UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /08 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:36] <manchicken> Trying to debug this polkit call...
[00:56] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: ping
[00:57] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: ping
[00:58] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: hej :)
[01:02] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: colem :)
[02:21] <manchicken> So, with dbus, do busses that aren't system daemons always show up as session busses?
[02:32] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Are you drunk?
[02:32] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: hej, and the second one would be "czołem"
[02:33] <Quintasan> Which translated literally means "with forehead"
[02:33] <Quintasan> It's goddamn 3 in the morning and I'm still here.
[02:34] <Quintasan> Time for tea I guess.
[03:20] <manchicken> Anybody know how to pull the qDebug() message from a running dbus worker?
[03:53] <manchicken> I swear, we need another kubuntuero on the eastern US seaboard.
[03:57] <valorie> feeling lonely, manchicken?
[03:57] * valorie tosses over a can and some string
[03:58] * valorie is south of Seattle
[03:58] <manchicken> I am
[03:58] <manchicken> I also don't have anybody online who knows how to troubleshoot dbus stuff.
[03:59] <valorie> have you tried #kde-devel ?
[03:59] <manchicken> YEah, they're quiet, too.
[03:59] <valorie> or the seekrit #kde-cafe
[03:59] <valorie> where they are not quiet
[04:00] <valorie> and talking coding rather than ....other stuff
[04:00] <valorie> tonight
[04:03] <valorie> c'mon over, I'll introduce you to the cafe denizens
[04:03] <manchicken> I'm there :)
[04:04] <valorie> \o/
[05:25] <manchicken> apachelogger: Good news, I think that the duplicate sources bug is unique to the debug installer.
[05:27] <manchicken> apachelogger: I can't replicate the duplication in my tests, and the only way I can replicate it is by trying to run debug installer.
[06:18] <manchicken> apachelogger: I'm wrong. I found the bug and I am squishing it dead.
[08:33] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:45] <vgezer> hi. is this due to an unextracted message? http://imgupload.sk/images/z/q/zqic6vd5iyq1k1w9vpah.png
[09:45] <vgezer> upgrading shows english title
[09:46] <vgezer> i was unable to find kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade package on launchpad :/
[09:47] <yofel> it's part of ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt (source: ubuntu-release-upgrader)
[09:47] <vgezer> and the close button here: http://imgupload.sk/images/5/9/591x371xy4znmbcgfolf.png
[09:48] <vgezer> yofel: ah i see
[09:48] <vgezer> i will check it
[09:51] <vgezer> i found the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/1265387
[09:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1265387 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Strings unstranslated Ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[09:51] <vgezer> this is the same.
[09:51] <vgezer> yofel: is it kubuntu related or upstream will be solving this?
[09:52] <yofel> if anything upstream would be ubuntu, so this is really something for us
[10:00] <yofel> curious bug of the day: lp 1289684
[10:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1289684 in Kubuntu PPA "Firefox needs to be packaged with a css style sheet to allow for darker themes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1289684
[10:20] <soee> good morning :)
[10:25] <ari-tczew> hi soee
[13:57] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[14:48] <mfraz74> With Firefox now the default browser in Kubuntu 14.04, are we going to see proper Firefox KDE integration?
[15:12] <BluesKaj> mfraz74, heh, good question, but I doubt it
[15:24] <manchicken> Howdy all
[15:24] <manchicken> I got a lot done last night.
[15:25] <manchicken> Does anybody have an example of an existing package which has its debug symbols in a separate ddebs repo already but not in a main repo?
[15:26] <manchicken> I think that with the resolution of the duplication issues, kubuntu-debug-installer may work now, I just need to tidy it up a bit. I've been testing with various packages on my box (kate mostly), and that doesn't seem like a particularly conclusive test.
[15:27] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1289792] tap on touch screen stop working on program starter/activity changer @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1289792 (by Konrad Bucheli)
[15:28] <manchicken> Also, I have about an hour I can spend on kubuntu today (later today, not including this). Would it be better spent continuing work on kubuntu-debug-installer, or by upgrading to 14.04 and running some of the test cases that apachelogger sent out?
[16:43] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: lol
[16:43] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: was with some polish friends last night
[16:44] <shadeslayer> you can imagine the rest
[17:06] <soee> :D
[18:49] <windows> why in kubuntu dont work ctrl+alt + t for terminal
[18:49] <windows> Im using kubuntu 13.10
[18:49] <windows> then if kubuntu desktop freez picture is frozen but only mouse working
[18:50] <windows> XD
[20:59] <windows> also it will be nice to have
[20:59] <windows> monitoring security pannel
[21:00] <windows> if we turn on firewall that we can get notification of
[21:00] <windows> intruder
[22:14] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: SOUNDS LIKE VODKA
[22:14] <shadeslayer> YES
[22:14] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: home brewn
[22:15] <shadeslayer> man, that stuff was *strong*
[22:15] <Quintasan> Duh, obviously.
[22:15] <shadeslayer> my liver was complaining loudly this morning
[22:15] <Quintasan> How was your head?
[22:15] <Quintasan> :P
[22:15] <shadeslayer> slightly throbbing, I drank alot of water
[22:15] <shadeslayer> when I got back
[22:16] <Quintasan> I recommend isotonic drinks
[22:16] <Quintasan> You don't have to drink 5l of water :P
[22:16] <shadeslayer> hm
[22:16] <shadeslayer> will remember next time
[22:16] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Though I'm assuming you didn't go all out drinking :P
[22:16] <shadeslayer> though I'll have to be pre pared
[22:16] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: I did
[22:16] <shadeslayer> I think I had 4 shots of that drink
[22:17] <shadeslayer> regular shots, unlike Bilbao
[22:17] <shadeslayer> which was just mental
[22:17] <Quintasan> 4x25ml?
[22:17] <shadeslayer> this big http://www.wexphotographic.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Shot-glass.jpg
[22:18] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: those look like 25ml.
[22:18] <shadeslayer> then 25 ml :D
[22:19] <Quintasan> Oh I see.
[22:19] <Quintasan> Well, if you go past 10x25ml I'm pretty sure not even isotonics will help you next day
[22:19] <shadeslayer> Bilbao's shot glasses were twice that size
[22:19] <Quintasan> doubles
[22:19] <shadeslayer> mental those people are
[22:19] <shadeslayer> and the bartender just kept pouring >.<
[22:20] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: btw I was also having beer alongside that xD
[22:20] <Quintasan> or piędziesiąteczki how we call it.
[22:20] <Quintasan> wait
[22:20] <Quintasan> doubles are 100ml here
[22:20] <shadeslayer> @_@
[22:21] <yofel> If things go the way I imagine them then Brno will be... fun ^^
[22:21] <shadeslayer> I .... I don't .... want to think about it
[22:22] <yofel> :D
[22:22] <shadeslayer> I think I'll keep dvratil or mck182 nearby
[22:22] <shadeslayer> so that I can pass off drinks to them xD
[22:22] <Quintasan> Brno?
[22:22] <Quintasan> We're talking about Akademy?
[22:23] <yofel> me yes
[22:23] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: If you ever happen to end up in Poland one way or another, give me a call.
[22:23] <Quintasan> We're going out drinking
[22:23] <shadeslayer> okay
[22:25] * Quintasan makes a "shadeslayer alcohol tank plans"
[22:25] <shadeslayer> xD
[22:27] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: is it something very normal to brew alcohol at home in poland?
[22:27] <shadeslayer> like something you learn when you're at home ? :P
[22:27] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Depends
[22:27] <shadeslayer> because all the polish people I've met so far can brew their own alcohol
[22:27] <shadeslayer> well, idk if you can
[22:27] <Quintasan> My dad knows how to make beer or vodka but he doesn't.
[22:27] <shadeslayer> but the other 3 I've met ....
[22:29] <Quintasan> Making vodka or beer is not rocket science shadeslayer
[22:29] <Quintasan> I'm making beer with my friend over here in Wroclaw
[22:29] <Quintasan> But we make it for ourseleves
[22:29] <shadeslayer> I wouldn't know, I haven't ever tried my hand at it
[22:29] <Quintasan> I'm not exactly sure if it's legal to make vodka.
[22:29] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: oh, but isn't brewing beer dangerous
[22:29] <Quintasan> Why would that be?
[22:29] <shadeslayer> ethanol poisining?
[22:30] <yofel> you don't usually sleep in the brewing room...
[22:30] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Look making ethanol is rocket science.
[22:30] <Quintasan> :P
[22:30] <shadeslayer> lol
[22:31] <Quintasan> okay
[22:31] <Quintasan> Apparently the law about the production of alcohol does not apply to alcohol made for own purposes
[22:32] <Quintasan> i.e you can't sell it
[22:33] <Quintasan> There is all legal mumbo jumbo about it about everywhere I guess but as long as you don't sell it you should be fine.
[22:33] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Anyways, the beer we made was fine, at least the first batch.
[22:33] <Quintasan> Now we are making another one.
[22:33] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: same thing about weed here in Barcelona
[22:33] <shadeslayer> there's a weed shop right next to the office here :P
[22:33] <shadeslayer> where you pay a membership fees
[22:33] <shadeslayer> and that's it
[22:34] <shadeslayer> you get "free" weed xD
[22:34] <Quintasan> lo
[22:34] <Quintasan> lol
[22:35] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Wait. Ain't weed illegal there as well?
[22:35] <shadeslayer> if you sell it yes
[22:36] <shadeslayer> if you grow it for your own purposes and share it for free ... don't think so
[22:36] <Quintasan> Oh.
[22:36] <Quintasan> It's totally illegal over here.
[22:37] <shadeslayer> let's go the US
[22:37] <shadeslayer> sure they spy on everyone, but atleast weed is legal xD
[22:45] <Quintasan> lol