UbuntuIRC / 2014 /03 /06 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[04:10] <jAguAr`> i just updated my system from 12.04 to 14.04 and now i can't get either gnome or kde to boot properly... please help
[04:44] <guesting738> I tried the ubuntu 14.04 daily image about a month ago and I noticed some primitive hidpi support. I hear that it is much improved, so I put today's daily image on a flash drive and am trying it out--but unlike before it is not automatically detecting the hidpi screen. How do I enable hidpi in 14.04?
[05:32] <Busybyeski> howdy! how can i upgrade from 13.10 to the LTS beta?
[05:34] <usr13_> Busybyeski: Do you have a seperate /home/ partition?
[05:35] <usr13_> Busybyeski: If so, just do fresh install and leave /home/ partition alone, same user name....
[05:35] <usr13_> and your good to go.
[05:36] <usr13_> There may be another way though, someone else will probably let you know.
[05:36] <rww> do-release-upgrade -d
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[05:37] <Busybyeski> is that @ me rww ?
[05:47] <rww> yes
[05:47] <rww> erm
[05:47] <rww> yes
[07:20] <ROPA> does anyone know if 14.04 ubuntu will also have the advertising and send search results to amazon (or anyone else willing to pay $$??
=== Tribaal is now known as Tribaal_
[08:48] <DEBIMAN> hey guys
[08:48] <DEBIMAN> are 14.04 stable enough for a daily driver?
[08:48] <DEBIMAN> I'm willing to submit reports of bugs
[08:49] <DEBIMAN> Just would like to know if it's severely bugged to the point of no use
[08:49] <DJones> I started using it at the weekend, I've found it stable so far, but obviously what works for me may not work for everybody else and their hardware
[08:49] <DEBIMAN> What's your set up
[08:49] <maxb> ditto
[08:49] <DEBIMAN> I'm gonna be running it on a intel chipset with core 2 duo
[08:49] <DEBIMAN> with 4gb of ram
[08:50] <DEBIMAN> with broadcom wifi
[08:50] <Stanley00> well, works fine on my system, just use the default install :D
[08:50] <maxb> I've hit minor UI bugs, but nothing more significant
[08:50] <DJones> DEBIMAN: I installed on a new laptop, i7, 8gb and dual intel/nvidia graphics, I was surprised at how well it installed and just worked using the nvidia-prime for graphics switching
[08:50] <DEBIMAN> oh I see
[08:51] <DEBIMAN> and I'm assuming the kernel can handle btrfs
[08:51] <DEBIMAN> I love that fs
[08:51] <DEBIMAN> Gonna try zfs too soon
[08:51] <DJones> I get a bit of font corruption in chromium-browser, but not spotted any other issues yet
[08:52] <DEBIMAN> have you tried the LCD font smoothing on about:flags?
[08:52] <DEBIMAN> That has helped me plenty on most *nix
[08:52] <DJones> Not yet, I'll have a look at that though, thanks for the heads up
[08:52] <DEBIMAN> np
[08:53] <DEBIMAN> just had to restart it
[08:53] <DEBIMAN> I'm wondering if FF is better for ubuntu machines
[08:54] <DEBIMAN> I notice that the js speed is a bit slower for chrome/chromium on ubuntu
[08:54] <DEBIMAN> But it could most certainly be just me
[08:55] <Overlordz> firefox nightly seems pretty fast
[08:55] <Overlordz> though I could just be imagining it
[08:58] <DEBIMAN> It's only about a 20 msec diff
[08:58] <DEBIMAN> But boy is midori slow
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[11:09] <Volkodav> does skype work on this beta?
[11:15] <ngaio> Volkodav, if you mean 14.04 beta, it works well for me
[11:31] <Volkodav> ngaio: thanks wil upgarde now
[11:38] <Volkodav> hmm won't do that - says no can do this upgrade tool can you believe it?
[11:38] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[12:24] <blackh> hey guys :)
[12:24] <blackh> I have a question, is there a way to install ubuntu trusty tahr now?
[12:24] <blackh> and is it safe?
[12:25] <xsacha> blackh: daily build?
[12:25] <xsacha> or are you upgrading
[12:25] <blackh> im now using ubuntu 13.10, but i want to give 14.04 a try
[12:25] <blackh> what is daily build?
[12:27] <blackh> sorry for the noobish questions
[12:30] <ikonia> blackh: if you're not experienced with ubuntu - I'd advise waiting for 14.04 to be released stable/public
[12:31] <blackh> oh, but just for information
[12:32] <blackh> if I install ubuntu 14.04, I'll have to download a daily build every day?
[12:32] <ikonia> no
[12:32] <blackh> so what is a daily build?
[12:39] <xsacha> .. :P
[12:50] <ngaio> the daily build is a 900MB (or so) ISO from which you install. Once installed you then update it using standard update tools in Ubuntu.
[12:55] <xsacha> ngaio: he left after no one talked for almost 2 and a half minutes
[12:56] <ngaio> oh!
[12:56] <xsacha> 3 and a half*
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[13:41] <Guest12185> hello
[13:41] <Guest12185> help gnome-shell no start descktop
[14:45] <Vanilla-Midgit> Is Mate available in the repository yet for 14.04?
[14:47] <llutz> !info mate-desktop trusty | Vanilla-Midgit
[14:47] <ubottu> Vanilla-Midgit: mate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 95 kB
[14:48] <Vanilla-Midgit> llutz, So if I install it on a base install will I be able to right after add the repository for Mate then upgrade to 1.8?
[14:49] <llutz> Vanilla-Midgit: if there is a repo for that, why not
[14:52] <Vanilla-Midgit> llutz, so base install, then sudo apt-get install mate-desktop right?
[14:53] <llutz> Vanilla-Midgit: yes
[14:53] <Vanilla-Midgit> Is there a base install iso for Trusty or will I have to upgrade one base install to the other?
[14:59] <xsacha> !info ffmpeg trusty
[14:59] <ubottu> Package ffmpeg does not exist in trusty
[15:07] <Vanilla-Midgit> Is there a base install iso for Trusty or will I have to upgrade one base install to the other?
[15:08] <llutz> Vanilla-Midgit: get either the beta1 iso or the mini.iso, install and do what you like to do
[15:09] <tim`> is the xvideo extension supposed to work on intel hd 4400?
[15:09] <tim`> i get this when launching x in 14.04
[15:10] <tim`> [ 31.196] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory
[15:10] <tim`> ;{
[15:13] <Vanilla-Midgit> Is this it? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily/current/
[15:16] <tim`> Vanilla-Midgit: yes from yesterday
[15:17] <Vanilla-Midgit> ok thanks tim`
[15:18] <Vanilla-Midgit> tim`, one problem, no 64 bit iso
[15:19] <tim`> hrm there was one yesterday - i did a usb based install with it
[15:20] <Vanilla-Midgit> tim`, not today
[15:38] <tim`> i tried switchng to xorg edgers and got the same result
[15:38] <tim`> ;/
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[16:47] <johnjohn101> having issues with unity freezing up on 14.04 with lastest updates
[16:53] <CountryfiedLinux> Unity used to freeze constantly early on, now it's just occasionally
[16:53] <CountryfiedLinux> a few times a day maybe
[16:53] <CountryfiedLinux> Well firefox windows usually
[16:53] <johnjohn101> yeah, seems to be related to firefox
[16:54] <CountryfiedLinux> I dunno if it's the same with other browsers.
[16:55] <CountryfiedLinux> Last year I noticed a feature lapse in Unity
[16:56] <CountryfiedLinux> ya know how when there's multiple windows open for one app and you click it's icon on the launcher bar and it goes into overview mode? put one of those windows "always on top" and notice that functionality doesn't work after that.
[17:05] <johnjohn101> froze again. I switched back to an older ubuntu
[18:50] <KM_> Hello
[18:50] <KM_> I have a problem with 14.04
[18:50] <KM_> Everytime I login, the screen becomes too dark, (is this due to xbacklight I had in my 13.10 ?) and as soon as I increase the brightness to one more point, the brightness gets normal. And after all this, I am unable to enter the password (the cursor hangs and doesn't blink). I have to suspend and start again to get things normal.
[18:50] <KM_> Can anyone answer me ?
[18:54] <KM_> Hello Chanserv
[18:54] <KM_> Everytime I login, the screen becomes too dark, (is this due to xbacklight I had in my 13.10 ?) and as soon as I increase the brightness to one more point, the brightness gets normal. And after all this, I am unable to enter the password (the cursor hangs and doesn't blink). I have to suspend and start again to get things normal.
[18:54] <KM_> That's my prob
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[20:20] <AlanBell> anyone feel like confirming bug 1288163?
[20:20] <ubottu> bug 1288163 in unity (Ubuntu) "window z-order not intuitive when mouse wheel scrolling over launcher icon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1288163
[20:22] <k1l> (x)
[20:28] <AlanBell> thanks
[21:38] <johnjohn101> still getting unity freeze ups on 14.04
[21:40] <FernandoMiguel> nope
[21:42] <genii> Not here, but it helps that I'm on Kubuntu ;)
[21:45] <johnjohn101> should i try proposed fixes to see if it helps?
[21:47] <johnjohn101> looks like it's probably this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1284536
[21:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1055166 in Compiz "duplicate for #1284536 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in memmove() from drisw_update_tex_buffer() from dri_set_tex_buffer2() from operator() from compiz::opengl::bindTexImageGLX() from ... from unity::UnityWindow::DrawWindowDecoration" [Critical,Fix committed]
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