb harddisk and 1gb ddr3 memory but i have no idea about my CPU and graphic card
[19:17] <theblindowl> sorry i meant ddr2 memory
[19:17] <wxl> how much space do you have on that hard drive?
[19:18] <theblindowl> i just have lubuntu installed. no other os
[19:18] <wxl> that doesn't answer the question
[19:18] <wxl> you could have 190gb of music
[19:18] <theblindowl> is there a command or something so i can find out about that?
[19:18] <wxl> df -h
[19:19] <wxl> !paste | theblindowl
[19:19] <ubottu> theblindowl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[19:19] <holstein> theblindowl: you can use the file manager
[19:19] <wxl> that too
[19:20] <theblindowl> http://susepaste.org/view/raw/f322112f
[19:21] <wxl> ok so you have plenty of hard drive space
[19:21] <wxl> x shutting down is odd
[19:21] <wxl> try this:
[19:21] <wxl> grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[19:22] <theblindowl> I have no idea which cpu and graphic card i'm using. i know the cpu is AMD but dont know which
[19:22] <holstein> theblindowl: you can search around, or just ask here a question
[19:22] <holstein> theblindowl: i know, i usually do all of this *before* isntall from a live CD, so im not surprised
[19:23] <holstein> if i get a "new" machine (new to me, that i have never used).. i test the ram, then the hard drive.. then any other hardware i can
[19:23] <holstein> i run a live CD (or a few live CD's, depending on what im trying to learn) and test the hardware support
[19:23] <theblindowl> http://susepaste.org/view/raw/e2ed897b
[19:24] <holstein> i use "lspci" and/or "lsusb".. or "aplay -l" or whatever i need in a terminal to see what the hardware is
[19:24] <theblindowl> I had a good laptop which i used opensuse and windows 7 on it but it was stolen and now i just started using my old computer
[19:24] <holstein> then, if its been sitting around, any number of things coul be wrong
[19:24] <theblindowl> so i dont know which os is better on this old hardware. lubuntu seems good but maybe its heavy on such hardware
[19:25] <holstein> theblindowl: "better" is a matter of opinion and use case
[19:25] <wxl> lubuntu is pretty darn light
[19:25] <wxl> there are few other os's that will make any good use out of 1gb of memory
[19:25] <holstein> lubuntu is one of the lightest that is still a "traditional" linux distro.. with package management, and access to ubuntu repositories
[19:26] <wxl> you should really use a live cd like you're using the computer now and see if there are issues. if there are not, you know the problem is your installation. you can probably just reinstall. if there are still the same issues, then it's a hardware issue that will require some sleuthing.
[19:26] <theblindowl> Yeah. this pc supports windows XP good but i dont have drivers for it and i dont know the hardware
[19:26] <wxl> you don't want xp
[19:26] <wxl> well, you might
[19:26] <holstein> theblindowl: windows support is irrelevant
[19:26] <wxl> if you want lots of viruses
[19:27] <theblindowl> Also i have another question. lubuntu being light due to the LXDE desktop? is that means that any other distro using such vm or DE will be lightweight too?
[19:28] <holstein> theblindowl: LXDE is what it is
[19:28] <holstein> theblindowl: any distro using lxde will be using lxde
[19:29] <holstein> http://lxde.org/
[19:35] <theblindowl> I'm sending error reports everyday so developers can fix this issue. can you guys find out which model of CPU and Graphics and Monitor resolution i have?
[19:35] <theblindowl> using commands etc
[19:54] <qwaszx> hello
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[21:04] <f0gwl> salut a tous
[21:05] <f0gwl> je viens d installer lubuntu sur 1 vieux pc portable
[21:05] <f0gwl> qui a 1.4 ghz et 512 de ram ouaaaaaaaa de la bombe
[21:05] <f0gwl> merci qui ? bin merci tux nikel
[21:06] <f0gwl> pour ma part c est kubuntu apres 1 passage sur opensuse mandriva mageia mint,ubuntu je suis sous kubuntu et linuxiens depuis 7 ans
[21:10] <zleap> bonjour,
[21:10] <zleap> je suis anglais
[21:11] <zleap> je comprende, petit francais
[21:12] <Parlabane> translated: f0gwl is happy with lubuntu a lot : )
[21:13] <zleap> thanks :)
[21:15] <f0gwl> merci zleap moi francais only speak french very bad speak english here sorry my friend
[21:15] <zleap> no problem
[21:15] <f0gwl> godd night my friend and good manip on linux
[21:15] <zleap> i got that you have been using linux for 7 years
[21:16] <zleap> f0gwl, you are welcome in here anytime, i am sure we can help
[21:16] <Parlabane> 6.5 years more than me.
[21:16] <f0gwl> ok welcome to the linux for me on linux 7 years
[21:17] <zleap> i first used linux in about 1994, kernel 1.0.9 from a magazine cover disk, been a few milestones since then
[21:17] <f0gwl> good night all friend linuxiens many thanks
[21:17] <zleap> nite
[21:18] <Parlabane> good night f0gwl . bonne nuit
[21:18] <zleap> and you're welcome mon amni
[21:18] <zleap> ah bonne nuit :)
[21:18] <zleap> ami
[21:18] <f0gwl> many thanks
[21:21] <Parlabane> but how was kernel 1.0.9?
[21:21] <zleap> pretty good
[21:21] <zleap> no cd rom support, that came in about 2.0.0 or 2.0.30 properly
[21:21] <zleap> so had to install from floppy,
[21:21] <Parlabane> were there graphic environemts in those days ?
[21:21] <zleap> yeah
[21:21] <zleap> no kde or gnome though
[21:21] <zleap> windowmaker i think
[21:21] <Parlabane> like the dos 5.22 shell
[21:22] <zleap> well it was stil the linux bash shell
[21:22] <Parlabane> or more win 3.11 looking
[21:22] <zleap> http://windowmaker.org/
[21:23] <zleap> yeah to make a floppy it was rawrite file.img A: in dos so make up b1 - 3 which was like the base system
[21:23] <zleap> then for otehr stuff you had a for apps, g for games, but you had to make all the disks up, manually by copying images over (like you do now but with dd)
[21:24] <Parlabane> wow
[21:24] <zleap> it was still a full unix system
[21:24] <zleap> as linux comes from unix
[21:24] <Parlabane> yes
[21:24] <zleap> well minix which is unix like system
[21:26] <zleap> i actually have the cd here
[21:30] <zleap> i did manage to touch type sudo apt-get install something earlier
[21:30] <zleap> in fact i can two finger touch type quite fast
[21:30] <Parlabane> ok
[21:31] <zleap> btw when is the release date for 14.04 of lubuntu
[21:32] <zleap> chkrootkit seems to be giving me an error saying a rootkit is instaled, rkhunter says otherwise
[21:32] <zleap> but googling suggests it could be a false positive
[21:40] <theblindowl> how to make lubuntu faster? is there anyway to tweak?
[21:44] <zleap> you could stop things like chromium / chrome auto loading and other non essential services
[21:57] <phillw> zleap: lubuntu 14.04 will be released on the same date as all of 14,04 LTS editions :)
[21:57] <zleap> ok
[21:57] <zleap> cool 14th april i think i just looked
[21:58] <phillw> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule
[21:58] <zleap> kinda concerend about this suckkit root kit thing, but i have installed so much on this system that i need to re-do it, evenif I put 13.10 on at some point
[21:59] <phillw> I'm looking at putting back alpha lubuntu 14.04 onto my machine... latest kernel is borked, firefox is borked..... Such are the joys of doing testing :D
[22:00] <zleap> yeah
[22:00] <zleap> well if I dual boot what I have, i can perhaps replace what I am using now with something I can use for testing
[22:01] <zleap> i can either dual boot, or back up all of 64gb of data and start over
[22:01] <zleap> need to remember to back up .gnupg and .ssh
[22:01] <zleap> and i think .thunderbird so it can restore my mail and tb settings to what I have now