UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /08 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <aquarius> might need a little tiny bit of poking in the qml to read out the folder that the qml file is installed in and pass it to the html
[00:00] <aquarius> assuming that a qml file can know its own path, otherwise (horrors) it'll need a *C++* extension, which would be rubbish.,
[00:03] <daker> hmm wired it's using the ubuntu app launcher but in the browser-app
[00:04] <daker> it works using*
[00:04] <aquarius> yeah, it won't work in browser because you're not loading from a file url then
[00:04] <aquarius> and you can't CORS file: URLs either
[00:04] <aquarius> chrome has the --let-me-load-file-urls-with-xhr switch (it's not called that, but it's called something like that) precisely for this reason :)
[00:05] <daker> but it's same engine :)
[00:05] <aquarius> yeah, it's a config switch
[00:05] <aquarius> but letting unprivileged web pages load file URLs with xhr would be a hole in the security policy the size of the Moon ;)
[00:06] <daker> maybe i should continue to look at the i18n stuff
[00:06] <aquarius> why would you be loading file URLs with the browser app anyway?
[00:06] <aquarius> if you've got files on the device, then you're a click package, at which point you can use the ubuntu-html5-app-launcher :)
[00:07] <daker> ya
[00:07] <daker> aquarius: i trying to implement an i18n mechanism
[00:07] <daker> using <link rel="prefetch" type="application/i18n" href="locales.json" />
[00:08] <aquarius> daker, yeah, there are a few of those around. Are you doing it from scratch, or using some existing js port of gettext, or does it back-end onto the qsTr stuff that Qt alrady provides?
[00:09] <daker> scratch but really simple thing
[00:09] <daker> locales.json will have something like :
[00:09] <daker> {
[00:09] <daker> "fr":"locales/fr.json",
[00:09] <daker> "en":"locales/en.json"
[00:09] <daker> }
[00:10] <daker> then depending on the navigator.language select the correct one
[00:10] <aquarius> ah, man, you're inventing your own storage format for translated strings?
[00:11] <aquarius> dpm will cry a million million tears if you tell him that :)
[00:11] <aquarius> there are gettext ports already -- then people get the tools to create translations :)
[00:11] <daker> https://developers.google.com/chrome/web-store/docs/i18n#details
[00:12] <daker> https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/gaia/tree/master/locales
[00:12] <aquarius> I stand corrected
[00:12] <daker> com/mozilla-b2g/gaia/tree/master/shared/locales
[00:13] <daker> https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/gaia/tree/master/shared/locales
[00:13] <aquarius> however, that Google stuff describes how to localise your app's metadata, not your actual app, unless I'm missing something?
[00:13] * aquarius looks at the boot2gecko stuff :)
[00:13] <daker> https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/gaia/blob/master/shared/js/l10n.js
[00:15] <aquarius> omg. I have to ship HTML that looks like <span data-l10n-id="lots-of-work">lots of work</span>?
[00:15] <aquarius> I suppose there isn't really a better way to do it
[00:15] <aquarius> but, ouch.
[00:15] <daker> https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/i18n
[00:15] <aquarius> I apologise for the accusation, though. This looks like the way everyone else is doing it too, yeah
[00:16] <daker> we were just brainstorming (me & Alex), so basically those were one of the method to do it
[00:17] <aquarius> I am a bit annoyed that whoever invented this invented a whole new thing which has *no* tooling rather than using gettext which has loads of tooling
[00:17] <aquarius> but, well, it's invented now.
[00:17] <daker> so i am just testing it, if you have a better idea we can discuss it :)
[00:18] <daker> i am not really sure how gettext will work
[00:19] <aquarius> This stuff totally does not document how to translate your HTML. Obviously the b2g stuff does it by looking for *[data-l10n-id] but nothing actually *says* that anywhere.
[00:19] <aquarius> If you're creating all your strings from JavaScript then you are already doing it wrong. :)
[00:20] <aquarius> need to work out a way to roundtrip the lang.json files into and out of rosetta :)
[00:22] <daker> aquarius: the b2g is only for b2g not for apps
[00:22] <aquarius> really?
[00:22] <aquarius> bah.
[00:23] <GabrieleG> it works really well now! :D
[00:24] <daker> aquarius: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps/Build
[00:24] <daker> the localisation section has nothing on it
[00:25] <daker> so there is no official way to do i18n in FF OS
[00:27] <daker> aquarius: http://jsgettext.berlios.de/doc/html/po2json.html hhh :)
[00:27] <aquarius> ya
[00:27] <aquarius> not the same json format, though, although it's not far off :)
[00:28] <aquarius> I was just checking the appdev FAQ for ffos to see if it even mentions translations
[00:28] <aquarius> which it does not ;)
[00:29] <daker> here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps/Build
[00:29] <daker> Location
[00:29] <daker> Advice for creating location-based applications.
[00:29] <daker> but nothing in it
[00:29] <aquarius> I imagine that'll be about geoloc rather than languages, though
[00:30] <aquarius> https://github.com/recurser/jquery-i18n is pretty common. jquery, of course, sigh, but the underlying idea and formats might be useful to look at
[00:31] <aquarius> (why, why, why is this a jquery plugin, why)
[00:34] <daker> the issue is how to do translation for the HTML
[00:36] <aquarius> yeah
[00:36] <aquarius> the b2g way seems about the most sensible way
[00:36] <aquarius> I hate the idea of putting data-l10n-id on everything
[00:37] <aquarius> but I hate all the alternatives more :)
[00:37] <aquarius> I'm not at all sure about having to think up unique ids for all your translateable strings, though
[00:37] <aquarius> gettext's way of using the string *as* its ID is better, I think.
[00:38] <aquarius> so you'd just do <span data-l10-translatable>Hello, world</span>
[00:38] <aquarius> and then "Hello, world" would be the ID
[00:38] <aquarius> I do not know how the b2g stuff handles nested elements, though.
[00:38] <aquarius> <p>Hello, <em>world</em></p>
[00:39] <aquarius> Where you really want to translate "Hello, world" as a string, not as two separate independent strings.
[00:39] <aquarius> I figured that someone somewhere would have already solved all these problems, like gettext has for desktop apps :)
[01:37] <vthompson> all, anyone around that wants to create a construct/prototype for the "bottom edge" implementation seen today? From the presentation, blog post, and what I've seen from Shuttleworth on G+, it seems like Canonical may be trying to source the implementation from the community. Maybe we can get a jump start on this for the SDK team?
[01:40] <kerjava> yes we see u
[01:41] <kerjava> your welcome
[01:41] <kerjava> you have a lot of instruments ^^
[01:41] <sarnold> kerjava: are you sure you're in the right place? I see your half of the conversation but no one elses..
[01:42] <kerjava> agreed ...
[01:42] <aquarius> kerjava, I think you're watching Jono's Q&A session? The video isn't live -- that was broadcast earlier today
[01:42] <kerjava> i see
[01:42] <kerjava> the timing was uncanny lol
[01:43] <kerjava> latter all ^^
[02:32] <snapplejacks> the tabbed interface seems kind of clunky, is there a trick i'm missing or does it always require multiple gestures?
=== coderz is now known as Guest43300
[07:09] <Guest43300> Hello, I have a problem when compiling my program. I am trying to (#include <array>), but I reciecve this error:
[07:09] <Guest43300> #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This support is currently experimental, and must be enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options. #error This file requires compiler and library support for the \ ^
[07:11] <sarnold> make sense so far..
[07:13] <DanChapman> good morning
[12:08] <sergico> hi
[12:09] <sergico> looking for help on running qt apps on ubuntu touch phone
[12:51] <funky1> hi there, i'm trying to compile a package but having some trouble telling in configure option the right path to a library, can someone have a look and help me out? http://pastebin.com/niVaPY0D
[18:06] <PaoloRotolo> nik90, ping
[18:40] <nik90> PaoloRotolo: pong
[19:37] <FulLinuxonNexus7> Hi All!
[19:38] <FulLinuxonNexus7> Trying to get a version of Linux on my Nexus 7 2013 flo Tablet
[19:39] <FulLinuxonNexus7> Ubuntu touch is ok.. but I'm trying to find something more functional
[19:39] <FulLinuxonNexus7> seems there are solutions for the earlier nexus 7 model but none seem to be working on mine
[19:40] <FulLinuxonNexus7> Any thoughts or suggestions would be glady appreciated!
[19:40] <FulLinuxonNexus7> ShareITStuff@gmail.com
[19:56] <FulLinuxonNexus7> Found something... http://www.mattfischer.com/blog/?p=502
[19:56] <FulLinuxonNexus7> Kali linux on Nexus 7 2013
[19:57] <FulLinuxonNexus7> Incase anyone actually reads the chatrooms