=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward |
[02:05] <thewrath> how can one tag a release to be a version versus an RC versus a build |
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest66133 |
=== Guest66133 is now known as Logan_ |
[02:37] <qengho> Hiya. I made an orig.tar-ball that isn't right and put in my PPA. Can I or someone remove it so that I can upload the real one with a package and not get package-verification errors. |
[03:31] <wgrant> qengho: It's not possible to do that. You'll have to change the version of the tarball. |
=== jamestunnicliff_ is now known as jamestunnicliffe |
[13:21] <narendraj9> Is launchpadlib available for python 3? |
[13:24] <cjwatson> sadly not, bug 1000801, bug 1060734 |
[13:24] <ubot5> bug 1000801 in lazr.restfulclient "Add support for Python 3" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1000801 |
[13:24] <ubot5> bug 1060734 in launchpadlib "Support for Python 3" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1060734 |
[13:30] <NikitaKonovalov> hi, can I get user id (https://login.launchpad.net/+id/XXXXX) having a nickname (https://launchpad.net/~somename)? |
=== WebbyIT is now known as rpadovani |
=== veebers_ is now known as veebers |