UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /13 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== Guest83551 is now known as ScottyK
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=== michael is now known as Guest32424
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=== Justmikey is now known as Justmichael
[03:42] <craig> I am setting up a customized distribution based on Kubuntu, and I have implemented a new default wallpaper. I wish to change the default for how the wallpaper scales according to desktop resolution and aspect ratio. Currently the default is set to "scaled" but I wish to set the default to "scaled & cropped". I am looking for the file that sets this default. Thank you in advance.
[04:06] <miraiE> hi, I have installed language pack from konsole. I have 2 users in my pc, if I login to the other user, the language is changed, but if I login to mine, it remains English. do you have any idea what config file to be changed, for instance it contains something like LOCALE=id_ID ...?
=== rahul is now known as Guest6560
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[04:59] <Omneh> Hi there, I'm having some issues with a completely fresh install of Kubuntu 13.10: my wireless card works on the live USB (created with unetbootin) but on the installed system the driver fails to load and gives a backtrace with error failed to probe (hw address?) with error -12. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? 10 finger interfaced paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7082976/
=== michael is now known as Guest44710
[05:54] <Omneh> Hi there, I'm having some issues with a completely fresh install of Kubuntu 13.10: my wireless card works on the live USB (created with unetbootin) but on the installed system the driver fails to load and gives a backtrace with error failed to probe (hw address?) with error -12. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? 10 finger interfaced paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7082976/
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[09:58] <Moscherkobold> good morning
[09:58] <Moscherkobold> i try to find this folder
[09:58] <Moscherkobold> Unzip the fre3vo & misc_version packages and save flashgc to the same folder as adb (the /platform-tools folder within the Android SDK folder).
[09:59] <Moscherkobold> after installing
[09:59] <Moscherkobold> with
[09:59] <Moscherkobold> sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb
[09:59] <Moscherkobold> sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot
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[10:03] <lordievader> Good morning.
=== Guest75999 is now known as RahulAn
=== kubuntu is now known as kububu
[10:06] <kububu> hey , is there a way to get a persistent mode on my live usb after haveing made the whole process *lili usb creator*?
[10:07] <lordievader> kububu: With either Unetbootin or (K)Ubuntu's tool for making live-usb you can specify persistent storage.
[10:08] <kububu> does that work when im in the live version from that usb device ?
[10:09] <lordievader> kububu: You can probably make a secondary live-usb, but you cannot recreate the live-usb that you are currently booted to.
[10:14] <kububu> sadly the casper lili made was not able to boot, no clue why
[10:56] <artao> hope someone knowledgable about display settings is live right now
[10:58] <artao> i dual-boot win 7/kubuntu .... my LCD monitor died the other day ... I run dual monitor -- it WAS one LCD and one CRT ... since the LCD died, I'm now running two CRTs ... the thing is, the LCD died while I was in windows. the LCD was set to 1280x1024 @ 75hz ... Windows automatically saw that it was a different monitor, and reset the display to 1024x768 @ 75hz, and then I was able to change it to 1280x1024 @ 60hz ........... however, I t
[10:58] <artao> ried to boot to linux today, and due to the previous monitor settings (1280x1024 @ 75hz) linux won't display the desktop on my primary monitor ...... I can, of course, get to CLI just fine
[10:59] <artao> SO!! how do I change my kubuntu desktop display settings so that my (now primary) CRT can actually display? ... seeing as it can't display 1280x1024 @75hz, only @60hz
[11:01] <lordievader> artao: Can you login to your kde desktop?
[11:09] <artao> lordievader ... i cannot log in to the desktop proper, because the login screen is on my primary monitor, which shuts itself off due to kubuntu trying to display 1280x1024 @75hz
[11:09] <artao> what i CAN do is log into CLI via ctrl-alt-F2
[11:20] <lordievader> artao: Hmm, that might complicate things. Anyhow go to a tty and run: "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output default --auto" The output 'default' is a guess, this might be wrong, to get a list of names run xrandr without any argument.
[11:22] <artao> i'm gonna look this up online as well, but i figured first step was to ask here =D
[11:22] <artao> thx
[11:23] <artao> i did have to mess with xrandr a couple years ago to get something else to work right ..but now i've totally forgotten how to work with it LOL
[11:23] <lordievader> artao: Also a nice read: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/guerrilla-tactics-force-screen-mode-ubuntu
[11:24] <lordievader> artao: Use "xrandr --help" for a synopsis, or see "man xrandr".
[11:31] <artao> thx
[11:31] <artao> i can see this is gonna be a PITA already <sigh>
[11:31] <artao> ohwell
[12:13] <mitchc> Riddell: i seem to have lost my window title bars
[12:15] <mitchc> Riddell: only for kde apps, but if i maximise say, qt creator, the entire window goes black
[12:15] <Riddell> mitchc: did you check behind the sofa? if you lose something, it's nearly always there
[12:15] <mitchc> i wish it was that easy
[12:16] <mitchc> not a very successful update. i might have to just install something new, i think my environment is just broken
[12:40] <roney> hello people
[12:41] <Riddell> hi roney
[12:41] <roney> why, when I run something with a GUI from the command line, it loads the default preferences and not the ones I chose?
[12:42] <lordievader> Hey roney
[12:44] <roney> I mean, if I start firefox from konsole, it will render the ubuntu font while if I run it normally from the K menu, it will render the fonts I chose on system settings
[12:44] <roney> I don't know if that's kubuntu specific or if it's something with konsole or kde itself
[12:58] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[13:13] <AJ__> Hey. Why am I getting extremely slow download speeds (10-20 kbps) using apt-get when I can get upto 1mbps speed using browser downloads?
[13:13] <AJ__> It's pretty annoying.
[13:14] <hateball> AJ__: are you downloading packages with your browser from the same mirror as you are with apt-get
[13:16] <AJ__> No, I
[13:17] <AJ__> I'm downloading other things. Is it that all the mirrors that I use are bogged down lately?
[13:18] <AJ__> I'm updating kdelibs using apt-get, pretty less download speeds. But I download itunes for instance, very high download speeds.
[13:19] <AJ__> I tried changing mirrors and selecting best servers, but they haven't been of much use.
[13:42] <c2tarun> Hi everyone.
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[13:44] <c2tarun> I was reading some pages to improve fonts look on linux and everyone is editing ~/.fonts.conf file. But there is not fonts.conf file in my home. There is only one fonts.conf which is in /etc/fonts and it is mentioned there that we should not edit that file as it will be replaced. What should I do?
[13:51] <artao> HELP!! my system is behaving REALLY sluggishly
[13:51] <roney> write a local.conf at /etc/fonts or a fonts.conf in your home
[13:51] <artao> gkrellm indicates heavy CPU useage, tho i have the system doing nothing at all
[13:52] <roney> the arch linux wiki is has a pretty nice article explaining how to edit this file
[13:52] <artao> i got the video issue sorted tho, so that's good
[13:52] <artao> how do i bring up the task manager again? i've forgotten :\
[13:54] <c2tarun> roney: is there any plan for dropping support for ~/.fonts.conf file after ubuntu 12.04?
[13:54] <artao> nvm, i found it
[13:55] <artao> system monitor is showing nothing that should be cranking my CPU like this
[13:55] <artao> it's showing Xorg is using up to 40% CPU (which seems rather high) ... but gkrallm is showing each core intermittently spiking up to 90%
[13:56] <artao> generally each core is at 50%, but alternating with spikes
[13:56] <c2tarun> artao: what is temperature of your system?
[13:56] <artao> temp?
[13:56] <artao> low
[13:56] <artao> win 7 is running fine
[13:56] <c2tarun> artao: when did you check your temperature? And what version of Kubuntu are you using?
[13:56] <artao> i just booted into kubuntu for the first time in months
[13:57] <artao> i don't actually HAVE a CPU temp monitor
[13:57] <artao> but i know for a fact it's not running hot
[13:57] <c2tarun> artao: you can install lm-sensors and then configure it by sudo sensors-detect
[13:58] <artao> i know this isnt' a temperature issue
[13:58] <artao> something is using the CPU
[13:58] <c2tarun> artao: you can run top and see which process is taking most of your resources
[13:58] <artao> and i'm running kubuntu 12-someting
[13:59] <artao> qit says Xorg is
[13:59] <artao> actually, top says Xorg is using 78%
[13:59] <artao> WTF
[13:59] <artao> O.O .. that's not right
[14:00] <c2tarun> artao: if you are using Ubuntu 12.04 or earlier then chances are you are KDE < 4.10. I'll recommend you upgrade your KDE to 4.10 or later. As speed of KDE dramatically increased after 4.10
[14:00] <roney> c2tarun, don't know.
[14:00] <artao> why would Xorg be cranking like that?
[14:00] <roney> speed and memory usage
[14:00] <c2tarun> artao: can you share the output of cat /etc/lsb-release
[14:00] <artao> <sigh> ... i've been running this system for over a year .. i just haven't used it in several months
[14:01] <artao> it worked just fine last time i used it
[14:01] <artao> could this be related to the suddeen monitor change?
[14:01] <artao> i previoiusly had an LCD hooked up .. now it's a CRT
[14:01] <c2tarun> artao: I don't think so. Is you new monitor is of very high resolution then previous one?
[14:02] <artao> same resolution, lower refresh rate
[14:02] <artao> i had to adjust the display settings on boot to even be able to SEE my primary display
[14:02] <c2tarun> artao: then I dont think its the problem
[14:02] <artao> i run dual monitor
[14:05] <artao> DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu
[14:05] <artao> DISTRIB_RELEASE=12.04
[14:05] <artao> DISTRIB_CODENAME=precise
[14:05] <artao> DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS"
[14:05] <artao> ^^ that's my cat /etc/lsb-release
[14:06] <artao> i'm'a try rebooting again now that i've re-set the display config
[14:06] <BluesKaj> an upgrade to the gpu driver might also help
[14:06] <BluesKaj> artao,^
[14:06] <artao> like i said, everything ran smooth and awesome last time i used this OS
[14:07] <artao> the only thing that has changed is the primary monitor
[14:08] <artao> why would Xorg suddently start hogging the CPU?
[14:08] <artao> THAT is the problem .. i need to find out why that is happening
[14:09] <artao> sure i'll update drivers n the rest of the system once i get THAT sorted out
[14:12] <artao> it's a sad sad day when win 7 runs better than linux :\
[14:13] <artao> <sigh> rebooting
[14:13] <artao> i just hope the display setting hold
[14:13] <artao> hmm ... maybe it's cuz a webcam is plugged in?
[14:13] <artao> just realized that
[14:17] <Rico_> helle every body
[14:18] <Rico_> someone speak french i have a problem with the translation in french and kubuntu
[14:19] <artao> well, it seems to be all better now upon reboot
[14:19] <artao> either Xorg got really confused by the display change, or it got confused by the webcam (which I forgot was plugged in)
[14:20] <artao> either way, everything is back to normal \o/
[14:20] <artao> =]
[14:35] <BluesKaj> !fr | Rico_
[14:35] <ubottu> Rico_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
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[15:10] <dougl> morning ladies and gents
[15:29] <BluesKaj> 'Morning dougl, how goes the battle?
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[15:32] <Riddell> testers needed for 4.12.80 in trusty, ping in #kubuntu-devel to help out
[15:34] <wanderer> shenme\
[15:34] <wanderer> shenme
[15:34] <wanderer> what is the name
[15:36] <dougl> BluesKaj, hey - another friendly face... found out the point and click for my manual ip and figered out my apache issue (directory structure bug) so all is good.... how bout you?
[15:38] <dougl> I needed a screen shot for the gui...
[15:41] <BluesKaj> dougl, the static IP only refers to your internal IP, the ISP if it's a dynamic still changes your internet IP periodically, but that's immaterial to your internal network settings
=== jim is now known as Guest95337
[15:45] <Guest95337> I need help installing Kubuntu on vmware guest....receiving an error "kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task
[15:46] <nescius> hello, i am facing 'issues' with bluetooth in kde (bluedevil) - it detects my usb dongle and yet still states there is none - http://img.vim-cn.com/f4/698cb841d415a814006d6effc9f6d1b97be5ff.jpg
[15:47] <BluesKaj> nescius, detects in lsusb?
[15:47] <nescius> nescius: lol, there is no bluetooth adapter now...
[15:48] <nescius> BluesKaj: Bus 008 Device 007: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)
[15:48] <tamalzki> hi guys! :) quick random question: can virtualbox support full kde in kubuntu?
[15:48] <luky> ciao
[15:49] <BluesKaj> nescius, driver required perhaps, dunno much about bluetooth or bluedevil tho.
[15:49] <Jim1000> I need help installing Kubuntu on vmware guest....receiving an error "kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task
[15:49] <luky> !list
[15:49] <ubottu> luky: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».
[15:50] <BluesKaj> Jim1000, ask in #vmware, if no one answers for 10 mins or so.
[15:51] <nescius> BluesKaj: its default bluetooth dongle, this is supposed to work without included drivers.. at least its my experience that it should be the case..
[15:51] <nescius> well, thanks anyway, i will be playing with it for some more time
[15:53] <Jim1000> #vmware
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[15:59] <luky> ciao
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[16:10] <medem> test
[16:10] <Mamarok> medem: what are you trying to test?
[16:11] <medem> first time irc on kubuntu :)
[16:14] <c2tarun> when I changed touchpad to left hand tap is switched to secondary click. How can I change it back to primary click without changing it to right hand?
[16:16] <luky> cio
[16:21] <BluesKaj> !it | luky
[16:21] <ubottu> luky: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)
=== dex is now known as Guest95267
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[17:14] <dex__> hi
[17:25] <soee> BluesKaj: do you know maybe an answer https://plus.google.com/u/0/101552159152780906488/posts/8hVQHTMADSQ ?
[17:28] <BluesKaj> soee, sorry I haven't use kwallet for yrs, always found it a pita.
[17:31] <v2> Hello. Is there any official mirrors with Kubuntu 12.04.2 AMD 64 ISO? 12.04.4 no longer supports my video card (Radeon 3870X2) with either open or bianry drivers. I need to downgrade and lock the xorg version at whatever 12.04.2 had.
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[17:39] <maelcum> kwin performance is *terrible* with both nv and radeon (some r600 card) drivers in 14.04... probably a bad version of kwin.
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[18:11] <v2> Just tried 14.04 with the 3870X2 - doesn't work. Goes to the desktop then flashes to black then back to the desktop then black and then nothing no video output keyboard lights (num, caps) also stop working. CTRL-ALT-F1 - F12/DEL does nothing It does power off cleanly (did not have to hold the power button).
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[18:12] <lordievader> v2: Trusty support is in #ubuntu+1
[18:14] <v2> Sorry , thanks.
[18:15] <lordievader> No worries, v2
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[21:07] <Roey> hello
[21:07] <Roey> is there a backup program for Kubuntu that makes use of BTRFS?
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[22:06] <a3d_damir> hi
[22:06] <a3d_damir> any
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[23:39] <Daskreech> I don't think anything makes use of BTRFS exclusively. It's still not in locked down mode so there are test applications but not really Suites