UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /10 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:44] <basketball> when i have 2 monitors how do i have the top bar show up on both screens
[01:20] <basketball> how do i configure the size of favorites in gnome 3.10
[01:28] <AussieDownUnder> Is ctrl+space supposed to tab me out of steam games? I actually need to use those keys to accomplish finishing the game.
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[02:24] <basketballllll> Wfter i log in i have a black screen with system progran problem detected and it js frozen
[02:25] <basketballllll> I can boot to crtl alt f1
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[10:00] <lordievader> Good morning.
[10:19] <Guest43468> hi
=== Guest43468 is now known as nickslave
[10:19] <lordievader> Hey nickslave
[10:20] <nickslave> hi lv
[10:20] <nickslave> is it possible by now to dd the ubuntu iso straight to a usb ?
[10:21] <nickslave> and install from that
[10:21] <k1l> nickslave: its possible since some time. i think since 12.04
[10:21] <nickslave> ah
[10:21] <nickslave> lets hold hands and pray
[10:22] <akaWolf> hello! I have a strange issue: I don't know why, but system is not trying to load a i915_dri.so.
[10:22] <akaWolf> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7066804/
[11:28] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
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[14:16] <basketballllll> (basketballllll) Launchpad sakd my bug report was a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1289251 but there is nkthing in that link
[14:16] <ubottu> Error: launchpad bug 1289251 not found
[14:16] <k1l> basketballllll: please dont crosspost into several channels. please keep it to the channel topic
[14:27] <quinman22> I can't seem to disable the menu access keys with alt in gnome-terminal in 14.04
[14:27] <BluesKaj> k1l, probly no point in telling him , he won't read or follow your advice anyway :)
[14:29] <BluesKaj> anyway , stuff to do...BBL
[14:29] <basketballllll> Blue i actually did read it
[14:53] <basketballllll> https://launchpad.net/bugs/1289251
[14:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1289251 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_simple_async_result_complete()" [Undecided,Confirmed]
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[14:56] <DJones> quinman22: I've possibly noticed the same issue when I use SSH, if I want to use Alt-T to get to window 15 in irssi via ssh, it takes me to the menus
[14:58] <quinman22> Yes, I get it all the time using tmux, I set up alt-S to un-synchronize panes, but I always get the menu now instead. I've already worked around it by setting it to a different key combo, I just thought I'd check if it was a known issue
[14:59] <basketballllll> Is ubuntu gnome the same thing as ubuntu 14.04
[14:59] <lordievader> basketballllll: No, Ubuntu Gnome uses Gnome3 where Ubuntu uses Unity.
[14:59] <DJones> quinman22: I've not reported it as a bug, I've not had chance to so far, but probably needs to be reported
[15:00] <basketballllll> Can i have the link for ubuntu beta please
[15:00] <k1l> !topic | basketballllll
[15:00] <ubottu> basketballllll: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic
[15:09] <basketballllll> I am on cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/trusty/beta-1/source/ which source do i want tomdownlosd
=== ifiifjif is now known as harris
[15:16] <harris> what is the difference between the different sources on ubuntu beta 1 donload page
[15:19] <DJones> harris/basketballllll If you want to test 14.04, just download the iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ All you need to decide is whether you want 32 or 64 bit versions
[15:20] <harris> ok thank you DJones
[15:22] <DJJeff> getting 404 not found with apt-get update?
[15:22] <DJJeff> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7068159/
[15:26] <harris> DJJeff: sudo apt-get update
[15:27] <DJJeff> same
[15:27] <DJJeff> sudo should not matter as I did it as root user
[15:29] <k1l> DJJeff: that is a arm specific issue? better ask in #ubuntu-arm
[15:30] <k1l> DJJeff: i see its ubuntu-phablet, so i think better is to ask in #ubuntu-touch then since that is the ubuntu-touch dev channel
[15:31] <DJJeff> haha I also just noticed that / is mounted as RO
[15:31] <DJJeff> /dev/loop0 on / type ext2 (ro,relatime,errors=continue)
[15:33] <DJJeff> remounting as RW fixed the issue :)
[15:46] <bunjee> How do I install Chromium web browser in Trusty Tahr 14.04?
[15:47] <DJones> bunjee: In a terminal "sudo apt-get chromium-browser" should do the job, or open software centre and search for chromium-browser, tick the box and install
[15:47] <DJones> bunjee: In a terminal "sudo apt-get chromium-browser" should do the job, or open software centre and search for chromium-browser, tick the box and install
[15:48] <bunjee> Djones..........this is my reply via terminal - sudo apt-get chromium-browser
[15:48] <bunjee> E: Invalid operation chromium-browser
[15:49] <qengho> "apt-get install chromium-browser"
[15:49] <DJones> sorry, sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
[15:49] <qengho> that "get" is a verb. It is kind of confusing.
[15:50] <bunjee> DJones..........looks like it's working - thank you!
[15:50] <DJones> bunjee: You're welcome
[15:50] <qengho> bunjee: If you are testing, which you must be to be running T, would you mind trying a version that should arrive in the repo soon?
[15:52] <qengho> "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-chromium-builds/stage && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install chromium-browser"
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[16:47] <jorn_> I'm testing out UbuntuGnomeEdition 14.04 and it's working fine, but when I tried installing Corel Aftershot Pro it says it needs ia32-libs which seems to be depricated in trusty. Anyone know of a workaround?
[16:52] <basketball> when i run sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf it shows a blank file
[16:53] <k1l> dont run sudo with gui programs. run gksu
[16:54] <basketball> ok thank you k1l
[16:54] <k1l> and 1. are you using ubuntu wich uses lightdm and 2. are you sure its .conf and not .conf.d ?
[16:55] <trism> jorn_: http://forum.corel.com/EN/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=51362 suggests a couple methods (install the 32 bit version instead/edit the deb to remove the ia32-libs dep)
[16:57] <basketball> k1l: i am trying to enable numlockx at startup
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[17:03] <jorn_> trism : apt-get does not find any packages.. apt-get -f install removes aftershotpro...
[17:05] <trism> jorn_: when installing the 32bit version?
[17:06] <jorn_> trism : my bad... :( sorry
[17:07] <basketball> anyone know how to set up numlockx in ubuntu 14.04
[17:08] <jorn_> trism : worked perfectly! Thanks :)
[17:31] <timblechmann> hi: after installing ubuntu-14.04 via do-release-upgrade -d, the upgrade didn't work completely and i've had to do 'apt-get dist-upgrade' to finish everything … then i did a reboot without manually re-installing grub … now grub complains: grub_term_highlight_color not found.
[17:31] <timblechmann> funny thing: it even shows this message, when trying to boot from a usb-stick
[17:31] <timblechmann> any idea?
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=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
[17:58] <mikemonk> hello guys
[17:58] <lordievader> Hey mikemonk
[17:59] <mikemonk> I installed vmware workstation, however whenever I try to start the vmware workstation app, I get the following: unable to start services
[17:59] <mikemonk> here's the log
[17:59] <mikemonk> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7068978/
[18:00] <mikemonk> it seems it cant build something...
[18:00] <hitsujiTMO> mikemonk: i'd try running the build command manually and see what the build error is
[18:00] <hitsujiTMO> mikemonk: the build command that's failing appears to be: /usr/bin/make -j4 -C /tmp/modconfig-0NatvT/vmnet-only auto-build HEADER_DIR=/lib/modules/3.13.0-16-generic/build/include CC=/usr/bin/gcc IS_GCC_3=no
[18:01] <mikemonk> looked it up, found some scripts for previous versions of ubuntu and older kernels... however i'm still not versed enough, to know exactly what those scripts do completely
[18:01] <mikemonk> hitsujiTMO: ok let me try it
[18:02] <mikemonk> hitsujiTMO: make: *** /tmp/modconfig-0NatvT/vmnet-only: No such file or directory. Stop
[18:03] <mikemonk> that's the output
[18:03] <hitsujiTMO> ahh, its deleting the tmp files after it fails :(
[18:03] <hitsujiTMO> mikemonk: /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmnet.tar appears to be the source. try extracting that to the same tmp path and try again
[18:04] <hitsujiTMO> mikemonk: also note that the guys in #vmware may be of some help too
[18:04] <mikemonk> ok
[18:07] <basketball> how do i set up numlockx
[18:33] <mikemonk> hitsujiTMO: that tmp folder doesn't exist, do I create it?
[18:37] <hitsujiTMO> mikemonk: you can either create it, or extract the tar to another directory and substitute the coreccte path into the build line
[18:39] <mikemonk> ok
[18:49] <minimec> mikemonk: You have to apply a patch for the ubuntu 14.04 kernel. Otherwise, the vmware kernel module cannot be built. I had to do that too. --> http://ping8888.com/2013/12/13/vmware-modules-kernel-3-13/
[18:50] <minimec> mikemonk: so you patch vmware to run with the 3.13 kernel...
[18:54] <mikemonk> minimec: thanks let me check it out
[19:44] <subz3r0> hi
[19:44] <subz3r0> can anyone try please this link: https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/antiadblockfilters.txt
[19:45] <subz3r0> since i cannot connect to it with firefox
[19:45] <rww> works for me
[19:45] <subz3r0> tested with ubuntu 14.04?
[19:45] <rww> yes
[19:45] <subz3r0> was wondering why adblock wasnt able to update its list
[19:46] <subz3r0> i can access the list with a xubuntu vm... but not with the host...
[19:46] <subz3r0> very weird
[19:49] <subz3r0> rww what version is it that youre using?
[19:49] <subz3r0> ubuntu gnome, kubuntu, xubuntu...?
[19:49] <rww> kubuntu, with firefox
[19:50] <subz3r0> ubuntu gnome here
[19:50] <subz3r0> purged now firefox and reinstall it. lets see
[19:51] <subz3r0> lol
[19:51] <subz3r0> still not possible to connect
[19:52] <antagomir> what is the best way to upgrade ruby in ubuntu 14.04? it seems to have olde version ruby 1.9.
[19:53] <antagomir> i cant even install rvm
[19:53] <minimec> subz3r0: I would try to 'mv .mozilla .mozilla-old' in your home directory. Let's se if a clean new profile does the trick...
[19:53] <subz3r0> minimec: i did?
[19:53] <subz3r0> used a different profile, a new one and purged everything with sudo apt-get purge firefox
[19:54] <subz3r0> same issue exists
[19:54] <minimec> subz3r0: Sorry. I did not read that in the channel
[20:03] <subz3r0> okay. reproduced that issue
[20:03] <subz3r0> same behaviour in a vm
[20:03] <subz3r0> firefox is not able to open that page
[20:03] <subz3r0> anyone around whos testing ubuntu gnome 14.04?
[20:03] <subz3r0> need any1 who can confirm that issue
[20:08] <subz3r0> bugs over bugs ... :>
[20:09] <subz3r0> let's see if they can fix it til the final release
[20:09] <subz3r0> funny is nautilus, too. i turn off "see hidden files" and after i quit and restart nautilus i can see the hidden files again..
[20:11] <dog-food> works for me
[20:12] <dog-food> i have unity
[20:13] <subz3r0> dog-food: firefox or nautilus?
[20:14] <dog-food> firefox
[20:14] <subz3r0> must be some gnme issue then. since i have the exact same issue witn another ubuntu gnome in a vm
[20:41] <basketball> i am trying to edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf so i can add the numlockx command to it but that file is blan
[20:44] <minimec> basketball: The lightdm configuration files have moved with 14.04 --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2205637
[20:50] <basketball> min which one is the equilvlent to lightdm.conf 50-greeter-wrapper.conf 50-ubuntu.conf 50-xserver-command.conf 50-guest-wrapper.conf 50-unity-greeter.conf
[20:52] <minimec> basketball: Did not check that. My giess is 'greeter'
[20:53] <basketball> minimec: are you also running 13.10
[20:53] <minimec> basketball: Why also? 12.04 and 14.04
[20:54] <basketball> can you pastebin what is in the file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
[21:00] <minimec> basketball: Default settings with autologin... even though it boots into the e17 desktop. Strange that 'user-session' is 'ubuntu' http://paste.ubuntu.com/7069941/
[21:02] <basketball> is this equal to that
[21:02] <basketball> [SeatDefaults] greeter-session=unity-greeter
[21:09] <minimec> basketball: I never relly digged into that... Certainly not into these new config files. A good internet search engine (of your choice) is your friend.
[21:10] <basketball> i know i am trying to help someone get drivers for their wireless adapter and i cant find the driver anywher
[21:14] <basketball> minimec: you know what ubuntu should add
[21:18] <minimec> basketball: What are you talking about??
[21:19] <basketball> i am helping someone in #ubuntu and they are asking for a driver
[21:21] <johnjohn101> still getting unity freeze on my 14.04 instance
[21:35] <basketball> minimec: how are you helping sebuah if she isnt even in the right os
[21:37] <basketball> minimec: can you please tell me how you found that out
[21:38] <minimec> basketball: Don't spam that channel please. I have years of experience with Debian/Ubuntu. Experience(!) is the answer.
[21:39] <basketball> minimec: can you teach me
[21:40] <minimec> basketball: No one can teach experience. Experience has to be earned! Learning by doing!
[21:41] <basketball> can you teach me some stuff
[21:41] <basketball> or like teach me how to help find drivers and stuff
[21:44] <minimec> basketball: Again... Don't spam that channel. Try to teach yourself. Follow the conversations on #ubuntu. Try to understand, how the 'gurus' on #ubuntu found the solution. Earn some wxperience!
[21:55] <SuperLag> Any of you folks happen to be using VMware Workstation on 14.04?
[21:56] <SuperLag> (I know, it's still beta... but beta users have done MUCH stranger things.) :)
[21:56] <minimec> SuperLag: Yep. You will have to patch vmware like that to make it run with the 3.13 kernel http://ping8888.com/2013/12/13/vmware-modules-kernel-3-13/
[22:06] <basketball> i thought pipelight was comeing with 14.04
[22:07] <SuperLag> minimec: awesome :)
[22:07] <SuperLag> thank you
[22:07] <minimec> SuperLag: no problem. ;)
[22:37] <dougl> can you manually set ip address in ubuntu 14.04 ? if you can does that mean you can in kubuntu as well?
[22:37] <bekks> dougl: Yes. Yes.
[22:38] <dougl> bekks, is it documented anywhere or can you tell me how?
[22:38] <bekks> you can use the network manager gui to do so.
[22:38] <bekks> Or you can use /etc/network/interfaces
[22:39] <dougl> have tried interfaces file and that does not work... I have never been a fan of point and click but I will look for network manager in the menu under the k
[22:42] <dougl> bekks, what do I type at a command prompt to get this fabled network manager gui?
[22:44] <SuperLag> dougl: what's wrong with point & click?
[22:44] <SuperLag> dougl: are you just naturally drawn to the more complex way of doing things, by default?
[22:45] <dougl> SuperLag, how do I get to network manager
[22:45] <SuperLag> dougl: are you using a wired or wireless connection, presently?
[22:46] <SuperLag> dougl: the icon on the top bar is different, depending on which you're using (that's why I ask)
[22:46] <SuperLag> dougl: if wired, it's an icon with one arrow up, and one pointed down
[22:47] <SuperLag> if wifi, it looks like radio waves
[22:47] <SuperLag> click on whichever icon you see up top that looks like that
[22:55] <dougl> SuperLag, I am on a kubuntu machine but it is a hardwired connection
[23:54] <pietro10> Hi. A few things
[23:55] <pietro10> - After a recent update, it appears my computer is going to sleep on its own when the lid is down and running on battery, regarldess of battery level - but this only happens sometimes, say after I live the computer closed like this for more than 15 minutes or so. Is there a way to find out what's going on?
[23:55] <pietro10> - The reaosn I ask this is because for some reason, X11 crashes hard when resuming from suspend on a fresh 14.04 install; so hard that if X11 does restart, logging into KDE fails; I have to power off and on again.
[23:56] <pietro10> - Also after a recent update, shell completion is broken: starting with ~/ does not let me complete files, only directories; this also happens in some very specific cases as well; if I type LDFLAGS= -L (tab) I get bash-complete telling me -L is an unrecognized option.
[23:56] <pietro10> This is all on Kubuntu 14.04 fresh install. Thanks.
[23:58] <pietro10> oh one more thing
[23:58] <pietro10> - After a recent update, the KDE menu no longer shows Save Session, despite session autosave being on; dobviously with the above issues I'd like to be able to save session at any time. How do I get this back?
[23:58] <pietro10> Thanks in advance.