UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /10 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:17] <ianorlin> that isn't quite nesecary for intel integrated graphics
[00:21] <Meerkat> ianorlin, that laptop has AMD graphics
[00:39] <n-iCe> uhm
[00:39] <n-iCe> installed ubuntu
[00:39] <n-iCe> and the same
[00:39] <n-iCe> I don't see that additional drivers though
[00:42] <Meerkat> n-iCe, are you not using lubuntu?
[00:43] <n-iCe> I just installed ubuntu
[00:43] <n-iCe> I was using lubuntu
[01:13] <Datz_> Hi, I keep getting crashes everytime I try to install something.
=== Datz_ is now known as Datz
[01:15] <Datz> I think that unless something is being installed with the package manager, everything is fine.
[01:17] <Datz> I took a picture of the calltrace: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zgq9m7czqbrap6c/2014-03-09%2016.43.46.jpg
[01:17] <Datz> I was thinking the kernel was crashing or something
[01:18] <Datz> not sure what to do.
[01:19] <FuuqUmiist> how do you change the menu icon to say menu to make it more user friendly
[01:25] * Datz moves his question to #ubuntu
[01:50] <FuuqUmiist> how do you hide the menu bar in gnome-mplayer to make more efficient use of space?
[02:01] <FuuqUmiist> Lubuntu or Linux Mint XFCE? which do you think is more user friendly for people who don't know how to use computers and only have experience with Windows
[02:01] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: mint is not supported here
[02:02] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: both are free and easy to try for yourself on your hardware
[02:03] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: most applications have a full screen mode.. but, i dont see any in gnome-mplayer
[02:04] <holstein> i see settings in the preferences menu for "interface".. but none to address removeing the menubar
[02:04] <holstein> nothing about gnome-mplayer makes me want to use it over one of the more 'attractive' alternatives, if aesthetics were important
[02:11] <FuuqUmiist> holstein if you have launcher with icons in the panel how do you change the name of the icon when the mouse is over it
[02:12] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: i would refer to the documentation for the launcher
[02:12] <FuuqUmiist> if i change the application name in the menu will it mess anything up?
[02:15] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: it will change the name in the menu
[02:16] <holstein> i usually mess around with the UI and settings in a live CD or as another user.. to see the effects without breaking anything
[02:17] <FuuqUmiist> so do you know how to change the menu icon in the panel to say "menu" to make it more user friendly
[02:18] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: when i right click on mine, i am faced with an option to edit the menu
[02:18] <holstein> when i click on that, i can point to a custom icon location
[02:20] <FuuqUmiist> is there a standard custom "menu" icon that says menu?
[02:20] <holstein> http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXDE:Questions#I_would_like_to_change_the_LXDE_icon_in_the_start_menu._How_do_I_do_it.3F
[02:20] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: you can use *anything* you like
[02:21] <holstein> you can make your own.. grab anything from the internet
[02:21] <holstein> http://www.qagoma.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/image/0018/136017/menu_button.png for example
[02:22] <holstein> or start.. or whatever the user expects
[02:22] <holstein> or, just tell them
[02:22] <FuuqUmiist> yeah, but i don't have those images
[02:23] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: what are you saying? friend? you dont have what images?
[02:23] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: the one i linked? i google searched for "menu icon button" and found that and many others
[02:23] <FuuqUmiist> something that says "menu" or "start"
[02:23] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: you can make your own, or get one from *anywhere*
[02:23] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: i used google image search to find the one i linked above
[02:23] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: there were several thousand that came up
[02:24] <FuuqUmiist> oh so i just save that and direct to it and it will resize everything naturally?
[02:24] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: you can try it, and see.. and edit as needed
[02:24] <FuuqUmiist> i will copy the windows "start" icon :P
[02:24] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: there are many windows themes
[02:25] <holstein> but, i find its not constructive to try and clone windows
[02:25] <holstein> there are many distros that are catering to cloing the windows UI
[02:25] <FuuqUmiist> but it will be easier to help people who are not familiar with linux
[02:25] <FuuqUmiist> i can just tell them to go to the "start" menu
[02:25] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: sure.. i just disgree with you
[02:26] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: i think it will be easier to educate the new user with the new system
[02:26] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: but, as i stated, there are many ways to do what you are trying to do.. many have already been done for you
[02:40] <FuuqUmiist> when is Lubuntu LTS going to be released?
[02:41] <holstein> !lts
[02:41] <ubottu> LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)
[02:41] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: 14.04 is planned to be AFAIK, the first LTS for lubuntu
[02:41] <holstein> though, the core is supported upstream
[02:41] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: so.. april
[02:42] <FuuqUmiist> i wish it was this week
[02:42] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: you can go and download it anytime you like
[03:25] <FuuqUmiist> this should be a default theme option for Lubuntu http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Lubuntu+XP+three+flavors?content=162880
[03:39] <Random832> FuuqUmiist: no it shouldn't.
[03:44] <FuuqUmiist> why
[03:45] <Unit193> 1. Why mimic Windows? 2. No GTK3 support.
[03:45] <ianorlin> I wouldn't want to use that at a linux conference
[03:47] <FuuqUmiist> more people would be willing to use Lubuntu with that theme
[03:49] <FuuqUmiist> btw, how much HDD space would you need for a new Lubuntu install?
[03:51] <Unit193> I had one in 10G, 5G free.
[03:51] <ianorlin> 10G will work
[04:26] <FuuqUmiist> is it more lightweight to use flash or html5?
[04:45] <ianorlin> flash has problem on some old video cards not sure about html5
[04:46] <FuuqUmiist> i know in the past flash in linux used a lot of CPU to play videos and stuff, but how about now? is Flash better than html5?
[04:48] <ianorlin> I think they both use a lot not sure of exact usage of both
=== FuuqUmiist is now known as FuqUmiist
[09:12] <guest0292> Using Lubuntu 12.04 and 13.04. When I install pulseaudio and pavucontrol, it tells me pavucontrol can't access the /home/user1 folder, so I have to manually chown -R user1 /home/user1 to give pavucontrol access.
[09:13] <guest0292> Is this a bug in Lubuntu/Pulse/Pavucontrol, or has my OS corrupted to cause this?
[09:14] <guest0292> alsamixer works fine without having to chown but pavucontrol requires me to chown /home/user1. strange
[09:26] <serranellus> hi everybody, I was trying to run the Lubuntu livecd but it does’t work because of a graphic problem. Maybe my bloody VIA Unichrome card is not supported. Is there a way to fix it and to run this livecd properly?
=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
[17:01] <sailorcire_alt> Hey, I for sent here from #suse. In LXDE control center, my icons are showing, but the text underneath them is gone. Any ideas on how to reset this?
[18:15] <Meerkat> sailorcire_alt, I am not familiar with a 'LXDE control center'. Where is it?
[18:17] <ianorlin> I think it isn't in recent versions of lubuntu
[18:17] <ianorlin> Meerkat what are you looking for?
[18:18] <Meerkat> I was trying to help the user above.
[18:30] <ianorlin> ah thanks for helping out
=== jackson is now known as Guest57400
[19:23] <pc-problem> Is there a way I can lock the desktop icons in place, so they can't be moved by dragging them?
[19:23] <pc-problem> Lubuntu 13.10 - LXDE - PCManFM
[19:37] <sailorcire_alt> Meerkat should be under Launcher -> System -> LXDE Control Center.
=== Mikaela is now known as Michaela
=== Michaela is now known as Mikaela