UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /12 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
=== kloeri__ is now known as kloeri
[13:53] <dholbach> dpm, mhall119: anyone of you leading the sdk session in appdev-1?
[13:53] <dholbach> (if not, I can do it)
[13:53] <mhall119> dpm is on the schedule to do it
[13:53] <dpm> dholbach, I'm on it
[13:53] <dholbach> dpm, ok cool
[13:53] <mhall119> dholbach: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AofbdH5hl5CbdHFjb0YyTlZCT0FLT29pYV9jM1BTU2c#gid=0
[13:54] <dholbach> that'll allow me to go back and forth between the sdk and the landing-process sessions
[13:54] <dholbach> thanks mhall119
[13:55] <dholbach> mhall119, I can do 'software store roadmap'
[13:55] <dholbach> ah, read-only, nevermind :)
[14:29] <mhall119> dholbach: you can join me on it :)
=== kyleN is now known as kyleN-afk
[14:37] <dholbach> mhall119, cool :)
[14:52] <dholbach> jono, are you going to run the uds session in community-1 in 10m?
[14:52] <jono> dholbach, yes
[14:52] <dholbach> awesome
[15:04] <dholbach> jono, I'm in the "Supporting touch apps on Ubuntu desktop" session right now, but can join the one about uds if you like?
[15:05] <jono> dholbach, whichever you prefer
[15:18] <IdleOne> jono: you in #ubuntu-uds-community-1 right?
[15:20] <jono> IdleOne, yes
[15:20] <IdleOne> saw no link in the channel
=== kyleN-afk is now known as kyleN
[18:04] <jcastro> jose, your postfix charm doesn't do HA does it?
[18:04] <jcastro> http://askubuntu.com/questions/433336/is-it-possible-to-deploy-a-ha-mail-server-using-juju
[18:05] <jose> jcastro: nope, I think it doesn't
[18:05] <jcastro> ta
[18:05] <jcastro> I'll file a wishlist
[18:05] <jose> but I could work in it
[18:05] <jose> sure
=== cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston